That's me, this morning, in a photo by Meade.
What was I thinking about? The post I wanted to write, the one alluded to in this post, and expanded on, by me, in the comments:
I want to write a post expressive of my dismay that the 2024 presidential campaign is turning into an inevitable repeat of the already awful 2020 campaign. It was bad enough to go through the 2020 campaign once and it's bad to go through any presidential campaign twice, but to go through the 2020 campaign twice is just such an outrage. Why aren't people kicking and screaming as we're dragged into this?!
I was thinking What can I do? And all I thought of was rooting for Bobby and Vivek.
Everyone always knew it was going to be Biden or Kam in 2024. I suppose they're just upset about Trump running again. Which makes sense, since many Never-trumpers and Trumphobes voted Hillary 2016. and either "abstained" in 2020 or voted Biden.
It'd be nice if someone who supported all of Trump's policies and wasn't Trump was running. But there's not. President Trump gave us peace and prosperity. He'll do it again. Some people seem horrified at that.
I definintely exclude Althouse from this crowd, but many trumphobes and Never-trumpers have never been honest about why they hate and fear Trump so much. They know their hysterical charges have no basis in reality. So what's the REAL reason for their passionate hatred? And that really applies to Republicans, who Trump agrees with on 90 percent of everything.
Bobby has a good chance of at least forcing Biden to withdraw.
Vivek? We shall see.
Kevin Dalton
Tucker Carlson’s video now has more views than this year’s Oscars
I'm rooting for the Vivek/Nikki ticket. Both exceptionally bright and civil.
It is a very nice photo.
I don’t know if RFK Jr can get the dem nomination. He’s a wild card and the establishment of both parties HATE wild cards. But he will prevent Biden from winning it.
Trump is only a childish insult or two away from pissing away a return to Pennsylvania Ave. I’ll vote for him if he’s the nominee but I’d much rather vote for DeSantis. And, if Grinell (sp?) pinky swears not go all rainbow pride if elected, I believe he would do a fine job.
Bobby and Vivek.
From King Roberts to the Polish Prince.
Pretty Woman walking down the street.
Thank you, Mr. Ping.
You want excitement? Let’s get Marjory Taylor Green nominated. She terrorizes our One Party overlords just by repeating their known crimes as if they should matter.
Just the facts mam. The MTG Dragnet show.
One way you can support the fall of Biden and Trump is to focus on the faults of BOTH men. Trump and Biden are serial liars, Biden is a grifter (to the point of approaching treason) whereas Trump is shady, cuts corners, but does not live on graft. Trump still appears to have all his marbles, Biden is a candidate for the old folks' home for the seriously demented. As distasteful as it may be to your liberal leaning soul you need to be prepared to recognize - and broadcast- Biden's faults as you are Trump's. I don't know how we do it, but our patriotic duty is to eliminate both men from serious contention.
Not abstain in 2020, that’s what you can do…be vocal about election fraud, that’s what you can do. I know, move on…so move on we did. I hope you learn to like it…
Why aren't people kicking and screaming as we're dragged into this
Do you not read your comments section?
I've been reading Gore Vidal's recollections of the Kennedys in Palimpsest. I mean I already knew the nasty bits but not quite how awful they were in power.
I do recall the "crisis of the week" ethos. What fun that was. I sincerely regret any tears I shed over that family.
I have reached the same point, politically (not geographically).
rehajm: It’s a post-election America. Convince me I’m wrong…
IF we MUST DO OUR PATRIOTIC DUTY....we need to impeach this asshole, and send him to prison where he and his whole grifting family belong.
Perverts. The whole lot of them.
Biden Runs for 2nd Term to Protect Abortion and Grooming Kids
By Daniel Greenfield April 27, 2023
“MAGA extremists are lining up to take those bedrock freedoms away.”
"Trump is only a childish insult or two away from pissing away a return to Pennsylvania Ave."
Anyone who chooses a POTUS based on their being a nice little boy and not insulting anyone is the real Child. Trump has been doing this for over 7 years. Small minded goofs who vote based on "insults" are never going to vote for him.
Sad but you're probably right. It will be 2020 redone, not only with the same candidates but with all the sketchy vote counting, media suppression of any news detrimental to Biden, big-tech censorship and collusion with the uniparty, and all the other shenanigans that marred the 2020 contest. But don't call me an election denier. What's to deny when the results are pre-ordained and all of our 'betters' stand ready to fortify the election once more. Unless, of course, Biden gets us into an actual shooting war. Losing a major war pretty much always does bad things to a country's political class. And losing a war against China is inevitable since our soon to be undermanned and currently undertrained military won't have enough equipment and ammunition to put up a fight, the uniparty having shipped it all off to the Ukraine.
bobby kennedy has some crazy notions, about fossil fuels for instance but he spoke truth against fauci (with receipts)
I definintely exclude Althouse from this crowd, but many trumphobes and Never-trumpers have never been honest about why they hate and fear Trump so much.
It's because the people that they like to associate with at cocktail parties hate Trump. They have to fall in line, and hate whom they are told to hate.
Release the Audrey Hale manifesto NOW!
"Why aren't people kicking and screaming as we're dragged into this?!"
Dems calculate that they can win with Joe and continue the prog devastation of the country, since nice women and "moderates" will vote against Trump again and the blue wall is stronger now. Of course, they'll play the abortion and race cards, which have worked well so far. Their calculation is reasonable.
A plurality of GOP voters wants Trump and imagines he can do better than in 2020. The latter is an illusion, but since Trumpists would rather lose with Trump than improve chances of winning with an alternative who doesn't have Trump's baggage and does have some appeal to the center, they also act reasonably on their own preferences.
Some of us cynical conservatives figure there's not much to be done, so kicking and screaming is a waste of energy. Wild card: Joe's health.
You must mean why aren't people on the left kicking and screaming. Because if people on the right kick and scream they risk getting an early morning raid on their home.
Both Biden and Trump will be gone with the wind.
For the times, they are a-changin.
Looks like it is time for Joe to go home to Delaware to get his next dosage of drugs...
Seriously. This is what the Democrats are running with, and half of the country will vote for BECAUSE of the D next to his name. SAD.
Why aren't people kicking and screaming as we're dragged into this?!
I second what Rehajm said:
Do you not read your comments section?
More specifically, you do not understand the base motivation of each side. The lefts think Abortion is the only issue that matters. They accept any and all affronts to decorum and legality so long as it prevents restriction to abortion. The right thinks the left wants to eliminate dissent and establish one-party control
The Trump supporters believe that he is the best chance to unseat the Uniparty. The fact that other Republicans think replacing Trump with a less mercurial candidate will somehow serve their ends don't understand the situation. The fact that Trump was not effective enough for them to affect change makes them think someone more closely aligned to the Uniparty will somehow be better. Foolishness.
Trump is the best chance we have of reducing the government control over our lives. I have hopes for DeSantis, but am skeptical. Haley has proven she does not understand the Trump base, and therefor will be a disappointment to the people Trump served.
Remember that time when #HillaryClinton introduced her friend #GeorgeSoros and his interest to get involved in US elections?
The Internet sure doesn't.
Because it has been wiped from existence for the most part. Turns out I found a copy of the file I had archived years ago.
Be a real shame if people save and shared this widely.
for helping with the videohttps://twitter.com/i/status/1650035974611812354
"Joe Biden on Thursday participated in a “Take Your Child to Work Day” greet on the South Lawn.
Biden was overwhelmed by all of the children.
At one point, Biden got stumped by a little girl asking how many grandchildren he has and where they live.
Biden claimed he only has 6 grandchildren.
“I have six grandchildren and I talk to them everyday. Not a joke,” Biden told the children.
This is a lie.
Biden has SEVEN grandchildren."
"I was thinking What can I do? And all I thought of was rooting for Bobby and Vivek."
I've had my fill of Kennedys, but Vivek has two things Trump lacks: high intelligence and and a serious manner.
here's Fun News! China is going to financially collapse.. Which is dangerous for the world
CHINA DEBT CRISIS as Belt & Road Initiative Loans DEFAULT and China Faces ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
Two things:
1) We wouldn’t be looking ahead at this if the Dems did not push for and execute willy-nilly mail-in and ballot harvesting. These are two well known ways to commit fraud in an election. Whether the fraud was real or enough, it doesn’t matter. Millions of people don’t believe the 2020 results were accurate because of it.
2) It won’t be Biden. He and Trump both have records to compare. Unity Joe and boring caretaker Joe never showed up. We’ve all paid a big price for the scam put on us by him and whoever his wizard is. This scam plus all the corruption coming out will sideline Biden, unless his dementia does so first. Trump achieved most of what he set out to do. And his nastiness kept Putin and Xi at bay. He played nasty and nice with Kim, with success.
The Tablet interview with RFK Jr. is fascinating.
Among other things I learned that I did not know...
Sirhan Sirhan conspired to kill Bobby Kennedy but did not fire the shots that killed him. The ballistics did not match. Kennedy was shot from behind.
The other thought I had after reading that interview is that it's possible that maximizing vaccinations of children might make their immune systems weaker in other ways.
We can and do over-medicate in our culture. I live in a society that routinely stabs and poisons unwanted children, and now we're moving into a society where little boys and girls are castrated or amputated or given sex hormones on demand. And this child abuse is official, from on high.
minnesota farm guy: " I don't know how we do it, but our patriotic duty is to eliminate both men from serious contention."
Usually you identify a candidate that will better represent the interests of the voters you happen to agree with and just go with that.
Make sure you get right on that and let us know how it turns out.
Of course, it seems these days that you cats want to take a few shortcuts on the way to the "elimination" ceremony.
rcocean: "It'd be nice if someone who supported all of Trump's policies and wasn't Trump was running. But there's not. President Trump gave us peace and prosperity. He'll do it again. Some people seem horrified at that."
Certain "farmers" from "minnesota" in particular.
Kai Akker said...
Both Biden and Trump will be gone with the wind.
For the times, they are a-changin.
4/27/23, 1:12 PM
And we will right back to having the Uniparty running things. Oh joy.
Meanwhile, taking his cue from Mad Maxine Waters, this WAPO columnist is urging rabid progressives to harass Republicans in grocery stores and churches. I hope that he harasses the wrong person some day, and gets it back good and hard. These people hate us, and want us dead, and we are supposed to stand back and let them??
They are fucking nuts. The world is upside down. Or I should say Progressives are nuts and they are living in an alternate universe. THEY are fomenting hate. Karma will get them.
More hate coming from the tolerant side?? I hope their Climate Change activists really do shut down this embarrassment like they claim they are going to. Let them stew in their own feces that THEY created.
I can only say that I do not think the conditions at the time of the election will be the same as they are now. The frontrunners now may be the candidates then but the important conditions will not.
Ukraine will be resolved I hope and pray in favor of the Ukrainian people but it will be resolved. China will or will not have invaded Taiwan. We will not have has enough ammo if the invade because the Biden administration did not replenish stocks Built up by Trump and used effectively in destroying the Russian Army. But there was/is no real reason not to replenish and that will be on Biden.
I think school choice will be clearly poised against abortion as family life issues determining votes. This opposition isn't clear now.
I think that by November 2024 white guilt will be associated with white gelt. There's a meme going around: "These three people own 13 homes and are worth 61 million. They are discussing income inequality." The implication is that nothing proposed by any of the three - Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or Michael Moore - will touch their own wealth. In short, the form white guilt takes will never touch white gelt.
There's other changes coming. Tucker Carlson because they are deplatforming the right - but why then Don Lemon? And what will they do?
narciso said...
bobby kennedy has some crazy notions, about fossil fuels for instance but he spoke truth against fauci (with receipts)
He was also right about the vax that isn't- one of the few liberal voices questioning it.
He's also one of the high profile liberal anti-vaccine of all types- a mostly liberal crowd up until the vax that isn't. And the more I look into it- the more it seems they're correct about at least the yearly influena vaccines. The numbers seem to show that they're totally unnecessary, that even if they guess right on the prevalent strain coming up, don't really affect the number of cases, and the side effects in sum total are worse then the bad effects of getting the flu.
As for anti-vaccine in general?
I recalllining up to get a sugar cube with a pink liquid dropped on it. People my age (67) and below didn't worry about polio after that.
I had measles, mumps, chickenpox, German measles, and whatever else was common. Not fifth's disease though. AFAIK, no one my age had it.
My 3 oldest children skipped measles, mumps, and German measles- they had the MMR vaccine. They had chickenpox. One of them was iagnosed with fifth's diseaes and as parents we had no clue. Turns out it's the fifth childhood spotted disease, and was never actually diagnosed before the others were wiped out. Seems if you get measles, you don't get fifth's disease, but no the other way around. Adn fifth's disease seems mostly harmless. My two youngest were born 1994 and later. They skipped the foregoing plus chickenpox- vaccine developed in 1995. So I'm not anti-vaccine- but I think we need to take a closer look at all of them in determining which are actually worth getting.On balance, MMR, Chickenpox, and tetanus appear to be more much more beneficial then harmful. Yellow fever? Only if you're going into areas where it's prevalent. The pneaumoniavaccine? Not sure- but I've taken it. Shingles vaccine? Definitely worth it from what I've heard from those who've had shingles. I've had it.
I would vote for Trump or DeSantis over RFK Jr. I would vote for RFK Jr over Biden or Kamala. If he runs as an independent- he's going to really screw up the polling. Especially if he took ALL the anti-Trump votes. The anti-Trumpers could feel good about themselves without having voted for brain addled Biden.
Sad but true. Either way conservatives lose.
If Trump wins in the primary, then we lose the general election (forgone conclusion), and we get another 4 years of Biden and Harris.
If Trump loses in the primary, then all of the Trump Humpers stay home or vote for a third party candidate, which results in another 4 years of Biden and Harris.
I know some people here hope that Biden dies before the election. I hope that both Biden and Trump die before the election.
President Trump gave us peace and prosperity.
"President Trump gave us peace and prosperity."
I miss those halcyon of hearing ambulances 24/7, banging on metal pans every night at 6:00, watching the bottom drop out of the economy, etc etc. And what about those routers?
"The county has, for whatever reason, also refused to produce the network routers. We want the routers, Sonny, Wendy, we got to get those routers, please. The routers. Come on, Kelly, we can get those routers. Those routers. You know what? We’re so beyond the routers, there’s so many fraudulent votes without the routers. But if you got those routers, what that will show, and they don’t want to give up the routers. They don’t want to give them. They are fighting like hell. Why are these commissioners fighting not to give the routers?”
Maybe we need to go through it again because nobody really believes that the outcome in 2020 was legit.
This is the price of telling people that they must believe something that makes very little sense--that senile, lying, racist Joe hiding in the basement with a mask on got 81 million votes, because people don't like Donald Trump.
If any part of the political power structure--including in particular the Republican Party-- had made a serious effort to address the gross and obvious fraud and corruption that is the hallmark of our current election system, instead of dismissing it out of hand--then we could "move on."
Instead we get a do-over. And the Republicans think that the way to fix it is to trash Trump and pretend the problem doesn't exist.
I agree with Static Ping. Nice photo.
"I want to write a post expressive of my dismay that the 2024 presidential campaign is turning into an inevitable repeat of the already awful 2020 campaign."
is it true that Althouse hasn't voted since 2004 when she got in big trouble for taking pictures inside the polling place?
Trump is such a turn-off to most voters. Doesn't matter his past accomplishments.
Now that he spends all his time crapping on DeSantis - I'm done with him. And that's on Trump.
Speaking of 2020 - here is how Biden won. Check out table #2. She re-scans the votes over and over.
Wendy - you know we cannot impeach unless the R's hold the senate.
Plus - The cheat machine drags PA senate zombies across the finish line... magic.
Well the Dalai Lama is out - for cause. If you can't see a difference in the world that Biden/Harris has wrought from the one of DJT's, maybe buy a bunch of fentanyl tabs and say good night.
Gary Johnson? Jo Jorgenson? Peter Pan?
Biden in 2024 is a shell of his former, already dementia-addled 2020 self. Trump in 2024 is burdened with vast although preposterous criminal litigation compared to his COVID-wracked 2020 campaign. History repeats as farce. Laugh at it if it happens.
More likely, Biden blows a head gasket and Trump gets convicted of something before primaries get too far along. Harris and Pence both demonstrate their well-known vote-repelling skills, and must drop out after a primary or two. DeSantis, Haley, and other Republican governors leap into the fray. Is a presidential run by Chucky Schumer too unreasonable to consider? And can Hillary still stay sober until at least noon? Is AOC ready for the big time? Crisis campaigning leads to unpredictable activities and completely unknown outcomes. Could be fun to watch.
From Powerline Blog: 21ST CENTURY HEALTH PROBLEMS: Throat Cancer Is Becoming an Epidemic, And Our Sex Lives Could Be Behind It. “Those with six or more lifetime oral-sex partners are 8.5 times more likely to develop oropharyngeal cancer than those who do not practice oral sex. Behavioral trends studies show that oral sex is very prevalent in some countries. In a study that my colleagues and I conducted in almost 1,000 people having tonsillectomy for non-cancer reasons in the UK, 80 percent of adults reported practicing oral sex at some point in their lives. Yet, mercifully, only a small number of those people develop oropharyngeal cancer. Why that is, is not clear.”
Drago, you may want to reconsider your LOLA fantasies.
I was in Portland this weekend.
They removed the 20-ft tall expanded-diamond steel fence from the Apple store in downtown Portland. It's been replaced by what appears to be ballistic glass.
The consensus says that Nordstrom's on Pioneer Courthouse Square is being subsidized with free rent.
Why do people assume this?? Because all foot traffic is gone from the streets, and the Nordstrom sales people aren't making commissions.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
"Speaking of 2020 - here is how Biden won. Check out table #2. She re-scans the votes over and over."
Wow. You might want to bring this to the attention of Trump, or Rudy, or the Kracken Lawyer. This sounds like something they might want to litigate!
I know some people here hope that Biden dies before the election. I hope that both Biden and Trump die before the election.
4/27/23, 6:00 PM
Talk about nuts. This is pathetic.
boatbuilder said...
Maybe we need to go through it again because nobody really believes that the outcome in 2020 was legit.
This is the price of telling people that they must believe something that makes very little sense--that senile, lying, racist Joe hiding in the basement with a mask on got 81 million votes, because people don't like Donald Trump.
If any part of the political power structure--including in particular the Republican Party-- had made a serious effort to address the gross and obvious fraud and corruption that is the hallmark of our current election system, instead of dismissing it out of hand--then we could "move on."
Instead we get a do-over. And the Republicans think that the way to fix it is to trash Trump and pretend the problem doesn't exist.
4/27/23, 6:26 PM
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Wendy - you know we cannot impeach unless the R's hold the senate.
It didn't stop the left from trying to impeach Trump....twice.
I’m curious as to how many that visit this site have read RFK Jrs book “The Real Anthony Fauci”
I’ve been re-reading parts of it recently. I would say it’s excellent, if not completely maddening.
How about Tuckers interview of him.
rcocean said…
It'd be nice if someone who supported all of Trump's policies and wasn't Trump was running. But there's not. President Trump gave us peace and prosperity. He'll do it again. Some people seem horrified at that.
This is an extremely interesting question from my perspective. I want to know what are the great policy-specific merits of a Trump candidacy. Another way to think about it is as you’ve suggested; what are the policy failings on the part of non-Trump or anti-Trump conservative Republicans?
You can answer as you see fit, but I’ll prompt you a bit.
What are the biggest policy differences between Trump and Asa Hutchinson?
What policy votes in Congress by former Rep. Liz Cheney are a problem for you?
How is Trump better than Adam Kinzinger, on policy?
I do not want to hear about electability, or what your Republican base voters want. I am confining this to policy, since you initiated the question about which other Republicans stand for Trump-like(?) policies.
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