I'm reading "Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin says he will not seek reelection" (WaPo).
Somehow, on the same day, "Jill Stein launches 2024 bid as Green Party candidate" (The Hill).
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
I'm reading "Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin says he will not seek reelection" (WaPo).
Somehow, on the same day, "Jill Stein launches 2024 bid as Green Party candidate" (The Hill).
With all these third-party candidates to the left of him, Trump could win the election with maybe 40% of the vote!
It isn't good for the Republic to have people constantly wondering about the political prospects of people 70+. Sure there will be some, and I'm not saying we implement the Logan's Run rule for politicians, but we only need so many Ben Franklins. The sweet spot for national politicians should probably be about 40 to 65, with Presidents skewing to the higher end of that. Not having an age appropriate political class risks having wild shifts in policy when the bell eventually tolls.
Not sure why he didn't flip to R, but I guess he liked all the attention...
He might have flirted with the idea of running for President, but he probably couldn't carry his home state.
No Labels... too many labels and selective judgment. To Manchin's credit, he is not an environmentalist and does not acknowledge anthropogenic climate control.
Go Green Party go! Siphon!
Not a very enlightening comment, but haven't had time all day for my daily Althouse and just wanted to jump in.
But seriously, Green can have an impact on close races.
Finally free of the Manchin drama.
Manchin/Kennedy as a third-party ticket would be a formidable drain on both major Parties -- or the DNC's wise choice. I didn't know he was that old, though. He is energetic though: West Virginia if anywhere still knows the meaning of "lay down, stay down."
So the Greens are in. Still awaiting word from the Dead Lyndon LaRouche ticket.
All the left leaning Democrats who called Manchin a DINO (Dem in Name Only) and they should primary him, and now finally the realization sinks, he was a Democrat in a largely Republican state and all the left leaning Democrats' bluster has been called and now they realize they need to share power with Mitch McConnell again. Be careful what you wish for.
A guaranteed 2024 loser goes away at age 76! Why didn't he retire at 70 and avoid the painful needle-threading and waffling of the last 6 years? He was abused/tricked by the Democrats and "recruited" by the drooling old men in the Republican party.
He should have taken his yacht someone far away to enjoy life. I guess he will now.
I wonder how the GOP will screw this up?
I'm beating a dead horse, here, but too few people paid attention to what the Dems did to the Green Party here in Wisconsin in 2020. You can spread rumors about late night ballot drops that are never proven, but this is a real thing that happened. Jill Stein got 31,000 votes in 2016. The Democrats got the Greens kicked off the ballot in 2020 and then the Greens had a hard time finding a lawyer that would (or could due to conflicts) represent them.
The Green Party gets 31,000 votes in 2016. Green Party is eliminated. Biden wins the election by 20,000 votes. You clowns are still on your eternal snipe hunt about ballot drops. The Dems are NOT rigging the elections at 2am. They are rigging the elections right in from of your face and laughing at you as you cry about midnight ballot drops that never happened. 🤡 Clowns.
Burn it down.
‘Jill Stein launches 2024 bid as Green Party candidate’ — the Russian funding must have come in.
Good riddance to a West Virginia sellout.
>He might have flirted with the idea of running for President, but he probably couldn't carry his home state.
Al Gore has entered the chat...
>He might have flirted with the idea of running for President, but he probably couldn't carry his home state.
Al Gore has entered the chat...
@DanTM: Democrats would have lost the senate no matter what including Manchin's seat (he's trailing the governor by 10 points in most polls).
They are rigging the elections right in from of your face and laughing at you as you cry about midnight ballot drops that never happened. 🤡 Clowns.
Yes, this! Well except for the midnight ballot drops caught on camera, but other than that it never happened you clowns!
Of course, Pelosi says the No Label Party is a "threat to democracy". Of course they broadcast that quote on the ABC National News tonight for the brainwashed.
Funny how anyone who challenges the totalitarian Democrats in an open election is a threat to democracy.
Total bullshit. I can't believe the significant percentage of Americans that believe her crap.
I don't think the downfall of the great American experiment will end due to our leaders. It will happen because of the stupidity of the "voters". More than likely, we're fucked. I worry for my kids...but they believe this kind of shit too. Generation Z. The failure of Generation X.
Manchin is one of those horrible pols who could only get elected in the South or a border state. He's like a WV Lyndon Johnson. He has no charisma, no morals, and no desire to tell the truth. He's just out for money and power. A used car salesman with brains. THis type usually gets Re-elected because he "Brings home the bacon" and makes noises around election time about being for the "average Joe".
I have no doubt he would run for POTUS, IF SOMEONE PAID HIM ENOUGH
He's retiring because WV has finally caught on to the fact that "Moderate Joe" doesn't give a damn about them, isn't "moderate" and is more interested in pleasing Big Business and Chuck Schumer than doing anything for WV.
I’d vote for him for Prez over Biden and Trump. A low bar I know
No labels?
No comment.
No mas.
Good old Joe. When it didn’t count, he wa# always there for the people of WV! But when it did count, he wa# there for Schumer and Pelosi. Enjoy your retirement, Joe—I certainly will.
Joe Bar: "I wonder how the GOP will screw this up."
WV voted 70% for Trump in 2020. I'm guessing the GOPe will find a DuPont or Rockefeller heir to run and will vilify and denounce anyone remotely MAGA.
Speaking as a West Virginian, I can say that Joe is a relic of the recent past when West Virginia was a yellow dog democrat state. He managed to survive because some truly unattractive people opposed him in the senate races. Beyond the fact he appointed himself to the senate when Byrd (finally) died, his performance at a State of the Union speech when he started to rise and applaud something Trump had said only to resume his seat like a chastened child at a look from Shumer should have been a campaign add on a loop for whoever was opposing him.
Had Manchin had any political instincts at all he would have realized he had Shumer's balls in a vise grip when the Senate was 50/50 and would have squeezed like there was no tomorrow and then grabbed Mitch's at the same time. Another gutless wonder. I won't be missing him although we will probably be replacing him with our rather clownish governor.
I’d probably vote for Manchin as a protest candidate, him or maybe the Libertarian candidate. It’s clear that neither the GOP nor the Democrats are going to run somebody even remotely acceptable so all I can do is cast a protest vote.
Ramping up for that last big payday.
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