October 20, 2023

Greta Thunberg deletes a tweeted photo because "It has come to my knowledge that the stuffed animal shown in my earlier post can be interpreted as a symbol for antisemitism..."

"...  which I was completely unaware of. The toy in the picture is a tool often used by autistic people as a way to communicate feelings. We are of course against any type of discrimination, and condemn antisemitism in all forms and shapes. This is non-negotiable. That is why I deleted the last post." 

Here's the link to that quote.

Here's the original post, with the stuffed animal, an octopus, posed just over Thunberg's shoulder:
Here's the post that replaced it, as devoid of the octopus:
Are we to believe that the octopus toy was a way for an autistic person to communicate feelings — what feelings? — that only happened to intersect with anti-semitic iconography? It was very easy to find this image at the website of the Holocaust Museum — a blue octopus with its tentacles grasping the entire globe and drawing blood everywhere.

I also easily found this:

Notice that this stuffed animal can be turned inside out and back again to show either a sad or a happy face. The toy in Thunberg's photograph is displaying its sad-face side.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So intentionally murdering Jews is okay but accidentally showing a stuffed animal that someone somewhere might interpret as antisemitic is not okay. These people are insane. I’ll send her an invitation since she might want to join Jews for Jihad.

Kate said...

Oh, it's Marvel theme day! The octopus is the Hydra symbol.

mccullough said...

Greta is a stuffed animal for Leftists

Jupiter said...

The toy in the picture is named Greta.

Amadeus 48 said...

I don't think Thunberg has hidden that she is somewhere on the autism spectrum. It was her octopus, little doubt. As to the antisemitic connotations of the octopus--well, it's Greta Thunberg. She doesn't get anything right.

How dare she!, as she might say.

Anthony said...

Green on the outside, red on the inside.

The Crack Emcee said...

I haven't seen a single protest, for either side, that I didn't think looks stupid.

kwo said...

Political cartoonists have always portrayed subjects as the grasping-octopus-that-menaces-the-world. The trope is not at all exclusive to antisemitism.

But I agree that Thunberg's forth-and-back here looks anti-Jew.

Also is now a good time to again note that Palestinians, being Arabs, are semites?

MadisonMan said...

"Today we strike in solidarity..."
Are they on a hunger strike? Are they striking a pose, a la Madonna in Vogue? I'm guessing the latter. Maybe this is a translation difficulty.
Save us from earnest young white women.
I sometimes (uncharitably) think Jews who have signs that say something like "This Jew stands with Palestine" should try, you know, actually standing in Gaza. That might alter their world view.

Robert Cook said...

"Green on the outside, red on the inside."

We're all red on the inside.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Palestine can free itself - chooses not to.
why? The sweet sweet victimhood and welfare + Jew hate is a past-time, and they are addicted.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mixing Climate Justice with Pro-Palestinian is.... perfect.

gilbar said...

she had NO IDEA that Jew Hating Murders were anti-Semites!
She Just Thought the gas chambers were to reduce greenhouse gases?

robother said...

When non-workers go on strike.... Is it some kind of philosophical statement, like a tree falling in the forest that no one notices? I mean but for the now-you-see-it, now-you-don't octopus.

mikeski said...

270 weeks = 5+ years "on strike".

"What are we striking about today? Still the weather? Oh, Arab terrorists, cool. I still don't actually have to do anything right? Just hold up the sign? Good."

4 lefty women (well, 3, at least; that one on the upper left certainly is a "handsome" woman) yammering away, again, still, forever. Civilizational termites.

n.n said...

A veritable back... black hole... whore. h/t NAACP. Ok?! Throw another baby on the barbie, it's over.

MacMacConnell said...

Anthony said...
"Green on the outside, red on the inside."

Yes, I notice the mix of commie flags with Palestinian flags at protest.

n.n said...

Greta has regretas.

Lilly, a dog said...

Greta's sign should read, "Sit In A Chair With Gaza."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All of these leftist cretins are revealing who they really are.
The same German population who voted for Hitler.

Bob Boyd said...

Greta has a sense of humor. Who knew?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

To paraphrase Churchill, "sometimes a stuffed octopus toy is just a plush toy."

I am still amazed Greta feels that overt antisemitism is preferable to subtle implied antisemitism, though. That's just fucking incredible.

rcocean said...

Perhaps the ADL could provide a world wide guidebook detailing with is verboten and what is acceptable. Then we could all follow the partyline and give us ourselves great big hugs for not being antisemitic.

Honestly, this is what you get when you have little girls playing at poltics. Greta should be at school studying and having fun with boys. If we lived in a serious country, we would increase the voting age for Females to 25 and men to 21.The only exception being those in the military. But then we let felons and the mentally ill and dual citizens vote, so hey what not teenage girls.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

The Holocaust Museum isn't being 100% honest about that cartoon. The octopus is Winston Churchill, who the artist is trying to suggest is a tool of the Jews because he supported a Jewish homeland in the British controlled Mandate.

Library of Congress listing for that drawing: https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/churchill/interactive/_html/wc0213.html

CJinPA said...

NORMAL PERSON: "My gut tells me the Climate Change Movement is just another leftist ploy to implement their overall agenda."

ACTIVISTS: "That's a nutty conspiracy theory!"....

..."Also, we're trying to implement the following non-climate policies..."

Real American said...

that a retarded communist hates Jews isn't really surprising.

tommyesq said...

How does "climate justice now" relate to the situation going on in Israel/Gaza?

John Borell said...

"We are of course against any type of discrimination, and condemn antisemitism in all forms and shapes."

Except, apparently, the killing Jews part of discrimination and antisemitism.

fleg9bo said...

"Self-loathing Jew" is a subset of "self-loathing progressive."

Rusty said...

What can it be mistaken for? I mean. Other than Japanese octapus porn.

Jupiter said...

My parents had a gigantic collection of old National Geographic magazines on a shelf in the basement, that I used to read on rainy days. They extended right through WWII. Pretty amazing, I wish I had them now. Full page ads for all sorts of American products, all directly tied into the war effort. But I especially recall one striking image of a map of Western Europe, with an octupus with Hitler's head poised over Germany, several arms reaching out to wrap around France, and others groping towards Britain.

Two-eyed Jack said...

I think it is time to retire the 19th-century locution "anti-Semitism" and go with the fresh 21st-century "semitophobia," just to even things out for the slow learners like Greta.

Mark said...

"The toy in the picture is a tool often used by autistic people as a way to communicate feelings"

Greta, sweetie, that toy in the picture is you.

AlbertAnonymous said...

All these things have always been stupid virtue signaling, but this looks like she’s really really giving the middle finger to people. I mean none of these people cares a wit about those killed, or raped, or kidnapped. They just want to show you what team they’re on from a safe space in their cocoon. They think they’re at the better lunch table and you suck because you’re not. And it won’t ever do shit for the hostages.

By the way, whatever happened to the girls taken by the terrorists in Africa ? Did Michelle Obama ever “get our girls back” ? Serious question.

JK Brown said...

Greta Thunberg, the sad case. The shine wears off as the kid activist ages.

A really insightful exposition by a retired British historian at his channel History Debunked. Coincidentally, this video came out yesterday


The Crack Emcee said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"So intentionally murdering Jews is okay,..."

Why do you guys keep framing everything like this, when - you have to know - no one thinks this way? No one thinks intentionally murdering anyone is OK. But, once both sides start, what are you gonna do? Like a woman in a domestic dispute, you obviously don't give a fuck about who started it, because you intentionally ignore it every time you open your mouth. As far you're concerned the Israelis can do anything. That makes you part of the problem.

You're deceitful and disingenuous, posing like you care about the truth, when you don't.

Narr said...

I'm with Crack on the protests.

One of the few Illustrated Classics that I recall was Frank Norris's "The Octopus." That is, I recall that it existed, and it has left no other impression on me than that there were robber barons and railroads involved. Why it was a classic is still a mystery to me; it was certainly not an assigned work.

As for La Thunberg, she's fattening up nice; in fact they all look ripe for some masculine holy warrior types to enjoy after they TCB.

Narr said...

No one could deny that slicing and dicing people the old fashioned way is not as abusive of the environment as those nasty Jewish bombs are.

Leland said...

How dare she!

Quaestor said...

"Oh, it's Marvel theme day! The octopus is the Hydra symbol."

Goes to show how comics have only gotten stupider, which is quite an accomplishment given the history of penny dreadfuls. An octopus? Why not the hydra of mythology?

As for Grotesque Greta, what more evidence do you need of the utter foulness of the climate Nazis?

Milo Minderbinder said...

Greta's just another attention whore. Illogical in the extreme, she does nothing but attract ridicule. And so I'll just shake my head, laugh and close my laptop....

Jenn said...

I have an autistic kid and both of my children have those octopuses, along with a lot of their friends (4th to 8th graders). They are ubiquitous at Learning Express and other toy stores for kids with sensory issues and just regular toy stores. I am on Twitter/X and read political blogs and writers and had no idea that stuffed animal had any anti-Semitic connotations. I bow to no one in my disdain for Greta Thunberg but I seriously doubt her stuffed animal meant anything. Now her actual statement on the other hand...

Patrick said...

From what job exactly, is Ms. Thunberg *striking?*

Yancey Ward said...

Sometimes a stuffed animal is just a stuffed animal.

walter said...

Who is this "we"?
Just shoehorning climate justice into the picture.
Some decent 5th grade level marker work though.

William said...

The criticism of Israel centers around a response that the left considers disproportionate. I've thought about this issue and would like to present a proposal that Greta can perhaps support. Israel should end its cutoff of water and other supplies to Gaza. It should instead just stage a series of reprisal raids. During those raids they should rape and murder a few dozen women and maybe bayonet a few babies. Bayonets should be used whenever possible. That's the environmentally sound way of killing people. They should refrain from burning grannies as that would add to the world's CO2 burden. They should then declare a cease fire, but maybe stage a few more raids just to keep the Palestinians on their toes. I think this is a fair and proportionate response to the provocations.

Freeman Hunt said...

The anti-semitism problem here isn't the stuffed animal.

jim said...

Churchill, Freud, what's the difference.

BUMBLE BEE said...

If they were actually INSIDE Gaza now, they'd probably have been raped. Clearly not MOT.

Enigma said...

That was no accident in context of the Palestinian stuff. Thunburg is the most manipulated activist alive today, but she seems as oblivious as Mike Tyson was in his brief religious conversion days. Her autism makes her easy to manipulate, and people like the (perhaps autistic) Jane Fonda perceive her as a latter day Joan of Arc or prophet.

Anthony said...

Patrick said...
From what job exactly, is Ms. Thunberg *striking?*

Now, you can just shush. They're striking from doing something or other that's certainly Very Important.

JAORE said...

An uneducated (or should that be non-credentialed), autistic child "shames" the world on a very complex subject far beyond her knowledge. The world loudly applauds its own misdeeds.... Money and fame follows.

The still uneducated young woman is (also) clueless about the new shiny object.

Hey, guys, where's the applause?

(Cindy Sheehan comes to mind.)

Leland said...

The anti-semitism problem here isn't the stuffed animal.

I suspect the stuffed animal demanded to be disassociated.

Rusty said...

Since I don't take environmental advice from randon foreign teenagers, I'm certainly not taking political advice from the same teenagers.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

I follow Greta on X. She's an idiot. One post bragged, "We're shutting down Norway!"


Iman said...

That empty, implacable, accusatory puss staring… reminds me of a Boston Terrier.

If you look at it long enough, hilarity ensues.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"I don't think Thunberg has hidden that she is somewhere on the autism spectrum. "

Oh she's very front and center with promoting that she's autistic. It's in the description on her X account But it's obfuscation.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome =/= Autism

"Greta Thunberg
Autistic climate justice activist Born at 375 ppm
Sverigefridaysforfuture.orgJoined June 2018
2,890 Following
Followed by Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Ilhan Omar, and 7 others you follow"


Mikey NTH said...

A European indulging in a little casual Jew hatred? How stereotypical.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

Turns out Elon Musk's critics were right all along. X (the site formerly known as Twitter), really is a platform for anti-Semites.

Duke Dan said...

If we are posting our non negotiables, mine is to never have to hear about this twit again.

The Vault Dweller said...

We are of course against any type of discrimination, and condemn antisemitism in all forms and shapes.

Who is "We?" I don't think it is the Royal We since she later goes on to say "I took down." For what it is worth I believe her when she says she didn't know and didn't intend the stuffed Octopus plushie to be an anti-Semitic attack. While I vaguely remembered such anti-Semitic cartoons, they aren't typically at the forefront of my mind. And I doubt many people spend much time thinking about these specific types of cartoons as that would eat into time they could be thinking about the Roman Empire. It also seems odd that people who thought her old Tweet was anti-Semitic would focus on the Octopus plushie as the reason why and not the "Free Palestine" message in the wake of the attack by Hamas.

RMc said...

How does "climate justice now" relate to the situation going on in Israel/Gaza?

It's her brand, so she's gonna ride that horse til it drops dead. (Meanwhile, lotsa Israelis are dropping dead.)

rcocean said...

We need to kill every octopus and burn that stuffed animal factory to the ground.

That's the only way to stop antisemitism.

Any friend of the octopus is no friend of the Jews.

Oso Negro said...

Crack - we’re not a monolithic block. It’s quite possible to believe the Gazans have valid grievances and STILL prefer their extermination in a war in which one side must surely die.

Joanne Jacobs said...

Noya Dan, a 12-year-old Israeli girl, who was autistic, was kidnapped with her 79-year-old grandmother. Israeli forces found their bodies in Gaza. This is the kid dressed up like Harry Potter in a photo released by her family. https://nypost.com/2023/10/19/israeli-girl-seen-in-viral-harry-potter-pic-found-dead-in-gaza/ Her two younger cousins are still missing.

I've never seen octopi as anti-Semitic. Supporting people who kidnap, rape, kill and mutilate Jewish civilians ... At the very least, those calling for a cease-fire should call for the release of the hostages. I wonder how many are still alive.

Mason G said...

Greta Thunberg? Aren't her fifteen minutes over yet?

Mike said...

I'm Jewish and I didn't notice the octopus. Nor do I really care. I'm inclined to cut people some slack on stuff like this.

That being said ... hahahahahah. It is amusing when the politically correct are hoist by their own petard.

Nancy Reyes said...

green policies caused great harm in Sri Lanka.
We are organic farmers in the Philippines, but even then we use diesel for farm machinery, milling and threshing rice and getting it to market.
I guess Greta would be happier if we went back to planting with (methane emitting) waterbuffalo and old fashioned (methane producing) flooding of the fields to produce our rice.
Poor people in Manila might starve, but hey Greta would be happy.

Jonno said...

Forget about anti-Semitism. She violated the stuffed animal's pronouns! It's literal violence!

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Stand with Palestine. Stand with Gaza? That means that these cretins stand with these horrific acts.

Prof Jacobsen has the receipts: https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/israeli-defense-forces-release-graphic-video-of-hamas-attacks-on-israel/

All I can can say to these Hitler Jugend is, “How Dare You”

Zach said...

Ok, but why is the octopus in the picture, then?

There are four girls, each holding up a placard.

1) "Free Palestine" + Palestinian flag
2) "Climate Justice Now" + Palestinian flag + power fist colored like Palestinian flag.
3) "This Jew stands with Palestine"
4) Greta + "Stand with Gaza" + angry octopus.

Seems to me like every other symbolic element in the picture is commenting on either Palestine, Gaza, or Jews.

The Genius Savant said...

I consider myself to be very attuned to the plight of the Jewish people and consider myself to be pretty pro-Israel. I have one of these stuffed animals. An ex-GF and I used to use it to express feelings to each other (super lame, I know). Nevertheless, I had/have never before heard this as having anti-semetic undertones or intent.

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