July 5, 2023

"Even if there were surveillance cameras, unless you were waving it around, it may not have been caught."

"It’s a bit of a thoroughfare. People walk by there all the time."

Said an unnamed official, quoted in "White House cocaine culprit unlikely to be found: Law enforcement official/Lines may have been snorted and crossed. But it’s possible we won’t know by whom" (Politico).


rhhardin said...

Lines snorted and crossed. Syllepsis in the White House.

Gahrie said...

I heard Jeffrey Epstein left the cocaine there...

RideSpaceMountain said...

Jill knew what it was! Watch Jill's face very closely...she knows he took a bump!

Remember James Carville's famous line? "Drag a $100 dollar bill through a trailer park and don't be surprised if you catch a bunch of Bidens."

Bonkti said...

"Prolly a nothingburger," they explained.

MadisonMan said...

They know who it was and have decided to do nothing. That's what the quote says to me!
I mean, really: "Even if there were surveillance cameras"? Of course there are cameras in the White House.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

It was just a little bit of blow. I mean it was so small, you couldn't even make a little rock of crack out of it. It was so little, they had to send it to a lab to put it under a microscope. Are you kidding me? I forget who said this, but legend has it, if you put any $100.00 bill under a microscope there's more cocaine in that random bill than there was found at the White House.

Stop the witch-hunt by inuendo and character assassination, and let Joe and Hunter get back to doing the job they were sent to the White House to do.

Original Mike said...

You go through the tape, waiting for the bag of cocaine to appear on the floor. Then you note who's in the room.

Rocket Science.

Original Mike said...

Yes, I said "tape".

Rabel said...

DNA. Fingerprints.

They know.

Wince said...

Q: Will Hunter submit to a drug test?

Readering said...

Clearly a dry run for anthrax and now the terrorists confirmed in their choice of drop point.

The Godfather said...

I suppose this is fairly obvious, but wouldn't a reasonable place to start an investigation be to identify known cocaine users who have access to the White House?

Dave64 said...


AlbertAnonymous said...

Just early setting of expectations…

“very unlikely we’ll ever know who leaked the Dobbs opinion”

Hey, we tried, couldn’t figure it out. Move on guys…

Owen said...

Yeah, it's a real puzzler! And I suppose the surveillance camera and other security systems are equally incapable of noticing when somebody just kinda happens to leave behind something -- something tucked under a sofa or behind a door-- that could hurt somebody? Something chemical, mineral, biological? That wouldn't have been noticed instantly?

When the WH systems first responded, there were fears that this was not just nose candy, this was a lethal agent: anthrax. People in Hazmat gear were called in. But now? "Hey, whaddya gonna do, amirite?"

So is the admission here, that the WH is a Disneyland peopled with a stream of random strangers? And the President and his family, living cheek by jowl with this exposed space, are just fine, no worries?

How does this work?

Asking for a friend.

bagoh20 said...

"First and foremost, Jean-Pierre wanted everyone to know that Joe, Jill, Hunter and the entire Biden family were away from the White House starting Friday and did not return until Tuesday."

Which leaves us knowing that the real people in charge of this administration were doing coke at work. I would prefer that it be one of the Bidens - less at stake.

TickTock said...

No fingerprint on the bag or the phone? Or DNA testing? Phone records?

I tend to believe it all depends on how hard you want to look.

Christ! Now Blogger doesn't like the grammar of my immediately prior sentence and wants to teach me how to write. Our electronic overlords ...

Iman said...

The purported Adderall shortage is hitting the Biden administration hard, it would seem.

Yancey Ward said...

LOL! They know who the bag belongs to- unless the owner was using gloves, his or her finger- prints and DNA are all over it. The longer we don't hear who it was, the more likely it is extremely embarrassing for some VIP.

Michael K said...

The coverup was to be expected. No surprise. These people could not tell the truth if a thumb screw was on them.

Quaestor said...

"Ain't nobody here but us chickens," said an unnamed White House official.

Biden and Biden's men, and women, and fake men, and fraudulent women, and his 6.0221408e+23 favors of non-binary sex perverts stuffed into the Eisenhower Executive Office Building like sardines are incompetent to investigate that cocaine spill. Nor are Lack-of-Merit Garland and his minions. Congress should appoint a special prosecutor, but won't because a sacrificial victim will shortly come forward to fall melodramatically on her sword. It will be a woman, rest assured, suburban white women are suckers for this sort of performance. Violetta Valéry's demise will seem sudden and out of the blue by comparison.

"I Did it," she will cry with copious lacrymal secretions coursing down her racially indeterminate café au lait cheeks, "I couldn't take the persecutions of the Republicans and the tyrannies of the Sadistic Six, so I found solace in those little white crystals. I did it, but society and slavery are to blame!" (Cue the applause machine.)

And there it will end, with Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Perry Mason, and Bulldog Fucking Drummond nodding in unison while Hunter Biden ends with a toe loop followed by a flip and a Lutz-Salchow-Axel combination for a cumulative 11 out of 10 awarded by CNN's resident retired Olympic skater.

Crimso said...

So it could just as easily have been ricin, anthrax, or sarin. What are the chances they'd be saying "we may never know!" if it was one of those? They'd be cross-referencing surveillance video, logs, browser and cell phone records of every single person in the country, as well as taking tips from internet randos to crowdsource some of that sweet vigilante action that gets them so horny.

They've probably already done it and verified that the snorter isn't MAGA. Occam's Razor would suggest it is someone who frequents the WH and is a known cokehead. That's probably exactly where they started looking, unless they're total idiots. Were there fingerprints on the bag? Almost certainly. It's all pure bullshit. They know it, we know it, they know we know it, and they just grin and dare anyone to do anything about it.

Aggie said...

People may indeed walk by there all the time, but: As they are walking by, is their nose running?

Doug said...

Uh HUH! Well, what do you know about that?

Mary Beth said...

If there is no benefit in finding the answer, no one is going to find the answer.

Who is storing electronics? Are they just left there all together, like with some honor system? I'll just leave my phone here and trust no one is going to steal it, try to look through it, or try to download anything onto it. I never would have thought the White House would operate on trust like that.

If there's that much foot traffic, can't they hire someone to check-in/check-out electronics? Like a coat check room, but for phones.

KellyM said...

Are you kidding me? There is not a square inch of any space in Washington DC that isn't under surveillance - covert or otherwise.

People don't realize the levels of surveillance that exist in this country. Everyone from the local postal carrier to the Chinese bin diver fishing returnables out of your recycling bin, to the almost casual seeming person ambling down your street.

The culprit won't be found because TPTB don't want him found. They already know who it is.

phantommut said...

Right. That's why the initial dispatch transcript describing where the coke was found as the "residence library" had to be disavowed.

Nothing makes me angrier than someone telling me a lie that they know I know is a lie and expecting me to smile and pretend to buy it.

William50 said...

Odds of Secret Service finding out who left the coke? 100%

Chances of the public learning who it was? Zero

What if it was anthrax? Trump left it

Maydaygal said...

What about fingerprints? Do they match Hunter’s?

Maydaygal said...

What about fingerprints? Do they match Hunter’s?

mongo said...

The contempt joe biden, his staff, and the media have for America knows no limits.

wendybar said...

Of course, Hunter is an innocent little child, who never did anything wrong. People are just being mean like that big old mean orange man. Leave the honorable, greatest family ever...the Bidens, alone. /s

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If it's Hunter's stash - we will never know.

gilbar said...

gadfly said it MUST have been Dr Jill, because Hunter was in rehab or something?
What WAS IT gadfly?

Joanne Jacobs said...

We know by whom.

Anna Keppa said...

No fingerprints on the bag? No DNA test?

it seems they are giving up very easily, telling each other:

"We better give this problem a Good Leaving Alone.

gilbar said...

cocaine Obviously Biden's.. gadfly most hurt
Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Was Found In West Wing Phone Cubby Hours After Hunter Biden Visit
Hunter Biden joined his father and other members of the Biden family at the White House Tuesday just hours after the cocaine was found, to take in the Fourth of July fireworks following a weekend getaway to Camp David.
Also today, the White House declined to say whether it would want to see a criminal prosecution if a specific individual were found to be responsible for bringing the cocaine into the complex, or whether staffers would face new drug tests or screening after the incident, for obvious reasons.

Nancy Reyes said...

the cocaine use in the WH was a big scandal in the days of Jimmy Carter. Now, no problem I guess.

Leora said...

So the cubby where people leave their cell phones in the White House is totally unobserved by cameras or security personnel. Seems like a hole in security to me.

iowan2 said...

Dan Bongino explains it almost impossible to get the drugs past security. Family doesn't go through security.

But SS says they may never find the culprit.

Strange. The FBI found all the Jan 6 peaceful protestors, plus the mice that were there and the fleas on the mice. But Not the bomber that day, and now not the druggie in one of the must secure, CC TV areas in the US. (We'll talk about the Dobbs leaker next week).

I have no idea about the Coke. But I'm sure the official statement is mostly a lie.

walter said...


Tofu King said...

The fix is in.

Narayanan said...

Is secret service saying private unremarked snorting of substance is possible in White House public space!!
Needle next!!??

Narayanan said...

Could be needles already but not considered hazardous!
White powder== White supremacy!?

cassandra lite said...

This is entirely believable that you can sneak coke into the WH, put a bag of it down, and no one will know who did it.

Who's in charge of WH comms now, Tommy Flanagan?

Bender said...

The lack of any determination to get to the bottom of this is telling.

chuck said...

They don't want to know whose it was, and I suspect they will successfully manage to not find out.

Oso Negro said...

Oh, bullshit. They either know,or can easily figure out who did that. But they DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW. I choose to believe it was Dr Jill.

Oso Negro said...

Oh, bullshit. They either know,or can easily figure out who did that. But they DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW. I choose to believe it was Dr Jill.

Bonkti said...

In unrelated matters, Hunter Biden was checking the White House lost and found every twenty minutes.

Earnest Prole said...

Imagine you’re fifty-three years old and still working as a low-level bagman for your family’s shakedown rackets. Your drug-addled incompetence is legendary; you should have been fired years ago but that would have presented even greater risks for your family. Your dad says "I'm very proud of my son" even though you know it's a lie. If that isn't a circumstance that demands a line or two of cocaine I don't know what else would.

Aggie said...

I'm just going to take this opportunity, before the upcoming announcement that several of the West Wing's security cameras seem to be out of service, to reiterate that Jefferey Epstein didn't kill himself.

Butkus51 said...

The deep state releases info (how else would we know)

then they say we may never find out where it came from (predictably)

so why did they even release this info?

The 70s radicals are running the asylum. The ones who bombed buildings and laughed that innocent people died.)

Guilty as hell and free as a bird indeed.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I seem to remember reading that the first time that members of The Beatles smoked marijuana was at the White House, and Bob Dylan was the guy who took them into a secluded bathroom and lit a joint.

Dude1394 said...

Everything our democrat masters say is a lie and a spin. Everything

Crazy World said...

Saw a post on another website that a friend of a friend attended Hunters daughters wedding at the White House and plenty drug use and only the hunted allowed to use his phone, just speculation

Mr. Forward said...

Not a problem. The cocaine identifies as baby laxative.

RMc said...

If there is no benefit in finding the answer, no one is going to find the answer.

As always, you can't make people understand something if their compensation depends on them not understanding it.

Goldenpause said...

Another mystery destined to remain unsolved.

Iman said...

Teh Ghost of Ham Jeerdan!

Paul said...

Who at the White House has a history of leaving evidence for others to find? Who has abandoned evidence before? Who is a known druggie? I've hunted and hunted for the name of that person and I know its right on the tip of my tongue...

Iman said...

Weezul dust at 1600 Ratzylvania Avenue… who woulda thunk it!?!? /s

rwnutjob said...

Cocaine is no big deal. It's not like it was a second scoop of ice cream or anything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Just a happy coincidence that Hunter uses cocaine.

""A senior law-enforcement official told CBS News the substance was found “in a storage facility in a cubby routinely used by White House staff & guests to store cell phones."

Umm...I know where that is. As such, the WH knows full well whose it is."

Joe Bar said...

I believe this guy:

LakeLevel said...

Of course what's really happening here is that the original story, that the cocaine was found in a private area of the White House, is the truth and they changed it so as not to embarrass the Biden Crime Family.

PM said...

Could it be...Satan!

Narr said...

Hunter is Fredo.

LLF (LifeLongFuckup)

Drago said...

"-Can't find scaffolding man.
-Can't find the SCOTUS Dobbs decision leaker.
-Can't find a crime to charge Ray Epps for.
-Can't find the guy who placed the pipe bombs.
-Can't find who brought the cocaine into the White House.

It's amazing what they can't find when they don't want to find what they should be looking for."
--Viva Frei Twitter

Should add in the burying of the Epstein client lists because only the "preferred members of 'elite' society" were on those lists.

Moondawggie said...

Did Epstein's old prison guards and CCTV maintenance technicians get rehired to provide security at the White House?

Thomas said...

Possible, yes. Probable, no.

walter said...

Bill Barr says nothing to be concerned about.

gilbar said...

i'm curious if gadfly is STILL Pretending that the coke wasn't Hunters?

Ampersand said...

For security reasons, shouldn't they test the WH staff for drugs? This might be a chance for the administration to throw somebody overboard. Now whose defenestration would help the DNC most?

Russell said...

So you are telling me every square inch of the White House is not actually on recorded video?

walter said...

Russell said...
Supposedly not the heavily trafficked thoroghfares..

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