March 23, 2023

"Those lunches were ridiculous.... I’m not caucusing with the Democrats.... Old dudes are eating Jell-O, everyone is talking about how great they are..."

"I don’t really need to be there for that. That’s an hour and a half twice a week that I can get back.... The Northerners and the Westerners put cool whip on their Jell-O and the Southerners put cottage cheese.... I spend my days doing productive work, which is why I’ve been able to lead every bipartisan vote that’s happened the last two years."


Achilles said...

Until she ridicules the voter fraud in Arizona she can FOAD.

Drago said...

Looks as though Mitch McConnell and his Romney-ite pals are maneuvering to possibly support "independent" Sinema over any more conservative/populist republican that wins the GOP nod in AZ for 2024.

That would be particularly on brand for McConnell and his acolytes as they work hard to ensure only Murkowski types are elected in the most conservative red states.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Sinema Trashes Dems: ‘Old Dudes Eating Jell-O’"

If she hates that, wait till she finds out about where those old dudes like to drop a deuce. Discerning fashionistas like Sinema don't fit in with the wears-depends-or-poops-their-pants crowd.

Nadler and Biden's prediliction for pooping pants just screams 'with it'.

Dave Begley said...

Sound reasons!

Joe Smith said...

Both parties are like being in an elder care home, with the Ds being slightly worse.

None of them have any idea what actual citizens deal with every day.

RoseAnne said...

OK, I confess - I took a second look at the picture to see if her nipples showed. I will leave the answer for the reader to check.

Sinema is interesting. I agree with her on little but admire her moxie.

Michael K said...

She is worried about re-election coming up. Kari Lake might be a tough opponent.

Geoff Matthews said...

No loyalty.

Chuck said...

I'm a forgiving person. I can forgive Kyrsten Sinema a great many things.

But if a Sinema (I) versus Lake (R) versus AnyDem (D) 3-way AZ Senate race results in Kari Lake becoming a US Senator, I will never, ever forgive Kyrsten Sinema.

n.n said...

Narcissistic, geriatric politicians.

which is why I’ve been able to lead every bipartisan vote that’s happened the last two years

DIEversity is a loser's proposition. Good for her.

That said, don't harsh their mellow Jell-O.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hawkeyedjb said...

As an Arizonian, I appreciate Sen. Synema and hope she continues in office - she is the one senator who truly deserves the title "Maverick." Of course, when you're a Democrat, the term is changed to "traitor."

She will be facing a hard-left primary challenge next year. God forbid she loses; the Republicans here have perfected the art of losing statewide elections.

Jupiter said...

Ask her about that mortgage.

Christopher B said...

Cool Whip, lime Jello, cream cheese, and mashed pears.

We used to call that a 'salad' when I was growing up in Iowa.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ah poor baby Chuck contestants. Paid lots of our money to eat that jello.

Virgil Hilts said...

For the record, I wrote this here in October 2018 before the election:
". . . While [KS is] probably a progressive at heart, she has spent her entire time in elected office (state and federal) trying to work with republicans, be bipartisan and get things done, and she gets attacked by bat-shit-crazy progressives in AZ all the time. As I've said re Flake, if all of our Congressmen and Senators legislated like KS we would be in a much better place. I think she's going to lose in close one (but depends on turn out) and 538 has exaggerated her chances to win for weeks. If she wins she will probably be one of the best (least worst) Democratic Senators in Congress. One caveat, I think she has always belonged to the minority party when in office."

Jamie said...

Going to be a little hard for her to - what did she say? Do productive work? - with her colleagues if she is going to talk about them this way publicly.

mikee said...

What about their policies, though? She still good with the policy and ideology and political processes of the people who run those jello eaters? Or could she maybe explain what's wrong with that, rather than with their jello?

Yancey Ward said...

Sinema literally daring the Democrats to run someone against her at this point. It's a bold strategy.

BarrySanders20 said...

Funny stuff. I do like the cut of her jib, or maybe just because she's different and semi independent-minded.

Maynard said...

As an AZ voter, I find Sinema likable, but I very much doubt that she has been red pilled.

Given the sad state of the AZ McCain-GOP, she has a good chance of being re-elected as an independent.

JK Brown said...

Is she playing it to Gutfeld who has recently riffed about Jello Shots PM, for night caps and such

Big Mike said...

“I’m not caucusing with the Democrats” is the key statement. The rest is window dressing.

rcocean said...

there are 16-17 female Democrat Senators. Is the Arizona Lesbian including them in the "old dudes"? Probably another 8 are male but look to be her age.

Anyway, she's a fake Indie, like Bernie and Senator King of Maine. They vote with Chuck Schumer 96 percent of the time. Given how dumb voters are, I'm sure some McCain Republicans can't wait to re-elect her. Why she's "Bipartisan".


hawkeyedjb said...

Michael K said...
"She is worried about re-election coming up. Kari Lake might be a tough opponent."

Sinema would love to run against Lake. Democrats would love to have Lake run, especially if they can get rid of Sinema in the primary. It would be a dream come true for them, to be able to go up against a proven loser - it's Martha McSally all over again. Kari Lake may have her appealing moments, but she has little political sense (for example, insulting McCain Republicans in a state full of them.)

Andrew said...

I admit, I love the woman. Yeah, she's still too far to the left for my taste. And a lot of her "maverick" act is contrived. But I still appreciate her eccentricities, and her free spirit. She is a breath of fresh air. She antagonizes the Democrats. God bless her.

Michael K said...

the Republicans here have perfected the art of losing statewide elections.

Yes but they had a lot of help from Hobbs and her machine. I mean voting machines, not political machine. Although Kari Lake did win her appeal about those machines.

lonejustice said...

Blogger Achilles said...

"Until she ridicules the voter fraud in Arizona she can FOAD."


Hey, chuckle-head, only losers keep talking about voter fraud, like Al Gore, Hillary, and Stacey Abrams. Get over it. For a Democrat she is as good as we can get. So go back to eating your Jello. Instead of putting cottage cheese on your Jello, I would recommend you add a shot or two of Jack Daniels. It may calm you down a bit.

gilbar said...

Michael K said...
She is worried about re-election coming up. Kari Lake might be a tough opponent.

Oh Come Now! With all the money, support, and power; of the Entire national republican party supporting Sinema.. She's a Lock!

gilbar said...

rcocean said...
Given how dumb voters are, I'm sure some McCain Republicans can't wait to re-elect her. Why she's "Bipartisan"

Now, tie this in with Bad Spaniels #2

Narayanan said...

are the jello Pelosi level luxury item priced?

Narayanan said...

from reading novels about THE WEST and cowboys etc.

Maverick == unbranded cattle/runaway

so once you get D or R brand on -> no longer Maverick

whatcha think?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“The Northerners and the Westerners put cool whip on their Jell-O and the Southerners put cottage cheese”

It can be scary what Midwesterners put in jello, jello salad being the staple of potluck dinners. As my brother always said about potluck, you’re lucky if you can find a pot you like. My grandmother had some great jello recipes. One favorite was a rainbow she created by layering the different jello flavors.

The last time I made jello was before a colonoscopy. Red jello, and certain other colors, were forbidden.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

A lot of midwesterners retire to Arizona. I wonder how they will take the old dudes eating jello remark.

rwnutjob said...

Misspelled cinema.
Just courting GOP donors

JAORE said...

She should caucus with the R's. No jello but LOTS of pudding.

Lurker21 said...

Mavericks aren't what they used to be. If a maverick is what you want, you gotta take what you can get.

Is Sinema attacking men, or does she recognize that there isn't that much difference between male and female senators? Maybe they all fit the stereotype. How is Dianne Feinstein or Maisie Hirono that different from an old Jello-eating white guy? Maxine Waters and Hank Johnson aren't senators and aren't white, but what are they good for but eating their Jello, with or without cottage cheese or whipped cream?

And maybe the key line in all this is "everyone is talking about how great they are." "Ageism" is a problem, but looking at government lately, aren't we entitled to a little nasty ageism?