December 8, 2023

Sunrise — 7:04, 7: 17, 7:20.

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Open thread in the comments... and please consider using the Althouse Portal to Amazon if you've got some shopping to do. You'll be sending a commission my way.


narciso said...

an explanation of events,

The rule of Lemnity said...

Matt Taibbi: Lying Was the Only Plan Biden, U.S. Ever Had in Ukraine

"After nearly two years of pretending "victory" was coming, the president and a senior advisor finally admit the reality of Ukraine's dilemma."

narciso said...

ham sandwich hold the mayo

narciso said...

what they really think

Big Mike said...

There’s a credible report that M. Elizabeth Magill, President of the University of Pennsylvania, is being asked to resign and will be gone by this time next week. We shall see.

Note to the pro-Palestinian protestors on the UPenn campus — M. Elizabeth Magill died for your sins. (Well, lost her job for them anyway)

The rule of Lemnity said...

A feel-good story via YouTube: To My Father | Documentary | Featuring Troy Kotsur

William50 said...

There is a case currently before the Supreme Court that could have severe consequences for middle income Americans. The case is Moore vs U.S. It concerns unrealized gains which could lead to a wealth tax. Some excerpts from the oral arguments (from Scotus Blog);

But much of the argument focused on concerns about the possible broader implications of the court’s ruling. Some of the court’s conservative justices worried that, as Grossman put it, a ruling for the government would “open the door to taxation of practically everything.” Justice Clarence Thomas asked whether Congress could tax an increase in the value of real estate, while Justice Neil Gorsuch asked about the possibility of a tax on retirement investment accounts, which millions of Americans hold.

Other justices, however, were more persuaded by Prelogar’s insistence that the scenarios raised by Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas were “hypotheticals that are unlikely ever to come to pass.” Congress, she explained, generally opts to impose taxes based on income that has actually been received because it is easiest from an administrative perspective. The justices should not rely on such “far-fetched” possibilities to invalidate critical portions of the tax code, she concluded.

Kavanaugh added that his colleagues’ hypotheticals were “far-fetched” because “members of Congress want to get reelected.”

Does anyone here actually believe that if Biden is re-elected and the Dems take the House and maintain control of the Senate that they would not pass a "wealth tax", re-election be damned, due to the massive debt the congress has run up?

How much is your house worth? Has the value gone up since you bought it? Got an art collection, coin collection or anything actually that has gone up in value since you bought it?

Humperdink said...

Defense attorneys typically tells their clients to keep quiet, as in, do not talk to the media, don't do interviews, do not appear on television commenting the case. The reason? It could be legal suicide. The client could say something that will be used be against them by the prosecutors.

So why do prosecutors and judges want to gag Trump? One would think they would encourage him to gab away. The reason is quite simple. Trump knows that judges will prevent any exculpatory evidence from being presented. So Trump will display this evidence every chance he gets. If the judge sustains verbal collateral damage in the process, so be it.

lonejustice said...

I learned something new today. Wisconsin (the state of our host) is the #1 producer of cranberries. Who would have known? I'm one of those people who usually just eat fresh cranberries at Thanksgiving, but now I also buy them dried and put them on salads, pork roasts, and other dishes. They are very healthy. I also know some really hard core alcoholics, who drink a mixture of 2 ounces of vodka with 2 ounces of cranberry juice. They drink it first thing in the morning and all day long. I don't recommend it, but most of them are still alive today, so maybe there are some health benefits that I am not aware of.

Rusty said...

"Other justices, however, were more persuaded by Prelogar’s insistence that the scenarios raised by Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas were “hypotheticals that are unlikely ever to come to pass.”"
Wanna bet? That's exactly what is going to happen.

Chuck said...

Humperdink said...
Defense attorneys typically tells their clients to keep quiet, as in, do not talk to the media, don't do interviews, do not appear on television commenting the case. The reason? It could be legal suicide. The client could say something that will be used be against them by the prosecutors.

So why do prosecutors and judges want to gag Trump? One would think they would encourage him to gab away. The reason is quite simple. Trump knows that judges will prevent any exculpatory evidence from being presented. So Trump will display this evidence every chance he gets. If the judge sustains verbal collateral damage in the process, so be it.

The prosecution requests have been made because what Trump has been doing, is going out of his way to threaten and demean court staff, prosecutors and witnesses. And Trump would like to do anything possible to use his position as giant figure in the press to "try" the parts of the case(s) that he likes in the media, pre-trial. Trump cares less than nothing about prejudicing every potential juror he can find. And finally, Trump loves the idea of just causing general procedural chaos as long as possible to delay any criminal trials as long as possible.

The gag order(s) are intended to avoid such results.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Matt Taibbi: Lying Was the Only Plan Biden, U.S. Ever Had in Ukraine

Biden doesn't care one fig about Ukraine. He just wants to keep certain Ukrainians out of Putin's hands. He does not want them spilling the beans about Burisma Holdings in the Russian press.

rehajm said...

For when family is here for Christmas he SO is making a Risk board with the countries where all the Hallmark princes are from. Aldovia, Belgravia and the rest.

Ignore the fact all the princes have military uniforms but their duchies have no armies…

The rule of Lemnity said...

Joe Rogan clip: What's happening in Canada is only a matter of time before it is implemented here

Do you trust the kids in our universities today to keep this beacon of freedom we call America alive and prosperous? It doesn't look good.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Our Democrat masters in the WA state legislature, notably my former Rep, Amy Walen, want to ban small gas-powered outdoor tools in favor of battery powered tools. I own both types for leaf blowers, lawn mowers, weed wackers and chain saws. They each have their place, the battery-powered for small jobs and the gas-powered for heavy jobs. But, Amy thinks I should pay $10K and spend a year in jail for using gas-powered tools after 2026.

Amy is a good little neobarbarian with delusions of fascist grandeur.

Barry Dauphin said...

“ Congress, she explained, generally opts to impose taxes based on income that has actually been received because it is easiest from an administrative perspective.”

Wait until AI makes everything easy from an in administrative perspective. Just think of all the taxes that could be imposed.

The Crack Emcee said...

Lem the artificially intelligent said...
Matt Taibbi: Lying Was the Only Plan Biden, U.S. Ever Had in Ukraine

"After nearly two years of pretending "victory" was coming, the president and a senior advisor finally admit the reality of Ukraine's dilemma."


The rule of Lemnity said...

XTwitter might just bring back the most censored man in America.

Rocco said...

William50 said...
"The case is Moore vs U.S. It concerns unrealized gains which could lead to a wealth tax."

Over a decade ago, there was was a case involving an inheritance tax over a piece of art called "Canyon". Since the piece included a stuffed bald eagle, it was illegal to sell it. Its fair market value is $0. That didn't stop the IRS from valuating it at $65m and demanding $40m in taxes from the heirs.

In the end, the heirs donated it to a museum and the case was dropped.

The Crack Emcee said...

Firing Mark Lamont Hill was a statement. I saw Norman Finkelstein silence Piers Morgan, so I know why more outlets don't have the likes of them on - they've said they'll debate anyone, and Finkelstein openly challenged Ben Shapiro and Douglass Murray - but still no takers. There's more like them, like Ilan Pappé, but mainstream news outlets seem to be, quite obviously, avoiding them. Piers Morgan, at least, gets credit for his bravery.

Here's Finklestein and Cornel West, talking Democrat election strategy at the Comedy Cellar, where West got a big laugh on the subject of courage at the right's expense.

Mutaman said...

Missouri Republicans are proposing murder charges for women who get abortions

gadfly said...

Cranberries are grown on 21,000 acres across 20 counties in Wisconsin. The sand and peat marshes in central and northern Wisconsin create the perfect growing conditions for cranberries.

During the early 1890s, the center of the Wisconsin cranberry industry shifted to the Cranmoor area, just west of Wisconsin Rapids. Later developments occurred in the Black River Falls, Warrens, and Tomah areas, followed by cranberry farms in northern Wisconsin, primarily around Manitowish Waters, Eagle River, Spooner, and Hayward.

But take the tasty farm-sponsored tours because cranberry bogs are usually deeper than they appear to trespassers.

Another unusual Wisconsin farm product is ginseng root grown in Marathon County and sold to Chinese companies located in the Wausau area (at monstrous profits) but the growing is complex, eventually depleting nutrition from the soil.

Kate said...

I didn't watch the debate. The questions are stupid and the arguments are boring.

However, I now see that Haley claims Vivek is a misogynist because he attacked her. She's the rising candidate. Strategically, they should all go after her.

Luckily, there's no chance she'll be the nominee. She's so sly she gives me the heebie jeebies.

wendybar said...

"Receiving cancer treatment to extend one’s life is not going against God’s will. Butchering an unborn baby out of convenience was. If one received treatment and still passed away, that’s God’s will. Haines’s comments also betrayed her profound ignorance of the pro-life approach to end-of-life care and being opposed to medically assisted suicide, which is a closer analogy to abortion."

Ignorance is bliss, and the most ignorant people on tv, are on The View. ABC news should be embarrassed to carry that show under the news division, but like Georgie Steph....they don't care that they spew lies and hate.

wendybar said...

"Last night, I watched a documentary about the Gestapo. It occurred to me that it used the same tactics as the bumbling joke that currently occupies the Bully Pulpit and his minions. I did some research to substantiate my thoughts."

Mutaman said...

Trump's expert in his NY Civil case testified that he was paid $877,500 for his expert testimony in this case — charging $1,350 per hour for about 650 hours of work. 650 hours ???

The rule of Lemnity said...

Fellow AI Grok was tasked with writing a number rattled off by president Biden in a speech,and the number was so large Grok got stuck again. Check for yourselves 😉

I don’t think even I could count that high.

iowan2 said...

And Trump would like to do anything possible to use his position as giant figure in the press to "try" the parts of the case(s) that he likes in the media, pre-trial.

Because we all learned in civics class, that only the govt has to power to "try" the case in public by leaking evidence, and leaking narrative material to the compliant press.

Free speech is real and important.

Mark said...

Ken Paxton and the Texas Supreme Court just laid bare how little Right to Life folks really care about the life of the mother.

Thankful for GOP ideologues doubling down on Democrats most successful election issue.

Humperdink said...

Re: The Trump gag order.

Chuck responded: " Trump has been doing, is going out of his way to threaten and demean court staff, prosecutors and witnesses. And Trump would like to do anything possible to use his position as giant figure in the press to "try" the parts of the case(s) that he likes in the media, pre-trial. Trump cares less than nothing about prejudicing every potential juror he can find."

Demean the persecutors ... er ... prosecutors? Are you referring to the fact that prosecutor Jack Smith married Katy Chevigny,a documentary filmmaker known for fawning 2020 documentary about Michelle Obama. Or persecutor Fanni Willis colluding with the fraudulent Jan 6 committee? Or Trump to responding to selective leaks by the prosecutors so as to influence future jurors.

Keep talking Trump.

Leland said...


Does anyone trust THEM on Israel? I don't think so.

wildswan said...

Before the Israel-Hamas war began, both Israel and Hamas put a lot of steel and concrete into building bomb shelters. The Israeli bomb shelters are accessible to civilians and have protected them against over 10,000 Gazan rockets fired into Israeli civilian areas. The entrances to Hamas' bomb shelters, the hundreds of miles of tunnels, are close to civilian sites such as schools, playgrounds and residences but are only accessible to Hamas. Moreover, the Gaza tunnels are used by Hamas as escape routes after firing on Israeli soldiers so that Hamas deliberately plans its attacks in such a way as to attract Israeli return fire into civilian areas. These differences lead to differences in civilian casualty rates which are high in Gaza which keeps civilians out of the hundreds of miles of tunnel shelters which it built for Hamas only and low in Israel which has clearly marked paths to its civilian-accessible bomb shelters.
And we shouldn't forget that when Gaza was inside Israel at the beginning of the war its intention was to surprise and massacre all the civilians in 20 communities near Gaza. One reason the massacre failed to kill all the civilians as intended was that the steel and concrete Israeli bomb shelters inside kibbutz homes slowed down the Gazan attack until the IDF managed to regroup.
Ignoring these differences and their implications is necessary to those defending Hamas. Self-blinding oneself to reality and antisemitism go together.

Humperdink said...

On the bright side Chuck, the current President's staff has issued a gag order on him regarding charges against his business associate. That would be Hunter Biden. You may not have heard of him if your reading materials are limited to the WaPoo or the NYTimes.

The Crack Emcee said...

wildswan said...

"Before the Israel-Hamas war began,..."

Zionists were throwing their weight around by bombing the place. Chris Hedges says a racist fascism has always been a part of Zionism, and he should know (having reported from Gaza for years) so why don't their supporters address that, rather than lying to everybody? It's all these lies (and murder, of course) that makes people distrust and dislike them so vehemently.

The Crack Emcee said...

wildswan said...

"Before the Israel-Hamas war began,..."

Zionists were throwing their weight around by bombing the place. Chris Hedges says a racist fascism has always been a part of Zionism, and he should know (having reported from Gaza for years) so why don't their supporters address that, rather than lying to everybody? It's all these lies (and murder, of course) that makes people distrust and dislike them so vehemently.

Mr. Forward said...

Blogger Lem the artificially intelligent said...
"Fellow AI Grok..."

Almost every time AI is mentioned I read it as AL, now I have "Fellow Al Grok" stuck in my head which sounds like the ideal wingman to go drinking and chasing women. Not the smartest guy in the room but good at trivia and starting conversations.

Drago said...

Mutaman: "Trump's expert in his NY Civil case testified that he was paid $877,500 for his expert testimony in this case — charging $1,350 per hour for about 650 hours of work. 650 hours ???"



Here's some key info Mutaman left "accident" no doubt, he Mutaman?...

"The NYU professor, whose research centers on financial reporting, equity valuation and executive compensation, has appeared in court to deliver expert testimony more than a dozen times, including for the federal government."

Gee, a highly regarded complex real estate accounting expert witness used by state, federal and citizen clients in over a dozen cases in a high priced (per hour) locale and charges a standard rate for his services sounds pretty reputable.

Naturally, now that this guys testimony has further sunk the corrupted case against Trump, he too will be targeted.

The Crack Emcee said...

I, for one, do not need any help grasping religion does NOT make the world a better place.

Popular New Hampshire pastor Jarrett Booker, 37, kills himself two days after he was fired for 'sexually abusing minors'

You might as well have said Jews in Israel are killing kids,...

The Crack Emcee said...

US vetoes UN resolution backed by many nations demanding immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza

Remember this, when this massacre goes sideways,....

The Crack Emcee said...

ADD Hunter Biden says Republicans are trying to KILL him in podcast with Moby TO Hunter Biden and wife Melissa are spotted visiting church AND YOU GET:


The Crack Emcee said...

REPUBLICAN WOMEN ARE GETTING FRISKY: Nancy Mace and her entrepreneur fiancé Patrick Byrant split after 18 months - as staff quit her office and she's accused of discussing her sex life with aides

MadTownGuy said...

From NE Wisconsin State Representative Joel Kitchens:

Baby Box Bill Now Law

Wisconsin will join at least 14 other states that have an anonymous 24-hour, 7-day-a-week drop-off site for newborns. On Wednesday, Governor Evers signed Senate Bill 369 into law, which I co-authored.

After a baby was left in a field in Whitewater, I was approached by three doctors from Door County Medical Center, who wanted to prevent another tragedy. Before the new law, a parent may drop off a newborn to a law enforcement officer, EMT, or hospital staff member anonymously, with no questions asked.

While the original law was well-intentioned, having to face someone in person might discourage someone from using this option. In small towns, there can be a fear that someone will find out.

Fourteen states, including Iowa and Indiana, allow what is essentially a drop box for newborns. The baby boxes are attached to a hospital or fire department that is staffed 24-7. They have a silent alarm to alert medical professionals when a child is placed inside. The box is temperature-controlled and provides a 24-7 safe place for the child until help arrives. Both houses of the legislature unanimously approved the bill.

Being a parent in ideal circumstances is tough. For some in rough situations, it can feel impossible. If a parent finds themselves in a hopeless situation with nowhere to turn, the child could be in danger. Now, parents in Wisconsin may have an anonymous and safe way to turn over custody of their child. If a baby box saves one child, it's worth the investment.

Good going, and props to Gov. Events for signing the bill.

Jersey Fled said...

“Our Democrat masters in the WA state legislature, notably my former Rep, Amy Walen, want to ban small gas-powered outdoor tools in favor of battery powered tools”

They also don’t want you to cut your grass or trim your bushes, so it all works out.

The Crack Emcee said...

Dave Begley: Secret to long, healthy life — is regularly visiting museums?

The Crack Emcee said...

REPUBLICAN WOMEN ARE GETTING FRISKY: Lauren Boebert spent campaign funds to see boyfriend in bike race

The Crack Emcee said...

MR. CRYSTAL ENERGY: Eric Adams now New York City's least-popular mayor in polling history

Mutaman said...

Drago said...

Mutaman: "Trump's expert in his NY Civil case testified that he was paid $877,500 for his expert testimony in this case — charging $1,350 per hour for about 650 hours of work. 650 hours ???"

"and charges a standard rate"

$1,350 per hour for about 650 hours of work? A standard rate? And you morons paid for it. 650 hours ???

The Crack Emcee said...

“Israel Will Suffer A BIBLICAL Defeat!” Says Colin Powell’s Chief Of Staff

Drago said...

Mutaman: "$1,350 per hour for about 650 hours of work? A standard rate? And you morons paid for it. 650 hours ???"

Note to self: add "market rates" and concepts like "what the market will bear" to the very long list of items that Mutaman does not understand.

Interestingly, in 2023 attorney hourly rates also ranged from $300 to $2500 as well.

These sorts of things confuse Mutaman.

A couple examples:
$1,965 per hour per hour was charged by attorney Bryce Friedman of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett according to Bloomberg.
$1,950 per hour was charged by David Boies of Boies Schiller Flexner LLP according to Reuters.

Thanks for playing Mutaman! Always amusing!

Drago said...

Hamas Fanboy Crack: “Israel Will Suffer A BIBLICAL Defeat!” Says Colin Powell’s Chief Of Staff"

I'm sorry. I couldnt hear you over the noise from the collapsing Hamas cowards efforts and mass surrenders.

Do you have any other amazing and wondrous crystal ball predictions to share as your child murdering friends crawl out of their hidey-holes?

Mutaman said...

Drago said...

"Note to self: add "market rates" and concepts like "what the market will bear" to the very long list of items that Mutaman does not understand."

Its not the hourly rate so much Sparky, as it is the claim that he spent 650 hours preparing. Get serious! By the way, the state's expert charges less than half of what Trump's expert charged.

"Another expert witness for the defense, Frederick Chin, who testified earlier in the week on real estate valuation, admitted that he billed $850 per hour for 1,000 hours of work, totaling $850,000. The state's only expert witness, Michael McCarty, acknowledged that he was paid a rate of $950 per hour, but worked far fewer hours, estimating that he made about $350,000 for his testimony."

Hey, as long as you geniuses want to keep paying Trump for this , fine by me.