September 24, 2023

"Behind the scenes, Biden has also started telling more jokes about his own age, hoping to defuse the concerns..."

"...of many voters and party leaders. 'I know I look like I’m 30, but I’ve been around doing this a long time,' he said at an event at a private home on Thursday. He has also stepped up his attacks on Trump, describing his continued shock at the thought of the former president sitting in the private dining room next to the Oval Office and doing nothing to stop the rioters who attacked the U.S. Capitol in his name on Jan. 6, 2021. 'He tells his supporters, and I’m quoting him, "I am your retribution,"' Biden said at another donor event in New York this week. 'What a hell of a good way to run.'"

"Move on," not from Biden, but from doubts about Biden... and not all the doubts, just that one doubt that surely cannot be the only issue, the doubt over his age. It's absurd that the substance of the campaign has been less than nothing — merely attempting to eliminate one negative.

Anyway, I was interested in the reference to the dining room — Trump "sitting in the private dining room next to the Oval Office" on January 6th. What's special about the thought of him sitting in that particular place? Is there some idea that we'd be more outraged if we pictured Trump in the dining room? It feels like a game of Clue: Mr. Orange with the lead pipe in the dining room.

The dining room detail jumped out at me because it was in last Sunday's "Meet the Press" transcript:
KRISTEN WELKER: We talked about — we’ve heard you talk about the rally. And I’m curious about what happened when you got back to the White House. I know you spent most of the day in the dining room. What were you doing in there? How were you watching it unfold?

Trump does not address the question of his location:

FMR. PRES. DONALD TRUMP: So, let me just tell you about January 6th. First of all, I had very little to do with January 6th...

Again Welker asks him to paint a picture of his inside-the-White-House doings:

KRISTEN WELKER: What happened when you got back to the White House, though, Mr. President?

He avoids that question again and goes off on a tangent or 2, and Welker tried again:

KRISTEN WELKER: What happened when you got to the White House, though? Where did you watch all of the events... unfold?

Again, Trump avoids that question. They go off on more tangents, but Welker doesn't forget her question. She tries a fourth time:

KRISTEN WELKER: I want to know what you... did on that day. I want to know.

Trump interrupts to change the subject, but she says it again — a fifth time — and this time she gets back to the dining room

KRISTEN WELKER: Tell me how you watched this all unfold. Were you in the dining room watching TV?

Finally, he addresses the question: 

FMR. PRES. DONALD TRUMP: I’m not going to tell you. I’ll tell people later at an appropriate time. 


Kate said...

That's Doctor Professor Orange to you.

RMc said...

Biden knows he can win by hiding and not being Trump. (It worked before, after all.)

gilbar said...

people NEED to quit focusing on negatives like:
Biden's Age
Biden's Mental capacity
Biden's Bribes
Biden's Family
Biden's Gaffs

They NEED to focus on Biden's Positives.. Just Look at ALL the Great and Wonderful things he's accomplished
Things like:

Wince said...

Trump expounding on the subject could be viewed by the DC Obama judge as prejudicial and earn himself a gag order, couldn’t it?

Much in the way the DC Obama judge has previously expounded on the subject and should be recused herself.

rehajm said...

I mean it was the FBI in charge of the storm The Capitol operation and as we should all recall the trendy rule of law at the time was Trump needed permission from all the alphabet agencies and Hawaiian judges to do things he had the power of the executive to do.

Perhaps Biden is miffed Trump never received permission to eat?

cassandra lite said...

Trump was supposed to be in the situation room with the SecState and closest advisors watching the action on a big screen like it was the bin Laden raid.

Tommy Duncan said...

"It's absurd that the substance of the campaign has been less than nothing..."

Less than nothing is a high standard.

Stick said...

"Biden campaign is off and running against Trump — out of public view."
Running out of public view

That's a bold move Cotton
Let's see how it plays out.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That dogged pursuit of a specific answer stands in stark contrast to the total lack of curiosity about anything Biden has done or is doing. Way to show your highly partisan bias Big Media.

Brian said...

I, too, remember the Welker comment about the dining room. Obviously everybody "in the know" knows what happened, but they are holding it for maximum political embarrassment.

My guess is that he was giddy that people were at the Capitol appealing their grievances. Does that sway a single voter? My guess is its nothing truly egregious otherwise it would have been leaked during the Jan 6 hearings.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

to the basement... His handlers 'got this.

Enigma said...

We have special practices for elderly drivers. Sometimes they have to take a vision/cognitive test every year because they can decline rapidly.

"Get off the stage." Where is the old-timey crook used to pull the failing performers away? The clique in DC must all either be suffering from denial about age or from dementia themselves. Anyone truly concerned with effective leadership should step away after 70.

tommyesq said...

"It's absurd that the substance of the campaign has been less than nothing..."

Last time Biden ran exclusively on not being Trump. This time, he has to run on not being Biden or Trump.

Buckwheathikes said...

... he said at an event at a private home."

Notice how the press is very studious in NOT TELLING us where Joe Biden is campaigning. He is in a private home, glad-handing in a dining room we are not allowed to know about.

Now, why would that be?

Isn't it the job of a free press to tell us who, where, when, how and why? Or is it the job of the press to hide the candidate from the voters and to only tell us what the campaign message of the day is? One that can only assist that campaign.

What kind of free country has a press that operates this fuked up way? What kind of free country is it when the President is campaigning only in the dining rooms of select hyper-rich insiders and not bothering to campaign where the public might see his doddering idiocy?

We no longer live in a free country and our elections are not free, nor are they decided by voters. Or this kind of campaigning simply would not work. However, Democrats are very confident that this will work. And really, why shouldn't they? The press is no longer free.

Drago said...

Its a well established fact that on Jan 6, Trump attempted to over-power his Secret Service detail and grab the wheel of the Dining Room to steer it over to the capital.

Had Trump been successful in navigating the Dining Room to the Capital then the entire trajectory of the day would have been altered by providing Navy Bean soup to all the federal agent provocateurs and those milling about.

Unfortunately for Trump, Luttig and Tribe are now arguing that not having the Dining Room "transformer-ize" itself and go to the Capital for a much needed soup break is a violation of the Constitution, an impeachable offense, a war crime and a "non-action" equivalent to sedition in a time of war punishable by death.

I imagine Jack Smith is preparing an amended indictment as we speak.

William said...

subtext: "Tell me the truth, you fat pig. Weren't you there in the dining room stuffing your fat evil face with greasy food while your crazed followers--who you had egged on to a frenzy--were roaming the halls of Congress looking for people to lynch or perhaps even dismember while all the while you did nothing but look on and grunt approvingly between bites."

Breezy said...

I daresay Joe Biden sitting in the Oval Office on his first day, signing a slew of executive orders which countermanded many of the Trump initiatives was a pretty retributive maneuver itself. He’s got some nerve. He even had to ask what some of them were.

And its not Biden’s age that’s the issue, its his very obvious cognitive infirmity. We have to have a President that can speak coherently and act with intent. That’s not optional.

donald said...

If Kristen Walker tried that shit with Joe Biden, IF and it’s a big if, his staff let her have one follow up they’d end it right there on camera. If they didn’t, after three times blood would start spouting from his eyes and ears and he’d say bomb Russia.

Big Mike said...

Kristen Welker is Miss Scarlett.

If Trump couldn’t see that January 6th was a setup from the fact that Pelosi refused National Guard protection, then he’s the only significant politician in DC who couldn’t.

n.n said...

J6 was a product of the Whitmer... Pelosi entrapment conspiracy of establishment reactionaries clinging to capital, control, and privilege of their Democratic authority. Remember the Capitol execution of Ashli Babbitt which may have been motivated by diversity (e.g. color judgment, class-based bigotry, sexism).

Sebastian said...

"I am your retribution"

That's pretty much it. Squash the deplorables, devastate fed finances, force the green decline, open the border--what's not to like? Sure, the electoral calculation matters, but Joe is progs' best bet. The more feeble he gets, the easier they get their way.

What, New Yorkers are going vote for the mean GOP just because their city gets overrun by illegals? Nice women in Wisconsin are going to vote for the mean GOP when it still makes noises about opposing abortion? Blacks will vote for the mean GOP because they see the mean Dem persecution of J6ers?

MadisonMan said...

Was the reporter among the people in this private home? If so, is there a reason the owner's name is not in of itself newsworthy? If the reporter wasn't there, why should anyone believe this report?

Yancey Ward said...

Sounds like a completely manufactured story about Biden's campaign. The tell is that this is all out of the view of everyone who doesn't have his nose up Biden's ass.

Narayanan said...

is FJB deja vu Reagan? + plagiarism

n.n said...

January 6th was a setup from the fact that Pelosi refused National Guard protection

That is indeed one of Trump's deficits. If people... persons didn't notice a probable Whitmer event from conception, then the president should have waved them off.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

I await the story on the other guy who’s nearly as old.

One fall and broken hip or other medical challenge by either candidate could change the picture we see now. There are many variables still in play. And one is the significant amount of time until the election.

hombre said...

Trump would be foolish to state to a mediaswine or in a debate any portion of a usable defense to Democrat lawfare regarding any topic.

Sebastian at 10:00 AM: Brief, but right on target.

Joe Smith said...

''He tells his supporters, and I’m quoting him, "I am your retribution,"' Biden said at another donor event in New York this week. 'What a hell of a good way to run.'"'

Like basing your campaign on the 'fine people' hoax?

A lie then and a lie now. And he knew it was a lie.

Piece of garbage person.

Joe Smith said...

"What kind of free country has a press that operates this fuked up way?"

We're obviously not a free country anymore...

wendybar said...

Biden IS the joke.

mikee said...

I, for one, look forward to Biden's AI image running for office over the next year in his televised campaign, with packed auditoriums staring at the screen in rapture. AIBiden will perform his speeches with a perfection that Obama's teleprompter could only wish to achieve.

Lucien said...

It might be useful for Trump to respond “I have to be careful what I say about that subject because Merrick Garland’s witch hunters will pounce on any excuse they can to seek a gag order against me.”
Also, is Biden still spouting the lie that four or five Capitol Police officers were killed on January 6?

Bill Harshaw said...

Point is, it was private, so his staff couldn't see his reactions and were less able to urge him to action.

rcocean said...

Biden has "Stepped up his attacks on Trump" ?!

Hello, Biden and Merreck Garland are trying to put Trump in JAIL! They've cooked up two phony indictments on bogus mickey mouse charges. And they will laugh and give each other High-fives if Trump is put behind bars prior to the election.

Why are conservatives always hitting soft against Biden? He's NOT a 'nice guy'. He's NOT "middle of road". He never has been. He's alawys been full of hatred and contempt for anyone who opposes him. Every debate as VP and POTUS consisted of himm Lying, attacking and being rude to his opponents. Often, laughing, smirking, and interupting them.

He dos the same thing to almost every reporter who asks him a TOUGH question. He was also involved in the FBI spynig on TRump in 2016-2017. But whatever he does, conservatives just can't get mad at "Good ol' Joe".

Joe Smith said...

'I await the story on the other guy who’s nearly as old.'

You are dumber than I think you are if you don't clearly see a difference between the physical and mental status of the two.

Trump could easily have a heart attack tomorrow.

But look at video of Biden from just 4 or 5 years ago.

He is in steep decline. He is clearly a shadow of his former self, and only a partisan bootlicker would think otherwise.

boatbuilder said...

Hey Rich, you genius.

Why do YOU think there are no stories about how Trump is too old to govern?

Here's a hint: Joe Biden is older than Trump. The DNC is fully aware of that.

Leora said...

Funny. Trump is telling his supporters publicly he's their retribution.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rich - Give us a comment on Biden. He's your president. Why the obsession with "the other guy?"

We want to hear all about your man-love for the Crook Biden.

Christopher B said...

My guess on the specifics of location is an attempt to get Trump to say something, anything, that could be construed as an admission that he was orchestrating the J6 events rather than being an observer.

Him sitting in the dining room eating and watching news feeds? Doesn't sound like a guy running the show or riding to the sound of the guns

Original Mike said...

""Behind the scenes, Biden has also started telling more jokes about his own age, …"

Unfortunately, it's not a laughing matter.

n.n said...

Planned Parent/hood

n.n said...

He brayed insistently: I'm still viable. Don't sequester me.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

@HB …. In reality, it looks kind of the other way round. Trump sounds wildly unhinged, even senile these days, while Biden just seems to keep getting things done.

If people felt age was indeed such a big issue, the McConnells, Trumps, Biden’s, Pelosi's, Feinstein’s etc would not be elected.

Granted, the gerontocrats control the party machineries, however this should not prevent young challengers, as AOC did successfully in her district, so instead of complaining just challenge the dinosaurs.

I've been looking at past film clips of a young and vigorous John F Kennedy speaking. The energy and articulate thought is inspiring.

It's not just age that's changing, it's also a decline in the quality of people who are willing to run for office in the US that's changed.

Mason G said...

"He is in steep decline. He is clearly a shadow of his former self..."

"His former self" was not all that impressive to start with. But in Biden's defense, when you graduate law school 76th out of 85 students, is there really all that much room for decline?

Drago said...

LLR Rich: "@HB …. In reality, it looks kind of the other way round. Trump sounds wildly unhinged, even senile these days, while Biden just seems to keep getting things done."


Shameless, transparent gaslighting.

Too funny.

Jamie said...

It might be useful for Trump to respond “I have to be careful what I say about that subject because Merrick Garland’s witch hunters will pounce on any excuse they can to seek a gag order against me.”

My very thought. I wondered if this is indeed why he was answering as he did, but he might have missed an opportunity to lay it out for the public. (Or just that statement might have been enough to trigger a gag order request.)

Jamie said...

Why the faux horror at the "I am your retribution" thing? For those who have been wronged or betrayed, as the rest of the statement went?

Try, Rich and Leona (I think it was you two), to imagine that all these words and the underlying facts are normally defined. Trump is running for president. Many of his supporters believe - with evidence - that the 2020 election was not "the most free and fairest in history," thanks to the now known to be blatant election interference of the major social media platforms and their collusion with the mainstream media and Democrat leadership. They feel that, at minimum, their votes were diluted by ballot harvesting and offset by people who voted based on what they were and were not told before the election (remember that poll after the election about what percentage of Biden voters said that if they'd known about The Laptop, they would have changed their votes?) and perhaps even that the election was flat-out tipped to Biden in certain key districts, giving him the 40,000 votes - not "millions" as the Left always claims with a sneer - he needed.

Furthermore - Biden has ranged from milquetoast to absolutely disastrous for the middle class and down, including and perhaps especially for people of color in that economic demographic. And, the continuing leftward lurch of American culture under Biden has left the normies out in the cold, even if they voted for him in 2020 because they were told he was a moderate.

So, the "retribution" for these people's wrongs would be the proper and fair election of someone whose platform is to listen to their concerns and try to help them in material ways, which is part of the role of the chief executive and is in fact what Trump did in his presidency.

So, why the horror?

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

Well, I too watched Trump on “Meet the Press” and I must confess that I did not know that he defeated Obama in 2016. I was also very impressed with his promise to keep us out of WWII. Talk about cognitive decline.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rich -
"Biden just seems to keep getting things done."

- Destroying our nation and destroying the middle class;
- Higher and higher inflation.
- Open border insanity.
- He shut down most domestic energy - a gift to China and Russia.
- He's a crook.

Check x5!

He's also - "Focused on staying focused."

Quaestor said...

Joe Smith writes, "[Biden] is clearly a shadow of his former self, and only a partisan bootlicker would think otherwise."

I wish to point out there was hardly enough substance to Biden's former self to cast a shadow.

Jim at said...

Trump sounds wildly unhinged, even senile these days, while Biden just seems to keep getting things done.

It makes no sense to even consider a conversation with someone who actually believes this.

MikeD said...

I'm waiting for him to start joking about his worsening dementia. Oh, wait, he already has, tho' unknowingly.

Drago said...

LLR Rich: "Well, I too watched Trump on “Meet the Press” and I must confess that I did not know that he defeated Obama in 2016. I was also very impressed with his promise to keep us out of WWII. Talk about cognitive decline."

AS with his transparent, serial, pre-debunked lies re: Musk and Starlink access for Ukraine, it appears LLR Rich has selected his next set of hilariously dumb assertions as a rhetorical hill to die on!

I have to believe LLR-democratical Chuck was expecting more out of LLR Rich after the complete failure of LLR lonejustice.

Looks like Team LLR will have to return to the drawing board to figure out their next steps.

Should be fun to watch.

Maynard said...

It makes no sense to even consider a conversation with someone who actually believes this.

How often do you have conversations with devout lefties?

It never makes any sense.

Jamie said...

Biden just seems to keep getting things done

Like making the sign of the cross while meeting with the head of the world's only Jewish state. Mmm hmm.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

Comrade Drago: Try to be more concise. Your sarcasm doesn't improve with length..

Stephen said...

Professor Althouse has often defended Trump in the past because of the difficulty of determining what was in his head at the time of his alleged misconduct. Welker's questions go to that issue. The hours in the dining room, watching TV, are at the heart of the January 6 criminal case against Trump because they are powerful evidence of Trump's corrupt intent to disrupt the Electoral count. Here's the January 6 Committee:

"From the outset of the violence and for several hours that followed, people at the Capitol, people inside President Trump’s Administration, elected officials of both parties, members of President Trump’s family, and Fox News commentators sympathetic to President Trump all tried to contact him to urge him to do one singular thing—one thing that all of these people immediately understood was required: Instruct his supporters to stand down and disperse—to leave the Capitol.

"As the evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates, President Trump specifically and repeatedly refused to do so—for multiple hours—while the mayhem ensued. Chapter 8 of this report explains in meticulous detail the horrific nature of the violence taking place, that was directed at law enforcement officers at the Capitol and that put the lives of American lawmakers at risk. Yet in spite of this, President Trump watched the violence on television from a dining room adjacent to the Oval Office, calling Senators to urge them to help him delay the electoral count, but refusing to supply the specific help that everyone knew was unequivocally required. As this report shows, when Trump finally did make such a statement at 4:17 p.m. —after hours of violence—the statement immediately had the expected effect; the rioters began to disperse immediately and leave the Capitol."

Welker's question is the one that the January 6 jury--and the wider public following the trial--will want an answer to. Good for her for not letting Trump dodge it. The fact that, when pinned down, Trump won't provide an explanation is telling. It will be interesting to see if he tries to provide one at trial--opening himself up to searching cross examination by skilled professionals who have mastered the facts.

Drago said...

LLR Rich: "Comrade Drago: Try to be more concise. Your sarcasm doesn't improve with length.."

Sure it does. Which is why you'd prefer I cease.

Sort of an established tell with you LLR-democraticals.

And again, is that really all you've got besides your pre-debunked gaslighting BS.

There is no joy in LLR Mudville today.

Drago said...

LLR Rich's desire to direct speech online, to, you know, "help" me (LOL) comes as no surprise since poll after poll results conclusively show large majorities of democraticals/leftists/LLR's support complete corporate + govt control of political speech online.

They claim to support this textbook definition of fascism as it will "help us" avoid hate speech and disinformation...which will be identified by their deep state partners.


Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

Wind up Comrade Drago up and watch him spin — so predictable.

Drago said...

LLR Rich: "Wind up Comrade Drago up and watch him spin — so predictable."


LLR Rich to Normal Person Translation: "wind up" = Notice LLR Rich's transparent lies and mention it

The above is provided as a free service to the Althouse commentariat.