Under the proposal, schools would need to consider a range of factors before imposing a ban on trans athletes and would need to justify it based on educational grounds, such as the need for fairness. So, for instance, a school district could justify a ban on transgender athletes on their competitive high school track and field team, whereas a district would have a harder time making that case for an intramural middle school kickball squad....
So... just don't have a flat ban and schools can impose whatever limits they want if they say that's their assessment of "fairness"?
That sounds as though they are giving schools virtually complete discretion (at least beyond the little kids level) and the main effect is to preempt all the top-down bans from the state level. That would be using centralized national power to decentralize the decision-making to the local level.
But how much deference will there be to local judgment about "fairness"?
Here's the text of the "fact sheet" about the proposed rule. The word "fairness" appears twice:
Under the proposed regulation, schools would not be permitted to adopt or apply a one-size-fits-all policy that categorically bans transgender students from participating on teams consistent with their gender identity.
Instead, the Department's approach would allow schools flexibility to develop team eligibility criteria that serve important educational objectives, such as ensuring fairness in competition or preventing sports-related injury. These criteria would have to account for the sport, level of competition, and grade or education level to which they apply. These criteria could not be premised on disapproval of transgender students or a desire to harm a particular student. The criteria also would have to minimize harms to students whose opportunity to participate on a male or female team consistent with their gender identity would be limited or denied....
Taking those considerations into account, the Department expects that, under its proposed regulation, elementary school students would generally be able to participate on school sports teams consistent with their gender identity and that it would be particularly difficult for a school to justify excluding students immediately following elementary school from participating consistent with their gender identity. For older students, especially at the high school and college level, the Department expects that sex-related criteria that limit participation of some transgender students may be permitted, in some cases, when they enable the school to achieve an important educational objective, such as fairness in competition, and meet the proposed regulation's other requirements.
Notice that both times the word "fairness" appears in the phrase "fairness in competition." That would seem to exclude ideas about privacy in the locker room or anything other than who wins or loses. Since "preventing sports-related injury" is mentioned separately, alongside "fairness in competition," it reinforces the interpretation that "fairness in competition" is just about the importance of preserving the ability of cis-females to win.
Notice, too, the stress on "educational objectives." I see some dissonance. What's the educational objective in ensuring that cis-females have a chance to win? If Title IX rests on some dogma about sports being an important part of education, what, exactly, is educational about winning, as opposed to just playing? Is it that fewer women will play if they worry that a particular type of other person might show up and radically reduce their chance of winning? Apparently the Biden administration sees — or is pretending to see — an educational objective in protecting women from becoming demoralized by the difficulty winning.
Here's the text of the proposed rule, which does not mention "fairness":
If a recipient adopts or applies sex-related criteria that would limit or deny a student's eligibility to participate on a male or female team consistent with their gender identity, such criteria must, for each sport, level of competition, and grade or education level: (i) be substantially related to the achievement of an important educational objective, and (ii) minimize harms to students whose opportunity to participate on a male or female team consistent with their gender identity would be limited or denied.
It's all about "an important educational objective." What's the "important educational objective" in making cis-women feel capable of winning? I don't think this rule will effectively decentralize the decision-making to the school district level.
"That would be using centralized national power to decentralize the decision-making to the local level."
Didn't we just see the same thing with abortion? Centralized national power (Sup Ct) decentralized the decision-making to the state level. And how well received was that???
Can somebody explain to me why we are tearing ourselves apart to cater to the delusions of a literal handful of mentally ill people?
It’s been a long time since I was in middle school, but I don’t seem to recall dividing by sex to play kickball.
As if I trust some education bureaucrat to decide what is fair.
We need bright lines as in the birth certificate. If you were born male (not assigned), then you can’t compete against the girls and women. Black and white. That’s the only fair method.
As I wrote the other day, we need arch opposition to this trans business. It must be defeated now and beaten so severely that they have to concede defeat. Cry uncle. Tail between their legs. No compromises. That never works.
Title IX was created to protect women's participation in sports. It would be deliciously ironic if that law became instrumental in the utter destruction of women's sports. Back to the kitchen, ladies. There's nothing for you beyond the dining room.
Feminists as so goddamned stupid.
All this wordy gobbledygook means is that the states will be prohibited from banning transgender athletes. Typical bureaucratic BS.
one Thing is For SURE!
back in the day, when they wrote Title IX.. We All Know, that what they were thinking about: was Trans folk
Using Title IX in a manner neither intended nor even contemplated when it was implemented is beyond mere overreach. It's just crazy. It's being used as a cudgel to promote trans-insanity. Bypassing the states to delegate decisions to local school boards is probably just a first step before lawfare to enforce compliance with The Narrative. Does this rule violate the Tenth Amendment, or is it a broad interpretation of "the People?"
Serious Question, as a state tax payer..
IF my state, no longer as ANY input into education.. WHY do *I* have to pay for it?
Let the districts pay for it.. ALL
...this is saying that trans kids can be discriminated against."
Of course they can be discriminated against - we discriminate all the time in all kinds of circumstances. Having separate 'women's sports' events is the ultimate in discrimination. If having 'no discrimination' is really that important, then EVERYONE should compete in the same league and there should no special considerations related to sex.
I predict the next step in the race to the cultural bottom will be those able-bodied persons who feel they have some sort of handicap will insist on being able to compete in the Paralympics.
cis-female = female.
Here's why so much money gets poured into political campaigns. We have a bloated government in a far off imperial capital (D.C.) making rules about every little aspect of our lives.
Americans would be happier and wealthier with a federal government 1/4 the size of what we have today.
There is no such thing as trans or cis-woman.
This post is one of the worst crock of bullshit examples of addle brained pedantry you’ve every produced. You’ve layered one level of bullshit on top of another, but it’s all just bullshit.
Why are you wasting your time and your mind trying to find a way to make this crap look presentable and intellectual? What you’ve done here is padding out one empty headed lie after another with a barrage of meaningless, pedantic text.
A boy is a boy and a girl is a girl. Layering up some bullshit pedantic, legalistic boiler plate to make it look as if it were otherwise is a form of insanity. I taught Freshman rhetoric long ago. I had to read through this kind of bullshit rhetorical padding for a couple of years. It hurt my brain.
Quit trying to fabricate something out of nothing. Get off the fucking bigotry/discrimination blabbing. It’s ridiculous.
This rule employs a favorite tactic of the left, I.e. require judgment then threaten lawsuits to challenge the judgment. Many schools will back down due to the cost of litigation, thus setting precedents to use in bludgeoning other schools. Just another setup for lawfare.
How can a rule promulgated by the the executive branch at the federal level supercede a law passed by the legislative branch in various states?
In fairness, I have some strong opinions about this, but considering the risk of voicing those opinions with boring being the preference here; I'll shall be boring. Isn't boring so much better?
It's a tactic. More litigation and more work for lawyers to come when the colleges come up with their own standards. And won't the results be chaotic? Transwomen competing from the college that allows transwomen to compete will still win the competitions, regardless of what the other schools decide.
Dear men who want to be girls.
Remove the penis and testicles. Only then will we begin to respect you.
Assuming there is an educational objective in competitive sports, should it not be available to cis natural born women or whatever we're supposed to be calling XX chromosome humans this month?
The point of the proposed bill is that it would allow schools to ignore the will of the parents and the legislatures and impose their wishes on the community.
Is there any evidence in the ruling indicating that Katanji has figured out what a woman is? Any expert testimony from biologists?
This seems much more like a game of three card Monty than a serious attempt to address the issues of privacy, mental health, and fairness that are created by the tg colossus.
Sets the stage for thousands of lawsuits. Ka-ching!
This is an attempt to finesse the issue. The real rule will be this- local schools have the authority to do as they wish as long as they don't ban trans-athletes from the female teams.
It is an indication that the politics are running against this insanity right now. Most people do understand the inherent unfairness of allowing biological males to compete against biological females.
I don't see the justification for rejecting blanket bans on biological males participating in female athletic competitions. Would there be any problem with banning 40-year-old adults from children's competitions? What about banning competitors who are not disabled from the Special Olympics or the Paralympics? A blanket ban makes perfect sense in all of these cases. It seems like a dodge to reject these bans simply on the basis that they're imposed across the board instead of on a sport-by-sport basis. It just invites further litigation.
Full Employment Act for lawyers, version 489.5
This "rule" is so hard to interpret it can't be followed. Other than as a gift to lawyers it makes no sense.
Meanwhile, VIOLENT TRANS activists are attacking REAL women who play sports who object to playing with men. They won't stop until they shut up real women. Real women should just stay on the sidelines and ridicule the men pretending to be girls so they can win titles. Don't give in. The more Americans see, the more Americans aren't going to take it. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11949057/Terrified-Riley-Gaines-ambushed-screaming-trans-activists-physically-attacked-her.html
Do the girls not understand that all they have to do is not compete if boys are on the team? Do they not understand that? Does anybody understand that? Don't race them. Friggin' boycott the whole farce for fuck's sake.
Every girl and woman in this country - in the whole world - has the ability as a collective to stop this insane shit by shutting down female competition if boys are going to be on the teams or competing. Boys are competing with girls? Fine. There will be no competition. The transvestite/s will be competing against themselves or other transvestites.
Black and white. A binary zero vs. a binary one. Jeebus ladies, friggin grow a pair, will you?
What's the "important educational objective" in making cis-women feel capable of winning?
When women start calling themselves cis-women, they've already lost.
So you're what, just a subcategory now?
Perhaps each school district can create a position, I don’t know, maybe call it the “handicapper general”. Create impediments on participants so that every event ends in a tie and no one has to experience the thrill of achievement or suffer the disappointment of loss. Absolute fairness. Would not even need separate teams divided by sex or gender or something. Unfortunately, everyone has their own definition of “fairness”.
This smacks of the federal government holding the kids hostage if a state government doesn't do what they say.
If we, as Americans, can't distinguish between male and female, then we are finished. That's the most basic fact of life. Right in the Bible, "God made them male and female." We can't change that regardless of the amount of money and surgery. It's all fake, manufactured.
Imagine what the Chinese and Russians are doing with this. I wouldn't be surprised if they had tapes showing Dylan Mulvaney in our front-line defense forces. Hey, we can whip these pansies! So weak! So confused!
The larger issue goes back to Biden. America needs to face facts. We have a traitor in the White House.
Biden leaves behind billions of our best equipment in Afghanistan. The Taliban sells it around the world. It's a signal for Vlad to invade Ukraine. Putin does. Biden then sends billions to Ukraine and picks up $50m in diamonds for his troubles.
Since we left behind our armaments, we have to buy new stuff. The military-industrial complex thanks Joe.
China has the green light to invade Tawain. It will happen in 2024. Biden will do nothing. He's been bribed.
As Rumsfeld said, "Weakness is provocative."
The real harm happens when the dollar is no longer the reserve currency. The Fed won't be able to print money like it has in the past. That giant debt then becomes real. Our standard of living goes to hell. All thanks to Joe Biden, the traitor, and the Dems.
Making sure only women can win women's athletic scholarships is fairness pure and simple. Letting dudes show their junk to women om the women's locker room is a completely different kind of "fairness."
This seems very tortured. In an attempt to keep everyone happy, this rule isn't going to please anyone, clarifies nothing, and is going to introduce the possibility of needing at least mediation if not litigation of potentially every individual case. Or am I reading it wrong? IA definitely NAL.
So here we are. I love living in a pluralistic and tolerant time and place in which we have moved so far from prescribed and proscribed roles, but the more we dissect our society into smaller and smaller bits, the harder it becomes to ensure that those values pertain. My husband and I were talking about it last night; we think we - the West, as it's commonly known - achieved peak tolerance and inclusiveness and equal opportunity in the '90s, and then things started getting stupid. Obama really turbo-charged that decline with his lip service to being "post-racial" while acting hyper-racial, and once we (or "we") finished effing up the race and homosexuality pieces of civil rights by emphasizing special "rights" for the "historically oppressed" rather than moving forward from where we are now, it was time to move on to making sure that ever more miniscule divisions can get litigiously offended.
Now we will get a court ruling that permits men with testosterone to compete in women's athletics. Why engage in these events at all? Just hand out giant Progressive Insurance bowling trophies to athletes with male genitals. Or simply run testosterone screenings as was done eons ago for Olympics athletes.
So it’s meaningless. At our school (private) all kids sports are co-ed until 4th grade. Not much biological difference and kids typically don’t take showers or undress in private areas. Even in winter where basketball starts in 2nd grade they don’t use locker rooms. At 4th grade it changes as some kids have early puberty
This will ensure any TG will be able to compete at any level in any sport. They will always create a new excuse to ensure an XY who pretends to be an XX will be able to compete.
Ann, can you offer what your alternative would be?
I think most fair Americans (and hopefully you are one, Ann) don't want to deny access to trans individuals but they recognize that could be unfair to biologically born female individuals. So, there are competing interests involved that call for a more nuanced approach. No?
Ann, if you are one of these “fair Americans,” what approach would you recommend?
Split the difference. Girls to boys can compete. Boys to girls may not.
I think it’s saying that the educational objective is the importance of fairness in competition. It’s not singling out women, per se. But yes, fairness has to be a primary objective if we want any semblance of meritocracy in competitive sports.
They really are coming after your kids and trying to destroy them. They want to kill your babies, sterilize your kids and deprive you of grandkids.
Althouse isn’t even trying to hide it.
The way the rest of Title IX works is how this will work: the default position will be that it's a violation to limit the transgendered to compete with their biological sex. The enumerated exceptions are there, and a school can try to make use of them, but if anyone sues, the burden of proof is on the school they are doing everything right with no intent to illegally discriminate--they will be able to keep their program if they are willing to spend potentially millions on litigation. But if they follow the default, there's no lawsuit and no burden of proof...
An analogous mechanism in Title IX was used to kill men's sports (excluding football) at colleges, and this is the mechanism to kill women's sports everywhere.
Say goodbye to women's sports. The fascists are more concerned with mutilating children than in providing fairness to women. Of course, if you can't define what a woman is, how can you know if you are keeping one safe?
"But how much deference will there be to local judgment about "fairness"?"
"Under the proposed regulation, schools would not be permitted to adopt or apply a one-size-fits-all policy that categorically bans transgender students from participating on teams consistent with their gender identity."
The key point, of course.
"Instead, the Department's approach would allow schools flexibility"
Prog flexibility. I.e., none.
"I don't think this rule will effectively decentralize the decision-making to the school district level."
Ah, you don't, do you. Are you questioning prog intent?
"Cis-women"? In what world is that a word with any meaning whatsoever?
Ann, keep up the nerdery. It's what makes you so charming and keeps attracting so many of us. Seriously, your politics sucks, but your nerdery is awesome.
Leftsit neo-fascist mind-crime Stalinists ... up and adam!
Arrest this woman for Mind Crime! To the gulag!
Actual real female has some words to say about a man's penis in a fancy NY spa.
What's a cis-female, Ann?
Is that the same as a real female?
As in one born without a dick.
John Henry
They're not being barred from competing. Another lie from the left. They can compete to their heart's content against others matching the sex/gender of their birth.
Does this mean trannies will be able to join the shooting team?
May come in handy given current trends.
John Henry
WI Spa OK with a man's penis in the women's DRESSING room.
No sush thing as trangender - he has a dick."
Seriously - watch this brave women stand up against the LEFTIST MOB.
Los Angeles - not NY
These are the people pedo POTUS and his acolytes are catering too: On Thursday night, swimmer and women's sports advocate Riley Gaines was assaulted by radical trans activists during a Turning Point USA event at San Francisco State University. After allegedly being physically assaulted by a protestor while she was escorted to a safe-room, protestors followed Gaines and continued to harass her.
They are essentially applying a First Amendment strict-scrutiny test to any local decision, the highest level of judicial review. Under that test, the government must advance a compelling, or extremely important interest, often advanced in the least restrictive way possible. This rule is designed to kneecap the effort to keep boys and girls separate by putting the highest burden of proof on the school.
“Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic” is a common observation and one that never has applied as well as it does here
Reality check: ATHLETIC competition is totally about human performance. The Trans modified bodies just cannot fit in. Sorry about that. Don’t be such an idiot and you too will still fit in as your real gender. The man claiming a woman status will always eliminate the real women. The only way that competition works is for huge dosages of testosterone be given to the real women so they can become as aggressive as males. Oops, you have just eliminated women’s sports.
NB: The only purpose of the sudden Trans-insanity is to eliminate fertile women from the planet . Then the Medical Industrial Complex can steal the human reproductive function from the women. Big Big bucks.
"What's the educational objective in ensuring that cis-females have a chance to win? If Title IX rests on some dogma about sports being an important part of education, what, exactly, is educational about winning, as opposed to just playing?"
The above could only be written by someone who has never in her life been in any kind of athletic competition.
More insanity. In saner days it was understood that males competing in female sports was cheating. The reasons were both obvious and scientific. For today's Democrats, neither obvious nor scientific carries the day in any domain.
Why is QuidProJoe involved in this controversy? Because Democrats can't govern, they can only pander.
I get the logic behind Title IX that we shouldn't have a men's swim team without also having a women's swim team. But would it be a violation of Title IX to have a single coed swim team that would be functionally all men because of the differences in body size, upper body strength, etc.? One could argue that it might. But if that is the case, then the underlying logic of that proposition would seem to make it a Title IX requirement that people compete on the sports team of their biological sex.
The other question is who gets to assign the sex / gender to the participant. Much of the transgender debate assumes that it should be up to the individual to assign the individual's own gender. But if it is up to the college / university, then there is no Title IX problem. Person A is a biological male, Person A competes on the biological male team. "He" is being treated just like all the other biological males.
So a provision that was intended to prevent discrimination against women is used to discriminate against women.
Makes perfect sense to people stupid enough to vote for QuidProJoe. Orwell was a prophet.
Has anyone---ANYWHERE---"banned" trans athletes? Who and where? As far as I know, the laws say that competition must be divided by sex (an objective measure like height or weight-class) as opposed to gender (which is subjective like how I feel about tomatoes).
The question isn't whether trans athletes can compete, the question is whether there is some "right" to torch biological women so that trans athletes can feel more special about themselves or whether they should to finish middle (or back of) of the pack with the other biological males.
Sounds to me like a way to bankrupt school districts with lawsuits over whether Johnny gets to call himself Joannie long enough to find out what his — I mean her — female classmates look like when changing clothes in the locker room, on a grade by grade, sport by sport basis. (Joannie reverts to being a boy when her — I mean his — curiosity is satisfied, of course.)
Many arch-conservatives claim to want to abolish the Department of Education. Starting since the infamous “Dear Colleague” letter from the Obama administration, that position has become ever more defensible.
Also, is it just me or is it just a little 🤏 funny that feminism has been co-opted by humans with penises who are here to teach all the vagina-having humans how to be real women?
King Lear raging on the heath or gobbligook from bureaucrats that will be interpreted in one direction only?
I don't think Scott Skinner-Thompson really understands what the word "clarity' means. As best I can see, the Biden administration is just trying to throw a bone to the science-based community while still pushing trans-gender madness on the schools.
It's inspiring to see our Nation's self-anointed legislators going about their work, smoothly, confidently, without any of the acrimony and tumult common to elected bodies.
So what happens when two school districts with different policies about males being on female teams compete with each other, which is the entire point of high school sports?
What happens is ca-ching! for the activist organizations; more submission by the types of women who internalize the "cis-woman" slur; the empowerment of administrators who now have yet another shiny new social bombshell to play with on our dime, and the utter politicization and thus loss of focus and purpose in girl's sports.
This is absolutely not the decentralization of power. It endlessly expands the field for political power games deployed by professional activists, who can now go district by district making gender trouble, turning girl's sports into a never-ending minefield of controversy, lawsuits, and misery.
States are the legitimate government jurisdiction for determining school policies. Most school boards simply enforce state standards. Don't think there won't be further federal intervention tied to federal money.
How do the leftists who have taken over the DNC get away with hating females so much?
“What's the "important educational objective" in making cis-women feel capable of winning?“
The cissies must not be confronted with glaring proof that they’re not as good as men. That would be a hostile educational environment.
Why does this have to be so complicated? The fact that women (girls) aren't biologically equipped to compete effectively in most sports with men (boys) is (or should be) non-controversial.
In the simpler sports, which are competitions emphasizing speed, strength and endurance (such as swimming, track and field), women's Olympic records mostly wouldn't qualify for an invitation to men's US national high school championship meets. Can't even make the cut. How complicated is that?
And in all the transgender athlete controversies, have we even once heard of a female-to-male transgender competing in the men's category, because that's their gender identity? I have not, perhaps because even if they tried, they'd get beaten like a drum, and nobody would care about or even notice their presence.
Maybe all this stupid Title IX rule-making is just a make-work scheme for DEI administrators. That's the only explanation which makes any sense.
Title IX requires discrimination. Imagine a college that said "All of our mens and weomens teams are now just teams, and only the best atheletes will be selected". Should they be required to discriminate on gender identity or biological sex?
This rule is not about "fairness". It is obviously intended to make any decision to ban males from participating in female sports, or vice versa, subject to so many avenues of scrutiny and litigation that the safe thing to do will be to avoid any such bans altogether.
I guess if there are only so many spots available on a team, allowing trans athletes to take these spots will prevent some cis women from participating, at a level that today recieves Title IX funding, not just from winning.
Cis women can decide on their own to play some kind of intramural sport that gets no attention or support? Access to the gym at awkward hours?
Is there any educational benefit to anyone from having competitive sports on campus. The famous line by Robert Maynard Hutchins, golden boy President of the University of Chicago: football has as much to do with a college education as bullfighting has to do with agriculture. One answer: if a campus doesn't have competitive sports, it will attract only students who don't like sports. Er, nerds.
Ann, you keep using that word cis. I do not think it means what you think it means! Only ideologues use cis-female. The correct word is female without the modifier cis. There are only females and males who are pretending to be females.
I am not in favor of blanket bans.
I like blankets.
Especially with the weather we've been having...
So, for instance, a school district could justify a ban on transgender athletes on their competitive high school track and field team, whereas a district would have a harder time making that case for an intramural middle school kickball squad....
So your school bans it but your rival school does not.
All in the name of "fairness"...
The trannies are winning the debate and feminists are to blame.
"Notice, too, the stress on "educational objectives." I see some dissonance. What's the educational objective in ensuring that cis-females have a chance to win? If Title IX rests on some dogma about sports being an important part of education, what, exactly, is educational about winning, as opposed to just playing?"
You are joking, right? Even five year old children in beginning soccer or baseball leagues that play games for "fun" keep track of the score. The purpose of playing a game is to try and win. That is how you know that you played better than the other team.
At 5, I identified as a pirate. My parents took me to the children's hospital. My eye was removed for the patch. One leg was amputated below the knee for my peg leg. A hand was removed for the hook.
Here is an example of Althouse "fairness" to transgenders.
She was beaten and then had to be ramsomed.
Conflation of sex and [simulated] gender under a not so novel ethical religion to rationalize misogyny, misandry, and transhumane therapy.
The U.S. is a fast becoming a shithole country filled with commissions, rules, regulations, subchapters, etc.
Only the fucking lawyers (read politicians) benefit.
It's all top-down government that only benefits the wealthy, connected, and those in power.
We used to be a nation of common sense. We didn't need a presidential decree to tell us that boys shouldn't play girls' sports.
But they boiled the water so slowly, with the media and education taking the lead, and here we are.
This is why China will win in the end.
We are dying from within...
Sports isn't just about winning - especially youth sports. It's about competing. When boys take girls' spots on sports teams or in events due to their undisputed biological advantages it prevents those girls from fair competition or any competition at all.
Boys who want to compete in girls' divisions are not being denied the opportunity to compete, they just don't want to do so in the appropriate division. These state laws prevent this nonsense. They don't deny the opportunity to compete. Just because one has a particular mental illness does not mean the rest of society must ignore reality and play along.
Also, forcing kids to pretend a boy is a girl or vice versa is the opposite of education, since you're propagandizing and lying in the face of objective reality. As such, the educational objective is to teach children the truth, which, under this proposed scheme, justifies the laws the radicals are seeking to destroy.
Also, is it just me or is it just a little 🤏 funny that feminism has been co-opted by humans with penises who are here to teach all the vagina-having humans how to be real women?
I don't think it's funny at all. I'm outraged by it, and frankly don't understand why women, especially feminists, aren't.
Team T-Ball is counting on the fair sex to take it lying down. Pretty much successfully. The very public threatened physical and actual verbal violence visited on the few women resisting are shutting up the majority, as a 70s feminist (excuse me, TERF) would have predicted.
The thing I can not understand about all this is the eagerness to screw the 99% for the benefit of the 1%.
Up to the high school level, competing in sports leads to better academic and discipline outcomes. I don't understand how someone couldn't comprehend the many ways that teamwork, training, exercise, physical mastery, and healthy competition help to form a young adult.
I don't feel the same way about college sports. Higher education shouldn't be in the business of promoting huge athletics departments.
Irony of ironies: feminists who are not fighting the destruction of women's sports soon will have only one event in which they may participate: being hoisted on their own Title IX petard.
"The criteria also would have to minimize harms to students whose opportunity to participate on a male or female team consistent with their gender identity would be limited or denied...."
It seems pretty easy for a "cis" female to assert that exposure to chicks with dicks in a locker room would be traumatic, thereby limiting her opportunity to participate on a team consistent with her "gender identity."
"Traditionalguy said...
The only way that competition works is for huge dosages of testosterone be given to real women so they can become as aggressive as males."
Nope, that won't work. There is no way...none...to make women competitive to men in sports.
"Dear men who want to be girls.
Remove the penis and testicles. Only then will we begin to respect you."
This has always been my rule.
Once you've cut off whatever it is you can cut off, you show me that you're committed (take that however you like).
Until then, it's just playing dress-up and attention-whoring...
Why are you bringing up winning? Ensure the right of women to compete against women. There should be no other considerations. Let the sex fetishists organize their own competitions.
By the way, "cis" is a slur.
Have a third category where the trans-people compete against each other: male; female; transgender (m or f).
Title IX, created to promote women's sports, is to be destroyed by the superior women who were men.
Too funny.
The trannies are winning the debate and feminists are to blame.
Trans/neos, trans/socials, and the politically congruent ("=") and feminists, maculinists, and social liberals are individually and collectively (i.e. diversity or color bloc) responsible for its progress to deprecate female lives, opportunity, and safety.
Either erase women’s sports or keep them for actual women. These half measures are incoherent and stupid.
Government overreach and rule making where they need to but the hell out. They are the ones ruining Title IX opportunities for young women. This is identity politics weaponized to cloud the issue and exert federal control over local education. Exactly what democrats argued against last week in Congress. Of course.
The State Journal's headline this morning "No Ban on Trans Athletes"
That seems a much different message than suggested by the WaPo headline.
I read the headline this morning and pondered why the National Government cares about who plays on a Sports Team.
"Although laws that delineate based on gender may be permissible, such distinctions are only viable when grounded in “real” physiological differences, not gender stereotypes. Further, there must be a reasonable means-ends fit between differential treatment based on gender, as well as a viable or important governmental objective.118 Even assuming that states’ interest in promoting fair play qualifies as a sufficient objective, laws barring transgender girls and women from participating in women’s sports fail for two primary reasons: they rely heavily on stereotyped, yet unproven notions about athletes’ abilities based solely on their sex assigned at birth and the laws are grossly overinclusive. ....
However, lawmakers have frequently been unable to point to a single instance of a transgender athlete outperforming her cisgender peers in girls or women’s sports within their state.134"
101 Neb. L. Rev. ___ (2022).
I complained to the Nebraska Law Dean about this passage and he told me I was wrong. He further informed me that the author (a former student who is now on the faculty) was "one of the best law students EVER at UNL."
That settles it! Notwithstanding Lia Thomas breaking the record and finishing first in the NCAA swim meet, there is NO evidence that transwomen are stronger, faster and more athletic than real women.
“If winning weren't important, nobody would keep score."
—- Al McGuire
Well, doesn't matter what laws are passed in Wisconsin now. If Republicans/conservatives like the new law, the Wisconsin Supreme Court will immediately declare it unconstitutional. Democracy at work or something.
But the real question is- why do liberals and college educated white women feel we should cater to mentally ill males?
Isn’t Title 9 dependent on if your school receives federal funding? I can see how that’s a problem for colleges, but everyone else?
Anyway, I find it hilarious that the snake is eating its tail. I’m all for it if the final result is the destruction of title 9, although I think for that to happen it would take a lot of ‘I can’t take it anymore’ from people who should know better.
rhhardin said... cis-female = female.
Progressives pollute language. There is no need for the rest of us to go along.
Not trans-female, ersatz-female.
Title IX does not require equal numbers of women and men athletes. Theoretically the law can consider factors like the various percentages of female versus males that desire to play college sports. But every time anon-equity path was attempted the lawsuits began. Usual folk participating.
Ta-da. For all practical purposes Title IX means equity in numbers. The death of minor male sports (e.g. wrestling) disappeared from many campuses.
Sure, this proposal allows a reasoned basis for preventing Trans women from competing against women. Results will be the same.
Devalue ALL female efforts. That is what Title IX was meant for. Democrats are so crafty and fair.
"Fallon Fox", chick with dick since 2013 has fractured several Real Women's skulls.
37 seconds is all it takes. Enjoy...
Ain't equality grand and fair? Feels good inside.
Do trans people have to sign up for the draft? If we are so determined to treat everyone equally then all sexes and gender identities should have to register for the draft. As anyone who reads my comments on this topic knows I believe two things about this topic: trans people are a minuscule number of mentally ill people; and letting biological males compete against biological females means the end of women's sports. It is beyond me how the Dem party , so full of ardent feminists, can be in favor of this madness.
Yeah, I tired of listening to "experts" that are always wrong. We know what the administration wants and they plan on getting it one way or another. This optimistic analysis is ridiculous and would only be true if the administration is so incompetent that they screw themselves. Given this is Biden we are talking about, that's not out of the question, but I doubt it.
"Fairness" is one of those words that means nothing and can be used to justify anything. It is as vague as vague gets.
"... achievement of an important educational objective"
One educational objective you didn't mention is the lesson that when you work really hard you have a good chance of succeeding. However only when there is a relatively level playing field is there a chance that whoever worked the hardest has the best chance of success.
That's the big educational lesson which will be eliminated, and young women will be facing the reality that any half way mediocre male athlete who claims to be a girl or woman can step in and beat even the best and most dedicated and hard working female athlete. Just like the old days when no matter how talented or smart a girl was only the guys got rewarded. No matter how gifted a female artist or scientist was, only the men were acknowledged and celebrated. So here we are, for the sake of trans rights we are going backwards.
We've been reassured that transgender women wouldn't compete unfairly against biological females, it either wouldn't happen or that it would be so rare it wouldn't matter. But it has happened and is happening all the time now.
The fact that the Biden administration has decided to make trans a political issue is so disgusting to me -- honestly I can't believe that Democratic women voters are going along with this and this is being sold as being progressive.
Insanity rules the day. An Uber driver, former US Army sgt, was attacked by a mob. A known violent radical pointed an AK 47 at the driver through the car window. The driver shot and killed that asshole. He, the driver, has now been convicted in Austin TX, a leftist hellhole, of murder. A Soros DA, of course. University town with wild lefty politics. The DA (not the same one, I think), a few years ago, was arrested for drunk driving and the video of the arrest was amusing. She may have been the one who tried to indict the Governor. Crazy town. My son and grand daughter looked at UT and said Austin was a dump.
So, what's the answer? Where's the reasonable middle that upsets everyone? How do we fix this?
There is no point arguing in favor of the girl athletes. Half or more of them will grow up to be Democrats with Althouse-like opinions. They don't even mind getting their asses kicked by boys in girls clothing.
They just get a little squeamish when the boy whips it out in the shower.
Bunkypotatohead said...
There is no point arguing in favor of the girl athletes. Half or more of them will grow up to be Democrats with Althouse-like opinions. They don't even mind getting their asses kicked by boys in girls clothing.
They just get a little squeamish when the boy whips it out in the shower.
4/7/23, 10:57 PM
Soccer start Megan Rapipoe is a good example of this. She and her team lost to a team of 15 year old boys, but NOW that she is retired, she has NO problem with letting men play. Knowing full well, that she wouldn't be the RICH ex-soccer player if a man took HER spot on the team.
Owen asked: "Can somebody explain to me why we are tearing ourselves apart to cater to the delusions of a literal handful of mentally ill people?"
Because a top-down ideological saturation has been forced into all formal, informal, and societal institutions in the western world by extremely powerful wealthy folk who consider themselves The Elite. Ultimately they want to break every part of society so that they can re-mold humanity into some sort of Marxian transhumanist Utopia.
I really really wish I were wrong about this. The 2019-Me would think that 2023-Me was a foolish nutball.
Serious question that should be asked of all those who are advocating for inclusion on Women's teams by Gender Self-ID alone:
What options are open to those natal-women who would like to form natal-women only organizations? After all, until five minutes ago, women's spaces, especially as pertains to sports and safety, were not formed because women said amongst themselves: "I feel a great need to be in the company only of those who think of themselves as women."
The answer in practice seems to be that natal women have lost the Constitutional right of association. Even years ago, the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival was forced to make the choice to either admit trans-women or to face continued harassment. There was no amicable split where each type of gathering was left in peace to gather together as they saw fit.
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