January 4, 2024

King Frederik Twitter.


mgarbowski said...

This is the funniest thing MIB has said or written in 30 years.

John henry said...

Chuckie and Freddie seem to be cousins. Both descended from king George of Hanover.

Enjoy your kings, Europe. I certainly enjoy mocking them. Esp Chuck.

John Henry

The Vault Dweller said...

This is pretty good.

jaydub said...

I think that should be King Fredrik X (formerly known as twitter.)

Zavier Onasses said...

And across the pond, King Charles the Terd.

Joe Smith said...

I wonder if he's naughty like the English royals?

Rated X : )

Quaestor said...

Queen Margrethe has been roundly praised for abdicating in favor of her son. She's 83 and not at all decrepit and senescent compared to the current President of the United States. However, by vacating the throne she relieves herself of the burdens of majesty. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. So maybe Marge can get a good night's sleep for a change. And son Freddie gets some awesome bling, hence the universal applause.

However, Elizabeth II didn't abdicate. She wore the crown to her dying breath. I think we all know why. Unfortunately, the hoped-for bolt from the blue didn't arrive. Edward I had a similar dilemma, I gather.

Iman said...

Black is a smarmy and evil little prick.

mikee said...

The thing to remember about royalty is that they usually have vast tracts of land, with revenues from it. Staying royal keeps one's name on the property titles.

Quaestor said...

mikee writes, "The thing to remember about royalty is that they usually have vast tracts of land..."

I choose not to remember their gargantuan brassieres.