November 5, 2023

Wisconsin, the outlier.

Discontent pulsates throughout the Times/Siena poll, with a majority of voters saying Mr. Biden’s policies have personally hurt them.... 
In a remarkable sign of a gradual racial realignment between the two parties, the more diverse the swing state, the farther Mr. Biden was behind, and he led only in the whitest of the six....

That's how the NYT refers to my state — "the whitest." 

If the results in the poll were the same next November, Mr. Trump would be poised to win more than 300 Electoral College votes, far above the 270 needed to take the White House....

How terrifying for Democrats! 


mikee said...

Wisconsin voters no longer matter as much as those counting the Wisconsin votes.

Dude1394 said...

The democrats DOJ had better hurry up and put him in jail to finish destroying the country.

gilbar said...

How come we NEVER see polls for Any other matchup?

my internet is Swamped with ads from the gopE, telling me that WE MUST DUMP TRUMP!
because "he is the ONLY way that Biden can win!"
Of course, what they MEAN Is: we must dump Trump, that is the only way Trump can lose

The only group More Terrified of Trump than the DNC, is the RNC
Hunter Bidens taxpayer hooker? You're a RNC shill.. Please Explain to us WHY we should dump Trump?

Michael K said...

Even flatworms are smart enough to turn away from pain.

Big Mike said...

That's how the NYT refers to my state — "the whitest."

Well, your state has the largest black-white educational achievement and must be proud of that fact, given that it elected the architect of that educational achievement gap to two terms as governor.

Original Mike said...

"Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds/Voters in battleground states said they trusted Donald J. Trump over President Biden on the economy, foreign policy and immigration,…"

No surprise. How often do we get to "run the experiment"? We had four years of Trump and three years of Biden. Night and day.

Mr. Majestyk said...

If the poll results are anywhere near accurate, they are terrifying. How could more than 40% of people STILL support Biden?

boatbuilder said...

Time to charge Trump with another “crime.”

The Crack Emcee said...

White people better run to the rescue - but of who?

Bob Boyd said...

Donald Trump didn't kill himself.

R C Belaire said...

AA : "Wisconsin, the outlier."

Homer Simpson : "So far."

AMDG said...

If the Democrats are convinced that Biden will lose they will replace him at the top of the ticket. Too many Republicans don’t care if they lose as long as their Lord and Savior, Donald “Ballot Box Poison” Trump,is at the top of the ticket.

Trump is going to be short on resources to mount a campaign. He will have no time to campaign since he will be sitting in court and he will be short of funds since he spending all the campaign donations on lawyers.

The number one story of campaign season will not be the incompetence of the Democrats. It will be Trump in the dock. This will be day after day after day. While this will energize Trump supporters it will remind everybody else of why they despise Trump.

Just note that following 2016, except for,JD Vance, there is not one MAGA candidate that has won a statewide election.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If someone other than Trump were at the top - someone with more than 50 words for a vocabulary - Biden would be down 10 points all over the map (Except NY, CA, NJ and a few other dead-brained blue states)

I'll be thrilled if Trump can pull this off - but I doubt it.

Sebastian said...

Trump is Dems' best weapon.

Joe is the GOP's best weapon.

Stick said...

Is the new leftie supreme court going to give the advantage to Dems by keeping COVID voting?

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Now who's the catastrophist?

Krumhorn said...

That’s why he’s being prosecuted by Dem AGs.

- Krumhorn

Martin said...

"with a majority of voters saying Mr. Biden’s policies have personally hurt them...."

They only say that because "Biden's" policies have hurt everyone and a majority have actually noticed. Blaming it on Biden and not Democrats more general is the thing they haven't noticed.

n.n said...

Diversity in color judgements and class bigotry: racism, sexism, ageism, congruence, etc. are progressive and nonviable measures of Democratic leverage. More human rites, Levime offspring, democratic gerrymandering, scientific psychosis, "shared responsibility", handmade tales, and American Spring, Stat!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack - why do you support Trump? you should be supporting whoever wants to dump Israel.

Bernie Sanders.

TaeJohnDo said...

There are a lot of blonds there, too. That's what you get when a bunch of Scandinavians colonize a winter wasteland, bringing rommegrot and white cheese to land formerly belonging to the noble and peace loving Lakota and Ho-chunk tribes (not related to the Chinese, BTW). In fact, many historians believe the main reason Custer was so hated by the Lakota (Sioux) was that his blond hair reminded them of the early colonizers who drove them from their native lands.

Political Junkie said...

I will vote for Trump. I worry about his behavior, however.
I still believe voting groups will return to their previous voting patterns, and therefore these polls will not hold up.

Political Junkie said...

I doubt the Nevada poll. That must be an outlier.
If an R candidate now wins Nevada by 11, then he/she will win 35 plus states.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

There is no explaining Wisconsin voters. Voting for their enemies. Voting for those who happily support Hamas terrorists.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

"The sample was selected by The New York Times in multiple steps to account for differential telephone coverage, nonresponse and significant variation in the productivity of telephone numbers by state."

Lots of room for the NYT to put a finger on the scale to get the results it wants. So we should be asking "why would the NYT want this particular result?"

Kakistocracy said...

I think you are forgetting that the abortion issue still is hugely motivational, and that the polls only express voting intentions, not the actual willingness to vote.

Yancey Ward said...

These polls have a purpose behind them- that purpose is to get Biden off the ticket. This process started during the Summer and is now intensifying since the South Carolina primary is only 3 months away now. Watch Gavin Newsom closely- he is actively running for president right now. I predict that before Christmas, outlets like the NYTimes will start covering the bribery scandal in extreme detail if Biden hasn't announced he isn't running.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump won in 2020 so these poll results shouldn't surprise anyone. Without the absentee voter fraud...Trump wins.

As far as Wisconsin goes, we haven't suffered enough yet. We're still benefiting from Scott Walker's Act 10. Property taxes are relatively low statewide. Because of the GOP Legislature our Beta Cuck Governor has been able to ruin things yet. But he looks good to liberals licking Biden's ice cream cone.

But Milwaukee, and Madison will always be the populous liberal whack jobs on both ends of the liberal spectrum. Ivory Tower liberal elite in Madison, and poor inner city Democrats in Milwaukee. Ozaukee County is now purple. Lot of AWFLs there and retired teachers.

We also have a lot of overweight liberal Karens in Wisconsin too. They're not happy and fat like they used to be when I was a kid.

Dagwood said...

So the only swing state that still favors Biden is the one that thinks boulders are racist.

Gusty Winds said...

Remember November 2019 when we were all ignorant of the upcoming COVID crisis and the BLM 2020 summer of love? Both set the table for to the absentee voter fraud in the swing states.

Here we are in November 2023. Question is, what do these assholes have planned to pull it off again? Seems to me the farther ahead Trump is in the polls, the better the chances are they'll actually put him in jail...or worse... I think well know by spring. If you were paying attention and didn't have your head up your COVID ass in the spring of 2020, you could see their plan unfolding. It was obvious.

The voter fraud has never been legitimately addressed or litigated. I'll bet all these uni-party crooks fear an honest election. What is their incentive to address it? Integrity? That's a laugh. Our courts are crooked cowards as well.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

gilbar - I think for myself.

If you think Trump can win - great. Perhaps he can.
I don't think Trump is articulate, and he is a clumsy effective communicator. The left will crawl over broken glass to defeat Trump. Is this not true?

But you Trump-or-nothing folks can die on your Trump hill... with your Bs name-calling.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
If someone other than Trump were at the top - someone with more than 50 words for a vocabulary - Biden would be down 10 points all over the map (Except NY, CA, NJ and a few other dead-brained blue states)...I'll be thrilled if Trump can pull this off - but I doubt it.

Who other than Trump? DeSantis can't even get traction in Trump's shadow. He is still second tier that has to show up at waste of time GOPe primary debates. And Trump speaks extemporaneously for an hour to an hour and a half. Where do you get this 50 word vocabulary stuff? He knows his audience. He is addressing the working class.

The issue is overcoming the baked in absentee voter fraud. Philly, Maricopa County, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee and Madison will be all over it again. So will Las Vegas.

What has to happen is DeSantis has to go full MAGA and understand this is not his time. But then there's that issue of kissing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan's ass he still has to overcome. I like the guy. But come on man. Read the room.

Breezy said...

Georgia +6!

Discontent pulsating in the State of the ridiculous Trump RICO case, where you’re indicted for contesting election results.

Joe Smith said...

'How terrifying for Democrats!'

Hence the lawfare.

Had Trump been left unmolested all this time it would be a wipeout.

I can't imagine anyone with more than two nickels to rub together voting for uncle Joe.

On economics alone he is a disaster.

I am relatively well off, but even I am pretty worried these days...

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger mikee said...
Wisconsin voters no longer matter as much as those counting the Wisconsin votes.

Wisconsin's biggest problem is having the State Gov't and UW in one crazy liberal town...Madison. Everyone there is going to vote to protect the ripe tax and student debt fruit they enjoy. They do whatever they want. Like harvest absentee ballots in broad daylight, and the then mix them in with the rest to destroy chain of custody, and avoid any legal challenges. Plus, the liberal judges in WI are massively unethical. Look at our new Supreme Court. Bitches.

Milwaukee is just corrupt, drug infested, crime ridden, and stupid. Sad. It used to be a blast.

rcocean said...

Given Bidenflation, crime, the open border, massive illegal immigration, gas and housing prices, genocide in gaza, corruption, DOJ stalinist tactics, etc. etc. Why would any aveage person vote for Biden again? How has he made anyone's life better?

And what the hell has winsconsin gotten from Biden being POTUS? Nothing. He wouldn't even show up to express sympathy after the Christmas parade massacre.

But never underestimate the stupidity of the average white american voter. These dumbshits will literally climb on to the Cattle Car to the Gulag saying "Well, at least those Goddamn Republicans lost".

Big Mike said...

For well over a year now I have been saying that the main case for Trump is that Joe Biden has so seriously screwed up the US economy that every sane person turns to Trump to get us back to where we were in 2019.

Joe Smith said...

'White people better run to the rescue - but of who?'

This white guy isn't rescuing anybody.

People need to clean up their own acts.

I help friends and family only.

The government already takes too much of my money to 'help' people.

I'm out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

correction: "...he is a clumsy ineffective communicator."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gusty - I am sure Trump will be the nominee.
I am not sure he can beat Biden.

That I think someone else could - is my opinion. Nothing more.

Joe Smith said...

"Here we are in November 2023. Question is, what do these assholes have planned to pull it off again?"


They've already established a system of flooding the world with unaccounted ballots.

What makes you think they would revert to pre-pandemic voting methods?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump's biggest flaw(s) (flaws his base are blind to/ and supportive of) is Trump's demands for loyalty, and how he shits on everyone. Who will be in his cabinet? Last time he filled it with spies and hacks.
Again - Trump's excusing Hillary's private server for Clinton Cash and other shady deals - (after promising to go after her) ..all that did was unleash Hillary's vengeance, and she ate Trump's lunch. (this vengeance lives on today in the form of the litigation abuse of Trump)
Hillary's paid-for Steele Dosier was the nexus of the BS Russian collusion lie that bogged Trump down for the majority of his presidency. Not good.

Iman said...

It’s what the pointy pinheads say vs. one’s own eyes, ears and wallet.

Flippin’ Idiocrats…

Paul From Minneapolis said...

Big Mike

"Well, your state has the largest black-white educational achievement gap and must be proud of that fact, given that it elected the architect of that educational achievement gap to two terms as governor."

It's honestly exhausting and almost weird to have to even start on why it’s dumb to claim that any two-term governor can be called the architect of a large and basic statistic like that. Or to point out that in Minnesota we're always being sternly told that it's OUR state with largest such gap, and we're so dominated by liberals that it's almost kinky.

Mainly I'd just like to point out the comment as a classic example of modern left debate and thought: put forth a truly dumb idea and do so proudly, and then hold to it like Gollum with his ring.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan do not have any influence.

Not sure why there is this odd obsession with them?

Fuentes, on the other hand - not a good look for Trump.

Josephbleau said...

Beiden plus 2% in Wisconsin? A literate reading would be that Joe and Don are statistically equal in support, I did not see the Margin of Error, but it is not going to be 2%. So we have statistically proper polls, and then we make lawyerly statements like Joe is ahead because the poll says he wins by 2%. The poll said there is no significant difference between them that can be discerned by this poll. Lies regarding statistics, who would have thought.

I do believe that abortion is big electoral medicine, but I think that support of hamas antisemitism, and Trump law fare vs Beiden money may match it in power.

minnesota farm guy said...

If you can step back at all this whole presidential run is a bit laughable. One indicted criminal will be running against another unindicted criminal. The more innocent of the two appears to be the indicted potential candidate. Of course one candidate is still compus mentis while the other - though not yet verifiable - is approaching a level of senility that can no longer be hidden. In the meanwhile the border is a catastrophe; no matter how much the BLS tries it can not hide the fact that the economy is a disaster for "everyman"; we are on the verge of becoming entangled in two already shooting wars and one cold one that has the potential of going hot any day. Is this a platform Biden is prepared to run on: " the economy sucks and if you re -elect me I can almost guarantee we will be sending more troops to the middle east; meanwhile don't look behind the curtain while I allow dangerous criminals free access to the US." Trump may be a strange choice ( i am not sure that absent Trump's various indictments the alternatives are much better), but he has certainly demonstrated that he is a better choice than Biden could ever hope to be.

Incidentally what the hell happened to DeSantis on the way to the nomination. It is apparent that he has mis-read the crowd.

Big Mike said...

@I stand w/ Israel, I’m not happy with Trump’s lack of political acumen, but neither Haley nor DeSantis have made the case that their economic policies are as good or better than Trump’s. Or even that they have economic policies.

Paul said...

"Discontent pulsates throughout the Times/Siena poll, with a majority of voters saying Mr. Biden’s policies have personally hurt them."

No shit?

Martha said...

“Black voters — long a bulwark for Democrats and for Mr. Biden — are now registering 22 percent support in these states for Mr. Trump, a level unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times.” @nytimes

Arresting Trump on fraudulent charges has pushed more black voters to the GOP than anything the republican party has ever done.

Valentine Smith said...

It’s all moot. Biden will not run in 24. One way or another.

Wilbur said...

No AA. That was a typo.

It's not "whitest", they meant "brightest".

tommyesq said...

"Well, your state has the largest black-white educational achievement gap and must be proud of that fact, given that it elected the architect of that educational achievement gap to two terms as governor."

It's honestly exhausting and almost weird to have to even start on why it’s dumb to claim that any two-term governor can be called the architect of a large and basic statistic like that.

Governor Evers was elected as Superintendent of Public Instruction in 2009. He was reelected twice, in 2013 and 2017, after which he ran for (and won) governor. It is entirely fair to lay the racial educational gap at both his feet and the feet of the electorate of Wisconsin.

Original Mike said...

I continue to believe Trump will not be allowed to run again, one way or the other.

Original Mike said...

"Beiden plus 2% in Wisconsin? A literate reading would be that Joe and Don are statistically equal in support, I did not see the Margin of Error, but it is not going to be 2%."

Althouse doesn't do margin of error.

Gunner said...

If Trump literally kisses John McCain's fossilized butt, will the crybaby Arizona Republicans vote for him instead of pouting?

gilbar said...

Blogger I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
If someone other than Trump were at the top - someone with more than 50 words for a vocabulary - Biden would be down 10 points all over the map

it's Weird, that the RNC shills KEEP saying this.. but there's not a poll on earth supporting them.
Is There?
here's one, from a month ago, that shows desantis and haley doing as well (not better) than trump
The 2024 general election matchups remain tight. Despite a job approval rating stuck at 41%, Biden’s support in hypothetical head-to-heads is between 45-49% against each Republican tested. He is preferred over Trump by just 1 point, while DeSantis has a 2-point edge over Biden and Haley tops him by 4 points. This marks the first time in Fox News polling this year that Trump has fared worse against Biden than his rivals for the Republican nomination.
No candidate, however, is truly "leading" as each matchup is within the survey’s margin of error.

gilbar said...

Seriously, if "some one else" would do better than Trump.. WHERE ARE THE POLLS TO SHOW IT?
Oh, that's right.. It's all lying bullsh*t

Paul From Minneapolis said...


"Governor Evers was elected as Superintendent of Public Instruction in 2009. He was reelected twice, in 2013 and 2017, after which he ran for (and won) governor. It is entirely fair to lay the racial educational gap at both his feet and the feet of the electorate of Wisconsin."

It's incredibly easy to find articles and analyses from the past that describe the long-term nature of the issue, both nationally and in Wisconsin. Like this one from 2015:

A snippet:

Although Republican Gov. Scott Walker has touted Wisconsin’s educational gains under his administration, students of color for the most part are not sharing in that success.
Data reviewed by the Center show many troubling patterns essentially unchanged throughout the tenures of Walker’s predecessors, including Democrat Jim Doyle and Republicans Scott McCallum and Tommy Thompson.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left always tell you who they are most afraid of.
Yes - they are terrified of Trump.

But there is someone else they fear more.

Rabel said...

"The New York Times/Siena College polls of 3,662 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were conducted in English and Spanish on cellular and landline telephones from Oct. 22 to Nov. 3, 2023. When all states are joined together, the margin of sampling error is plus or minus 1.8 percentage points for all registered voters and plus or minus 2 percentage points for the likely electorate. The margin of sampling error for each state poll is plus or minus 4.4 percentage points in Arizona, Michigan and Nevada, plus or minus 4.5 points in Georgia, plus or minus 4.6 points in Pennsylvania and plus or minus 4.8 points in Wisconsin."

600 polled per state. Individual state breakouts are useless, even for judging the trend.

Michael said...

I read the NYT for the comments. In this instance many commenters console themselves with the fiction that the poll calls were to landlines inferring that only old people and deplorables would be so stupid and deplorable to have them. They all agree that those opting for Trump don’t understand. I highly recommend the comments section of NYT articles. Great insight into the hive mind. Also interesting to note those articles which have no comment section. Why not hard to figure.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Trump has a multiracial base, too.

The dishonesty about this stuff is amazing.

traditionalguy said...

Trump offends the people who are offended by intelligent, generous and honest winners. His types make us look like dumb, greedy and like crooked losers.

Big Mike said...

It's honestly exhausting and almost weird to have to even start on why it’s dumb to claim that any two-term governor can be called the architect of a large and basic statistic like that.

@Paul from Minneapolis, what was the job of Tony Evers prior to being elected governor? Answer: from July 2009 until January 2019 he was Wisconsin's Superintendent of Public Instruction. If he wasn't responsible for public instruction policies, then who was?

Bunkypotatohead said...

"Lots of room for the NYT to put a finger on the scale to get the results it wants. So we should be asking "why would the NYT want this particular result?"

This was the best they could manage to spin.

Michael K said...

Although Republican Gov. Scott Walker has touted Wisconsin’s educational gains under his administration, students of color for the most part are not sharing in that success.

Have you read "The Bell Curve?" The entire "Equity" drive among SJWs in this country is to hide what everyone knows.

Paul From Minneapolis said...

Big Mike

- I answered that particular point when it was raised by another fellow a few posts above. The fact that he also had an education post doesn't remotely affect the underlying reality that the achievement gap has been a remarkably unchanging problem for decades, both nationally and in essentially every state with a significant A-A population. And it's easy to find that information, like in a 2015 Wisconsin Watch article I cited. The most pertinent quote:

"Data reviewed by the Center show many troubling patterns essentially unchanged throughout the tenures of Walker’s predecessors, including Democrat Jim Doyle and Republicans Scott McCallum and Tommy Thompson."

You'll probably say "Oh, 3 of the 4 governors are Republicans!" Then explain Minnesota. Or Illinois. It's everywhere, and it's not something a specific public official can be blamed for.

And again: what I'm saying is obvious. There's really no disputing it. So to blame the gap on "the electorate of Wisconsin" for having the cheek to elect a Republican governor is disgusting, ignorant, and slanderous, and the kind of thing liberals love to do and do all the time. And to my mind it is far more damaging and poisonous than any number of things you're always accusing Republicans of.

Josephbleau said...

“You'll probably say "Oh, 3 of the 4 governors are Republicans!" Then explain Minnesota. Or Illinois. It's everywhere, and it's not something a specific public official can be blamed for.”

So, if the gap can’t be blamed on any public official, then no public official should be elected promising to close it. They can’t control it. But Evers made that promise. So he was stupid, right? There are gap closers all over the place in the EdD business. But no results.

Milo Minderbinder said...

And that's the NYT. Probably skewed to Biden by at least 5 points.

JAORE said...

"I think you are forgetting that the abortion issue still is hugely motivational..."

I'm sure it was in 2022. But SOME of the abortion on demand folks might, just might, see that doctors were not slapped into jail by the hundreds. Women won't be persecuted or prosecuted for abortions. And there will not be piles of dead babies in dumpsters due to botched back alley abortions.

Maybe the sky is not really falling.

Although I hear Jesse Smollett might be carrying a child and is currently being forced to wear red robes.

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