September 14, 2023

"The DNC seems to have forgotten the purpose of the modern primary system, which is to replace backroom crony politics with a transparent democratic process...."

"We live in a time when a growing number of Americans think that democracy is broken and that the political system is rigged. The DNC's recent actions confirm this outlook."

Writes Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in "The Democratic Party Rigs the Primaries" (Wall Street Journal).
The DNC has revoked New Hampshire's century-old status as the first primary state and replaced it with South Carolina. Mr. Biden won the latter in 2020, but he lost both the New Hampshire primary and the Iowa caucus. The DNC has drafted rules that if candidates run in an unsanctioned primary in New Hampshire, the DNC chairman has powers to punish them for not following the official calendar. Regardless of margin of victory, such a candidate would receive zero delegates. 
The DNC has also drafted a plan demanding Iowa change its voting process, or it could face similar sanctions. Further, the Georgia Democratic Party has a rule allowing it to ban from the ballot any candidate who doesn't follow the DNC rules. The reason the DNC made the change appears to be to rig the primary process in favor of its anointed candidate, Mr. Biden....  


RideSpaceMountain said...

It's not crony politics. It's elitist politics. It's bubble politics. These people are so far removed from the reality of the street and the people they're supposed to serving they might as well belong to an entire other polity.

It's government by a million Marie Antoinettes.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wild chicken said...

Primaries were a Progressive reform, like Referendum and Recall, weren't they? The parties didn't want them.

The "support" for primaries is just adaptive lip service.

The Crack Emcee said...

In my lifetime, which started when Kennedy was president, the Democrat party has traveled from being the herald of a bright new future, to a party that can't defend itself against any criminal allegation, whatsoever.

tim maguire said...

When you've successfully rigged so many primaries in a row, at some point you're bound to get careless about hiding it.

n.n said...

The DNC has super electors and diverse judges to compensate for politically incongruent, even deplorable democracy.

Dave Begley said...

It really is shameful how the DNC has treated Kennedy, Jr. But we know from yesterday's post about the porn star candidate in VA, the Dems have no shame.

When I saw Bobby in CB, he detailed how the Biden Administration failed to give him Secret Service protection so he had to pay for his own. The Secret Service thought it was going to be granted. Biden is a low-life criminal. Can't say that about the Kennedys.

Bobby was very nice to me. I shook his hand and got a picture with him.

who-knew said...

RFKjr writes that "The DNC seems to have forgotten the purpose of the modern primary system, which is to replace backroom crony politics with a transparent democratic process...."
I say that he's got it exactly backwards. The DNC has remembered that the primary system was supposed to open things up and make them more democratic and they don't want anything to do with it. They are all in on the smoke filled room method.

rhhardin said...

It's all in how news for soap opera women plays it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I signed his petition to the DNC first thing yesterday. He is correct in that his party needs to hear from all the candidates.

Kakistocracy said...

RFK, Jr's campaign is being managed by people who run Marjorie Taylor Greene's campaign and is being funded by right-wing billionaires and backed by No Labels, which is a "third party" supported by right-wing billionaires like Harlan Crow hoping to elect Trump in 2024. It's really tragic to see a man w/ his resources and background succumb to nonsense conspiracy theories. He appears to be a true believer, which is even sadder. Even if he's not manipulating his audience, it appears his backers are manipulating him.

baghdadbob said...

And Hillary's "super-delegates." Shut up and sit down, Bernie, we're busy saving "our democracy."

GatorNavy said...

Republicans have a community college certificate in electioneering shenanigans, but Democrats got their PHD and created a monopoly on electioneering shenanigans.
Secondly, why no secret service protection for RFK,jr?

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadTownGuy said...

Dear Democratic Party: change your behavior, or change your name.

Richard said...

"Democracy can withstand anything but democrats."

Robert A. Heinlein

Jersey Fled said...

“It appears his backers are manipulating him.”

Oh. I thought you were talking about Biden, Feinstein and Fetterman there for a minute.

Drago said...

LLR Rich comes out swinging in defense of the corrupt DNC.


To help "conserve conservatism" no doubt.


Can lonejustice be far behind?

Lets see what happens next.

Sebastian said...

"The DNC seems to have forgotten the purpose of the modern primary system"

Not at all. They just don't like it if it threatens Dem power. They reduce actual democracy to save "our democracy."

Drago said...

MadTownGuy: "Dear Democratic Party: change your behavior, or change your name."

New Soviet Democratical Party seems an excellent fit, though it will anger the LLR's amongst us who won't appreciate the on-the-nose accuracy of the label.

Sebastian said...

"The DNC seems to have forgotten the purpose of the modern primary system"

Not at all. They just don't like it if it threatens Dem power. They reduce actual democracy to save "our democracy."

Leland said...

The GOP would do this too, if it wasn’t too late to stop Trump and not lose his supporters. They just thought the early primaries would have stopped Trump in 2016.

Still, delicious popcorn that the DNC is doing this first.

DanTheMan said...

There were several examples in 2016 where Bernie got more actual votes than Hillary in a primary, but Hillary got more delegates, due to party rules.

These are the people that lecture us about "voter disenfranchisement".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Agree Mad Town Guy - I like "Red-Guard Neo-Maoist" Party.

rehajm said...

It isn't exactly back room, the DNC told us what the rules were and how they were changing them. Superdelegates matter, voting and voters do not. Look up the rules...

...I'm amazed people still fall for the scam. Just every single time...

Does it resonate because RFK Jr. says it? I've heard he's a politician Democrats want to blow...

Breezy said...

Why spend all that money on running a primary? Just stop the charade and pick the nominee already - eeny-meany-miney-mo. Send all the primary $ to Maui and Idalia’s hardest-hit areas.

Clyburn and Obama did us no favors with their late fiddling in 2020…. It’s not like they know what they’re doing — typical “experts”!

ga6 said...

I am waiting for Bob Sykes to return here and tell us how Kennedy Junior is really a bastard child of DJT.

Jaq said...

The Democrats know the exact purpose of the primaries, which is why they have all but killed them off in order to keep the wrong Democrats from power, to do the same thing to outsider Democrats that they are trying to do to Trump. How does it feel Democrats who are dissatisfied with Biden, perhaps against the neocons, but to have the power of your vote taken from you, same as Trump supporters? You have been neoconned. If you vote for Cornell West you are a traitor right? Rob Reiner said that if you vote for West, you are killing democracy! How dare you!

Jaq said...

Rich's concern for the Democratic Party, as a Romney Republican, is truly touching.

Jake said...


Jake said...

Rich @ 9:33 - L O fucking L.

Wilbur said...

Rich, again, attempts to defend the indefensible by avoiding the issue.

Attacking Kennedy is a ... "Look, Squirrel!" argument.

Inga said...

RFK Jr. won’t get the Democratic nomination, not because of any “rigging” by the DNC. It’s because he has aligned himself with rightist elitist billionaires. Between this and the conspiracy theories, the anti vaxxer nonsense he doesn’t represent the great majority of the Democratic base. He would do better if he had run as a Republican.

Mr. T. said...

The democrats haven't forgotten transparent democratic processes. They have always been the enemy of it.

Joe Smith said...

'And Hillary's "super-delegates." Shut up and sit down, Bernie, we're busy saving "our democracy."'

More like, "Shut up and sit down, Bernie, while we shove some democracy down your throat."

You gotta love the dems. They turned into fascists so fast they pretend to not even notice...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bullshit, Inga.

RFK jr. has a chance because normal people understand Joe Biden is a crook. Normal people understand Fauci and the liars at Big Pharma $$$ are full of shit. The DNC will re-work the rules to make sure only the dementia patient husk-puppet wins. Be happy, inga.

Bonus - elitist big pharma blind-faith is no different than Maddow-Hillary-Biden-Russia-Russia lies.

Yancey Ward said...

"Secondly, why no secret service protection for RFK,jr?"

Because the DNC might have to have him assassinated is the most obvious answer. You can be sure they will be looking to remove Trump's Secret Service protection if the putting him in prison plan doesn't pan out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - Inga - all the billionaires are on the left.

Aggie said...

So......RFKJr's Democratic candidacy is a vast Right-Wing conspiracy, then? With Billionaires, thrown in? Just wondering, any of them Russian?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

RFK, Jr's campaign is being managed by DENNIS KUCINICH. There Rich I FIFY.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think RFK jr. would have a real chance at beating any of the GOP candidates.

Yet - the Biden loyalists are totally against it.

MikeR said...

"The DNC seems to have forgotten the purpose of the modern primary system, which is to replace backroom crony politics with a transparent democratic process...." Forgotten, no. They want the old way.

Kevin said...

He would do better if he had run as a Republican.

You mean because he'd be allowed on the ballot.

Kevin said...

The Democrats are once again rigging their primary.

But the Democrats would never ever think about rigging the general.

rcocean said...

Boomers like RFK live in a dream world. Or they don't understand how the D party has changed.
Blacks make up 25 percent of the party, they vote their identity. Same with gays and other minorities. They want the D party to fight for their group. They don't care about anything else. Nor do they care about primaries.

Any D is fine with them. So, they're perfectly willing for the "Party bosses" to pick the candidate.

In big blue cities the D's get > 70 percent of the vote. No matter what happens or what the Government does. And Maui will vote for Biden in 2024.

Inga said...

“You mean because he'd be allowed on the ballot.”

No, because he represents the Republican base better than he represents the Democratic base. Why would Democrats want someone who does not align with their views? He’s yours you can have him.

Inga said...

“LOL - Inga - all the billionaires are on the left.”

Oh my, the naïveté.

Michael Ryan said...

Political parties are private clubs. Just because we sign a voter form declaring one or the other means nothing. If you don't work for the club, attend all the meetings, pay dues (in $$$ or sweat) why should you have any say? OTOH, as a private club, if they want to hold a primary, they need to pay for it themselves. If they rig the primary, why should I care unless I'm in the club?

Oh, because that person will be on the general election ballot? Seems like the easy answer is simply to make it easier to get on the ballot. $1,000 and 1,000 signatures. There'll be a laundry list of kooks on the ballot? How is that worse than a short list of kooks?

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "RFK Jr. won’t get the Democratic nomination, not because of any “rigging” by the DNC."


The dems looked at RFKjr's strength in the early states, Iowa and New Hampshire, and promptly changed the primary schedule!

It gets better.

The DNC continued their rigging process by passing a rule disallowing "early" campaigning in Iowa or New Hampshire with the penalty being forfeiture of delegates in those 2 states!

Dont you dare go campaigning where we tell you not to!

And on Sep 14, today, the dems were expected to pass ANOTHER rule to extend the ban on New Hampshire campaigning with the threat of other candidates also losing any future Georgia delegates too!

It gets better still: the DNC is threatening to have RFKjr and any other candidates who dare run against Dear Leader to have to PAY for primaries!

And, of course, it goes without saying the Dems in power are denying secret service protection for RFKjr!

Inga's clear stupidity is not demonstrated by the fact that she might or might not approve of these New Soviet Democratical actions. No, her clear stupidity is demonstrated by the fact that she will refuse to accept the reality of what her Dear Leader "betters" are doing.

You'd think a self-anointed mind-reader extraordinaire like Inga would be able to jump in and out of the dem leadership skulls and keep herself updated on these corrupted dem practices...but for some reason, Inga just hasnt been the same mind-reading master blaster since her 2 straight years of daily updates about what "Mueller" "really knew" blew up in her face.

Case of burnout perhaps?

Drago said...

Mike (MJB Wolf): "RFK, Jr's campaign is being managed by DENNIS KUCINICH. There Rich I FIFY."

LLR Rich continues his shameless lying and mischaracterizations.

Its almost as if he had just 2 purposes at Althouse blog:
- smear and lie about conservatives and republicans
- attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers

Rich has already tried to pull the Russia Russia Russia ploy on several commenters and called out Althouse for her moderation practices.

Sound familiar?

It really is true that our "several" LLR's seem to be of one mind....perhaps EXACTLY one mind...if you know what I mean....

rehajm said...

The DNC will re-work the rules to make sure only the dementia patient husk-puppet wins

Heh. Husk-puppet...

Leland said...

Inga: he represents the Republican base better than he represents the Democratic base.

She has a point. RFK Jr's support of free speech and democracy does alienate him from Democrats.

Big Mike said...

Boomers like RFK live in a dream world. Or they don't understand how the D party has changed.

@rcocean, he knows. But he says what he has to say to make it past the news media gatekeepers. His daddy broke break with Cesar Chavez and took up the cause of migratory farm workers. Today’s Democrat Party was bought by a bunch of shadowy billionaires like George Soros, Reid Hoffman, Tom Steyer, Hansjörg Wyss (Swiss!), and no doubt others who are more clever at keeping their names out of the spotlight, and for that matter they bought it for what these billionaires must regard as chump change. And they’re being well-reimbursed. If you really look at Bidenomics, you’ll see that it takes from the middle class and the workers at the bottom end of the economic ladder, tosses a few copper pennys to the poor, and uses the rest to make the already obscenely rich party donors even richer.

As to the aptly-named Rich, he’s fundamentally accusing the Republicans of doing what the Democrats started doing under Obama. He’s either rich himself or a peon ultimately paid to log into blogs like this one and fling mud by one of the billionaires I described.

And for anyone else who truthfully or falsely admits to being a fan of Mitt Romney, his sideswipe today at J. D. Vance makes him even more despicable than ever. Vance went to East Palestine, Ohio, after the derailment, shaming Sherrod Brown into joining him. And when the EPA pronounced the water safe, J. D. Vance stuck a tree branch into a nearby creek and wiggled it around, causing an iridescent sheen from hydrocarbon pollutants to form on the surface. The man’s pretty bright, and he uses his brains to take up the cudgels on behalf of the poor.

Hey, Mitt! Constituent service for the poor and not politically well-connected! Maybe if you’d thought about doing that yourself you wouldn’t have to retire.

n.n said...


Deep State Reformer said...

Primaries would be okay if it was restricted to only those people that are registered Democrat and Republican party members. It would give party members an actual saying who the nominees are which is a much better process than what we have now which is akin to an endless and very expensive **American Idol™ type nominating process which is very subject to interested parties' manipulation. A "members only" primary voting system would override many of the excesses that have developed with current the primary election process.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Rich said...
RFK, Jr's campaign is being managed by people who run Marjorie Taylor Greene's campaign"

If I had a dollar for every time Rich provided a link to support his statements, I'd be flat broke.

Drago said...

Inga: he represents the Republican base better than he represents the Democratic base.

Leland: "She has a point. RFK Jr's support of free speech and democracy does alienate him from Democrats."

Quite so. You could even go so far to say RFK Jr's support of free speech and democracy makes him a literal enemy of the New Soviet Democratical Party.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"New Soviet Democratical Party seems an excellent fit,"

Close, but no cigar. You need to drop the al. Soviet Democratic Party works just fine. And if you recall, people were allowed to "vote" in the Soviet Union, so it was "democratic".

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Inga said...
RFK Jr. won’t get the Democratic nomination, not because of any “rigging” by the DNC. It’s because he has aligned himself with rightist elitist billionaires. B"

Got a link? Of course not. Do you and Rich live together?

Clyde said...

Kind of ironic that the Democrats are always squealing about protecting "Our Democracy" but they are so authoritarian behind the scenes.

Clyde said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
LOL - Inga - all the billionaires are on the left.

George Soros has entered the chat.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Bernie isn't a Democrat, he's an independent. All the DNC would have to say is "The Democratic Party's nomination for President is reserved for members of the Democrat Party. Bernie is not a member, so he is ineligible for the nomination. End of story." Of course, this would have angered all the Democrats who think Bernie can walk on water. They would then stay home. So the Dems tried to finagle Bernie out of the running while still retaining his supporters.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Leftists naturally skew towards authoritarianism. They don't care if the DNC picks their candidates. In fact, they seem to prefer it. They just need to be told who to vote for. Joe Biden is a perfect example.

Drago said...

Drago: "New Soviet Democratical Party seems an excellent fit,"

Free Maure While You Wait!: "close, but no cigar. You need to drop the al. Soviet Democratic Party works just fine. And if you recall, people were allowed to "vote" in the Soviet Union, so it was "democratic"."

Point taken.

Drago said...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi: "Leftists naturally skew towards authoritarianism. They don't care if the DNC picks their candidates. In fact, they seem to prefer it."

Its much worse than that.

As Inga demonstrates daily, her "betters" not only dictate what she will do and say, but Inga will fight tooth and nail denying that they are dictating what she does and says.

Mason G said...

"Kind of ironic that the Democrats are always squealing about protecting "Our Democracy" but they are so authoritarian behind the scenes."

It's more like "Our Democracy™" The "Our" in that is what George Carlin noted is the "Big Club". And you ain't in it.

pious agnostic said...

Good god, Democrats manipulating the primary? Shocking!

Must have forgotten 2020, when the shoehorned Joseph Robenette Biden into place, because it was his turn and all.

Must have forgotten 2016, when HILLARY! was the preferred candidate, and the only other person allowed to run against her was BERNIE, who was only there so that HILLARY! could run to the right of him.

Democrats lost interest in primaries in 2008, when HILLARY! got unexpectedly pushed aside by that young upstart OBAMA, who jumped the queue and took her throne.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Because the DNC might have to have him assassinated is the most obvious answer. You can be sure they will be looking to remove Trump's Secret Service protection if the putting him in prison plan doesn't pan out.”

They remove his Secret Service protection, and anything happens to him, the gloves come out, as well as the guns. A shitload of them.

Trump isn’t going to prison, simply because the Dems don’t have the goods on him. The GA case goes away, because of Supremacy - he was sitting in the WH in the Oval Office when he committed his allegedly criminal acts. You can’t separate the political aspects from his other duties, so the top courts won’t try. Both the FL and DC cases are LawFare - mixing up and misinterpreting statutes to get their desired results - violating Due Process, because his acts were nowhere obviously illegal when he allegedly committed them. That’s always the weakness of LawFare - it doesn’t survive on appeal. The precedent would be horrible, convicting former President for acts while he was President that have to creatively be made illegal, so it won’t fly.

Jim at said...

RFK, Jr's campaign is being managed by people who run Marjorie Taylor Greene's campaign and is being funded by right-wing billionaires and backed by No Labels, which is a "third party" supported by right-wing billionaires like Harlan Crow hoping to elect Trump in 2024.

Where in theee hell do you come up with this stuff?

As pointed out, Dennis Freakin' Kucinich is managing his campaign and the 'No Labels' crew are mostly made up of NeverTrumping grifters looking to siphon votes AWAY from Trump.

Good lord.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Damn the ratio was strong in the comments section yesterday. I for one am nostalgic about “democraticals” because before they went full New Soviet Drago had their number and used that term to distance the party from the root word they have bastardized.

Rusty said...

George Soros
Bill Gates
Jeff Bezos
Any number of dot com billionairs.
And until recently,
Elon Musk

Learn not to depend on the orthodoxy Inga.

Tina Trent said...

Rich -- I'm actually willing to believe you that some MTG operatives are operating in RFK Jr.'s camp. Both politicians move in the weird Unz Review/Voltaire Network/truther world that bridges the far Right and far Left and funds kooky alliances such as the Ron Paul/Cynthia McKinney road show.

But I know who was running her campaign, and to my knowledge, none of those people are working for RFK. Name some names, and I'll happily check it out.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Did Kennedy complain when Hillary's people screwed Bernie over?

Drago said...

Assistant Village Idiot: "Did Kennedy complain when Hillary's people screwed Bernie over?"

Bernie accepted the payoff like a good little "kept" house socialist (wink wink) puppy and exited with nary a peep and went to bat strongly for Hillary.

Precisely as he was directed to do.

Was RFKjr supposed to stage an intervention or something?

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