November 29, 2023

Sunrise — 7:05, 7:14.

IMG_4406 3


Talk about whatever you like in the comments, and thanks to all who are supporting this blog by entering Amazon through the Althouse Portal to do whatever shopping you might need to do. 


madAsHell said...

The Stones are touring again in 2024 in support of their "Hackney Diamonds" album.

Hell.......I thought 2019 was going to be last tour.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I had the first cataract (right eye) replaced on Monday. Piece of cake. It took 3-hrs overall from arrival to departure. Lot of hurry-up-and-wait. Their office computers were done, so that slowed things down. They triple dilated the eye; the dilation didn't wear off until the next day. Once they started treatment, it was only about 15-minutes. I had the eye put to sleep, so I didn't feel a thing.

madAsHell said...

Rover Group Inc., an online marketplace in the fast-growing market for pet-care services, soared after agreeing to be acquired by Blackstone Inc. in a $2.3 billion all-cash deal, the companies said Wednesday.

How is this a good investment??

Mutaman said...

“Judge Engoron’s Trump Hating wife, together with his very disturbed and angry law clerk, have taken over control of the New York State Witch Hunt Trial aimed at me, my family, and the Republican Party,” Trump wrote to his followers. “This is such an embarrassment to all within the New York State Judicial System, as murder and violent crime rage like never before!”

"To my ear, it's conversational, and I enjoy the lively spontaneity. It doesn't feel like mental derangement to me. It feels like a strength."

The rule of Lemnity said...

YouTube instrumental: I got to be authentically they

This tune has one of the most satisfying chord progressions ever discovered. Check it out towards the end.

Dave Begley said...

Elon Musk told Disney’s Bob Iger to fuck off live on CNBC.

Historic. Epic.

Dave Begley said...

Rex Reed, “ Maestro is the closest thing to perfection I’ve seen on the screen in a very long time.”


Wait until he sees my “Frankenstein, Part II.”

Dave Begley said...

Henry Kissinger has passed.

Wonder what he thought of Biden’s foreign policy.

Ann Althouse said...

Kissinger has died, age 100.

Iman said...

‘The son of a Hamas co-founder recorded himself on video granting Israel “permission” to assassinate all of the terrorist organization’s leaders, including his own father, if all hostages are not released within a specific period of time.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the 45-year-old son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, recommended Israel give Hamas a set timeframe to release all the remaining hostages, after which Israel should assassinate the terror group’s leadership.

“Israel cannot continue like this,” he said in a ten-minute video posted to X on Tuesday. “Hamas must have a timeframe – a month or two or six months – to return the hostages and if they don’t return the hostages within the time frame, Israel must execute top Hamas leaders in prison, especially the mass murderers.”

“When I say execute top leaders, I mean no exceptions, that includes my own father,” the son added, wishing he didn’t save his father’s life numerous times ten to 15 years ago. “He was supposed to die for his actions. I saved his life. Things did not change, things got worse.” ‘

Maynard said...

RIP Henry Kissinger.

You were a unique character on the political scene.

I recall him saying about Harvard that University politics were so petty precisely because the stakes are so small

Narr said...

Get your AARP discount to see the Stones. The irony drips.

The more I see and learn about the Napoleon epic the queasier I feel. The parts of the trailers that I hope aren't supposed to represent certain incidents, apparently represent exactly those incidents. A hot mess.

RIP Henry the K.

“Bad Genes” said...

Kissinger was neither as great as his defenders thought nor as awful as his haters did. And, in fact, he wasn't actually a great historian. But he definitely had an impact on the world in a way few people have. A very interesting character, once one gets beyond the hype and hate. To be fair, he did a couple of good things in a life otherwise (some may say) deserving of condemnation:

Soviet detente and the resulting arms control agreements
Secretly opening relations with China
Camp David Accords (resulted in peace between Israel and Egypt)

Worth remembering he was basically working right up to almost the end with his consultancy, even if he had dialed it back a bit. Rosalind Carter, who also passed away this month, was also close to 100 years old. On that basis Biden might well have twenty useful years ahead of him. As might Mick Jagger, being as they are the same age.

“Bad Genes” said...

"The whole world will know the advertisers killed the company” ~ Elon Musk

Classic projection of something he rejects in himself onto others. Jung would probably suggest he work on his ego a little.

Big Mike said...

Mollie Hemingway reports that Jack Smith has now subpoenaed that names of every individual who has followed Donald Trump, liked one of his tweets, or retweeted one of his tweets. This, of course, is not intended to chill the political speech of Republicans in general or Donald Trump in particular. Of course not.

Howard said...

Is HK the third after Rosalynn Carter and Charles Munger?

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

People are quite broken up about kissinger dying - somewhere. Certainly not on twitter. Carter outlived him. And Dick - Mr. annual heartattack - Cheney is still with us.

rcocean said...

At least we don't have to hear his opinions on Foreign policy anymore. Thank God.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Via XTwitter: Elon does not mince words. Or. Elon takes off the gloves.

The Crack Emcee said...

It's scary that this never gets old

The rule of Lemnity said...

I've been puzzling over a billboard sign facing northbound on I85, coming out of ATL.

What could a sign that says, No ID, No Dispensary.

I mean, I know the literal meaning of the sign; what I was puzzling over was the ramifications, what could it mean in the long view scheme of things.

Could it mean that we take better care to make sure WHO can smoke weed, than WHO actually votes in elections?

In that light, wouldn't it be easy to justify a steal? Like taking candy from... former president Jimmy Carter.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Henry Kissinger outlived his fiercest critic, Christopher Hitchens, by 18 years.

I consider that Henry's most remarkable achievement ;)

The Crack Emcee said...

Christopher Hitchens on Israeli Settlements

wildswan said...

A young boy had his face painted in the NFL Chiefs' colors - red and black - while at a Chiefs game. the boy is part tribal and, of course, tribal warriors painted their faces before going to war and one side of the war paint design on the boys face was black. He was accused of racism by a reporter from the Gotcha Brigade trying to score bonus racism points for his career. So predictable. I hope his mother sues.

Big Mike said...

Regarding Henry Kissinger, I have to agree with Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit:

To be honest, I think he was overrated as a diplomat and foreign policy expert.

gadfly said...

Disobeying the court yet again, a court-ordered auditor has caught Donald Trump moving $40 million from the Trump Organization into the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust bank account — from which a whopping $29 million was paid for taxes owed.

Just another way to deplete cash assets residing in New York State ahead of his business shutdowns which will likely require $250 million from instate assets to be paid to the state. I think that he will have to dip into his MAGA-provided funds instead, so dumb donors and the RNC will again be asked to give, give give!

wendybar said...

For all the left wing NUTS having a tizzy because Melania wore gray to Rosaline Carters funeral....did you have a tizzy when Rosaline wore tan to Nixons funeral??

Or how about when your Queen Hillary wore a coat similar to what Melania wore to Barbara Bushes funeral.

You are all full of shit.

gadfly said...

The group, "No Labels," hasn't made a final decision on whether or not to launch a third-party challenge, which Democratic critics argue could throw the election to former President Trump. But Wall Street wants neither and that is the source of campaign financing. So what is the answer? Is it time for Teddy Roosevelt II?

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban should "jump center" as the Presidential candidate for this third party. It appears that something is brewing in his brilliant mind. He is selling the Mavs and abandoning his TV stint on ABC's "Shark Tank" after 16 seasons. But he denies that he wants to run for President for a third party and he dislikes both major parties. And he is not and never has been a politician. He has reached retirement age but he is always into something.

Cuban is libertarian and into all things Ayn Rand. That should appeal to so-called MAGA conservatives and certainly to us real conservatives in search of less government bureaucracy. Why should smart liberal Democrats want Cuban? Because Biden isn't going to make it for five more years. The presidency kills and someone who can beat Trump is what they need. Mark Cuban and Liz Cheney sound like the winning ticket to me.

wendybar said...

The Left Wing Nazi's with their swastikas and burning police officer hats were out in force last night in NYC at the annual Christmas tree lighting, showing America just how much they hate it. If you think this is peaceful, then just wait until Trump wins the election.

Makes you wonder WHY the FBI is looking for people who like Trumps tweets instead of going after these thugs who want to destroy America as fast as they can.

wendybar said...

"The left is made up with people who bring a bag of chips to a potluck meal and won’t stop bitching about the food everyone else actually made. It can’t last forever, they will stop being invited." (perfect analogy)

wendybar said...

Mr Delusion had a speech in Colorado yesterday where he claimed he had a Marine who could blow up the world, and then he called Trump "Congressman". Haven't we had enough of the delusion yet?? This man needs to be put in a Nursing home. It's embarrassing to the whole country. No wonder why Xi and Putin are doing whatever they want....there is nobody in our government today that will stop them.

wendybar said...


Joe Rogan goes off on Democrats ahead of 2024: "They have no cards. They're depending upon party loyalty and Trump getting convicted and imprisoned. It does make sense if you want to look at Banana Republic tactics."

wendybar said...

Think it's going to get better with Democrats in charge?? Law and Order?? What's that??

wendybar said...

Wanna know where our tax dollars are being wasted?? How about THIS??? Imagine if taxpayers paid for Babies lives matter being painted on roads??

I hope that each and every family in DC that is suffering, understands that they don't matter....words on a road matter more than they do.

wendybar said...

"So much for Democrats’ yammering and virtue signaling about the environment—migrants are notorious for their complete disregard of the landscape, and their impact is consequential. One need look no further than the rotting polyester sleeping bags and tents, or mounds of trash and plastic water bottles, littering the desertscape of Saguaro National Park; the fragile flora species trampled underfoot in Big Bend National Park; or the undergarments hung in the “rape trees” of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument."

wendybar said...

"And yet while all historical indications point to what ought to be virtually a guaranteed Trump victory in 2024, many Republicans choose to remain dubious; not just dubious but actively engaged in sabotaging GOP chances, as if they themselves would rather will Trump’s defeat than his victory.

Consequently, while 2024 can’t come soon enough it may also come too soon if Republicans continue to both inexplicably deny Trump’s ability to win and actively undermine it by searching for and even manufacturing reasons to hate Trump."

tim in vermont said...

That headdress the kid was wearing seemed extremely authentic to me, and it made me doubt immediately that it was some getup put together for a football game. It’s an incredible piece of art and culture and it just goes to show the cluelessness of deadspin that it didn’t set off any questions about what they were seeing.

iowan2 said...


Got any thoughts on why the defense portion of the trial has received zero reporting?

Maybe because Deutschabank testified its not uncommon for the lender to ignore submitted valuations or just randomly reducing the valuations. They testified they were not defrauded.
Micheal Cohen testified Donald Trump never requested he reduce, or increase valuations.

Strange yes? Wall to wall reporting when the prosecution presented all their witnesses. Zero when the facts get presented.

All the facts expose this as nothing but political persecution.

Humperdink said...

Big Mike said: "Mollie Hemingway reported that Jack Smith has now subpoenaed that names of every individual who has followed Donald Trump, liked one of his tweets, or retweeted one of his tweets. This, of course, is not intended to chill the political speech of Republicans in general or Donald Trump in particular. Of course not."

Big Mike you are now on Jack Smith's list. I suspect Smith also has a list of Althouse commenters.

tim in vermont said...

"certainly to us real conservatives in search of less government bureaucracy."

How does cheerleading for foreign wars, expensive foreign wars, wars that bring the risk of WWIII for no actual benefit to the people of the United States, make you a "real conservative"?

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Cray-Cray: Alec Baldwin settles $25 million defamation lawsuit with sister of Marine killed in Afghanistan withdrawal after claiming she was part of January 6 riots

MadTownGuy said...

Wisconsin flags lowered for anniversary of Waukesha Christmas Parade Tragedy

The Crack Emcee said...

Eight-year-old Adam al-Ghoul and 15-year-old Basel Abu al-Wafa shot dead by israeli soldiers


pacwest said...

Mark Cuban and Liz Cheney sound like the winning ticket to me.

Dammit gadfly. You owe me a new keyboard.

pacwest said...

I would like to point out to the resident lefties here that the last three decades you have put a crook, a race baiter, and a traitor in the highest office in the land.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Good news story of the day: 'Washington Post Says “Involuntary Layoffs” Could Be Next.'

Next, the NY Slimes.

Narr said...

"Biden might have twenty useful years ahead of him."


Biden doesn't have twenty useful years behind him. Sheesh.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The latest boondoggle climate program is carbon capture and storage under the nation's forests. Comments on this boondoggle can be made here.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

11/30/23, 8:48 AM Delete
Blogger Narr said...
"Biden might have twenty useful years ahead of him."


Biden doesn't have twenty useful years behind him. Sheesh.

11/30/23, 10:29 AM


Joe Smith said...

'Get your AARP discount to see the Stones. The irony drips.'

It's called 'Marketing.'

It's smart.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The ""clean" energy industry is doing so well that it's lost $30B in the last 6 months. Meanwhile, the oil and gas sector has gained about $10B in the same time.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The ""clean" energy industry is doing so well that it's lost $30B in the last 6 months. Meanwhile, the oil and gas sector has gained about $10B in the same time.

Narr said...

"It's smart." Yes, and not a little ironic.

Iman said...

“Henry Kissinger outlived his fiercest critic, Christopher Hitchens, by 18 years.”

Hitchens died 12/15/2011, so more like 12 years.

Iman said...

“A shooting at a bus station near Jerusalem on Thursday morning left three Israelis dead and 11 others with various injuries.
According to Israeli police, the shooting was carried out by two Hamas terrorists who drove to the Givat Shaul junction on the outskirts of the Holy City in an armed vehicle and opened fire on unsuspecting victims standing there. Police responded to the bus stop at around 7:40 a.m. local time.

The three deceased victims of the shooting attack in Jerusalem were identified as 73-year-old Rabbi Elimelech Wasserman, 67-year-old Hana Ifergan, and 24-year-old Livia Dickman.

Israeli police said the two shooters, who were from east Jerusalem, were shot and killed by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers in the area. A civilian was also shot and killed during the exchange.

Israeli media said the shooters were brothers and associated with Hamas.”

Jim at said...

Mark Cuban and Liz Cheney sound like the winning ticket to me.

That's because you're a dumas.

Rusty said...

Joe Smith said...
'Get your AARP discount to see the Stones. The irony drips.'

"It's called 'Marketing.'

It's smart."
Still funny though.