September 17, 2023

"Oliver [Anthony] splits his time between the farm and a remote wooded encampment where he lives a spartan life in a tent and small trailer with his pregnant wife..."

 and their two young children. He and I both hope that his homestead can serve as a pilot site for my proposal... to build free healing centers in depressed communities across the nation, places that help reclaim a generation beset by depression, PTSD, loneliness, addiction, and mental illness."

"Since the 1980s, we’ve built prisons in these same depressed communities to warehouse our devastated young people. In fact, prisons have become the number one social program for young men. It’s time to turn our national attention to healing people instead. Oliver and I share a faith in the miraculous powers of nature, community, clean nutritious foods, and dignified work. We believe these things can restore our country, our planet, our public health, and our spiritual vitality. We envision regenerative agriculture and greenhouses where residents will grow wholesome organic food, learn skills, and take a break from cell phones and screens. We spoke together with hope about the potential to reclaim our lost young people. We both felt a real possibility of national renewal.... I’m proud to support him, whatever the outcome of my Presidential campaign, to make this healing center a reality, and if we are so blessed, the first of many more to come."


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden refuses to allow RFK jr. secret service protection.

Fraud joe biden is a criminal and an asshole.

Chuck said...

Well then why doesn't RFKJr get the Mellon family -- Trump superdonors -- to bankroll the project, the way that they are currently bankrolling the RFKJr Super PAC? (In last reporting, of the $9.8 million that the RFKJr Super PAC had raised, $5m of it came from one Mellon. Who had also recently donated $1.8 million to a Trump PAC.)

Cappy said...

And a manifesto...

Leland said...

I got the impression that Chris Lunsford was living a spartan life to become debt free before providing a better home for his wife and child. I'm sure he also wants to help people with addiction, but I don't think he is ready to partner with a politician.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Get your Big Pharma Fauci $$$ booster shot.

"Safe and Effective" not on the CDC guidelines or website on the latest fraud against humanity.

obey the creepy maddow overlords.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck - Who is funding Crook Fraud Criminal Biden?

Show us the list.

lonejustice said...

Good for him. Instead of just complaining like so many people do, he's trying to make a real difference in this world.

n.n said...

The organic lifestyle is an extreme progression from the suburban subset.

jaydub said...

Every opportunist wants to claim a little piece of Oliver, just like each has to get on the "Coach Prime" bandwagon. These, of course, are the same ones who two months ago wouldn't have acknowledged either person was in any way relevant, and in another six months won't remember either person's name. Fame is a fleeting commodity, especially when the idolators are forever insincere and fickle.

wild chicken said...

Sounds like one of those great ideas that start well then quietly turn to shit while the founders move on.


rhhardin said...

I've cut my acre of grass with a scythe since 2000. It's not obvious that it would make things better for a pregnant wife and children.

William said...

There's merit to the way Oliver is living and there is partial merit to what RFK Jr. is saying. Exercise, healthy food, a reasonably honorable job: All that can keep you grounded and allow you to mimic sanity. I don't know, however, if there should be some kind of massive government program to provide people with sane lives and to, perhaps, eventually force them to lead such lives.. The cure is not worse than the disease. The cure is the disease. Let people like Oliver arrive at their own answers.

Joe Smith said...

The left wants us all to live this way after they destroy the power grid and all remnants of capitalism.

Obligatory joke: What did communists use before candles? Electricity.

MayBee said...

If the government really cared about us, they would have taken the time during the pandemic to encourage us to lose weight, to fund gym memberships and put out cool cook-along shows so people could eat healthier. Or put ready-to cook meal kits together in the grocery store that were easy to pick up and health to make. They would have encouraged walking clubs and basketball pickup games.
They would have found a way- any way at all - to keep AA and NA meetings open and inviting.

But no. They actually hid the information there were comorbidities for the people dying and hospitalized. They instead tried to make it look like the disease was racist. They locked us up and made it illegal to get out and move. They forced gyms to *close*. They forced AA meetings to cease.

They didn't do anything to make things better in the long run during the unprecedented lock downs. They don't care about our health.

rehajm said...

rhhardin said...
I've cut my acre of grass with a scythe since 2000. image of the grim reaper in tube socks and a bike helmet.

mikee said...

RFK fails to remember any history, where in rural communities those who were "beset by depression, PTSD, loneliness, addiction, and mental illness" failed to survive the winters due to disease, starvation, and suicide.

Breezy said...

10:54 MayBee +1

Also, RFK Jr describes a commune. Not sure those have caught on as a panacea to date. Maybe its because of human nature.

mikee said...

I also suggest reading the Wiki on Indonesia's "Transmigration Program" wherein urban poor were sent to jungles with minimal supplies, to become subsistence farmers.

Narr said...

Will there be Kool Aid?

rcocean said...

WHen are people going to stop with this nonsense about people committing crimes because they are lonely or live in a depressed area or are "alienated"?

The vast majority of people in prison are there for committing serious, often violent crimes. YOu don't kill, rape, or assault someone because you're lonely, bored or poor. You can attribue drug dealing or maybe burglery or shoplifting to Poverty but that's about it.

If RFK's point is that many of these criminals are mentally ill, and should be getting treatment, than I agree. But that doesn't obviate the fact they should be removed from society.

Sally327 said...

Healing center? Would that be sort of a like a churh?

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

This seems like another manufactured culture war issue that the American public is unfortunately all to willing to play along with.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

Thanks for posting this, as I'd missed it, even though always on the lookout for OA info. There's the feeling he really is going to go at things differently - and from the interviews seems whip smart with what seems an off the chart "emotional intelligence". He's also very patient! In both the Rogan and Peterson interviews he had to wait a number of times for the host to ramble on about what interests them, before saying - "to get back to your previous point" and answer the question they hadn't given him time to address when asked. Not sure how it's going to turn out, but for now, very refreshing.

farmgirl said...

This young man is in a relationship w/G*d.
His Creator is his foundation of rock.

Idk if the article mentions that.

Steve said...

Dear sweet baby Jesus. Please don’t let Oliver Anthony be co-opted my RFK JR.

Darkisland said...

Signs up to play a gig for $120m.

The venue holds 1,500 people. That means he, personally, is charging each attendee $80.

If the promoter should have charged attendees $40 who would have paid the other $40 to him?

The promoter is getting $90 per ticket. They are, somehow, supposed to pay for the venue, the insurance, promotion, security, organization and all the other expenses of putting on a show out of $10/ticket? How?

Oliver Anthony is an asshole.

Olvier Anthony agreed to do the concert then, after signing the contract and after the promoter has spent a bunch of money out of pocket he refuses to sing.

Fuck him and his song. I used to be rooting for him. Now I hope the promotor sues him for breach of contract and takes his truck, trailer, tarpaulin AND his pregnant wife.

John Henry

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

@Darkisland - I don't think he signed a contract - I do think his friend, the full time plumber, he asked to help with booking let the venue think it was a deal - but OA didn't know that until he heard the prices being advertised. He owned up to things being botched and says things will be done with more care going forward. Cernovich (who has also been dragging him unmercifully) said he caught lightening in a bottle. Seems he also became a lightning rod for both love and hate, and I'm amazed at how rapidly, and intensely, that happened.

madAsHell said...

I wasn't aware farming could be a part time job!!

Bob Boyd said...

@ Darkisland

Looks like there's more to the story.

More here:

boatbuilder said...

Sounds like Marianne Williamson would make a perfect VP for RFKjr.

Darkisland said...

Bob Boyd,

The Fox story you linked is the same one I got my numbers from as I was writing my comment.

I just read it again and stand by what I originally said. Tell me what I am getting wrong?

I did not address the meet and greet.

He, or his authorized representative, signed a contract. As far as I can tell the contract was legitimate, not signed under duress and the promoter was living to their side of it. If Oliver has a problem it is with his agent/plumber/brother-in-law, not with the promoter or the (Now ex?) fans who paid good money to see his show and did not get to.

As I said, I hope the promoter sues him for his trailer, truck, tarpaulin and pregnant wife.

Darkisland said...


If his authorized agent let the promoter think it was a deal, to the point where the concert was actually going to happen, it was a "contract" regardless of whether any paper was signed.

I've spent the past 40 years working, a lot of the time, on handshake agreements. Often with no handshake because the whole thing took place by phone. Not for $5-10 either. I have more than a little bit of experience with contracts, formal and informal, written and verbal.

I've had a problem twice with verbal contracts in that time. Once because we disagreed about what we had agreed on. I am still not 100% sure which of us was right. The other time I got screwed by an unscrupulous client who just refused to pay me. I was right on that one but suing would have been more trouble than it was worth.

Verbal contracts are just as legally binding as written ones, just harder to prove and enforce.

I stand by what I said.

John Henry

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

@Darkisland - You’re in good company! Cernovich, Scott Adams and Tim Pool all have the view that this incident shows he is corrupt and invalidates everything else he’s done. I have a different view, based on watching all the music videos, the ones talking in his pickup truck with the rain on the roof, and the Rogan and Peterson interviews. I simply can’t believe he purposely shafted that venue. Given that before he blew up he had never done *a single paid performance* - only open mics - that this was the only glitch seems remarkable. My bias runs deep, though. I’m in my 70’s and grew up not far from Farmville, and the way OA takes the idioms and speech rhythms of working people around here and turns them into music makes it feel like I’m hanging out with someone I’ve known all my life - his songs go directly into my brain, bypassing normal critical filters. Your mileage may vary and that’s fine.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Boyd said...

I didn't say you were wrong or OA was in the right. He could have handled it better, but the guy is new at this. He wasn't deliberately deceptive or malicious. He fucked up and he admitted it. People are getting their money back. I don't get the level of anger toward him. People online who have nothing to do with it are mad and all vindictive and hoping bad things happen. Why? Not even the bar owners are that upset and I seriously doubt they'll sue him.
There was a musician. There was bar. There was a bustle in the hedgerow. Who cares? Hope he does better going forward. He probably will.

effinayright said...

Darkisland, you effed things when you claimed Anthony was getting 120 MILLION dollars for his gig.

You were off by a factor of 100.

As the Japanese would say, “Please atone, by dying.”

effinayright said...

Darkisland, you effed things when you claimed Anthony was getting 120 MILLION dollars for his gig.

You were off by a factor of 100.

As the Japanese would say, “Please atone, by dying.”