October 26, 2023

"Frances Bean Cobain, daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, marries Riley Hawk, son of Tony Hawk, in ceremony officiated by R.E.M. singer Michael Stipe."

Metafilter discusses this event, saying things like: "The bride and groom are 31 and 30 respectively. You cannot fathom how old this headline makes me feel in my bones" and "My 46-year-old self, realizing that Frances is four years older than her father was when he died, is going to be sitting in the semi-dark this evening, listening to old albums and thinking about things."


Joe Smith said...

Never understood the cult of Cobain...

RideSpaceMountain said...

Growing up I was huge into Pearl Jam, STP, Tool, and Alice in chains among others. I never got Nirvana. I love Dave Groll and the Foo Fighters, but I never grasped the particular sans-drug grunge malaise of Nirvana.

Limited blogger said...

I hope the wedding singer was up to the task

The Vault Dweller said...

Awful lot of 90s in that headline.

Tom T. said...

I remember realizing that the music of my youth had migrated to the classic rock stations.

Jamie said...

Yes, this is the most 90s thing ever!

And Limited Blogger, WELL PLAYED.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I first hit that when I was 25 and realised that my new eight-year-old foster daughter knew the songs on the jukebox better than I did. I didn't regard it as a problem, but something of an honor to have escaped from popular culture so early.

Crazy World said...

The 90’s does a full circle jerk, interesting.

farmgirl said...

I’m hopeful that his daughter outshines her father’s troubled past.
May they live a long and happy life.

Jake said...

Wow. Some people have to make everything about themselves. Sad.

Stick said...

Wait. Wut?

MadisonMan said...

These young ones are so precious in their thoughts about aging.

walter said...

"I never grasped the particular sans-drug grunge malaise of Nirvana."
Heroin doesn't count?

The Crack Emcee said...

I was talking to a friend a couple of days ago, and he reminded me of the time I walked in on him and Courtney Love 'doing it' on the desk of a SF nightclub office. She was the Hat Check Girl who eventually ran off with her cash box - about $700.00 - before popping up on everyone's radar, years later, hanging on Kurt Cobain.

She always said she was going to be famous, and she's a better artist (in the loud/quiet/loud vein) than she gets credit for. I'll take her over Lady GaGa. That she lays back as much as she does, when she can do anything she wants, says a lot about how bad the industry is. She spoke out early, and clearly, about Harvey Weinstein. She just wasn't respectable enough to be heard.

When respectability ain't what's needed to expose the nation's underbelly.

Anthony said...

>>Only 90s kids will understand

Hellooooooo. . . . . .I turned 28 in 1990 and loved loved loved grunge. I lived in Seattle at the time but didn't go to see any of them (too busy with grad school and working and stuff). It yanked hard rock back from the hair metals and Bon Jovi's where it had become something of a joke (IMO).

My roomie at the time bought 'Nevermind' and the first time I played I was like "This is just noise."

The second time I played it I was like "Hey, this isn't too bad....."

The third time I played it I was like "OMG I WANT MORE."

Crack: Celebrity Skin is one of my favorite albums from that decade.

MayBee said...

There's a documentary about Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain. And in it, someone is going through a list Courtney made before she set off to be famous. And the list goes something like

1. Learn to sing
2. Become friends with Michael Stipe

This turn of events is delightful.