The winds had blown the ice into an entirely different position, with different parts of the lake open and covered and a high wall of plates of snow/ice piled up against the shore.
Talk about anything you want in the comments.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Ann's intelligent discussions often lead me to NY Times pieces. I would never subscribe, but a commenter explained some time ago how to get around the paywall through archive.is.
Only recently I figured out how to access the comments stream as well. (FYI: append #commentsContainer to the url.) I was pretty sickened by the result. Even reasonably balanced pieces get comments that skew 99 to 1 toward virulent hatred of Republicans and conservatives, and arguments consisting of "Four legs good, two legs baa-aa-aad." See for example the recent op ed on the value of listening to opposing views This is the Times readership? 8-(
I do miss your sunrise photos. The top one is sublime, especially the expression on the dog's face looking at you.
Have a beautiful Holy Week, everyone.
I would highly recommend going to church for the Maundy Thursday service. (You'll find them in Episcopal and Catholic churches for sure, not sure about other denominations).
It's very somber. It feels like a funeral service for Jesus.
It represents the last night Jesus was alive, right before he was crucified on Friday morning.
Jesus washes the feet of his disciples, right after his last supper.
It freaked out Peter.
I actually got freaked out the first time I was going to try it. I got freaked out for a worldly, secular reason. My ugly ass feet! I was scrubbing and scrubbing them and there was just no way I was ready for some stranger to wash my feet. I chickened out and skipped it.
I had to wait another year for the next Maundy Thursday to do it.
It's pretty easy, of course. It's just a little foot soak.
But it's also shockingly intimate to do this with strangers. To have some stranger wash your feet and you wash some stranger's feet. It's humbling and beautiful. Still spooks me a little.
Easter is always crowded but Maundy Thursday is usually sparse, at least in my church. And it's an amazing service, unlike any other church service.
God bless Althouse and all her hillbillies. Love y'all.
I'm reading the big story in the Tablet on the structure of disinformation in the US. It's very interesting. The essence seems to be that the Gov-Borg got control of all the channels of information in the name of fighting disinformation and then began to use them to feed its own single point of view through all the different channels. People then felt that info was verified because it was coming from all these "different" sources who had supposedly separately decided it was important and separately verified it. So we get Covid idiocy and TDS and fentanyl pouring across the border and 100,000 deaths and Fetterman and Hunter, etc.
It's interesting to see how the structure worked. But I do think that the story is ignoring the fact that half of the country fairly quickly came to know the truth about these various lies - knew Russia collusion was fake news; knew Covid was not as dangerous as claimed; knew the vaccines did not prevent transmission; voted for Trump in 2020; knows how the votes were counted; still knows a man from a woman; still admires Elon Musk; learned from Rush and Scott Adams that we have to look at when and why a story comes out.
It's Dem voters who fall for these psy-ops. Is it a Dem thing or are Dems the people who can't stop believing in certain sources? I Know Dems who believe the NYT when it's backed up by NPR and Wapo. They feel that NPR stories are talked about at the proper time in the proper way by the proper people. But perhaps the point about the Tablet story is that the gatekeepers, like the Tablet, are letting some sunshine in. We've been a free country a long time and it can't just vanish in a sudden deluge like the people round Noah.
I cracked myself up in the car today. Listening to the song “A girl in trouble is a temporary thing”, I thought “Trump in trouble is permanent thing”.
I find I can get German television on my cellphone (when the networks haven't restricted streaming to the home audience). At first, I didn't know what to watch so (I'm ashamed to say it) I watched documentaries about history's most famous German, the one with the funny moustache. Now I've found a series, "Bonn: alte Freunde, neue Feinde." It's interesting, but the picture isn't much bigger than a postage stamp, and what's going on is hard to follow. I watched and suddenly realized that it's "Berlin Babylon" twenty years later -- spunky young woman hunting down conspiracies. This time it's spies, rather than criminals, but the Nazi past hovers over everything.
Disappointed the Iowa ladies did not win. Wanted the victory for Clark. She is a female Larry Bird.
Top voted comment at YouTube's Asteroid City (2023) | Official Trailer of Wes Anderson's latest installment.
how wes anderson manages to make each film even more wes anderson-y than the next never ceases to amaze me
The essence seems to be that the Gov-Borg got control of all the channels of information in the name of fighting disinformation and then began to use them to feed its own single point of view through all the different channels.
I'm waiting for Hamilton 68, the hip hop musical about government thought control.
Nina Jankowicz's true ambitions were always in musical theater ... well, that and ruling the world.
What About the Dingell-Norwood Bill?
A blast from the past, brought to you by Somebody on the internet who read the "ban TikTok" bill.
Boatbuilder: are you really? I want to build a boat. I'd love to hear about your experiences. I'd buy a boat, but I can't seem to find what I want unless I build it, and that is a bit intimidating.
Nancy: thanks for the help with comments using archive.is! It was probably me who mentioned the site. I often do. I hate missing the comments when I use it.
Howard: good to see that you are back! You annoy the fuck out of me at times, but I realized that I actually prefer having you here.
Both pics amazing. Like another planet entirely.
St Croix: thanks for the post on Maundy Thursday. Yes, this is a pretty big week.
Back in the 80's, I took a year of Russian. Strange language. At the end of a year, we still hadn't gotten to plurals. It was cases, cases, cases. There was a woman in the class, who had worked as an inspector on Russian fishing boats. This was back in the Soviet days, but apparently, the Russians were allowed to fish in US waters, but they had to have US inspectors on board to makes sure they didn't take more than their limit.
I don't recall her name, but she was a personable young woman, and she had spent months at a time on Russian fishing boats, likely one of the very few women on board. And she did not speak a word of Russian. Which is why she was taking the language. But she taught me some Russian she had learned.
At the end of a twelve-hour shift, when the Russians finally had some free time, one of them might come up to her, and open his mouth, as if he were about to sing, a deep, choral note. But instead of singing, he would snap his index finger against the underside of his buccal cavity. For those who don't know, well, look it up.
Done properly, this produces a deep, sonorous tone, like some very melodic drums. Try it. It's a bit of a trick to find the right spot at first, but easy enough to learn, and the sound is quite satisfactory. Stretch your mouth open, and flick hard against the stretched skin under your mouth, inside the jawline. You can do it from the front, but it is not just a sound, it's also a gesture, so it works better from the side.
What it means is, "Care for a drink?"
Political Junkie: "Disappointed the Iowa ladies did not win. Wanted the victory for Clark. She is a female Larry Bird."
The female Larry Bird goes 9/22 from the field in the championship game?
Two men of the clothe in Omaha came out in favor of child mutilation and chemical castration in the OWH.
That Devil is a clever one. Didn’t see that one coming.
Gooddamned fucking microsoft just upgraded my computer to win 11 against my explicit wishes.
Now I'm going to los a day getting my laptop working again.
Strange idea: Manchin (or Sinema) to primary Biden? Biden's team is probably developing a contingency plan, something involving the monstrous regiment of suburban women, but Sinema could get around that. Could Manchin or Sinema pull in the Black vote though?
Countdown to manslaughter charges and other lawsuits from red state DAs against Biden for fentanyl deaths, immigrant crimes against citizens, and the 13 service members killed in the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan...
And since statute of limitation rules no longer exist, let's see what happens with all of the women that Bill Clinton paid off...
You break it, you buy it is a lesson that Dems never learn. Unfortunately it's a lesson that Reps don't enforce enough.
The Orlando Sentinel reports that there is a "hidden Mickey" inserted in Gov. DeSantis' attempted takeover of Disney World in the restrictive covenants approved in the Sunshine by the ongoing Reedy Creek Board (in effect, a contract between the district and Disney) which will not expire until “21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England living as of the date of this declaration,” a legal (yet delightful) maneuver to protect it against challenges. That’s where Princess Lilibet, the toddler daughter of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, comes into play: She turns two in June. And as the Sentinel’s Jeff Weiner points out, Windsors tend to live a very long time. So "four score and seven years" are easily possible.
The all-powerful Governor, who was married at Disney, will also be disappointed to find that the two parking garages in Disney Springs cannot be renamed "Ron" and "Casey."
Larry Bird was 7 of 21 in the NCAA finals vs Michigan State.
Saint Croix,
Most Lutheran churches have Maundy Thursday services. You're right, it is a very special service, but I've always found Good Friday, with the church completely dark at the end when the pastor slams the Bible shut, to be more somber.
I hate to be right all the right (ha), but as predicted, three games into the MLB season the Pittsburgh Pirates are resting comfortably in last place.
Former AG William Barr's criticism of the Trump persecution/ prosecution makes me ill. What a slime ball. You were an unwitting participant, only slightly better than former FIB director James Comey. Just shut up and go away.
It's almost like the people in Congress get paid to be figureheads, whilst someone else is running everything. THIS is why I don't trust EITHER party.
"Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) appeared last week on Jesse Watters’s show on Fox News to express his opposition to the RESTRICT Act. The proponents of the bill claim will be used to ban the Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok. But the critics of this legislation have pointed out that it grants sweeping powers to the federal government and the president to ban any application they label a ‘threat’. Watters made his case opposing the bill while pointing out that the bill doesn’t even have the word “TikTok” in it. Graham reiterated his opposition to the bill.
Before you can leap with joy that Graham was breaking a rule of a lifetime and standing for what is right, Watters revealed a detail that would have been hilarious if it weren't so grave.
Watters informed Graham that South Carolina’s senior senator supports the bill. When Graham looked befuddled, Watters explained that Graham happened to be among the cosponsors of the bill and that information is available online.
Graham eventually was compelled to admit that he may be co-sponsoring the legislation without reading it and that it made him “look bad”."
Once again...the GREAT Victor Davis Hanson
"1) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by destroying federally subpoenaed emails and devices in order to hide evidence.
2) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by sending classified government communications on her own, through an unsecured home-brewed server.
3) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by hiring—through three paywalls—a foreign national, who is prohibited from working on presidential campaigns, to compile a dossier to smear her presidential opponent.
4) Trump did not violate federal campaign laws, as did Hillary Clinton, by hiding her payments (as “legal services”) to Christopher Steele through bookkeeping deceptions.
5) Trump did not, as did Bill Clinton, use a crony to search out a high-paying New York job for a paramour in order to influence her testimony before a special counsel.
6) Trump did not, as did Bill Clinton, receive a $500,000 “honorarium” for speaking in Moscow while his wife, our secretary of state, approved a longstanding and lucrative desire of the Kremlin for North American uranium to be sold to a Russian consortium.In other words, the Left is saying to America something along the following lines, “We are so morally superior to you that we can and must employ any means necessary to achieve our unpopular political ends. But you cannot respond in kind or deter us by mimicking our own tactics, because should both parties do so, the resulting disorder would undermine the republic. And that is something you won’t dare do.”"
Drago said...
Political Junkie: "Disappointed the Iowa ladies did not win. Wanted the victory for Clark. She is a female Larry Bird."
The female Larry Bird goes 9/22 from the field in the championship game?
Well, the male Larry Bird went 7/21 in the championship game against Magic Johnson's Michigan State, so the comparison seems extremely appropriate!
I'm surprised you still have so much snow. We've had so much rain the last couple weeks even the giant mounds of snow in the parking lots are mostly gone.
The Orlando Sentinel reports that there is a "hidden Mickey" inserted in Gov. DeSantis' attempted takeover of Disney World
Emanate domain will be the mousetrap of choice.
King Charles III is not "king of England." He's the king of the "United Kingdom." The "King of England" disappeared when England and Scotland merged. Too bad, Disney. Nice try. I'm sure DeSantis will take Disney Corp., the company of child mutilation, to court to overturn these covenants.
The female Larry Bird goes 9/22 from the field in the championship game?
one the Nations leaders in double-doubles, and triple-doubles.
AVG 30+ points for the tournament.
She was on the floor for 35 minutes, and of those, the last~6 minutes she had 4 fouls and was severely limited in her game. The fourth coming during a dead ball when she absently bounced the ball into the baseline under the basket, instead of looking for a ref and delivering the ball with the proper amount of reverence.
In short the refs were the game, not the players.
Her body of work cannot be diminished.
teej: "Well, the male Larry Bird went 7/21 in the championship game against Magic Johnson's Michigan State, so the comparison seems extremely appropriate!"
So she is the female Larry Bird because of her equivalent failure as a college player in a single championship game?
My point is that its a bit early to be tossing around "female Larry Bird" in the same way we shouldnt be anointing any college QB as the "next Tom Brady".
However, for Clark, lets see where she is in about 5 years.
A Sing Along
Welcome to Spring! Many very small patches of snow on the ground this morning. More snow forecast for this evening.
It seems to me gloating about the thoroughly obvious provision of those Disney agreements to create something that is perpetual in everything but name is meant to conceal that Disney's attempt to transfer the powers of the RCID to itself was equally obvious, and that DeSantis' team was likely well aware they'd make an attempt. The RCID was likely supposed to be an independent body, and even if they did make facile compliance with open meeting laws, there are sure to be internal communications that indicate the RCID commission was working with Disney execs to circumvent the new board.
Mike of Snoqualmie said...
King Charles III is not "king of England." He's the king of the "United Kingdom." The "King of England" disappeared when England and Scotland merged. Too bad, Disney. Nice try. I'm sure DeSantis will take Disney Corp., the company of child mutilation, to court to overturn these covenants.
Nitpicking legal documents won't cut it when the judge rules in Disney's favor. As the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Charles is obviously the king of England as well.
How many employees is DeSantis laying off in Florida due to lack of consumers to his state?
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