December 27, 2023

At the Sky High Café....


... you can talk about whatever you want.


BUMBLE BEE said...

Up in the shy!
It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's - Althouse Blogspot!

tcrosse said...

Did the earth move?

TickTock said...

Oooh. Sandwiched. Haven't seen a sight like that since the year I did a million miles on AA. Which is not to say that it is all that rare.

Wince said...

“When Nixon said, ‘I want those guys off,’ they were off.”

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Yancey Ward said...

No gremlins out there?

Clyde said...

Clyde's Top 15 Favorite "New" Songs of 2023 - #5 - "Somebody's New Lover Now" - Alice Howe - Circumstance (2023)

Another song found via Discovery Mix. This is a great song from a pretty good album, and after 10 months it still only has 1000 views on YouTube. Sometimes there ain't no justice. Howe started recording the album at Muscle Shoals in 2019, then COVID struck and put everything on hold. She finished the recordings in summer of 2021, and the album was released in early 2023.

Alice Howe - "Somebody's New Lover Now" (Official Music Video)

Bonus song: "Getaway Car" - Alice Howe -Visions (2019)
A bluesy song from Alice Howe, from her previous album Visions. Enjoy!

Alice Howe - Getaway Car [Official Video]

hawkeyedjb said...

The staff at the New York Times had a hissy fit over the trauma caused by an op-Ed submitted by a United States senator, Tom Cotton. But an op-Ed by the Hamas-installed mayor of Gaza City, a paid up member of a murderous death cult, brings nary a peep. But then the mayor of Gaza is a Jew-hating fanatic, so he fits right in with the culture at the Times.

farmgirl said...

That photo could be awesome wallpaper- for anywhere.
I was initially thinking a phone, but could you imagine a ceiling or walls?

Cool beans.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Nice picture.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Glad you're flying. That's a long drive. Texas alone is ... big.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

YouTube: Fluent Womanese!

Here's a language I'm probably never going to need. But like Yogi says, it might be good to have, because if I don't have it, that's why I'll need it.

In short, it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

rcocean said...

Clicking on the Althouse blog links for Tom smothers, sent me down some rabbit holes.

Who said the following?

"Man, you guys cannot stop talking about him. He is a dangerous presence and, you know, it’s just like candy by the bushel."

“Yeah, people do want to watch him.”

“— to laugh at him,” Matthews replied.

Imagine going back to March 2016, and telling them about the next 7.5 years!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

YouTube: INCREDIBLE sounding stairwell

It would help to use a headset.

MadTownGuy said...

Our last air travel adventure was much less interesting. Flew nonstop from Dulles to Sea-Tac for our Alaska cruise. Canadian smoke obscured the ground until we were in the approach pattern.

I used to fly out of MSN, frequently, to DFW to conduct training at a new service center in Fort Worth. Most of the time it was pleasant even though there were connections in Chicago, Detroit (ugh), or Memphis most of the time. Great aerial photo ops more often than not, especially the Madison isthmus and the Arbuckle Mountains in Oklahoma.

I used to joke that in the Detroit terminal, built in a long straight line, you could see the curvature of the earth when looking down from one end to the other.

Mike Sylwester said...

I am reading the Durham Report, the full title of which is the Report on Matters Related to Intelligence Activities and Investigations Arising Out of the 2016 Presidential Campaigns, published in May 2023.

(When it was published, I was incapacitated by a stroke.)

The Durham's Report supplements Robert Mueller's Report, the full title of which is the Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, published in April 2019. The interval between the two reports is about four years.

The Durham Report had to supplement the Mueller Report, because the Mueller Report failed to address many essential considerations. For example, the FBI launched a major, consequential investigation of Donald Trump's campaign staff based on a sketchy, dubious allegation from an Australian (unnamed) diplomat about a Trump campaign-volunteer having obtained some "dirt" about Hillary Clinton from some unnamed Russians.

The proper and normal FBI response in such a situation would have been to arrange a "defensive briefing" to the Trump campaign's leadership, warning that Russian Intelligence might be initiating some shenanigans involving Trump's campaign staff.

The Durham Report then goes on to describe a series of similar situations when -- in the cases of Clinton campaign staff members -- the FBI did initiate mere defensive briefings rather than initiate full-scale, aggressive investigations. In other words, the FBI practiced a blatant double-standard.

The Durham Report demonstrates this double-standard in a compelling manner. I am sure that the DOJ and FBI must have been ashamed to read this demonstration.

I imagine further that the DOJ/FBI have learned a hard lesson from the situation. The Durham Report mentions that two primary culprits -- Andrew Weissman and Peter Strzok -- subsequently were removed from their positions.

I think also that the liberal media have reported about the Durham Report only minimally. The story of the Durham Report lasted in the mass media for only a few days.

Old and slow said...

The amoral and / or morons are winning in the propaganda war between Israel and the Palestinian savages. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming that most of the pro-Hamas people are just very stupid, the alternative is that they have no decency. I hope that Israel remains resolute and exterminates the evil that is Hamas. Yes, that will involve a lot of suffering and blood. Sometimes, there are no pleasant options.

Big Mike said...

Gaston Glock, inventor of the eponymous semiautomatic handgun, has passed away. He was 94 years old, and survived an assassination attempt in 1999.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Poor GOPe Chuck saw his personal vendetta backhanded by the Michigan Supreme Court today, ending his quixotic quest to deny Trump ballot access. Of course we all warned Chuck repeatedly that his motion to disqualify the Man who Made America Great Again would fail, like all his harebrained schemes but he insisted in running like Wily Coyote headlong off the cliffs of sanity. Worse still the rejection note the high gave him was brutal in its brevity:

The application for leave to appeal the December 14, 2023 judgment of the Court of Appeals is considered, and it is DENIED, because we are not persuaded that the questions presented should be reviewed by this Court.


The Crack Emcee said...

Nikki Haley wants to be president - of Harvard: Nikki Haley Seemingly Forgets Slavery When Asked to Name Cause of Civil War

gadfly said...

So the Colorado GOP first declared that it will withdraw from the state's presidential primary and caucus in Milwaukee to pick Trump as their candidate and now they, not Trump are asking SCOTUS to put his name back onto the primary ballot. But since the the Colorado Supremes also ruled that his name on the November 2024 ballot violates Section 3 of the 14th Amendment the only real question is whether the Colorado Court overstepped its authority and that is the only question that SCOTUS needs to address.

Apparently, the GOP lawyers are not any smarter than the State Chair.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Macho Response: Cognitive Diss-O-Nance

The Crack Emcee said...

Yawn: Skepticism Grows Over Israel’s Ability to Dismantle Hamas

The Crack Emcee said...

I was SHOCKED to see so many Bronx Trump supporters: Cara Castronuova | NewsMax

The Crack Emcee said...

France, Spain & Italy EMBARRASS U.S By Abandoning Coalition!

The Crack Emcee said...

"Christ in the Rubble": Palestinian Pastor Delivers Powerful Christmas Sermon from Bethlehem

wendybar said...

Notice that when good people start fighting back, THEY go to prison, (Marine in NYC who protected people on the subway from a criminal who kept getting put back out to harass more people) whilst these criminals who hate white people who keep getting let out after hurting innocent people?? THIS is what is wrong with our country, and as long as we have crooked DA's who also seem to hate America, this isn't going to end well. It is time for us to carry guns and kill these scumbags before they kill us. I can't wait until these criminals start killing family members of the people who keep letting them out....Then maybe they will open their fucking eyes and do the right thing for once in their lives.

Humperdink said...

"Special Counsel Jack Smith has asked a federal judge to stop former President Trump from introducing evidence of selective prosecution and security failures surrounding the Jan. 6 Capitol riot." (Zero Hedge)

Does this tactic sound familiar? Trump's challenge to the 2020 election was based upon credible evidence in various states, including my own state. The courts refused to permit Trump's evidence to be presented. The Commie-Pinko news media then shouted "no evidence, no evidence!!!!!

Humperdink said...

Re: Immigration. If your house is flooding from a broken water pipe, the solution is not to re-route the water from the kitchen to other rooms in the house. The fed's solution? Let's negotiate a viable solution after a blue ribbon congressional committee meets.

MadTownGuy said...

RIP Herb Kohl.

Former US Senator and Milwaukee Bucks owner Herb Kohl dies at 88

BUMBLE BEE said...

Outstanding photo.
Looks very peaceful closer to God.

The Crack Emcee said...

Zionism, America, and the Creation of the State of Israel by Allen J Matusow:

1946: "The Arabs say, 'You're asking us to give away our own country - we've been here since the 7th century - why should we give this up?'"

BUMBLE BEE said...

We got the DVD set of the original Equalizer for Christmas. Edward Woodward must have had the star power to film in NYC like they did. Great settings and good storylines.
Denzel's McCall is quite a good fit as well.

lonejustice said...

Between two worlds.

William50 said...

Happy Kwanzaa everyone!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Is Althouse on California time?

narciso said...

Christopher B said...

You can stick a fork in Nikki Hayley's plan to be President.

hombre said...

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

In a world not run by Corruptocrats this is called extortion.

Jaq said...

It’s amazing how many vids that mock Trump and pump up Biden you will see scrolling through YouTube even if they have zero to do with anything you have been looking for or watching.

Mike Sylwester said...

I should have written Andrew McCabe (not Andrew Weisman).

wendybar said...

Joe Biden: "Donald Trump is the worst president we've ever had!"

Howard said...

Nikki's toast. Looks like the Dems want Rhonda Santis as the GOP #2 in case Orange man in Orange jumper.

Will Cate said...

She can't literally be sleeping in, else who's moderating these comments?

Mike Sylwester said...

The Durham Report mentions that two primary culprits -- Andrew Weissman and Peter Strzok -- subsequently were removed from their positions.

That first culprit should have been Andrew McCabe.

cfs said...

"University Chancellor Fired After Filming Online Pornography With Wife"


"Triple your future income by getting a college degree", they say. What they don't tell you is the income is from the porn videos.

Rusty said...

MadTownGuy said...
The last time I flew into O'Hare was the first time we didn't deplane at gate K18. For those of you that don't know K18 is in Indiana.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So what you’re saying is Nikki Haley is an insurrection denier. She must think chaos just “follows Lincoln around,” and if Republicans had simply nominated a woman in high heels then Democrats wouldn’t have kept Lincoln off the ballots in ten states.

The Crack Emcee said...

Old and slow said...

"The amoral and / or morons are winning in the propaganda war between Israel and the Palestinian savages."

Wow. The same person who, just three days ago, said "I do not care if these reports are strictly true or not" is, today, calling others amoral. And - even being that openly hypocritical - still can't fathom how he, and all the other psychopathic criminals, are incapable of convincing anyone to join them in their little Christmas massacre over the holidays. Amazing.

Narr said...

A rare morning--I'm here before the Prof has made her first post. Travel drag doesn't need jet lag.

Ah, there it is.

Maybe I'll be the first to notice the repetition in the excerpt about the unfortunate women.

Kakistocracy said...

If it takes you more than one chance to acknowledge that the civil war was about slavery, you have no business being anywhere near the Oval Office.

Candide said...

Don’t get the outrage about Haley and slavery history. The issue of slavery in US was resolved conclusively in 1865. Other issues from US Civil War still fester and may play a role in the next one.

The Crack Emcee said...

"If you are not appalled by what is happening in Gaza - if you are not shaken to your core - there's something wrong with your humanity."

Rev. Munther Issac, pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, echoing words I've said here.

The Crack Emcee said...

Candide said...

"Don’t get the outrage about Haley and slavery history."

Is this your first election? You can lose an American over anything and everything. I'm actually surprised sometimes at how well it works.

The Crack Emcee said...

That should've read "you can lose an American election over anything and everything."

hawkeyedjb said...

"If you are not appalled by what is happening in Gaza - if you are not shaken to your core - there's something wrong with your humanity."

Yeah, awful when people start a war by raping, murdering and mutilating, then get the shit beat out of them in return.

Kind of like the "civil war" discussion. Why should all those innocent white southerners get killed and burned out of their homes, just because their leaders started a war?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Blogger Candide said...
Don’t get the outrage about Haley and slavery history. The issue of slavery in US was resolved conclusively in 1865. Other issues from US Civil War still fester and may play a role in the next one.

12/28/23, 11:52 AM

The cause of the Civil War was slavery. If you can't say that or don't understand that simple fact, then you're don't have the moral courage to be President. It's not like anyone today was a slave owner. She was trying to pander to some unknown audience that might have been offended with that simple answer. It's the pandering and lack of moral courage which people find offensive.

The Crack Emcee said...

hawkeyedjb said...

"Yeah, awful when people start a war by raping, murdering and mutilating, then get the shit beat out of them in return."

Please provide evidence of A) Palestinians starting anything (and it not being a product of occupation) B) raping, and 3) mutilating, or admit you're part of the problem by spreading lies against the occupied parties.

Old and slow said...

Don't worry Crack, I give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume that you are profoundly stupid.

The Crack Emcee said...

Polls: Growing support for Hamas as Israeli army kills Palestinian in West Bank raid | DW News

Dave Begley said...

UW-LaCrosse Chancellor terminated for long term porn career with his wife.

Aggie said...

"That first culprit should have been Andrew McCabe."

Well.... I would maintain that the first culprit to be punished should have been that lying, evil, toxic, sh*t weasel Andrew Weissman, followed by Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok. But of course, evidence and cell phones were mysteriously 'wiped', repeatedly, just in case the inadvertent mistake didn't completely take on the first try - so there was nothing left but the stink.

gilbar said...

LAX now thinks it's DC!
Wis. University Chancellor Fired for Making Porn Videos
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow was removed from his post on Wednesday for making sexually explicit and X-rated videos with his wife and others on social media and porn websites.
Gow, 63, was the longest-tenured chancellor in the UW system. He was denied a pay raise five years ago for inviting former porn actress and activist Nina Hartley to speak at a free speech event on the UW-La Crosse campus. Hartley is featured in one of the "sexy healthy cooking" videos that Gow and his wife, Carmen Wilson, published to YouTube.
While those videos are PG-13 in nature, Gow and Wilson published videos to LoyalFans in which they had sex with their cooking show guests.

Apparently, Gow thought that he was a Senate staffer and that UWLC was the Capitol.
Either that, and/or he's just a dirty disgusting sex pervert. I let your experiences with people from LAX help you decide for yourself

hawkeyedjb said...

The Crack Emcee said...
"Please provide evidence..."

Well, there is this for example.

The Crack Emcee said...

hawkeyedjb said...

"Well, there is this for example."

You have a very low bar for evidence. "Israeli officials say"? That's not evidence. That's a litany of hearsay. "Israeli police officials believe" doesn't pass the smell test, either, after 40 decapitated babies that even the president claims he saw with his own eyes. "Four witnesses described in graphic detail,..."? Where are the actual victims? And why weren't you asking that? Not one woman lived through this supposedly common ordeal? "The Israeli police have acknowledged that,...they were not focused on collecting semen samples from women’s bodies"? WTF? How convenient. Why do you trust people who've already repeatedly lied to us? Mass or widespread rape is not a case when circumstantial evidence and speculation, provided by parties already proven to be dishonest and willing to kill by the thousands to steal land, can be relied on.

That article doesn't say anything about the claim of widespread mutilations, either. Zionists in helicopter gunships ripped through their own people on Oct 7 - which Israel also lied and claimed were mutilations by Hamas - so that won't wash.

It's hard to believe you'd trust Zionists engaged in mass murder to steal land, as I type this, but I guess I must. That's fucking wild after a lifetime of reading about WWII, and how nobody in the west moved to save the Jews from the Nazis, engaged in mass murder to steal land. History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes, right?

The Crack Emcee said...

This thread hasn't been updated for over 24 hours.

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