April 5, 2023

At Grennie's Springtime Café...

IMG_0744 2

... you can yap all night.


gilbar said...

can some of you wisco people explain THIS?
Rep. Dan Knodl (R-Germantown) beat Democrat Jodi Habush Sinykin in a tight race for Wisconsin’s 8th Senate district, which represents the northern Milwaukee suburbs and parts of Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington — or “WOW” — counties.

Senate Republicans finally claim a 22-member, two-thirds supermajority with the win, which gives them the power to impeach and remove “civil officers”
The potential for impeachment became a major point of contention in the race following comments from Knodl, who appeared open to using the impeachment power. In the days leading up to the election, Knodl said he would “certainly consider” launching impeachment efforts against Judge Janet Protaciewitz


Dave Begley said...

A dog’s grave?

Lurker21 said...

Poker Face (the recent movie with Russell Crowe, not the new television series with Natasha Lyonne) is an incoherent concoction. It's as if a bunch of different scripts -- caper, action film, drama, elegy or eulogy -- were thrown up in the air and awkwardly reassembled. Still, the movie's minilecturette on Australian art might be appreciated.

Lurker21 said...

This Manhattan trial reminds me of that joke in Woody Allen's movie: Trump was trying to do to Stormy what Biden's been doing to the country for the last few years.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Via Reddit: "CashApp founder was just stabbed to death in San Francisco"

One of the top voted comments: He’d apparently just moved to Miami too, but was back in town on a trip. Worse, there is apparently footage of him after the attack desperately trying to get people to help him only nobody would. All the interconnected mobile devices, street cameras, tracking systems, and notification pushbots ever invented, and this ultra wired tech guru bleeds out on a SF street anyway because literally nobody could be bothered to care. The 21st century is filling up with lonely deaths like this and I hate it, I hate it so much.

Ann Althouse said...

Dog grave

The rule of Lemnity said...

Via r/Jokes: "They say Donald Trump was charged with crimes that would have been ignored if someone else had committed them...

I guess orange really is the new black."

The rule of Lemnity said...

Via Reddit: "NPR says it’s totally normal to arrest political opponents. Countries like China do it all the time."

Oh my lord. link -so you won't think it's made-up

For more about this kind of blindness listen to Matt Taibi's podcast.

TickTock said...

A well loved dog.

walter said...

How're we doing on the tranifesto?
How're we doing on the 1/6 vids?
Kelly apparently denied R in kind support..because "non--partisan" race....

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Known Unknown said...

RFK, Jr. considering a challenge to Biden but most Dems (according to Twitter) hate him and consider him a "menace."

Mutaman said...

I posted some of Ann's comments about the judicial election over at LGM and folks were shocked to learn that Ann was still alive.

Mutaman said...

Lurker21 said...

"This Manhattan trial reminds me of that joke in Woody Allen's movie: Trump was trying to do to Stormy what Biden's been doing to the country for the last few years."

People who think that a trial has started in the Trump case remind me of Allen's label for that guy in Take The Money And Run: "Cretin"!.

Mikey NTH said...

Grennie must have been a very good dog to get memorialized like that.

NKP said...

Dems may hate RK, Jr. but he could be the ruin of Biden and, perhaps, others.

He is a real Kennedy. He has Greenie cred (although he's let a hint of sanity shine through, once in awhile). And, he seems to be on better meds, now.

gadfly said...

Lem the misspeller said...
. . . "They say Donald Trump was charged with crimes that would have been ignored if someone else had committed them...

Good to see that you agree that Trump the Don really committed the charged crimes.

gadfly said...

Little dogs like Giorgio, the Chewy Chihuahua normally live 15-17 years and big guys like Ralph, Chewy's Saint Bernard/Mastiff mixed breed that loves peanut butter will normally live about 8-10 years. Smaller dogs can live more than 20 years.

So Grennie is a miracle dog having lived 25 years. That is one hell of a big gravestone for a little dog.

On the other hand, we owned a small housecat named Pookie who lived 24 years - far more than the 15-year norm. The world record for cats of 38 years is held by a feline named Creme Puff.

Humperdink said...

Jason Whitlock is becoming a national treasure.


Humperdink said...

Has the woke left gone off the rails? With Nike using a guy (Dylan Mulvaney) to sell their sports bras answers that question. When is reality going to hit these people? The US has not reached the bottom yet, but boy we're close.

Breezy said...

I think that’s 1939 - 1954, gadfly. That’s a fifteen year difference. Still a good long life for a dog, but not a miracle.

Humperdink said...

Mrs. Dink is under the weather so I went to my least favorite pharmacy CVS* to buy some Mucinex. They sold a twin pack of daytime and nighttime. The package said manufactured in Mexico and England. What???? Sure enough, one bottle was made Mexico and the other was made in England. We are so screwed.

* Worst customer service of any pharmacy since penicillin came on the scene.

Chuck said...

Lem the misspeller said...
Via Reddit: "NPR says it’s totally normal to arrest political opponents. Countries like China do it all the time."

Oh my lord. link -so you won't think it's made-up

For more about this kind of blindness listen to Matt Taibi's podcast.

4/5/23, 8:57 PM

Except, that isn't what the NPR story said. You linked to the Reddit page. That was a waste of time. I went to the NPR page for that story. Where you can read the text and listen to the story as it aired.

So yeah; it is indeed "made up." Made up, by whatever Redditor from the fever swamps of Trumpism who started that moronic page.

Here's your regular reminder that Donald Trump is right about exactly one thing, in my own personal view. For people like me, we don't simply hate Donald Trump. We hate Trump's most ardent followers too.

Trump loves the poorly educated. Me, not so much.

wendybar said...

"As Democrats are politically targeting former President Donald Trump for allegedly paying hush money during the 2016 presidential election, President Obama's "illegal foreign influence operation" is flying under the radar." https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2023/04/05/obama-received-30-million-from-ccp-linked-fugitive-n2621587

Kay said...

This is a beautiful image.

tim in vermont said...

"Don't underestimate Joe Biden's ability to f*ck things up." - Barrack Obama

https://rumble.com/v2gh8so-the-end-of-the-us-dollar-as-the-worlds-reserve-currency.html - Tucker Carlson.

It started with the Canadian truckers, using the financial system as a weapon against enemies of the regime, and who was behind that? Chrystia Freeland, deputy PM of Canada, and granddaughter of a Ukrainian Nazi, whom she defends as "not a nazi." In other words, she's a nazi at the highest levels of western governments.

wendybar said...

News you will never hear from the propagandist news...Joe Bidens political prisoners are being abused. https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/j6-prisoner-pleads-for-help-after-being-stabbed-in-the-face-for-watching-tucker-carlson-mace/

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ann, you deserve a higher class of trolls!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"True, everyone at MSNBC is a Trump-hating zealot. But this helps obscure the real objective. Half the Democrats genuinely hate Trump, and the other half are saying, This is fantastic. We’re going to win him the nomination.

Politico reports that Biden’s senior advisirs reacted to Trump’s recent surge in the polls with unmitigated joy. “We beat Trump once, they say, and will again.”"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Trump is the nominee (As Democrats want) Say hello to 4 more years of old crook Biden and his above the law family of money grubbing money whores.

Jamie said...

Lem the misspeller said...
. . . "They say Donald Trump was charged with crimes that would have been ignored if someone else had committed them...

gadfly quipped....
Good to see that you agree that Trump the Don really committed the charged crimes.

My bold type. The left side's fundamental misunderstanding of how our justice system works continues.

Cute joke, though, lem!

The rule of Lemnity said...

The morning news is alerting people to “dozens” of threats directed at the Manhattan judge and DA charging Donald Trump.

Is it that easy to get a hold of judges and DAs?

Call me skeptical.

lonejustice said...

15 years old. That's a good life for Grennie. Good dog.

MadTownGuy said...

Mikey NTH said...

"Grennie must have been a very good dog to get memorialized like that."

Probably good owners, too.

wildswan said...

Trump can run for President of Ham Sandwich Nation even if, or better to say when, convicted of felonies. It's called restorative justice. And there's nothing in the Constitution to stop him. In countries that habitually arrest the leader of the opposition, having that leader take office later on is just the commonest kind of outcome. Look at Iran and all the banana republics. Vaclav Havel won in Czechoslovakia. Russia has Alexander Navalny, the leader of the opposition, under arrest and there was an Academy-award-winning video about him. So why not Trump in Ham Sandwich Nation? is he not the ideal representative of the people? isn't that why he is being prosecuted?

tim maguire said...

Lem the misspeller said...The morning news is alerting people to “dozens” of threats directed at the Manhattan judge and DA charging Donald Trump.

Is it that easy to get a hold of judges and DAs?

Most claims of having received threats are bunk. There is victimhood cachet to be gained from having received threats, so people pretend that mean statements are actually death threats and if the media likes you, they'll run with it.

Ann Althouse said...

The stone says "Grennie/1939-1954/Our Dog."

planetgeo said...

Someday perhaps there will be a lovely little grave like this for the United States of America, the fairest, kindest, and most underappreciated country ever conceived by mankind. Maybe some cruelly neutral joggers will notice and wonder what happened.

Humperdink said...

Another President Soiled Pants talking point sinking like the Titanic. Gasoline prices up in Ohio $0.20/gallon in the last two weeks. And no end in sight. The House of Saud crude production cuts partially to blame, the current greenie administration bears the majority of the responsibility for curtailing US oil production.

Ann Althouse said...

"I posted some of Ann's comments about the judicial election over at LGM and folks were shocked to learn that Ann was still alive."

Sounds like a substantive debate. Good for you.

Big Mike said...

I think that’s 1939 - 1954, gadfly. That’s a fifteen year difference.

@Breezy, math is hard for lefties.

Iman said...

Mutaman on Lefties Gone Mook!

MikeD said...

Boy, when Althouse said "yap" everybody took it to heart.
Here I am just thinkin' Grennie musta been a "good dog" to be so remembered.

gahrie said...

so people pretend that mean statements are actually death threats

They don't have to be mean comments. Simply saying that gender dysmorphia should be treated like other forms of dysmorphia is enough to get you accused of violence against trans people.

wendybar said...

yet here we are again, pretty little things in dresses and heels; silly beings whose deepest thoughts would drown in a kiddie pool.

and the worst part? women - the real ones with the dna and nature-made vaginas to prove it - are the ones welcoming this absurdity with open arms.
7:22 PM · Apr 5, 2023

Drago said...

Flip-side Inga (HBTPFH): "Politico reports that Biden’s senior advisirs reacted to Trump’s recent surge in the polls with unmitigated joy. “We beat Trump once, they say, and will again.”"

Gee, you should get on the ball and identify a candidate that will more effectively campaign across the country and then deliver the Trump policies without all the Trump drama.

I can't wait to hear who you have in mind.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rape Fantasist Chuck: "So yeah; it is indeed "made up."'

If you're looking for someone who enjoys making stuff up, that would be our very own Karen/Eddie Haskell-like Chuck who has spent almost 8 years lying about and smearing Trump, Trump supporter and any conservative in general. In particular, black conservatives. Also in particular, black conservatives that served in the military. Also in particular, attractive female conservatives.

LLR-democratical Chuck proudly proclaimed his only 2 purposes at Althouse blog were to
- Smear (lie about) Trump
- Drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers

LLR-democratical Chuck prides himself on his specificity with language, so when he argues that "smear" does not equal "lying", that's when it really begins to get fun.

Lets see if LLR-democratical Chuck's infamous anger forces him to launch into another creepy Barron Trump fixation or rape fantasy.

Drago said...

Speaking of "making something up", remember when LLR-democratical Chuck spent weeks and weeks on this very blog claiming Joe Biden had NO CHOICE but to executed the EXACT plan for exiting Afghanistan that Trump was going to execute?


Did LLR-democratical Chuck ever fess up for that lie?

Quite the contrary. He was very, very, very proud of himself. Like a toddler that had just smeared (!) peanut butter all over his face.

Mutaman said...

Colonel Mustard said...

" Dems may hate RK, Jr. but he could be the ruin of Biden and, perhaps, others."

He'll get the same number of delegates that Di Blasio got