May 25, 2023

Sunrise — 5:21, 5:27.




R C Belaire said...

"Blogging is not writing. It's graffiti with punctuation."
-- Elliot Gould's character
-- From the film Contagion

Inga said...

Ooooo, magnificent!

Political Junkie said...

I still wish death to all connected to the Lincoln project.

farmgirl said...

A hippie-dippy, tie dye sunrise!!!

Freeman Hunt said...

When I was about nine years old, a policeman came to the door to collect the library books I hadn't returned. Heh. A vignette of small town life.

The rule of Lemnity said...

NYT: A History of ‘Record’ in the Newspaper of Record

What record?

The rule of Lemnity said...

YouTube: How will digital ID come about?

People are going to ask for it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Huge if true: Target loses 9billions, tells Bud-light to officially hold its beer.

MikeD said...

Anybody else there? What'd they think about beautiful sunrise? Oh, I forgot, Althouse doesn't interact with "normies"!

Original Mike said...

"Our Sun, the heating system…"

madAsHell said...

We drove down to Seaside, OR.

On the way south I observed a bumper sticker that said........

“Slow Joe, and the Ho must go!!”

gadfly said...

A wealthy Floridian who had donated to DeSantis’s campaigns for governor cautioned [The Atlantic's Never Trump Republican David Frum]:

“There are two kinds of people in politics: those who think DeSantis is a viable national candidate, and those who have met Ron DeSantis.”

wildswan said...

I'm watching The Chosen on Amazon Prime. Christian shows can be hard to watch but so far this one is OK. It's partly because the Romans are upper-class Americans and anybody would want to overthrow them.

planetgeo said...

Red sky at morning, a speech by Dark Biden is coming.

Jamie said...

I loved The Chosen (so far). I loved the vernacular language and the unabashed way people pray, just because that's what you do: you acknowledge God's greatness, you express your gratitude to God for everything you have, and you ask God for help whenever needed. I binged it during Lent and it reminded me...

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Re Desantis-
A successful governorship is the best training for the presidency. RDS has shown that he is not afraid of fighting powerful interests that degrade the quality of his state's citizens' lives, and, he has had great success in doing so. Not 100% successful, and he has not slayed all the dragons, but he has provided a seminar in Leadership. Compare his actions re the trans bullies to that of SD Gov Noem, who folded when threatened with economic attack. What other governor has done the equivalent to what RDS has done with Disney, and come out with a ~90% success rate?
Mike Pence looks great on paper- congresscritter, successful governor, and VP. Unfortunately, he has been Deep Stated by his DC experience, and subsequently neutered by DJT.
RDS ain't perfect, but he's not only less worse than any other potential candidate, he's someone that many/most Trumpers can support, despite current mudslinging by and on behalf of the former president.

Owen said...

West TX Intermediate Crude @ 7:53: I hope you’re right. Right now I am willing to cut RDS a LOT of slack on the charisma thing. He seems to pick the right fights, he fights them well (and explains to his public what is at stake), he doesn’t dance in the end zone or trash talk. He actually seems to be doing the job he was hired to do. A little normalcy would be welcome.

One nit: “to slay” is a strongly inflected verb: we slay, you slew, the dragon was slain.

gadfly said...

So I looked up stuff about Trump and the Espionage Act that is likely most relevant in Trump's retention of closely-held classified government documents at Mar-a-Lago under Title 18 of the United States Code § 793(d). It applies to individuals who accessed material “relating to the national defense,” and who proceeded either willfully to convey it to “any person not entitled to receive it,” or willfully to “retain the same and fail to deliver it on demand to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it.”

Most prosecutions in the early 21st century related not to traditional espionage but to either "withholding" information or communicating with members of the media. There were eight such prosecutions since 2010.

Kenneth Wayne Ford Jr. (NSA), Jeffrey Alexander Sterling (CIA), Thomas Andrews Drake (NSA), Thomas Andrews Drake (FBI), Stephen Jin-Woo Kim (State), Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning (Army), John Kiriakou (CIA), and Edward Snowden (NSA).

As originally passed penalties under the act are a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years or both.