November 18, 2023

"If Trump manages to escape conviction in Jack Smith’s Washington case, which may be the only criminal trial that ends before the election, that’s going to turbocharge his campaign."

"Of course, if he’s convicted, that could turbocharge his campaign even more. It’s a perfect playing field for the maleficent Trump: He learned in the 2016 race that physical and rhetorical violence could rev up his base. He told me at the time it helped get him to No. 1 and he said he found violence at his rallies exciting. He has no idea why making fun of Paul Pelosi’s injuries at the hands of one of his acolytes is subhuman, any more than he understood how repellent it was in 2015 when he mocked a disabled Times reporter. He gets barbaric laughs somehow, and that’s all he cares about...."

Writes Maureen Dowd, in "The Axe Is Sharp" (NYT)

"The Axe" refers to the person Biden calls a "prick," David Axelrod.

Trump mocked a disabled reporter, but he did not, as Dowd may want readers to falsely remember, make fun of his disability.

If we could read Trump's mind, would we find that he has "no idea why making fun of Paul Pelosi’s injuries is subhuman"? But we can't read his mind. And, more important, Trump did not make fun of his injuries. Trump blamed Nancy Pelosi for the terrible conditions in San Francisco and then inserted the line "How's her husband doing?" That's not making fun of his injuries, that's expressing outrage at the injury to all of the people of San Francisco and stressing how bad it is by observing the injury to Pelosi's own husband. The laughing is visceral, but it is revulsion at chaos in the city, threatening everyone, even the very rich and politically powerful.

Dowd is intent on portraying Trump as a monster. There's also this:
No doubt the president is having a hard time wrapping his mind around the idea that the 77-year-old Mar-a-Lago Dracula has risen from his gilded coffin even though he’s albatrossed with legal woes and seems more deranged than ever, referring to Democrats with the fascist-favored term “vermin” and plotting a second-term revengefest. Trump’s campaign slogan should be, “There will be blood.”

And she was just tsking over Trump's deliberate use of "rhetorical violence" to "rev up his base."

Axelrod himself does not rely on exaggerated imagery and fear mongering. Dowd talked with him and got these quotes:

“I don’t care about them thinking I’m a prick — that’s fine.... I hope they don’t think the polls are wrong because they’re not.... I think [Biden] has a 50-50 shot here, but no better than that, maybe a little worse... He thinks he can cheat nature here and it’s really risky. They’ve got a real problem if they’re counting on Trump to win it for them. I remember Hillary doing that, too.”

I think, with this column, Dowd is doing exactly what Axelrod is warning Democrats against — "counting on Trump."

Look at the polls. The monstrousness that Dowd presumes is so obvious is not stopping Americans from saying they'll vote for Trump:


And here's what I get at 270 to Win if I give all the "toss-up" states to the candidate who is ahead in the average of the current polls at Real Clear Politics:

That's 32 electoral votes more than needed for Trump to win!


wendybar said...

Maureen needs help for her extreme case of TDS. Why does she have to lie to accuse him if he is so bad?? Because they have NOTHING else. Joe Biden is helping Obama to fundamentally transform America into the shithole it is becoming and opened the border purposely to let our country get invaded by who knows who, yet she is writing about Trump??

The Democrats are not going to like what is coming for them. They built this, and they won't know how to stop it.

Jim said...

Trump did not mock a disabled Times reporter. He mocked all reporters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maureen Dowd (D) - lying liar who lies.

"He learned in the 2016 race that physical and rhetorical violence could rev up his base."

What violence was that? I don't recall Trump ever promising to use violence. He did promise to look into Hillary's "situation".

We do have a clip of Chuck Schumer threatening Supreme Court Justices here. That is violence inspiring rhetoric.

Heartless Aztec said...

As a Southerner I dislike Trump's Queens schtick. It's discomfiting to my ears - and I'm hard of hearing. But I'll cast my vote for him. I just hope if he wins he shows up for his inaugural speech in a cod piece toting a flamethrower.

Iman said...

hot-footed milk cow
the heels go clickety clack
but the mind despairs

Rusty said...

That chart does not look good. It hasn't looked good for Boiden for a long time.
Let the Excuses Begin!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Nazi Left:

Trump is guilty guilty guilty - of whatever lie we build about him!

Good gravy I am sick to death of these leftist lying liars who lie.

Dave Begley said...


1. Trump will be convicted in the DC case.
2. Right after the verdict is read, the Judge will order the US Marshalls to take him into custody.

What might happen, but I’m not sure. The MAGA crowd breaks into the DC jail, liberates Trump and then burns it down. That would be a very bad thing as it would lead to insane violence. The Left is playing with fire here. Don’t think it can’t happen here.

Big Mike said...

Don’t count on Trump losing Virginia.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden just opened the door for Newsum(D-Obedient lying liar who lies)

Newsum is the perfect leftist. He's pretty, he destroys whole states, and he is an effective liar.

MadisonMan said...

Given her use of the word maleficient, I would question Dowd what harm or destruction Trump has actually caused.
I would also ask her how her grocery bill has changed in the past 3 years. Or how her retirement savings have changed in the past year. Or how New York's fiscal health has changed in the past 3 years.
Dowd earns her money by taking potshots at Trump. What will she write about if he's not around?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Interesting how the "officers" leading the tour of the Capitol building on J-6 - are wearing masks.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

46 to 45 - with Trump ahead by one point?

Trump needs to be ahead by 10 points or more to overwhelm the cheat machine.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If the left could place Trump in a guillotine - they would.

That ugly white female? hack comedian - what's her name - Kathy someone - with the bloody Trump head? yeah - that is the collective left's dream.

Jake said...

I trust Maureen Dowd about as far as I can throw her.

jaydub said...

" He has no idea why making fun of Paul Pelosi’s injuries at the hands of one of his acolytes is subhuman..."

It has never been shown that the attacker David DePape was a Trump acolyte. He was described at the trial as a Qanon believer who was angry at various elites and just started with Pelosi. Politico described him as striking Pelosi "in the head with a hammer in an act of political violence fueled by hard-right delusions," i.e., this person's actions had nothing to do with Trump.

Maureen Dowd has shown for the last six or seven years that she terminally afflicted with TDS which is why I never read a word she writes unless Althouse happens to quote it in one of her posts.

gilbar said...

meanwhile in new york city.. the mayor Wants citizens to host illegal immigrants IN THEIR HOMES;
Because the city is seven BILLION dollars in the red.
the city would pay a nightly rate of about $125 for each asylum seeker – which is cheaper than the $380 it costs to put up a migrant household – including a family with kids or just single adults – in one of its shelter hotels.

“Since last spring, over 72,000 people have flooded into Gotham with over 45,000 currently living in 160 taxpayer-funded emergency shelters and hotels.”

so, tell me again.. WHO is going to vote for Joe Biden?
Not that it matters; because we KNOW who is going to count the votes

Ambrose said...

"Rhetorical violence" is an oxymoron. "Physical violence" has been almost exclusively on the left.

Amadeus 48 said...

Gosh, Dowd makes it sound sorta fun. By the way, was Paul Pelosi's attacker "one of Trump's acolytes"? I missed that in the news. Maybe someone can enlighten me.

narciso said...

its nat schtick, it's how he speaks,

Dowd is like the worst of a Hogarth era scribe,

rhhardin said...

Dowd is writing for her base. She's not suffering from TDS, has lots of right wing relatives and a sense of humor about it. It just doesn't show up in NYT columns.

Maynard said...

Dowd is intent on portraying Trump as a monster.

So, in other words, she is a mainstream Media Democrat.

Kate said...

The Right knows that Trump isn't the most genteel of men. His honesty about his pettiness is something we like. The Left wants to be tricked. They want the façade that Biden is somehow better.

Michael said...

Nicholas Nassim Taken wrote a book, Anti-Fragile about things that get stronger and more robust under stress. Trump has to be the most anti-fragile politician I've seen in my lifetime.

A conviction guarantees an election victory

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Let's go back to the White House Correspondents' dinner where Obama attacked Trump. Trump was an unusual invitee, his ticket presumably arranged by Obama personally. After all, BO had some good jokes lined up.

Calling him "sir," hah hah hah. Saying his businesses are crass and stupid, if not borderline fraud. BO by comparison, of course, is clean and articulate--take that, Jan Wenner. Not really jokes at all. Has BO ever said anything truly funny?

The brain trust probably thought they were nipping a Trump campaign in the bud. Practically the next morning, they wake up and he's Pres, after an election that was much more free and fair than 2020.

The best and the brightest, or stupid pricks?

Robert Cook said...

"Trump mocked a disabled reporter, but he did not, as Dowd may want readers to falsely remember, make fun of his disability."

I'm puzzled. How can Trump have "mocked a disabled reporter" without making fun of his disability? Here is Trump mimicking the reporter's spasmodic body movements. That seems like a pretty nasty example of making fun of his disability. He's the kind of creep who might have beaten up that reporter if they had been in high school together.

Michael K said...

Maureen really needs to get laid. She has been venting her frustration for years.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Maureen Dowd is a perfect example of the Mushroom Media Conspiracy. She feeds her readers, the mushrooms, bullsh*t stories about Trump. Of course, her mushrooms swallow all of her lies wholesale, just as confirmation of their hate for Trump. The MMC will never publish a story that sheds a positive light on Trump, thus keeping their mushrooms in the dark.

The two elements required to raise mushrooms: the dark and bullsh*t.

Wince said...

Althouse quotes...
Dowd is intent on portraying Trump as a monster. There's also this: "the 77-year-old Mar-a-Lago Dracula has risen from his gilded coffin... and seems more deranged than ever, referring to Democrats with the fascist-favored term “vermin” and plotting a second-term revengefest.

They love to misquote Trump, but in this case the misquote is revealing, equating Democrats to "Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs" that "lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream.”

Meanwhile, across all PBS political programming last night, it was wall-to-wall fret over the "rhetoric of a dictator."

Either Democrats know the limited shelf-life of a Trumpian non-gaffe gotcha, or on a wider scale recognize their lawfare strategy is failing.

Owen said...

Wait...DePape is an "acolyte" of DJT?

I missed the memo on that.

Why is Dowd still employed?

Jon Burack said...

I note the utterly banal Dowd going with the same bit about the word "vermin" being "fascist-favored." Yes, it's not a nice word. Yes, Hitler used it. But the true innovator of the modern-day political use of it was Lenin.

“Exterminate” is a term used for vermin, and, long before the Nazis described Jews as Ungeziefer (vermin), Lenin routinely called for “the cleansing of Russia’s soil of all harmful insects, of scoundrels, fleas, bedbugs—the rich, and so on.”

So come on, lefties. Credit where credit is due.

FormerLawClerk said...

"He learned in the 2016 race that physical and rhetorical violence could rev up his base."

"I can't understand why there isn't more unrest in the streets. Maybe there will be." - Nancy Pelosi

"Get in their faces and punch back twice as hard." - Barack Obama

Dowd doens't mind physical violence as long as Democrats are the ones wielding the weapons.

And not for nothing, but we laugh at Paul Pelosi because he's a sloppy drunk, who hangs out with some very sordid people and so when one shows up to his house and plinks him we find it hilarious. And it's a reminder that these people can be touched, so they should be careful how they rule over us.

Tina Trent said...

Maureen Dowd has a decades-long, journalistically inappropriate personal relationship with Nancy Pelosi. Just google their names together.

BUMBLE BEE said...

What, exactly, are the legal procedures by which one "escapes" conviction?

The Crack Emcee said...

"Dowd is intent on portraying Trump as a monster."

There's a lot of that going around.

tommyesq said...

Trump’s campaign slogan should be, “There will be blood.”

I can already picture the rally - he can just use Biden's "This is not normal" set.

lal said...

Ann ---please look again at the Trump imitation of the twitching reporter. It was a disgraceful
mocking of the reporter's motor disability. Nothing false about Dowd's description.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is a jerk in many ways - but the left think their hatred of him allows them to lie about him.

Darwin65 said...

Donald Trump is a deranged, terroristic sociopath -- Dowd is too kind, if anything. The comments here just show his death cult is still as blindly subservient to this monster.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It’s almost a parody of a Dowd column being so hideously and malevolently wrong in both fact and opinion. An amazing specimen of modern journalism. Althouse has been on a roll lately picking out exceptional examples of the type. Thank you for wading through the dreck I refuse to consume in order to find these egregious examples. It makes me think the whole thing could be fisked in a clever way. Maybe. But why risk it.

Darwin65 said...

Donald Trump is a deranged, terroristic monster (yes, monster) who tried to overthrow our country because he refused to accept defeat. If anything, Dowd is too kind. That people here are justifying his violent rhetoric means life for people like me (i.e. disagree with Trump/Trump followers) will be in peril if he wins -- he's said he will go after his enemies, and that's he defines "enemies".

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So is the burning of the historic church in Lafayette Park in 2020 an example of “Trump using violence” as implied by Dowd here?

Darwin65 said...

Well, obviously whomever runs this site doesn't care for people who disagree with Trump either, as my comments (no profanity and no other words that have not been written/said by, among others, the author of the editorial you are so upset with).

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This might be the most abundant “click for more” option ever around here.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

DePape is a "Trump acolyte?"

Am I reading that correctly?

Pillage Idiot said...

Dowd used the phrase "rhetorical violence".

Dowd is an idiot.

(I apologize for mocking a disabled Times reporter.)

Bob Boyd said...

"Unsolicited U.S. Election Ballots - How Did They Know?

Fauci & Co. funded Gain-of-Function 'research' in Wuhan China.

COVID-19 broke out there in late 2019.

By January 2020 it was in the U.S.

On Jan 31, 2020 Trump ordered a China travel ban (initially opposed by Fauci).

Throughout February 2020 cases of COVID-19 were reported nationwide with the 1st official deaths reported on Feb 29th in Kirkland, WA.

The very next day, on March 1st 2020, something highly under reported happened.

On March 1, 2020 the largest order in the world ever for ballot envelope stuffing machines was placed by a privately owned Arizona election printer.

Mass mailing of unsolicited election ballots was illegal in America at that time.

How did they know?

Click the link to read the part about the USPS turning off its Mail Cover postal tracking program when these orders were placed.

hombre said...

Republicans, particularly Trump, will not be acquitted in DC. Aside from the Stormy Daniels nonsense it is the weakest case filed only to get Trump in front of a biased judge and jury.

I don't know if we effete Americans have the huevos to put a stop to this banana republic stuff. The reaction to any convictions in the cases against Trump will tell the tale, since honest elections are a thing of the past. It's Tammany Hall against the normals now.

Kevin said...

And she was just tsking over Trump's deliberate use of "rhetorical violence" to "rev up his base.

While she revs up her base with statements like, "manages to escape conviction".

Milo Minderbinder said...

Perhaps it's time for the left to conclude that their lawfare strategy has backfired? Naahhhhhhh....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Troll-Darwin said:
"Donald Trump is a deranged, terroristic sociopath -"

He's a deranged terrorist? Why? because you don't like him?

Biden just gave billions to the #1 sponsor of Terror - the Mad Mullahs of Iran. In essence - Biden is a bit of an actual terrorist. After you get past his Ukrainian money laundering for personal family profit.

Howard said...

The comments read like a celebration of rabid dogs devouring rotten zombies.

mikee said...

Malificent? Dowd has been watching the Disney channel, hasn't she?

Hey, Darwin65 - Obama weaponized every federal agency from the IRS to the ATF to the DOJ to the EPA to harass, intimidate, prosecute and destroy his political opposition. So as that is the way politics works now, your complaints seem a bit late.

n.n said...

The axe also refers to a weapon. Is Dowd threatening, inciting violence? Perhaps assault to force a riot and Capitol punishment.

n.n said...

Here is Trump mimicking the reporter's spasmodic body movements.

Or parodying a frenetic demonstration of denial.

Bruce Hayden said...

“1. Trump will be convicted in the DC case.
“2. Right after the verdict is read, the Judge will order the US Marshalls to take him into custody”

I don’t see it going as far as violence, though I expect that his supporters would be more than willing to invade the federal jail in DC, and burn it to the ground, given how the J6 “Insurrectionists” have been treated there. He has, and will still have, valid grounds for appeal - I.e. 1st Amdt, Executive power, and that the J6 “Insurrection” was a Dem and Deep State plot from the beginning. It never happened. The new Speaker just announced that all of the J6 video will be released, and I have little doubt that by the time of trial, it will have been exhaustively crowd sourced, and will show that the “riot” was almost exclusively nonviolent, and that whatever violence there was, was instigated by unindicted provocators and government agents. We shall see.

Why wouldn’t the judge grant bail pending appeal? Of course, he would have denied Trump’s defenses by then. But can he honestly say that they lack credibility? Likely, the Circuit Court won’t be as convinced, even with a Dem dominated panel, and definitely not the Supreme Court, with its 6-3 Republican majority, 3 appointed by Trump himself. Even CJ Roberts, who, if I remember correctly, oversees the DC Circuit, is unlikely to approve jailing the leading opposition candidate for President in that fall’s election. That’s just too incendiary. And, as a consequence, may even put his own life in danger. And the one thing that would most harm the reputation of the Judiciary. Moreover, would Trump be able to flee the country? Maybe. But would he? In the midst of his Presidential campaign? Ridiculously low odds of that.

MikeD said...

The bitter old spinster just wants to date Trump.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Maureen really needs to get laid. She has been venting her frustration for years.”

That was a viable option a decade or two ago, but now? Could she perform? Maybe with a lot of hormonal assistance. But with whom? Could she afford it?

Jupiter said...

Maybe Dowd and Nikki Haley could start a little club. The "Past-Our-Primers".

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The more they decry "misinformation" the more they mischaracterize Trump.

Owen said...

Darwin65 @ 9:28: "...That people here are justifying his violent rhetoric means life for people like me (i.e. disagree with Trump/Trump followers) will be in peril if he wins..."


Is there perhaps a hint of narcisstic self-aggrandizement in that outlandish extrapolation of intent and capability by "people here" resulting in "life for people like [you]" being "in peril" if Trump wins?

Do you really think you're that important? Or that Trump --the proverbial loose cannon of our democracy-- could work systematically to make your life harder?

Readering said...

Just because Trump denied what he did does not make Dowd's memory of the video false.

wendybar said...

Darwin65 said...
Donald Trump is a deranged, terroristic monster (yes, monster) who tried to overthrow our country because he refused to accept defeat. If anything, Dowd is too kind. That people here are justifying his violent rhetoric means life for people like me (i.e. disagree with Trump/Trump followers) will be in peril if he wins -- he's said he will go after his enemies, and that's he defines "enemies".

11/18/23, 9:28 AM

Propaganda works. Either that or Hillary is writing under Darwin65 now.

rcocean said...

A disabled asshole is still an asshole. BTW, the reporter wasn't some guy in a wheelchair or a blind man, he just had something wrong with his hands.

Instead of talking about Biden using his Stalinist DOJ To destroy an ex-POTUS and Political opponent, something unheard of in American History, Dowd is talking about Tump making fun of some NYT Reporter 7 years ago.

wendybar said...

Howard said...
The comments read like a celebration of rabid dogs devouring rotten zombies.

11/18/23, 10:01 AM

Yeah, Darwin65, Cookie, and lal really are celebrating like rabid dogs devouring rotten zombies. For once, I agree with you.

Kakistocracy said...

The US is more divided and less optimistic than I have ever seen it in decades.

Most people form their opinions from the internet, it is a consumer choice which you read, Trump is either a patriot who is traduced by liberal show trials and an out of touch rich persons media, or he is a proto tyrant and a criminal and an appalling person. It is like a political Rashomon effect you see every event, Biden stumbling, Trump bloviating, from the prism of your pre conception and it is impossible to consider that any other conception can have any validity, for it is confirmed in every morning’s doom scrolling.

This I doubt ends very well in the short term. Either an increasingly geriatric Biden wins by a pip and the divided nation goes into one sort of meltdown or Trump wins and there is a different sort of hysteria. However, I take some comfort in the extraordinary wisdom of the Founding Fathers, who foresaw that the Republic could well elect a dupe or a charlatan to the White House and the constitutional balances prevent that bringing the US republic to an end. I hope so anyway .

Rusty said...

Darwin65 said...
"Well, obviously whomever runs this site doesn't care for people who disagree with Trump either, as my comments (no profanity and no other words that have not been written/said by, among others, the author of the editorial you are so upset with)."
We enjoy reasoned debate. Not emotional hyperbole. There are other places to go to unburden yourself emotionaly. Those other places would probably be a better fit for you.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Gee Darwin did you ever finish that inarticulate complaint on your way to lying about Trump some more?

Skeptical Voter said...

Ah MoDo--often wrong, never in doubt. I keep having this mental picture of Maureen Dowd as an aging cougar sitting at the end of the bar in the Oak Room hoping that someone will take her home. Now that's a misogynist thought, and I'll own up to it. A more accurate, and less misogynistic picture, is that Mo Do is an aging columnist hoping that some sentient being will agree with her opinions. She already has all the New York Times readers in her claque--but sentient beings are few on the ground in that crew.

Mason G said...

"That people here are justifying his violent rhetoric means life for people like me (i.e. disagree with Trump/Trump followers) will be in peril if he wins -- he's said he will go after his enemies..."

The Democrats have been trying to convict and imprison Trump of something/anything practically since he too office. How many of them were indicted when Trump was president?

There are people in prison right now who did nothing but walk around in the capitol building four years ago. There are also people who burned down police stations and businesses who were never arrested. Care to guess which of the two groups are associated with "people like you"?

What a maroon.

Jamie said...

Darwin65, comments are moderated so there's very often a delay. That's all.

n.n said...

There are other places to go to unburden yourself emotionaly.

Planned Parenthood... personhood, for one.

Rabel said...

"Well, obviously whomever runs this site..."


Lifetime ban. You fail to understand the priorities here.

Joe Smith said...

Scott Adams did a whole spiel on a judge reading Trump's mind and ignoring facts in evidence.

The standard for judges in this country seems abysmally low...

Jason said...

I moved from a NeverTrumper to an enthusiastic Trump voter in 2016 simply because I figured out in time that almost everything the media was writing and saying about him was a lie.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Just because Trump denied what he did does not make Dowd's memory of the video false

Right. What makes it false is the fact that Trump has made the exact same shimmy and hand gesture saying the exact same thing about a four-star general and it was for the exact same reason. Like the reporter the general said one thing that when Trump repeated he denied saying. Just like the reporter denied what he had written about Trump. It’s all on tape. Dowd and the lying media was aware of Trump mocking the lying general previously and they’ve seen the video but they prefer to mythologize Trump-as-monster because people like you eat it up.

Why do you think that the obviously intelligent well-informed Althouse would state it so unequivocally in her post this morning if she wasn’t 100% sure about that incident? Why would she risk her reputation for Trump? If you don’t think so little of her integrity why are you even here reading her blog?

Maybe you should consider what else you believe about Trump that is more myth than reality. Maybe you should watch the video of Trump and the general. But you won’t. The link has been posted here so many times you’ve had to purposely avoid knowing the truth about Trump. So why are you here?

BUMBLE BEE said...

An old high school buddy remarked upon returning from a local Trump rally that it "seemed like a Moody Blues Concert, but with white hair".

BUMBLE BEE said...

Howard has surpassed the requirements for the interweb's coveted cap'nbells aeard.
Wear it proudly kid.

BUMBLE BEE said...


Michael Fitzgerald said...

gilbar said...
meanwhile in new york city.. the mayor Wants citizens to host illegal immigrants IN THEIR HOMES;Because the city is seven BILLION dollars in the red.
“Since last spring, over 72,000 people have flooded into Gotham with over 45,000 currently living in 160 taxpayer-funded emergency shelters and hotels.”
11/18/23, 8:03 AM

As we all know, the government forcing citizens to billet foreign soldiers was one of the reasons for the American Revolution. The government paying citizens to billet illegal aliens is not exactly the same thing, but emblematic of a government similarly in opposition to the citizens of the nation.

Jupiter said...

I find it telling that Dowd wastes no time on the question of Trump's guilt or innocence of the "crimes" he is charged with. She clearly understands that the various prosecutions are merely gloves wrapping the tentacles of the regime.

JaimeRoberto said...

If Democrats can't riot and prosecute their political opponents without retaliation, it's a threat to Our Democracy.

tolkein said...

How does Trump get prosecuted by Jack Smith when Joe Biden, who was no better than VP, skates?

walter said...

On Blogger since November 2023"

Yancey Ward said...

Darwin65, there are shortage of people jumping out of airplanes without their chutes on. I suggest you get busy and fix that.

Jim at said...

Donald Trump is a deranged, terroristic sociopath -- Dowd is too kind, if anything. The comments here just show his death cult is still as blindly subservient to this monster.


Made ya look.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"If Democrats can't riot and prosecute their political opponents without retaliation, it's a threat to Our Democracy."

Leftist Democrat White Antifa riots are... mostly peaceful - even when they cost billions of dollars in property damage.

Mikey NTH said...

Gilded Coffin

Could we create an AI that could out Dowd Dowd when it comes to mass deployment of a Roget's?

Mason G said...

On Blogger since November 2023"

The previous 64 iterations accidentally stuck their tongues in a light socket and flipped the switch (or something similarly idiotic), no doubt.

Readering said...

MJB Wolf: I don't think the general video works as a defense. I see the NY Times reporter video (in which Trump was lying anyway, of course) differently. Sorry you took my speaking up for Dowd as a slander on AA, and upsetting enough to prompt your overwrought comment.

Clyde said...

Early prediction: Biden gets 101 million ballots in 2024 and just edges Trump at 3 a.m. in the key swing states. Many blue precincts overfulfill the four-year plan with over 100% participation.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Rich said..."The US is more divided and less optimistic than I have ever seen it in decades."

That can be laid at the feet of identity politics. When multiculturalism replaced the melting pot in the 1970s-80s I was afraid this would happen. And it has come to pass. Thanks a lot, lefties.

narciso said...

the reporter in question, was covering up the contemporaneous accounts of Muslims celebrating in NJ, as they did across the oceans in Gaza on September 11th,

Iman said...

Darwin65 demonstrates the power of intelligence that guarantees he’ll both win the Darwin Award before year’s end and eliminate any chance of a Darwin66.

Immanuel Rant said...

Maureen Dowd is still alive?

Are we sure? I mean, even a bad AI from the 90s could replicate anything she'd write on any given topic.

Rusty said...

Immanuel Rant said...
"Maureen Dowd is still alive?

Are we sure?"
You could of just ended it there ,'cause that was funny. In a Monty Python ex-parrot kind of way.

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