June 14, 2023

"If the communists get away with this, it won’t stop with me. They will not hesitate to ramp up their persecution of Christians, pro-life activists, parents attending school board meetings, and even future Republican candidates. I am the only one that can save this nation."

Said Trump, in his post-arraignment rally yesterday.


RideSpaceMountain said...

"I am the only one that can save this nation."

There's that messianic streak I don't like. No Donald, you are not the only one that can save this nation.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

They are not "communists" they are fascists. Get a dictionary of political systems already. The reason they call us "fascists" is because that's what they are, and it's in their rule book to accuse us of whatever they are doing that they think they have to do and the normies won't like. They think that they have to adopt fascism because, well, because it's a system that gives their billionaire donors a strong voice in how we are governed. Calling them "communists" just plays into their hands. Because communists famously oppose fascism in all its forms. So it's a win for them. It doubles the value of their propaganda ploy.

Enigma said...

Trump: "I am the only one that can save this nation."

No...this is his ego speaking and his political Achilles heel. While most attacks against Trump have been dubious at best, he's wrong here. Trump's 2016 vision of draining the swamp was naïve, as he did not form an effective political alliance or begin to understand the inner workings of the Byzantine/Mandarin/Ottoman bureaucracy that we have today. His hand-picked "superior" staff were often clueless or faithless or quickly pushed out by Trump himself.

While much of what Trump says may be correct, the culture itself shapes its destiny. A large and coordinated group of like-minded people might "save the nation", but they must be coordinated. The McCain, Romney, Cheney wing of the Republican Party is not on his side and will never be on his side. The "crawl over broken glass to defeat Trump" left will indeed crawl over broken glass even if they slice off their own genitals in the process.

Given Trump's tone, the odds of a 1992-style election are increasing. This time around Trump may play the marginal Ross Perot role or the tone-deaf G.H.W. Bush role -- both lost to Clinton. Of course this time around Trump is facing a creepy greased-palm delusional puppet with proven asinine policies, so...is he the lesser of evils?????

Dave Begley said...

He's right.

Like I wrote earlier, we are in the Jacobin phase of the French Revolution. The former Executive has been arrested. They want to cut off his head with life in prison.

Here in NE, the Leftist members of the Nebraska Bar want to impose an all-encompassing speech code on lawyers. So if someone like me points out the insanity of the Left, then a member of the general public who is not my client can file a Bar complaint against me. This speech code already exists in several states.

I read all the comments filed by lawyers. The liberal members of the Bar cooked up a survey and many lawyers said the results justified the infringement of our civil and constitutional rights to comment on public matters. Several said, "About time."

Over a year and no decision by the NE S. Ct.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The communists are propagandists and corporatist war machine mobsters.

Biden is their puppet. 32% Biden.

tim maguire said...

I was surprised to see "said Trump" after the quote. Up to that point, I thought it was the guy who got arrested for reading a bible passage in front of an abortion clinic. Christians support Trump as friendly towards religious rights, but Trump is not much of a Christian personally. And while he may be nominally pro-life, I doubt anybody would be surprised to find out he paid girlfriends to get abortions from time to time.

wendybar said...

Silence is violence. The silence from SOME in the Republican party is deafening, and just goes to show that they hate us, as much as the left and Joe Biden does. Where is BUSH??? Does Michelle got his tongue stuck in her mouth?? He would crawl across broken glass to help the corrupt Obamas. Just goes to show that the corrupt stand together.

Bill R said...

When Julius Caesar was returning to Rome from his triumphs in Gaul, he was wildly popular and sure to be elected consul.

Since Caesar was aligned with the populares rather than the senatorial class, this was an outrage to the Roman establishment.

So, being clever, they hatched a plan. They would bring Caesar up on a variety of bogus (they weren't all bogus) criminal charges and threaten him with bankruptcy and exile.

They slapped each other on the back in mutual self-congratulation. Caesar, way up there on the Rubicon would just have to submit.

A few years later, all of these clever people were dead. So was Caesar. So were many,many thousands of ordinary Romans. So was the Republic.

The lawfare against Trump will not end well.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Listen to Tucker talk about Pompeo.

Very interesting.

BIII Zhang said...

"I am the only one that can save this nation."

No Donald, you WERE the only man who could save the nation. Then you didn't do it.

That's why you weren't re-elected. You lost the nation to them. The nation is already lost. Thanks to you. You were not up to the task. You could not pull the trigger. You didn't learn ever in your life how to WIELD true power. Your presidency was a surprise to you and you didn't plan on winning - that was so obvious to everyone. It only happened because Hillary Clinton was universally hated, even by Democrats.

You were the accidental president and you lost a once-great nation. It's gone. And you are sad for not realizing this.

My suggestion to you is to make a grand point of relinquishing your US citizenship and going elsewhere to find true freedom. That would make a very powerful statement, but of course you're too vain to do something that would be truly selfless.

How many days between now and the election do you plan on golfing instead of saving the country? We will be counting.

ronetc said...

7:23AM: "No Donald, you are not the only one that can save this nation." It is pretty to believe so . . . but I would appreciate an actual example.

Kate said...

Maybe it's not political rhetoric. Maybe Trump believes our nation is truly in an existential crisis.

The Left and their provincial mindreading exhaust me.

Drago said...

Mr Wibble: "He's a sign that the left is getting either increasingly brazen, or increasingly desperate. I tend to lean towards the latter."

The brazenness and desperation appear inextricably linked and perfectly correlated in their intensity.

John henry said...


John LGB Henry

John henry said...

 tim in vermont said...

They are not "communists" they are fascists. Get a dictionary of political systems already. The reason they call us "fascists" is because that's what they are, 

Amen, tim, amen

But don't get a dictionary. They will lie to you. Go to the man himself, Benito Mussolini. Listen to his definition

Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state

Whenever anyone calls liberty fascism, throw that in their face. Ask them to explain how pedjt is fascist and Brandon & Co are not.

Learn more about fascism reading Mussolini's "doctrine of fascism"


It's only a dozen pages. Even the dimmest of the bulbs who bandy the word about can read it. Anytime anyone uses the word, ask them about it "have you read Mussolini's" Doctrine..."? Could you tell us your definition of fascism?"

The answer is almost always no and no. Shut them up. Take the word away from them.

Your recommendation is excellent, tim. Let's take it another step and actively use original, primary, sources.

John LGB Henry

Aggie said...

He may not be the only one that can save the Republic, but at the moment he seems to be the only one that is willing to put it on the line with an honest effort against the tyranny we face.

Politically, the left are coming awfully close to fitting the textbook definition of fascism, the seamy alignment of corporate and political power. Too many millions filtering in from the Progressive billionaires to fund specific political goals - like super-enhanced election-day oversight (and facilitation of votes for one party) in swing states, or censorship / cancellation activities targeting adversaries, areas where government falls short, either because of budget of Constitutional limitations. And then, the Progressive corporations proceed with their social engineering projects, and their naked political support of the party Target, P&G, Kohl's, A-B Inbev, etc.. Isn't this unseemly cooperative effort and alignment of purpose the very definition of fascism? Or is it lacking a charismatic leader, in Old Joe? Is that the only distinction? I think the 'fascist' appellation has more merits than deficiencies, at this point.

Temujin said...

Tim in Vermont, you're overthinking this. No one is going to dissect his use of "communists" in this case. They are looking at the big picture of what he's saying. And on this, nothing he said is incorrect.

Michael K said...

Blogger Aggie said...

He may not be the only one that can save the Republic, but at the moment he seems to be the only one that is willing to put it on the line with an honest effort against the tyranny we face.

Yup. Nobody else, of either party, is interested. They must be making out like bandits the way Biden has done with his 50 years of government with never having a job outside it.

Sebastian said...

"I am the only one that can save this nation.""

He's right about the generalized persecution, but wrong about his savior complex. Progs use him him to solidify their power, and have done so since 2016. They like nothing better than Trump posturing as savior. Replays of 2020 and 2022 suit them just fine.

TickTock said...

Trump will be vindictive as hell if he is elected. No other candidate will be as motivated. Last time Trump was an innocent. This time he is mad. Clean those stables from top to bottom, I say.

Inga said...

“My suggestion to you is to make a grand point of relinquishing your US citizenship and going elsewhere to find true freedom. That would make a very powerful statement, but of course you're too vain to do something that would be truly selfless.”

Great suggestion, he still has his passport and has no travel restrictions. He can join Tara Reade in Russia, he’ll be welcomed with open arms. He could save the US by doing so, if he truly was interested in saving the nation. Or he can continue to run his mouth, scramble for lawyers and when convicted, spend the rest of his miserable life in jail.

readering said...

He just says stuff.

Rusty said...

Thanks, John Henry.

RideSpaceMountain said...
"I am the only one that can save this nation."

"There's that messianic streak I don't like. No Donald, you are not the only one that can save this nation."

Look around you. Who else out there isn't, in one way or another, part of the problem?

Who knows what he could of accomplished, Bill, if the the little yappy dogs of the GOPe and leftist democrats hadn't hounded him incessantly.
But we're smarter now and so is he.

hombre said...

"Marxists" would have been a more accurate characterization than communists.

He is correct about the persecution. They have already ramped it up. He is not correct that he is the only one "that can save this nation" although he may be the only one who will really try.

Mason G said...

"He may not be the only one that can save the Republic, but at the moment he seems to be the only one that is willing to put it on the line with an honest effort against the tyranny we face."

Yep. You'd think by now, people would have figured out that diagramming his sentences and taking him literally, word for word, leads you away from what he's saying.

But I guess not.

hombre said...

Igna: "He can join Tara Reade in Russia, he’ll be welcomed with open arms. He could save the US by doing so...."

This could save us for Democrats' open borders, grifting, energy dependence, inflation, mutilation of children, corrupt law enforcement, prosecuting dissent, woke military, etc.

This looks like salvation to the Ignas.

Dude1394 said...

He is correct, pretty much as usual. "Marxist" would have been more accurate, but that does not convey the same thing to a very,very large group of people. We have been fighting communists all or our lives, now they are here, in the democrat party.

Bob Boyd said...

readering said...
He just says stuff.

Exactly. Let's not overthink it. Trump doesn't have a savior complex or a messianic streak. It's just salesmanship and he is the product. Make America New and Improved Again.
Trump MANIA?

Bob Boyd said...

"It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or
how the doer of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is
actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives
valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the
great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of
high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place
shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Look around you. Who else out there isn't, in one way or another, part of the problem?

Who knows what he could of accomplished, Bill, if the the little yappy dogs of the GOPe and leftist democrats hadn't hounded him incessantly.
But we're smarter now and so is he."

I'll echo Bill Zhang's comments above. The problem isn't looking around. The problem is that Trump is, in one way or another, part of that problem now. He is his own worst enemy. He had a shot. He flubbed it. He was arrayed against almost insurmountable odds and that needs to be reiterated that his failures were not all his doing, but he flubbed it anyway.

Mission accomplishment is all that matters. Period. Oh, the enemy were especially tough? You didn't have all the support resources and reinforcements you were promised? We're so sorry that the enemy had an ambush set? None of this matters at the end of the day. He needed to persevere in the face of adversity - the greatest adversity in American political history - and he did not. He simply did not.

Now he's trying to get a single-serving 2nd term that may do more harm than good. We need victory, not a focus on setting right what should've been won years ago.

AMDG said...

How can Trump save the nation when over half the country despises him?

How can Trump take on the swamp when he only comes armed with words? He doesn’t have a clue as to how to take on the Swamp and the halfwits around him know even less the he does.

All, the man had to do was return all the documents when requested, but no, he has to lie about what was returned and take willful steps to hide documents he decided to keep.

That’s the man the tRump Swabs think can save the nation!!! He doesn’t have enough sense to save himself.

Well, no fear. The tRump Swabs will get their wish and the result will be Biden (or Newsom or Whitmer) and they can go back to what they love to do most - complain about RINOs and losing. They will never get tired of losing.

I used to think that the Democrat base was made up of the most willfully ignorant people in the nation. I stand corrected, that title belongs to the tRump Swabs.

Big Mike said...

"If the communists get away with this, it won’t stop with me. They will not hesitate to ramp up their persecution of Christians, pro-life activists, parents attending school board meetings, and even future Republican candidates. I am the only one that can save this nation."

Said Trump, in his post-arraignment rally yesterday
. [My emphasis]

As others have pointed out upthread, no he isn’t the only one who can save this nation, but he is one of the damned few, and one of at most three among the currently declared candidates. Let’s not focus as much on Trump’s bombastic “I am the only…” and focus on the sentence immediately preceding. When a coalition of Antifa and trans activists physically attack Christians, and the police and the press treat it as the fault of Christians, even this atheist sees that something is wrong that something desperately needs to be fixed. As a resident of a county that borders Loudoun County in Virginia, the arrest and (initially) prosecution of a father for protesting that his daughter had been raped in a girls’ restroom by a biological boy wearing a skirt was reprehensible. That the Washington Post and others later tried to later imply that the rape was actually consensual (the “she was asking for it defense”) makes the case more reprehensible, not less. That feminists refused to support the daughter makes them beneath contempt.

I personally do not care for Donald Trump, and I continue to think that he has the political acumen of a garden slug. I also note that when I was in grade school I didn’t like the kid who lived up the street from me, but when I when he and I were Little Leaguers I was glad to see him on the pitching mound for my team.

Breezy said...

They’re turning him into a martyr.

I don’t like this one bit. He should not be so or feel so alone in this. His 60% popularity is one thing. Having like minded leaders support him is another. Everyone needs to get over his uber-narcissism. All presidents are narcissistic. His focus is on the right issues for our nation, so ignore his quirks like Dems ignore Biden’s senility.

rcocean said...

You can never stop midwits from being midwits on the internet.

Their last words:

"we're going to kill you in one minute, Mr. Midwit"

"Well, actually, that's incorrect. You're going to shoot me and the bullet will kill me."

rcocean said...

Trump is correct. Accept this prosecution and you accept the idea that Biden's DOJ can go after any Republican it thinks is a threat. Lawfare in the extreme. Biden Gestapo is already harrassing and arresting Pro-lifers and conducting undercover surveillence in Churches.

The Rightwing Proud boys, which were riddled with Federal DHS/FBI agents from top to bottom have just been sentenced for long prison sentences for being somehow connencted to Jan 6th. Meanwhile, Antifa goes free and even get payouts after attacking the White house in the Summer of 2020.

I dunno, maybe people will start toc care when they personally get hurt.

lonejustice said...

I only know one Messiah, and his name isn't Donald Trump.

n.n said...

Marxism is a class-disordered regime.

Communism/socialism/fascism/monarchy/democracy/dictatorship are authoritarian models of single/central/majority/monopolistic solutions.

Drago said...

readering: "He just says stuff."

Some examples of "stuff" Trump has said:

Russia Collusion was a hoax.
The hoax dossier was a hoax.
The russia bounty story was a hoax.
There was no insurrection.
Putting me on trial for espionage is taking the country down the commie road.
etc etc etc.

I can see why Trump repeating those that are irrefutably and fundamentally true and expose the non-stop lies of the readerings of the world could be disconcerting to them.

Drago said...

Sebastian: "He's right about the generalized persecution, but wrong about his savior complex. Progs use him him to solidify their power, and have done so since 2016. They like nothing better than Trump posturing as savior. Replays of 2020 and 2022 suit them just fine."

All you had to do was find an alternative candidate that could deliver "the Trump policies without the Trump drama" (a claim that has been wisely dropped by those opposed to Trump) and would fight as hard as Trump and capture the support of the base and continue the growth of republican support amongst a more diverse, more populist, lower working/middle class demographic that is increasing as a portion of the electorate.

But so far you haven't done that. You guys have spent all your time telling Trump to drop out for the good of the team without having a base-acceptable replacement in mind that could do or even be willing to do the above...with the exception of Vivek who is still too early in his political journey but just may get there in time.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Great suggestion, he still has his passport and has no travel restrictions. He can join Tara Reade in Russia, he’ll be welcomed with open arms."

The collusion lunatic will go to her grave swearing Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed in Moscow and Putin "installed" Trump in the Presidency!


Jaq said...

You have to think deeply about what they are doing, or you will fall for it. They are destroying the republic. It becomes more and more obvious once you stop watching cable, ban NPR from your car, and anything aside from streaming music, and simply ignore all sources of "news" that has any form of imprimatur from the US regime. Eventually, if you have some knowledge of history -- the forces and dynamics of power are timeless, their propaganda techniques will become as transparent as the moral in an Aesop fable.

A lot of what they do, they do with language. A lot of people depend completely on words to think, and word thinking isn't really thinking, words are too easily corrupted, the "meanings" too easily manipulated. ChatGPT can do word thinking. See Humpty Dumpty on power and the meaning of words.

I fully understand why McCarthy chose to live as he did.

Jaq said...

"although he may be the only one who will really try."

That's right, who else is really in a position to? Tim Scott? Anyone cheering on this prosecution, willing to poison the chalice which they seek, just to have it, is not worthy of our trust. Not even a little bit.

BUMBLE BEE said...

You can't win if you don't try. What is to lose?
Vote Christie?
What bold faced cowardice.
I've lost too many friends and family in service to our republic to wuss out now.
I owe too much.

Yancey Ward said...

No elected politician is going to save us. That is the reality we face. Someone in one of these threads said the Democrats/Progressives are either getting more brazen or more desperate- sober analysis should convince most people that it is the former, not the latter. We are not going to vote our way out of this now. Biden, or whoever the Democrat nominee is, could literally get caught with a dead girl in his bed in October 2024 and still win the election the following month. That is the reality of mail-in-voting- there are no controls that prevent massive ballot box stuffing given the Democrats absolute control of the large cities.

The Democrats will win the Presidency, the Senate, and the House in 2024- this is their endgame, and with that they will pack the Supreme Court, end the filibuster, and that will be the last election where there should be any doubt that we are no longer a republic or a democracy. You don't want that fate, then get prepared to spill blood to prevent it. That is going to be how you save the country- with blood, and probably lots of it. My prediction is that nothing will be done- those of us who remember the free country we had will die off one by one, and the subsequent generations will simply knuckle under to every demand of obeisance like whipped dogs.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"There's that messianic streak I don't like. No Donald, you are not the only one that can save this nation." (emphasis added)

So what saviors are on your short-list?

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Great suggestion, he still has his passport and has no travel restrictions. He can join Tara Reade in Russia, he’ll be welcomed with open arms."

Wow! Just wow.

Jim at said...

Or he can continue to run his mouth, scramble for lawyers and when convicted, spend the rest of his miserable life in jail.

Let all that hate eat you up inside.

You deserve it.

Dude1394 said...

Who else has been willing to take on the corrupt federal government? Sounds like he IS the only one that can do it, because the rest of the "republican" party are complicit.

Readering said...

Drago, that's some filter you've got on stuff Trump just says every day.

hpudding said...

The messianism is exactly what he’s about. And the sum total of him as a person.

False, failed messiahs have a history of being disastrous for their followers - befalling them with outcomes as bad as expulsion. We can take heart in right-wingers showing how eager they are to follow this tradition.

Please keep it up. Nothing is as convincing to independent minds as self-righteousness and cultishness.

Open up and down the hatch - here comes the Kook Aid! Jonestown here we come!

hpudding said...

Messianism is a great substitute for actual policies that have or would do anything for the American people. Jared Kushner is the son-in-law of god, too! Wonder what that administration traded in for that $2 billion payoff favor he got from Saudi Arabia.

With Prophet Messiah Trump, one never knows.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"So what saviors are on your short-list?"

The people that I think could actually turn this country around and aren't the second coming of Christ couldn't get elected and would only have appeal to about 10% of the population.

In other words, like everything else in life the solution is impossible not because it's wrong or unavailable. It's impossible because 51% of people aren't smart enough yet.

Michael K said...

Great suggestion, he still has his passport and has no travel restrictions. He can join Tara Reade in Russia, he’ll be welcomed with open arms. He could save the US by doing so, if he truly was interested in saving the nation. Or he can continue to run his mouth, scramble for lawyers and when convicted, spend the rest of his miserable life in jail.

I wonder if the resident dullard will live long enough to learn the results of her lunatic attachment to those who would destroy the country? I have trouble understanding if their motives are malice or incompetence. Democrat voters are sheep and sheep don't mind being sheared.

Mark said...

"You don't want that fate, then get prepared to spill blood to prevent it. That is going to be how you save the country- with blood, and probably lots of it"

Moderator approved.
Altbillies are pretty apocalyptic today.

Dude1394 said...

Blogger RideSpaceMountain said...
"Look around you. Who else out there isn't, in one way or another, part of the problem?

He had a shot. He flubbed it. He was arrayed against almost insurmountable odds and that needs to be reiterated that his failures were not all his doing, but he flubbed it anyway."

Yes what did he do wrong...
Hmmm..Oh yes, got 10 million MORE votes the second time than before.
And 7 million MORE votes than ANY sitting president in history.

Yeah, he "flubbed" it for sure.

Known Unknown said...

"No...this is his ego speaking and his political Achilles heel."

Few here seem to understand showmanship. They like normal. Normal doesn't win any election in 2024.

TeaBagHag said...

Goddamn! That’s some prime grade, crybaby desperation!
Trump thinks MAGATs are the dumbest, most gullible people on the planet.
He is sadly correct.

wendybar said...

I used to think that the Democrat base was made up of the most willfully ignorant people in the nation. I stand corrected, that title belongs to the tRump Swabs.

6/14/23, 10:31 

YOU think you are smart, but you are one of the dumbest commenters here. Swabs?? Really?? What a good little serf you are.

Cappy said...

Well, he's right.

Robert Cook said...

What communists?

traditionalguy said...

That man fights. Bet he wins.

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