December 15, 2023

The desperation is so intense, and it's only December. They can't go on like this.

My advice, and I've said it before, is to abandon the overblown demonization and treat Trump like the political candidate he is. About half of the electorate supports him. If it's democracy they're so concerned about, let them show respect for their fellow citizens and endeavor to understand the good reasons why they support Trump and not Biden and engage on the issues.

I don't expect them to take this advice, because: 1. They're so dug in, and 2. They don't trust themselves to argue on the substantive merits.

Of all the posts I've ever tagged "Trump derangement syndrome," this is the most deserving.

IN THE COMMENTS: michaele said:
The look on poor Jennifer Rubin's face at the end of her comments (.29) is half hilarious and half tragically concerning. Her anguish at the possibility of Trump being reelected truly seems to be affecting her mental and physical health.

Yes, I noticed that too. I'll make a screen shot. If I had more skills, I'd make that portrait in the background — a portrait of her, right? — change its expression too:


Wilbur said...

They can't go on like this?

After seven years of it?

They cannot quit going on like this. We all know why.

rehajm said...

Fa la la la la…

Certifiably insane people more intense than those run most things in government nowadays.

wendybar said...

These are the people who belong in the DC gulag. Their minds are blown that we actually had a President who worked for US...not for themselves. They don't know how to handle that and call us violent and hateful as they tell us how much they hate us.

Nancy said...

I did not laugh. What did Trump do in his 1st term that leads people to think this?

Temujin said...

You forgot #3) They firmly believe what they are saying.

All except maybe Al Sharpton who doesn't believe anything he says on MSNBC. The rest of them do believe what they are saying.

This was hilarious and much funnier than any skit done by SNL over the last 30 years. TDS is an actual illness.

mezzrow said...

They were wired to respond this way. They just can't help it.

Here's a video guide (with music) to the deep seated nature of the reaction, from the time of our childhood. To follow your advice would be to expect these humans in this time to not react the way you see illustrated below.

We Just Can't Help It

John henry said...

What a bunch of sicko fascists! Thanks for posting that, Ann.

They said the same crap in 2016. At that time, a trump presidency was an unknown quantity. The speculation had a little logic.

Now we have 4 years of experience and know it is total bullshit.

Unless you fascists here can provide specific examples of what he's done and might do, stay out of the comments on this thread.

John ftf Henry

Ftf = fuck the fascists

John henry said...

Otoh, the entertainment value of this fascist bs is high. Too bad it is so evil.

I am always amazed how little pushback I get when I call Brandon and his followers "fascist" objectively, as defined and described by Mussolini.

As in no pushback at all from commenters here.

John ftf Henry

BUMBLE BEE said...

So much for investigative journalism eh?
This is CNN.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tucker is right. They want something terrible to happen to the former president.

MarKT said...

This the Post Truth society. People believe what they say is true simply because they have said it. When did this start? Where will it end? No idea. But it deserves all of the mockery it receives and more.

rhhardin said...

It's providing a friendly narrative for audience that wants to live in that reality, long ago provided by tabloids but now streamed.

Out: Liz and Richard. In: Trump

You can ridicule it (but you'd be ridiculing women), but you can't argue it. It would be arguing that Liz and Richard don't matter.

Earnest Prole said...

Why it’s almost as though these fools see 2024 as a Flight 93 election.

tim maguire said...

The problem with treating Trump like a politician and addressing his policies instead of demonizing his person is that the entire anti-Trump edifice would crumble.

Your advice, while sounding perfectly good to normal ears, would be disastrous for the people you offer it to. They would have to be suicidal to take it.

Kevin said...

This should be the first video you see when you enter the Trump Presidential Library.

Kevin said...

These are the kind of people who can’t walk past certain rocks.

TreeJoe said...

They CAN go on like this. It's just a sign of intellectual weakness. They aren't suddenly going to become intellectually strong.

Ann Althouse said...

"You forgot #3) They firmly believe what they are saying."

Some of them, maybe, but not all. Liz Cheney, at 2:45, knows she's lying (as I see it).

rwnutjob said...

TDS is now affecting both sides. #Onlytrump has become crazy & dug in as #Nevertrump
Trump is not Hitler
Trump is not Jesus

The psyop. is working

Breezy said...

Tucker should play this over and over for groups of people and we can watch them all laugh hysterically in response. These folks need to see how they come across to us normal people. Is Soros funding this drivel?

Liz Cheney and others have lost their minds. Trump doesn’t want the job forever, FPS. He just wants his second term so he can finish as much of his MAGA agenda as possible.

donald said...

Every single one of those people need to kill themselves. I look forward to it.

Jersey Fled said...

“ 2. They don't trust themselves to argue on the substantive merits.”


Heartless Aztec said...

I wake up, get my coffee, open Althouse and boom! It's the Comedy Channel, except funnier and tinged with hysteria. What a way to start the day. Everything but the Three Stooges poking eyes and slapping faces.

gilbar said...

If it's democracy they're so concerned about..
But it's NOT "democracy" they're so concerned about; it's the DEMOCRAT Party they're concerned about

michaele said...

The look on poor Jennifer Rubin's face at the end of her comments (.29) is half hilarious and half tragically concerning. Her anguish at the possibility of Trump being reelected truly seems to be affecting her mental and physical health.

Old and slow said...

"He can NOT be the president again!" says Liz Cheney. She says that quite forcefully. I think she means it with all it implies.

Data Schlepper said...

“Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!”-Dr. Peter Venkman

Data Schlepper said...

“Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!” -Doctor Peter Venkman

BUMBLE BEE said...

Not to worry. The soothsayers in the MSM tell us we only have 10 years. That, however, was 20 years ago.
Buh Bye.
BTW they have a "democracy", America has a constitutional republic.

Fritz said...

Please stop! I already like him enough.

boatbuilder said...

I like the one where they show him wearing...BLACK GLOVES!!

(Because he's outside and it's freezing cold, but otherwise it's pretty obvious that he's sending dictator signals to his mind-numbed supporters).

Todd said...

Wait, that was NOT an SNL skit?

I am not sure what worries me more, that all these folks are lying or if they actually believe this drivel. About 90% of what they are worried Trump will do, the Biden government is currently doing. Doing to Trump, doing to the J6 folks, doing to the alternate media, to Christens, to pro-live folks, etc.

Their REAL fear is that Trump has actually learned from his first term and will effectively use his administration to do to them what they are currently doing to those they don't like, as well as expose all of their "secrets" in such a way that they and the media can not say "misinformation".

Gunner said...

If you ask these dopes, they will say that the stalwart Democracy lovers like Reince Pribus and Jeff Sessions etc. (who they also hated) were the only ones keeping Trump from putting them in the gas chambers from 2017 through 2020.

AMDG said...

The problem is not that Trump will become a dictator and “unravel the Constitution”.

The problem with Trump is that he is an incompetent buffoon who surrounds himself with incompetent buffoons (Bannon, Stone, Loomer, MTG, etc.). Based on his December 2022 comments in support suspending the Constitution in order so he could be reinstalled as President, I have no doubt that he has no qualms about unraveling the Constitution, it is just that he would not be able,to do it.

Also, anybody who supports actions such as spending money without Congressional authorization, disinformation boards, DEI initiatives, etc. is anti-Constitution. These people should just shut up.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

In a progressive society, the left gets complacent thinking history is on their side. If any kind of right-winger pokes her or his head up, there is likely to be some anger on both sides. Are you an extremist? Mike Harris was elected Premier of Ontario years ago on a Scott Walker platform, both spending cuts and tax cuts. When he was elected, he said something like: I know some people have predicted that cows will stop giving milk ...

Jaq said...

Voters over the past month have swung behind former President Donald Trump, wiping out President Joe Biden’s 4-point lead to put the Republican on top by double digits.

In the latest Rasmussen Reports poll shared with Secrets, Trump now leads Biden by 10 points, 48%-38%.

When you have finally overmatched all of the "cruel neutrality" that Althouse is able to marshal, it's a hint that you may have gone too far.

Barry Dauphin said...

....or they're telling us what they would do by way of saying what Trump would do.

Leland said...

I read yesterday that Hasbro is laying off 1000+ employees. Today, the news is GM will do the same. Perhaps Democrats politicians should quit worrying about Trump and start doing something about Bidenomics. I don't have to like Trump to know the economy was better under Trump.

John henry said...

One of the charges is that president trump will "annex" Canada.

First I'd heard anything like that in my 75 years.

Not a bad idea though. Especially if we could annex the country then pick and choose which of king chucks subjects we want to annex.

Perhaps half. The other half can go to England

John ftf Henry

narciso said...

The first two things biden did was to shut down the pipelines and open up the order

narciso said...

Only alberta they can keep the rest

Sebastian said...

"If it's democracy they're so concerned about"


"let them show respect for their fellow citizens"


"and endeavor to understand the good reasons why they support Trump and not Biden and engage on the issues."

Good reasons? Deplorables have good reasons?

"I don't expect them to take this advice, because: 1. They're so dug in, and 2. They don't trust themselves to argue on the substantive merits."

3. They don't think they need to "argue" since a. polling hiccups aside, the electoral map and election system control still favor them, and b. their views are obviously superior.

The people who gave us the Russia collusion hoax and the phony impeachments and the laptop disinformation redirect and the mutiple persecutions aren't going to "endeavor to understand" anything except that Trump is evil and his supporters deplorable.

Gusty Winds said...

Everyone of the people in the video reminds me of Satan.

Satan right? That's the blog theme today?

Gusty Winds said...

Do the PHDs and administrators at the University of Wisconsin believe this bullshit? Do they regurgitate this shit to the students?

narciso said...

Border but order also fits

The Crack Emcee said...

As long as the right and the Israeli Lobby are having a fascist moment - which is chilling - Trump still looks good, but he already doesn't look AS good. Those Democrats are hyperventilating, but the warning signs ARE flashing red for others, whether they get his humor or not: drain the swamp, sure, but do NOT empower the rest of these creeps.

If it looks like he can't do that, he can kiss the black vote goodbye.

Money Manger said...

They are absolutely correct about violence and a military/police crackdown. But it will be in response to the followers of these people unleashing street violence that will be @Resistence x Kenosha. January 2025 will not be pretty.

MadisonMan said...

These are the kind of people who can’t walk past certain rocks.
Best comment of the day.

Kakistocracy said...

To paraphrase the words of pundit H.L. Mencken, " No-one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

Michael said...

Forget Canada and go for Mexico. Better weather, food, energy. Lefty commentator came up with Canada because he thinks he’ll be living there in the event. Trump after him. Him personally.

Jeff said...

They won't take your advice because they're existentially -- in the genuine philosophical sense of the word -- incapable of doing so. They would lose their sense of authenticity; their worlds would crash down around them.

Aggie said...

The mistake that Cassidy made was in claiming to be a conservative. What would happen if he claimed to be a liberal? A Free Pass, as opposed to 'hit me, Teacher'

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm still waiting for the left to admit the Bidens are awful people.
They cannot do it.

Still waiting for the left to admit Crook biden is a crook.

Chuck said...

Ann Althouse said...
"You forgot #3) They firmly believe what they are saying."

Some of them, maybe, but not all. Liz Cheney, at 2:45, knows she's lying (as I see it).

Could yo explain the basis for you public allegation that she is lying? I saw that entire interview in real time. I presume that you did not, based on your other public statements about your media consumption habits. Liz was extraordinarily powerfully cogent and convincing.


So your presumption that "Liz Cheney... knows she is lying" is additionally curious.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jennifer Rubin is the wicked witch of the west prior to the dream and the green skin. yikes.

Please don't take my dog, Jennifer Rubin!

Joe Bar said...

That is the funniest and scariest thing I've seen in a while. The problem is, people like my wife absolutely believe this stuff.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are filled with hate and rage.... and they take that to mean "We can't let the American people decide"

Chuck said...

MadisonMan said...
"These are the kind of people who can’t walk past certain rocks."
Best comment of the day.

Some of the clipped commenters in the video were progressive talking heads. Many of them were not; they were former Trump staffers; Trump Administration figures and/or former Republican members of Congress.

That's one of the points that I want to stick in the eyes of TrumpWingers. Like the J6 Select Committee hearings, the witnesses against Trump are loads of people who are devoted, unapologetic conservatives. Republicans whose loyalty to the Party pre-date Trumpism, and whose ideology are purer traditional Republicanism than anything Trump has ever contemplated.

People who, unlike Trump, aren't awaiting felony trials in four different trial courts.

Big Mike said...

They can't go on like this.

Oh, but they can. And they will. For the next five years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm loving the fact that war machine Cheney is now on team D.

Sebastian said...

"They can't go on like this."

Sure they can. They've been at it for 7 years. Why stop now?

It's not just that they're dug in, etc. They like their TDS. They enjoy it. They revel in it.

And they think it works--mobilizes the base, brings out the anti-Trumpers in the end. Yes, they now show a hint of desperation that the calculation may be wrong, so they dial up the crazy. Biden's weakness complicates the picture. But the calculation itself is by no means crazy.

Gusty Winds said...

It's actually MORE worrisome if these people aren't mentally ill.

This is a dangerous, coordinated lie and a lot of stupid American liberals are going to believe it.

Just look at how much they ate up all the COVID lies. The George Floyd lies. The 2020 election lies. The J6 lies. The "fine people" hoax. The "drink bleach" hoax". The Russian collusion hoax.

Even if these claims are mentally ill journalists trying to communicate to mentally ill's still dangerous. 2024 is going to be crazy.

Iman said...

We have met the enemy and, sadly, he is among us.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

There is a phrase to describe Rubin's look, "She looks like someone is holding a turd under her nose."

lgv said...

These are the people that hate the constitution, or at least most of it. But it is that very constitution that will protect them against all the things they fear. There are two other branches of government that will keep things in check.

"He will never leave office". Except that history now says he will. He left once already.

Wow. Worry about weaponizing agencies against enemies. Is that irony or lack of self awareness?

planetgeo said...

Let's not be so hasty. Considering the mental state of the people in the video, they're making some surprisingly good recommendations for President Trump's second somewhat delayed term. I particularly like the suggestion to annex Canada, and I second commenter Michael's idea to also annex Mexico. In fact, we should probably annex all the way down to the Panama Canal. That would save the dreamers a whole lot of walking and train hopping to illegally get here, and we would save a lot of dough not having to finally build the whole damn wall (because the canal would do the job as is).

These people may be crazy and projecting like hell, but their suggestions are frickin brilliant. Thanks!

Chuck said...

Appearing in this highly-edited clip job:

Jennifer Rubin (formerly conservative NYT columnist)
Liz Cheney (former Wyoming Rep.; #3 House Republican)
Michael Cohen (former Trump personal attorney and fixer)
David Frum (conservative commentary resume too long to list)
David Jolly (former Repulican Florida Rep.)
Tom Nichols (former rgistered Repubican and Naval War College professor; former Republican Senate foreign policy and defense aid)
George Conway (FedSoc founder at Yale; ex-husband of Kellyanne and onetime candidate for Trump Solicitor General)
Nicole Wallace (Bush 43 Communications)
Alyssa Farah (Trump Administration Communications)
Miles Taylor (DHS official in Bush and Trump Administrations)

Iman said...

“If it looks like he can't do that, he can kiss the black vote goodbye.”

At some point, people need to sink or swim. Fool ‘em once, fool ‘em every time… they expect to find a pony in that mountain of Democrat horseschiff.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Maybe you're old enough to remember Laugh-In and the late great Ruth Buzzi, who had a character that looked exactly like that screenshot of Jennifer Rubin: the perma-scowl. Every skit with the lady-on-the-bench ended with her losing it because she just couldn't deal with whatever character shared the bench with her. I get the feeling, given the opportunity, Jenn also would try to assault Trump with her oversized purse full of cat treats and half-empty bottles of anxiety meds.

Irony and satire died together.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw - in some polls - it's still tied up.

NEW: Economist/YouGov Poll Dec. 9-12

If an election for president were going to be held now and the Democratic nominee was Joe Biden and the Republican nominee was Donald Trump, would you vote for...

Biden: 43%
Trump: 43%

(Among registered voters)

Tofu King said...

Why didn't Trump do all of this in his first term? We have precedent to inform us. Massive TDS. This is major league projection of what the left wants to accomplish.

Robert Cook said...

I deplore Trump as a human being and I think he is as dishonest as can be, and I do not want him to enter the White House another time. But...he is lazy and greedy and infantile and is motivated only by the desire to enlarge his wealth and feed his ego. He will promise everything but will try to do (or actually accomplish) very little of what he promises, (and he will take credit for positive developments that he had little or nothing to do with or that didn't even happen), just like his first term.

Trump's greater danger--if I am not underestimating his actual danger to the republic--is the rabble of L'il Trumps he is generating who will be more directed at actually doing the things they will promise. He has also led to a ghastly erosion of expected and appropriate public behavior and rhetoric by politicians--(and adults, in general), who now see it as a winning tactic to act and talk like petulant bullying 15 year olds.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The problem with Trump is that he is an incompetent buffoon who surrounds himself with incompetent buffoons...

LOL meanwhile the current White House looks like the bar scene from the original Star Wars. Also you missed Peter Navarro, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Sarah Huckabee Sanders (current governor of AR), Chad Wolf, Ben Carson, Eugene Scalia, John Ratcliffe, Steve Mnuchin etc.

Michael K said...

The last thing Democrats should want to do is engage Trump on the issues. They have no issue that favors them. I guess that Palestinians would vote and donate to them but, aside from that, I see no favorable issues.

Gas prices.
The border.
Even Ukraine is trending negative now.

gilbar said...

gilbar's (unhappy) prediction..
Trump will win, beyond the margin of fraud..
Trump will win, Overwhelming, in the electoral college..
There will be MASSIVE riots and violence in response..
Biden (or Kamela; because Biden will Probably have "died" by then) will 'regretfully' declare:
Martial Law, and the suspension of the Constitution (and habeas corpus); to "protect" Democracy..
Trump will be found to have committed 'suicide', with 2 bullets in the back of his skull..
The Government will request 'assistance' from China (and Iran) to quell disturbances
Democracy will be "saved"

Bob Boyd said...

They're rationalizing and they want their audience to rationalize approving of extreme measures to block Trump. Obviously, many of the things they say they fear Trump will do, they have already done.

How far will the entrenched establishment go to prevent Trump from taking office again? is a legitimately worrisome question.

wild chicken said...

Welcome to my world! My husband is like this. And my brother.

Crazy, huh? That men can be so irrational? How about that rhardin? Emo irrational men.

How they hate that big dog.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

I don't understand why commenters are laughing at these folk. This is nothing but a Greek Chorus of the media asking 'will no one rid us of this troublesome priest?' They are hoping some deranged hero will rise up and save democracy with a Mannlicher-Carcano or its equivalent.
This is incitement to violence.

Goetz von Berlichingen

Wince said...

Althouse quotes and observes...
"The look on poor Jennifer Rubin's face at the end of her comments (.29) is half hilarious and half tragically concerning. Her anguish at the possibility of Trump being reelected truly seems to be affecting her mental and physical health."

Yes, I noticed that too.

Rubin is slowly developing what I would call the "Pelosi Cud Chew."

hombre said...

Zuckschmuck and wife reportedly spent $300 million to corrupt the 2020 election at local levels, Democrats oppose every effort to clean up elections. There is widespread evidence of illegal activity in Election 2020.

And, Democrats have corrupted the legal system to get Trump including, unconstitutional treatment of J6 defendants (no bail, suppressing evidence, bogus charges), sham criminal and civil actions against Trump including two phony impeachments and lawsuits to keep him off the ballot.

And, the leftmediaswine are all in against him compromising facts and their integrity with fake news and biased coverage.

After all this, does anyone really believe the lawless corrupt Democrats will allow him to be elected? At minimum, look for godawful Michelle or some other crooked toad to reluctantly agree to take QuidProJoe's place well into 2024 supported by billions from sleazebags, possibly including drug cartels. TDS Democrats are evil, delusional, or both.

hombre said...
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FullMoon said...

Money Manger said...

They are absolutely correct about violence and a military/police crackdown. But it will be in response to the followers of these people unleashing street violence that will be @Resistence x Kenosha. January 2025 will not be pretty

Do not forget Trump supporters and rally attendees attacked without consequence before and after election. MAGA hat or bumper sticker will still incite violence from the left.
It will happen again, maybe worse than before. These people, and MSM, are already laying the groundwork.

Tank said...

“ Yes, I noticed that too. I'll make a screen shot. If I had more skills, I'd make that portrait in the background — a portrait of her, right? — change its expression too:”

Where is chip ahoy when you need him? Unfortunately, I believe he may have passed.

Freeman Hunt said...

Oh my! This compilation was much worse than I expected, even with the setup. I didn't realize political television was that unhinged.

Todd said...

Robert Cook said...
... I think he is as dishonest as can be, and I do not want him to enter the White House another time. But...he is lazy and greedy and infantile and is motivated only by the desire to enlarge his wealth and feed his ego. He will promise everything but will try to do (or actually accomplish) very little of what he promises, (and he will take credit for positive developments that he had little or nothing to do with or that didn't even happen), just like his first term. ...

12/15/23, 9:12 AM

If Trump was so lazy, and did "nothing" but ride the coat tails of the rest of the government, why did it take HIM in the WH to get the economy going, black unemployment to its lowest level is [what was it] 50 years, gas its cheapest in 20+(?) years, an actual middle east peace plan that worked, improved boarder security, etc., etc., etc.?

If all of that was SO dang easy why didn't Obama do it first or Biden continue to do it? Why did it take Trump, the lazy to get that stuff done? All the while battling a hostile administrative state and foot-dragging congress.

Drago said...

hombre: "Zuckschmuck and wife reportedly spent $300 million to corrupt the 2020 election at local levels, Democrats oppose every effort to clean up elections. There is widespread evidence of illegal activity in Election 2020."

Actually, $400M, with the largest chunk of that handed to the utterly corrupted Raffensberger and staff (including the loathsome Gene Sperling and that chick staffer that lied about the Trump phone call up until the actual trancript was found) to crank up democratical votes via, for instance, dropbox cheating, in democratical strongholds.

And Raffensberger has been attending meetings with the same Zuckerberg group just a few months back in Philadelphia.

Got to have the 2024 plan in place and funded if you are going to deliver to get your future dem billionaire reward like Paul Ryan and Richard Burr, amongst many others, did.

Freeman Hunt said...

I think it's funny that people think simply not leaving is an option, like you could grip the desk and refuse to go.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Cook bleated about Trump acting and talking like [a] petulant bullying 15 year old, so what exactly is your explanation for Biden doing that his entire career, including his multiple statements about punching Trump or "taking him behind the barn" or even saint Obama saying "punch them twice as hard"?

What accounts for this extraordinary tendency of Democrats to "act and talk like petulant bullying 15 year olds," Cook? Are you going to use the abusive husband excuse that "they made me do it"? Even the statements that long predate Trump?

Your whining knows no bounds brother!

Kirk Parker said...

John Henry,

The prairie provinces, sure. The rest of Canada -- well, maybe, ok.

But NOT Quebec. No no no no no!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

These people, and MSM, are already laying the groundwork.

Yes they are. Plausibly deniable calls for Trump's execution, every day, repeated like a mantra just hoping someone will make like a Bernie Bro and go all softball field on his orange ass. And Cook will be here to blame Trump for the escalation of violence. And Haley will say she told us chaos follows him around.

Sydney said...

Unfortunately, I know way too many people who believe everything these people say.

hombre said...

Cook (9:12): Nice diatribe. Over the top enough to join No Rapes Crack (8:08) in the loon of the month club.

hombre said...
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Chuck said...

Tofu King said...
Why didn't Trump do all of this in his first term? We have precedent to inform us. ...


He tried to do it all!

He tried to steal the election. He was blocked, by the White House counsel, by AG Bill Barr, by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, by the threat of mass resignations at the Department of Justice, by prinicpled Republican election officials who have nearly all been condemned by current Republican national leadership post-2020.

Trump wanted to shoot protesters "in the legs" on DC streets. Mike Flynn and Sidney Powell wnated Trump to use the military to commandeer voting machines and election records. Trump installed his people in the Pentagon in the hope that they might help in that errand. Including firing his Secretary of Defense (who got into a heated personal dispute with the President over public comments about U.S. military involvement in election results) at the time a transition should have begun.

Jay said...

Dog whistle. Telling all the low level Democrats they must resist the evil by getting out there and cheat, cheat, cheat.

Original Mike said...

This actually is really scary.

Yancey Ward said...

Goetz von Berlichingen above is correct- a part of this is the Left trying to entice someone to take Trump out with a bullet or a knife. I hope his security isn't really dependent on the Secret Service alone.

Yancey Ward said...

Hilarious how Chuck manages to list all the LLRs together and somehow thinks this supports his position. I used to credit Chuck with some modicum of intelligence, but I now realize his IQ is probably double digits at best.

Old and slow said...

Chuck, I don't think you are making the point that you think you are.

Wilbur said...

I didn't realize that was Jennifer Rubin, excuse me, conservative WAPO columnist Jennifer Rubin.

This morning, when that weird shot of her lingered on the screen, my mind flashed back to my old maid sixth grade teacher and I thought "What a pickle puss".

Iman said...

Given all of the unhinged on the Left, each of these should be characterized as an incitement to violence.

These nitwits should be shunned.

Night Owl said...

A lot of it is projection. They're projecting onto Trump what they would like to do to their political opponents- but that pesky constitution gets in the way!- or have themselves been doing for years. For example, weaponizing the doj against your political opponents? They've been doing that since Obama.

They are truly terrified Trump will do to them what they're doing to him. It's disturbing to think where that desperation will lead them.

hombre said...
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hombre said...

Goetz (9:37): "This is nothing but a Greek Chorus of the media asking 'will no one rid us of this troublesome priest?'"

This is a fair, probably correct, assessment of what they are doing knowing they have inflamed many unhinged Democrats who will say, "Good riddance."

Most people ignore their "chorus" out of hope because if the immoral media and their immoral Democrat consorts are successful it will destabilize the nation. That does seem to be their goal.

Now why would they want that? /Sarc.

hombre said...
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hombre said...
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hombre said...
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hombre said...
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hombre said...
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Rocco said...

Chuck said...
"Appearing in this highly-edited clip job:[list omitted for brevity]"

Thanks for reminding me why I didn't vote Republican for decades until Trump 2020.

Skeptical Voter said...

I'd write them off as delusional twits--victims of a mass psychosis. But they are citizens (mostly) and they do vote (sometimes early, frequently often).

So one must deal with them. Not--as they hallucinate, by marching them off to reeducation camps (that's the specialty of Lefty governments around the world) but by trying sweet reason. I realize that they are probably not receptive to sweet reason--but you have to try.

Trump is probably the best of a binary choice, and may well get re-elected next November. These folks will all threaten to leave the country--but come January of 2029 most of them will still be both alive and resident in the USA. They will have survived it all.

Jupiter said...

Who is paying these assholes?

MadisonMan said...

I just find the claim that Democracy is at risk if someone is elected to office such a laughable thing to say! Democracy is at risk because Democracy happens!
Oh Noes!
On the serious side, I see so many of these commentors lamenting that Trump will do (based on not much evidence) what the commenters are already enthusiastically helping Biden and the Government do.

Iman said...

Shake your head, Hombre, your eyes are stuck!

Milo Minderbinder said...

"abandon the overblown demonization and treat Trump like the political candidate he is"

Oh, c'mon, where's the fun in that?

The more exhibitions like Rubin's and Morning Joe's (one of my all-time favs), the more the deceit from 2016 forward is exposed....

Rusty said...

You'd have to have a heart of stone not to piss yourself laughing. I was waiting for one of them to bite the head off a live chicken and start foaming at the mouth.
Our own usual suspects didn't disappoint either.
I wonder what it's like living without knowing common sense or reason.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Appearing in this highly-edited clip job:..."


Chuck's list of registered democrats and now long time democrat activist supporters is like a Trump Get Out The Vote effort!

Thanks Chuck!

Chuck said...

Althouse am I correct in observing that you edited this blog post?

You originally included your own observation that you thought that Liz Cheney was knowingly lying at the 2:45 mark. My first comment on this page (which never appeared, to my confusion) was to question why you were so certain that Cheney was lying. I further commented that I had seen that entire interview in real time as it originally aired on cable tv. And that it was a magnificent interview. And I wondered if you had seen it, in light of your many comments about cord-cutting and not watching cable news.

But it looks like you edited out your assertion that Liz Cheney was lying.

It was that question that prompted me to list all of the lifelong Republicans who were offering fearful Trump predictions.

FullMoon said...

Is Robert Cook's satirical comment above indicative of a shift to the right side?

FullMoon said...


who-knew said...

Data Schlepper: I'll see your Dr. Peter Venkman and raise you Vince Ricardo (CIA agent supreme) "There's gonna be gold riots, atonal music... political chaos, mass suicide."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Liz Cheney was lying. We know because her lips were moving, well the bottom one anyway. Go back to lurking where you embarrass yourself less. There is no authority you can appeal to here. Aren't you banned?

It was that question that prompted me to list all of the lifelong Republicans who were offering fearful Trump predictions. As implied above, yes, useful idiots tend to self-identify. Do you really need Drago to spell it out for you? Do you not understand the comedic gold the rest of us see in the bolded text?

Original Mike said...

Freeman Hunt said..."I think it's funny that people think simply not leaving is an option, like you could grip the desk and refuse to go."

I know!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ann Althouse said...
"You forgot #3) They firmly believe what they are saying."

Some of them, maybe, but not all. Liz Cheney, at 2:45, knows she's lying (as I see it).

12/15/23, 6:14 AM

Still visible at 1:34 CST to those of us not blinded with Trump rage. Guess you won't be reporting her to the authorities after all. [sad face emoji]

Original Mike said...

"It was that question that prompted me to list all of the lifelong Republicans who were offering fearful Trump predictions."

They have a club!

Mr. Forward said...

Ann Althouse said

""You forgot #3) They firmly believe what they are saying."

Some of them, maybe, but not all. Liz Cheney, at 2:45, knows she's lying (as I see it).

12/15/23, 6:14 AM

"But it looks like you edited out your assertion that Liz Cheney was lying."

Day drinking, Chuck?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

There is now a copy of the scowling picture-in-a-picture you wanted in your in-box.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape fantasist Chuck: "It was that question that prompted me to list all of the lifelong Republicans who were offering fearful Trump predictions."


Oh my gosh! My sides are hurting from laughter!

farmgirl said...

Ah, so… Chuck.
Birds of a feather.

Big Mike said...

I read yesterday that Hasbro is laying off 1000+ employees.

@Leland, do you have a link? I’m not asking because I don’t believe you; I’m asking because Hasbro — a toy and game company — being forced to lay off so many employees in the Christmas season is one Hell of a bad sign for the US economy in 2024. Maybe Joe Biden should admit that he won through cheating and resign in favor of Donald Trump.

Okay, that won’t happen. But the thought that the US economy could get a whole lot worse between now and Election Day is a bit frightening.

wendybar said...

Talk about certifiably insane....
The biggest liar in the Senate is still spreading his fake Russian Collusion lies...they NEVER give up, because they have the idiots in the video repeating their lies...


Adam Schiff, who for years lied and claimed he had secret evidence of Russia collusion to steal the 2016 election, and who leaked lies to propagandists to keep that hoax going, is bitterly clinging to the Russia collusion scam. Dangerous.

Adam Schiff

Today it was reported that a binder with top-secret information on Russian election interference vanished under Trump’s watch.

That classified information still hasn’t been found.

Demonstrating once again, Trump’s utter disregard for our national security.
2:46 PM · Dec 15, 2023

Aggie said...

@Drago: This is a stupid question, maybe, but: What does LLR stand for, please?

Chuck said...

Old and slow said...
Chuck, I don't think you are making the point that you think you are.

No, I think I made the point exactly. Hence, your comment (like a few others here).

You are hating on all of the people who have turned against Trump. Because Trump is where it's at for you. My list of people clipped into the video are not progressives. Far from it. Some of the most principled conservatives and loyal Republicans that anyone can think of.

There's no real policy disagreement. Liz Cheney hasn't become a progressive. David Frum is no liberal. None of the people clipped are saying anything to win votes in a primary election. They aren't campaigning; they aren't soliciting donations.

Their main gripe with you, and you with them, is your absolute loyalty to Trump. It's not a matter of policy. At least not honest policy. (Sure, Trump has some weird and disastrous policy notions like devolving NATO and selling out to Russia, but that's not a traditional Republican policy and it almost certainly isn't an honest ideology on the part of Trump.)

I have a large number of friends who have been two-time Trump voters. The one guaranteed conversation-stopper with them (I know this from regular, repeated experience) is for me to ask a series of questions about "What is wrong with Liz Cheney? What is her policy lapse? What policy vote makes her unacceptable? Understanding that you could attract BACK to the GOP lots of disaffected Trump-haters like me if we nominated Cheney for President, what is your objection to her? The conversational average lasts about 2.5 questions, and about 0.9 answers. They cannot stand it.

Chuck said...

Ah, yes; I see now my error.

I saw Althouse's comment earlier, and I responded. My response was never posted. I wondered why. I still wonder why. I still wonder where Althouse steps off with a presumption that Liz Cheney was lying... "knowingly." And why my comment/question didn't get posted.

And so then as I later looked at this page being updated, I made the mistake of thinking that my original unpublished comment had been in response to Althouse having made her allegation in the main blog post. I forgot it was an Althouse comment.

After all that, I still wonder; why is Althouse claiming that Liz Cheney lied... "knowingly"?

Sorry for this error on my part, Althouse. Why did you not post my first comment?

Mikey NTH said...

The early 2000's had the same overly dramatic screeching about George Bush and Dick Cheney. Some people just need drama in their lives, they need to be fighting against dark forces, they need the moral rush of marching, perpetually marching, across that bridge into a metaphorical Selma.

Freder Frederson said...

So today Rudy Giuliani was ordered to pay $145 million to a mother and daughter who he falsely accused of election fraud. Yet you would have us ignore Trump's indictments and just focus on his policies. Really?!

RMc said...

They can't go on like this.

You're'll get much, much worse.

Bunkypotatohead said...

These people seem to be reliving election night 2016 in their nightmares, and there's still 10 months more of this to go.

PM said...

THAT would make a great Trump TV spot with Donald, at the end, shaking his head and saying "Sad."

boatbuilder said...

Robert Cook:

"He has also led to a ghastly erosion of expected and appropriate public behavior and rhetoric by politicians--(and adults, in general), who now see it as a winning tactic to act and talk like petulant bullying 15 year olds."

I once felt this way about Trump. But it became apparent in 2016 and becomes clearer every day that a major factor in the ability of the Powers That Be to retain their control over the levers of power is the assumption of the mantle of Dignity and Competence, and with it the assumption of Right. And that they project their image of "rightness" regardless of how hollow, corrupt inept and absurd their management of our country's affairs actually is. And sadly it seems to be a working strategy.

Trump's utter disregard, and indeed contempt, for the pompous is the key to unlocking that control. And the PTB know it and are fighting it with everything they have.

When the bastards are thrown out, we can get back to dignity.

Original Mike said...

"Understanding that you could attract BACK to the GOP lots of disaffected Trump-haters like me if we nominated Cheney for President,…"

You think Liz Cheney would surpass Donald Trump's 74M votes? I wish the Republicans could find an alternative to Trump, but I don't see one out there. But Liz Cheney???? You've outdone yourself with this one!

gilbar said...

Big Mike said...
I read yesterday that Hasbro is laying off 1000+ employees.
@Leland, do you have a link?
Hasbro is slashing nearly 20% of its workforce amid an ongoing slump in toy sales.

Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks announced layoffs for 1,100 workers in a Monday memo to employees, cuts which come in addition to the roughly 800 jobs eliminated earlier this year.
Layoffs at the toy company come after Hasbro cut its full-year revenue guidance in October — just before the holiday season, which is usually the strongest sales period for toy makers. On the company’s earnings call, Hasbro’s Chief Financial Officer Gina Goetter warned that the company was seeing “broader toy category declines.”

narciso said...

Would katherine harris have been given such options from bugliosi dershowitz et al

Mason G said...

There is a phrase to describe Rubin's look, "She looks like someone is holding a turd under her nose."

Or in her mouth.

wildswan said...

Maybe the Life Long Democrats (LLDs) now moving toward the Republicans) are secretly attracted to Trump. They say those who spew hatred often are manifesting secret desire. Secretly, the LLD irrationals irrationally want to vote for Trump. I think so. Oh, they deny and cry out in rage but secretly they stream his rallies, they watch them in the privacy of their own homes.

Yancey Ward said...


I give Liz Cheney credit for really believing that Trump will refuse to leave at the end of a second term. That makes her batshit insane, so perhaps that is a bit better than being a lying sack of dog shit like you.

Yancey Ward said...

And this is just "Gold, Jerry- Gold!!"

"Understanding that you could attract BACK to the GOP lots of disaffected Trump-haters like me if we nominated Cheney for President, what is your objection to her?"

The main objection is that she is no longer a Republican in good standing with the voters, Chuck. If the GOP nominated her, she would struggle to get as many votes as John McCain got 15 years ago. It would be like nominating for President of the Althouse commentariat. Liz Cheney on the ticket would struggle to win even 100 electoral votes.

You are are just fucking delusional, Chuck. Get some therapy. Or better yet, just fuck off and die already.

Tina Trent said...

Kinda puts pizzagate into perspective.

Big Mike said...

@Leland, thank you very much. The Hasbro CEO is predicting “headwinds” for the economy in 2024? That’s not good.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Liz Cheney(D) is part of the corrupt machine that keep the white left-right axis of power a-flush in funds.

She is a liar.

I dislike Trump's personality. I recoil at his poor language and speaking skills, and how he trashes anyone he sees as disloyal.... including voters. (which is stupid and self-defeating.)
Trump's broken promise to go after Hillary was by far the most self-defeating of all.

BUT I recognize fully that Trump actually cares about the nation, and he understands how to put America and Americans first.

Biden purposefully opened the southern border as a giant FU to Americans who want a sovereign nation of laws. Everything Biden does is an FU to every American (Except Liz Cheney, Jenn Rubin, Adam Schitt, Pelosi, Maddow, Hillary, Bill Kristol, NBC etc.. all frauds of the highest order)

We/normal Americans understand fully that the corrupt left will use any Maoist, Stalinist, & Putin-esque mob-tactic to destroy anyone who attempts to get in the way of their lust and demand and one-party mob-rule and complete domination. F the left - and F U Chuck.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cheney for president? Why? Because she hates Trump? She has no other qualifications - other that establishment grifter.

Chuck said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...

The main objection is that she is no longer a Republican in good standing with the voters, Chuck. If the GOP nominated her, she would struggle to get as many votes as John McCain got 15 years ago. It would be like nominating for President of the Althouse commentariat. Liz Cheney on the ticket would struggle to win even 100 electoral votes.

You could well be right. And my question would remain; “Why are all these Trump voters opposing her? The Trump thing isn’t much of a winner anymore. You win Republican primaries with Trumpism but that’s about it.

And of course the argument that “Trump just isn’t a winner anymore” is one of the weaker, lesser arguments. Secondary to all of the arguments about Trump being a fundamentally unfit criminal sociopath and authoritarian.

I won’t argue with Republicans who espouse Republican policies and who want quality candidates to champion those policies. I have issues with Republicans who place “Trump” above policy and winning. (In truth, I have issues with Republicans who even so much as accept Trump, but that it beside the point in this context, debating "What exactly is wrong with Liz Cheney?")

I am no longer accepting "Republicans" who claim that they like Trump "policies" even though Trump is personally objectionable. There is no "policy" imperative with Trump. What I see is a minority of Americans (historically Republican or not seems to be irrelevant) liking Trump precisely for who Trump is. They like the hate, and the illiteracy, and the low-grade culture warring. They would never go down the path of "Trump is the lesser of evils," or that they "would like Trump policies without Trump personal negatives." They LIKE the Trump personal negatives.

And that is a core problem with Trump-base voters. It isn't a Liz Cheney problem. And it isn't my problem. I'm not happy with many Democratic policy initiatives, but I am VERY happy voting for Biden over Trump. As Liz herself says, the country can easily survive 4, or 8, years of bad policy. The country could not survive 8 years of Trump or more particularly 4 years of unhinged, felonious, post-J6 Trump.

You want my vote? It shouldn't be hard. Nominate a solidly conservative Republican who does not shy away from calling out Trump on a personal basis.

Chuck said...

I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
Liz Cheney(D) is part of the corrupt machine that keep the white left-right axis of power a-flush in funds.

She is a liar.

Name it. Name the lie. And give me source-links.

Kakistocracy said...

The people talking about a Trump “dictatorship” in 2024 are the same resistance doomsayers who predicted a Trump “coup” in 2020….

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