August 27, 2023

At the Sunday Night Café…

 … you can talk about whatever you want. 


Narr said...

I thought you'd never ask.

Now it can be told. My wife was in KCMO this weekend, hobnobbing with other matronly fans of the series "Outlander," all of whom paid to top dollar to audience with some of the stars. Because of the Hollyweird Strike, the attendees had to sign NDA's and the stars who are allowed by the union to attend are restricted in what they can talk about. Written questions only, submitted and vetted in advance.

If not for the childish pleasure she takes in the presence of greatness, and the substantial access fee invested, I would have urged her to skip it.

Now her return flight, KC-DFW-MEM has been changed to a later one and who knows when she'll get here? Midnight at the earliest. That's late for me.

Mason G said...

I'm not hearing much of anything about the wildfires in Lahaina lately. Seems odd considering the magnitude of the disaster. Do you suppose, since there's no real way to blame it on Donald Trump and it was (mis)managed by Democrats pretty much entirely, that might have something to do with it?

Narr said...

Recent threads about re-reading, and air-conditioning, prompted me to re=read Steven Johnson's book "How We Got To Now." I've commended it before--I noticed some things in the first chapter (Glass) that could have been firmed up with a little historical and geographical background editing*, but it's a well-told and very surprising tale.

Chapter two, Cold, explores the history of ice as a luxury consumer good, on the way to becoming refrigeration as a necessity. It's also surprising and fascinating, and reminded me of the fact that the American South was the center of the artificial ice industry as early as the 1860s. Before artificial ice makers, New Englander Frederic Tudor became "The Ice King," and vastly rich, with a worldwide network of customers for his New England Lake Ice--but only after decades of failure. His first ventures to the Caribbean islands in the early 1800s were met with incomprehension: people simply didn't know what to do with the stuff at first.

Then it's on to Clarence Birdseye and Willis Carrier.

*Sack of Constantinople, 1204-related.

rcocean said...

Got off on a tanget. Dragnet. Jack webb. Not the 60s version. The 50s version. SOme of them are now in the public domain. Actually good - sometimes. Lots of rat a tat dialogue. Less preaching than in the 60s version.

They say they lost a lot of the episodes. Don't believe it. Probably "lost" because they want people to watch the 60s version. OR...some libtard in Hollywood doesn't want to put them on DVD.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Joe "Bribe me!" Biden thinks he can mandate a new COVID booster. He's going to be really unhappy when people tell him to "Sod off."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Biden Clan’s Con Is Coming to an End

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Two Sets of Laws for Two Americas

Big Mike said...

I'm not hearing much of anything about the wildfires in Lahaina lately. Seems odd considering the magnitude of the disaster. Do you suppose, since there's no real way to blame it on Donald Trump and it was (mis)managed by Democrats pretty much entirely, that might have something to do with it?

@Mason G., ya think? The people from Lahaina who lived were the ones who ignored what the officials told them to do. The worst case was a husband and wife whose 14 year old they believed to be at home. They forced their way past police barricades and could see the encroaching flames, but before they got to the house the were met by "first responders" (fire fighters I presume, but the parents only identified them as first responders in the report I read) who told them that all the houses in their part of town had been evacuated. After the fire was out they found their son in the ashes of their home. His body was found holding the family's dog.

Eva Marie said...

Joseph Wurzelbacher RIP Joe the Plumber who “famously confronted then-candidate Barack Obama on his tax plan during the 2008 presidential election has passed away.”
He died this Sunday morning.
He was 49. Pancreatic cancer.
Wurzelbacher is survived by his widow and four children.

Eva Marie said...

Narr said,
“Chapter two, Cold, explores the history of ice as a luxury consumer good’
My 5th grade teacher told us she came to Phoenix from Philadelphia in the 1920s as a little girl after her parents died. She came to live with her brother and his wife. She hated it and just started to cry. Her brother brought her a glass of water with ice in it which she threw on the floor. Only later did she find out that ice was only used to keep food cold. Water with ice in it was a delicacy. So her brother had given her the most precious thing he had to offer. For some reason that story had a huge impact on me and to this day I often think of it as I fill my glass with ice.

Inga said...

“Biden thinks he can mandate a new COVID booster.”

Really where did you read this? Or are you rumor mongering, to what end?

walter said...

Mason G said...
I'm not hearing much of anything about the wildfires in Lahaina lately. Seems odd considering the magnitude of the disaster.
East Palestine has disappeared..

Gospace said...

Talk about whatever I want...

Well, Mason F- the answer is yes, decidedly yes, absolutely yes. Not a really tough question to answer.

Narr- I'll have to read that. But what I wish I had thought of was selling nothing for big bucks. It's fascinatingly watching British medical shows where in modern day they take blood with- a syringe with a plunger. Here- a needle gets stuck in your arm, then a test tube full of nothing is attached and draws in the blood- a different colored stopper for each test they want to run. The more nothing in the tube, the better. What a business... Think of it it- how much is spent each year by the health industry buying absolutely nothing so it can be filled with something?

Mike of Snoqualmie- we're probably both wondering the same thing. Where in the Constitution does Biden draw the power to MANDATE all citizens take a booster shot? I can't find it. Maybe our esteemed hostess, a law professor, knows where it's at. Actually, for me, it wouldn't be a booster, since I've never had a first. I'm thinking of skipping the flu shot this year. By now I've had so many, along with a few actual cases of the flu over the years, that I must have some immunity against any version. Which will jump start my immune system's response. And the shot itself is nothing but a crapshoot guess as to what will be the dominant flu strain this next year.

So masking- which as a fact, not an opinion, fact, doesn't work. Several colleges, institutions of higher learning, filled with (supposedly) intelligent people both teaching and administering the college or university itself- well, several have already instituted mandatory masking... WTF? Well, if I need to follow the advice of a professional on this, here's who I'm going to follow: Florida Surgeon General: Do Not Cooperate With Mask Mandates
What do you call re-imposing mask policies that have been proven ineffective or restarting lockdowns that are known to cause harm?
You don't call it sanity.
These terrible policies only work with your cooperation. How about refusing to participate…
— Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD (@FLSurgeonGen) August 24, 2023

Or in the words of Nancy Reagan Just Say No!

On an earlier posts- the third wife of Hugh Hefner? Complaining? She knew full well what she was getting into. She was either a conniving b---- (rhymes with witch) working to be the last wife and suck up all the money- or a stupid b---- who thought that's what would happen, and nothing says she couldn't have been both...

I thing Doug had the best comment on Picasso It you are rich and famous, there is no dearth of people ready to make excuses for you. Applicable to the Biden organized crime family. Thing is= people seem not only to be making excuses for Picasso- but excuses for the people that were around him knowing what he was and putting up with the abuse.

And I'm surprised it wasn't brought up clearly and succinctly in the private parts article-did they ask British or American women- or both- how many men can find and identify the clitoris on a real woman?

planetgeo said...

Inga: "Really where did you read this? Or are you rumor mongering, to what end?"

Seriously? Are you incarcerated somewhere? And when you find out that it's not a rumor, will that shock you? Alter your perception of reality?

planetgeo said...

Saw an intriguing movie over the weekend, "Earthquake Bird". Love the title concept. Love the Japanese sensibility and ambiguity.

wendybar said...

"Why would Donald Trump believe the 2020 election was “rigged?” Was he cribbing that belief from liberal journalist Molly Ball’s braggadocious 2021 Time essay? After all, she outlined what she called a leftwing “cabal” and “conspiracy” to change voting laws, turn on/turn off the 2020 Antifa/BLM street protests, absorb the work of registrars, and suppress unwelcome social media news.

Was it more morally suspect to question the ethics surrounding the election year 2020 or for Mark Zuckerberg to infuse $419 million to absorb in asymmetrical fashion the work of the registrars in key swing precincts?"

Breezy said...

Are these vaccines still in the state of Emergency Use Authorization? John Campbells recent vid suggests the change in status of ivermectin (docs can prescribe off-use) will nix EUA. No EUA if viable alternatives exist. Let’s see an honest assessment of ivermectin to treat COVID.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Only In America (not)

Do check out the "Public Defender"

Mike of Snoqualmie said...


Joe "China owns me! Bribe me, please!" Biden has asked Congress for money for a new covid shot. You need to get beyond listening/reading the Mushroom Media Conspiracy and see what's really going on in the world. He also thinks we'll listen to a revised alcohol recommendation from his regime.

China owns me is senile, a braggart, a liar, a grifter and a traitor. Impeach him, confiscate all of the Biden Crime Family's assets and prepare his Ft. Leavenworth cell for his life sentence. He can enjoy his retirement by counting the flowers on the wall.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Was it more morally suspect to question the ethics surrounding the election year 2020 or for Mark Zuckerberg to infuse $419 million bribe to absorb in asymmetrical fashion the work of the registrars in key swing precincts?"

Left out a key word.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Rite Aid is close to bankruptcy. Its stock has tanked.

Rite Aid bought Bartell's Drug stores a few years ago. Bartell's was a 110+ year family-run chain here in Pugetopolis. The Bartell family sought the sale as times were tough and they wanted to ensure the viability of their stores and employees.

The Bartell stores are still running, but some of the Rite Aid stores have closed in the last few years. The Rite Aid store in Overlake neighborhood closed while the Bartell's in Crossroads is still going strong. Those two locations are about 10-minutes apart.

Inga said...

Still no link to Biden policy that mandates Covid shots. Again… where is the mandate policy? Hint… there isn’t one. Why does the right consistently believe such disinformation?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

"Just days after a TSA whistleblower allegedly reported that mandates would be coming back in October, Lionsgate, a Hollywood studio, announced they were bringing back mask mandates."

Joe "China owns me!" Biden would never mandate anything, he's such a libertarian, right? He has a history of issuing fascist directives. He never misses a chance to tell people to obey and STFU. As long as it increases state power and benefits the Party of Neobarbarism, aka, Democrats.

Rusty said...

So what the bottom line is that if Trump agrees not to run, all charges will be dropped.

Mason G said...

Internet search: biden covid mandate

First result: FACT SHEET: President Biden to Announce New Actions to Protect ... from website:

Click link, read page: Today, President Biden is announcing that HHS will develop new regulations requiring nursing homes to require that all of their workers be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

Sure sounds like a mandate.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

No Support for Viral Claim That COVID-19 ‘Lockdowns’ Are Returning This Fall

Inga said...

National COVID-⁠19 Preparedness Plan

Here is what the Whitehouse really says.

Inga said...

Mason, your quote comes from a fact sheet from 2021. My link is to the latest info from the White House.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

COVID shots are not vaccines. Vaccines stop infection and spread. COVID shots do neither. They may reduce symptoms, but they have a significant chance of causing heart attacks in healthy people. No more money for COVID shots.

Narr said...

My dear lady wife and her pal got home at 0245 today instead of 2100 last night. The air travel system is utterly upgefuckt.

Jim at said...

Despite growing evidence - especially here in Washington state - that masks, boosters and lockdowns are being discussed by government officials, Inga will continue to claim nothing is going on.

And she'll continue doing that right up until we end up being proven correct. And then she'll ignore the fact she was wrong. Again.

Mason G said...

"Mason, your quote comes from a fact sheet from 2021."

You're right, I misread the notice. Sorry about that.