"What advice, she was asked, would she give Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in his war with Hamas? She said that she had already offered it to him: 'Finish them. Finish them.' This wasn’t exactly a surgical performance. Haley is a bludgeon. She is a practiced enough politician that she will often begin with some statement of empathy—'as the wife of a combat veteran'; 'as a mom'—but she is often quickly on the attack. ... Haley’s martial posture was so constant and omnidirectional that it somewhat masked the fact that she is fighting for things (a straightforwardly neoconservative approach overseas, gestures toward entitlement cuts) that Republicans in the Trump era were supposed to have set aside.... Politically, Haley is a loner—that has always been one of her limitations.... She doesn’t really belong to the Christian right or the libertarian extreme, but she isn’t a moderate, either. When I’ve seen her on the trail, she has tended to leave audiences cold—who, they seem to wonder, is this all for?..."
Writes Benjamin Wallace-Wells, in "Nikki Haley Takes On the Scum at the Third Republican Debate/Donald Trump has dominated the primary season, but his former U.N. Ambassador is the best debater in the field—and she would probably be the G.O.P.’s most effective candidate against Joe Biden" (The New Yorker).
“When I’ve seen her on the trail, she has tended to leave audiences cold—who, they seem to wonder, is this all for?..."
I saw her in Iowa right after Don Lemon said she was past her prime. In my question, I said she was in her prime. She was super happy.
She’s really a tiny thing; maybe 100 lbs.
They built you up yesterday so they can tear you down today. Is the her upbringing disqualifies her from the Presidency think piece written yet?
...and oh, the burdens of being a woman running for office! You can't appear weak so you try out your best zingers at the debate like it's open mic night at The Comedy Cave, hoping for your Where's the Beef? moment..
I mean, she was a good Mayor as Governor, I suppose...
She's not saying she'd send US troops, is she?
The New Yorker offering strategic advice to the Republicans! What could possibly go wrong in this setup?
So in the reporters eyes, Nikki Haley is a shallow simpleton loner who leaves people cold and yet is the best debater among the Republican candidates.
It makes you wonder how it feels to be a professional sock puppet for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
"She has tended to leave audiences cold—who, they seem to wonder, is this all for?..."
Well said.
I don’t care about Haley. But I care even less what a democrat rag says about her.
Nikki has a LOT of advantages as a candidate..
She's a Woman
She's a Minority
She's NOT Trump
She's wants global thermonuclear war with russia and china
SURELY, most americans WANT a leader with those four charactistics!
i mean, we Do ALL Want global thermonuclear war, don't we? Don't We ALL WANT to die in an atomic inferno?
"but his former U.N. Ambassador is the best debater in the field"
The New Yorker is the best fluffer in the industry. It doesn't matter if you have a penis or a vagina, they'll suck you off and even throw in a gentle reach around for free if you're the bud light of your particular party.
Best fluff money can't buy.
The New Yorker is a CIA front, one of the most corrupt pushers of the Russia collusion hoax. That rag has been agitating for all out war with Russia since 2016.
The New Yorker seems to be itching for global nuclear war. The CIA war in Ukraine has failed. Another disaster, except for the war profiteers. Trump got in the way and had to be taken down. Now, it’s on to the next CIA war for profit.
You’ll be a traitor if you oppose the warmongers. Again.
When I’ve seen her on the trail, she has tended to leave audiences cold -- who, they seem to wonder, is this all for?...
Well ... it was for the most important "who" ... daily news highlights which she is playing like a guitar.
Earlier ...
Rare is the primary debater who lands a true zinger, and wiser participants know the risk of attempting a lame or canned dig. Then there’s Vivek Ramaswamy. Nikki Haley might thank the political naïf for helping highlight the extent to which she’s indeed running in those 5-inch heels—and leaving stiletto marks on a few competitors along the way.
"Five Inch Heels" -- any relation to Nine Inch Nails?
She'll get the Republicans and all the people who think it would be cool to vote for a woman president (similar to Obama carrying the "I voted for a black guy, that makes me awesome!" vote in 2008). But being a neocon means she'll tie us down in foreign entanglements at a time when we could really use someone more like Trump, who will get us out of our foreign entanglements while simultaneously leaving the world a more peaceful place.
Stop trying to make Nikki happen!
I will never vote for Haley. She makes Christie look like a pacifist.
Its easy to know the positions of a politician. They are the same as her big dollar donors. Haley has the Dick Cheney wing of the Republican party donors.
Ramaswamy is 100% accurate when he identified Haley as Dick Cheney in heels.
Included in the long list of Republican in fighting, is waiting for McConnell to die, and see who will lead the Republicans in the Senate. Mitch is the big Kahuna leading the GOPe.
Keep in mind that in 2016 Haley endorsed Marco Rubio....Marco Rubio.
She is an absolute standard bearer for everything the populist right despises about the swamp creatures running the Republican party.
Um, NO!.
Miss Raytheon...?
Nah, No Sale.
Of course she's blood thirsty, I've met very few women in my time who weren't. Funny thing though, they always seem to be somewhere else when the blood letting starts.
The media's game of political "Whack-a-Mole" is so transparent.
Nikki Haley is just this week's target.
Anyone at the New Yorker care to delve into Biden's family corruption?
How long will the made up Haley promotion last? MAGA is not voting for a NeoCon in the primary. Even if she looks good in heels.
I would vote for Trump's smokin' hot lawyer though...
The New Yorker likes Nikki Haley. Good to know.
Funny that we all watched the same show. I saw DeSantis as far and away the most competent (again), the most leader-like, the most seriously looking like someone who could be President. Haley has her moments. She also got discombobulated for a bit from Vivek. And she's got some old style neocon in her. Too much in the old vein that we're trying to clean out.
She does have the best answer about abortion. That is why many- like our media- prefer her.
I saw a nugget of truth in there. Yes she leaves me cold like the audience referenced in the excerpt. Pulling less than half of Trump’s support is not that impressive and tells me that the neocon wing is a shrinking force within the GOP. Good. They’ve done enough damage to the country and our party.
I did like her answer re: Abortion. She kept her principles and acknowledged reality.
I don't think Haley found ViVek to be a squish. He got under her skin. Now all of us are the Scum.
Carl-F “warmonger” returned no hits.
This will change the moment she’s the front runner.
The New Yorker says Haley is the probably the GOP's best option to beat Gavin Newsome. Biden is going to be on the ballot in November 2024.
Like the New Yorker really wants to promote the GOP's best option. Give me a break. Such bullshit.
If the GOPe, or these corrupt prosecutions screw over Trump during the primary, I defect to RFK. I'll bet there are millions of MAGA voters like me. We are just invisible to the idiots at the New Yorker.
Then I'll pour a Brandy Old Fashioned, light a cigarette, and listen to the violins play as the ship goes dowm.
Shorter WaPo - stick with Old Husk-Puppet Crook Biden. He gives us warm fuzzies...
When NYC print media promotes a Republican candidate, I reflexively suspect ulterior motives.
DeSantis/Haley would be fine, the other way around if absolutely necessary to appeal "as a mom" to nice women, cuz as Althouse told us way back, Ron is so mean.
This might be one of those deals where you should exercise caution in taking advice from those who wish you harm.
I'd like to see a debate in which Republicans criticize Democrats, instead of each other.
But when your debate questions are set by Democrats, you get the expected result.
I always check with the "New Yorker" for advice to Republican candidates.
Musings of the clueless, leftwing effete operatives are just wind in sails.
I'm happy and grateful Althouse reads Dah Nooyawkah for us. She's like an explorer who hacks her way into that crocodile-infested fever swamp to bring back the proof of why no one but jibbering barbarians lives there.
I don't like Nikki as a candidate. Too much in the corner of the military-industrial complex.
Leftist American hack-D press: snide snide snide.
snide snide snide. It never ends.
I've never been a fan of the girlboss/meangirlzz mashup that is the new Nikki. Nikki as Trump's SOS was a completely different beast and I respected the hell out of her. Change. When you see someone be so malleable, and so stocked up on canned responses yet unable to control her temper every time Vivek opens his mouth, well that is a tipoff we have a Rove/Kristol type weirdo lurking in our midst.
Am I the only one that finds it so interesting that the two Indians in the field can't stop attacking each other?
Also, by now eachother should have replaced the two-word format in our language.
she also want to finish Putin for ?colluding with Orange Man?
I'm with Gusty @ 8:02 AM
Is the her upbringing disqualifies her from the Presidency think piece written yet?
possible clues to be revealed [include magic underwear for Sikh]
amritdhari Sikh women must wear the 5 kakkars.
it’s up to the person. The Sikh Rehit Maryada says women do not have to. I wear a dastaar. My personal opinion is that if men “have” to wear it, women do too.
no, but sometimes I wish there was because kachhere are the worst underwear to wear on your period.
the audience has become more selective,
rumors have it that RdS also wears
"Five Inch Heels" -- any relation to Nine Inch Nails?
inside cowboy boots
rumors have it that RdS also wears
"Five Inch Heels" -- any relation to Nine Inch Nails?
inside cowboy boots
The politically astute response would be more along the lines of “Do whatever you have to so that nothing like October 7th ever happens to the people of your country again.”
I will agree that Nikki Haley has some political acumen. But she has also been disingenuous in her effort to play both sides of the fence by occasionally criticizing Donald Trump while generally supporting him. Haley's vacillating stance on Trump's attempt to overturn American democracy on January 6, 2021 is a prime example of her utter lack of principle. Haley proudly raised her hand at the Republican debate to the question if they would support Trump if he were convicted. That should disqualify her or any other candidate.
Right. Thanks for the advice, Commie.
The Repubs don't need the most effective candidate against Joe Biden, they need the candidate who will win the swing states bigger than the extent of extra vote manufacture by Dems, which is an entirely different skillset.
Political cartoons, journolistic rhetoric, rainbows, and other diversitist rhetoric and iconography.
TwitterX comment, "Nikki hasn't seen a country she doesn't want to invade."
thats the stupidest argument against desantis, more like he continues to accept the lawfare frame against trump, and January 6th, otherwise known as Delta House,
Jupiter said...
"Right. Thanks for the advice, Commie."
Is it me or when you read him you think, "Eddie Haskel" and he's typing from a template
Haley is right out of the Rove/Bush wing of the party.
She's never seen a war she didn't like.
McCain in heels is apt.
And she'll be shocked to find that being Indian gets her nothing.
There aren't enough Indians in the US to swing a national or state election, and they aren't considered any kind of 'minority' in a grievance sense for a few reasons; they are smart, wealthy, and successful.
Rich said...
I will agree that Nikki Haley has some political acumen. But she has also been disingenuous in her effort to play both sides of the fence by occasionally criticizing Donald Trump while generally supporting him. Haley's vacillating stance on Trump's attempt to overturn American democracy on January 6, 2021 is a prime example of her utter lack of principle. Haley proudly raised her hand at the Republican debate to the question if they would support Trump if he were convicted. That should disqualify her or any other candidate."
J6 is another hoax concocted by the left. Anyone with two functioning neurons understands that. A real insurrection would be an armed insurrection and if J6 were a real insurrection there would be shit ton of dead leftist in DC.
Haley doesn't know how to do retail politics. Now, I don't hold this against her, but it also means she won't win the nomination.
Why are certain people hawking this apocalyptic nuclear world war three nonsense?
Putin isn't going to use any nukes for the simple reason there is chance Ukraine is going to capture Moscow and hang Putin and his cronies. All Putin has managed to do is to get two formally neutral countries to join NATO and get several NATO countries to expand their defense budgets. As long as we don't send troops, I'm all for arming the Ukrainians with old surplus equipment that is reaching the end of their service life. It would cost a ton of money to dispose of them and helping Ukraine kick the Russians out is chump change compared to our annual defense budget which is largely to able to take on Russia, China and Iran and Iran's minions. The Chinese have a saying "kill the chicken to scare the monkey". If Ukraine adequately armed with 25+ year old US weapons can kick the Russians back to the 1993 borders no doubt the Chinese will stop with their threats. Our mistake was never kicking the crap out of Iran with missiles. Destroy Kharg Island and the Iranian economy collapses. Iran has declared war on the US, back in 1979 and we still haven't realized that. Blow it up, blow up their refineries, destroy their port facilities. Destroy their known missile, drone and arms plants and their nuclear facilities. Then they can make peace with the US. If the US were to do this Arab and Islamic state enabled terrorism would largely curtailed, North Korea with get a reality check and China will realize that stealing the best Russian tech isn't all that good against America's and NATO's castoff equipement so their threats would look foolish. I say arm the Taiwan to the teeth with what they need to repel a Chinese invasion. We have plenty of old anti ship missiles and old F15's and F16's we can send to Taiwan so even the most out of touch old Commies in Beijing will conclude they have no chance of pulling off an invasion that would make Normandy look small.
We spend $800 billion a year on defense so knocking our adversaries and enemies a few rungs down using old surplus equipment will reduce our long term defense budget. That and abolish the Dep. Of Education among other worthless agencies will help towards bringing back fiscal sanity.
Biden is going to be on the ballot in November 2024.
He will be the nominee with the most delegates going into Chicago for the convention but we all expect him to assign them to whomever wins the floor fight once it gets going. It's the only way they can get rid of the Brandon albatross and Kamala too without pissing all their constituencies off or using the 25th Amendment.
I think Nikki is the shrewdest Republican candidate. Whether one agrees with all her positions, I think they are tailored perfectly not for the Republican base but for the general election, and for independents in particular. Her position regarding abortion should be the default position for any Republican who wants to win. And the tone of her toughness on international issues isn't at the level that she wants to start wars but that she'd be tough enough to carry them through if they were necessary. That's a tough needle to thread for a woman candidate. Combined with her combined experience as Governor and Trump's Ambassador to the UN, in short, she's credible as both Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief.
She's not my first choice. But I'm saying she has positioned herself very well, and for a variety of options. Who knows what might still happen over the next year. As an example, if the Democrats suddenly have a death wish and decide to dump Biden to go with "the first Woman President," whether it's Kamala or any other woman on their side, Haley would be quite the antidote by comparison, even as VP.
The article is so full of errors. Romney is NOT Trump's "handpicked choice". He reluctantly endorsed her because the RNC was going to nominate her and vote her in no matter what.
As for Haley, its irrelevant that she doing well in the polls. She's unknown to the vast majority of people, as result she's just "Generic Republican". The Democrats have not attacked her or exposed her flaws. ANd she has a lot. She is in fact unelectable.
Lets see: Pro-Choice, Pro-war, Supports Amnesty and Illegal Immigration, Pro Free trade, Anti labor union, Pro Big Business. And wants to cut Social Security and Medicare. Wow, that will really be popular in the Midwest and Pennsylvannia! And I'm sure the Arab=Americans in Michagon will love her "Kill 'em all, and let God sort em out" attitude toward Gaza.
There's a reason why she's at 10 percent. She has no chance of ever being nominated, and she probably couldn't win a Senate seat in SC even if she gets a chance to run.
Even more annoying is her constant assertion she's somehow an experienced foreign Policy hand. She was UN Ambassador for 2 fucking years. She stayed in NYC and got her marching orders from the White House. Her position is basically a PR one, she made speeches and hob=nobbed with the other ambassadors.
She would be a disaster as POTUS. A repeat of Bush, only much worse. Thankfully, we don't have to worry about that. She's unelectable.
Rusty, I don't think of Eddie Haskell, I think of Major Arnold Ernst Toht in Raiders of the Lost Ark and his simpering voice.
The New Yorker with a new issue of Republicans in the Mist - How to Understand These Strange Creatures.
They're as clueless as Magatet Mead in Samoa.
Cubanbob at 11:32
Am in agreement with your post.
rcocean: "Lets see: Pro-Choice, Pro-war, Supports Amnesty and Illegal Immigration, Pro Free trade, Anti labor union, Pro Big Business. And wants to cut Social Security and Medicare...."
Pro-choice, pro-illegal immigration for starters. Pure nonsense. Haley is pro-life and has disclosed a plan to secure the border.
I'm not a Haley supporter yet and fisking rcocean is waste of time. However, she is worth a second look for the future. Particularly, if this lefty and others misrepresent her.
Sorry, hombre, but no Neocon is worth even a first look.
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