December 29, 2023

"Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) struck down a bill that would have banned gender-affirming care for minors..."

"... preserving such care for residents beyond his state as well, because families of transgender youths who live in states with bans have been traveling to Ohio for treatment.... Ohio’s Saving Adolescents From Experimentation Act, or SAFE Act, would have prohibited hormone therapy, puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery for people under 18. The measure also would have prohibited transgender girls from playing on sports teams designated for girls and women in high school and college.... While minors who are already receiving gender-affirming care would’ve been allowed to continue, other parents 'would be criminals, if they seek care for their child after the bill becomes effective. It’s crazy,' [said one father of a transgender child]...."

WaPo reports.

DeWine defended his veto in pro-life terms: "Ultimately I believe this is about protecting human life.... Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today, if they had not received the treatment they received from one of Ohio’s children’s hospitals."


Michael Fitzgerald said...

What would they not have survived, a hysteria, a mental illness?

Levi Starks said...

I recently read a story which stated in so many words that the medical malpractice insurance industry would be imposing some gender affirming care restrictions of its own.

rcocean said...

Always trust GOPe to stab conservatives in the back. But then, the Cons deserve it. They CONSTANTLY want to back the "respectable" establishment candidate who tells them sweet nothings on the campaign trail.

They don't want to vote for the "rude" "extreme" Rightwing candidate who will actually put their beliefs in practice. Result: they get played again and again.

DeWine vetoed the bill because he's been paid off by the Big Donors who wanted it. This isn't going to gain him any popularity with any average person. They either don't care, or they supported the bill.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Wonder what the Intel community got on him while he was in DC? Republicans governing as leftists. How does this keep happening?

hawkeyedjb said...

Why do they call it "gender affirming" when it is gender negating?

Trollinator1000 said...

It’s crazy,' [said one father of a transgender child]...."

You don't have a transgender child. There is no such thing. You have a child afflicted with a social-contagion and a mild psychological problem that will likely work itself out if you just let it.

Maybe let your child play dress-up for a few years before you decide to mutilate them and rob them of sexual gratification in perpetuity before it's too late, genius.

rcocean said...

BTW, DeWine is the same Govenernor who REFUSED to ask FEMA to declare East Palestine a disaster area and seek federal aide. He kept giving excuses and supported the RR's side. IRC, he eventually did ask for Federal aid but only after he was literally forced to by political pressure.

That's what you get with GOPe. Always with the Big Donors. NEVER Their own voters.

Iman said...

Opposing sex change operations for minors is doing God’s Work! When they say “gender-affirming” in lieu of “sex change”, they are putting lipstick on the boar/sow.

Joe Smith said...

Love how they describe it as 'Care.'

Fucking monsters.

Mengele smiles...

ga6 said...

" Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today, "

How many Mike?

Lilly, a dog said...

Holly came from Miami, F.L.A.
Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.
Plucked her eyebrows on the way
Shaved her legs and then he was a she
Said, "Hey, honey
Take a walk on the wild side"

And Mike DeWine goes
"Doo do doo do doo do do doo..."

Temujin said...

Not surprising. DeWine is such a RINO weasel.
I mean...he's such a centrist.
For those in Ohio, I would wonder aloud when my daughter misses out on the volleyball scholarship because some 6'2" 195 lb. dude who feels like a woman got it instead.

Oh...and apparently the actual science on experimenting with kids hormones and genders has not reached Columbus.

When Ideology Corrupts Medicine.

Triggernometry: How the Transgender Movement Happened.

Kevin said...

DeWine: “You can change, ah, anything in this general area right in here. Anything below the neck and on this side of the groin. Anything between the developing breasts and the pre-puberty penis. Anything in this three feet. Right in here, this area, that includes the Chiclets but not the erasers.”

Kevin said...

Next up, pro-life DeWine bans firearms because people use them to commit suicide.

Leland said...

I think if the bill put a ban against sterilization of homosexuals under 18, then that might get the point across.

Real American said...

what a dolt! No one's life is saved by giving them unnecessary surgery, drugs, and playing along with their delusions.

MayBee said...

From now on, we just need to threaten mass suicide to get the laws passed that we want.

Darkisland said...

Has there ever been a case of suicide by a child denied surhery/drugs?

We keep hearing the claim. Where is the evidence?

John Henry

MayBee said...

I actually don't have one feeling or another about this bill or the passing of it or veto of it.

But this:
Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today, if they had not received the treatment they received from one of Ohio’s children’s hospitals."

Is emotional blackmail, not science or medicine.

JAORE said...

"Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today, if they had not received the treatment they received from one of Ohio’s children’s hospitals."

Follow the science - - OUT

Follow the anecdote - - IN

MB said...

"Many parents..."

Sounds like anecdotal evidence.

Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. Parents whose children have undergone this treatment have an interest in believing they did not have a mutilating surgery performed on their child for a condition they may have outgrown, if the parent had only waited.

Ampersand said...

I recall that, growing up in the 1960's, many of my adolescent peers turned to suicide because they couldn't access gender affirming care.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Boy that really depends on a highly elastic definition of “care” to make sense. I think adulthood or emancipated minor status would be the reasonable compromise. But I have not been convinced DeWine is reasonable based on his record. He comes off as a wishy washy panderer to me. This is more of the same. I don’t think allowing sick parents (see yesterday’s Gypsy post) to have their children permanently mutilated is in any sense pro-life or “affirming” at all. Who will stand up for letting kids be kids until they grow up? That’s the “pro-life” position.

Can’t tell you how many tomboys from my neighborhood grew up to be perfectly normal and feminine women but the ones I stayed in contact with are 100%. Like anorexia this is a “fad disease” social contagion that will run its course but unlike prior mass hysterias the “adults” and “professional caregivers” are giving in to the disease and encouraging children to starve themselves. It’s the most mass of any modern mass hysteria.

Jim Gust said...

Bizarre, disappointing, but not surprising.

n.n said...

Sexism... genderism?, mutilation, and psychiatric pride, trans/sim experiments progress with Levine's dreams of Herr Mengele, and contrary to clinical evidence.

Static Ping said...

Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today...

That is one of the most stupid justifications I have ever heard for anything. So, if we can find a plural number of parents that said their child would be dead if not for X, then X is good. If I went into a detailed analysis of this justification, Ann would ban me for spamming her blog.

Abdul Abulbul Amir said...

Follow the money. The genital mutilation service providers are virtually all Dem supporters.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Again, Conservatives and Republicans should be standing up for the rights of girls to keep girls sports safe from boys in the locker rooms and the field of play. We should be standing up for all children to grow to maturity and majority age before any permanent changes are allowed or imposed upon them. We should fight hard to stop the sexualization of children by our institutions just like we would prosecute a parent or teacher or any adult who has sex with children, including any “story hour” hosted by sexual fetishists who want to be in “character” in public.

This is a huge red line that the freaks and weirdos of the progressive movement are trying to push America across. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation or with normal childhood development. We need strong leadership in our institutions to overcome the trans lobby and their war on children. Purge them from medical schools and teaching and counseling professions. It is a sexual revolution that relies on recruiting (mostly other) people’s children and it needs to be stopped.

Obviously governor DeWine is not on the side of protecting children, even though he paid lip service to the concept.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"First do no harm" was predicated on the fact that we know precious little.

"Gender-affirming care for minors" is euphemism for something that might not be what it claims, but we don't want to hear it, because it isn't nice.

YouTube: Words That Hide the Truth

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

What the hell ever happened to “First do no harm”?

Mark said...

"Who will stand up for letting kids be kids until they grow up?"

16 year olds can consent to having sex with each other ... sounds like 'grown up' must be occurring well before 18, then.

Kakistocracy said...

It's nice to see a leader consider alternative view points that may go against their party's modus operandi and govern based on their own assessment of the facts and the situation. I find this very encouraging.

Kevin said...

Godfather 2024

Luca Brasi : Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your home on the wedding day of your daughter. And may their first child be a masculine child. And without gender dysphoria. And if there is gender dysphoria, may their first child be a feminine child, such that it eventually transitions to a masculine child. There, I think I got all that right.

Jupiter said...

At least, that's what the criminal charlatans who mutilated their unfortunate children told them. There isn't a tree high enough to hang those bastards.

Of course, having allowed their children to be mutilated, they are now psychically invested in believing that they did the right thing, and any other course would only have made things worse. No tree will ever grow that tall.

tommyesq said...

Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today, if they had not received the treatment they received from one of Ohio’s children’s hospitals.

"Parents," or "people put up to contacting him by one Soros-funded group or another?"

Gk1 said...

Insurance underwriters are the only adults left in this country. They can see this trainwreck of litigation a mile off even if the dimwits at the hospital can't.

Not surprising a republican squish would cave, that's what they do.

Just create laws that won't let doctors and hospitals off the hook for mutilating kids and it will fix itself.

MadTownGuy said...

Nearly 50 Children Went Missing In Cleveland In September, Leaving Cops Confused Over “Extraordinary Surge” In Disappearances

Over 1,000 minors reported missing by Cleveland this year, including almost 50 kids this month

Cleveland Clinic: Gender Affirmation Surgery

"All gender-affirming surgeries are major procedures. There are several steps involved and healthcare providers you’ll likely meet with, including your primary care provider, a mental health specialist and a surgeon. Assembling the right care team makes all the difference when it comes to your surgery results and your care experience.

Research the providers you choose carefully. Pick a mental health professional with expertise in treating transgender and gender-diverse people. Find a surgeon with several years of experience performing the surgery you want. Ask about their track record of achieving positive results. This may be one of the most important procedures of your life. Choose a team that can deliver the best possible care.

Pardon me while I adjust my tinfoil hat, but it seems too coincidental.

Yancey Ward said...

Whatever, Rich. Yeesh!

JK Brown said...

Scott Adams pointed out it looks like insurance is taking care of this issue. Not health insurance, malpractice. Just take one or two significant claims by children damaged while underage by a doctor or hospital and they'll put down their scalpels. Go after the social workers, teachers and psychologist as well. Put them all in the poor house for their evil against those who were only confused. The few they might have prevented from suicide won't be coming to pay their bills.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Despite signing up for the Aetna plan that doesn't require pre-authorization for many things our "providers" at a world-renowned highly advanced medical teaching university routinely force us to get unnecessary primary care visits and jump through other hoops just to get what are standard procedures for people transitioning from middle aged to elder.

But if you are transitioning from one sex to another (which is chemically and biologically impossible) you just get chaperoned through the irreversible "gender care" surgery suite? Several parents are suing California right now for schools that started hormone treatments on children as young as 11 without parental consent based on one ten-minute psyche consult that the schools arranged. This is quickly becoming a snowball of a runaway train and needs to be stopped now.

It's no wonder kids can't read, write do math or tell time on an analog clock (which every classroom still has!) with all the time they spend on social justice and gender mythology. As a former teacher I am horrified at what my profession has morphed into in California. (I taught in the same district Gahrie did*, among others.)

*I have written extensively about how I was shocked at the open law-breaking by the California Teachers Association way back in the 1990s in Fontana. Such as using the fax network to spread campaign materials from Sacramento to every school and then distribute flyers in Spanish to the Hispanic children to take home and show their parents why they had to vote against George HW Bush. The examples are legion. Even then, almost every teacher I knew had their own children in private/parochial schools. Maybe two didn't.

n.n said...

What the hell ever happened to “First do no harm”?

Planned Parenthood: human rites, clinical cannibalism, and eugenics. Also, single care, monopolistic disbursements, political congruence, and social progress: casting couches, friends with "benefits", not rape-rape, take a knee, diversity in blocs, etc.

Birches said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left want a confused and angry mob of hive-minded they/them loyalists.
you will obey.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"gender-affirming care "

A Marxist phrase on parade.

Dr Weevil said...

Over at QuodVerum, 'YoungBlood' wrote:

"The Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation, or SAFE Act, was passed with a 70% majority in the state House and a 75% majority in the state Senate. This signals that conservatives in the legislature may be able to override the governor's veto.


walter said...

Continue the experiment. Chop chop!

walter said...

" Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today, if they had not received the treatment "
And someone told the parents that.

Oligonicella said...

Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today, if they had not received the treatment they received from one of Ohio’s children’s hospitals.

An obvious omission is if those treatments were GAC. A second being, "What, no cite, no stats?". A third is that people's projections of what would have happened in the future are notoriously bad sources.

Robert Marshall said...

The margins by which this bill passed each of the two Ohio legislative chambers was way beyond what is required to override the veto, so this is probably a temporary setback for the forces of sanity.

So if you're an Ohio parent who wants to sterilize your child and render them sexually non-functional and drug-dependent for life, you better get going on that soon.

Oligonicella said...

That slippery slope milepost postings I put up a while ago? We're in the "crashing into the bottom" stage right now. What will happen is either a pile-drive into the hard pack or a rebound up and away from the slope.

I recall when I posted similar views a decade ago being brushed off by some. Well... ITYS.

Jim at said...

Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today, if they had not received the treatment they received from one of Ohio’s children’s hospitals.

Bullshit. On every level.

Rocco said...

Rich said...
"It's nice to see a leader consider alternative view points that may go against their party's modus operandi and govern based on their own assessment of the facts and the situation. I find this very encouraging."

I agree. But enough about what John Fetterman's been doing lately. This is a thread about Mike Dewine.

BUMBLE BEE said...

First... Do no harm.

We'll never see the suicides attributed to the mutilations. Such events never to be recorded much less seen.
As I have posted here before, I have a gay acquaintance who tries to counsel trannies. He tells me they're deeply and tragically fucked up people psychologically.

wendybar said...

Riley Gaines

Who needs democrats when you have people like @GovMikeDeWine as part of the @GOP?

Big Mike said...

DeWine fell for the shtick that people who make great deal of money from transition surgeries like to lay on the parents so that said parents can be guilt-tripped into agreeing to irreversible surgeries for their child. As it happens, this issue is addressed in a recent paper published by a retired plastic surgeon and former Congressman. One key finding:

"One Danish transgender study looked at 3,759 patients. There were 92 suicide attempts and 12 were successful, or 0.3 per cent. Certainly not the high rates suggested by gender doctors. Furthermore, Dr. Constantion found that it is not known if transition surgery lowers the 0.3 percent rate. What is known is that transgender patients have six times more psychiatric co-morbidities and ACEs than do non transgender patients. We don’t know if those counted were receiving hormonal or surgical treatment, whether suicide attempts or successes occurred before or after treatment and even what percentage had concomitant mental health diagnoses. It is data like this that has caused several European countries to put a pause of most transgender surgery in minors." [My emphasis]

What will hopefully bring an end to these surgeries will be detransitioners suing the socks off doctors who perform these surgeries. Sue a few into pauperdom and the practice will stop abruptly.

Ambrose said...

He did not strike it down, he vetoed it. Courts strike laws down, not governors. Is it too much to expect journalists to understand basic civics?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"gender affirming care"

follow the money. There's a greedy leftist neo-Marzist a-hole in there somewhere.

n.n said...

So if you're an Ohio parent who wants to sterilize your child and render them sexually non-functional and drug-dependent for life, you better get going on that soon.

The "burden"... uh, burden, of moving to a state with an established Pro-Choice... ethical religion in order to realize Levine's dreams of Herr Mengele... Hamas, too. Forward!

Drago said...

Big Mike: "DeWine fell for the shtick that people who make great deal of money from transition surgeries like to lay on the parents so that said parents can be guilt-tripped into agreeing to irreversible surgeries for their child."

DeWine did not "fall for the schtick".

Like the rest of the GOPe he's simply on the other side and his wiffle-waffle language is meant to provide cover for his Republican Failure Theater schtick.

Cappy said...

I'm an Ohioan, voted for DeWine. I am disappointed.

hombre said...

"Many parents have told me that their child would not have survived, would be dead today, if they had not received the treatment they received from one of Ohio’s children’s hospitals."

And they know this how, Gov. Mike? Munchausen by Proxy for neurotic lefties?

Future lawsuits against the medical establishment by exploited, injured children will resolve this nonsense. Meanwhile, follow the money.

hombre said...

Mark: "16 year olds can consent to having sex with each other ... sounds like 'grown up' must be occurring well before 18, then."

We have suspected that for the left nearly everything is about "having sex" in one form or another, but is that the measure of growing up or just a primal urge?

Gender is a burning issue for people who vote their genitals.

Stick said...

How can anyone agree with this? Get them mental help. Gender dysphoria is an illness affecting only 1/10 of 1% of the population. Kids transitioning has gone up over 1000% in the USA only. It IS a social construct.

Tom Hunter said...

Why do they call it "gender affirming" when it is gender negating?

Basic language propaganda; "War is Peace" and all that, but more subtle for our psychological age where nobody wants to be or be seen as "negative".

So "pro-life" instead of anti-abortion; also "pro-choice", which is the "pro-States Rights" version of the abortion advocacy lobby; "gender-affirming" when it's really negating a gender. And so forth.

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