I bet the tree is not officially called "The Wisconsin State Capitol Christmas Tree"- that the word "Christmas" isn't anywhere to be seen in the description.
Matt Orfalea: “Media Matters forwarded a dozen false reports of "Russian Twitter Bots". Their primary source was the fraudulent #Hamilton68 dashboard, exposed in the #TwitterFiles.“
Matt Taibbi: “This whole thing would be merely a petty spat between political antagonists, except Media Matters has been a major driver of this general type of story, in which an offense is first invented, then made the focus of ginned-up outrage, then massively propagandized via unscrupulous press partners. The technique has been used to suppress interest in damaging revelations but more often to destroy or defame political figures on the right (Donald Trump), left (Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders) and in between (Tulsi Gabbard, for instance).”
They should put "Old Abe" the stuffed Civil War veteran eagle on the top. He went all the way, with the 8th Wisc Inf Rgt. Island No. 10 to the Red River. A brave specimen.
Over at Bari Weiss's Free Press I see an article by Josh Katz titled Don't Burn Down the Ivory Towers. Damned if I know why not, because IMHO I don't think he makes his case. For my part, I'd lock every professor and administrator, except STEM professors, inside the lecture halls and burn all the universities down. Well maybe there's a Professor Emerita at Wisconsin Law I'd consider sparing too.
FWIW he even mentions the Oxford English Dictionary in passing.
"Hamas math: being able to find, verify, and tally "10,000 dead civilians" with perfect accuracy but lose track of 25% of the kids they stole from Israel."
Had our first snow in Center Mass overnight. It's slush now. Mucked it off the car quickly. Good way to warm up the shoulders before an early morning swim.
But a new force has come to the fore. The heirs of the far-left marxists and communists are now, .. what shall we call them.. perhaps "censorious totalitarian progressives." Sunstein calls them "post liberals." The old alliance between center-left and far left is tearing apart, and Oct 7 was a wake up call for many who had skated over the division.
Wisconsin has more than 850 Christmas tree farms. According to the most recent agricultural census, Wisconsin ranks fifth in the nation in the number of trees cut and acres (more than 23,000) in production. More than 700,000 evergreens are harvested each fall.
Many years ago I was hired at minimum wage to sell Christmas trees on the day shift for the local Kiwanis. In a week of sitting in a cold hut I sold two. It turns out that I was really there to stop people from stealing them -- which had been a pretty big problem in earlier years. Merry Christmas!
Do not mess with Sam Altman and try to destroy $80 - 90 billion of equity in the world's most cutting edge emerging company. That's the lesson given this Wednesday morning.
EA vs. e/acc - right now e/acc takes the win. Here's a quick video to bring you up to date on the overnights. OGH may link to the NYT article referred in the video, I suspect.
We humans make better trees than 40 years ago. The souther US used to have to suffer bum trees- dried out, misshapen Charlie Brown things for big money…now every tree on the lot at Cahills is magazine cover ready…
…third best Christmas tree tale: the Sunday morning mom couldn’t decide between two trees on opposite sides of the tree farm
….second best: when I got a wad of cash to go get a tree and came back with a white pine the farm had nurtured a bit - 8 bucks and I pocketed the rest. The beauty of that tree is still raged about…
…best: my first Christmas in Oregon we find the perfect tree, pay our 8 bucks (?), strap it to the gutter grip ski rack on our little sedan, just in time to beat the rain. Headed down the road a semi in the other lane passes in a wall of wind and water, I look in the rear view mirror to see the tree and rack climbing into the sky like a jet plane.
Mason G said... I bet the tree is not officially called "The Wisconsin State Capitol Christmas Tree"- that the word "Christmas" isn't anywhere to be seen in the description.
Wisconsin governor returns ‘holiday tree’ name to evergreen Evers, a Democrat, called the tree a holiday tree on Friday. He announced the tree’s theme will be “Celebrate Science” and asked schoolchildren to submit science-related ornaments to adorn the tree.
That looks dangerously large: what happens when “Climate Activists” on one side of the tree superglue themselves to it at the same time that “Climate Activists” on the other side are setting it on fire?
Based on the number of YouTube videos of idiotic drivers fleeing Wisconsin law enforcement, my prayers go out for the few sane people left in the state… that they will be protected from the mayhem this holiday season.
I thought we had an issue with inebriates here in Caliunicornia, but we’ve got nothing on the scale of the Land of Cheese.
The Crack Emcee said... "My brother and I are on our way to visit our native land." That's "Words Black Americans Have Rarely Ever Had Reason To Say" for a $1,000, Chuck,...
Crack, why would your "native land" be anything other than where you were born and raised? My ancestors are from Germany and Sweden. I don't think of those places as my "native land" and indeed I have little knowledge of the language, customs or culture of those places. You may not like the place you were born, but that doesn't change your relation to it.
This year our beta-cuck Governor Tony Evers referred to it on Twitter as a "Holiday Tree". I guess that's better than his "Science Tree" label from his first year in office.
How stupid to you have to be to take and obvious symbol of CHRISTMAS, the celebration of the birth of JESUS CHRIST, and call it something other than what it is?
Tony Evers should rename all the world's religious symbols. We could have "Our Birthing Person of Guadalupe". I'm sure the LatinX community would love that.
"Dear Lord. Please free me from all resentment and help me find peace. Bless all those who are cold and hungry. But...if you could find time...could you please send down the Arc Angel Gabriel to bitch slap Tony Evers or at least shove one of those stupid ice cream cones in his face? in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen"
"Crack, why would your "native land" be anything other than where you were born and raised?"
Because we know - and are reminded daily - whites in America see this as their land, as much as Zionists see Palestine as theirs. Blacks would've given sovereignty back to the Indians by now. What do we care?
In Ireland the Garda (police) set up a "ring of steel" (I am not making this up) around Wicklow's Christmas tree farms to prevent inner city gangs from stealing trees for resale. https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/garda-ring-steel-irish-christmas-28577198
We will back down on the War on Christmas when it ceases occupation of October and November…. Whether you're offended by me saying "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas," take comfort in knowing I don't really mean either.
@mezzrow: OpenAI Says Sam Altman to Return as CEO https://www.wsj.com/tech/openai-says-sam-altman-to-return-as-ceo-766349a5
What was never made clear was what the actual cause of Altman’s firing was. Before we all rush to judge this being great, it would be nice to know why the board came to this decision in the first place. He is basically unfireable now. Which might not be a worry except for what he’s working on.
Rusty said... I've always admired the interior of the Wisconsin state capitol. The blue lights are my favorite, but I don't like the way they distort perspaective.
hawkeyedjb said... "The Crack Emcee said..." fugetaboutit. He's one of those people wo has to have someone else to blame for his shit life.
@Mason G: I do hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas. Keep in mind that celebrating the season, is about spending time with family, friends, and loved ones.
"Nov. 22, 2023, 1:32 PM EST / Updated Nov. 22, 2023, 2:06 PM EST By Minyvonne Burke The FBI is investigating a vehicle explosion Wednesday at the border crossing between Canada and the United States on the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, New York.
All western New York bridge crossings into the U.S. were shut down as well, the Erie County executive said. The vehicle was headed into the U.S. from Canada, the Erie County Sheriff’s Office said."
NewsGuard is about to publish a “report” on misinformation on X. As a for-profit company, they will only share the data that underpins their purported research if you pay.
@NewsGuardRating also uses these reports to pressure companies to buy their “fact-checking” services. It’s a profit over any principle model. X has not seen any of the data in their report. Before publishing, we encourage all media outlets to request the data underpinning their claims.
Isn't "X" a for-profit company losing money because of idiocy like this? Don't they charge users for things like useless "blue checks"?
@Mason G: I do hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas. Keep in mind that celebrating the season, is about spending time with family, friends, and loved ones.
Earlier on, you indicated...
"Whether you're offended by me saying "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas," take comfort in knowing I don't really mean either."
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I bet the tree is not officially called "The Wisconsin State Capitol Christmas Tree"- that the word "Christmas" isn't anywhere to be seen in the description.
I’m at the Hard Rock casino in Hollywood Fla killing time because our flight to Santiago DR is delayed.
My brother and I are on our way to visit our native land.
Last time I visited it was 2010. I was collecting a seemingly endless unemployment benefit.
Good times.
It looks just like Clark Griswold's tree,
Matt Orfalea: “Media Matters forwarded a dozen false reports of "Russian Twitter Bots". Their primary source was the fraudulent #Hamilton68 dashboard, exposed in the #TwitterFiles.“
Matt Taibbi: “This whole thing would be merely a petty spat between political antagonists, except Media Matters has been a major driver of this general type of story, in which an offense is first invented, then made the focus of ginned-up outrage, then massively propagandized via unscrupulous press partners. The technique has been used to suppress interest in damaging revelations but more often to destroy or defame political figures on the right (Donald Trump), left (Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders) and in between (Tulsi Gabbard, for instance).”
They should put "Old Abe" the stuffed Civil War veteran eagle on the top. He went all the way, with the 8th Wisc Inf Rgt. Island No. 10 to the Red River. A brave specimen.
Were you there for an Insurrection, or just to view the Christmas tree?
what a great Tree!
They're late, aren't they? Disneyland has had their tree up since early Nov.
Over at Bari Weiss's Free Press I see an article by Josh Katz titled Don't Burn Down the Ivory Towers. Damned if I know why not, because IMHO I don't think he makes his case. For my part, I'd lock every professor and administrator, except STEM professors, inside the lecture halls and burn all the universities down. Well maybe there's a Professor Emerita at Wisconsin Law I'd consider sparing too.
FWIW he even mentions the Oxford English Dictionary in passing.
That tree and building always are lovely.together. A part of being a Madisonian.
They can’t possibly be calling it a Christmas tree, can they?
LOL - Eliminationist Rhetoric from the fan boi of MSDNC
I'm done with Target
What did Newsum(D-Mob,obedient) do with all those homeless people? Cleared away for Xi - lord commie mobster kingpin, deluxe.
Where are the homeless people?
Seen online:
"Hamas math: being able to find, verify, and tally "10,000 dead civilians" with perfect accuracy but lose track of 25% of the kids they stole from Israel."
The great Psychedelic Furs saxophonist, Mars Williams, has died at 68
Another familiar track from Mars Williams. RIP - and thanks.
That is beautiful, we drove across America when I was 10 in a station wagon from Southern California to meet my wonderful Wisconsin family.
It's ON: Norman Finkelstein deconstructs Ben Shapiro and challenges him to debate
Western Media Learning Israel Has Been Lying To Them For Decades
They built Hamas' tunnels,...
Here's a nice story of repeated betrayals by people y'all admire:
How Zionists Came to Palestine Under British Protection
Lem the artificially intelligent said...
"My brother and I are on our way to visit our native land."
That's "Words Black Americans Have Rarely Ever Had Reason To Say" for a $1,000, Chuck,...
Had our first snow in Center Mass overnight. It's slush now. Mucked it off the car quickly. Good way to warm up the shoulders before an early morning swim.
Indians, White People And God’s Earth
Life as a whatever-you-say situation,...
My friend John Cochrane has a wonderful essay on the meanings of liberalism. You can skip Sunstein and just read Cochrane…
John Cochrane: Sunstein Redefines Liberal
But a new force has come to the fore. The heirs of the far-left marxists and communists are now, .. what shall we call them.. perhaps "censorious totalitarian progressives." Sunstein calls them "post liberals." The old alliance between center-left and far left is tearing apart, and Oct 7 was a wake up call for many who had skated over the division.
How Radical Judaism was created by Z!onists
Nice folks: A guy dresses as a Catholic priest and Israelis spit on him 5 times in 5 mins..
Big money in Christmas Trees ...
Wisconsin has more than 850 Christmas tree farms. According to the most recent agricultural census, Wisconsin ranks fifth in the nation in the number of trees cut and acres (more than 23,000) in production. More than 700,000 evergreens are harvested each fall.
Many years ago I was hired at minimum wage to sell Christmas trees on the day shift for the local Kiwanis. In a week of sitting in a cold hut I sold two. It turns out that I was really there to stop people from stealing them -- which had been a pretty big problem in earlier years. Merry Christmas!
Do not mess with Sam Altman and try to destroy $80 - 90 billion of equity in the world's most cutting edge emerging company. That's the lesson given this Wednesday morning.
EA vs. e/acc - right now e/acc takes the win. Here's a quick video to bring you up to date on the overnights. OGH may link to the NYT article referred in the video, I suspect.
Big do'ins from the masters of our universe.
SAM IS BACK! BOARD IS FIRED! We now know what ACTUALLY happened at OpenAI
Rolling Stone: A Silicon Valley ‘Orgasm Cult’ Has Been Sued for Sex Trafficking
When I was covering them in 2008-2009 they were a San Francisco sex cult.
They've moved up in the world because the world is full of shit. Starting with Silicon Valley.
We humans make better trees than 40 years ago. The souther US used to have to suffer bum trees- dried out, misshapen Charlie Brown things for big money…now every tree on the lot at Cahills is magazine cover ready…
…third best Christmas tree tale: the Sunday morning mom couldn’t decide between two trees on opposite sides of the tree farm
….second best: when I got a wad of cash to go get a tree and came back with a white pine the farm had nurtured a bit - 8 bucks and I pocketed the rest. The beauty of that tree is still raged about…
…best: my first Christmas in Oregon we find the perfect tree, pay our 8 bucks (?), strap it to the gutter grip ski rack on our little sedan, just in time to beat the rain. Headed down the road a semi in the other lane passes in a wall of wind and water, I look in the rear view mirror to see the tree and rack climbing into the sky like a jet plane.
Mason G said...
I bet the tree is not officially called "The Wisconsin State Capitol Christmas Tree"- that the word "Christmas" isn't anywhere to be seen in the description.
Wisconsin governor returns ‘holiday tree’ name to evergreen
Evers, a Democrat, called the tree a holiday tree on Friday. He announced the tree’s theme will be “Celebrate Science” and asked schoolchildren to submit science-related ornaments to adorn the tree.
in other Christmas, i mean "science" news..
Louisville doctor provides sex change 'treatment' to 7-year-old child
"I provide gender affirming care pretty much to all ages, my youngest patient being around seven years of age."
That looks dangerously large: what happens when “Climate Activists” on one side of the tree superglue themselves to it at the same time that “Climate Activists” on the other side are setting it on fire?
Based on the number of YouTube videos of idiotic drivers fleeing Wisconsin law enforcement, my prayers go out for the few sane people left in the state… that they will be protected from the mayhem this holiday season.
I thought we had an issue with inebriates here in Caliunicornia, but we’ve got nothing on the scale of the Land of Cheese.
The Crack Emcee said...
"My brother and I are on our way to visit our native land."
That's "Words Black Americans Have Rarely Ever Had Reason To Say" for a $1,000, Chuck,...
Crack, why would your "native land" be anything other than where you were born and raised? My ancestors are from Germany and Sweden. I don't think of those places as my "native land" and indeed I have little knowledge of the language, customs or culture of those places. You may not like the place you were born, but that doesn't change your relation to it.
This year our beta-cuck Governor Tony Evers referred to it on Twitter as a "Holiday Tree". I guess that's better than his "Science Tree" label from his first year in office.
How stupid to you have to be to take and obvious symbol of CHRISTMAS, the celebration of the birth of JESUS CHRIST, and call it something other than what it is?
Tony Evers should rename all the world's religious symbols. We could have "Our Birthing Person of Guadalupe". I'm sure the LatinX community would love that.
"Dear Lord. Please free me from all resentment and help me find peace. Bless all those who are cold and hungry. But...if you could find time...could you please send down the Arc Angel Gabriel to bitch slap Tony Evers or at least shove one of those stupid ice cream cones in his face? in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen"
Gilbar 6:03
The Soviets got rid of religion, too.
There is only one religion: The perfect mix of Destruction, hate, forced obedience, corrupt power-whore mob, woke BS and communism.
hawkeyedjb said...
"Crack, why would your "native land" be anything other than where you were born and raised?"
Because we know - and are reminded daily - whites in America see this as their land, as much as Zionists see Palestine as theirs. Blacks would've given sovereignty back to the Indians by now. What do we care?
Whites care.
How Christonormative!
I've always admired the interior of the Wisconsin state capitol. The blue lights are my favorite, but I don't like the way they distort perspaective.
hawkeyedjb said...
"The Crack Emcee said..."
fugetaboutit. He's one of those people wo has to have someone else to blame for his shit life.
In Ireland the Garda (police) set up a "ring of steel" (I am not making this up) around Wicklow's Christmas tree farms to prevent inner city gangs from stealing trees for resale.
We will back down on the War on Christmas when it ceases occupation of October and November…. Whether you're offended by me saying "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas," take comfort in knowing I don't really mean either.
@mezzrow: OpenAI Says Sam Altman to Return as CEO
What was never made clear was what the actual cause of Altman’s firing was. Before we all rush to judge this being great, it would be nice to know why the board came to this decision in the first place. He is basically unfireable now. Which might not be a worry except for what he’s working on.
"Blacks would've given sovereignty back to the Indians by now."
Truly delusional.
Rusty said...
I've always admired the interior of the Wisconsin state capitol. The blue lights are my favorite, but I don't like the way they distort perspaective.
hawkeyedjb said...
"The Crack Emcee said..."
fugetaboutit. He's one of those people wo has to have someone else to blame for his shit life.
"take comfort in knowing I don't really mean either."
Everybody knows you don't. The only time leftists are happy or experience any joy whatsoever is when they're tearing things down.
Old and slow said...
"Blacks would've given sovereignty back to the Indians by now."
Truly delusional.
Ahh, but everyone would be happier.
Old and slow: "Blacks would've given sovereignty back to the Indians by now."
The only thing missing from this lunatic assertion is Crack singing "Can You Paint With All The Colors Of The Wind" in the background.
@Mason G: I do hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas. Keep in mind that celebrating the season, is about spending time with family, friends, and loved ones.
Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls closed after explosion of vehicle entering U.S. from Canada, officials say
"Nov. 22, 2023, 1:32 PM EST / Updated Nov. 22, 2023, 2:06 PM EST
By Minyvonne Burke
The FBI is investigating a vehicle explosion Wednesday at the border crossing between Canada and the United States on the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls, New York.
All western New York bridge crossings into the U.S. were shut down as well, the Erie County executive said. The vehicle was headed into the U.S. from Canada, the Erie County Sheriff’s Office said."
Developing story.
That picture reminded me of this story from Ben Sasse. Apparently no college students are involved in the tree decoration in the picture
Go ask for a ladder? College students never think
X Safety reports that:
NewsGuard is about to publish a “report” on misinformation on X. As a for-profit company, they will only share the data that underpins their purported research if you pay.
@NewsGuardRating also uses these reports to pressure companies to buy their “fact-checking” services. It’s a profit over any principle model. X has not seen any of the data in their report. Before publishing, we encourage all media outlets to request the data underpinning their claims.
Isn't "X" a for-profit company losing money because of idiocy like this? Don't they charge users for things like useless "blue checks"?
In Wisconsin, it just be a "holiday tree"
@Mason G: I do hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas. Keep in mind that celebrating the season, is about spending time with family, friends, and loved ones.
Earlier on, you indicated...
"Whether you're offended by me saying "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas," take comfort in knowing I don't really mean either."
that your holiday wishes were insincere.
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