December 7, 2023

"If you’re skeptical, consider... How many times did you see a photo of her while scrolling on your phone?... Did you double-tap an Instagram post..."

"... or laugh at a tweet, or click on a headline about her? Did you find yourself humming 'Cruel Summer' while waiting in line at the grocery store? Did a friend confess that they watched clips of the Eras Tour night after night on TikTok? Or did you?"

TIME magazine pleads inanely in support of its choice for "Person of the Year."

There are always pop culture stars. You can always select the most outstanding musical performer. But Time has never chosen an artist of any kind as "Person of the Year." Not The Beatles. Not Andy Warhol. Not J.K. Rowling. Not anyone in the arts, popular or lofty.

I'm not counting those who were in groups that were recognized for something other than artistry. Swift herself was included in "The Silence Breakers" in 2017. And Bono was included in "The Good Samaritans" in 2005. I mean, I've been included — in "You" (2006), "The American Woman" (1975), and "The Inheritor" (1966).

The only interesting question in this selection of Taylor Swift is not how many times did I, while scrolling, see her photograph but why did Time pass up all the world leaders and political contenders this time around? I'm thinking they're either mediocre or they're extraordinary people whom Time wishes would just disappear.

ADDED: "Never have the young been left more completely to their own devices. No adult can or will tell them what earlier generations were told: this is God, that is Good, this is Art, that is Not Done." — That was Time, in 1966, talking 'bout my generation.


ceowens said...

Well, I do not scroll on my phone. No is the answer to the remaining questions.

Earnest Prole said...

Finally, after all these years, an artist bigger than Jesus.

Gusty Winds said...

Time and Democrats are propping Taylor Swift up like they did Greta Thunberg. Taylor will not become a propaganda tool. She'll probably even sing at the Democrat convention like Fleetwood Mac did for Clinton in 1992.

Her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, is going 'vaccine' commercials for Pfizer. You know, get your poison booster because Travis Kelce said so.

There is a photo on X of Taylor holding a batch of "Biden 2020" decorated sugar cookies.

They will use Taylor Swift to woo the Swifties to vote for Democrats. It won't be long, but I'm sure there will be some interview or statement where Taylor says she's afraid Trump would be a dictator.

Don't put it past them to have her sing a mediocre song about it. Remember that crap song U2 wrote and performed supporting Ukraine?

She and Kelce are a match made in Washington DC. I hope the Chiefs lose. It's nauseating.

Leland said...

To answer Time's question: zero.

I don't necessarily disagree with Time's choice, primarily because I made this analysis too:
"why did Time pass up all the world leaders and political contenders this time around? I'm thinking they're either mediocre or they're extraordinary people whom Time wishes would just disappear."

They could put in something about Hamas, Zelensky, Netanyahu, Trump, RFK Jr., Ramaswamy, or Biden but why? Even when naming someone for their dastardly deeds, like they did Hitler; this year didn't seem the year of anything particular with these people. Maybe the Prosecutors or Judges going after Trump as a rah-rah for their team, but as days go by, the Prosecutors look rather hapless and Judges already bias.

My pick? The image of the Hamas paraglider. Not because I want to praise them, but the event and the way people either use that image to support Hamas or recognize that image as an evil that should be eradicated has really shook-up relations and ideologies across the world.

Aggie said...

"I'm thinking they're either mediocre or they're extraordinary people whom Time wishes would just disappear...."

That's funny, I was just thinking the same thing, about Time - and the former, with the same wish.

Sebastian said...

"How many times"

0? I do remember a glimpse of her at a Chiefs game.

Never having heard a Swift song, I'll still take her as PotY over Greta.

I'm waiting for an Althouse fisking of the Swift oeuvre. Is she, too, Nobel-worthy?

RideSpaceMountain said...

On Reddit and elsewhere I've been seeing a lot of discussion lately about how "the MSM is getting desperate". I think that the 'ownership class' for these propaganda outlets are starting to realize they've lost their tastemaker status and people aren't walking away from them, they're running.

So like any entity wearing the stinky perfume of desperation they're going to start trying to reconservify (my word) their offerings. They're going to start glorifying white guys joining the military again, and uncontroversial attractive white women...hell, they might even try showing the stars and stripes more.

LMAO. Not happening. Ship has sailed. Die in a fire.

mikee said...

That Althouse even mentions Time's Person of the Year reflects that she (and I, in knowing what she's writing about) are old people who sometimes dredge up things that formerly were of some importance, but today are completely irrelevant.

Time's POY is and always has been nothing but a self-promotion for that old rag of a news mag. Today it is just about the only recognition Time gets, and it gets that notice only because it chooses highly arguable POYs.

Time was already irrelevant way back when Newsweek refused to publish the story of Bill Clinton's infidelity with Lewinsky. And that decision by Newsweek was its own suicide.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I find her music and her voice very mediocre. I'm not trying to insult her - she just isn't my cup of tea.
Lots of people sure do like her. Young women for sure.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Never have the young been left more completely to their own devices"

"their own devices"

That was quite good:) My children aren't getting cell phones until they're effing 20...

tim in vermont said...

This is all part of "fortifying" 2024. Once she agreed to work for Joe Biden to get out the vote, the fix was in.

Chris said...

They picked her for one reason and one reason only. To sell magazines to her millions if not billions of fans.

David53 said...

Looking at the list of previous choices for POY, I would recommend Taylor reject and denounce Time magazine. Who wants to be associated with murderers like Hitler, Stalin, and Arafat? She’s got her publicity, she could plead ignorance about who she is now linked to which would get her even more publicity.

Scott Patton said...

How Taylor Swift Outsmarted Her Record Label - Rick Beato

Re-records albums to regain rights.

gilbar said...

But Time has never chosen an artist of any kind as "Person of the Year."
Not The Beatles. Not Andy Warhol. Not J.K. Rowling. Not anyone in the arts, popular or lofty.

to be fair.. I'm Pretty Sure, that they picked an oil painter.. By in the 1930's.
Of course, he wasn't popular.. Or lofty

Kay said...

Other legacy artists create a narrative to sell their music, while Taylor makes music to sell her narrative. That’s really the revolutionary thing about her as an artist. She has a great pr team, who also deserve a lot of credit.

gilbar said...

i only have her 1st three albums.. From back when she was pop country

Breezy said...

….“why did Time pass up all the world leaders and political contenders this time around? I'm thinking they're either mediocre or they're extraordinary people whom Time wishes would just disappear.”

Perhaps she was chosen because of the world leaders and political contenders. Besides being an entertainer, she entertained during a quite stressful time - inflation, crime, homelessness, etc. A lot more people needed the escape and she provided it, plus a lot of $$ for every community she played in, of course. I don’t think it’s necessarily her art for which she won this award. Rather, it’s her vulnerability, availability and business acumen.

Enigma said...

Time magazine is still around? I guess there are still some people with nothing to read in a doctor's waiting room. In the days of newspapers Time always lagged a week behind, and now it's lagging a week plus 25 years behind. I can't see how the older generations who read Time would care about Swift or listen to her, and I can't see younger generations reading Time.

Eric said...

Time wants young people to know that Time exists.

Xmas said...

I think her decision to bypass the major studios and self-distribute her concert tour movie is one thing going in her favor.

For maybe $2 to $5 million in cost, her production company split over $140 million in ticket sales revenue with AMC.

(Anyway, "Look What You Made Me Do" is a great song and video).

Static Ping said...

They are trying to sell magazines. There's your explanation.

When Time was taken seriously as a smart magazine that all intelligent people should read, they had thoughtful selections for Person of the Year as their readership demanded it. Magazines in general and Time in particular have become less and less relevant over the years such to the point that their once major rival Newsweek is essentially a joke, so you get these sort of stunts to push sales. From a business perspective this makes sense, at least from a short-term perspective. Does it reduce the gravitas of the institution? Yes, but there was not a lot of gravitas left. They have been coasting on a reputation that was built many decades ago, a reputation that has been unwarranted for decades.

Taylor Swift is not Bill & Ted.

Tank said...

Elon Musk was not the man of the year?


NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

"Did you find yourself humming 'Cruel Summer' while waiting in line at the grocery store?"

If I was it was the 1984 Bananarama version.

There's no need to tinker with perfection.

JaimeRoberto said...

She has a very impressive PR team.

Big Mike said...

Not Jack Smith? He’s crushed.

Lilly, a dog said...

I never hummed one of her songs in the checkout line. But I did see an AI-Generated picture of Kermit the Frog banging her from behind. I think TIME made a wise choice.

tim maguire said...

The Swift phenomenon is more than just a popular singer. I don't know why, but her popularity is stratospheric. And her tour can measurably boost the economies of the cities where it stops.

But still--She's not Zelensky or Putin, she's not Hamas or Netanyahu, Xi, Musk. Some people will have real long-term effects on the world, Taylor Swift will not.

AMDG said...

I bet Madonna absolutely despises Taylor Swift.

They both seem to be equal in terms of musical talent but Swift has achieved more fame without debasing herself the way Madonna did.

I’d still rather listen to Linda Ronstadt.

Spiros said...

She should be canonized a saint as well. Or, maybe, given a Nobel Prize.

Sally327 said...

I think someone who approved of Bob Dylan being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature is hardly in a position to denigrate Time's decision to name Taylor Swift its Person of the Year.

Taylor Swift is a financial juggernaut. She started at the age of 14 --which is when she signed her first contract-- and now, at the age of 33, is worth a billion dollars. Apparently she also has a significant financial impact on any place where she performs.

Swift has a massive and fanatical fan base, mostly because of the way she has nurtured the relationship with her fans over the years. People care about her because her brand is built around the idea that she really cares about them. Does she? I don't know. I'm not a Swiftie, I couldn't hum much less sing any one of her songs. But I do think she is a consequential person and should not be dismissed as unimportant and not worthy of any sort of acclaim. That's just snotty and completely out-of-touch elitism.

Martin said...

"Chris said...
They picked her for one reason and one reason only. To sell magazines to her millions if not billions of fans."

Basically click bait.

Make your magazine millions by using this one trick: Image of Taylor Swift.

Matt said...

They choose her so that they could avoid choosing Hamas.

Dude1394 said...

She came out very publicly FOR democrats. Like Obamas Nobel Peace Prize before he emptied the tomahawk missile Inventory, helping democrats is paramount.

Ficta said...

“If Taylor Swift were an economy, she’d be bigger than 50 countries.” A stop on her tour has a greater impact on the local economy than hosting a Super Bowl. The fact that all that spending is being driven almost exclusively by young women is new. Isn't it? What does it mean? She beat the record companies. That's unusual. She can dictate terms to streaming services. She can (and has) used her economic muscle to change things for other artists. Maybe those things are more interesting than hashing over a bunch of geriatric politicians yet again.

Mason G said...

"If you’re skeptical, consider... How many times did you see a photo of her while scrolling on your phone?..."

None, but then I only use my phone for communicating with others.

"Did you double-tap an Instagram post..."

I don't use Instagram.

"... or laugh at a tweet, or click on a headline about her?"

Probably never, but I don't know who "her" is.

"Did you find yourself humming 'Cruel Summer' while waiting in line at the grocery store?"

What's 'Cruel Summer'?

"Did a friend confess that they watched clips of the Eras Tour night after night on TikTok? Or did you?"


Now, I have to go figure out who you're talking about. I'm sure it's got to be someone important.

Readering said...

Congrats girl, you beat out Barbie and the Trump prosecutors.

Narr said...

Seven negative answers, if I counted the questions right.

But I'm not her audience, or Time's.

gadfly said...

Believe it or not, some of us don't spend our time scrolling on our cell phones, don't listen to Taylor Swift music, or even understand this Swifty thing.

If the Taylor and Travis romance hadn't popped during a late Kansas City game with Swift sitting in a luxury suite at Kaufman Stadium with the Kelce family, I would have continued to live without her intrusion into my consciousness. Now that Taylor is tight with a tight end everything is as it should be.

But I read here that Taylor gives good interviews and has interesting stories to tell, so she is the Time Person of the Year. Whoopee!

john said...

If you're sceptical, how many times did you wonder what the NFL/ESPN paid her or realized in extra revenue to appear on Sunday night football for the Travis/Jason/Donna/Taylor show?

Or why the next week the announcers wondered if Taylor was going to show up again?

MadTownGuy said...

"Never have the young been left more completely to their own devices. No adult can or will tell them what earlier generations were told: this is God, that is Good, this is Art, that is Not Done." — That was Time, in 1966, talking 'bout my generation."

Now the kids are telling everyone: 'this is god, that is Good, this is Art, that is Not Done.' - because they have been thoroughly indoctrinated.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“Untold adventure awaits him. He is the man who will land on the moon, cure cancer and the common cold, lay out blight-proof, smog-free cities, enrich the underdeveloped world and, no doubt, write finis to poverty and war.”

Time got that so wrong, even the moon. No Boomer got to walk on the moon.

iowan2 said...

mediocrity of media is complete.

Swift is a marketing machine. But so are some rappers (Dr Drea???) with his sound equipment.
Give them their due for entrepreneurship. I doubt seriously she will be selling out stadiums like Kiss, when she is 75.

Given the performance in the Dallas Cheerleader uniform, I guess Dolly Parton is bigger than Swift. (yes OK, I kind of meant to do that)

MayBee said...

I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...

I find her music and her voice very mediocre.

I think that's her appeal. She's pretty in a normal range of pretty. She's thin but not crazy fit and not a super bombshell. Her hair is cute but more timeless than latest style. Her wardrobe is normal, her dancing is fine. People eat it up because they can relate to her. Or they think they can.

Stick said...

Didn't Time used to be a magazine. Wasn't Hitler MOY?

I admired Taylor for her outsmarting everyone & doing it herself, but I never liked her music.

I detest what she's become with her giving in to the woke mob because she wouldn't take a stand & going full on leftist. Why would you alienate 1/2 of your market?
A question many CEOs need to answer.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It could be as simple as a deep dive into anybody older than 50 comes up with unspeakable horrors, as in racist, homophobic and misogynist acts and or comments.

We can't have that.

mikeski said...

Never having heard a Swift song, I'll still take her as PotY over Greta.

I know what you mean, but you definitely have heard songs of hers.

If you have been in a sports bar, a restaurant, or any other public venue where recorded music is being played, you have, at least, heard "Shake It Off".

MadisonMan said...

I saw the choice and thought "Time must be trying to find younger readers"
I do like Swift because of Swift's fight with her former record label that lead her to re-recording her catalog. Does that elevate her to Person of the Year?

FullMoon said...

Santa Clara is the heart of Silicon Valley, 90% voted against Trump.

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – On Tuesday, July 18, 2023, the Santa Clara City Council passed a proclamation renaming the City “Swiftie Clara” from July 28-29 as Taylor Swift brings “The Eras Tour” to Levi’s® Stadium in Santa Clara. The proclamation also names the internationally recognized artist as the honorary Mayor during her two-night concert appearance.

Hey Skipper said...

Straight men the world over*: Who?

(Ok, those without under 30 year old daughters.)

hombre said...

Taylor Swift is an inane girly woman. Who better in this era for Time's person of the year?

Say, did anyone else happen to watch the recent congressional testimony of the presidents of MIT, Penn and Harvard about antisemitism on campus? Any one of them has the gravitas to have been Taylor's Co-Person of the Year "depending on the context" of course.

FullMoon said...

Actually, Time Magazine’s naming of Taylor Swift as Person of the Year is a celebration of the “White love of Black and brown genocide”

The rule of Lemnity said...

Tracking what I read on this blog, YouTube fed me this video recently, "The 5 Most Difficult Books Ever!" among them, Finnegans Wake.

The videographer just so happens to reference Taylor Swift (Times Person of the Year) in her presentation. Swift is very very influential today.

Original Mike said...

I could not identify a Taylor Swift song if my live depended upon it.

“Bad Genes” said...

Rather than finding fault, why not give Swift the credit she deserves? In addition to a relentless work ethic, she is both a great artist (writes her own songs ) and an equally engaging performer (Swifties everywhere). She takes risks, whether in business, challenging what she sees as unfair business practices, or politically, when she takes a stance and calls issues the way she sees them. All the while breaking records for music and concert sales. What more could you ask of a thirtysomething in today's age of entitlement and pseudo-celebrity?

RNB said...

The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance. They were idolized and treated as leaders; their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously -- after all, if an athlete is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important -- so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too, even though he proves himself to be ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth.

Robert A. Heinlein (in ‘To Sail Beyond the Sunset,’ 1987)

robother said...

"left to their own devices..." Bongs, PCs and iPhones?

Jupiter said...

Taylor Swift reminds me of Barbie. She has that same combination of ideal physical characteristics coupled with an utter sexlessness that borders on repellant. Not repulsive, but just kind of vanilla shading into vinyl. I'm sure she has a nice little ass, but I'm not particularly interested in seeing it. Might be interesting to examine the mold she was cast in.

Paddy O said...

Some generations have to relearn that the human devices are faulty. It's a lot like the promises of renewable energy. Really seems something while the sun is out and the wind is blowing, but then comes the time when everyone is left in the dark and has debts they can't pay.

wendybar said...

Swifties will buy them up breaking records for a single issue of it. Time is thinking of the money. They wouldn't get it with anybody else....

Ampersand said...

The Person of the Year was Elon Musk.

Taylor Swift is not without virtues. I respect her talent, her work ethic, and her canny self promotion. She was a safe pick because of her superficial gloss and nebulous female wokeness. And of course, her picture on the cover will drive newsstand sales.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen a print copy of Time Magazine anywhere for at least six months. Do you remember when magazines generally, and news magazines in particular, were important conduits of culture? Time Magazine used to be everwhere. That was only a decade or two ago.

From wikipedia, fwiw: "During the second half of 2009, the magazine had a 34.9% decline in newsstand sales. During the first half of 2010, another decline of at least one-third in Time magazine sales occurred. In the second half of 2010, Time magazine newsstand sales declined by about 12% to just over 79,000 copies per week.As of 2012, it had a circulation of 3.3 million, making it the 11th-most circulated magazine in the United States, and the second-most circulated weekly behind People.As of July 2017, its circulation was 3,028,013. In October 2017, Time cut its circulation to two million.Time currently has 1.3 million print subscribers and 250,000 digital subscribers." (footnotes deleted)

n.n said...

Time celebrates empathy and profit in a multibillion... trillion dollar sociopolitical industry.

Original Mike said...

"If you have been in a sports bar, a restaurant, or any other public venue where recorded music is being played, you have, at least, heard "Shake It Off"."

So I just looked this up. I can honestly say I have never heard that song before. I can also say I don't feel like I'm missing much.

Joe Smith said...

Well, a certain ex-painter with a funny mustache graced the cover in '38-'39 so she has that going for her.

I don't know that I've ever heard one of her songs, but she is really easy to look at...

Original Mike said...

"Congrats girl, you beat out Barbie and the Trump prosecutors.". (emphasis added)

How did Time miss that?

The rule of Lemnity said...

You know, Trump should offer Taylor Swift the VP slut. I meant slot, slot.
As a new AI, we're still ironing out the kinks.

Mason G said...

"If you have been in a sports bar, a restaurant, or any other public venue where recorded music is being played, you have, at least, heard "Shake It Off"."

I can't speak for others, but if I say I haven't heard a particular song, that means the song has not made enough of an impact on my consciousness that I noticed it not that those particular soundwaves have never entered my ears.

"Shake It Off"? What might one imagine the odds are that, having the song pointed out to me, I'd remember having heard it before? "Not good" would be my bet but I could be wrong, I suppose.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well I haven't bought a copy of (or cared about) Time Magazine for at least the last 30 years. And I'm so old (and don't listen to the radio) that I've never heard a Taylor Swift song. That said I probably wouldn't know that it was a Taylor Swift song if I heard it.

But I have read of her financial impact. A billionaire at age 34 is part of it. But her loyal fans boost local economies when she performs. And today's Wall Street Journal has an article about her impact on the fashion world. When she appears in a new dress, or carrying a new person, existing inventories of those items in shops sell out within less than 12 hours.

So yeah--she's a business woman. And as a business woman she probably has more personal impact on the US economy than say Mary Barra as the CEO of General Motors. Ms. Barra deals with bigger numbers but her personal efforts don't count for as much.

Guimo said...

Never heard of her.

Will Cate said...

I'm pretty sure I could not discern one Taylor Swift song from another (don't pay attention to modern pop music), but the way in which she captains her own ship is noticeable, and remarkable, even for the average non-fan. So, why not... culturally, and from a business perspective, it makes sense

Yancey Ward said...

I hum "Cruel Summer" fairly often, but not the Swift song.

Yes, this was a truly ridiculous choice, but not the first one Time Magazine has made with this "honor". Thinking back across the span of my conscious life, the only musical artist that might plausibly have been given this nod was Michael Jackson in 1983, and even that would have been a ridiculous choice.

Yancey Ward said...

As for who should have had this designation- I would have gone with Elon Musk.

Sheridan said...

And to think that I viewed the movie "Logan's Run" as science fiction! Anyone in their mid to late 20's should be a bit nervous.

Yancey Ward said...

And note- I am not denigrating Swift here- I actually know and like quite a number of her songs-she is heads and shoulders above 99.99999% of her contemporary artists in the field- and I greatly respect her business acumen- but her effect on the world as a singer is minor in the big picture of things, even in the United States. Beethoven has a bigger effect on the world every single year than Swift.

Tacitus said...

I'm not entirely sure who Taylor Swift is, or why she's notable other than it is hard to get tickets to see her do whatever it is she does.

Oligonicella said...

"Cruel Summer" Bananarama

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yay Gusty. She and Kelce are a match made in Washington DC. I hope the Chiefs lose. It's nauseating.

Every single analyst on NBC -- all eleven of them -- picked the Chiefs over the Packers for the Sunday Night game. Being a very longtime Green Bay fan I was very pleased to watch the Packers win over the reigning Superbowl Champs. Especially sweet was watching Kelce miss the hail Mary pass that coulda woulda tied the game. Knowing Taylor was up in the box crying was just icing on the cookie. Go Pack go.

(Monday Night game coming up!)

Original Mike said...

"I can't speak for others, but if I say I haven't heard a particular song, that means the song has not made enough of an impact on my consciousness that I noticed it not that those particular soundwaves have never entered my ears. "

Well, that's right. During college hockey season (right now) I average one night a week at a sports bar (Big Ten Pub in Madison is my current go-to watering hole). I imagine that mikeski is right in the sense that 'those particular soundwaves have entered my ears', but I truly didn't recognize it just now when I played it.

JAORE said...

Click bait, as is every Time Magazine's "Person of the Year".

If Times sales go way up, look for Time Magazine's "Person of the Month", won by Taylor Swift for the 33rd consecutive month!

Breezy said...

Elon was Time’s POY in 2021. Probably too early for a repeat, I surmise.

Will Cate said...

iowan2 said...
mediocrity of media is complete.

That train left the station a while ago.

robother said...

"I miss Taylor's brother Tom," he responded swiftly.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Yancy Ward said: "As for who should have had this designation- I would have gone with Elon Musk." The first person who came to my mind as well. No one else is even close.

loudogblog said...

I was at the check out line in the store and there was a magazine with a cover photo of Taylor Swift in an apron called something like, Taylor Swift's Home Crafts.

All I could think was that I doubt that she's had much time for Home Crafts during the last few years.

I suspect that she might actually be the Person of the Year when it comes to marketing.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Look What You Made Me Do is a "song"?
Gimme Bonnie Raitt or Rita Coolidge.
Women with a voice.

Old and slow said...

I couldn't name one of her songs, nor pick her out of a lineup. I am quite okay with that.

Hassayamper said...

This goes deeper than mere entertainment. This is very deliberate. On Swift's slender shoulders, the Powers that Be have decided to rest their hopes of keeping Generation Z from voting for Trump, or just staying home in disgust.

JES said...

You mean "Time" is still a thing. Would have never guessed.

Rit said...

If you’re skeptical, consider... How many times did you see a photo of her while scrolling on your phone? NEVER ... Did you double-tap an Instagram post NEVER ... or laugh at a tweet NEVER , or click on a headline about her? NEVER Did you find yourself humming 'Cruel Summer' while waiting in line at the grocery store? NEVER Did a friend confess that they watched clips of the Eras Tour night after night on TikTok? NEVER Or did you?" NEVER

Bill Peschel said...

I'm fine with this choice, although coming up with Hamas as "Terrorists of the Year" would have been a BD move.

But Time, along with the MSM and the newspapers, haven't had a BD editor in charge since Garydon Carter was in charge of Spy magazine.

Howard said...

She's a force of Nature

Jim at said...

If you have been in a sports bar, a restaurant, or any other public venue where recorded music is being played, you have, at least, heard "Shake It Off".

Wanna bet? Maybe it's been played, but I most certainly didn't 'hear' it.

Interesting thing about the growth and saturation of pop culture since the advent of the Internet ... and specifically smart phones? I find myself actively avoiding it.

And dumping professional sports simply sealed the door.

Smilin' Jack said...

She has a good voice, but not a great one. She’s a pretty girl, but not a 10. The only remarkable thing about her is her literally fanatical fan base. The POY should have been the Swifties, not Swift.

Rabel said...

Clearly Swift has not caught on with the analog flip phone crowd.

Hassayamper said...

@Lily: But I did see an AI-Generated picture of Kermit the Frog banging her from behind.

Almost certainly Pepe the frog rather than Kermit the frog. Know your memes.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I think I was the only one quoting Swift lyrics before she made 'Time's Person of the Year'.

What can I tell you. I got a gift for spotting talent.

Joe Smith said...

Between 'Time' and the ad nauseam Kelce coverage, I am convinced that there is some sort of media collusion going on to boost her profile even higher than what it would normally be.

Especially when considering her deep blue appeal and her recent political activism.

Lilly, a dog said...

Don't lecture me about memes, oldy.

Old and slow said...

"to be fair.. I'm Pretty Sure, that they picked an oil painter.. By in the 1930's."

Nope. He was a watercolor artist. If he had the fortitude and confidence to paint in oils, we'd all be living under the 1000 year Reich today. Watercolor painters lack conviction.

Old and slow said...

"If I was it was the 1984 Bananarama version."

For a moment there, I thought I DID know one of her songs! What a relief...

Old and slow said...

"Rich" is almost certainly using AI to create his posts. I'm not picking on "him", just pointing it out. No actual human could be this inane.

William said...

The commenteriat here are not interested in her, nor in Niki Haley. However, unlike Niki Haley, people go out of their way to proclaim their disinterest in her. They're far more enthusiastic about their apathy for her than for Haley....I listened to a few of her songs. She's no Shane McGowan, but she definitely writes music. I'm not a fan, but it's definitely music.....She's about the least decadent female pop artist since Doris Day. I don't know that much about her, but she's managed her business affairs and her brand with extraordinary success....Is her fan base mostly girls and young women? If so, there are worse role models available.

wildswan said...

Listened once to one of Taylor Swift's songs when I became aware of the excitement. Nothing special. And Niki Haley isn't all that interesting. She gets coverage 'cause the political media have 24/7 to fill but it's Trump far in the lead.
Now, the Three Weird Sisters from the Ivy League were interesting for awhile but they're vanishing under the pile-on.
And feminists are completely disgracing themselves by ignoring the Hamas rapes.
And teachers are revolting against the lack of discipline in schools and Randi Weingarden is photographed looking helpless
So, looking over the record of recent times the only thing I see is that the most successful of these women was really attractive. Maybe that's the sign of the times - attractive women are making a comeback. Even in the narrative.

Mea Sententia said...

As others have noted, the logical choice this year would have been Hamas, but TIME couldn't go that route. Swift isn't a bad choice, really. She is certainly the queen of her realm. It was interesting to read through the other recipients back to 1927.

Bunkypotatohead said...

In 20 years she'll be Cher.

Krumhorn said...

I think she is a remarkable young woman. On her own, she added over $5 billion to the national GDP in 2023. She writes her own music, calls her own shots, and has a remarkable control of her business. Her extraordinary power move against Boras and Big Machine with respect to her masters has been dazzling. And she stays out of trouble. It would be a dream to be her attorney.

- Krumhorn

Old and slow said...

Lately, Shane MacGowan is no Shane MacGowan. He wrote a few great songs, but was always overrated. Kirsty McCall has as much to do with the success of Fairytale of New York as MacGowan did.

Kirk Parker said...


Quote her? Don't be so smug--my band had "We are never getting back together'" in our regular repertoire for a while. Yeah, it was tongue in cheek, but we did play it.