October 13, 2023

"But Obama is Biden’s boss. Guess you didn’t really know that... I think Obama is calling these shots..."

"There’s no question about that. No, I think Obama and Obama’s people certainly are calling the shots, not Biden."

It had seemed that Trump had just misspoken and said Obama when he meant Biden, as he was discussing Iran and Hamas: "It’s all coming through Iran. And Obama wants to he doesn’t want to talk about it."

But questioned by Kilmeade — "You mean Biden" — Trump said: "I also mean Obama... You know Obama and Biden. But Obama is Biden’s boss. Guess you didn’t really know that."
Brian Kilmeade: But you don’t have any proof that President Obama is calling the shots. 
Donald Trump: Oh, it’s my gut. But my gut's been right about everything. So, you know, it’s good they have an expression out there. Trump’s been right about everything. You take a look at, go down the list. We’ve been right about everything. We're been right about the wall. We were right about all of the people pouring into our country, right about Ukraine. We were right about everything.  
Brian Kilmeade: So what do we do? What do we do about getting our people back [from Hamas]?...
Donald Trump: I don’t want to tell you what I’m doing, what I would do with Iran, but it’s very simple what I do. But you get this is all about Iran. Iran is leading this. Iran is wealthy. They just got $6 billion from an incompetent president.... They got $6 billion for five hostages... and the precedent that set, Brian, is terrible.... 
Brian Kilmeade: If I put you back in the Oval Office right at this moment, Benjamin Netanyahu. Benjamin Netanyahu knows that he’s got to take action and he’s about to go into Gaza. Is his fight our fight under any circumstances? Do we have American troops in there? 
Donald Trump: We have to protect Israel. They’ve been, you know, a part, really a part of this country, the fabric of what we sense where we have to protect Israel. There’s no choice. And do we have to do it? He has been hurt very badly because of what’s happened here. He was not prepared. He was not prepared. And Israel was not prepared. And under Trump, they wouldn’t have had to be prepared. Look at what we did for them. And we did that alone. We didn’t do that with Israel.... Who would have thought their intelligence wouldn't have been able to pick this up. Thousands of people were involved. Thousands of people knew about it and they let this slip by. That was not a good thing for him or for anybody. 
Brian Kilmeade: Do you think American intelligence should have been able to help on that, or is that solely in American intelligence? 
Donald Trump: I wouldn't have thought American intelligence, but we don’t have much intelligence in our country anymore. You look at our intelligence people... they were the ones that said the laptop from hell was from Russia. Okay. 51 intelligence said it turned out to be a lie.... Our intelligence should have known about it, and Israel’s intelligence definitely should have known about. 
Brian Kilmeade: Have you talked to the prime minister yet? 
Donald Trump: I don’t want to say about, you know, who I’ve talked to, but I was very disappointed that a thing like this could happen. And now they’re getting hit very hard by the North. And I’m really shocked that the Obama administration can be out there saying, I hope they don’t attack from the north. Why are they doing that? How stupid a statement....

Note: I used the transcript at the link but, listening to the audio, I made quite a few corrections. 


Yancey Ward said...

I think the only major decision of the last 3 years that Biden has made was the rushed leaving of Afghanistan, and while I would have done it vastly differently, the leaving is one decision I supported and still do. I think Biden's staff tried to talk him out of it and failed.

I don't know if Obama is calling the shots, but the administration is definitely controlled by Obama holdovers in the government and the Obama people the Biden Administration brought with them in January 2021. It really is Obama's 3rd term no matter who is directly responsible.

wendybar said...

Anybody who still thinks Biden is running anything, is the useful idiot the left preys on. Obama and HIS team are still installed, and they are fundamentally destroying America just like he promised. Obama and his team are behind Iran 100%

Quayle said...

I've had that same feeling for a while, now. Even Obama was the face of a cabal when he was president. I have sensed that Biden is just another face to the same basic cabal.

The Crack Emcee said...

Obama (on a beach, somewhere): "Whatever"

Trump said the attack on Israel was "very smart," which is a more affirmative statement than I have made about Hamas since this started, but I've been attacked and Trump has not. I would imagine now that most of the people who have been biting my head off do NOT want to see him as president any longer, for saying something that's the opposite of what everyone is demanding.

Or is everyone going to be a bunch of hypocrites for yet another day?

Big Mike said...

Trump said: "I also mean Obama... You know Obama and Biden. But Obama is Biden’s boss. Guess you didn’t really know that."

Has been looking that way almost from Inauguration Day. Either that or they both work for the same behind the scenes billionaire puppet master.

Old and slow said...

Trump is an asshole, but he's not wrong about this. I'll vote for the fucker for the third time, but I wish to Christ we had a better option. I'm sick to death of all these old guys.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is a terrible speaker. He might say some of the right things- but his speech patterns are cringe.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RideSpaceMountain said...

Who cares who's calling the shots. No one with more than two brain cells to rub together believes Biden is in control of himself, his beliefs, or his policies. The President of the United States has been repeatedly second guessed, corrected, overruled, and patronized IN PUBLIC by his own staff and even members of his own party.

Biden is POTUS in name only. No serious person believes he's in control of anything. This includes bowel movements.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think a cabal of greed is controlling the show. If it's OK for Biden and his family to influence pedal for personal profit - imagine the mob-like structure behind it.

Does that include Obama? I do not know - but it's possible. He is rich man now - does he need cash flow?

Sydney said...

Anyone with half a brain has known since Day 1 that Obama is running Team Biden.

Sydney said...

I also suspect him of being behind all the anti-Trump agitation during Trump’s term in office. That’s what he is- a community agitator.

chickelit said...

Sympathy and support for Iran were hallmarks of the Obama Administration. Support for Israel was not. I'm getting mixed signals here.

Stick said...

Can I get a duh?
Make it a large.
Chicago Jeus is in charge.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Obama and his people made a major decision early on to align with Iran and basically work to make Iran the foremost power in the region. For whatever reason, Biden seems committed to that same policy.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“Obama’s third term” is a common theme shared by many right of center pundits because of how many of Obama’s advisors are still steering things in the executive branch. Including the rabidly anti-Israel Robert Malley who was heading negotiations with Iran until he was suspended for “misusing” his security clearance to feed intel to Tehran. Malley grew up sitting on Ararat’s knee and fit in well with Rice and Jarret who also hate Israel. And they all just happen to work “for Biden” now?

So long as Biden continues to schlep along mumbling and complaining about the unseen master who tells him what reporters to call on, what to say (“ they don’t want me to say that”) and where to go Americans will speculate on who’s really in charge. Based on outcomes that are still “fundamentally transforming America” in ways 100% in line with Obama’s vision then he is the One who is in charge I believe.

Trump still has the gift of phrasing truths with outrageous claims that turn out to be rather accurate.

Gahrie said...

My mom has been insisting that Valerie Jarrett and Obama have been running things since Biden got elected.

Butkus51 said...

The only decision Joe makes is waffle or sugar cone.

What you see is what you get.

Leland said...

When it comes to Iran, I can accept Obama is a major influence. In much the same way that when it came to Ukraine, Biden was a major influence in the Obama Administration.

Caroline said...

You know, Trump says the weirdest trumpy things, and then three years later his off the wall crazy talk is confirmed.

Kate said...

Miss him. No one else will say out loud what everyone is thinking.

Robert Cook said...

As usual, Trump speaks gibberish, stray shit off the top of his mind, and his hypnotized cultists will repeat it as Holy Writ.

tim maguire said...

Nobody really believes Biden is in charge of the Biden White House. His handlers make the decisions and tell him what to do. If most of his handlers are Obama people, then Obama's people run the White House.

gilbar said...

doesn't EVERYONE know that?
didn't EVERYONE know that?

WHO did you Think you were "electing"? a senile money grubbing hack?
Or the Man that "fundamentally changed America" ??
Bide isn't allowed to pick what flavor of icecream he gets?

Just LISTEN to Biden. Listen to him talk about "they won't let me" "they'll be mad"
The mad is a brain dead piece of shit.. You REALLY thought HE was in charge?
You REALLY thought they'd LET him be in charge?

gilbar said...

of course, the REAL QUESTION is: who is in charge of Barry O'Bama?

The one crime that Trump committed (the UNFORGIVABLE Crime) was running the country

Bob Boyd said...

Biden's dogs behaved better when Obama was around.

Buckwheathikes said...

It's good that we've ripped the Nazi mask off of the Democrat Party. We have a chance coming up, probably the last one we're ever getting, and it will be interesting to see whether the Jews in the United States finally ditch this bunch of racists.

I doubt they will, judging from the number of Jews in the Cabinet who have resigned in protest of Joe Biden funding a terrorist state (Iran): 0

Buckwheathikes said...

It's good that we've ripped the Nazi mask off of the Democrat Party. We have a chance coming up, probably the last one we're ever getting, and it will be interesting to see whether the Jews in the United States finally ditch this bunch of racists.

I doubt they will, judging from the number of Jews in the Cabinet who have resigned in protest of Joe Biden funding a terrorist state (Iran): 0

Humperdink said...

Old and slow said: "Trump is an asshole, but he's not wrong about this. I'll vote for the fucker for the third time, but I wish to Christ we had a better option. I'm sick to death of all these old guys."

What an embarrassing comment. Make sure to share with your grandchildren.

Enigma said...

Trump is wrong. Obama doesn't call the shots. He was an idealistic academic who felt he could change the world with his Woodrow Wilsonian vision. Then, he entered the DC bare-knuckled meatgrinder and became the hood ornament on an anonymous bureaucrat's car. Obama was always awkward and passive and deferential to the careerists around him. The DC administrative state took full control after the 2010 election, and when the Rep congress blocked further left-wing changes.

Everything Biden has done is modeled on the 2011-2017 period: if you can't pass a law, redefine words so the words mean exactly what you want. Look up what they did with four words alone: "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing." Look up what the EPA did to redefine every waterway as under their control. Look at their 2021 to present gun control efforts.

This all followed FDR's efforts to expand the supreme court in the 1930s, the 1973-1974 Supreme Court lawfare on abortion and the death penalty, and Jimmy Carter's numerous inflationary efforts. While Biden may be brain dead, the party and its modus operandi hasn't changed for 100 years.

Just an old country lawyer said...

This thread reminds me of a couplet the poet Alexander Pope had engraved on a silver collar tag for one of Charles II's spaniels:

I am his Highness' dog at Kew,
Pray tell me, sir, whose dog are you?

iowan2 said...

Because who wouldn't retire and buy a Mansion in Washington DC? Its where all the hip oldsters dream of. I'm surprised our host Didn't retire to DC Its exactly like Madison...on steroids.

Talk about the Emperors New Clothes. Trump's the kid in the crowd screaming. "HE'S NAKED"!

iowan2 said...

Butiegege had a problem answering to protestors

I would love to see Obama answer why he is still in DC

You can buy and and service a small jet for less than the DC Mansion.....IF? you have business in DC

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Keep lying to yourself Cook. It’s entertaining.

In the real world we have Trump’s warnings about Biden that were dead on, including the ones listed above. Inflation is up dramatically. The border is wide open. The Ukraine war has been bungled. Stray shit indeed.

Rusty said...

People have been referring to Biden as Obamas third term for awhile now. Biden certainly isn't intelligent enough to do all of this mess.

pacwest said...

Trump said the attack on Israel was "very smart,"

It was pretty damned clever for sure. At least on China and Iran's part. Hamas was just a useful tool for China (via Iran). It knocked out a possible competitor to their Belt and Road in the region. It stopped the Saudi/Israel negotiations in their tracks which was a thorn in the side of Iran. And I don't think China or Iran really gives a shit about the human suffering they've caused.

Trump does the everyman shtick great, and I agree with almost all his end goals and he seems to pretty good at strategy, but his communication skills are crap.

pacwest said...

The best take I've seen on who's in charge is that it's not Obama directly, but all of his acolytes. And since there's no one in charge at the top they've all carved out their little fiefdoms in the beauracacy. That's why there are so many incompetencies in our government.

Brian said...

It wasn't a mistake. Trump knows he's not going to be facing Joe next fall. He's preparing the ground for the eventual Pivot by the democrats.

Biden's not screwing you. Obama's people are screwing you behind the scenes. They'll continue to screw you behind the scenes with Newsom, et. al.

Original Mike said...

Ex-Presidents always leave D.C. Obama didn't.

Mark said...

Time to give the stable genius the old Person Woman Man Camera TV again.

Obama Derangement Syndrome seems to be a permanent disability.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Michelle Obama's attorney is now Joe Biden's. That's a start. She is very, very smart, BTW.

AMDG said...

Trump versus Biden - it’s like choosing between stage 4 ass cancer and stage 4 ball cancer. Either way we are screwed.

Dagwood said...

And as usual, Robert Cook's TDS-related butt-hurt is showing.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The Soetoro kid spoke well and eloquently and look what he wrought.
I'll take plain English that EVERYBODY understands and America first any/every day.
Note to Cookie... One doesn't get into Madrassa by being MAGA.

rehajm said...

The people running Obama are running things. Funny how Trump gives the guy that fit the suit credit...

BUMBLE BEE said...

This is the America I grew up in...


We need all the heroes we've got.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Obama probably bought his DC home to enjoy the spring cherry blossoms.

Look, Joe can barely read a teleprompter at this point. Between time spent on the beach and avoiding situations where he might fall down, there’s little time for him to focus on policy even if his cognitive abilities hadn’t rapidly declined. Given this administration’s continued love for Iran (that started under Obama) I’m guessing Trump is probably on the right track.

Balfegor said...

Honestly, my impression is that Obama's mostly just checked out. He'll do speeches and fundraising, but he doesn't seem particularly engaged with anything. The biggest post-presidency Obama news story I can remember is when he had a huge birthday party with hundreds of guests on Martha's Vineyard during the middle of the corona pandemic.

And that's not unusual! Most ex-Presidents, having successfully climbed the greasy pole, are happy to sit back and coast for the rest of their lives.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"Obama is Biden's Boss"

Bees buzz.

The line is almost perfect, perfect line, but for the possessive bump between POTUS and his boss.

One thing remains constant, however, Trump still not afraid to say what we're thinking, and sometimes says it with pizzazz.

BTW, that's pretty much why we don't have a Speaker. The GOP can't find a Trump clone.

Skeptical Voter said...

One commenter noted that Trump's "speech patterns are cringe". Well that's true in a sense because Trump has a lot of the loudmouth from Queens in his speech. But there's substance in what he says.

Now Obama's "speech patterns" were not "cringe". He was usually smooth if not oily. But if you studied a written transcript of what Obama had to say on any topic, it was like weeding a garden. Once you got rid of the empty platitudes, the meaningless straw men and the mendacity you had an empty suit of a speech--from an empty suit of a President. It all sounded good, but there wasn't much, if any, real meat on the bone in an Obama speech or conversation.

farmgirl said...

“ Trump does the everyman shtick great, and I agree with almost all his end goals and he seems to pretty good at strategy, but his communication skills are crap.”


B/c he doesn’t hide the taste of hard in a sweet, smooth saccharine?

I like mine straight up.
It’s an acquired taste.
No bull.

Be best …
America 1st.

hombre said...

Obama has a home in DC. His people infest the Administration. He can finish his mischief through QuidProJoe without blame. Biden is way past his due date. Biden has not been a whacked out progressive until now.

Is Obama Biden's boss? Not a bad theory.

Paul said...

Well Trump ain't wrong!

We have all known secretly that Obama is the puppet master.. notice how it always takes him 2-3 days to come up with a response.. that is Obama and his staff thinking hard and causing a pause till they analyze it.

Biden can only mouth words that are in front of him. If he talks on his own he goes off the message and says stupid things... so this is Obama's third term and he is fu*king up America even more.

Tough nuts.

Gusty Winds said...

Fraudulent elections have consequences.

Trump is right. What is the intelligence of our intelligence community so willing to lie to the American people about domestic political issues. Who's side are they on?

hombre said...

Crack: "Trump said the attack on Israel was "very smart ..."

That's not what he said. He was talking about Hezbollah, not the Hamas attack.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...
As usual, Trump speaks gibberish, stray shit off the top of his mind, and his hypnotized cultists will repeat it as Holy Writ.

It's amazing the amount of Americans who refuse to hear what is actually being said. Simply, they don't want to hear it or their fake world view is destroyed.

Trump is not hard to understand.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump doesn’t give speeches. He tells long fake stories that provide an alternate reality in which he’s the hero and allow his audience to conflate themselves with him as he pretends to vanquish imaginary enemies like “Sleepy Joe” “Crooked Hillary” “the Deep State” and (check’s notes) “Fake News”.

hombre said...

Old and Slow (8:16): Language notwithstanding, this pretty much says it all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Old and Slow - 100%

We get old and dick-stepping or old and corrupt... or old and scratchy voice who will hand it to old and corrupt.

hombre said...

"Obama Derangement Syndrome seems to be a permanent disability."

I don't know about that, but Obama damage seems to be permanent, now expanded and perpetuated by QuidProJoe.

Robert Cook said...

"Anyone with half a brain has known since Day 1 that Obama is running Team Biden."

Based on the comments, nearly everyone opining on this particular blog topic are among the half-brained people referenced in the insult intended as "common sense."

The Crack Emcee, to the contrary, in the past several days on various threads has been one of the very few commenters to display he is whole-brained.

Robert Cook said...

"Trump doesn’t give speeches. He tells long fake stories that provide an alternate reality in which he’s the hero and allow his audience to conflate themselves with him as he pretends to vanquish imaginary enemies like 'Sleepy Joe' 'Crooked Hillary' 'the Deep State' and (check’s notes) 'Fake News'”.

Rich makes one of the most astute comments of the day! What was the approving term of agreement offered by Rush Limbaugh's audience? DITTO!

Michael K said...

Blogger Rich said...

Trump doesn’t give speeches. He tells long fake stories that provide an alternate reality in which he’s the hero and allow his audience to conflate themselves with him as he pretends to vanquish imaginary enemies like “Sleepy Joe” “Crooked Hillary” “the Deep State” and (check’s notes) “Fake News”.

"Rich"got his stories mixed up.

Hope that helps.

Daddy Binx said...

The Crack Emcee said...
"Trump said the attack on Israel was 'very smart,'" ...

Mr. Emcee has made this claim a couple of times and I have been unable to find the source of this quote anywhere on the intertubes. I have been able to find references to Trump calling Hezbollah "very smart" while speculating about them opening a second front on the Israel's northern border.

Surely there are enough actual examples of Trump saying dumb stuff without having to make shit up.

Apologies in advance for calling you "Shirley".

TeaBagHag said...

Ooooooh goody, were sharing delusions! In MY paranoid fever dream, someone with an dram of courage and intelligence takes control of the GOP House and promptly, a speaker is elected. But the difference is, I recognize my fantasy for what it is.

Maynard said...

As usual, Trump speaks gibberish, stray shit off the top of his mind, and his hypnotized cultists will repeat it as Holy Writ.

Anyone know how I can attain the moral and intellectual superiority that Cookie thinks he has achieved?

I'm 70, so it might be too late for a old deplorable like me.

JAORE said...

"Now Obama's "speech patterns" were not "cringe". He was usually smooth if not oily. But if you studied a written transcript of what Obama had to say on any topic, it was like weeding a garden. Once you got rid of the empty platitudes, the meaningless straw men and the mendacity you had an empty suit of a speech--from an empty suit of a President. It all sounded good, but there wasn't much, if any, real meat on the bone in an Obama speech or conversation."

You have nicely summarized what I feel about Trump-speak v. Obama speak.

I find it hard to listen to Trump. But I can mine his transcripts (discarding the Huuuuuuge self aggrandizing stuff) to find statements that ring true.

Obama was easy listening (ignoring crapola statement like, "Some people say..."). But sift through the transcripts.... there was no there, there.

Noah Bawdy said...

So the question then becomes, who or what is behind Obama ?

Old and slow said...

Hey Crack, not everything is about you. Shut the fuck up about yourself.

Sheridan said...

Biden is the titular head of government but the real power resides in the government bureaucracy headed by the members of the Senior Executive Service (SES). Created in 1978, the SES serves a similar role to the Mandarins in Imperial China. And I suspect that Obama and his handlers (the real power brokers) filled the ranks of the SES with "their people". You cannot get rid of the SES. You cannot control them via politics or media coverage. Just as you cannot fire a federal government employee (without extraordinary cause) the members of the SES are completely protected. If they leave federal "service", it's because they made that choice. Thank you Jimmy Carter!

Robert Cook said...

"Trump is not hard to understand."

No, because he speaks like a child. The problem is he is impossible to believe.

Robert Cook said...

"Anyone know how I can attain the moral and intellectual superiority that Cookie thinks he has achieved?

"I'm 70, so it might be too late for a old deplorable like me."

Probably so.

Sheridan said...

Who is behind Obama? Inside the government it's the SES and the un-fireable "civil servants".
Outside the government it's the "major donors" who either represent themselves or the major corporations/foundations/media/hedge funds who all buy influence. Think Larry Fink and Blackrock. Or the Soros enterprise. (How many times has Alex Soros been in the White House?). And then there are the nation states/world organizations who exert influence. We live tethered to a Gordian Knot of corruption all anchored by limitless supplies of money doled-out to the sociopathic political creatures who allegedly represent The People.

Tina Trent said...

Most of the key White House advisors and shadow advisors are Obama people, and some of the older ones served with Clinton too.

Anita Dunn, who is a card-carrying Maoist -- she praised the Cultural Revolutio , carries Mao's Little Red Book, is pals with Ayers and Dohrn going way back -- is the person really in charge of the Oval Office.

I think Trump was right if hamfisted, which doesn't make the attacks any less inhumane and a clear provocation to war by the suicide cult of Gaza. I imagine he did mix up Obama and Biden's names.

But ironically, he spoke more truth by doing so. Anita Dunn. Maoist. Terrorist-hobnobber, like her pal Obama. She served Obama, and now she runs the White House, which is beyond disturbing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tea Bag HAG -

I suppose you think inflation, war, war and more war, record debt and millions of illegals crossing the open border (while the media lie about it) are also a figment of the imagination.

#Maddow lies# Leftists obey#

Rocco said...

JAORE said...
“Obama was easy listening (ignoring crapola statement like, "Some people say..."). But sift through the transcripts.... there was no there, there. “

The MUZAK president.

Tina Trent said...

Leland is right. Take a look at all the Obama Iran people in the Biden camp. Empowering Iran was Obama's wet dream. Why? Because he really is one of those shallow radical leftists who despise Jews. What's even more pathetic is how much of this vile attitude is just ... Fashion. Following the herd.

Do you naysayers not know about Wikipedia? You can look up stuff there. Stuff like all the Obama people running the Biden Clown Car. Back up your denials with some facts, for a change.

Obama still has unusual involvement in the administration. It is very odd to stay in DC after office. But he's also lazy and proved to be shallow and amateurish. He's keeping his hand in because he has been asked to be available if a figurehead is needed.

boatbuilder said...

Brian is spot on--Trump is preparing the ground for when the Dems swap out Joe for the team Obama replacement. He will tag the replacement with all of the failed and anti-American policies and programs of the Biden Administration, instead of the "New Dawn" which will be proclaimed by the media hacks for whoever they put up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama is still Mr. Dreamboat for the collective left. Not sure it moves a needle to anyone but Trump's base.

Mike said...

Another crisis that has proven why Trump doesn't have any business being anywhere near the White House again. Since this broke he's a) lobbed criticisms at Netanyahu; b) praised Hamas; c) praised a fictitious Hezbollah attack; d) tried to make this all about him. Imagine how people would respond if Biden or Obama were running around talking about smart Hamas was. Biden's response hasn't been great but Trump's has been unhinged.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

When Biden’s inner circle of aides were announced in late 2020/early 2021, it was pretty much all people who held the same positions in the Obama regime. I don’t recall that being the case in the only comparable case in my lifetime of a VP becoming president with George H.W. Bush in 1989. Considering the low opinion of Biden by Barry, it was plainly obvious at that time that Biden wasn’t going to be in charge of his own administration.

Blogger Noah Bawdy said...
So the question then becomes, who or what is behind Obama ?

My money, what little there is thanks to Joltin’ Joe’s inflationary policies, is on George Soris and his Mini-Me son Alex. Alex has been one of the most frequent visitors to the Biden White House. He has made so many visits, it’s almost like he has an office there to run things as the puppet master…

pacwest said...

Because he leaves to much open to interpretation. For both his enemies and his supporters. He's great at the easy stuff, Biden and crew are corrupt idiots, the Washington establishment is trying to remove him bamn, the election was fraudulent, and such. But when situations become more nuanced he doesn't explain very well. Almost like he doesn't think the general public won't get it anyway.

Case in point: When he was doing tariff war with China ('and I raise you 500billion') it would have been very useful to know that the general consensus of shutting down China imports would raise COGS in the US by 3% and the benefits gained would have covered that in less than three years. But he went the emotional 'China bad' routine instead. Examples abound. But Trump is Trump. He generalizes his comments. I would like him to be more concise.

Also see Rich and Cook above
like “Sleepy Joe” “Crooked Hillary” “the Deep State” and (check’s notes) “Fake News”.
All these are objectively true. Biden's mental acuity is poor, Hillary benefited monetarily from her position, Democrats have gained control of our governmental institutions using them for their own purposes, and the MSM is a constant stream of lies and half truths used to support their preferred party. People like Rich and Cook are easily swayed from inside their bubble. If Trump were a better speaker and not use sound bites to get his point across this would be harder to do.

But either way he's going to get bloodied, so it might not matter anyway.

Rusty said...

Maynard said...
"As usual, Trump speaks gibberish, stray shit off the top of his mind, and his hypnotized cultists will repeat it as Holy Writ.

Anyone know how I can attain the moral and intellectual superiority that Cookie thinks he has achieved?

I'm 70, so it might be too late for a old deplorable like me."

First of all you have to really gullible. Then you have to believe that you are morally superior to everyone else. Even your other gullible friends. Moral one upmanship is an ongoing game for the left. Even though they themselves can never live up to thier own moral standards. Then you have to suspend reason.

Valentine Smith said...

Biden is an empty shell.

I hear that Hillary is an imaginary enemy. That there is truly hilarious. Hilarious Hillary. She who wants to deprogram half the country. She who set in motion the biggest and longest con in the history of politics. A drunken dyke crazed by thwarted lust for power.

Imaginary? Oh yeah, obviously.

Kakistocracy said...

They [House Republicans] make us look like a bunch of idiots’ ~ Austin Scott,

Representative Scott is onto something

‘Trump speaks gibberish’ consider who his audience is….

Brian said...

You know, Trump says the weirdest trumpy things, and then three years later his off the wall crazy talk is confirmed.

Like the "Trump tower wires tapped" tweet that everybody on the left said was crazy and several people on here went back and forth with how stupid it was, when lo and behold, they were spying on him.

traditionalguy said...

Trump is his own intelligence operation. And he can communicate better and produce better results than the rest of the DC pretenders put together.

Why does that offend anyone. But it somehow seems to offend everyone.

traditionalguy said...

As for the sudden destruction of America, Biden, the installed President, clearly takes his orders to do that to us from Valerie Jarret’s Persian Empire.

Daddy Binx said...

Blogger Mike said...
" b) praised Hamas;"

I keep seeing references to this here but cannot find an example on the intertubes. Can you please provide a quote to back this up?

"A lie can travel halfway around the world before the president can finish his afternoon double-dip chocolate chip ice cream cone." - Cornpop

victoria said...

1. Trump, couldn't tell the truth even if he were forced to at gunpoint. 2. Brian Kilmeade is about the most biased "reporter" that Fox has ever produced, and, to use a Trump phrase, not too bright. And, if he is a reporter, i am Queen of England. He makes Eric Bolling on NEWSMAX look fair and balanced, and he's(Bolling) a biased nut job.

Vicki from Pasadena

Mark said...

Problem with that theory is that even when he was president, Obama wasn't the boss.

Kevin said...

Biden doesn't seem to be in control of his own dog.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"The Crack Emcee said...
Obama (on a beach, somewhere): "Whatever"

Trump said the attack on Israel was "very smart,""

Context matters. He was saying in comparison to this administration, Hezbollah was smart.

"Donald Trump: You are going to have to be and I have to preface this by saying I don’t like telling you exactly what I would do, because if I do, you’re basically doing exactly what Biden does. He was saying we don’t want to be attacked from the north, meaning through Hezbollah of Hezbollah. They don’t want to be attacked from the north. That would be terrible because that’s the vulnerable point. And I say, why are they saying all of these things? And guess what happens? That was yesterday and today they were attacked by Hezbollah from the north."

There's a reason why the full transcript is impossible to find via Google. Google "The Brian Kilmeade Show Trump 2023" and it is nowhere to be found. Odd that.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"hombre said...
Crack: "Trump said the attack on Israel was "very smart ..."

That's not what he said. He was talking about Hezbollah, not the Hamas attack."

Crack, the Great Obfuscator.

Yesterday I asked him "So you'd hire a college student who openly advocates for the KKK?"

Here's his nonreply:

"I have persuaded all kinds of people to stop doing all kinds of crazy shit. And I didn't do it by threatening their livelihoods. Yeah, I don't seem too big on that idea. You just wanna kill people."

He never answered my question. And when I called him on it...*crickets*.

Oh and yeah, Crack, I just want to kill people. What an intellectual putz.

jim said...

"Anyone know how I can attain the moral and intellectual superiority that Cookie thinks he has achieved?"

That is not a level to be achieved. It exists only relative to the depravity of Trump, his helpers, and their marks.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Note: I used the transcript at the link but, listening to the audio, I made quite a few corrections.

If journalists had practice this level of care and precision when Trump was in office, maybe our country wouldn't be in the predicament it is now. The Biden messes.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"I think Obama is calling these shots..."

Sometimes people mistake Trump for someone speaking off the cuff. Trump said "Obama is calling these shots..." not "Obama is calling the shots". You see? There's a world of difference in "these shots" and 'the shots'. This is how the press misquotes Trump, all the time. Thank you Althouse for doing it the way it's supposed to be done. Questions of war and peace can't be left to the professionals.

BTW, my thought, stated many times in these here pages, was not that Trump was right about everything (he was not). But that every anti-Trump story was wrong.

Alexisa said...

"Trump is a terrible speaker. He might say some of the right things- but his speech patterns are cringe."

You might prefer Hitler, he had beautiful speech patterns that charmed an entire nation

The Godfather said...

Trump is better than Biden about Israel -- and a lot of other things. That's a pretty low standard for President of the United States. But there are lots and lots and LOTS of reasons that folks shouldn't vote for Trump for President.
What was the first thing that the "Permanent Government" did when we elected Trump President the first time? "They" took away his national security advisor through phoney charges of misconduct. Did you think the federal response to Covid was A-OK? Well thank Pres. Trump. He was on board with Fauci and the rest of them.
Trump is a great critic, but no good as a leader for a new approach to policy.
Give us a real leader!

Prof. M. Drout said...

A lot of the obviously failing policies (failing in terms of not helping the average American citizen; they may be succeeding at some other goals) are exactly the same failing policies that were used in the late 1970s: runaway inflation; energy and food prices rising even faster than inflation due to monkeying around with transportation and environmental regulations; massive expansions of "money for nothing" programs that just mail out checks and don't look too closely at what the people cashing them are doing; a flurry of new rule-makings and regulations and policy changes that were never discussed in public much less voted on by Congress.

That we are getting the same failed policy mix now as we were getting nearly 50 years ago despite the massive changes in American culture and politics is reasonably good evidence that no one is really running the show right now, just as there was no one really running the show 1973-1980.

The government had been staffed by Nixon people, but after Watergate they lost their ability to control the bureaucracy. Ford was an obvious lame duck with no juice, and then Jimmy Carter went and won the Democratic Primary even though he was not at all wired into the system (which was happily anticipating Ted Kennedy, i.e., Hilary but with whiskey instead of Chardonnay). Carter had zero control of the bureaucracy because he didn't have time to learn how anything worked and was being undercut by the Kennedy-loyal people in his own cabinet, who were setting him up to be primaried.

Every government bureaucrat in his/her/its heart of hearts believes that THEY KNOW BETTER and if the political people would just get out of the way, the country would soon be in great shape. But it turns out that when, left to its own devices, the bureaucracy will put all its energy into only three things: printing money, making rules, and cutting checks to its friends and supporters.

And the result is the fractal disaster of the '70s and and now: institutions that are failing at very level from the global to the individual, collapsing social cohesion, and a populace that is being dragged down by despair.

We should learn from this but probably won't.

Rabel said...

1. Charles Littlejohn, IRS contractor, 38, pleaded guilty yesterday to disclosing tax return records without authorization, admitting to prosecutors he leaked Trump’s records to the New York Times and the tax records of wealthy individuals to ProPublica...

2. Prosecutors said Littlejohn accessed Trump’s tax returns through an IRS database and saved the data to multiple storage devices before providing it to the NY Times and ProPublica between around August 2019 and October 2019.

3. Littlejohn stole the tax return records for thousands of wealthy Americans about a year later, providing it to another news outlet and destroying evidence of his disclosures ahead of an investigation into his conduct.

4. The DOJ has accepted a guilty plea form Littlejohn for One Count of accessing confidential IRS tax information.

One count! Facing a possible 5 year max sentence. He committed thousands of individual crimes passed the stolen info to third parties and then obstructed justice by destroying the evidence.

Without fear or favor. One count!

The DOJ is crooked to the core under Garland/Biden.

n.n said...

Hitler was also an environmentalist, social justice warrior, DEI (i.e. class) advocate, redistributive changer, and a Pro-Choice ethical religious zealot.

n.n said...

Hitler also executed ethnic wars ("Springs").

n.n said...

Disastrous withdrawal from Iraq. Unfroze a hundred billion dollars in disputed funds and cash. Iran-ISIS Affair. World Springs. Progressive prices. Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform. Political congruence and albinophobic. Pro-Choice ethical religion. Dreams of his Obama.

n.n said...

Without fear or favor. One count!

Early parole and he'll be hired as a tenured professor at a liberal school, or at a for-profit non-profit corporation. Littlejohn Lives Matter

farmgirl said...

“… Almost like he doesn't think the general public won't get it anyway.”

I sooner expect the art of the deal is to never reveal.
I don’t think the American people should know everything. I’m naïve that way. And I probably wouldn’t understand the way you do and I’m ok w/that. I’m not quite dumb as dirt- but, I know there are people that just don’t care. They want to live their lives in safety and be able to have some confidence in their government.

I had that w/Trump. I could buy the groceries and cook on any kind of damned stove I wanted.

I don’t mind the bazillion exaggerations.
It makes me smile.

It’s the other side that usually doesn’t get it.

FullMoon said...

You look at our intelligence people... they were the ones that said the laptop from hell was from Russia. Okay. 51 intelligence said it turned out to be a lie

This is great. Didn't accuse them of intentionally lying about the laptop.

Accused them of being so incompetent that they actually believed the laptop was from Russian

iowan2 said...

Robert Cook said...

"Trump is not hard to understand."

No, because he speaks like a child. The problem is he is impossible to believe.

Cook must have been in a chemically induced comma.

First there is the FBI, DoJ, CIA, and State Dept running an op on Trump, his campaign, Presidential Transition and Administration. ALL a colossal lie spread by the propaganda arm of the DNC.. the media...And you believed ALL of it.

Impeachment #1 triggered by any anonymous "whistle blower"

Lie of the Century, and last century. Covid, forcing the population to take an experimental m rna treatment that they final admitted, did not prevent contracting the virus, or spreading the virus.

Then the CIA conspired to discredit Hunters Laptop. (the same CIA that said the covid virus was animal sourced, and claim their is no evidence Iran helped launch the attack on Israel, to decapitate infants)

Trump revealed the govt was spying on him, and YOU THINK Trump cant be believed....He seems to be the only one being truthful

Robert Cook said...

"'Trump is a terrible speaker. He might say some of the right things- but his speech patterns are cringe.'

"You might prefer Hitler, he had beautiful speech patterns that charmed an entire nation"

And yet, Trump's appeal to his hypnotized cult members (and his method) is the same as Hitler's was to his: Tell repeated lies to the ignorant and pour fuel on the simmering resentments (and prejudices) of those who feel (correctly) ignored by the elites until a conflagration is achieved.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“Hypnotized by Trump”? Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound? Are his subliminal signals in the room with you right now Robert?

Let’s try a mental exercise. Is the majority of media sending pro- or anti-Trump signals? Note, all media should be included because even if Newsmax had a constant stream to me, I am overwhelmingly exposed to extreme Trump hate everywhere: in movies, talk shows, dramas, radio, commercials, blogs, online search engines, casual conversation, email, newspapers and newsletters, discussion forums, video games, motion picture trailers, children’s shows, news (including Fox), politicians, activists, direct mail, texts, business meetings, concerts, lectures, podcasts, library displays, bookstores, grocery stores, home improvement stores, apps, surveys, opinion polls, journals, textbooks, colleges, universities, high schools, elementary schools, trade shows, churches, bars, pet stores, gas stations, in the street, in airports, at sporting events great and small. Everywhere. Trump hate and derision is omnipresent. In order to be hypnotized the signal would have to overwhelm the everpresent counter-programming of the monoculture and any stray trigger could potentially snap me out of my Orange Stupor and I would never be able to admit he’s wrong on an issue if I was hypnotized.

OMG I just described how you lefties operate. Maybe the hypnosis is your prognosis. So my in-kind response should make sense to you even if you disagree:

True Trumpism has never been tried. Let’s give it a chance.

Noah Bawdy said...

Nice one Robert Cook.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Since others are praising Cook I’ll further the fisking (emphasis added):

Trump's appeal to his hypnotized cult members (and his method) is the same as Hitler's was to his: Tell repeated lies to the ignorant and pour fuel on the simmering resentments (and prejudices) of those who feel (correctly) ignored by the elites until a conflagration is achieved.

Our beef with the elite predates Trump as Cook implies but he fundamentally misreads or is purposely misstating the reasons (bold text). God how I wish they would ignore us and leave us alone! Conservatives are similar to Cook and his commie fellow leftists in that we don’t have representation in the current Uniparty being fraudulently portrayed as a Two Party System. The difference is that far leftist groups are invited to the Democrat table but any group too conservative like the Tea Party or Moms for Liberty is rejected and marginalized by the Uniparty in a show of solidarity rarely seen in modern America. That is why Trump still has massive support. He also is rejected by the Uniparty. Why does he enjoy 80 to 90% support by Republican voters and only tepid support from Republican office-holders? Because in DC only the Uniparty is allowed to acquire and hold power.

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