June 10, 2023

"He had scored 167 on an I.Q. test as a boy and entered Harvard at 16. In graduate school, at the University of Michigan, he worked in a field of mathematics..."

"... so esoteric that a member of his dissertation committee estimated that only 10 or 12 people in the country understood it. By 25, he was an associate professor at the University of California, Berkeley. Then he dropped out — not just from Berkeley, but from civilization. Starting in 1971 and continuing until his arrest, he lived in a shack he built himself in rural Montana. He forsook running water, read by the light of homemade candles, stopped filing federal tax returns and subsisted on rabbits."

ADDED: The story at the link has been updated. It now gives a cause of death — suicide — based on "three people familiar with the situation." It also reflects on the soundness of ideas in the manifesto — as seen today:
His manifesto accorded centrality to a healthy environment without mentioning global warming; it warned about the dangers of people becoming “dependent” on technology while making scant reference to the internet. To young people afflicted by social media anomie and fearful of climate doom, Mr. Kaczynski seemed to wield a predictive power that outstripped the evidence available to him.

In 2017 and 2020, Netflix released documentaries about him. He maintained postal correspondence with thousands of people — journalists, students and die-hard supporters. In 2018, Wired magazine announced “the Unabomber’s odd and furious online revival,” and New York magazine called him “an unlikely prophet to a new generation of acolytes.”
Becoming ‘the Unabomber’

If you click on my "Kaczynski" tag, you'll see that in 2015, I posted about the manifesto and said:

Ted had a lot to say about leftists in his manifesto. Let's look. It's worth reading if only to see how surprisingly similar it is to things you may be seeing every day on the internet....

I have some long quotes from the manifesto, including: "The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call 'feelings of inferiority' and 'oversocialization.'"


Tom T. said...

Schizophrenia typically manifests in one's late twenties.

Political Junkie said...

I have not read his treatise on the dangers of modern life and technology, but a short summary of his work seems rather on point.

n.n said...

Abortive disenchantment.

loudogblog said...

Granted, he went nuts; but the threat that technology poses to human civilization has become very apparent lately. He may have had a correct fear of technology but the wrong approach to solving the problem. After all, look what happened to Sarah Conner.

rhhardin said...

There's an income tax on rabbits.

mikee said...

The FBI still has his shed in storage. Ted's shed.

rhhardin said...


The postman cometh
"Oh, boy! A package for me!"
Twisted hermit strikes.

Eva Marie said...

Omitted from the obit:
1. “Another ethically problematic study was conducted by Henry A. Murray [at Harvard University] . . . Murray conducted such interrogation studies on Harvard undergraduates (Chase, 2000). Theodore Kaczynski, who later became known as The Unabomber, was one of the 22 participants in Murray’s study, subjected to several years of interrogations designed to psychologically break the young man” from Psychology Today.
2. “both Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski and Whitey Bulger were both MK Ultra subjects.” (MK Ultra is the code name for an early–Cold War CIA program during which unsuspecting Americans were given large doses of powerful hallucinogenic drugs like LSD) from New York Magazine
Item 1 seems to be a fact. Item 2 is an allegation that can’t be proven true or false as Richard Helms “ordered the destruction of the bulk of the files in 1973.”

James said...

To be fair, I would suspect just about any PhD dissertation in math would only have 10 or 12 people in the country who understood it, because there would be at most that many people who would care enough to read it closely enough to understand it. I suspect at most four people understood mine, because that's (at most) how many people read it thoroughly.

Ficta said...

William T Vollmann's essay about his FBI file (they thought he might be the Unabomber) is a classic.

Rick67 said...

"scored 167 on an I.Q. test as a boy"

Man I feel dumb.

On a more serious note in late 2015 after my traumatic brain injury I was evaluated by a neuropsychologist. Three or four hours of testing that was mentally tiring. What I did not know until later was an IQ test was part of the evaluation. I had never been tested and honestly didn't want to know.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

good haiku hardin
who knows of the rabbit tax
and wears cargo shorts

Dave Begley said...

Harvard did it to him.

Rob said...

It's so rarely one sees "forsook" anymore.

RMc said...

He forsook running water

"Forsook" is one of those that just doesn't seem right, no matter how you use it.

Mason G said...

"and launched a violent one-man campaign to destroy industrial society"

Oddly enough (or maybe not) aside from the "one-man" part, the left is currently in the process of doing the very same thing.

Blastfax Kudos said...

Like Cassandra, John the Baptist, or Peter the Hermit before him, some people just cannot shut their brain off for enough consecutive seconds to make it among others. Guy was among those highly intelligent but certifiably insane types smart enough to get that the zeitgeist is wrong but too dumb to realize that package bombs might not be the way to rage against the modern world. I work with autistic adults and children and run into Kascinski-like monk hermits all the time. They see things or tell you things that make you pause, but can't wrap their heads around why most people find what they have to say offensive or shocking, or worse. Then again, if Ted hadn't bombed anyone no one would likely ever have read what he had to say, which did have merit.

Spiros said...

San Francisco police officers thought that the Unabomber and the Zodiak Killer were the same person. Ted Kaczynski's fingerprints, however, didn't match the Zodiak Killer's (probable) fingerprint. So we still don't know (it can't be Ted Cruz)...

TheDopeFromHope said...

Al Gore and our current pope have a lot in common with the Unabomber: Anti-capitalism, anti-progress, pro poverty, pro destitution.

Sally327 said...

But for his brother and his brother's wife figuring out it was him and turning him in, I don't think the FBI had a clue and he'd probably never have been caught. The Unabomber outwitted the Feds, why couldn't Donald Trump?

Robert Hanssen, the FBI agent who was caught spying for the Russians, died in his cell at Supermax a few days ago. He was 79, Ted was 81. So they both lived to a ripe old age.

The Godfather said...

Unabomber and I are/were about the same age; he entered Harvard at 16, and I entered at 18, so we may have overlapped, but I don't remember meeting him. Does anyone know what "House" (dorm) he was in? Not likely he was active in the Young Republicans, or the Conservative Club, or the International Relations Club, so I guess I missed him. I did take a math course known (unofficially) as "Math for Poets", but I guess Unabomber wouldn't have taken that for a gut A+.
I guess this is another plus in the "general education" column.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Did the article mention he was a wanna-be tranny?

TaeJohnDo said...

"Al Gore and our current pope have a lot in common with the Unabomber: Anti-capitalism, anti-progress, pro poverty, pro destitution." Except Ted walked the walk and live in a hovel. Al and The Pope live large.

KrapKutter said...

eating rabbits will do that to you, long term diet causes insanity.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ted’s manifesto was published by the NYT. But the trans shooter manifesto is on hold indefinitely.

Looks like transphobia, but it may not be because the the NYT are the good guys in trans matters.

Jaq said...

It is not possible to make a LASTING compromise between technology and freedom, because technology is by far the more powerful social force and continually encroaches on freedom through REPEATED compromises
~ Ted Kaczynski

BIII Zhang said...

Not a single fking word about Harvard and the CIA conspiring to destroy this kid's mind by subjecting him to horrible experimentation for which he did not consent. They created the Unabomber and not a single one of them is in prison for these crimes against humanity, reminiscent of the worst excesses of Hitler and the Nazis.

These people need to die horribly in fires. On Earth. Then in hell.


TaeJohnDo said...

Blogger Ficta said...
William T Vollmann's essay about his FBI file (they thought he might be the Unabomber) is a classic.

Great article,Ficta, thanks for posting the link.

From that article: "VOLLMANN believes that is innocent of all wrong doing and that the FBI being a conservative organization is on nothing more than a witch hunt concerning ..."

I wonder if Vollmann still thinks the FBI is conservative...? Of course, he may mean conservative in the sense of overly cautious, but I doubt that. .

TaeJohnDo said...

Blogger KrapKutter said...
eating rabbits will do that to you, long term diet causes insanity.

That goes a long way in explaining Elmer Fudd's behavior.

Dustbunny said...

I’m with the commenters above who’ve noted the irresponsibility of NYT to not mention the effects of MKUltra on Kaczynski’s mind.
As Dylan wrote in Licence to Kill:

“Now he’s hellbent for destruction, he’s afraid and confused
And his brain has been mismanaged with great skill.

Clyde said...

A classic case of "too smart for his own good."

Narr said...

Cabin in the woods.
Cold calculating killer.
Style gave him away.

Narr said...

On some documentary or other it was claimed that very young Ted K. had been separated, due to some illness, from human physical contact for a time. Totally screwed with his mind.

robother said...

What is it with trannies, mass murder and manifestos? Makes you wonder about Karl Marx.

lonejustice said...

Blogger KrapKutter said...

"eating rabbits will do that to you, long term diet causes insanity.
That goes a long way in explaining Elmer Fudd's behavior."

Fact check: Elmer Fudd never killed Bugs Bunny.

Narr said...

"What is it with trannies, mass murder and manifestos? Makes you wonder about Karl Marx."

Why? He wasn't a tranny or a mass murderer.

Maybe you would enjoy Jim Goad's "Redneck Manifesto." We got manifestoes for all tastes.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
B. said...


NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

OMG! He didn't file federal taxes!

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

I read his manifesto. It's not crazy. If he were crazy, he did it when he wasn't writing.

The idea that people get more and more unhappy the farther their daily work gets from meeting the needs of survival, is accurate.

It's not necessary to murder anyone because of the perils of modernity. The Unabomber was wrong because he killed people. That didn't make the world better, and even if it did it was still wrong.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Murder is wrong. Whatever your bullshit reason, it's wrong.

robother said...

Narr:"Why? He wasn't a tranny or a mass murderer."

Washington Post 1998: "Convicted Unabomber Theodore J. Kaczynski considered having a sex change operation when he was in his twenties and his confusion over his gender identity filled him with a rage that contributed to his bombing spree, according to documents released today."

The 'Unabomber' killed 3 people and injured more than 20 others during his mail-bombing campaign. His intent was to kill many more.

Yancey Ward said...

"Fact check: Elmer Fudd never killed Bugs Bunny."

You never got to see any living family for Bugs, did you?

rehajm said...

Oddly enough (or maybe not) aside from the "one-man" part, the left is currently in the process of doing the very same thing.

Anthony Fauci springs to mind. The schizo prevented Ted from reaping the benefits of being just a tad more social.

Jaq said...

Ted had a lot of good points, and I spent an hour in the garden in his honor today. He should have raised chickens though, unless he really enjoyed snaring rabbits.

Anybody here ever built a dovecote? I think their self sufficiency might make them easier than chickens, I could leave them alone for the winter, maybe? Except the spot where I would put it has a merlins nest right nearby, so I am thinking that those guys would never leave with such a ready supply of fowl on the wing.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ted was ahead of his time. That's all.
Today he'd fit right in.

Tim said...

So, the moral of the story is that Berkeley has been radicalizing people since 1971? Big surprise.

Bill R said...

Another high IQ fool. It's easier for a high IQ person to be a fool than an ordinary person. A smart person will have no trouble thinking up good reasons for his folly.

Mr. T. said...

Left-wing "academics" are inherently violent. The Unabomber is not an exception. There are others:

Melissa Click
Shellyanne Rodriguez
Tariq Khan
Amy Bishop
Avital Ronnell (sexual violence)
Gary Maynard
Eric Clanton
Dana Cloud (threatening violence)
Mark Bray (threatening violence)
Mierielle Miller-Young
Mary Beth Gasmann (sexual violence)

And that is just from memory. There are many more.

ndspinelli said...

He was a subject of the CIA MK Ultra @ Harvard.

Narr said...

I didn't mean the Unabomber, duh.

I meant Karl Marx. He wasn't a tranny or a mass murderer.

Denever said...

Well-known (in some circles) haiku:

Open your present
No, you open your present
Kaczynski Christmas

Aggie said...

""Convicted Unabomber Theodore J. Kaczynski considered having a sex change operation when he was in his twenties and his confusion over his gender identity filled him with a rage......"

Yes. Every modern or contemporary event must be seen through the prismatic rainbow lens of gender identity. Make sure to put it front & center, and never spare the horses.

Pablito26 said...

Has anyone mentioned that going to Harvard at 16 was probably a bad idea from a socialization perspective? Then the other stuff was pushing on an open door.

PeteDOC said...

Why have we not been allowed to see the Trans Nashville shooter's "manifesto"? Undoubtedly, there is something there that will harm or ridicule the Left's political agenda while not containing anything for the NY Times to praise.

Tina Trent said...

Kaczynski's sexual confusion occurred early in his life, and he spoke about how it sparked his desire to kill, not just once, but to be able to kill over and over again without being caught, with his fury aimed at academics like him in particular. This was long before the current trans craze. It seems similar to anorexia, self-harm, and suicide. All three are violence felt by others expressed literally through killing oneself.

I expect we'll see more deadly outcomes.

Coincidentally, William Vollmann, who learned he was on the Unibomber suspect list, has written extensively about feeling that a woman lives inside his body.

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