November 25, 2023

"He is up to his wattle in criminal indictments, and even if none land him in prison, the grinding stress and his advanced age look to be taking a toll on his mental acuity."

"Watching his increasingly disjointed rants, one cannot help but think, 'Something ain’t right.' He seems as likely as President Biden to suffer a serious health event — maybe more if you factor in all those burgers. As the primaries grind on, any number of developments could convince soft Trump voters that the MAGA king is a bad bet. All of which is to say that the Republican primary fight remains vital. And as we head into this crucial stretch, it is time for the most promising Trump challengers — who at this point appear to be Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley — to hunker down and show us what they are made of...."

Are Trump's rants increasingly disjointed? I had not noticed, and I am able to help thinking "Something ain’t right." For one thing, I don't use "ain't," especially in my thoughts. For another, I think the question about his "disjointed rants" has always only been do you want a President who speaks in that style? Can you understand him? To my ear, it's conversational, and I enjoy the lively spontaneity. It doesn't feel like mental derangement to me. It feels like a strength. Other politicians don't speak like that because they're more scripted and risk averse.

And what of this "up to his wattle"? Is Cottle — whose name rhymes with "wattle" — going to use words of contempt to mock the physical appearance of all the candidates? I think not. That would be bullying. But that doesn't apply to Trump, and if you believe that, you are attesting to his strength.

The rhymes for "wattle" and "Cottle" — in case you're working on a limerick — are "bottle," "throttle," and "glottal." All — like "wattle" — oddly neck related. 


robother said...

Insults and death wishes. As a recent Lionel Shriver op-ed pointed out, the Left is absolutely in love with hate, and all its related dark pleasures.

Iman said...

throttle this cottle
help her understand TRUMP is
main boy with joy toy

Big Mike said...

No honest person who has listened to demented Joe Biden give a speech can call Trump’s rhetoric “disjointed .rants.”

cfs said...

Why are we suddenly seeing an increase in the articles regarding Trump's health when it is actually Biden who is obviously in both mental and physical decline? It's beginning to sound suspiciously like a plan. First, they have to set the narrative so that when something happens, they can say it was expected and thus no surprise.

"Here's what happens if Donald Trump dies while running in the 2024 presidential election"

Mike Sylwester said...

Wattle is a term used to describe stakes interlaced with twigs and forming the framework of the wall of a building1. The word "wattle" comes from the Old English word "watol" meaning "hurdle".

The word is related to "weðel" meaning "bandage". The origin of "wattle" may be an Old Teutonic word meaning "to weave".

Since around 1810, "wattle" has also been used to refer to the Australian legumes that provide these branches.

(From Microsoft Bing)

Kate said...

It's important to coddle the NYT readers who waddle up to their computers to point and laugh at the Orange Man.

RideSpaceMountain said...

The walls are closing in this time
The walls are closing in
We'll get him this time!
Sure as Cottle's name rhymes!
Keep saying it helps hide the spin

Ambrose said...

Projection is all they have.

Dr Weevil said...

robother (first comment):
You just reminded me.
If I didn't rent, and if I were more willing to intentionally annoy the deranged than I am, I would put a sign on my front lawn reading "HATE IS ALWAYS WELCOME IN THIS HOUSE" and underneath in letters half the size "as long as it's Trump hate!". I figure the effect would be like the meme of the sweaty guy trying to decide which button to push. Aurally, I'd expect lots of squealing brakes as people driving by hit the brakes hard, pause to read the second line, then drive on as they wallow (I hope) in deep embarrassment.

n.n said...

After two fraudulent impeachments, and diverse indictments, Trump is still viable and a burden for his antagonists.

Ann Althouse said...

@Mike Sylwester

I was trying to figure out if that building material comes from the same place as the flesh hanging off the neck of a bird. The OED says "wattle," the neck flesh, is "Usually believed to be identical with wattle," the building material. "Believed"... but in fact it is "Of obscure origin; possibly an altered form of 'wartle.'"

"Wartle" is "A ‘kernel’ in the neck or groin" or "A small wart." Its etymology is based on "wart."

Skeptical Voter said...

Oh the horror! Lawfare may not be working to yield the Democrat dreams. Time to, in the old B movie phrase, "Bring in Plan B From Outerspace".

Michelle has a problem. Only the readers who dine regularly on the toxic slop that the NYT newsroom puts in the trough will believe her.

Levi Starks said...

I just naturally assumed this was about the Biden family.

Dude1394 said...

Democrat propaganda. Always the same.

Democrats seem to be feeling the result of their 7 year political persecution of the Republican leader.

Dude1394 said...

"Blogger cfs said...
Why are we suddenly seeing an increase in the articles regarding Trump's health when it is actually Biden who is obviously in both mental and physical decline?"

Because democrats ALWAYS accuse others of what they are actually doing. In this case, running an old, demneted idiot for president.

Maynard said...

When Trump is assassinated in 2024, I suspect that Michelle Cottle will be one of the many NYT and WaPo writers to suggest that it was justifiable homicide.

You know, to save our democracy we had to kill him.

Mason G said...

""Watching his increasingly disjointed rants, one cannot help but think, 'Something ain’t right.' He seems as likely as President Biden to suffer a serious health event — maybe more if you factor in all those burgers."

Comparing Trump's health with Biden's and reaching the conclusion that Trump is more at risk of a serious health event? What a maroon.

"And as we head into this crucial stretch, it is time for the most promising Trump challengers — who at this point appear to be Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley — to hunker down and show us what they are made of...."

They already have.

Dave Begley said...

I watched “The Fall of Minneapolis.” There is a Biden clip in it from 2020. Watch any clip of Biden today; huge decline.

Dave Begley said...

Mike S. beats Ann to the language analysis!

Mike Sylwester said...

it is time for the most promising Trump challengers — who at this point appear to be Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley — to hunker down

Of course, the Republican race will narrow eventually to Trump versus one or two others -- probably DeSanis and/or Haley.

Right now, I myself still favor DeSantis or Haley rather than Trump. For sure, Trump might win the primary race and then run in the general election.

In any case, the overwhelming majority of Republicans will vote ultimately for whichever candidate wins the primary race.

The most important consideration in final election will be the issues.

Jupiter said...

Dottle. Mottle. Aristotle.

rhhardin said...

I think Gutfeld the other night remarked that Trump had a Don Rickles sense of humor. Another convert.

John henry said...

"Love Trump's Hate!"

John Henry

rcocean said...

The next Seven Weeks are NOT vital. Trump is so far ahead, we should be asking DeSantis and Haley when are they going to drop out and endorse Trump. After NH, after SC?

As for BIden, the D's don't believe in Democracy. Neither do their sheep like voters. Both will let the Politboro decide whether Biden steps down or runs. Right now, it looks like Genocide Joe wants another 4 years. Funny thing, once these guys get a taste of being POTUS, they Never want to hang it up.

Probably the only guy who retired before he had to, was Ike. Could've ran in 60 but decided to let Tricky Dick run instead. Even Truman who claimed he decided not to run in 52, way back in 49, was testing the waters in 1952. When he found out he had zero chance, he bowed out.

Biden has spent his whole life in politics. Why would he want to leave the greatest Poliitcal job in the world? to do what? SIt in his rocking chair and wait to die?

Quaestor said...

Throttle the Cottle.
Stick her in a bottle.
Make her speech toddle
Over words that are glottal.

rcocean said...

waddle and wattle and rattle and tattle. words are funny things.

hombre said...

Wishful and delusional thinking abide at NYT. And fake news, like this.

Guimo said...

Michelle Cottle is in over her wattle when it comes to political analysis.

Quaestor said...

Mike Sylwester writes, "Wattle is a term used to describe stakes interlaced with twigs and forming the framework of the wall of a building..."

Wattle goes with daub. I suppose you know what daub is. If you don't, it's the stuff that holds notions together at 620 Eighth Avenue.

Butkus51 said...

NYT writers are ever so helpful.

mikee said...

We are not limited to English for words that rhyme with wattle. How about the perfectly cromulent German word, trottel (fool)?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Don't forget Aristotle!

Mikey NTH said...

Are we at the point where they yell "Bullets won't stop it!" and then they throw an empty pistol at the monster?

Michael K said...

The NY Times is getting closer to assassination celebration every month.

Tofu King said...

Yes, as a libertarian/conservative I always take the sage advice of the NYT.

Mikey NTH said...

A wattle fence looks wrinkled as does a wattled neck. That could be the connection.

Baffled in Buffalo said...

"Ain't" is an 'improper' linguistic element very frequently used for strong
emphasis--e.g. "ain't gonna happen". Every literate American knows this, so you know it too, Ms. Althouse, Esq. But apparently no rhetorical flourish you think of will be spared in your mission of feeding the Althouse [small mountain] [dimunitive of Bill]'s.

rehajm said...

I just naturally assumed this was about the Biden family.

Me also....

Freder Frederson said...

Calling people vermin (the definition of which is a disease carrying vector) is not increasingly disjointed? Not even being sure if you are running against Joe Biden or Barack Obama is not increasingly disjointed.

To pretend that calling human beings "vermin" is not much, much, worse than calling them deplorable (where they are at least human beings) ignores history. Vermin are rats, mosquitoes, lice, fleas, or the "eternal" jew.

Kevin said...

Shorter NYT: Let’s collectively manifest a serious Trump health event.

Kakistocracy said...

It’s not a coincidence that this is getting worse as his legal troubles intensify.

Howard said...

This DNC tool is one of Donald Trump's finest campaign public relations flack

Wince said...

Cottle's wishful thinking betrays a hubris about how she believes her pretentiously unfunny jocular writing style can assuage NYT readers by convincing them of that which is not true.

But what she really does is inadvertently articulate the Democrats' desperate psy-ops cum criminal lawfare election strategy against Trump.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

rcocean: Ike was term limited by the 22nd amendment, Truman was not. TR made a pledge not to run again after his 1+ terms, did not run in 1908, ran for what would have been basically a third term in 1912, lost. The other Roosevelt the only winner of a third term, and of course he won a fourth when he was in extremely poor shape. Polk I believe thought he was following Washington's example in not running for a second term.

Jersey Fled said...

A good starting point is to assume everything you read in the NYT is a work of fiction.

Gunner said...

Cottle is up to her stretch marks with stupidity.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I'm a big-time reporter with a famous, maybe distinguished newspaper. I have objectively concluded that Trump is just too vulgar, not like us. In fact, he does nothing but spew inarticulate hate for decent people. HE SPEWS HATE! HE'S STUPID AND INARTICULATE! ALL HE DOES IS VENT THE HATE AND STUPIDITY OF ALL THOSE NON-COASTAL PEOPLE!

I HATE TRUMP! FUCK TRUMP! (Left side of face twitching) CLOUSEAU! CLOUSEAU!

JIM said...

Democrat run media have been pushing a plethora of hit pieces against Trump since after he rode down the escalator in 2015. My contempt for their yellow journalism knows no bounds. They will always be fake news to me. Unfortunately too many people use their smears, innuendo, and political propaganda to form their opinion of Trump.

Wince said...

Howie Carr today...

As their generalissimo Dementia Joe Biden continues plummeting in the polls, state-run media ramp up their fake-news hysteria ever more. Hillary’s bogus Steele dossier was just spring training compared to the Big Lies they’re peddling now...

Pieces almost as obsequious as this drivel are published every day in state-run media. They are nothing more than religious tracts for the faithful. What the Watchtower is for Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Washington Post is for Democrats...

Viser, by the way, used to work at the Boston Globe, because of course he did...

If you google Viser, you can find some of his other greatest hits. He wrote a breathless story in 2018 about how Beto O’Rourke was going to knock Ted Cruz out of the Senate. He followed it up with a pom-pom waving fanzine-style piece about how young Joe Kennedy was going to romp over Ed Markey in the 2020 Senate fight on his way to the presidency.

And now he gives us Hunter Biden, a victim of circumstance.

First we had the Pulitzer Prizes. Then the Profiles in Courage Awards. And now, the Order of the Brown Nose.

Iman said...

One can go full throttle but it would be wise to avoid full cottle.

Howard said...

Straw wattles are the backbone of construction runoff control.

n.n said...

So, what she's saying, is that Democrats knowingly torture or abort their "burdens". What difference, at this point, does it make, indeed.

walter said...

Is that near the Wazoo?

Jim at said...

Brewmeister Freder is lecturing us on name-calling. I shall pay attention.

Mason G said...

Oh, look- a leftist is butthurt because he thinks Trump is playing by the rules the left created.

What Trump said:

We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections"

Trump didn't call them "vermin", he said they "live like vermin". Leftists twist his words when it suits their purposes, with the expectation that leftist sheeple will blindly follow along. And, of course, they do.

The Godfather said...

Haley-DeSantis, DeSantis-Haley, either one sounds good to me, as an alternative to Failed Trump-Whoever. Trump had his chance, and he let his opponents screw him out of re-election.
I want a WINNER, not a Whiner!

Bunkypotatohead said...

Cottle Cottle bo bottle
Banana fanna fo fottle
Fee fi mo mottle

TestTube said...

Also Fink-Nottle.

Which is vital to consider if you are looking for someone to hand out prizes at the Market Snodsbury Grammar School.

rcocean said...

Lloyd @230

You are correct. Thanks. I got the dates mixed up, I thought the 22nd passed in the 50s, when in fact it passed in the late 40s.

Drago said...

The Godfather: "Haley-DeSantis, DeSantis-Haley, either one sounds good to me, as an alternative to Failed Trump-Whoever. Trump had his chance, and he let his opponents screw him out of re-election.
I want a WINNER, not a Whiner!"

Good luck with that. I know Mitt and Jeb and Paul Ryan and Mitch and Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and The Lincoln Project dudes, et al, are right there with you.

Personally, I dont think I can ever support Team Globalist/Hate The Republican Base types.

But thats just me.

Drago said...

Mason G: "Trump didn't call them "vermin", he said they "live like vermin". Leftists twist his words when it suits their purposes, with the expectation that leftist sheeple will blindly follow along. And, of course, they do."

Not just "leftist sheeple". Lots of GOPe-ers following along as well because, gee whiz, thats what all "respectable" types do.

Mike said...

The Republicans have plenty of options in this election who would not only do better but actually be, you know, conservative. The main reason to support Trump is that they like the nihilistic deranged drama and prefer it to actually getting things done.

Bonkti said...

To pretend that calling human beings "vermin" is not much, much, worse than calling them deplorable (where they are at least human beings) ignores history.

You ignore context.

Hillary lamented "a basket of deplorables".

Roxanne Roberts in the WaPo recognized that the construct pointed to Trump's supporters as being something other than human:

"Let’s start with the obvious: 'Basket of deplorables' is a weird turn of phrase. There are baskets and there are deplorable people, but pairing the two is the oddest of linguistic odd couples."

Aggie said...

Well, Trump's a noted teetotaler, so....

There was a Republican Model
Whose waddle would wobble his wattle
He sat down to his snack
Of a juicy Big Mac
while eschewing all calls for the Bottle.

Mutaman said...

"It feels like strength"

"Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including the Racist & Incompetent Attorney General of New York State, Letitia 'Peekaboo' James, who has let Murder & Violent Crime FLOURISH, & Businesses FLEE; the Radical Left Trump Hating Judge, a 'Psycho,' Arthur Engoron, who Criminally Defrauded the State of New York, & ME, by purposely Valuing my Assets at a 'tiny' Fraction of what they are really worth in order to convict me of Fraud before even a Trial, or seeing any PROOF, & used his Politically Biased & Corrupt Campaign Finance Violator, Chief Clerk Alison Greenfield, to sit by his side on the 'Bench' & tell him what to do; & Crooked Joe Biden, who has WEAPONIZED his Department of Injustice against his Political Opponent, & allowed our Country to go to HELL; & all of the other Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, Democrats, & RINOS, who are seriously looking to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY." (sic)

gadfly said...

The Godfather said...
Haley-DeSantis, DeSantis-Haley, either one sounds good to me, as an alternative to Failed Trump-Whoever. Trump had his chance, and he let his opponents screw him out of re-election.
I want a WINNER, not a Whiner!

Nikki and Ron really hate each other, so no team there. Trump hates anyone who runs against him. A Trump ad actually had the audacity to state that DeSantis puts his fingers where they don't belong, but Trump is the only presidential candidate who has lost a rape case for doing just that. And everybody knows that Trump is the screwer, not the screwed when it comes to messing around with honest vote counts.

Jaq said...

A polemicist of cognomen Cottle
Pours out her invective full throttle
I guess in small doses
Her fetid neurosis
Might not make you puke, but a lot'll

wendybar said...

To pretend that calling human beings "vermin" is not much, much, worse than calling them deplorable (where they are at least human beings) ignores history. Vermin are rats, mosquitoes, lice, fleas, or the "eternal" jew.

11/25/23, 1:40 PM


After getting called Nazi's, Racists, barbarians, and every other bad word that you can imagine, the idiots who started it ARE vermin. They need to be swatted aside and eradicated from politics. THEY are pests just like termites when it comes to what they are doing to America, and half of the American people, who know what they are up to.

typingtalker said...

Why the Next Seven Weeks Are So Critical in the Race for President

How critical is so critical?

Yes, I know, picky, picky, picky. But this is The New York Times.

RigelDog said...

If I were writing a limerick using words that rhymed with wattle, I'd feel free to use rhyming that substitutes the letter "d" for the "t"; that's how we generally pronounce them anyway.

The turkey's so odd, with that wattle
And two sticks upon which they toddle.
So noxious, that gobble---
All screeches and squabble---
They fly not! But only can waddle.

lgv said...

"It doesn't feel like mental derangement to me. It feels like a strength. "

Hmmm. I find it neither. The idea of derangement as a description is the hyperbole of the left. It has never sounded deranged. But, I don't find it a strength. Somewhere during his meandering sentences he loses the point. I find none of his "rants" to assure me that he is a clear thinker.

Yinzer said...

Gus like this are desperately looking for ways to make Trump seeming to show his age as much or more than Biden. It is not working. Everyone knows that Trump is totally sane, in his Trumpian way, as well as vitally alive. I'll bet he even still satisfies Melania in bed. Ask Dr. Jill when the last time was that Joe did that.

Dude1394 said...

All of the current Republican candidates are CONDONING the corrupt political persecution of republicans. ALL of them. They had best hope they do NOT get the nomination, because they will get beat worse than Carter.

RigelDog said...

"But apparently no rhetorical flourish you think of will be spared in your mission of feeding the Althouse [small mountain] [dimunitive of Bill]'s."

Do you even know any hillbillies, Bro? We have a long tradition of using the word "ain't" and I think that is tied directly to our Scots-Irish origins.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Dude1394 said...
All of the current Republican candidates are CONDONING the corrupt political persecution of republicans.

Oh bullshit. DeSantis has clearly called it out as wrong.

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