October 16, 2023

The woods at 7:29 a.m.



The rule of Lemnity said...

I like this mid-day wilderness wander; I mean, mid-day open thread. Thanks.

Leaving stuff popping into my head for later don't survive mostly.

My phone is trying to get me to verbal message people I usually text. Baby steps me into having the phone chime in whenever it thinks I'm talking to it.

I've seen that happened to people in the middle of an AA meeting share.

It's a shoo-in breakout laughter, every time.

The rule of Lemnity said...

YouTube: I can't drive 55

Things are not what they seem. That's probably my favorite tag here. Only second to Rh's Nobody stops for the cops in Alabama.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Dang that's late for a sunrise!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Found another one I meant to post here, from a couple days ago.

Headline: "Ice cream and potato chips are just as addictive as cocaine or heroin: research"

"Can’t put down that bag of potato chips? Science says it’s not you, it’s the junk food.

Ultra-processed foods, or UPFs, are just as addictive as nicotine, cocaine or heroin, experts say — and more than 1 in 10 people are hooked.

A new analysis of 281 studies across 36 different countries has uncovered that a staggering 14% of adults are hooked on UPFs.

The finding is shocking, given that UPFs — think: sausage, ice cream, biscuits, soft drinks, and sugary cereals — have previously been linked to cognitive decline, cancer, psychological distress and even an early death.",

Althouse said 'we are what we share'. Science disagrees. We are what we eat.

wendybar said...

Now I KNOW the Pope is nuts...


Narr said...

Lem brings up addictive foods--ice cream and chips, etc.

That would explain my peculiar fondness--as a teen--for vanilla ice cream with Fritos.