November 29, 2023

"Elon Musk voiced support Tuesday for Pizzagate, the long-debunked conspiracy theory that... the Clintons and Democratic Party leaders ran a secret satanic child sex ring..."

" a D.C. pizzeria known as Comet Ping Pong. The theory, a mainstay of fringe Donald Trump supporters during the 2016 presidential campaign, was labeled 'fictitious' by D.C. police investigators. Musk’s post was the latest in what has become a string of tweets in which Musk boosted debunked theories and comes just one day after he visited Israel to try to tamp down anger over an explosion of antisemitism on X that has caused a growing number of advertisers to flee."

Writes Drew Harwell, in "Elon Musk boosts Pizzagate conspiracy theory that led to D.C. gunfire/The far-right theory motivated a gunman to fire multiple rounds inside the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Northwest Washington in 2016. Musk boosted the theory to his 164 million followers anyway" (WaPo).

Musk wants action and gets it. WaPo feeds the... I don't want to call Musk a troll, but he's seeking to be fed and WaPo is feeding him. I like to quote my mother: You'll only encourage him.

Meanwhile, I wish these WaPo articles would put the precise text of the tweet in question much closer to vague characterizations like "voiced support." He's not absolved from all blame if he sticks to merely referring to things and expressing wonderment, but I need to know how close he came to saying something false or evil. The harder it is to find the actual text of the tweet, the more likely it seems that the characterization is slanted and inflammatory.

Ah. Here it is. The 7th paragraph:
Musk, who bought the social network formerly known as Twitter last year for $44 billion, posted a meme on Tuesday implying that the expert who debunked Pizzagate “went to jail for child porn.” Musk said that “does seem at least a little suspicious.”

Do you think that's "voic[ing] support" for the conspiracy theory? Obviously, The Washington Post could have been more accurate in its characterization of Musk's enigmatic winking at the theory, but I'm fairly sure Musk wanted the mainstream media to overreact.... perhaps as a test of how they process ambiguous statements.

The Washington Post has boosted Pizzagate, and its vigor going after Musk might — to some people — seem at least a little suspicious.

ADDED: The WaPo article links to this Reuters fact-check from last August: "Fabricated New York Post headline on ex-ABC journalist."

The image circulating features a New York Post headline that reads, “Award winning ABC journalist who ‘debunked’ pizzagate, pleads guilty in horrific child porn case.” The post on X, previously known as Twitter, had garnered about 551 reposts at the time of writing (here).No such headline exists on the New York Post’ website, however ( here ), ( here ). Coverage of Meek’s case by the New York Post (here) includes no mention of “Pizzagate”...

Meek did not publish an investigation about or “debunk Pizzagate” while at ABC (here), ( [Meek] co-authored a 2017 article about Russian propaganda during the Syrian war. It mentions “Pizzagate in passing (here)....


gilbar said...

the "claim" the WaPoo reporter who reported on pizzagate was charged with child porn has been fact checked
it was a DIFFERENT WaPoo reporter who reported on pizzagate who was charged with child porn
so THERE!!

Kevin said...

Shorter WAPO: How do we write about Musk’s trip to Israel without raising his stature?

tim in vermont said...

It's pretty obvious that pedophilia is winked at by the elites in both DC and Hollywood. I think throwing in the word "Satanic" is intended to create some exaggeration of the issue so as to minimize it. Trump complimented his daughter once at a beauty pageant, and lived in the same town as Epstein, whom he banned from Mar a Lago, and he is accused of being a pedophile while Joe Biden's own daughter wrote in her diary about her dad's "probably inappropriate" showers with her, and we have the word of one girl, who Joe Biden appeared to have pinched her nipple when she was 11, who now, over 18, says that's exactly what happened. I am sure you never heard about that on NPR or MSNBC though.

But let's all pretend that "Pedo Pete," as his own son calls him, is not a pedophile. One of my favorite little moments of clarity on this was when Prince Andrew claimed that he could not have been the one who molested that young girl because he "was at a children's pizza party at the time." Of course she had him dead to rights, and described a rare medical condition he is now known to suffer from, that only somebody who had been intimately close to him could have observed.

Pizzagate though, could just as easily be one of those psy-ops that the CTIL files show that government employees are involved in, to discredit the charges of pedophilia against Joe Biden, which everybody knows is out there.

Rusty said...

Say! Where is Jeffry Epstiens client list?
I bet we could clear this right up if we had that.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Musk wanted the mainstream media to overreact.... "

Oh, now HE'S a terrorist. I don't know why anybody bothers, when Bill Clinton's rape victims have been allowed to twist in the wind for all these years. Even if both Clintons were up to something creepy, in the NewAge, nobody cares: He's the Hero of the Hamptons.

PrimoStL said...

James Alefantis was listed multiple times as among the 50 most powerful people in Washington DC for owning a pizza parlor. True story.

Dave Begley said...

The Left is out to destroy Musk.

If WaPo says PizzaGate was debunked, that makes me think there might be something to it. The painting owned by that Podesta guy were super creepy.

rehajm said...

You are indeed a Washington Post subscriber…

John henry said...

Did the "expert" who suppose debunked the pizza gate story go to jail for child porn or not?

It seems like a key part of the WaPo story and can be ans yes or no.

Why the convoluted language that gives an ambiguous answer? Because the answer is yes but that hurts the narrative?

I'll go with Elon on this unless WaPo clarifies that the debunlet didn't go to jail

John Henry

Jake said...

Streisand effect.

gspencer said...


I need new conspiracy theories.

All my old ones have come true,

rehajm said...

I’ve always suspected Pizzagate was a spread the lie before the truth gets its boots on kind of deal but given the magnitude and quantity and frequency of the lies promoted in leftie psy-ops I’m ready to believe every unflattering bit of Pizzagate is factually correct.

rehajm said...

That’s what happens to you when you lie for a living…

The Crack Emcee said...

They keep claiming things are "debunked" that they merely glance at.

Mike Sylwester said...

... the expert who debunked Pizzagate “went to jail for child porn.” Musk said that “does seem at least a little suspicious.”

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

JRoberts said...

Given the various personal, business and political rivalries between Bezos and Musk, does anybody really believe WaPo would be fair and balanced on these stories?

Aggie said...

It's a little hard to label something a 'conspiracy theory' when all of the comments purporting to debunk or ridicule the theory align, but in a way that seems to indirectly support it - as in this case. It becomes plainly apparent that a party line is being toed. It's a little embarrassing that the Left's huge credibility problem is so under-reported, and so studiously under-observed.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Is the “implication” true or not? I’ve noticed several democrats/journalists being charged over the last few months.

BUMBLE BEE said...

WaPoo certainly are the go to experts in conspiracy land, having serially supported every one of them against Trump & co. They know what to do.
Musk, having taken over the digital arm of the dumbocrat party, is in a position to have access to archival data of the party beyond the WaPoo ken.
WaPoo does go for the smear-smear in trying to cover tracks. Worthy of National Enquirer moves.
Musk has greater credibility by far IMHO.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Short Eyes and Dem Journalist becoming synonymous?

Ann Althouse said...

The WaPo article says "the disgraced former ABC reporter James Gordon Meek, who pleaded guilty last year to possessing child sexual abuse images... covered national security and appeared to have mentioned Pizzagate only once..." — and there is another "James Meek, a British journalist, briefly discussed Pizzagate in a London Review of Books article in 2020."

narciso said...

Since then there have been various officials including the charge of pentagon schools arrested.

michaele said...

The left would like nothing better than to demonize Musk like they have done with Trump.

Howard said...

Musk is trolling you guys as well as the MSM DNC Liberal elites.

TreeJoe said...

I have spent 10 minutes researching this and it's almost painfully obfuscated. Musk actually tweeted a simple meme that was a pictorial of Office actors where one is saying Pizzagate is real, the other is saying we have experts who say otherwise, and the end note is that one of those experts went to jail for child porn and that seems suspicious.

James Gorden Meek was ABC News star investigative reporter. In 2017, he claimed Pizzagate was debunked. I can't find any ACTUAL debunking by Meek himself, but he became famous for that claim. 3 years later, he was sentenced to 6 years in jail for child porn including of some pretty horrible stuff.

Back to Musk for a second....the funny thing is, Musk is bringing attention to the fact that a painful number of people declaiming and "debunking" abuses have been found to be abusers - in Hollywood, in major news outlets, and in politics. This didn't stop once #MeToo left the main news cycles - it continues. And an even cursory study of Epstein and the downstream cases of Epstein pretty much shows both that underage abuse is prevalent in major power circles and that those participating will be hidden by the very investigative power circles involved. (i.e. for all practical purposes, not a single Epstein client/participant was ever named - even the British Royal who was shown to be involved was only outted due to a public legal matter brought forth by the abused).

Bob Boyd said...

The WAPO says the debunker is an expert? Oh, well roll up your sleeves then.

The Crack Emcee said...

Dave Begley said...

"The painting owned by that Podesta guy were super creepy."

That was either Tony Podesta (brother of John Podesta, Hillary's Chief of Staff, who orchestrated the Russia Hoax) or Jeffrey Epstein, with that painting of Bubba in a blue dress:

“Within 24 hours of her concession speech, [campaign chair John Podesta] assembled her communications team to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece,...”

- “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign,” by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, two reporters invited to document Hillary's historic win in 2016.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

“Does seem at least a little suspicious”

that is all Musk said.

He didn't say anything about the Clitnons.

Aggie said...

Shall we just review and thoroughly de-bunk Epstein's visitor logs? How about it, eh?

narciso said...

By comparison

From a family of shaheeds

rehajm said...

I’m more curious about the standard for the DC police to label anything ‘fictitious’? No Evidence would seem the highest standard a police investigation could achieve…

Fictitious strikes me as the exaggerated duping language of a liar…

robother said...

Musk should respond in kind: Washington Post voiced support for a convicted pedophile.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left sure go ape shit crazy about any conspiracy theories directed at them.

Very sensitive.
(yeah - still waiting for Epstein's' client list. The left-wing press are awfully incurious.)

The left -(collective hivemind obedient deluxe) also have no trouble making up lies about anyone whenever they need to feed their Soviet Narrative machine.

"don't say gay" = lie

"Book bans" = lie. Name a book that's been banned - oh leftist liars. The only books that are being "banned" or removed - are inappropriate gay sex books in school libraries.

and on and on... Leftist lies never end.

wild chicken said...

I assumed Pizzagate was a distorted misconstruing of the Epstein Island business. Or just modern pedophilia generally.

Because something is happening here but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?

Will Cate said...

"It's even worse than it appears" -- Hunter/Garcia

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hulu Removes James Gordon Meek’s ‘3212 Un-Redacted’ After Investigative Journalist Is Sentenced in Child Pornography Case

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ex-editor of left-leaning news site The Recount charged with child pornography

Leftists sure are collectively touchy when it comes to child abuse - sexual child abuse.

wendybar said...

Dave Begley said...
The Left is out to destroy Musk.

If WaPo says PizzaGate was debunked, that makes me think there might be something to it. The painting owned by that Podesta guy were super creepy.

11/29/23, 7:11 AM

THIS. They have lied to us so many times and cry DEBUNKED when there is no proof it was debunked. Why would we even take anything they print as true after the lies they spewed for years now??

Robert Cook said...

One more indication Musk isn't as smart as everyone (including himself) thinks he is.

iowan2 said...

The same people debunking Pizza Gate, are the same people debunking the laptop, and covid lab origin.

all my old conspiracies have come true

Tommy Duncan said...

Aggie said...

It's a little embarrassing that the Left's huge credibility problem is so under-reported, and so studiously under-observed.

David Burge @iowahawkblog:

Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.

Bob Boyd said...

The people who tried so valiantly to put up the National Christmas Tree were also considered experts by the experts at hiring experts in Washington DC, I bet. They were probably supervised by a Harvard grad with an advanced degree and a parent who bought a Hunter Biden painting.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That the left lose their minds ... with breathless - Q-Annon! - tells us they sure are sensitive with this issue.

DBetti said...

Dennis Hastert really happened. Worth remembering that when you hear the cry of "It's all a conspiracy theory - there is no evidence!"

mikee said...

The fun thing about such unfounded accusations is that there is absolutely, certainly, positively a few members of the federal government who, upon hearing the accusations, instantly think, "Well, some of the details are off, but how did they find out about ME?"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

3.5 years of Russia Russia Russia collusion lies from the left.

man oh man - if you step on a leftist - they sure to spin around fast to force you to comply.

Iman said...

Fee, fee, fi, fi, fo-fo, fum
Look at Bubba now, here he come
Wearin' his high heels and shades to match
He's sportin’ funky anal beads and an alligator hat
Smokin’ a cigar and feelin’ yer pain
He's got stubby, sausage fingers, now, and everything
He's the Bubba with the blue dress, blue dress, blue dress,
Bubba with the blue dress on
Bubba with the blue dress, blue dress, blue dress,
Bubba with the blue dress on

Wince said...

Elon Musk voiced support Tuesday for Pizzagate, the long-debunked conspiracy theory that... the Clintons and Democratic Party leaders ran a secret satanic child sex ring...

Althouse said...
"The Washington Post has boosted Pizzagate, and its vigor going after Musk might — to some people — seem at least a little suspicious."

Or a trifle too satanic?

n.n said...

Sniffing, showering, transgender grooming at schools, churches, boy scouts, etc. Not rape-rape, friends with "benefits", immigration reform, nudity for the "art", the "burden" of evidence aborted, sequestered in darkness. Social liberals in progressive sects have a diversity, equity, and inclusion problem.

n.n said...

Levine's dreams of Herr Mengele in their latest production involving underage boys and girls in Democratic/dictatorial fashion.

Michael K said...

Musk was an enemy as soon as he bought Twitter.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So a guy who wrote in the WaPO (without evidence) that Pizzagate "was debunked" just went to jail for "the most hideous child porn the FBI had ever seen." Seems relevant. And TreeJoe summarizes well:

James Gorden Meek was ABC News star investigative reporter. In 2017, he claimed Pizzagate was debunked. I can't find any ACTUAL debunking by Meek himself, but he became famous for that claim. 3 years later, he was sentenced to 6 years in jail for child porn including of some pretty horrible stuff.

And all over the country we have arrests in the last few weeks: This one, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this DC Capitol Police officer, and this one, and this one, and this one...

But the guy who ran a pedophile Island for the Rich and Famous and kept a client list is of no interest to any "reporter" in DC? Maybe they are all too busy covering the drugs-and-prostitution ring run out of the Pentagon?

n.n said...

WaPo still refers to the long debunked Jan6 Capitol punishment, police assault, and Whitmer conspiracy as the People's insurrection.

I wonder where Trump goes to clear the multiple WaPo et al debunked impeachment, rape allegations, emulument charges, secret service overseen and apprived presidential secure document handling charges, etc.

Another day, another handmaid... handmade tale published in the "mainstream" news.

planetgeo said...

OK, who hijacked Crack's account. Nice catch, Dude, whoever you are.

“Bad Genes” said...

Of course. Pizzagate is recycled every four years along with caravans and Hillary’s emails. It works. If it ain't broke... We really need to recognize this fact. Next up — Pizzagate Posobiec with his nonsense….

William said...

Has anyone ever read a news article where the Steele Dossier was described as "thoroughly debunked""?......I don't know about Pizzagate, but it's a matter of record that some well known news personalities were abusing subordinates for years without suffering any ill consequences. Media people have given awards to Harvey, a standing ovation to Polanski and flown to Epstein's sunny island for rest and recreation. I don't know if any of the toppings on the pizza were contraband, but not much of it was wholesome.

William said...

Has anyone ever read a news article where the Steele Dossier was described as "thoroughly debunked""?......I don't know about Pizzagate, but it's a matter of record that some well known news personalities were abusing subordinates for years without suffering any ill consequences. Media people have given awards to Harvey, a standing ovation to Polanski and flown to Epstein's sunny island for rest and recreation. I don't know if any of the toppings on the pizza were contraband, but not much of it was wholesome.

rcocean said...

Typical MSM smear. Musk "implied support" for something. Goddamn how I hate these people. What is Musk trying to do with twitter? Restore Free speech. Just wants to let people talk freely without much gatekeeping and censorship. AKA turn the twitter clock back to 2016.

But the ADL, the WaPo/NYT/etc. all HATE that. So, Musk must be destroyed. No debate, the liberal/left/ADL establishment has spoken, and they will not give ONE GODDAMN inch. On anything.

Whats worse is all the people on the Center-right sit on their hands in a defensive crouch hoping they wont be the next one to get picked off.

hombre said...

Predictable Cook: "One more indication Musk isn't as smart as everyone (including himself) thinks he is."


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's private jet 26 times.

Collective left? not interested.

rcocean said...

We need to understand this MSM tactic. What the leftwing Press does is pickup some Kook conspriacy that no one has heard of "Pizzagate" "QAnon" or whatever, and then act like huge numbers of people believe it.

They then ask republicans or guys like Trump or Musk whether they believe in it. Over and over again. And then take any statement or action (by anyone they dislike) as proof of "Support" for these conspriacies.

Again its just variation on the old communist smear technique. They do it because it works. They plant the idea in head of DUMBOs, (who can't or wont think), that somehow Musk, Trump, the person they don't like, believes in these crazy conspriacies.

The Right, then falls into their trap by assuming they can argue and debate the issue. Why here's my sixteen page memo on why musk doesn't believe in pizzagate. Clue - the MSM isn't trying to debate, they're trying to destroy their target.

mezzrow said...

One reader notes the absence of a Pizzagate tag with relief, and smiles quietly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rich - Hillary set up and used a Private Server while Secretary of State - and she did so to hide her Biden-esque money grubbing for personal profit.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Meanwhile, I wish these WaPo articles would put the precise text of the tweet in question much closer to vague characterizations like "voiced support."

But if they did that, they'd have to stop lying.

As they did in this case

n.n said...

It's because he's African-American, a person of color (i.e. not albino), right?

WaPo et al unhealthy obsession with Musk, can only be explained as diversitism (e.g. racism), perhaps an expression of the owner's green (i.e. envy) climate in a jungle where Musk leads the pride parade.

The first rule of social liberal club...

tim maguire said...

I never paid attention to Pizzagate. I didn't even know what it was until long after it was over. But if a reporter who was involved in debunking the conspiracy theory was himself convicted of possessing child porn, then Musk is right. That IS suspicious.

narciso said...

tim in vermont said...

LOL, The Government sponsored CTI League admits that "most disinformation is actually true."

The problem for them is that the way its presented, people might draw inferences from this true information, or even deduce things, that may interfere with DNC control over our lives.

Lots of "Russian disinformation" is actually quite true, it's just unpatriotic to know it. And I am not saying here that "Rich," who showed up right after "Chuck" left, as if it were a shift change, is one of the sock puppets that these whistleblower CTIL documents speak of, no, I am not saying that. He just closely aligns with CTIL agendas and talking points, But if you really want to know why they are going after Musk tooth and nail, you should familiarize yourself with these documents.

The call themselves the Cyber Threat Intelligence League, which is very cringe, and the threats they combat are threats to DNC control over the state.

narciso said...

podesta who was tasked by Russians and Ukrainians parties to lobby for their interests, long time red diaper babies, yet were never arrested nor charged for such activities,

CapitalistRoader said...

Speaking of tweeting out debunked conspiracy theories:

Hillary Clinton personally approved her campaign’s plans in fall 2016 to share information with a reporter about an uncorroborated alleged server backchannel between Donald Trump and a top Russian bank, her former campaign manager testified Friday in federal court
CNN | 20 May 2022

Hillary Clinton@HillaryClinton
Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.
6:36 PM · Oct 31, 2016


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sad part is leftist loyalist democrats buy into every lie they are told.

Tina Trent said...

So the question, for a real journalist, is what Meek did and didn't do, in a timeline that spans Pizzagate and his own unambiguous prosecution for child porn.

This isn't complicated.

Joe Smith said...

Do you know who liked pizza?


So much so that the pizza parlor association wanted him to be their president.

True story.

Gospace said...

Rusty said...
Say! Where is Jeffry Epsteins client list?
I bet we could clear this right up if we had that.

Well, yeah. Why do you think it's not being released? Or- is that part of the nefarious conspiracy theory? Or is The List nonexistent, it's existence part of a conspiracy theory that important people are being blackmailed because of their sexcapades?

Abd then there's Anthony Weiner's computer. All kinds of theories about what that contains. Unlike Hunter's computer, an obvious piece of Russian disinformation according to 50, count them, 50 former intelligence officials, people who would know, Weiner's laptop was real! Yet, once it was n the hands of officialdom,, nothing. Nothing's ever come out about the sex scenes on it. Or anything else. Almost as if justice required complete silence...

And from the article Mike (MJB Wolf) mentioned: "The chief of staff for Department of Defense Education Activity schools in the U.S. was arrested last week during a two-day human trafficking operation in Coweta County, Georgia, according to local authorities.

Stephen Hovanic, 64, of Sharpsburg, Georgia, was arrested Nov. 15 ...
" Been an educator for over 40 years. Been in his current position since 2010. And yet no one above him ever noted anything suspicious? Give me a break. But he's not going to talk- the death penalty exists for that. Ask Epstein about that. Oh, wait, you can't. He's dead. Well then, ask Seth Rich about uncovering secrets. Oh wait, you can't, he's also dead.

And then there's the newest high end prostitution ring uncovered.
Where's the client list? If if served military officers- mentioned in every article on it I've read- why aren't they in the brig awaiting trial? Where's the notice they've all, ech and every one, been removed from their postings?

Fun reading:
Stuff you may never have heard of. Not my favorite source, but he does know how to link to support his worldview. And if you want a hint of just how depraved many of our "elite" are, browse through . Us middle class types would all be in jail for much of the confirmed behavior reported there- and yet, they're not. It's where I learned that "yachting" has multiple meanings. The one I grew up with-sailing the high seas on a yacht, and high end prostitution. On luxury yachts.

n.n said...

Rich - Hillary set up and used a Private Server while Secretary of State

Water closet a.k.a. the loo was? covered by WaPoo?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I wonder how Rich explains 2.5 million "immigrants" coming over the borders this year? If not "caravan" how about "disorganized queue?" Call it what you want. John Lennon sang, "I don't believe in Zimmerman," but we all know he knew Bob Dylan really existed. Word is Bob handed John his first joint.

Mason G said...

"Maybe they are all too busy covering the drugs-and-prostitution ring run out of the Pentagon?"

It was depressing enough to see "1984" turning out to be a documentary. Now, "Idiocracy" is up...

Officer Collins : [addressing military brass] You see, a pimp's love is very different from that of a square.

Leland said...

It is suspicious that a person that ran a political website, that's primary claim to fame was to set out to debunk the Pizzagate story, was arrested for possession of material that was at the heart of the debunked story. It is as if he was trying to hide what he had to hide to avoid arrest. That's called motive.

It doesn't mean the original story happened as the theory goes or at all. And the arrested would be motivated whether for political reasons or to hide their own related crime, but they were claiming at the time political motivations (which if you want your crime to be legal, then that's also political).

Either way, shouldn't the main story be the guy arrested for possession of illegal material, and not the person noting the story exists? Alas, it is the common narrative. It's not the story, but the "perceived right of the extremist left wing" reaction to the story that becomes the story.

tim in vermont said...

The purpose of Putin giving all of that cash to Hillary's "foundation," hundreds of millions, BTW, was so that she could spread out the bribes, in the form of cushy jobs and "grants" that was needed to bribe the rest of the board she sat on, which approved the sale of most of North America's uranium resources to Putin, since, you know, she only had one vote.

Oh yeah, and Hillary's campaign manager had been awarded 75K shares in a "green energy" subsidiary of Russian company Gazprom "for services rendered." The purpose of these "green energy" companies is to collect grant money from Congress, that often runs into the billions of dollars. This is why Nancy Pelosi's son was involved in a similar company in Ukraine, BTW.

The funny thing is that two days after the election in 2016, when it was clear that Hillary was not going to be steering green energy grants, those 75K shares the Russians gave to John Podesta became worthless.

The above is all true, except I am only speculating that the reason that Putin gave hundreds of millions to Hillary's foundation was so that she could use it the way these foundations are usually used, to pay bribes, The truth is that Putin did give hundreds of millions to the "Clinton Foundation" though.

Oh yeah, another true thing on the Russia Uranium line. The US caught several Russia spies who had inveigled themselves close to Hillary as part of a Uranium transport company, and when Hillary was Secretary of State, she had the spies we caught deported before they had time to be questioned, not exchanged, simply deported, while getting nothing back for them. It's like the end of that movie Burn After Reading, where they let the guy go to Venezuela because he could never be extradited to the US, and so was out of their hair.

Marcus Bressler said...

From now on, it's "Chuck who is called Rich" as in "Simon who is called Peter".
Hey, buddy, here is how it has been going for years:
It is proven that they lie.
THE LEFT CONTINUES THAT LIE as if it has never been debunked.
It is _still_ "the insurrection", the "peaceful protests of BLM", the "murder" of George Floyd, the "without any evidence" and "election fraud was completely disproven by the courts." Not to mention "Don't say Gay" and "banned books in Florida".

So give me a break when, as an everyday occurrence, another Dem/Lefty is found to have dabbled in child porn. It used to be the false Christian preachers who were exposed as such hypocrites. The tide has turned to female teachers sexually assaulting male students, "liberals" demanding censorship, foisting sexual material on elementary students, and mentally-disturbed men pretending to be women with some engaging in competitive sports. Where is the young child who points out that the Emperor has no clothes?

You people make me sick. So forgive me if I give credence to more evidence of the immorality of the Left.


D.D. Driver said...

Pizzagate is so stupid in 2023. We all know rich and powerful men like Bill Clinton didn't meet in a pizza parlor in DC, they met on Epstein Island. Literally the only thing we are actually fighting about is geography. The meat of the "conspiracy" sort of checks out. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Aggie said...

.."One more indication Musk isn't as smart as everyone (including himself) thinks he is." - Robert Cook

Say, you keep bringing that up. What's your net worth, again?

Rusty said...

D.D. Driver
Maybe they needed some place and some way to communicate between each other when they had the hankerin' for some underage boys and girls.
After all you can't just get on the horn in the oval office or the AGs office and dial up for some pubescent poon.

Jupiter said...

Long-debunked! Long-debunked!
(Baseless! Baseless!)
Long-debunked! Long-debunked!
(Baseless! Baseless!)

The song of the WaPo.

Heh! Meanwhile, Bezos is firing them all, in tranches of 25, to replace them with AI Bots. AI can lie better than any "journalist" at WaPo, for a fraction of the cost. He'll fire Taylor Lorenz last.

Jupiter said...

"I need to know how close he came to saying something false or evil."

Come off it. You don't pay Elon Musk. Why do you need to know how close he came to saying something false or evil? The lying vermin you do pay, at WaPo and NYT, say false, evil things constantly. Constantly! Incessantly! The lies burble out of them like water foaming from an everflowing spring. You might think they would exhaust their supply of lies and evil, but that won't happen as long as Bezos keeps paying their college loans. Which won't be much longer. Heh!

Gusty Winds said...

I fully believe that sick elite liberals are fucking children literally and figuratively.

NOTHING has been "debunked".

Oligonicella said...

You'll only encourage him.

Balanced by "Don't take that from him.", two fundamental approaches to life that hopefully meld into a broader and more viable one.

There are people who almost always use the most common usage of a word and people who almost always dive down to snare an uncommon one and then act as if you should have known. Public voice is a battleground for that. Possibly one reason for the context notes added to X.

Musk has a distinct advantage in that there are no X stats he doesn't have access to and X allows more general commentary than any other source. Were I in his position, I might figure obfuscation was a good tactic.

Quaestor said...

tim in vermont writes, "It's pretty obvious that pedophilia is winked at by the elites in both DC and Hollywood. I think throwing in the word "Satanic" is intended to create some exaggeration of the issue so as to minimize it."

The intent is even more insidious. Inserting "Satanic" is intended to discredit Musk by associating his tweet (are they still "tweets" or something else?) with the "Satanic panic" of the 1980s which destroyed the McMartins in California and many families in North Carolina connected with the Little Rascals Daycare Center.

JIM said...

The Left media has not debunked anything of note. By the way, what became of the Epstein client list?

Quaestor said...

Robert Cook has launched yet another puerile attempt to exalt himself by diminishing others.

Some advice to Mister Cook: It doesn't work because you aren't as smart as you think you are.

Yancey Ward said...

I will admit Pizzagate was nonsense if the FBI makes Epstein's client list public. Deal?

“Bad Genes” said...

Hilarious—the Althouse commentariat is the perfect demographic for pizzagate and related conspiracies…..

gadfly said...

Elon Musk took down his X Pizzagate post after attempting to revive the MAGA conspiracy theory that Hillary ran a child porn operation out of the pizza parlor in DC just one day after he rubbed noses with Bibi in Israel following the billionaire's antisemitic remarks on X.

But he has to keep entertaining his 164 million panting supporters, now doesn't he? News is news is news - sometimes true, sometimes false. Too bad he cannot run for President or Vice President (not).

gadfly said...

Marcus Bressler said...

THE LEFT CONTINUES THAT LIE as if it has never been debunked.
It is _still_ "the insurrection", the "peaceful protests of BLM", the "murder" of George Floyd, the "without any evidence" and "election fraud was completely disproven by the courts." Not to mention "Don't say Gay" and "banned books in Florida".

As a lifelong conservative, I see that DeSantis encouraged book banning in Florida; neither the 61 court reviews nor the state government reviews detected any significant cheating on either side; George Floyd's death resulted in the conviction and jailing of four police officers after the jury so ruled; the "insurrection" has resulted in hundreds of guilty verdicts and Trump's trial begins in March; and BLM exists as an organization collecting money from followers, which is more than we can rightly say about Antifa.

gadfly said...

Marcus Bressler said...

THE LEFT CONTINUES THAT LIE as if it has never been debunked.
It is _still_ "the insurrection", the "peaceful protests of BLM", the "murder" of George Floyd, the "without any evidence" and "election fraud was completely disproven by the courts." Not to mention "Don't say Gay" and "banned books in Florida".

As a lifelong conservative, I see that DeSantis encouraged book banning in Florida; neither the 61 court reviews nor the state government reviews detected any significant cheating on either side; George Floyd's death resulted in the conviction and jailing of four police officers after the jury so ruled; the "insurrection" has resulted in hundreds of guilty verdicts and Trump's trial begins in March; and BLM exists as an organization collecting money from followers, which is more than we can rightly say about Antifa.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

gadfly said...
As a lifelong conservative, I see that DeSantis encouraged book banning in Florida

All you are is a lying sack of shit.

Having "sensitivity readers" block books from being published is "book banning".
Having "sensitivity readers" tell publishers what they need to change in a book (see "James and the Giant Peach"), having those changes made, and the old uncensored books no longer offered for sale? THAT is "book banning"

Rufusing to stock pornbography in school libraries is NOT "book banning". Or else if it is, then every single school librarian, everywhere, is a constant "book banner"

Oligonicella said...

As a lifelong conservative, I see that DeSantis encouraged book banning in Florida;

Name one.

tommyesq said...

The "debunking" is not that no ABC News journalist was convicted of child porn - as per Reuters, James Gordon Meek, a former (as of being arrested) ABC reporter pled guilty to child pornography charges on July, but is not the reporter who "debunked" Pizzagate. As to "motivated a gunman to fire multiple rounds inside" the pizzeria, someone went to investigate and fired a rifle to break a door lock. Shouldn't do that, obviously, but the writing of the article makes it seem like a mass shooting incident.

My favorite part of this is the Wikipedia article, which states "The conspiracy theory has been widely discredited and debunked. It has been judged to be false after detailed investigation by the fact-checking website and The New York Times."

I love (a) that is doing "detailed investigations" of this sort, and (b) that Snopes got top billing over the NYT.

lonejustice said...

I disagree with almost every single thing that gadfly posts here, but it is true that Elon Musk took down his X Pizzagate post after attempting to revive the MAGA conspiracy theory that Hillary ran a child porn operation out of the pizza parlor in DC just one day after he rubbed noses with Bibi in Israel following the billionaire's antisemitic remarks on X.

Big Mike said...

"As a lifelong conservative ..."

Does gadfly lie to us or just to himself?

Iman said...

“One more indication Musk isn't as smart as everyone (including himself) thinks he is.”

Well, he has you beat, but then, again, who doesn’t!

Mark said...

Elon removed the post ... that's how much he stands behind it.

Seems like he's smarter than most of his sycophants here who suck down whatever spooge he tweets, without critical thought.

Mark said...

If ya wonder how Twitter is doing ...

"Speaking at the 2023 DealBook Summit in New York on Wednesday, Elon Musk, the owner of social media site X (formerly Twitter), scoffed at advertisers leaving the platform because of antisemitic posts he amplified there.

“If somebody’s gonna try to blackmail me with advertising? Blackmail me with money? Go f---yourself. Go. F---. Yourself. Is that clear?” Musk singled out Disney
CEO Bob Iger in the audience, saying “Hi Bob!”

tim in vermont said...

"Hillary ran a child porn operation out of the pizza parlor in DC"

I don't think that that's the actual conspiracy, but remember when Hillary got that child rapist freed by brutally cross examining the child he raped? That was cool! And she bragged about it.

glacial erratic said...

"The Washington Post claimed today, without evidence, that 'Pizzagate' is a long-debunked conspiracy theory."