Writes Susan B. Glasser, in "The Year We Stopped Being Able to Pretend About Trump/The story of 2023 wasn’t the search for another Republican leader—but the Party’s embrace of the one it already has" (The New Yorker).
Dread as the alternative to hope.
How could dread be a "winning strategy"?
Are Democrats arriving at the belief that Trump is inevitable? What strange power that man has!
In their heads rent-free, baby, rent-friggin'-free!!!
Trump is a prodigy. We have not seen his like.
The collective left are still stunned over 2016.
They all knew Hillary was unlikable - but figured she was a shoe-in against the even more unlikable Trump.
They all still think the Russians stole the election from its rightful owner.
Those Russian bots! They delude themselves with every lie manufactured and spread by NBC.
No wonder they are depressed. Please SNL sketch, soothe their souls. Poor babies.
Now the Russians are to blame for the Biden family money grubbing corruption schemes - that went on while Joe was Obama's VP. LOL. The Russians sure do come in handy for the left.
Dread is all they’ve got. The world is fraught with peril and our President can’t even get off a stage without assistance.
Democracy on the line? Nope, democracy ended when the Lightbringer spied on Trump's campaign during the runup to the 2016 election.
The effect of Trump Derangement Syndrome is that it enables its carriers to justify the most insane and authoritarian measures. We cannot let people vote for who they want because we're saving democracy. Do these people ever pause to consider how insane they sound?
Trump's strange power comes from the half of the population that doesn't listen to women.
Trump winning a democratic election puts democracy on the line. I hope he wins so I can again witness the hysteria, fear, and, best of all, the return of the keyboard #resistance. Comedy platinum.
Funny thing, ‘hope’ was the topic at last night’s AA meeting.
I looked up a definition one of the attendees shared, he said ‘hope was a confident expectation of good’.
One of the search returns turns up an annotated 2 Corinthians 1:7
2 Corinthians 1:7 AMPC
“And our hope for you [our joyful and confident expectation of good for you] is ever unwavering (assured and unshaken); for we know that just as you share and are partners in [our] sufferings and calamities, you also share and are partners in [our] comfort (consolation and encouragement).” AMPC: Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
What happens when there are (as there are in the presidential election) incompatible ‘confident expectations of good’?
How confident is one side attempts to imprison the opposition?
Keep asking questions.
"What strange power that man has!"
Indeed. I'm reminded of Christopher Hitchens' remark about the "eerie" power the Clintons have over the media. Or how the world is currently held in suspension as Israel does its worst. Herd mentality. Synchronized defense. Cultism. The dark forces, at work around us, are currently shining bright as neon, and everything looks garish in their illumination - and that even goes for our boy, Trump: If he doesn't distance himself from the baby killers, he's in trouble, because moral clarity, and credibility supersedes even his charms now. Watch.
Hamas, literally, changed everything.
Who’s “we”?
No TDS tag? Deranged seems a good description for: "the only defensible position toward the New Year: full-scale dread. I plan to pull up the covers and hide under my pillow as long as possible come January. It’s going to be a long twelve months."
Every time I read something like this, I'm forced to remember all the bad things that happened between 2017 and 2019 (I'll agree 2020 was bad, but then Democrats wanted it that way to beat Trump). We had no wars other than the one inherited, real growth in purchasing power and energy independence. The only dread is NIH and China releasing a modified deadly virus or Democrat politicians paying protestors to burn down businesses in small towns.
I am exhausted from all the Trump drama. I’m for boring. I’m for tabla rasa. I’m for Vivek.
“Democracy Dies in Daylight”…
Their audience will become even more selective.
Glasser is basically servicing her fanbase while reminding them to panic in public a lot about the orange golem's imminent return. There is going to have to be a lot of fear afoot to explain the things they'll have to do to stop the bad man. Anything to avoid the catastrophe of facing the retribution their actions have summoned from the monster Trump and the stupid proles that follow him slavishly.
Those people are here to fix your house/car/HVAC when they break and deliver your Amazon order, not pick the management team. That takes credentials, and the credentials are all on the blue side.
it's staggering.. NO! it's STUPEFYING that any Americans would rather choose a
successful, articulate, RICH businessman; over a
incompetent, senile, corrupt, hack politician (who is Also RICH.. Thanks to his corruption)
SERIOUSLY.. Imagine a world, where people would rather have a Doer instead of a taker (and breaker)
How is "American democracy on the line"?
It’s not about Trump. The left has the ability to believe anything it wants and will invent or ignore whatever facts they need to convince themselves they’re right. The story on Trump is that he is a threat to democracy (they never explain why or how) and it suits their victimology to believe that enough people (who aren’t them!) hate democracy that Trump is an unstoppable force. Trump the man does not factor into this calculation.
By any means necessary!
When I was young dems could claim abiding by justice.
I'm much older now.
I think Glasser is onto something.
Brandon famously said something like triumphaezerisse a few years ago. Some, like me, thought he was trying to reprise the mysteriousness and buzz of President Trump's covfefe.
But perhaps he was really trying to introduce the German word for "I'm scared shirtless of President emeritus Trump and have no idea what to do about it or anything else"
I like "trumpschmerze" but I think Glasser has the definition wrong again. I think it means "fear of what the fascists are going to try next against our president emeritus"
John Henry
This sounds more like the diary of a thirteen year old than anything that should be published.
The polls will continue to show Trump in the lead for the GOP nomination.
Trump will win the nomination.
Trump and Biden will hover close - a 2-4 point spread... with Trump mostly in the lead.
As the election nears ... the polls will tighten, show a tie, or a Biden lead by 1-2 points.
Guess what happens next?
It's a ruse. The leftmediaswine know the Democrat Elite and the GOPe will not permit a Trump presidency. The destabilization of the US must continue.
As always, they are providing advance cover for the evil of the left.
All you do is pretend you crazy cat lady, reality doesnt barge into your delusions
Democracy according to Susan B. Glasser:
Whatever Susan B. Glasser wants = Democracy
Althouse writes: "What strange power that man has."
Kinda like this.
"Are Democrats arriving at the belief that Trump is inevitable? What strange power desperation has!"
Desperation = the new DemPanic.
I ask my Democrat friends, "Is Biden-Harris really the best you can do? I mean, really?"
Democrats need to destroy democracy in order to save it! The Democrat Party has morphed into the Decivilization Party. "Party uber alles" is now their moto. Screw the voters and screw the citizens! They'll replace voters with Secretaries of State determinations of election winners and they'll replace unruly citizens who don't buy into the decivilizers policies with illegal immigrants who will be oh so grateful to be here. Of course, these new residents don't have any skills so the economy will go straight to hell. Everyone will be equal in misery except the new oligarchs of the Decivilization Party.
How is "American democracy on the line"?
They'll never tell you unless it is some notion that January 6th was an insurrection, despite the many years Democrats argued against certifying the election results. Then they'll say Trump never accepted the 2020 results despite actually leaving the White House without destroying property as was done by previous administrations or having the DOJ spy on his campaign rivals and arrest his cabinet appointees. They'll also claim they never knew that Hillary to this day claims Trump stole the 2016 election through Russian collusion (as if that hasn't been thoroughly debunked in years of investigation and hundreds of millions of dollars spent).
All you need to know is Trump will end democracy.
This accomplished, celebrated, well-off successful woman is ready to have a nervous breakdown because a republican might become president next year. The Democrat Party in a nutshell, always one republican away from abject insanity.
"I’m for tabla rasa. I’m for Vivek."
Is this word play combining the Indian drum, the tabla, with "tabula rasa," the blank slate?
I love the smell of leftist dread in the morning!
The establishment (left, right, media, most people in power for 20+ years) completely missed the message of Trump and have either been deluded or in denial since election night 2016 (and with UK Brexit before that). Trump was a middle-finger pointed at political correctness, sacred cows, Wokeness, globalism, one-size-fits-all cultural models, and at let-the-current-winners-win-forever politics.
Everything that followed has been a reactionary move by powerful bumblers caught on their heels. Their WW2 and Cold War and Civil Rights Era world vision is dead or obsolete. The old order actually died circa the 2001 World Trade Center airplane attacks and rise of neo-segregationistic school "safe spaces", with the next generation wasting/skimming billions from military ventures, teacher's unions, healthcare graft, etc. and providing negative value.
Trump elected again? I don't think it matters in the grand scheme, if a wealthy country tilts toward endemic corruption and greed. If Trump dies another will rise to fill the void. Review the 50+ years after the French Revolution of 1789. Reign of Terror. Guillotines. Napoleon. Attempts to return to the Louis monarchy. Napoleon II. Napoleon III. Etc.
The aristocrats will do all they can to stay wealthy and maintain power. Damn the masses. History doesn't repeat but it rhymes.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
"Hamas, literally, changed everything."
Changed everything? No. It certainly did shine a bright light on dishonest bloodthirsty fucks like you though, didn't it?
Dread is ok by me. What was it Conan the Barbarian said about the best things in life?
There are many strange messages coming from the nut bubble.
If Trump had dictatorship eyes we would have experienced them in the four years he was president.
The fact that Trumps detractors don’t point to his record tells me a lot.
tcrosse said..
"I ask my Democrat friends, "Is Biden-Harris really the best you can do? I mean, really?"
Most democrats are merely loyalists. The base has no control over how the elite D-mob operate.
The D-mob elites understand the loyal base will show up - no matter how horrendous the candidate(s).
That's why the Trump vilification is non-stop. That's how they do it. Keep the loyal base in a state of frenzy and fear.
Trump is Hitler! Be afraid!
Dread is finally percolating up to the elites.
To quote Lizzo, it's about damn time.
The left's corrupt secretary of states project is paying off.
Colorado's Secretary of State - Jenna Griswold? Pure mob-loyalty lying liar who lies. Watch out for her. She is poison.
(Soros installed)
I want to follow up on what Rh posted but it would bear off Trump, and the danger of becoming boring.
How is "American democracy on the line"?
The MSM/Dems lie awake at night, terrified that a Republican catch a break.
"Hamas,literally, changed everything". Well it has certainly changed the landscape of Gaza and done more for urban renewal there than the "Palestinians" could do in a hundred years. Speaking of, how comes it that after decades of "Palestinian" control od Gaza they have no water system nor power plants? Hamas has been in charge of Gaza for decades. Why no water? Why no electricity? Both of which they get from the hated Jews. Could they, with plans, build a bicycle?
A lot of us will be free-er from dread if Trump regains presidency. I think it’s called Conservation of Dread.
I think Ms. Glasser should probably check out euthanasia. It would be the best choice for all involved.
She'll likely find Biden there, under those covers, sucking his thumb.
Most folks who have even an inkling about human behavior never pretended about who Trump was. And we were also observant enough to notice how the MSM thirst for click bait made matters worse by playing that game. I could introduce you to a few Republicans who are still pretending.
I hope Trump wins so that I can hear the lamentation of the women, like Susan Glasser, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Chuck, Rich, Lonejustice, Freder, and Howard.
Just take Trump off the ballot, and democracy is restored.
Orange Man Bad.
mikee said...
"What was it Conan the Barbarian said about the best things in life?"
That they're free? ....or was that Sammy Kahn?
"Trump and Biden will hover close - a 2-4 point spread... with Trump mostly in the lead.
As the election nears ... the polls will tighten, show a tie, or a Biden lead by 1-2 points.
Guess what happens next?"
The same thing that will happen if Haley or DeSantis is the candidate.
Glasser will deny it, but Trump is a mortal god. Her mortal god.
In other news, Turley proved to be a fly in someone's ointment, prompting a SWATting reflex.
We should dread to tread on this dangerous ground.
He lives rent-free in the heads of millions in the US, and around the world.
Scott Adams on politics 10:56 EST "We have a crazy white bitch problem" on women in politics.
here's a Fun Thought..
The GOPe, DNC (and Soros appointed Sec States) all Rally together, and remove Trump from the Primary ballots
What Then? WHO would Trump voters go to ?
Christie Krispy?
I suppose SOME would go to De Santis.. But if you (i) think about it.. The Trump voters would go to Vivek.
Biden is an incompetent fool, and the Powers That Be have shown themselves as fascist.
Remember how, in 2016 the Power That Be pushed Trump because they thought he'd Never Win?
the Powers That Be were mighty sorry, that Trump won, even though they'd pushed him
Now for the Fun Thought.. Think about a Vivek Presidency
He's planning on firing 75% of ALL government workers
He's anti Tranism
He's anti WORLD WAR
Vivek makes Trump seem like Mitt Romney. I'll Gladly vote for Trump, if he's on the ballot.
Take Trump off the ballot, don't come crying to me
Orange Man Bad
Person of Orange (PoO)
--- Do these people ever pause to consider how insane they sound?
It's a good question, and you are right about many. But the leadership behind all this, like Pelosi and Obama, are anything but insane. They want it this way and they are going to make it this way come hell or high water. It is perfectly rational behavior on the part of the totalitarians that now run the "Democratic" Party. There are no freedoms or rights that should not be eliminated if they might cost these people any part of their power.
--- This sounds more like the diary of a thirteen year old than anything that should be published.
So true! Althouse keeps following the same old beaten path to the poisoned wells.
n.n said...
In other news, Turley proved to be a fly in someone's ointment, prompting a SWATting reflex.
Sen. Rick Scott Says Florida Home ‘Swatted’: ‘Sick Attempt to Terrorize My Family’
A spokesperson for the Naples police, Lt. Bryan McGinn, said authorities received a call about a shooting at the location around 9:00 p.m. Wednesday night. According to NBC News, “A report associated with the swatting call said a male caller told a dispatcher that he had shot his wife with an AR-15 three times while she was sleeping.”
“A security officer was unaware of any calls or issues at the residence upon police arrival. Officers conducted a search of the outside perimeter of the residence and found no signs of forced entry,” the outlet reported. McGinn affirmed that “The events did not occur and the incident was a swatting event.” An investigation is ongoing.
Scott is not the only public figure to experience this, as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) revealed on X that she was swatted on Christmas. She said it was “like the 8th time” that it has happened to her.
Trump is the best damn leader in our lifetime. And he has undergone and withstood intense suffering for it. The American people react to seeing that . Which is the new factor in this election. He literally cannot be beaten now except by stealing the vote count again or by the tried and true JFK wetwork method.
LOL, Ann. I’m not that smart! I misspelled the Latin. That’s why I got a C plus in Latin.
David samuels of tablet called he the demon emperor in a discussion with the late codevilla
I would fear Trump, if all the people imploring me to do so, would not lie constantly about the danger.
We had 4 years of Trump. But all the fears center on what he WILL do . . .in the future. The left wants no part of comparing records.
Trump is only dangerous to the DC swamp. America is in no danger from Trump.
The Dred Trump decision, coming to a smartphone near you in 2024.
Or maybe they’d go along with the Trump win if we called it Dread Equity.
If polls are accurate, Haley would beat Biden by a larger margin than Trump.
Trump up 2.3 over Biden
Haley up 4.9 over Biden
Real Clear Politics.
gilbar - time to start swatting back. F the corrupt left.
The dreading aspect seems to me to be engaging in a bit of superstition; hoping that if they dread a Trump victory it won't com to pass.
The fact that a Republican might win the next election does not cause me to think that "our American Democracy is on the line".
I'm glad Scott's home was "Swatted". Maybe if enough of these asshole Republican senators who don't seem to care about anything except giving money to Ukraine and Israel get swatted, they'll do something to stop the abuse of the Assault team police powers.
People shouldn't be able to phone in some police force and get a SWAT team to attack someone. There needs to be more safeguards. But for some reason, no one wants to put them in place.
Maybe Scott can acutally do something about it. I know it will be hard, since he's a Republican and doesn't want to actually use his power for anything except rewarding the Big Donors.
I'm glad Scott's home was "Swatted". Maybe if enough of these asshole Republican senators who don't seem to care about anything except giving money to Ukraine and Israel get swatted, they'll do something to stop the abuse of the Assault team police powers.
People shouldn't be able to phone in some police force and get a SWAT team to attack someone. There needs to be more safeguards. But for some reason, no one wants to put them in place.
Maybe Scott can acutally do something about it. I know it will be hard, since he's a Republican and doesn't want to actually use his power for anything except rewarding the Big Donors.
People need to be paying more attention to the Trump trial in DC. The fix is in, the jury will convict, and the judge is a leftist who is working with the Stalinist DOJ to put Trump behind bars.
People just assume "The adults in the room" aka the Supreme Court will "stop all this nonsense". That's a dumb assumption. Relying on Kavanaugh, is a gamble. I'd say 50-50, at best.
Right now, I see the R's and US Public accepting a trump prison sentence, even if he get nominated. Whats next? People need to be thinking ahead.
People need to be paying more attention to the Trump trial in DC. The fix is in, the jury will convict, and the judge is a leftist who is working with the Stalinist DOJ to put Trump behind bars.
People just assume "The adults in the room" aka the Supreme Court will "stop all this nonsense". That's a dumb assumption. Relying on Kavanaugh, is a gamble. I'd say 50-50, at best.
Right now, I see the R's and US Public accepting a trump prison sentence, even if he get nominated. Whats next? People need to be thinking ahead.
All these media (e.g. The New Yorker, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC, etc.) love to serve up giant dollops of TDS daily. If you want to discuss issues (e.g. immigration, taxes, spending, abortion) sanely they wouldn't publish any of it.
Trumps outspoken bluntness hit the right note of nostalgia for the rough and tumble DIY 20th century. But we are becoming an autonomous society. Which means moving toward the mind and the joy of living. Nikki Haley will pardon Trump and the Nation will move on from the rancor.
I'm convinced that Trump can do most things better than Biden--things like managing the border, walking, putting America first, breathing et al. I'm not all that convinced that he can do most things better than, say, DeSantis. The one area where I give him an advantage over DeSantis is the ability to tell media people like Glasser to kiss off. To many here, that's the most compelling reason to vote for him, but I'm not so sure. I don't relish having another four years of being constantly, relentlessly informed by pundits with their hair on fire about how our civilization is under imminent danger of collapse because of Melania's Christmas decorations.....But I guess that's how things in the best case scenario will work out. I note in passing that when Wendell Wilkie ran against FDR, Wilkie looked vital and energetic and FDR didn't make many public appearances. FDR said that was because of his war responsibilities, but it was really because he was half dead. As things worked out, Wilkie died of a massive coronary some months before FDR's demise. Something to think about. When you're as old as Trump and Biden, death happens.
Blogger Michael Fitzgerald said...
This accomplished, celebrated, well-off successful woman is ready to have a nervous breakdown because a republican might become president next year. The Democrat Party in a nutshell, always one republican away from abject insanity.
I would change Thomas Sowell's comment that at the center of every disaster is a Harvard man. That was once true but these days at the center of every disaster we find a female politician. That includes the Harvard President Gay. She is 100% politician. If she was a white man, she would have been dumped for plagiarism long ago.
All democrats are a huge part of the problem, and fully half of republicans are no better.
Liberal democrats are communists, and communism should be outlawed in this country.
'I'm reminded of Christopher Hitchens' remark about the "eerie" power the Clintons have over the media.'
But the Clintons murdered a lot of people.
Norm Macdonald said so...
Things could get worse. Vote democrat and see!
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
"Hamas, literally, changed everything."
To which people attacked him, viciously and personally. But why? He said something that was likely correct: Trump may lose because of his absolutist stance on the Gaza operation.
The difference in 2016 and 2020 elections in Pennsylvania and Michigan can be explained, number-wise, by, for example, a single person with tens-of-thousands of dedicated followers in these two states. The person called out Hillary Clinton as an evil woman in 2016 due to the killing of Colonel Gaddafi and Bill's crime bills (to paraphrase from my memory of his sermon at that time "...who took my son Mustapha as the brother would, and told him that he will put us on the next state budget... I will not tell sisters how to vote, we understand ... they want to get back to men for everything we did to them, but I ask them to consider that this is a truly evil women... and ask them to consider how she turned their brothers and fathers and sons into ... and worry not about Obama's legacy, his legacy is not in any of his policies... "), while the same person -- guess his name -- in 2020 stayed out.
So, yes, a small trace of humanity and understanding in the Trump's eyes of the Palestinian side, no more than saying something about the tears of Palestinian mothers and asking for, perhaps, not publicly announcing all kinds of "going biblical" ideas, would go a long way towards winning in 2024. Just a minimum of seeing humanity in other side as well.
People with TDS, which includes people that unconditionally love Trump and people that irrationally hate Trump, fear for the future of the USA based on a presidential election.
Both these groups are delusional wolf criers. Our nation is bigger and stronger than politics and politicians.
Well dulles was a princeton man see playa giron but i see your point paul bremer class of 65
In church this morning my mind started wandering as it often does. I was thinking about the Glasser article.
For reasons that I don't understand it then wandered to this:
Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
That put me in mind that the British Guy Fawkes night, celebrating the foiling of the plot to destroy Parliament is US election day here.
It is (seriously) probably just a coincidence. Also (adjusting tinfoil hat), a bit less seriously, it may be that Brandon and Team Fascism is planning to blow up the government and/or elections.
Is Brandon our our Guy Fawkes?
Not a bad campaign slogan for someone "Brandon is our Guy!" It would be interesting to get that out there and then let people decide whether it is pro-Trump (Brandon is the Guy Fawkes out to destroy America) or pro Biden (Brandon is our guy (man)"
As the pastor went on, it occurred to be that we need some cheerleader looking types doing a routine:
Brandon, Brandon, he's out Guy,
He'll blow the US (clap, clap) sky high
Making the Demmies deny that Brandon is a modern Guy Fawkes would make for some interesting talking heads as well as a history lesson for all Americans.
John (Penny for the Guy, Guv?) Henry
Trump is a dictator and he does not know it. Self awareness not one of his strengths, I suppose.
Way back in the late 50s and early 60s high school and young college girls weren't as prone to use foul language as is the current custom. One of my then girl friends would occasionally use the euphemism "Up ship creek without a paddle".
Which is sorta where the supporters of Joe Biden as a Presidential candidate in 2024 are located. Way up the creek, with a senescent and corrupt old codger at the helm. He not only doesn't have a paddle, he's forgotten where he left it.
Trump is no prize--but unless the Democrats can come up with an alternative to Biden--the Dems are up that creek.
April Apple,
You just got through denigrating the polls in the comment I replied to, and now you use one as a support for your argument? Be better than this.
12/30/23, 7:34 AM
rhhardin said...
Trump's strange power comes from the half of the population that doesn't listen to women.
12/30/23, 7:34 AM
That 50% includes lots of women.
That article was fun to read, hopefully many others follow her lead of staying in bed under the covers for the next year.
'Trump is a dictator and he does not know it.'
Well, I'm a poet...
I denigrated the polls? Not really.
Mild skepticism at most.
I'm only pointing out facts.
Many Ever-Trumpers have wild assumptions about his chances.
You're smarter than that.
rcocean said...
"I'm glad Scott's home was "Swatted". Maybe if enough of these asshole Republican senators who don't seem to care about anything except giving money to Ukraine and Israel get swatted, they'll do something to stop the abuse of the Assault team police powers.
People shouldn't be able to phone in some police force and get a SWAT team to attack someone. There needs to be more safeguards. But for some reason, no one wants to put them in place.
Maybe Scott can acutally do something about it. I know it will be hard, since he's a Republican and doesn't want to actually use his power for anything except rewarding the Big Donors."
First of all, your statement that you're glad Scott's home was SWATted is monstrous.
Congress is already looking at harsher penalties and safeguards against these activities.
That said, there are existing laws against SWATting. From Wikipedia:
"In the United States,swatting can be prosecuted through federal criminal statutes:
"Threatening interstate communications"
"Conspiracy to retaliate against a witness, victim, or informant"
"Conspiracy to commit access device fraud and unauthorized access of a protected computer"
An accomplice may be found guilty of "conspiring to obstruct justice"
In California, callers bear the "full cost" of the response which can range up to $10,000."
More in the next comment.
There are ongoing efforts for stronger laws on SWATting:
"In 2011, California State Senator Ted Lieu authored a bill to increase penalties for swatting. His own family became a victim of swatting when the bill was proposed. A dozen police officers, along with firefighters and paramedics surrounded his family home.
In 2015, New Jersey State Assemblyman Paul D. Moriarty announced a bill to increase sentences for hoax emergency calls, and was targeted by a hoax. The bill proposed prison sentences up to ten years and fines up to $150,000.
A 2015 bipartisan bill in Congress sponsored by Katherine Clark and Patrick Meehan made swatting a federal crime with increased penalties. Congresswoman Clark wrote an op-ed in The Hill saying that 2.5 million cases of cyberstalking between 2010 and 2013 had only resulted in 10 cases prosecuted, although a source for this was not provided. As revenge for the bill, an anonymous caller fraudulently called police to Rep. Clark's house on January 31, 2016."
I doubt the perps were Republicans, even though all of the sponsors above save one were Democrats.
"I am exhausted from all the Trump drama. I’m for boring. I’m for tabla rasa. I’m for Vivek."
You can't possibly believe that, should Vivek somehow end up as the republican candidate, things will be boring and drama-free, can you?
That Maine SOS's home was SWATed. She wasn't home. I guess SWATing now goes both ways. Progressives, I mean decivilizers, started it, now they're receiving it.
Play foolish games, receive foolish awards.
A Republican has started impeachment proceedings against her.
With American democracy on the line....
Stopped reading right there.
If Captain Smith had handed the wheel of the Titanic to someone else after hitting the iceberg, the results wouldn't have been much different.
Same for the USA. It's too late.
Then, April Apple, Haley will lead right up into late Summer, Biden will take a 1-2 point lead, and then win re-election. That is my reply to you.
Dump Biden and nominate a mainstream senator or governor (not Kamala Harris) who is under the age of 65 with an IQ over 100. No senility. No babbling. Amy Klobuchar, Jared Polis, Michael Bennet, Josh Shapiro, maybe Cory Booker ... There are people who could compete with Trump.
Again Yancey-
I only stated my prediction.
Sorry if my prediction offended you.
I predict it will be Trump and Biden again.
Yeah right. This was the year. Gee willikers, it sure wasn't any of those other years. What a bunch of nonsense.
Fortunately, not thought or spoken by a single Allied soldier on June 6, 1944: "I plan to pull up the covers and hide under my pillow as long as possible come January..."
Fortunately, not thought or spoken by a single Allied soldier on June 6, 1944: "I plan to pull up the covers and hide under my pillow as long as possible come January..."
How could dread be a "winning strategy"?
Interesting question. It seems to me that Glasser, and other writers for publications like the New Yorker, the New York Times, and/or the Washington Post could very well be hoping to throw up so much fear that another hardcore lefty crackpot like James Hodgkinson may be inspired to take a crack at Donald Trump, sacrificing his life to remove the source of so much dread..
Good Lord -- how many swattings occur across state lines? So any is Congress wasting time on proposing some unconstitutional legislation regarding it?
Biden stays because the corrupt mob need him to stay.
4 more years of pocket lining and illegal immigration.
April Apple,
Then dont quote polls at me if you don't actually believe in them. Be consistent.
I would imagine that MOST swatting takes place across state lines. Spoofing the telephone system is by its nature, not dependent on location. So it is very likely that the spoofer would not be located in whatever state they were making the call to.
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