August 18, 2023

"I see it cropping up everywhere. In addition to 'HGTV-ification,' The Atlantic has covered the 'flu-ification of covid policy'...."

"Vox has lately published articles on the 'old man-ification' of television, the 'Easter egg-ification' of celebrity beefs, and the '"You’re doing it wrong"-ification'of TikTok influencers.... (The New Yorker has proved reticent on this particular kind of neologism, although, as far back as 2002, the magazine did refer to fears of 'le Big Mac-ification' of French life.) Pundits and politicos... [have] been indexing the 'Trump-ification' of just about everything since his candidacy in 2015. (Meanwhile, the rap dignitary Chuck D, of Public Enemy, attributed the groundswell of support for Trump to 'dumbass-ification.') During the past few years, the Washington Post has diagnosed the 'NRA-ification,' '"alternative facts’-ification,' 'hoax-ification,' and 'Hitler-ification' of the Trumpian right....Trump’s embattled rival Ron DeSantis likes to decry the 'woke-ification' of various institutions...."

“Within my narrow window of the Web, I’ve seen... comments about the '“living-room-ification of public spaces'... and the 'that’s what she said-ification of humor'... complaints... the 'Pitchfork-ification of leftist politics,' and the 'spreadsheet-ification of society.' leadership.... Earlier this year, the writer Cory Doctorow introduced 'enshittification' to describe the deterioration of online platforms such as Amazon, TikTok, and the app formerly known as Twitter.... 'Enshittification' clarifies something about the suffix in question, which is that it rarely announces good news. Nobody wants 'app-ification,' 'Uber-ification,' 'Airbnb-ification,'  'Marvel-fication,' or 'Walmart-ization'...."


Narayanan said...

what is didgital economy? letting fingers do the walking?

digit-ified OTOH? numer-ified

Caroline said...

Our culture is exhausted. It has nothing to say.

RideSpaceMountain said...
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RideSpaceMountain said...

The Ramaswamification of the Republican politics. He'll put things right and fast too with a spicy flair, just like curry in a hurry!

Temujin said...

Can we talk about The New Yorkerfication of our northeastern and mid-Atlantic thinkers?

cassandra lite said...

"Hey Siri, how do movements and fashions and fads start?"

Hugo's "Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come" is merely a reasonably accurate description of history.

Sebastian said...

I apologize to fellow commenters for contributing to this fad by coining, or thinking I did, bananification, which I guess now should be banana-ification, of the legal system, to refer to the Trump persecutions.

narciso said...

the atlantic has become a garbage publication under the widow joba, there were indications of decay before, but the putrification has become terminal

Leland said...

It says "The Atlantic" and "The New Yorker" readers are to simple minded to understand topics unless those publications relate it to something familiar to the reader but otherwise would be unrelated. Hence others suggesting it says nothing.

s'opihjerdt said...


mikee said...

I just use "re-ification" for all such needs. Covers everything.

rhhardin said...

-ify gives a denominal verb
-ification gives a deverbal-denominal noun

so changing a noun into a noun but pointing to the making-of.

narciso said...

the people who said free movement was human sacrifice, who don't believe in the constitution, who proffered the 1619 fraud,

Robert Cook said...

"Meanwhile, the rap dignitary Chuck D, of Public Enemy, attributed the groundswell of support for Trump to 'dumbass-ification.'"

Well and succinctly put!

Not Sure said...

"Californication" is perfect in its clarity and concision.

Static Ping said...

It is a lazy shortcut for journalists who are generally not good at anything, including their jobs. See -gate.

Oddly, Bidengate has not met the lexicon, despite it being more appropriate than 99% of the other examples.

Mary Beth said...

When someone asserts the dumbass-ification of others, I feel like it's a "takes one to know one" sort of thing.

JaimeRoberto said...

It's better than weaponization.

Chipotle said...

As words go, “polysyllabificationizing” is an old favorite of mine.