December 5, 2023

"I've thought a lot about what will happen to Tyler. It seems inevitable that less scrupulous people than the 'This American Life' team will find him..."

"... and want to use him for purposes that he may not competently evaluate. He's a young man and — you won't learn this listening to the podcast — unusually good looking. I can't believe there won't be offers to participate in filming a reality show. Wouldn't people love to see that house he's built out of scraps and wisteria vines and a horse trough? Wouldn't people love to hear him talk with Uncle Jimmy shouting 'Goddam right!' and 'Yes suh!' in the background? What is 'This American Life' doing to protect him? What can they do? What should they do?"

I wrote on April 1, 2017, in a post about the brilliant podcast "S-Town" ("Shit-town").

I'm reading that this afternoon because I see the NYT headline "Tyler Goodson of ‘S-Town’ Podcast Is Shot Dead in Police Standoff/Mr. Goodson, who had been featured in the investigative podcast set in the town of Woodstock, Ala., 'brandished a gun at officers' before he was fatally shot, the authorities said."

The police responded to a call after midnight on Sunday at a home in Woodstock, where they found that Mr. Goodson had barricaded himself inside.... A standoff followed between Mr. Goodson and law enforcement officials from several agencies, during which Mr. Goodson “brandished a gun at officers,” the agency said. Mr. Goodson, 32, was shot, and was later pronounced dead....

Here's another post of mine about Goodson, from May 10, 2018, quoting "'It’s the Same Old Sh*t Town': Tyler Goodson Explains How S-Town Changed His Life/One year and nearly 80 million downloads later, Tyler Goodson discusses life after a podcast" (Esquire).


rhhardin said...

It matters how long it would take to aim and fire from the "brandish" position. Cops aren't required to be the second to fire, but they are expected to command put the gun down if possible.

PrimoStL said...

Police and sheriffs in the South have a very low tolerance for non-conformity and especially non-conformists to generate bad PR. South of Mason-Dixon you do not want to get on local law enforcement's bad side. They have tons of ways to screw you, and they have no problem with waiting.

Jake said...

I listened to S-Town. It appealed to people that haven't spent time in dive bars.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

I remember that podcast. Should have been called "Rednecks in the Mist".

Joe Smith said...

Just Google imaged him.

If he's 'unusually good looking' then I am the reincarnation of Tyrone Power.

Chris-2-4 said...

"It seems inevitable that less scrupulous people than the 'This American Life' team will find him..."

"...shot dead in police standoff..."

When you're right, you're right.

“Bad Genes” said...

Brandishing a handgun at the police will normally end badly for you.

re Pete said...

“Not us,” says the angry crowd

Whose screams filled the arena loud

“It’s too bad he died that night

But we just like to see a fight

We didn’t mean for him t’ meet his death

We just meant to see some sweat

There ain’t nothing wrong in that

It wasn’t us that made him fall

No, you can’t blame us at all”

The rule of Lemnity said...

Every interaction I can remember having with police, traffic offence and others more consequential, resistance has always crossed my mind. Sanity always prevailed, I'm glad to say. If I'm like most people, and maybe I'm not, the instinct to resist seems to always lurk in these types of situations. It must go back to the time we came down from the trees, or maybe even before then.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Then there's also something about Alabama.

Like Rh said awhile back. Nobody stops for the police in Alabama. 😂

Jupiter said...

"The police responded to a call after midnight on Sunday at a home in Woodstock, where they found that Mr. Goodson had barricaded himself inside...."

If the police came to your house after midnight, would they find the door standing wide open? Or would you be barricaded inside?

Ann Althouse said...

"Just Google imaged him..."

I hope you found a 2017 image. I would think the last 6 years of his life changed his appearance.

Ann Althouse said...

Here is the photo I was probably looking at when I said he was unusually good looking.

Joe Bar said...

I remember reading about this podcast. I did not listen, not my cup of tea.

I also remember thinking to steer way clear of that area, and that guy.

Sad he died that way, but he chose it.

Rocco said...

Joe Smith said...
"Just Google imaged [Tyler Goodson]. If he's 'unusually good looking' then I am the reincarnation of Tyrone Power."

Gwyneth Paltrow was once named People's sexiest woman alive, too. I do not get either of those things.

Ann Althouse said...
"Here is the photo I was probably looking at when I said he was unusually good looking."

Reasonably good looking, sure. But not out of the ordinary.

Tyrone Power said...
"If he's 'unusually good looking' then I am the reincarnation of Tyrone Power."

I hear ya.
- Rudy Valentino

Rocco said...

Rich said...
"Brandishing a handgun at the police will normally end badly for you."

S-Town Lives Matter! S-Town Lives Matter!

Joe Smith said...

"Here is the photo I was probably looking at when I said he was unusually good looking."

That is either pretty average or you have a type.

Joe Smith said...

'Gwyneth Paltrow was once named People's sexiest woman alive, too. I do not get either of those things.'

Back in the day she had killer legs...

The Crack Emcee said...

Joe Smith said...
'Gwyneth Paltrow was once named People's sexiest woman alive, too. I do not get either of those things.'

Back in the day she had killer legs...

They say the same thing about those sticks Meghan Markle walks on,...

Bunkypotatohead said...

"The police responded to a call after midnight on Sunday at a home in Woodstock"

Who called? What was the complaint? The article makes it sound as though he called the cops on himself for being barricaded.

M Jordan said...

I listened to this podcast … might’ve been the first podcast I ever listened to. All I remember about it is I grew to dislike all the characters and suspected one of them was gay (can’t remember which).

I think.

lonejustice said...

Fascinating podcast. Somehow I missed your 2017 post about the series. Just finished episode one and look forward to hearing the rest.

farmgirl said...

People can have magnetism w/out being extraordinarily fine.
He lets his soul show a little in that photo, Althouse. That gives him the extraordinary.

May the Angels be his guide…