Wrote Barack Obama, in a letter to a girlfriend, in 1982, when he was 21, quoted in "Obama’s love letters from 1982 resurface: ‘I make love to men daily, but in the imagination’/Former president’s love letters to his ex-girlfriend reveal his 'androgynous mind'" (Independent).
"In regard to homosexuality, I must say that I believe this is an attempt to remove oneself from the present, a refusal perhaps to perpetuate the endless farce of earthly life. You see, I make love to men daily, but in the imagination."
Strange to call that a "love letter." It seems more the opposite of a love letter, writing this to a woman. And yet... see note 2, below.
In an interview with Tablet published on 2 August, [Obama biographer David] Garrow explained how he obtained letters from three of Obama’s former girlfriends as he was writing about the politician’s early career. The biographer suggested that [Alex] McNear “wanted to have her role known” when she offered the 40-year-old letter to Garrow. “When Alex showed me the letters from Barack, she redacted one paragraph in one of them and just said: ‘It’s about homosexuality,’” Garrow told the magazine.
After McNear sold the letters to Emory University, Garrow asked college professor Harvey Klehr to transcribe the love letters by hand. “I emailed Harvey, said: ‘Go to the Emory archives.’ He’s spent his whole life at Emory, but they won’t let him take pictures,” Garrow explained. “So Harvey has to sit there with a pencil and copy out the graf where Barack writes to Alex about how he repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men.”...
2. Consider the "Yes, I'm gay and I have a girlfriend" phenomenon, exemplified by Jacob Hoff on TikTok:
@jacobmhoff See Samantha’s list about me on her page @Samantha Wynn Greenstone ♬ Aesthetic - Tollan Kim
Obama is not secretly gay that shit is not how a closeted gay man talks that is how a straight man talks when he is trying to sleep with a very specific type of girl
— 🌻 bosco 🌻 (@selentelechia) August 13, 2023
I know because I have been this girl
didn't we ALL Already Know ALL of This?
Barry pretended to be straight, for political reasons
Barry pretended to be a Christian, for political reasons
Barry pretended to be black, for political reasons
Barry pretended.. for political reasons
Fiercely heterosexual Corey Booker has been defeated.
Fiercely heterosexual Barack Obama has claimed his title.
A new fiercely heterosexual king has his crown. All hail.
Why now?
To stop Michelle from running for POTUS.
Gavin or Pete forced the leak.
Seems more like a 'self-love' letter to me.
Even in that era, fashionable urban/academic people were often into androgyny. See Elton John, David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Freddie Mercury, and many other 1970s rock stars. Some were deep in the closet but some were known to be gay except among naïve blue-haired old-lady fans (e.g., Liberace).
A 21-year-old toying with being gay in the 20th Century sex, drug, rock-n-roll era is not surprising nor remarkable IMO. However, a 14-year-old or 7-year-old being tagged as transgendered and receiving drugs or surgery reveals foul dead-ender mental illness by that person or those around them (OBVOUSLY).
With most animals, biological programming holds sway over faddish social trends and fashions. That is, unless money-grubbing surgeons and disturbed activists team up to $$$$$$$ and bully the young and helpless...child sacrifices...
Isn't this the auto biography written by someone else.
Context for any letter matters, and this one reflects both on the writer and recipient. But ANY love letter written by a 21-yo is likely to be cringey beyond belief, and this one is no different. So much pretention!
Why is this (re)surfacing now?
Interesting timing with the apparently suspicious circumstances of his very handsome chef's drowning death, followed by contradictory stories about where and when Barack was at the time, as well as the incomplete police report.
It would not be beyond the realm of possible that certain WH reporters from his reign knew about the president's homosexual dalliances (if any) but kept quiet about them exactly as JFK's court scribes did.
Is it wrong to observe that his wife looks like a Chicago Bears fullback from the Dick Butkus era?
The empty suit is back.
Tell us something we didn't already know. It's quite obvious, and always HAS been.
Here is the best explanation that I've seen.
I can't tell you the whole story, but Alex probably wanted money for that revelation, so Dave's first book didn't include that paragraph, and she sold the whole letter for a pretty price, I imagine, to Emory, which has limitless library funds. Then he could access it yet she could profit off it.
Not uncommon.
Dave Garrow, btw, doesn't care about Obama's sexual fantasies, but he strives to produce a complete historical record.
Time to remake and update the classic film. This time it will be titled,
Guess Who Else Is Coming To Dinner
More than gay or prez, O wanted to be a writer. But he lacked talent and motivation, except to turn himself into a fictional character, sufficiently well-crafted to enable Dems to suspend disbelief and project their desires onto him. The Black Lightbringer. As Joe observed, correctly for once, "that's a storybook, man."
I'll cut any 21-year-old some slack when it comes to psychological musings, but no cisheteronormie male of my acquaintance would write what O did. Turns out, the White House was the biggest closet in the world.
I’m simply tired of people’s sex lives, real or imagined, as the subject of public discourse. There have always been publications willing to publish this crap but we used to mock them as trash not celebrate it as journalism. Or as a marketing campaign. My premise is the Bud Light Backlash, not a boycott in any common understanding of the term (see the Sturgis video where there’re no agitators just consumers choosing not to buy Bud), is a widespread reaction of disgust with “celebrating” things that the general public would rather ignore. Stop pushing an agenda disguised as Pride! or “advertising.”
Obama lost me in 2008 when he “talked down to black men,” revealing his phoniness about “racial healing.” It had nothing to do with his sexual fantasies or the sexual fantasies others had for him. He was a terrible president, a covert war monger and an anti-American who loathed “bitter clingers” believing in God and the second amendment. 12 years enslaved by Obama/ Biden is largely the reason Trump will win in a landslide next year and order all Democrats and RINOs lobotomized.
America's boyfriend's boyfriends will probably soon be publishing their memoires.
Wait until it is revealed the classified documents in Biden’s garage all have love notes from Joe to Barack written in the margins.
First things first, I think it's wrong to publish this kind of thing. Private letters to love interests should be treated with respect. It sells, but so does prostitution. Writers, publishers, shouldn't treat their profession as a variant on prostitution.
So Obama is bi. Woop woop.
Not a big deal today, but when he was a young man being a black bisexual was about as hard a road to walk as could be walked. The straights saw you as a deviant. The gays saw you as a traitor. The non-caucasian communities were (and as far as I know still are) more homophobic than society in general. (Cory Booker, please come out of the closet. Your beard Rosario Dawson did.)
I am by no means an Obama fan. I think his eight years in office did more to screw the world over more than anyone since FDR.
But this "reporting" is simply sleazy.
It’s the “daily” part that is the most damning. Poor Michelle Obama.
Who cares? The sexual desires of people are wholly uninteresting unless it's another consenting adult(s) one is exploring those with.
Meade: Trump will win in a landslide next year and order all Democrats and RINOs lobotomized
Too easy.
Looking at Michelle you can understand why Barack is queer.
phantommut, 9:26:
I agree with your comment on all counts.
Reading this and the original post made me think back to a friend in college, someone I regret losing touch with. I was on the conservative paper. He was in the school's Democrats club, but a Scoop Jackson Democrat: Staunchly pro-Israel, solid conservative leanings that frustrated his more liberal friends. We once debated on stage, and went for beer with friends afterward.
I remember a phone call after we graduated. He expressed the wish to go into politics, but as a staffer, the guy behind the scenes, not as the candidate. "Why not the candidate?" I asked. "You'd be great."
"Eh, couple reasons."
"Well, for one, I'm black."
"You are? Shit, really?"
"Yeah, yeah, I should have told you earlier. But I'll tell you something I bet you didn't know."
"What's that?"
"I'm bisexual."
And we both understood, yeah, that's a strike against, if you're going to be out there in front of a campaign. Not that that's how it should be, we just understood that's how it was.
That's all some fucked up stuff but you be you. It'a a little extra creepy coming from an ex President whose team is currently running the country...and the tweet sounds like a lame attempt to justify the words. I'll get in that girls knickers by fantasizing about being gay? What kind of woman goes for that? Fucked up stuff...
Another sign that election season had begun: the first name/last initial commenters start popping up again.
Hi, I'm --- X. I'm new here and announcing I'll will be commenting...
Can we stop using the term "Androgenous" for half-way between male and female? Androgen is a male hormone. When Annie Lennox became famous, someone called her "Androgenous" meaning male-like. Then the idiot popular press thought this meant of ambiguous gender and ran with it. Stop it.
Hmmm...too much weed before Obozo's frontal lobe was fully formed. The Choom gang strikes again.
I have studied these letters for a long some time. The timing is merely that the "gay fantasy" material was only recently sold to Emory, for a pretty penny, I'm sure, in order to make it available to Dave, but only for a profit. It is in the paperback edition of Dave's book but not the earlier hardback one. All this just came about.
But if you read Obama's youthful corrrespondence in its entirety, what I actually find disturbing -- I don't care if he's bi, gay etc. unless he's being dishonest with girlfriends -- is that his writing style and self-image are incredibly abnormal. Using weirdly baroque language, he describes himself as being a special and unique creature. He lies repeatedly about finances, his grandmother, and his girlfriends. He treates each girlfriend like an audience for his obvious superhuman intellect and destiny.
In fact, he conflates three of them into one character in one of his "autobiographies."
He also proposes twice to and then suddenly breaks up with his most long-term girlfriend, telling her it is because she is white and he has decided he needs an authentic black wife to make it in Chicago politics and finally the presidency. First, this is long past the era when a white wife would particularly damage his electoral chances. Second, it is one more indication that he is going to use race, and, frankly, racism towards whites, in order to become president. Third, he is utterly dismissive of all of these women's feelings, including Michelle: he continues seeing his old girlfriend after he has courted and proposed to Michelle.
She is a black prop for his electortal ambitions, and he shows no affection towards her. She realizes this early in the marriage, and it takes terrorist (and Michelle's mentor) Bernardine Dohrn to work hard to keep the couple together, which is hilarious if one recalls Bernardine's "smash monogamy" years, less funny when you remember that the two mentors of the Obamas (Bill Ayers being Obama's entree into big money nonprofits and Chicago politics) both forced naive Weather Underground and SDS women to submit sexually to men, and especially black men, "for the revolution" and for purposes of breaking them down in public, Maoist re-education sessions to be obedient to their cult.
Given the couples' extremely close relationship, Obama could not have been unaware of this grotesque behavior, which extended to forced rape, yet, Ayers and Dohrn participated in raising the Obama's children and keeping Michelle from leaving Obama as he ran consecutive races in Chicago politics.
So yes, usually the personal is personal, but these people made the personal entirely political, and toxic, and deceptive. And racist.
Dave Garrow isn't sleazy: he is thorough. And he is to the Left of Obama, which used to lend him credibility (now his truths are despised). He exposed a lot of lies the Obamas told; he documented crucial material about their long-term relationships with terrorists and cop killers and the journalists who helped hide this; he revealed their racism towards his white grandmother, who bought him and Michelle their first mansion (which they pretended to buy), before he used her at campaign speeches to denounce her alleged "racism" because she was afraid of being mugged on her way to work -- as she worked to pay his private school, college, and world travel costs AND support his adult mother's Ph.D. work.
Listen to Dave's most recent interviews on tv stations and YouTube. You will be amazed to hear a hard leftist telling hard truths about Obama's lies, frauds, and failures as president. It really is remarkable.
Tom T. 's answer came to my mind. My barber (excuse me, men's har stylist) in the 80s told me he often would use this strategy (ideally in gay bar dance scene, which apparently attracted lots of women) to score with women anxious to win one back for heterosexuality.
Perhaps explains his attraction to err..broad shouldered..Michelle.
LakeLevel Androgynous means something/someone has both male (andro) and female (gyn) characteristics. Androgen(s) are hormones (natural or synthetic) that bind to androgen receptors and lead to the development or maintenance of male characteristics. So, androgenous would be a word to describe something that would act like an androgen.
The intellectual pretentiousness is palpable. When I was a senior in high school I occasionally hung around with guys who drove to L.A. coffee houses to listen to "beat" poets read their stuff. Silly, but fun.
I can picture one of those guys writing stuff like Obama's stuff. They outgrew it by college time.
The intellectual pretentiousness is palpable. When I was a senior in high school I occasionally hung around with guys who drove to L.A. coffee houses to listen to "beat" poets read their stuff. Silly, but fun.
I can picture one of those guys writing stuff like Obama's stuff. They outgrew it by college time.
"He treates each girlfriend like an audience for his obvious superhuman intellect and destiny.
In fact, he conflates three of them into one character in one of his "autobiographies."
The "composite" girlfriend.
Still, hard to view Michelle as a victim.
The saucy part confirms cartoonist Branco always depicting Obama with his eyes closed.
Actually, that's not correct. Good thing I checked.
iowan2 said...
Isn't this the auto biography written by someone else.
Garrow says Obama wrote it, but it's more auto-hagiography than autobiography.
Read the interview, it's eye opening. Warning, though. It's loooooong.
A narcissist playing hard to get while simultaneously begging a certain kind of white chick to save him: Tell me something I didn’t already know.
"Why is this "resurfacing now"?"
'Cuz she sold the letters.
"and order all Democrats and RINOs lobotomized."
And that would change things... how?
I guess this revelation hurts Pete ButtiBoy's chances at becoming POTUS.
I have always thought it probable that Michelle was Obama's beard and that neither are the biological parents of the two children- neither of whom resemble either parent but do bear remarkable resemblances to two of the Obamas' friends.
Why is this "resurfacing now"?
is it "resurfacing now"? or /just now surfacing/
any way >>> is Obama equal opportunity boyfriend or TER-BF
Owing to a lack of typical wit I'd say Obama's not gay.
Barack Obama: "My mind is androgynous to a great extent and I hope to make it more so ..."
And those of us who noted this obvious fact at the time were harangued as being some sort of bigot.
I've said all along that Malia bears an uncanny resemblance to Webb Hubbell.
Jupiter said...
"Why is this "resurfacing now"?"
'Cuz she sold the letters.
Nope. Because, and they talk about this in the interview, of Obama's statement that he wouldn't mind a third term if he could "work from home". A lot of people are looking a Sloppy Joe and thinking; "Hmmmmm, could it be?!?!"
"But, in returning to the body, I see that I have been made a man, and physically in life, I choose to accept that contingency."
Stealing a line from Carlyle:
Gad! He'd better.
I agree with those above who suggest this is the "admission" of a man who is actually trying to seduce the woman to whom he is writing, a woman he believes will be susceptible to such a seduction.
It also reaffirms my impression of Obama's character, namely, that is a pretentious and highly-self-impressed egotist, (if not a narcissist). He is a smart guy who thinks he's more than that. There are lots of smart guys around, but not so many who are "more than that." In short, he isn't the genius/near-genius/specially enlightened being he thinks he is. He is and was always just an ambitious self-serving hypocrite.
When I read that Tablet piece, I wondered if Althouse would blog about it, but I thought it would be about a different Obama girlfriend.
A big long quote, but I think it’s necessary…Bolding added
In Jager’s telling, the quarrel that ended the couple’s relationship was not about Obama’s self-identification as a Black man. And the impetus was not a play about the American Black experience, but an exhibit at Chicago’s Spertus Institute about the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann.
At the time that Obama and Sheila visited the Spertus Institute, Chicago politics was being roiled by a Black mayoral aide named Steve Cokely who, in a series of lectures organized by Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, accused Jewish doctors in Chicago of infecting Black babies with AIDS as part of a genocidal plot against African Americans. The episode highlighted a deep rift within the city’s power echelons, with some prominent Black officials supporting Cokely and others calling for his firing.
In Jager’s recollection, what set off the quarrel that precipitated the end of the couple’s relationship was Obama’s stubborn refusal, after seeing the exhibit, and in the swirl of this Cokely affair, to condemn Black racism. While acknowledging that Obama’s embrace of a Black identity had created some degree of distance between the couple, she insisted that what upset her that day was Obama’s inability to condemn Cokely’s comments. It was not Obama’s Blackness that bothered her, but that he would not condemn antisemitism.
No doubt, Obama’s evolving race-based self-consciousness did distance him from Jager; in the end, the couple broke up. Yet it is revealing to read Obama’s account of the breakup in Dreams against the very different account that Jager offers. In Obama’s account, he was the particularist, embracing a personal meaning for the Black experience that Jager, the universalist, refused to grant. In Jager’s account, the poles of the argument are nearly, but not quite, reversed: It is Obama who appears to minimize Jewish anxiety about blood libels coming from the Black community. His particularism mattered; hers didn’t. While Obama defined himself as a realist or pragmatist, the episode reads like a textbook evasion of moral responsibility.
Why do I believe Jager and not Obama? History. When Obama was president, he famously took the side of three black men in three different circumstances. In all three cases, he took the side which turned out to be wrong. So it’s entirely in-keeping for Obama to have refused to criticize someone like Cokely, who was very obviously engaging in demagoguery.
The whole piece is worth reading, though it often wanders from topic to topic and is quite long.
Michelle as presidential material? Laughable, until she appears on stage with VP Harris for a debate. Then it is just horrifying.
Androgynist: The term derives from Ancient Greek: ἀνδρόγυνος, from ἀνήρ, stem ἀνδρ- (anér, andro-, meaning man) and γυνή (gunē, gyné, meaning woman) through the Latin: androgynus.
This is new to me, but I accept it.
I had some idea that the "an" part was used as a negative, like anhydrous means a substance containing no water. So I thought "drogynous" meant something like sex and so androgynous meant without sex.
Well maybe young Barry Obama was using that line to get into Little Susy's knickers. Maybe not.
Or when the young Obama dreamed of making love to men, was he committing Jimmy Carter's
"audultery in my heart"? I dunno--it seems to me that there's been quite a strain of Goofy, and maybe some Dopey in the Democrat dwarves occupying or resident in the Oval Office in the last 50 years or so.
Now that he's confessed, he shouldn't be talking about us "coming together" for anything ever again
My gaydar says he’s arrogant and aloof but not gay…ymmv.
But if you read Obama's youthful corrrespondence in its entirety, what I actually find disturbing -- I don't care if he's bi, gay etc. unless he's being dishonest with girlfriends -- is that his writing style and self-image are incredibly abnormal. Using weirdly baroque language, he describes himself as being a special and unique creature. He lies repeatedly about finances, his grandmother, and his girlfriends. He treates each girlfriend like an audience for his obvious superhuman intellect and destiny.
…add a smattering of thoughts of demented violence toward their enemies and this describes half the leftie boys in my public high school…
Wet Dreams from my Father
The codswallop men will write and say in order to get into a girl's pants.
We are first and foremost animals, sexual creatures. We don't know shit about Obama and his sexuality. Everything about him is hidden, well hidden. His sexuality is carefully hidden. The only person who really knows is his wife. And she is not going to tell. But he has an androgynous quality to him. He is not a man in the real sense of a man. Leader of the Western world but weak and wanting. A sad man who cannot be who he would really wants to be. Strangely, but maybe not so strangely, he and Andrew Sullivan became close. There is something definite weird about him sexually. Maybe America's first gay president under cover. It's a possibility. Just saying for a fiend.
Sheila Jager comes off as a bit of a race-supremacist too -- half-Korean, half-European, quite anti-American post-colonialist scholar. Two privileged brats unappreciative of the cushy lives provided them by America. They must have been a lovely couple, sniping over their respective identities and persecutions.
There's no electoral agenda in the release of this formerly withheld passage. Other letters are, in my view, even worse, with Obama bragging about being the most talented young man on the rise at Business International and calling it a "consulting house to multinational corporations," a fib that was efficiently dispatched by his co-workers, who said it wasn't, he wasn't, and that he didn't have a secretary, or a high-ranking job, or a stellar reputation -- rather, he was snooty, disliked, and hated having to work in the grubby world of earning a living rather than surf the world with his Pakistani trust fund buddies on grandma's dime.
"He is not a man in the real sense of a man."
What does that mean? What is a man "in the real sense of a man?"
"There is something definite weird about him sexually. Maybe America's first gay president under cover. It's a possibility. Just saying for a fiend."
Abraham Lincoln was gay, if not bisexual .... well documented, although those words really didn't exist at the time so we do not know how he would have self identified.
"There is something definite weird about him sexually. Maybe America's first gay president under cover. It's a possibility. Just saying for a fiend."
Abraham Lincoln was gay, if not bisexual .... well documented, although those words really didn't exist at the time so we do not know how he would have self identified.
"There is something definite weird about him sexually. Maybe America's first gay president under cover. It's a possibility. Just saying for a fiend."
Abraham Lincoln was gay, if not bisexual .... well documented, although those words really didn't exist at the time so we do not know how he would have self identified.
"There is something definite weird about him sexually. Maybe America's first gay president under cover. It's a possibility. Just saying for a fiend."
Abraham Lincoln was gay, if not bisexual .... well documented, although those words really didn't exist at the time so we do not know how he would have self identified.
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