September 28, 2023

Everybody's talking about Doug Burgum.

"If there was one constant on Wednesday night, it was that the Fox News anchor did not want to hear from the North Dakota governor" (The Daily Beast).

"I'm not convinced he's a great cowboy — he must shop at Dudes 'R' Us — but upon closer inspection, it appears he's got his boots properly placed in the stirrups. So, he's got that going for him. Git along, little Dougie.... Who in Bismarck has Burgum ever led? Moderates mock him and Trump crazies despise him despite his will-o'-the-wisp willingness to acquiesce to almost anything in the interest of political expediency...." (Inforum).


“Bad Genes” said...

Overall, not a good debate. Ramaswamy, as expected and predicted, crashed. Pence has no passion, Christy is mafioso. DeSantis struggles. Scott and Burgum did well. Haley shines.

She's going to get stronger by the week and the Big Money will wake up and see she has a chance to topple Trump. A living breathing non-Trump Republican has a very credible chance against Biden. The politician that can "right-center" the Republican pparty and take it back from radicalism will own the future.

“Bad Genes” said...
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iowan2 said...

Please, PLEASE, do a comparison between Burgum and Harrison.

mezzrow said...

"Gotta stop that man, too..."

boatbuilder said...

Let me guess--he said something that neither the GOPe nor the DNC wants to have heard?

The Crack Emcee said...

He looks impressive. I'd actually like to hear more from him.

tim maguire said...

Funny--they're talking about Burgum mostly because he shouldn't have been there.

It's hard to say why Ramaswamy caught on and Burgum didn't given the similarities between the two, but that's how it worked out. Meanwhile, Ramaswamy needed to shine in the debates to keep his momentum going and apparently didn't. Instead, Haley did, so she's the new "not Trump" hope.

Kate said...

Burgum's first answer, which he had to inject, was the only smart thing said at that point. Biden's green deal and how it's forcing EV on manufacturers and the American people is the salient topic about the UAW strike. He nailed the issue.

I am one Trump Crazy who wanted to hear more and didn't have a moment of despising.

I'll be curious to see if Perino, whose Botox gave her a Joker forehead, takes a hit for her thumb on the scale.

wild chicken said...

Nothing personal to Bergum but I'm in Montana and I'm so sick of the cowboy shtick.

Every candidate gotta be riding a horse or sitting on a fence sucking on hay. And wearing a bigass hat. Hee-haw.

It's like, the campaign ad guys in LA think "Montana? What to do? Cowboys! That's the ticket!"

Bob Boyd said...

Who in Bismarck has Burgum ever led?

Look how many problems California has. The governor there must be a great leader.

Look how many problems Oregon has. The governor there must be a great leader.

Things are running smooth in NoDak. How could the governor be a good leader in an environment like that?

rehajm said...

Yah, I guess the wife watched because she said 'l liked the guy from North Dakota' the best. So ya, he must have said things the Democrats and GOPe did not want to hear...

The Crack Emcee said...

For me, Haley was OK until she got on the wrong side of Trump, and then she lost that "shine" that you guys seem to still be able to see. I can't. DeSantis is who comes across as the adult in the room.

I've only seen Burgum in one short, but extended interview, and he came across, not just as smart but intelligent. That's rare in our WWF-seasoned environment. I can't understand disliking him for Cowboy style in North Dakota, or America even. That's part of who we are. I'm glad it's not all we are, but I don't see it as a negative. Some of the toughest dudes I've ever met are Cowboys.

Jim Gust said...

According to conservative blogs, the biggest loser was the Republican Party, followed closely by Fox News Channel.

I didn't waste a minute on the debate, but this analysis is not surprising.

hawkeyedjb said...

I second Crack Emcee's observations. And I wish Republicans would learn to criticize Democrats and stop their juvenile criticism of other Republicans. This is another reason I'm a Burgum supporter; he tries to spend his time making intelligent points instead of tossing out middle-school zingers.

Narayanan said...

I can't understand disliking him for Cowboy style in North Dakota, or America even. That's part of who we are.
I was almost expecting cowboy to carry horse in that caddylack
[like the bull ride in Nebraska]

rehajm said...

For me, Haley was OK until she got on the wrong side of Trump, and then she lost that "shine" that you guys seem to still be able to see. I can't. DeSantis is who comes across as the adult in the room.

I didn't see but agree with Crack. Nikki is a Mayor of a small city. DeSantis is an effective governor with a patina of maturity...

PM said...

Blame Yellowstone.

JPS said...


"Nikki is a Mayor of a small city."

Is this a rhetorical figure? Haley was the governor of South Carolina. She was a competent executive, if memory serves.

Rabel said...

I'm having trouble seeing Althouse make it all the way through the writing in that Bender column on Burgum.

But it was interesting to see a hateful leftist twit obsessed with someone other than Trump.

Kirk Parker said...

Haley seems to have signed on to the Neocon Forever War delusion. Did I miss her recanting that?