September 13, 2023

"So What if a Candidate Livestreamed Sex Acts with Her Husband?"

For this story, I'm linking to Jack Shafer at Politico, because his headline is — almost verbatim — the question I had for my search as I looked for an article about Susanna Gibson, a Democratic nominee for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates.

[W]hat’s so appalling about what Gibson streamed? For one thing...there’s nothing illegal about Gibson’s online adventure. It’s not even extramarital!

Yeah, take down all the politicians who've committed adultery, and then and only then, go after Gibson. 

According to the Daily Mail, not an always reliable source, one clip has Gibson offering her paying audience the chance to see her have a non-missionary sex position with her husband or witness a “golden shower.”....

They were performers, for money. Who isn't


Hugh said...

Yes, let’s elect porn stars to run our states and country. That will work.

Big Mike said...

As predictable as the sunrise — Althouse dogmatically takes the side of the pro-abortion exhibitionist.

iowan2 said...

What was the old retort?

For a politician, the only thing worse than getting caught with dead woman in your bed is getting caught with a live boy in your bed.

This is just another data point, showingt the trajectory of, 'defining deviancy down'.

typingtalker said...

Shows bad judgement by Susanna Gibson ... unless ... she believes that it will have no effect on subsequent elections and/or it will boost her results in subsequent elections.

Jack Shafer writes, " ... but the day a video exhibitionist who solicits tips wins office may be before us soon."

It's market research.

RMc said...

She's a Dem, so it's OK. (In fact, you're a filthy bigot if you say otherwise!)

rehajm said...

Before we can pass judgement we need to know party affiliation. Oh, I see we have it...

Leland said...

I don’t care what she did. But her actions and desire to run as a Democrat, in Virginia no less, suggests she might continue the behavior of sexualizing children. Considering this is the same state and party upset that the Governor pardoned a father who was prosecuted for speaking out a school board meeting after his daughters rape; I think her actions are relevant to the debate.

Dave Begley said...

Don’t go there, Ann. But, hey, who doesn’t want to see Joe and Jill doing the dirty deed for money? Better than selling out our country.

I’d normally say that our country has hit a new low, but there’s certainly more room to fall.

I’m betting that she wins. A sure thing.

And the schoolmates of her kids certainly have some choice words.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’m more offended by her claims that talking about her actions “invades her privacy” and that her opponent by bringing it up is “committing a sex crime” than I am at her prior acts. She accused her opponent of “revenge porn.” All of that shows worse judgment than I want to see in elected office. What she did was not criminal and neither is pointing out that she did it.

Lilly, a dog said...

She's claiming that she's a victim of revenge porn, for videos that she deliberately created for the internet for money. She's only a victim of her own poor judgement.

Jersey Fled said...

We may have just stumbled on a new way for governments to raise money without raising taxes.

Ann Althouse said...

"Yes, let’s elect porn stars to run our states and country. That will work."

No one is saying elect X because she/he was a porn star, only don't disqualify X because she/he was a porn star.

Ann Althouse said...

"Star" is a ludicrous word here. Sorry I echoed your use of it.

I'd say porn performer.

Even the word "actor" is silly.

Ann Althouse said...

@ iowan2

The famous quote is "The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy."

It's something for a very confident politician to say, similar to Trump's famous "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay?"

Ann Althouse said...

@Mike (MJB Wolf)

Click through to Politico. Shafer discusses that issue well. I was going to quote more but decided not to. I think Gibson is following the old strategy "the best defense is a good offense."

Kevin said...

You wouldn’t be asking if the candidate was Mitch McConnell.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

But was she raising campaign contributions??? And paying taxes on the earnings?? And paying her husband a "living wage"? And, btw, pornography may be legal, but it is still immoral. And always will be.

rhhardin said...

All women are actresses.

gadfly said...

Hugh said...
Yes, let’s elect porn stars to run our states and country. That will work.

Well now, it did work. Donald Trump paid to do it with a porn star and a Playboy bunny, so what's the big deal here? MAGA extremists obviously consider the publicizing of sex acts to be a political attraction.

Dave Begley said...

I think she should run for President so that we can see all of her positions.

She has a bright future!

Temujin said...

It's not illegal. But it's a show of character and judgement, two things I think we need to raise our standards about in our 'leaders'. My word, after watching the video of John Fetterman yesterday, I'd say we've bottomed out. Wait! No known porn for pay Representatives yet?

Please. Stop this insanity. I don't care what she and her husband decide is a good side hustle. Or that she clearly loves the spotlight. But I don't want this low judgement clown show being paraded as one of those steering the country in any direction. Better she sets up a slot on OnlyFans.

Josephbleau said...

I observe such things from the viewpoint of the audience at the Roman Colosseum, I just like to see the fight. I am entertained to see the Democrats hold their nose and vote for her to maintain the majority. But exposure of the facts seems less evil than the Democrats illegally and under false pretense getting the Gary IN Republican candidates sexual assault records from the military and releasing them (2022). By the way, was there not supposed to be an investigation on that? No, the DOJ does not investigate democrats.

Masscon said...

Defining deviancy down indeed! We have moved from allegations of impropriety being enough to take a candidate down to publicly pissing on your spouse not being a disqualification for public office in one generation. (it wasn’t clear in the Politico article who was the pisser or who was the pissee). Glad to see your on board with this Ann.

Kate said...

How will the Mean Girls vote? Is this candidate cool for breaking the social code, or does she need to be slut shamed? I suspect the latter. There's a whiff of trying to make fetch happen.

Tom T. said...

It looks like Ann has never gotten over that school principal who punished her for the length of her skirt. Even all these years later, any form of exhibitionism by a woman must be defended. Even public sex acts cannot be deemed bad taste or poor judgment.

The funny part is that the very next post criticizes (male) Sen. Fetterman for wearing a casual shirt.

chuck said...

The lady looks to be nuts. I wouldn't vote for her, YMMV.

Leland said...

Gadfly’s comments are straight up defamation. Nobody has even accused Trump of paying for sex. Stormy Daniels claimed she was paid not to talk about having sex with Donald Trump. She now owes Trump $120,000 and her lawyer is in prison after conviction for various extortion schemes. Trump is being tried in Manhattan for supposedly falsifying business records, but that case is about whether his lawyer could be reimbursed for legal fees. Is straight defamation just a thing the left does these days? Judging by gadfly and this candidates claim of “revenge porn”, it seems so.

Wince said...

If it were a Republican male running for office, the media narrative would be the female spouse is a victim of the husband.

Saint Croix said...

ha ha

Monty Python sex ed class

Saint Croix said...

I meant "heh"

BUMBLE BEE said...

American Greatness points out...

What kind of government can there be, that produces such diseased leadership, such rotting fruit as are cropping up everywhere?

And don't forget the kiddie's influencers..

re Pete said...

"They said what’s up is down, they said what isn’t is"

BUMBLE BEE said...

Sisterhood is powerful!

Ann Althouse said...

Obscenity — who really cares?

Dave Begley said...

Temujin: But according to the Dems, her judgment is great. She will win.

Ann: If elected, Rep. Gibson would be voting on laws. Not good.

Tina Trent said...

Mike is right. Her effort to have federal and local prosecutors charge her opponent with "revenge porn," a serious crime, renders her unfit for office. He didn't even expose the sex tapes.

Her accusation that exposing her for-sale sex tapes is evidence of "Republicans" abuse of all women is grotesque false accusation and insulting to victims of real crime.

Both of these behaviors indicate her willingness to abuse the justice system for political gain.

Also, she made live sex tapes with small children in the house. This is child abuse, and she is also exposing her children to danger by making her home a target for potentially dangerous sex predators who find her porn online.

She and her husband should have social workers investigate them for sexual endangerment of their children.

Finally, she seeks to legislate in a body that addresses issues involving criminal justice and child protection laws. She is unfit to do so.

wildswan said...

I'm with the one who said" "At least we know her positions." Can't wait to see her on the floor of the House.

Dave Begley said...

Her district is north of Richmond. We need a new song!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ann Althouse, "I was going to quote more but decided not to. I think Gibson is following the old strategy 'the best defense is a good offense.'"

Well this take is closer to the language analysis that first drew me here, but seems stuck in a time warp. Her attempt to create the impression that her opponent's speech is unlawful will be echoed by others in the media and her party. Why not? It's worked so well to smear Trump. I adamantly oppose the weaponization of the law against political speech, as well as the twin trend of leftists to claim their violence is speech but our speech is violence. Other than her ridiculous online sexcapades themselves there is literally nothing funny about this story. The media is framing it as a "republicans pounce" narrative and I'd like to see some good old fashioned Althouse analysis of the danger of her criminal claims instead of the glib "good offense" bromide.

Is it a good offense? Is that her "best defense?" IMO the headline is a better defense of her actions than her offensive (again IMO) use of "revenge porn," which is a crime that does truly affect a lot of women who did not consent to public airing of their private acts, to label her opponent's speech as criminal.

RideSpaceMountain said...

My only worry is that she might get audited. I doubt she claimed letting her husband stick his finger up her butt for dollar-fungible porn tokens on her taxes. The IRS agent that investigates her is going to have a fun time.

Sebastian said...

She seems the ideal Dem candidate. Anything goes, nothing matters. In an age of obscene deficits, what's a little public sex anyway? If the Bidens can do drugs and prostitution and corruption with impunity, why worry about the minor sins of a minor candidate? Who really cares?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"I'll let you fuck me in the ass doggy style in a private room if someone wants to pay. That's the deal" - Susanna Gibson, October 5, 2021

Boy howdy...SHE IS A DEMOCRAT!

The Crack Emcee said...

Tom T. said...

"Even public sex acts cannot be deemed bad taste or poor judgment."

I didn't come up with the title of The Crack Emcee, or give myself that name, but I kept it because I knew which direction this culture was going,...

Ann Althouse said...

"Obscenity — who really cares?"

Clearly, a LOT of people,...

Patrick Henry was right! said...

War is peace, slavery is freedom. And Big Brother is all.

Beth B said...

I wonder how many people who snickered about or posted naked photos from Melania's early modeling career on Twitter to slut-shame her, and practically rubbed one out over the thought of Trump having a pee-pee fetish with some Russian hookers on Obama's bed, will happily vote for this woman because she has the proper letter after her name on the ballot? Is this just the hobgoblin of little minds?

Gahrie said...

It looks like Ann has never gotten over that school principal who punished her for the length of her skirt. Even all these years later, any form of exhibitionism by a woman must be defended. Even public sex acts cannot be deemed bad taste or poor judgment.

No woman must be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.

Big Mike said...

Is this candidate cool for breaking the social code, or does she need to be slut shamed?

She should be slut shamed every day for the rest of her life. “The chair recognizes the dishonorable exhibitionist from District 57 though she’s hard to recognize with her blouse buttoned up.”

rhhardin said...

They should add a performer with a bucket of cold water, is my suggestion.

Inga said...

It’s the bd judgment. We don’t need more political leaders with a history of such bad judgement. Do candidates from either party think their past deeds or misdeeds wouldn’t come to light? She didn’t kill anyone or have extramarital sex, but such sexual exhibitionism and solicitation of money to see it just isn’t very smart. Dumb and bad judgment, not good qualities.

We don’t need such political leaders, haven’t we learned our lesson with Trump?

Gusty Winds said...

From the NY Post: She [Gibson] called the controversy “an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me.”

How do you invade someone's privacy that uploaded a fuck video for everyone to see? If Gibson now feels humiliated, didn't she do that to herself?

That's the victimhood logic of a liberal, suburban white woman. Truly A.W.F.L. Another example of a liberal lacking all self-awareness.

I agree. If she likes to fuck on film, who cares...

But she's a crazy white female liberal. That's why you shouldn't vote for her.

Big Mike said...

Obscenity — who really cares?

The people who yesterday heard Senator Kennedy read exerts from books that Democrats want to put in middle school libraries over the objections of parents. Please don’t even remotely consider moving to Virginia. Keep polluting Wisconsin.

Josephbleau said...

A CEO would be out of a job quickly if they were exposed in this way. It hurts the brand and is considered harassey. That is if they were male, not sure what would happen if they were female.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Okay, I followed up and clicked through to Politico. At the very top of the page is this caption under her photo: Virginia House candidate Susanna Gibson has gone on the offensive, protesting the “leak” of the sex performance and prospecting previously undiscovered legal territory by calling the distribution of the videos “an illegal invasion” of her privacy and a “sex crime” against her.

Words mean something. Framing is intentional. The scare quotes around some of her words could mean the Politico finds them ridiculous but given the uncritical use of "her privacy" without scare quotes signals they agree with her take. The strongest condemnation of her (and her lawyers) that Shafer can muster up is calling it "legal chaff" and he reserves most of his condemnation for those who are pointing out her bad judgement. Politico like the left in general are happy to see Republicans prosecuted for political speech and willing to amplify this woman's claims with only the faintest of hint of the scolding they heap on conservatives.

What is the Big Issue here? Shafer can't say but he knows mores are changing, and he uses the execrable Katie Hill as well. She resigned from Congress for being outed as a screaming and physically abusive boss to her congressional staff, not because "nude photos of her" leaked. What is the issue here? IMO Shafer goes out of his way to AVOID raising the issue of free speech because like you he admires her willingness to go there with a "strong offense" and no one wants to defend the republican's right to point out the absurdity of his opponent's actions. My prediction is that however this turns out, we will hear future citations of this event as conservatives using "revenge porn" against Democrat women or something similar. That is the Big Trend. The pounce is the news, not her poor judgement and "legal chaff."

TaeJohnDo said...

Just you have plans for an expose all video blog with Meade as your...sidekick?

Gusty Winds said...

More from the NY Post: “My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there’s no line they won’t cross to silence women when they speak up,” Gibson told CNN in a statement on Tuesday.

Oh, she's now the victim. What bullshit. As Bill Burr joked on Sat Night Live, white women somehow managed to cut to the front of the victimhood line. Nobody committed a "sex crime". She and her husband didn't, but their kind of fucking weird. How is it a crime to point out she posted a sex video for $$$?

Gibson must be proud of her looks and sex skills. She's not bad looking. Why not give access to all her supporters so they can enjoy it too?

Oligonicella said...

I'm guessing porn stars make as good politicians as they do spouses.

Gusty Winds said...

Gahrie said...

No woman must be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.

Saw a meme on Twitter / X the other day. Showed a woman in a hospital bed with and oxygen mask over her face. Meme caption was: "Woman almost dies after learning about accountability".

RideSpaceMountain said...

The vids are all over the place now, if you so choose to give it a gander. On its merits as porn alone, it's pretty meh. Her body's not too shabby for her age, but her face doesn't help, and this despite the rise in popularity of trans porn.

Oligonicella said...

Ann Althouse said...

"No one is saying elect X because she/he was a porn star, only don't disqualify X because she/he was a porn star."

I'll say it. Anyone with the lack of forethought to engage in porn films isn't someone to vote into any office at all.

wendybar said...

We don’t need such political leaders, haven’t we learned our lesson with Trump?

9/13/23, 8:19 AM

You spelled Clinton wrong, Inga.

AMDG said...

She showed extremely poor judgement that renders her unfit for office.

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said...
Obscenity — who really cares?

"Senator Kennedy read exerts from books that Democrats want to put in middle school libraries over the objections of parents."

That was disturbing coming out of his mouth

RideSpaceMountain said...

"I like being choked. I like being hit. I really do." - Susanna Gibson, June 2, 2022

Feminist in the streets, vegan leather harness in the bedroom. Many such cases!

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
robother said...

A woman who solicits payment to take certain positions? Can't have that kind of person in political office! C'mon, man.

The Crack Emcee said...

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Her body's not too shabby for her age, but her face doesn't help,..."

Women assume they're beautiful to everyone, so they think everybody likes everything about them - very wrong. I look at a lot of women, just wondering what they think of themselves, as they turn me off.

I've found the only two authentic moments in porn are when a woman takes off her top, to present her breasts (which they always think are awesome) and at the end, after the guy comes, and they show appreciation to his dick for putting it on their face, with a little kiss or something.

All the rest is acting. And the acting is bad.

Bob Boyd said...

In one clip obtained by, Gibson tells her husband: 'I'll let you f*** me in the a** doggy style in a private room if someone wants to pay. That's the deal.'

Overheard in Virginia, "I'll let her represent me in the ass doggy style if someone wants to pay. That's the deal."

The Crack Emcee said...

Has anyone else noticed that the whole time Donald Trump was paying for hookers, and doing things like that, nobody was calling him "Hitler"?

Maynard said...

I am reminded of Jack Ryan who was married to actress Jeri Ryan and running for US Senate against a little known community organizer named Barack Obama.

Ms. Ryan sued Jack for divorce and claimed that he wanted to have public sex with her. That claim was in sealed court documents. However, the Chicago Democrat Machine was able to get those records unsealed and made public. Ryan lost the race and the rest is history.

Jeri Ryan was unbelievably hot. So the charge was believable.

Lilly, a dog said...

I'd like to echo RideSpaceMountain. I'm another dirty dog who has seen the video (for science). Her husband really gets into Cave Exploring. Maybe the husband should run--he's not afraid to Dig Deep into the issue.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Republican candidates have been doing second amendment porn as part of their political campaigns for quite some time.

Dave Begley said...

Her husband is a lawyer. I can just imagine other lawyers telling him that they screwed his wife. The thing of it is, he doesn’t care!

The Crack Emcee said...

Lilly, a dog said...

"I'd like to echo RideSpaceMountain. I'm another dirty dog who has seen the video (for science). Her husband really gets into Cave Exploring. Maybe the husband should run--he's not afraid to Dig Deep into the issue."

I'm fucking dying of laughter over here,...

Aggie said...

It seems to me that this is an easily-navigated hazard for her opponent. He's made some comment about this being a 'tough time' for her right now, but hasn't capitalized on it, politically. The smart thing for him to do is just leave it out there, together with her absurd accusation that somehow her status as a lady has been maligned by having her public exhibitionist-for-hire sex life made.....public.

Any fool that buys into this argument is already not worth the wasted time, and everybody else is immediately going to see the hypocritical irony - and see her unworthiness to hold public office. The problem for her is, the situation is of her own making - yet she's trying to cast its revelation as scandalous - but not her own squalid behavior.

Leland said...

Interesting that this post regarding a candidates legal sex acts is garnering more comments than two threads open for the discussion of "impeaching Biden".

Related to Mike (MJB Wolf) various comments above; the two-tier justice of "it is fine if a Democrat grabs them by the pussy but wrong if a Republican points out that the woman let the Democrats do it" is getting old. It isn't made better when the Republicans are accused decades later of grabbing women by the pussy and put on trial, while Democrats can continue to argue that of course small children should be talking about sex. Oh, and nobody seems to care how many women Hunter Biden paid for sex while doing drugs that would get the average black guy 10 to 20 years as Biden's crime bill intended. Look, if woman want us to believe them and take them seriously then try to find better political leaders that don't debase themselves with actual golden showers and stop falsely claiming the other side likes golden showers too. Go piss on yourself if that is what you like doing.

Aggie said...

Just wonder here, could the real problem be a loss of subscription revenue, now that the tapes have been made public? Campaign finance reform, I tells ya.

Iman said...

‘fly takes over for Mikey Avenatti in using teh used-up Stormy Daniels…

Iman said...

“Her husband really gets into Cave Exploring.”

I bet he’s a real spelunker.

rehajm said...

How is it a crime to point out she posted a sex video for $$$

Yah. ...not because of the porn, but because she's stupid.

Narayanan said...

Why not give access to all her supporters so they can enjoy it too?
can she 'legally' raise campaign finance by offering access for donation tokens?

mezzrow said...

It's an interesting approach, if one that I never would have tried myself. Conventionally attractive people with a penchant for exhibitionism and a narcissistic streak are to be widely found in the fields of politics and pornography, it seems. When you cross the streams, you can see what we get here. We'll see what the cringe factor looks like in 2023. At my age, I'm no guide to the zeitgeist.

In these moments, I consult Marcus Aurelius, who is said to have written "the world is not waiting to be judged by you."

rehajm said...

Ann Althouse said...
Obscenity — who really cares?

Oh, that'd be me I guess. It's tacky. Show a bit of class and/or style...

Spiros said...

Politics is also a form of exhibitionism. Politicians can be found singing on TV, posing in glossy magazines, commenting on football games, etc. Maybe the next step for American pop-style politics is pornography? We already had a clown elected as President, we'll probably accept a porn star as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates.

Paul said...

Well part of being a leader is to have integrity and morals (ok, stop that snickering back there) and porn stars do not have integrity nor morals.

They are low class. Might as well have man/boy love pedophiles to... trans (yea see we do have a few of those already!!!)

And we have a kleptomaniac crook, abet senile, for president.

But folks we really should draw the line at such low morals as porn stars ... oh wait.. Wasn't Schwarzenegger a porn star once?

Oh well, still it is bad juju to have such elected officials.

Narayanan said...

aren't y'all taking politics and law making tad serioulsy ?

such boring activities!! [h/t professora]

Paul said...

Well part of being a leader is to have integrity and morals (ok, stop that snickering back there) and porn stars do not have integrity nor morals.

They are low class. Might as well have man/boy love pedophiles to... trans (yea see we do have a few of those already!!!)

And we have a kleptomaniac crook, abet senile, for president.

But folks we really should draw the line at such low morals as porn stars ... oh wait.. Wasn't Schwarzenegger a porn star once? Well at least she isn't selling secrets to CCP and Russia..

Oh well, still it is bad juju to have such elected officials.

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "Republican candidates have been doing second amendment porn as part of their political campaigns for quite some time."

I am afraid this comment by Left Bank is perfectly representative of his "full" capabilities.

Dave Begley said...

MTP questions for her this Sunday.

1. Didn't you realize your kids would find out about your sex tapes?

2. Didn't you realize that voters would find about your sex tapes?

3. Have you no sense of shame or embarrassment?

4. What wouldn't you do for money?

5. Why haven't you withdrawn from the campaign?

6. How many men have you had sex with in one day?

7. What is wrong with you?

8. Do you think you are a normal Democrat; representing the values of the party?

9. Have you had sex with either Joe or Hunter Biden?

10. Have you had sex with Bill Clinton? Hillary Clinton? Both at the same time?

Birches said...

I can't believe I'm writing this again, but I agree with Inga, even if she was saying it to take a dig at Trump.

n.n said...

Eyes down here. Feminist politics asks women to take a knee for social progress. That said, all's fair in lust and abortion.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

At least Inga and I agree the woman has demonstrated poor judgement, even if the particulars may not match. Sad to drag Trump into this discussion of a democrat acting badly but not unexpected. Can't acknowledge any shortcoming in lefties unless we also mention the Bad Orange Man amirite.

Bob Boyd said...

Not much discussion of the impact of all this on her kids. Can't imagine they appreciate it all that much.

Another thing to perhaps consider, her contribution to the serious problem of online porn addiction.

Leland said...

Can't acknowledge any shortcoming in lefties unless we also mention the Bad Orange Man amirite.

They are just trying to remind us that up and coming Democrats are no better than Trump, which is odd since they also want to convince us not to vote for Trump.

1. Didn't you realize your kids would find out about your sex tapes?

To be fair, I suspect one day her kids would find out that their parents had sex or were gods. The ewww factor is having sex for the enjoyment of others voyeurism.

Mark said...

If people really thought there was nothing wrong with a candidate livestreaming sex acts with her husband (and other men and probably women, as well as solo acts), then they would not expend this much effort telling others it is no big deal or even defending it.

hombre said...

This is just Democrat chic. As the election nears, she will include the children.

hombre said...

This is just Democrat chic. As the election nears, she will include the children.

Narayanan said...

we'll probably accept a porn star as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates
great way to shed the haunting specter of Virgin Queen of England!

RideSpaceMountain said...

"This is just Democrat chic. As the election nears, she will include the children."

Also overheard in Virginia, "I'll cut my kid's dick and/or tits off if someone wants to pay. That's the deal."

Jupiter said...

"Yeah, take down all the politicians who've committed adultery, and then and only then, go after Gibson."

For the record, she does claim to have had sex with other men and her husband on the same day. Although I'm not sure that's on tape.

The Crack Emcee said...

Does anyone truly want to be represented by someone with no sense of shame?

Narayanan said...

Virginia and Maryland [slave states] 'contributed' land to relocate the Capital of the (Compromised) USA from Philadelphia PA [being free state and southern Gentlemen did not like their N----rs] learning uppity ways or running away.

Narayanan said...

Hugh said...
Yes, let’s elect porn stars to run our states and country. That will work.
they are lab-assistants to Mencken to show what is 'good and hard"

Deep State Reformer said...

People that don't do degrading sex acts for money is one category of people that don't, and saying "but it's legal" is not a justification but an excuse. A lame one at that.

Amadeus 48 said...

There is one revolting thing here: this exhibitionist for pay is styling the revelation of her kinks, which were posted on the internet, as an invasion of her privacy.

You have to be really stupid or a Democrat to buy that line of victimhood.

Yancey Ward said...

I more or less agree- it isn't politically disqualifying, at least legally, to have made these videos and distributed them over the internet. For me, what is disqualifying is Gibson claiming that telling the voters about this is a violation of her privacy. That claim is horseshit- it isn't like someone secreted a camera into their bedroom or stole a video they made solely for themselves. She violated her own privacy by distributing this on the internet- after that, no one else is violating her privacy by pointing voters to this content.

Joe Smith said...

It takes an odd kind of person who will not only fuck in front of strangers, but also solicit funds for doing so.

I'm a live and let live guy, but that applies to you keeping your private life private and not pushing your proclivities/kinks on others.

That's my only beef with the LGBTQ crowd. Do what you want, but don't advocate it for my children and don't fuck in the public square.

She fucked in the public square, so she will now face the consequences (good or bad). I've only seen her photo, but she seems like a looker to me, so maybe it will help her cause?

rehajm said...

Does anyone truly want to be represented by someone with no sense of shame?

Well done Crack...

Joe Smith said...

On the 'best defense is good offense' note, I'd be turning lemons into lemonade.

Next campaign ad:

"For your contribution of just sixty-nine dollars..."

: )

tim maguire said...

I don't care if she's a porn star. I don't care if she's a sex worker. I do care that she was unprepared for the revelation and cried "victim!" when caught. If she couldn't see that coming, what else can't she see? What else can't she deal with?

KellyM said...

Putting aside questions of morality, et al, a "nobody" is not allowed into politics these days unless they agree to be part of the Machine. That's the only reason Gibson likely got as far as she did. Don't doubt there was already a dossier on this woman and her kinks were well documented. Then, the heat got turned up - the next election is in the bag but here's the price. Gibson goes through with the act, but then gets buyers' remorse and tells the Machine no deal, so she gets exposed (pun intended) and hung out to dry.

Oso Negro said...

I would be happy to examine her body if work to see if it should disqualify her, but nobody will post a link. What’s this country coming to?

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

I recall Obama winning his first election by publicizing the PRIVATE sex acts of his opponent that were ILLEGALLY exposed from a SEALED record from a divorce proceeding.

Compare and contrast.

JK Brown said...

It is certainly a fact that should be made available to the voters, but beyond that, so what? The media either wants to go full on shunning or hide the fact. If it doesn't matter, then it doesn't matter is this public act is reported on to the voting public.

Josephbleau said...

So if elected, will she recuse herself if an anti porn law is up for a vote? Otherwise its a conflict of interest.

Will Cate said...

Lily, a dog, said... "She's only a victim of her own poor judgement."

Well that's it right there. Far be it from me to judge how any consenting couple gets their rocks off (and it sure appears as though they were doing this for kicks, not rent money)... But what kind of judgement must this nincompoop have to think she can be a politician and a webcam sex performer? Where does she think she is, Italy?

0_0 said...

Inga appears incorrect; Ms. Gibson has engaged in extramarital sex as evinced by the labeling of her husband as a cuckold. An unwilling one, apparently, although I have not found an original source and don’t want to look anymore.

Iman said...

“Does anyone truly want to be represented by someone with no sense of shame?”

Crack! You’ve effectively ruled out ALL Democrats.

Well said, sir!

Iman said...

Apparently this fine example of a Democrat is upset that her opponent didn’t put in enough tokens.

Static Ping said...

She had sex for money in front of thousands of people on the Internet on a web site without password protection and presumably little else for security. The expectation in these situations is it will be recorded by someone there, and there is a strong likelihood that it will be shared with other people. I know, if you cannot trust people who pay money to have your husband urinate on you, who can you trust? Once porn gets on the Internet, it is nearly impossible to get rid of it, unless the porn is so terrible no one wants to see it. I can assure you, it would have to be really awful to not have someone interested.

I would not want this person making decisions for me. She is immoral and proud of it, she treats her husband like trash, and, perhaps worst of all, she does not understand how Internet porn works, which presumably is her area of expertise. Not a recommend.

khematite said...

Finally. A shot at getting a genuine "pee tape" in American politics. So disappointing when Trump's didn't come through (or true).

Balfegor said...

This is a candidate for a seat in a state legislature. There's literally thousands of these seats across the country. I find it difficult to believe this is the first time a porn actor/actress has stood for election. I don't think it's something to get too exercised about. Voters can decide how they react and I think it's reasonable for voters to decide it matters or to decide it doesn't matter, or doesn't matter enough to make a difference.

Sex might have a special salience to voters right now because schools keep trying to sneak graphic sexual material into elementary school libraries for some reason and squealing when they're caught.
Virginia also recently enacted a law requiring age verification for online porn. But as I understand it this stuff was all behind a paywall of some sort, not out in the open, so it doesn't present quite the same problem. Unless it got pirated I suppose.

Captain BillieBob said...

I hope she stays in (the race). The election results would/will be a good indication of where the voters or those who count the votes come down with regards to public sex, porn for pay and morals for politicians elected officials.

Rabel said...

She's now set up to make a whole Hell of a lot of money if she goes back to online porn.

Rabel said...

"Wasn't Schwarzenegger a porn star once?"


john mosby said...

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot my load, and they’d still vote for me.”


Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Well, I to heck with the moral reasons, I won't vote for her because she likes assfucking too much. I worry that the constant and ever-widening reamings we get from our "elected" officials will only get harder and faster with her in office.

She ought to get a teaching job at some high school. What could go wrong?

Milo Minderbinder said...

A liberal white woman tries to lock up the suburban mom demographic….

Jim at said...

It's not the fact she did it. It's her - and the media's - response to the fact she did it.

That's why we're making a stink about it.

Rocco said...

Hugh said...
"Yes, let’s elect porn stars to run our states and country. That will work."

Elect me vice-president and I promise to never stop working hard to take care of your needs.

Joe Smith said...

"Her husband is a lawyer."

Hugh Johnson, Esq.

Dave64 said...

One would have to blind, deaf and dumb not to see this coming. We elect pedophiles, transgenders, senile oldsters, the dead, why not amateur porn starlets. When the bar is lowered far enough animals will be on ballots. Whoops, I think they already have.

Rocco said...

Dave64 said...
"When the bar is lowered far enough animals will be on ballots."

We could do worse than Caligula's horse - at least if we elect the front end.

Hugh said...

OK, I change my comment to “Let’s elect people who post themselves having sex on the internet. That will work.” See, I’m sex positive!

walter said...

Dave Begley said...
Don’t go there, Ann. But, hey, who doesn’t want to see Joe and Jill doing the dirty deed for money?
Team Juice, for one.
They were contracted to keep him awake and semi-cogent for brief periods.

Bunkypotatohead said...

I'm gonna have to see her Democrat donkey show in the parliament of whores before I can decide if she's vote worthy.

Oligonicella said...


"They were performers, for money. Who isn't?"

So you're a performer for money.

She fucks on film for the entertainment of others. Are your performances on that level?

Old and slow said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...

Does anyone truly want to be represented by someone with no sense of shame?

I thought that was a given.

GingerBeer said...

And if some gadfly were to suggest that AOC fill her election coffers by the same method as Mrs. Gibson, Democrats would react how?

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