November 18, 2023

Is there any good reason why this was withheld?


rehajm said...

The good reason was the political narrative.

Remember that next time you’re eye rolling the latest ‘conservative conspiracy’

Kevin said...

Is there any good reason why this was withheld?

I believe the stated reason is to save democracy.

JaimeRoberto said...

Any good reason? It depends on what your motives are.

The Crack Emcee said...

Define "good"

GatorNavy said...

This is old news, rechewed meat if you will. I’m not surprised in the slightest by what the Democrats or the courts did to the J6 protestors. What disgusted me then and what still disgusts me is the Republican legislators and leadership did or rather did not do which should have been defend their constituents with every weapon at their disposal. If we ever reach the revolt stage against the washingtonians, mark me, the republicans will swing first as they are absolute cowards, physically, mentally, spiritually and morally.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Is there any good reason why this was withheld?"

Yew. Democrats, the deep state, RINOs, and the media needed to withhold it to smear Republicans, conservatives, and the American people.

For them, I'm sure it was a very good reason. Tape it to the inside of their blindfolds.

Dave Begley said...

Yes, there was.

The Dems and Liz Cheney only wanted to present one side of the story.

They didn't want to be fair. They were advocates for the "Trump is a danger to democracy" narrative.

As a consequence, all sorts of people have rec'd very harsh sentences and the FBI devoted enormous resources to this witch hunt and to such a great extent that a child sex abuser was able to work his evil on a young 10-year-old boy in Alaska.

One of the main reasons I'm for Vivek is that he will abolish the FBI. It has to be done. The FBI has become way too partisan.

The rule of Lemnity said...

We have scores of political prisoners in this country.

This stain will never be forgotten.

Iman said...

You knew it was a set-up from the start, based on the Derp state’s frenzied lies, claims and denials…

Fucking criminals.

Ann Althouse said...

"Define "good""

The obvious bad reason is — from the point of view of those who controlled the withholding — that it was evidence against what they were trying to establish.

Unless you can demonstrate other reasons supporting the decision, we should count the withholding of the evidence as evidence against what they were trying to establish. And also evidence of corruption.

Rusty said...

So, not an Insurection but an Invitation. This is gonna fuck with the narrative.

Josephbleau said...

I really liked how the guy guard was hitting on the girl guard, and right in the middle of an insurrection the size of “Pearl Harbor(sic).”

Michael said...

Well look at it this way. The people in this video were only given five year sentences.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Althouse is right. See @3:02

My recollection is judges sanction prosecutions when they are found to engage in this sort of deception. At least that’s how the attempt to arrive at justice is presented in fiction.

In the real world, the whole truth appears to be weighted against folks for simply expressing their constitutional right.

Quaestor said...

Whatever benefits the left's will to power is good enough. Right, Inga? Right, Vicky from Pasadena? On the mark, Robert Cook?

The Democrats must be cooking up one helluva omelet to be breaking so many eggs.

There are still innocent people languishing in jail on account of the BIG LIE. They will be vindicated, as martyrs usually are. Unfortunately, the politicians responsible for these persecutions are safe behind the doctrine of legislative immunity. The J6 martyrs will eventually get compensation for their suffering, but the bill will be paid by the lowly taxpayer and not the criminals enjoying Congressional privileges.

The Vault Dweller said...

No cast of Hamilton singing a song to accompany this video release? How else am I to know which emotions I should feel without proper musical guidance?

Clyde said...

They are victims of the American gulag in D.C. Democrats are the new Stalinists.

Big Mike said...

Of course there was a good reason why the tape was withheld — you can’t apply the 14th Amendment to Donald Trump if the alleged “violent insurrection” consists of a modest number of people being invited into the Capitol and strolling around like so many tourists.

Jupiter said...

Are you really just finding this out now? Although this particular recording may have just been released, there was plenty of evidence immediately after 1/6 that the doors could only be unlocked from the inside, and many people were admitted and escorted by the Capitol Police. If you didn't know this three years ago, it's because you didn't want to.

What's changed?

rhhardin said...

It was the left's last chance to prove Trump was a Nazi, so they put out everything that would tend to confirm it and suppressed whatever disconfirmed it.

Leland said...

I can't explain why this public record wasn't made public long ago, especially since it appears to be Brady material for hundreds of cases.

But there is another question, what is the reason Capitol police behaving this way? Some police are escorting, some are guarding exits, one has their baton at the ready while another has their hand in their jacket pocket. There seems no cohesive plan to deal with a known and ongoing protest.

rhhardin said...

Democrats always lie. Or put it, they always put out the narrative most interesting to women.

Michael K said...

We all knew this was done. The whole Jan 6 thing was a false flag operation by Garland and the cabal that runs Biden.

YoungHegelian said...

The Capital Police and the FBI admitted before the trials started that they had in their possession video that "could be seen as exculpatory". That the judges in the cases of the J6 defendants didn't press the relevant law enforcement agencies for the release of the video shows just what a bunch of Stalinist show trials they've all been.

If I had been a judge I would have told the prosecution that no trials until this evidence is made available to the defense, and if law enforcement dawdled in producing the evidence, I would have dismissed the cases.

The judges involved in this monstrosity have to be removed from the bench. Yeah, fat chance, I know.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

And also evidence of corruption.

@Althouse, Democrats who participate in the hivemind (which, right now, is 100% of the Democrat members of the House of Representatives) and most — perhaps all — neoconservative Republicans are corrupt? Some of us have been aware of that for a while.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ann Althouse said...

"We should count the withholding of the evidence as evidence against what they were trying to establish. And also evidence of corruption."

Thank you. So do we build guillotines or not?

Big Mike said...

The BLM-instigated riots following the death of George Floyd were labeled “mostly peaceful” and even “fiery but mostly peaceful,” while what you see on the screen was called an “armed insurrection.” Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

Readers of this blog who will be in church tomorrow might want to offer up a quiet prayer that the US never does see a real armed insurrection. It won’t look anything like this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Also curious - most of the ordinary looking supporters do not have masks on.

The "authorities" - many of them do.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Headline: "Liz Cheney Reacts After Mike Johnson Announces Jan. 6 Video Release"

I don't remember a time when hiding something from the public was considered a good thing.

Begs the obvious question. What else are they hiding?

The rule of Lemnity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mason G said...

"Unless you can demonstrate other reasons supporting the decision..."

Well, the left insists that Trump is literally Hitler (making his supporters literally nazis), so in their minds, they're permitted to use any means necessary in dealing with him (and them).

I'm not saying that's a good reason, but it's all they've got.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is also curious.

Lance said...

Had Kevin McCarthy released this video he would still be Speaker of the House.

BUMBLE BEE said...

There's a lot more where that came from. Grandma's selfie march between the velvet ropes.
Guiding the Shaman.
Dem critters got a taste of insurrection in the guise of "ceasefire protest" the other day.
BLM, Hamas and Antifa rowdies gonna make D.C. an exciting place to be.
Lots more than Nadler are gonna be shitting themselves.

The Godfather said...

My wife and I watched the Jan. 6 demonstration live on (I think) ABC News. The peaceful aspects of the demonstration were obvious from the start. As I recall, most of the live feeds appeared to be from fixed cameras at various locations. One camera showed folks walking up (I think) Constitution Ave. (maybe Pennsylvania), toward the Capitol. What was significant to me was that there were lots of families with kids; not what you'd expect of insurrectionists.

Another camera showed folks who had entered the Capitol and were walking through the public areas. These were similar to the "new" films, except ABC didn't show as many people. We smiled (I may even have laughed) because the demonstrators were walking between the velvet ropes like obedient Capitol tourists.

There were two (I think) cameras focused on exterior entries to the Capitol, one where it appeared that folks had gained entry, and one where they had not, but were still trying. These cameras showed a lot of activity, some of which I would not call "peaceful", but none that looked violent.

I assume that anyone who was charged with criminal acts based on their participation in these events had a right to access to videos like these. Am I wrong?

The Godfather said...

My wife and I watched the Jan. 6 demonstration live on (I think) ABC News. The peaceful aspects of the demonstration were obvious from the start. As I recall, most of the live feeds appeared to be from fixed cameras at various locations. One camera showed folks walking up (I think) Constitution Ave. (maybe Pennsylvania), toward the Capitol. What was significant to me was that there were lots of families with kids; not what you'd expect of insurrectionists.

Another camera showed folks who had entered the Capitol and were walking through the public areas. These were similar to the "new" films, except ABC didn't show as many people. We smiled (I may even have laughed) because the demonstrators were walking between the velvet ropes like obedient Capitol tourists.

There were two (I think) cameras focused on exterior entries to the Capitol, one where it appeared that folks had gained entry, and one where they had not, but were still trying. These cameras showed a lot of activity, some of which I would not call "peaceful", but none that looked violent.

I assume that anyone who was charged with criminal acts based on their participation in these events had a right to access to videos like these. Am I wrong?

Immanuel Rant said...

Well said, Professor.

William50 said...

According to Democrats, including Liz and Adam, this is what an INSURECTION looks like. I now understand why AOC was afraid for her life.

Christopher B said...

One word is sufficient.


Christopher B said...

I wonder if Darwin11 or Hamilton86 or whoever is gonna come on this thread to tell us not to believe our lying eyes.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

They had a fraudulent election they desperately didn’t want to talk about. If it hadn’t been this, they would have manufactured something else.

David53 said...

If Musk didn't buy Twitter would we be seeing this today?

gilbar said...

now, comparison contrast with the palestinian "protesters" who broke into the Capitol last week

jim said...

I assume this was some of the 100,000 hours of security video McCarthy turned over to that ex fox guy.

I see capitol police escorting some people who look like demonstrators (not shamen) through a peaceful and secured area and, presumably, out of the capital. They are deescalating the situation.

Again I'm assuming, these were people who followed the mob we all saw on TV into the capitol and then probably said "OH SHIT, what's going on here" and wanted out.

Tell me when you identify one of them who is being prosecuted.

Wince said...

Some are saying this particular video is of people led out of the Capitol by police 2 hours into the protest.

This video has not been supressed [sic], it has been available to the public for over a year. This is not people being escorted in, it is people being escorted out. The time is 3:00 PM over 2 hours AFTER the riot started

According to published timelines, however, the very first incursion to the building took place around 2:00pm.

1:59 p.m.: The first rioters reach the Capitol and attempt to break inside through doors and windows. (via the Washington Post)

Did the people in this video (1) enter the Capitol and (2) wrap-up their protest and then (3) exit the Capitol within an hour of the very first incursion by the most aggressive rioters?

What I'd be most interested in learning from the footage released is the percentage of the protesters that were identified and charged criminally, and then identify those that weren't charged.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Via X Twitter @BrandonStraka:
�� "Newly released footage of Matthew Perna (seen in red sweatshirt) shows Matthew walking calmly in the Capitol shooting video.

Matthew pled guilty to initial charges, believing he may face 6-12 months in prison.

Only after pleading guilty did the DOJ inform Matthew that they would seek a TERRORISM enhancement to his sentencing, which would raise his sentence to a potential 9 years in federal prison.

4 days after receiving news that the DOJ would push for this sentencing enhancement, Matthew went into his garage, put a rope around his neck, and hung himself.

n.n said...

What disgusted me then and what still disgusts me is the Republican legislators and leadership did or rather did not do which should have been defend their constituents with every weapon at their disposal.

That is a cause for election hesitancy. The most plausible path is one where diverse interests will check democratic lust for capital, control, abortion, and deficits.

Mr. Majestyk said...

It is interesting how the "protester" being uncuffed by Capitol police in the video that I Stand linked to bent way forward just as his head entered the camera frame. Why bend so far forward just to be uncuffed? Almost like he was hiding his face from the camera.

Quaestor said...

The Crack Emcee writes, "Thank you. So do we build guillotines or not?"

Not. Think of the trees wasted.

Original Mike said...

"Unless you can demonstrate other reasons supporting the decision, we should count the withholding of the evidence as evidence against what they were trying to establish. And also evidence of corruption."

The reason they gave is bad guys would discover that there were security cameras in the Capitol. Yeah, I know. Who would have thought?

rcocean said...

Liz Cheney is a liar. Just like his Father. He lied about WMDs and got thousands of American Soldiers killed. She lied about J6, and ruined the lives of about 800 peaceful protesters who did little except walk around the Capital.

She's as just as arrogant, and souless as her father.

rcocean said...

I remember watching (while getting my oil changed) some ABC news special about the "Insurrection" at the Capital about a week after J6. All ABC did was replay about 5 minutes of the most violent footage over and over again.

I'd bet these violent 5-10 minutes, along with Buffalo Hat guy, are all the vast majority of people know about J6. But the violence only involved about 200 of the people who were there. The other 800 did nothing except wander around and stay inside the ropes. And almost 100,000 people attended the Trump rally that was a mile away.

Biden's Stalinist DOJ has hunted down almost everyone of those 800 peaceful protesters and thrown them in prison. Most have had their lives ruined. Pelosi and Joe Biden and Liz Cheney probably have a big laugh over that.

Rusty said...

Mr. Majestyk said...
"It is interesting how the "protester" being uncuffed by Capitol police in the video that I Stand linked to bent way forward just as his head entered the camera frame. Why bend so far forward just to be uncuffed? Almost like he was hiding his face from the camera."
What happens when your cuffed from behind and bend over?
I'll tell you.
It raises your hands and makes it easier to be uncuffed.

“Bad Genes” said...

Right wing influencers have gone full 1984. We’re just supposed to reject the evidence of our eyes and ears when it comes to January 6, apparently.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

White left antifa Nazis get let out of jail immediately.... even after burning whole buildings to the ground.

the mob-left justice(D) is corrupt.

Lem - 5:47 - thanks for the reminder. Biden's DOJ is a disgrace.

Paul said...

Son of a Bitches walked the protestors right in....


Proof is right there. Cops walked them in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Again - If you're a democrat party approved violent extremist - you get very little jail time.

Maynard said...

Begs the obvious question. What else are they hiding?

Jeffrey Epstein's "suicide" tape
His client list
The Las Vegas shooter's motivation
Evidence of the Biden Family corruption
Fauci's involvement in COVID
etc. etc. etc.

gadfly said...

14,000 hours of video were captured from the Jan 6 MAGA invasion of our nation's Capitol building and one short video with contained no violence was not shown to the public? Give me a break!

The video contained no new news not ever mentioned before. And for all we know, the march shown here resulted from the police asking some trespassers to leave and they were complying?

rcocean said...

NY post has an article. Seems Ray Epps, everyone's favorite J6 protestor, was calling Pelosi's office numerous times in the week before the "Insurrection".

Also, it seems there were so many FBI informants at the J6 protests, the FBI lost track of how many there were. Wray has constantly lied under oath and stonewalled about FBI/DHS agents at J6.

I've been cynical fo years about "J6 was a setup", but I'm becoming convinced that like "Russiagate and the Pee tape" which turned out to a Hillary financed "nevertrump" hoax, J6 "insurrection" wasn't what it seemed. We may learn that all the violence was encouraged and inflammed by DOJ/FBI operatives.

Breezy said...

Thankfully Speaker Johnson has done the right thing. I’ll wait patiently while the threads come together, and a few exceptional people bring the movie(s) to light.

There’s a compelling theory from someone on CTH that the riot was created to convert the J6 Congressional electoral session into an emergency-type session, thus forcing the bypass of all electoral challenges that day. In theory, this was to further coverup the fraud, and force Trump from the stage. This is a theory, but given what we know, it may be a start to understanding why we were bamboozled for so long.

The fact that Chuck Schumer stood up in the Senate chamber and demanded that Murdoch stop the J6 video sharing by Tucker is a big tell that the Democrats have a lot to hide. All the more reason to let it out of course.

Bravo Speaker Johnson.

RigelDog said...

I can't seem to find proven info on what footage, if any, was withheld from the defense attorneys in this case. I've read that all the footage was actually made available to defense counsel--even if it wasn't organized and indexed. Whether the general public was propagandized by release of only selective footage to the media vs whether the defense attorneys had access to all footage are two mostly-separate issues. Mostly.

If, for instance, the people in this video were charged and their attorneys didn't know about this evidence, that's completely outrageous. As a prosecutor, if I had withheld this, I would risk being disbarred. Our appellate courts would have at a minimum ordered new trials but more likely would have prevented the government from ever bringing charges again due to prosecutorial misconduct.

What are the legal ramifications of the government deliberately saturating the public airwaves with only carefully curated video designed to showcase only the worst of behaviors by only a fraction of those present in and around the Capitol that day? Where is a non-tainted jury pool to be found? How much of the more benign behavior was made known to the judges presiding in these cases?

Third Coast said...

Somewhere in the thousands of pages of Federal law there is must be something that kinda says the Brady Rule must be ignored in the trials of insurrectionists.

mikee said...

Hillary's famous quip applies here. What difference at this point does it make?

The Capitol incursion, insurrection or setup, served its purpose at the moment it happened, just like the Hillary's faux Russian dossier that led to the Mueller investigation.

When it takes years to expose a lie, the lie wins elections. Until Republicans learn that, and learn to counteract such lies in hours rather than years, the lies will keep winning the elections for the Democrats who tell them.

wendybar said...

Rich said...
Right wing influencers have gone full 1984. We’re just supposed to reject the evidence of our eyes and ears when it comes to January 6, apparently.

11/18/23, 7:32 PM

You spelled the J6 Pelosi goons wrong....

Jupiter said...

"Right wing influencers have gone full 1984. We’re just supposed to reject the evidence of our eyes and ears when it comes to January 6, apparently."

That's Rich!

Jupiter said...

"The judges involved in this monstrosity have to be removed from the bench. Yeah, fat chance, I know."

Yes, that is the issue. We already knew that a Sauros DA could make life Hell for the law-abiding locals. What we are now seeing is that a corrupt local judiciary can extend their reach throughout the entire country. The regime sends its FBI flying monkeys into every corner of the land. The utterly corrupt, third-world courts of DC and NYC happily collude in denying their victims the most fundamental constitutional protections. And a contemptible sack of worm-raddled shit like Fani Willis can extend her tentacles to ensnare any American who displeases her, no matter where he lives.

“Bad Genes” said...

We all saw it ourselves on live television. Fox News failed to show coverage of the violence that occurred on Jan 6 so most of the the Trump base has not seen the truth. Don’t they wonder why Tucker did not release tons of videos? The violent videos are damning and they need to see it.

“Bad Genes” said...

Tough guy Markwayne Mullin preparing to greet the peaceful MAGA protesters on Jan6.

It's hilarious how the MAGA lawmakers have changed their stories. On Jan6 they were fearing for their lives. Today Jan6 was just a tour of the capitol.

“Bad Genes” said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rusty said...

gadfly said...
"14,000 hours of video were captured from the Jan 6 MAGA invasion of our nation's Capitol building and one short video with contained no violence was not shown to the public? Give me a break!

The video contained no new news not ever mentioned before. And for all we know, the march shown here resulted from the police asking some trespassers to leave and they were complying?"
Do you know how rediculous you sound?
It's like cutting out ten seconds of the McGruder film and claiming, "Yeah. We don't know how he died."

Rusty said...

For those of you not old enough I'm talking about the JFK assassination.

Harold said...

Who cares if they were invited in, it doesn't excuse the later behavior. If I invite you into my house it doesn't excuse you deciding to take a dump in my living room.