Said Chris Rock, quoted, with expurgations, in "During live comedy set, Chris Rock finally lets loose on Oscars slap/Almost a year after Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards, the comedian tells his version at Baltimore" (WaPo).
The article also quotes this, about January 6th: "When did White men become victims? White men think they’re actually losing the country. Did you see the Capitol riots? What kind of White ‘Planet of the Apes’ s--- was that?"
The commenters at WaPo are mostly picking up on that — restating the point with the humor stripped out. The most-liked comment is: "Yes, this whole 'white men as victims' is the craziest crap I've ever seen, and I'm a 65-year-old white woman. White men were born on third base by the virtue of being white and male, and as soon as society starts gaining a little equality, white men lose their minds. It's disgusting and insane."
Building bridges to better understand each other.
Familiarity breeds contempt.
""When did White men become victims?"
When they were tried in kangaroo courts. And the white women too! Some might also call Ashley Babbitt a victim. Commie-Pinko libs are always against the death penalty, excepting of course when the victim is a conservative, then they cheer. Ironically the shooter was a black guy. How's that work?
DIEversitists (e.g. racists, sexists, class-based bigots) have short-circuited, selective memories.
That said, men, women, and "our Posterity" are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus.
White men were born on third base by the virtue of being white and male, and as soon as society starts gaining a little equality, white men lose their minds. It's disgusting and insane."
What’s one way if saying “I didn’t see The White Lotus” without saying “I didn’t see The White Lotus”?
Take a look at the rest of the world- you motherfuckers were all born on third base too…then you cry victim after you completely fuck it all up…
Of course, WaPo picked up on the J6 stuff.. I loved the free fucking speech. It was really funny.
I didn’t know the full back story about Will Smith and his wife. Are they still married? What a loser!
Selective Outrage was the title and theme of the show. A culturally important topic. But WaPo ignored that.
Rock’s observation about the power of female beauty is spot on. Women run the world; not White men. That’s the power of pussy.
At one point he said White men ran the cruise lines. Until recently, the CEO of Carnival was Arnold David.
The bit about shades of black was something I learned about in Tom Wolf’s “Back to Blood.”
Right now there are at least a dozen states where a person can receive over $100k in cash and benefits just for signing up. There is nobody here nit born on third…
Fights between black people falls under today's neutral white attitude towards blacks: the problem seems to be on your end.
Chris Rock once made fun of people who wouldn’t accept responsibility for their own date…in a manner of speaking. The commenters over there never saw Rock’s routine about that I guess…
Oh and those people at the capitol that day were upset at the lack of action over widespread election fraud, not because of the country ‘gaining a little equality’. Watch yourself old white women…
I read the WA Post article before I got to Althouse. Sharing his parents' rule of "Don't fight in front of white people" gave me a laugh...that is so typical of Rock's winning humor. To me, that's making fun of both sides in the racial sense. He came out ahead in every way possible...including taking his time with his response. Lots to learn from Chris Rock.
"If white men are victims, it leaves less space for MY victimhood!"
"Yes, this whole 'white men as victims' is the craziest crap I've ever seen, and I'm a 65-year-old white woman. White men were born on third base by the virtue of being white and male, and as soon as society starts gaining a little equality, white men lose their minds. It's disgusting and insane."
This competition to be the most authentic and deserving victim in society is the natural consequence of the critical race theory that now permeates everything. So, complaining that white men see themselves as victims, when they're not, seems a little rich. You made the rules, and now you have to live with them.
Of course, I'd be happy if they were to call off the whole 'victimology' game. But they won't.
news flash!
65 year says that today's kids have it SO EASY.. because growing up in the 1970's was easy
“Don’t fight in front of white people” is a teaching I haven’t heard mentioned before.
And J6 rioting was about election integrity FPS. People need to broaden their news sources. If “equality” requires fraud to get there, it’s not really there.
I'm a 66-year-old white man. I paid my way through engineering school. At EVERY point in my career as a chemical engineer it would have been a substantial advantage to be black or to be a woman. That's MY lived experience. The society that white men built as the United States has been quite the draw for citizens from around the world. I'm waiting to see if the POC and vaginate classes can do more than despoil.
Well, Jeb Bush may have been on born on third base, but not many white men were.
Yes, I'm the insane one. As I look around at our country, in virtually ever facet, I'm the problem. Me and my insanity.
Yeah white men were born on third base yadda yadda...if only we didn't need them to do stuff for us eh?
Almost disappointing. Had its moments and even fewer LOLs. In fairness, being Chris Rock is a pretty high bar.
Didn't stick around for the after-show. When the personalities were taking the stage, there seemed to be an air of sadness, or reluctance, as if none of them really wanted to be there.
retail lawyer said...
Well, Jeb Bush may have been on born on third base, but not many white men were.
This is the key point that Black people and Feminists like Ann Althouse miss. or maybe they don't miss it.
Their racist and sexist movements give them permission to shit on white men.
But only on low status white men. Working class white men. Middle class white men.
They will only punch down and across. This is how you can shit on splooge stooges generally and vote for a rapist white man and his wife who assaulted and terrorized his rape victims.
They will never punch up at the people that run DC because that is where the cheddar comes from.
PS- Will Smith got pretty much bitch slapped by what his wife apparently presented to the world. That's a hard thing for a big man, a leading star, a man who's carved his body out to play Muhammed Ali and other rugged leading characters. Bizarre that he reached the blow-up point at the Oscars, at Chris Rock.
I love Chris Rock as a comedian and actor. But one thing he and many other Black people do is deny that White people have any agency in this life. So racist at it's core. Being White apparently means you cannot stand up for any unapproved causes, you cannot complain, you cannot be offended, and you most certainly cannot stand up for yourself.
Like I said, I love Chris Rock's work, and he's always come across as a nice person. But on this, like so many, he surprisingly doesn't get that his rights are the same as others rights, his actions and responses to being wronged are the same as others. If he's keeping score on what it's like to be Black vs others lives, he needs to know about others lives. My family did not start on Beacon Hill in Boston. A shtetl outside of Kviv in the 1600s would probably be more accurate. Start from there.
The claim that White people have no agency is cheap, lazy, ridiculous, and typical of leftist arguments.
A black comedian, mocking another race/class/race /gender. Comedy gold for all comedians....except the white men. White comedian='thats not funny'
I good with the humor. But I thought Chris Rock was way past having to check his identity box, to avoid getting canceled.
Temujin said...
"Yes, I'm the insane one. As I look around at our country, in virtually ever facet, I'm the problem. Me and my insanity."
Which is why I'm done. You got a problem? Figure it out.
The black people I met in the 1960s, who had lived under Jim Crow and fought for their civil rights, they were good people. The women of the 1970s, when male employers were still allowed to turn down married female job applicants “because she’ll just get pregnant and then you have to hire and train someone else,” or as my wife overheard her doctoral dissertation advisor say “if you let a woman get a doctorate she’ll just take a job from a guy trying to feed his family,” they deserved real consideration and a chance to show what they could do.
Fifty-sixty years later all that white liberal women and black people can do is whine and moan and bitch. Work? That’s for white males. White males can do the hard work and everyone else can flounce in and claim affirmative action. Always remember that the ones who whine the loudest are the ones most allergic to real work.
Time to draft white women exclusively so they learn about those wars the Democrats and neocon Republicans want to fight.
I don’t know who decided to lump all white men into one group. You think WASPs and Scots-Irish, and Italians all look out for each other? You think rich white guys care about helping white trailer trash out of the gutter. What could be more disheartening then to be multi-generational impoverished growing up trying to dodge the drugged life of your class and being told if you are poor it’s your fault because rich white guys wanted to favor you over everyone else.
Out asking photos yesterday. Old, bug-eyed white lady.maybe 65, handing out fliers for a lightly attended pro-abortion rally. Some pretty crazy stuff over the loudspeaker.
About 30 seconds into our conversation, She brings up Hitler put of left field, then fascism. Then the communists and health care in Cuba are pretty good. North Korea wasn’t Stalinist etc.
I currently see it as an ideo theology. These ideas are likely revealed to the believers and reinforced by the collective with chanting, action and purpose. You just need to find innocence, naïveté and...proplr desperate to believe who don’t have much going on.
I miss the old Puritan, prude, Quaker ladies with likely no men, no children and no real institutional connection to families and real life in their lives.
If they wanted to burn it all down and live in the kingdom of Heaven, they were more constrained on destroying through violence.
Shades of black… that sounds lovely.
A visual: people photographed oh an artistic level- whitest to darkest, very subtle in differentiation.
The last person wearing aviator glasses.
Shades of G*d.
"I'm a 66-year-old white man. I paid my way through engineering school. At EVERY point in my career as a chemical engineer it would have been a substantial advantage to be black or to be a woman."
The following will give a clue at my age, a time when people said unguarded truths that would get you cancelled today:
I retired some time ago as a civil engineer. I'd worked my way through college as a construction laborer. Became a "lead man" in short order - math helps. Even took a semester or two off when my funds would not stretch far enough. My parents would have liked to help but our white privilege did not extend to money for education beyond high school. Both my siblings did the same. My sister took years to get her degree...w/o complaint.
When I was in my final semester I interviewed with what turned out to be my future employer. The interviewer ended by saying he was going to recommend me. He noted I had much more real world experience than anyone he'd interviewed that year. My resume showed I had experienced surveying, equipment (non-union area) operation, rock drill/blasting crew. Soil and concrete field testing and much more. Basically all phases of roadway construction. So he was able to give me an additional point on my "score". Then he said, but if a minority or woman applies they get three points and we'll have to hire them.
Never occurred to me that I could sue if I didn't get the job.
But I recognize I was born with privilege. Partly by being a white male, sure, but it's not the free pass some seem to believe. Mostly it was having two, loving parents. Encouragement to read and learn. And that math ability. (My brother shares that. He taught HS math, chemistry and physics. Sis missed the math gene but got the communication one. She still writes for a living.)
If I was born on third base it was because my parents worked as grounds keepers at the stadium.
My real advantage in life was having two parents at home who were loving and caring people.
Have Chris Rock reprise his Black people V "N"s and how not to get beat by the cops skits and I'll be impressed.
WaPo and it’s commentary, determining what people can be and claim based entirely on the color of their skin. Well, that’s not quite right, sometimes they use assumed genders to judge people too.
Most Baby Boomer White men (like myself) chose not to be victims a long time ago, regardless of our personal circumstances.
When we complain about White stereotypes, racial quotas and similar bullshit, it's an observation not a call to victimhood.
Things may be changing. The other day, I saw a commercial that had a cis-gendered, normal looking White male in it.
This may be an unfair stereotype, but I sometimes get the feeling that however much black people admit to each other that Farrakhan is a stone crazy antisemite, and Sharpton is a charlatan who virtually invented the hoax-crime, they’re not going to say that in front of Y PiPo.
I wonder how the idea of “don’t fight in front of white people” sorts with that.
I enjoyed the special. He certainly got in the last word in his dispute with Will Smith. I didn't know that Smith's wife had slept with one of her son's friends, and probably a lot of other people did not know that either. Now we do do. Chris Rock delivered those lines about Smith with real malice and with a wish to twist the knife at the point where it hurt the most.....The quality of mercy is not strained. It falls like the gentle rain from heaven. But it's so much more gratifying to piss on your enemies...Chris Rock is the clear winner here. He got a lot of money for the special and Will Smith was shamed and ridiculed as both a bully and a cuckold. I wish Chris Rock had pulled his punches a bit. Like deliver the comic equivalent of an open hand slap instead of a hard punch or knee to the groin, but whatever. Perhaps justice was served.
I find hilarious how these people live in a bubble like the WaPo commenter lady. They assume all white men grew up in the Hamptons or Martha's Vineyard. 3rd base. What base were the men on in Pitcher, OK, Centralia, PA, or East Palestine, OH?
Its most likely I'll be taking a dirt nap in 2040/50 or so when white becomes the minority group and that is the real FEAR behind all the innuendos. After centuries of domination becoming the minority group is terrifying to the majority. They want to move into their own states, disassociate from the color and form their own little meccas. AINT GONNA HAPPEN it will be interesting to see when I am finally raised from the dirt in final resurrection and judgement, but then it will all be for not. FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real. C'mon man Life is a set of constant adjustments. Remember the New Age 3rd Beatitude not stated from The Mount of Olives, is now "The meek shall inherit the earth, and the rest will leave for space."
Eat ,drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die (1st Corinthians 15-32)Don't FEAR the reaper sounded with with plenty of cowbell!
If white men are born on third base, let it be said that Black American men are born on second base. All Americans have a pretty good deal at birth. We worry more about obesity than starvation, and you really have to work at it to end up homeless....I grew up in a housing project. Lots of heat and hot water. The only downside of the housing project was the neighbors, some of whom would maim you for the contents of your pocket.....Chris Rock said his grandmother was born in 1945 in South Carolina. He said that she couldn't go to a white dentist. Instead she had to go to a vet. Lots of white people could not afford even that service. The discrimination was financial rather than racial, but a toothache delivers pain with impartial justice to poor whites and excluded Blacks. And, of course, in 1945 lots of white kids in Europe never got a chance to live long enough to see their baby teeth fall out, and lots of kids in Africa did not have access to even a vet.
white men lose their minds.
Can a white man stand on a street corner in any liberal city in America with the words "It's ok to be white" written on it?
Most of the white male down-and-outers drifting through my little town (and there are lots of them) apparently never got the memo that they were born on third base.
Most white people generally want to disassociate from violence and other criminal or illicit behavior, as do most sane people of any color or ethnicity who care about raising their children and grandchildren to live a happy and productive life. Think of it as a content of character differentiation, not a skin color one.
“Don’t fight in front of white people”
A rule honored more so in the breach.
How dare white men want to judge and be judged by the content of character and not the color of one's skin? What sort of crazy shit is That? I mean, who would ever come up with such a half-assed idea?
White Roseanne got cancelled for using a Planet of the Apes metaphor...
White men were born on third base, eh? White men INVENTED third base, along with the entire game of baseball, the Panama Canal, democracy, motion pictures, the polio vaccine, air travel, and practically every other human achievement you can name. "White men were born on third base" implies that it's either some kind of random accident or the fruits of a massive conspiracy that men, especially European men, have been the drivers of nearly all human progress. It ain't so. And equality can't be doled out like government cheese. Things are either equal or they're not.
Sure, history is full of examples of where racial or sex-based discrimination prevented talented individuals from getting ahead. But it doesn't follow that all disparities in group outcomes are on account of white men holding back everyone else. That's a fairy tale.
" soon as society starts gaining a little equality.."
The important question is: are we equalizing up or equalizing down.
Rock is funny but no new insights in his show.
Like many successful black men he’s quite conservative. His views on victimhood covered more than white men.
And he continues to make the live audience uncomfortable by reminding them OJ murdered two white people and got away with it.
Their racist and sexist movements give them permission to shit on white men.
But only on low status white men. Working class white men. Middle class white men.
There are women, often of color and in the media, who dump on all white men. They may have white male allies but they really don't think much of them either.
A lot of the dumping on working class white men is done by white men of higher status.
As a 53 year old white man, I do not have any issues with equality. None.
Equity, on the other hand…
January 6th was not about white men losing the country. There was no "January 6th" in 2009.
There's long been a strange phenomenon in the media of celebrating the idea that whites will become a minority and condemning the idea that whites will become a minority as an evil, fascistic "replacement theory," when someone objects to that happening or complains about it. Maybe the media ought to sort that out before talking about it to us.
America did a good job of getting rid of Depression era poverty. I wish we could have kept going with that. Instead we gave in to grievance politics and encouraged grievance politics even from groups who don't have much of a reason to complain. If America is still playing identity politics 20 or 30 years from now, it would mark the failure of the latest (and last?) version of the "American Experiment."
The whole 'born on third base' thing has to die.
Say that to blue collar workers who didn't eat if they didn't work.
I was the second person in the history of our family to get a college degree.
Don't tell me about white privilege.
More like white man's burden.
It's not just white men - it's men and boys in general.
They are made of grovel and apologize for their mere existence - and they are being shoved aside and told they are worthless by the corrupt gender and race obsessed leftwing corruption machine.
James Thurber wrote a letter to the editor, where he responded to criticism of Thurber's very harsh "slap in the face" review of John Steinbeck's novella "The Moon is Down". At the end, Thurber apologizes: "I am sorry about that slap in the face. I didn't realize my hand was open."
"Victims" are typified by people who burn down their own neighborhoods, not deliver their grievances directly to the centers of power.
Just look at the disparate over reaction of the people in power to the latter if you really want to see false victimhood.
Much of it was hysterically funny. I liked the observation that you know you're in a nice neighborhood if it's the women who are not working at 12:15 on a Wednesday (but rather are coming out of yoga class), but if you're in a neighborhood where men are not working at 12:15 on a Wednesday (but rather are riding around on children's bicycles as their main method of transportation), you're in danger.
He's well aware of how much this country has changed as to race. He pointed out that his mother had to get her teeth cleaned at a veterinarian when she was a child, because it was illegal at the time for black people to visit a white dentist, and now that same woman flies to Paris twice a year to visit her daughter where she's going to culinary school.
I figured his remarks on abortion were going to tie a lot of people into knots. Not surprised the WaPo didn't get into those in detail.
I retired some time ago as a civil engineer. I'd worked my way through college as a construction laborer. Became a "lead man" in short order - math helps. Even took a semester or two off when my funds would not stretch far enough. My parents would have liked to help but our white privilege did not extend to money for education beyond high school. Both my siblings did the same. My sister took years to get her degree...w/o complaint.
My white privilege was doing homework and studying. No help from parents. Scholarship to college but lost it from too much social life and a crappy calculus professor. Worked and went to night school. A huge advantage was tuition at $17 a unit. Even at a private U. UCLA in those days was free. Medical school was $600 a semester.
Chris Rock said his grandmother was born in 1945 in South Carolina.
Did he really? Because America in 2023 is JUST LIKE South Carolina in 1945.
Did you see the Capitol riots? What kind of White ‘Planet of the Apes’ s--- was that?
What speaks volumes is how the Democrats believe that a white riot and a black riot should be treated separately and unequal.
A white riot that's largely non-violent (one women was killed by a police officer) is treated as "worse than 9/11" and "worse than Pearl Harbor" and deserves a show trial on TV for a year.
When black people riot, it's dismissed as "a protest" while buildings are burning in the background and people are dead.
The upshot is that black riots are understandable and not a big deal, while white riots are armageddon and end times.
The Democrat feeling seems to be that white people are superior, so riots or other ape-like behavior from this high class of humanity is unthinkable and unacceptable. Black people are inferior, so criminal behavior is just one of those things they do, and we need to accept it and understand it.
This is an insane and utterly racist ideology. Anybody can be a criminal and engage in horrific and appalling violence.
The Democrat party has long adopted and held a racist worldview. It's just done some reshuffling and rethinking about remedies. But the racist ideology remains.
Republicans should be brutal in pointing out how racist Democrats are and should loudly and repeatedly insist on the humanity of all human beings and demand equal treatment under the law.
Want a melting-pot culture that strives to make us One People? Want to participate fairly along with everyone else? Want to follow long-accepted rules of civility, of honor, of working for betterment?
I'll be your champion. I'll be on your side. I'm all in.
Want revenge for acts that occurred long ago? Want to substitute me into the place of victim? Want to maintain a separate society but reap the rewards of a unified society by raiding me and mine?
No. Your hostility to me drives mine towards you. And I'll win.
I like both Chris Rock’s and Will Smith’s work, and take no sides on their deal. But, after reading the final sentence above, I’ll tell you what I consider disgusting and insane; judging people by the color of their skin, rather than by the content of their character.
Yes, this whole 'white men as victims' is the craziest crap I've ever seen, and I'm a 65-year-old white woman.
Actually, the craziest crap is the class who outlives everybody (white women) climbing to the top of the Woke mob.
Bill Burr has a funny rant on that topic.
"I don't know what the fuck is going on but I think white women started it."
Elsewhere in today's news, certified Caucasian Pete Buttigieg plays the class card on Tucker Carlson. I guess Tucker started it, but neither Pete nor Tucker should try to play a jes' folks populist -- nor should anybody who's been in DC politics for 50 years. If you've been rich or powerful for, say, 20 years, the statute of limitations for complaining ought to have expired.
The claim that White people have no agency
does this mean White people have no power of choosing or responsibility for actions?
so are they programmed robots or slaves?
I am confused
A lot of the dumping on working class white men is done by white men of higher status.
as Trump popularity shows done by GOPe SOP
My reaction to the performance of Chris Rock was, as usual, to be impressed by his courage and smarts. I just filter out the awkwardness of my reactions to some of the exotic and unpleasant (to me) sexual stuff he talks about so casually. But the new takeaway that I got from this event is that, despite all of his material wealth, and his extensive claque of showbiz pals, Chris Rock is lonely, insecure, and unhappy. He doesn't seem to be enjoying life. I never noticed that before. I hope he figures things out. He should find a way to be both happy and funny.
Equalization of outcomes is a dangerous and destructive economic policy. It is not helpful…
"Don’t fight in front of White people."
I call BS.
"When did White men become victims?"
When the odds got stacked in favor of Others?
Of course, the main 1/6 victim was a white woman, killed in cold blood by a black man.
Chris Rock is funny about 10 percent of the time. And right about 15 percent. The rest of the time he's boring and your Standard Showbiz black racist.
He sorta disappeared during that whole "Ye/Irving/Chappell vs. the Jews" thing didn't he?
If Lt. Byrd had been white, and Ashli Babbitt had been black, Chris Rock would still be outraged and making remarks. But it was the other way round, so we get snarky bits about "white men and J6".
I guess you can give Rock points for standing up for "his people". Maybe.
chris rock used to be funny. Now he has reverted to type. Playing the hurt black man or the N word.
seeing how many times you can use the N word, or say fcuk in a few seconds isn't funny, or interesting.
But making fun of white men is always a hit, especially with university females and trans fools.
Playing up race, to make it go away. yeah, that will work.
Somehow 3 rich b/Black people interacting with each other has something to do with White men claiming victimhood and 1/6.
The way I understand things is that after 1965, when Lyndon Johnson issued his Affirmative Action executive order, business concerns began to keep tally sheets in order to avoid EEOC lawsuits and Jesse Jackson-style shakedowns. Black women ticked two boxes.
And here we are fifty-some years later, with Joe Biden's puppeteers ostentatiously trying to tick all the boxes for everybody. Witness Kareem Abdul Pierre, black woman, immigrant, lesbian, press secretary.
As a white man, I don't consider myself a victim. But if you keep pissing and shitting on me for things I didn't do, the temperature is going to keep rising on that slow burn I've had going on for the last several years.
Everyone has their a-hole moments.
Fortunately for most of us, we don't have the press repeating them endlessly, and so we get to move on.
But, live by the press, die by it.
Chris Rock says, “And you know what my parents taught me? Don’t fight in front of White people." Then he does exactly that with his comments on Will Smith. Which leads me to think that he’s no different from all of the other rich people who are trying to keep this racial division scam going.
Point of Information. Two white women were were murdered by Capitol Police. Ashli Babbitt was shot inside the building. Roseanne Boyland was beaten to death outside the building. Do not expect any affluent white feminists to mourn either one.
"Yes, this whole 'white men as victims' is the craziest crap I've ever seen, and I'm a 65-year-old white woman." (emphasis added)
I don't understand what special insight she is apparently claiming to have.
Started on third base? This is the belief that white people are just handed jobs, that jobs do not really have requirements for expertise or dedication or effort. Me and my friends worked our asses off in college. We went out once a week, and in my case it was to play volleyball. In my neighborhood the dads are too busy working in the yard or helping the kids to go to the nightclub or hang with the homies. Don't want to work that hard? Then don't complain. Sure, the really rich kids are given a free ride, the 1%, but 99% of us got very little help coming up and are quite aware that they are on the downside of the hiring and promotion racial merrygoround.
On the other side of it, if you don't train your kids to control themselves so they shoot someone when they get mad and go to jail for 15 yrs, yeah, that will hold them back financially. Absolutely nothing whites can do about that.
My only son was born in 2013. Anyone who thinks he was “born on third base,” these days is on some heavy drugs. Unless things change, he will forever be judged and looked down upon for being white and male. There no scholarships for being white or for being male. There is no quota for a company to hire X number of white males (if anything, they want to limit that number). There’s no flag for being straight (well, there is technically, but it’s various shades of grey. Boring in comparison to the bright and colorful flags that represent everything BUT straight and - ugh - “cis”).
The world will tell me son he was born into privilege, while simultaneous holding him back in every single area so someone of color, someone queer, someone trans can have his place.
I pray every day my son goes into a trade. That will forever be the one arena in which he has a chance as succeeding (including financially) and getting by solely on ability.
Whites are 57% of country so white men are already a minority, 30% of the population. Rise up, ye victims. Take back the NFL, the NBA.
As a Person of Color, the Rainbow and its accompanying religion are offensive evidence of past, present, and progressive prejudice.
That said, I stand with the Zulu.
The irony of the whole thing is that these idjit types like Chris Rock are utterly oblivious to the actual lesson they're teaching the majority: It does you no good, whatsoever, to try and "make nice" with the oppressed minority, because the minute you do so, they're going to turn on you.
Doesn't matter that that's as much BS as anything else, but that is the lesson they're teaching. Basically, there's no point or advantage to doing the right thing, so why bother?
This ends in one place, and one place only: More racial division, more hatred, and what will end in pogroms and effective genocides across this country if it is allowed to grow.
Black Americans might want to cast their eyes southwards, towards Mexico, and contemplate the position of blacks in Mexico, where they're virtually invisible, making up only some 2% of the population. There's a reason that happened, and you're seeing it play out again as Biden and his Krime Krewe opens the borders. The cartels have already slaughtered most of the black gangs; care to guess what comes next on their schedule? There were a lot of formerly black communities in LA that... Aren't. Not anymore. It'll be ethnic cleansing as the order of the day, and the only people who are going to care or notice will be that limited percentage of the white community that still pays attention to these things. Most of whom are pretty much done with the blacks. It's called "compassion fatigue", and no doubt there will be learned sociological papers written in years to come describing it all.
People don't pay enough attention to the outright loathing many (if not most...) Mexicans and Central Americans have for blacks. It's visceral, and deeply felt. Mostly in the Indio demographic, because that was who was victimized the most by the overseers in all the mines and the fincas. Who were blacks, brought in by the Spanish.
It's an interesting thing, when you look at the stats of the slave trade: The entirety of North America only had something like 380,000 slaves brought in from Africa; that number became some 4.5 million by 1860. Mexico had some 280,000 imported; the Spanish left, and they essentially vanished. You can see the barest hints at the reasons in the Wikipedia article:
"In this early period, enslaved African men were often labor bosses, overseeing indigenous labor. Franciscan Toribio de Benavente Motolinia (1482-1568), one of the First Twelve Franciscans to arrive in Mexico in 1524, considered blacks the Fourth Plague on Mexican Indians. He wrote "In the first years these black overseers were so absolute in their maltreatment of the Indians, over-loading them, sending them far from their land and giving them many other tasks that many Indians died because of them and at their hands, which is the worst feature of the situation." In Yucatan, there were regulations attempting to prevent blacks presence in indigenous communities.In Mexico City in 1537, a number of blacks were accused of rebellion. They were executed in the main plaza (zócalo) by hanging, an event recorded in an indigenous pictorial and alphabetic manuscript."
That's the stuff you find on the surface. Do a deeper dive, and you'll find some horrors. The Indios had their revenge, and it left a mark in Mexican culture to this day. Contemplate that, and consider the implications for the future, in a nation that's got a huge swathe of Mexicans and Central Americans in it, imported by the Democrats. D'ya think that's going to be a peaceful process, or a pretty one?
Blacks. Getting betrayed by the Democratic Party since forever, and this last time? Due to their own credulity. If they were smart, they'd be down at the border building that damn wall themselves, and throwing the Dems out of office. But, as we can establish by observation, American blacks are about as bright and forward-looking as your average Arab from Gaza or the West Bank--Always taking the opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Big Mike said...
"Chris Rock said his grandmother was born in 1945 in South Carolina.
Did he really? Because America in 2023 is JUST LIKE South Carolina in 1945."
You'd think with his money he could move to someplace nicer.
Noticed this invitation to bitch about my identity politics status, but declined. I try not to bitch on Sunday. It’s the Lord’s Day… my time to be grateful.
I was born in a shack in the middle of the cornfields in rural Illinois, but I’ve led a wonderful life. 73 years old, still useful, still employed, still playing music in front of an audience several times a week, and blessed with beautiful grandkids.
Who could ask for more?
The way out of the identity politics shithole is to refuse to play.
if white men are born on 3rd base it is with 2 outs and on deck is a feminist that hates men so much she refuses to swing so as to not do any thing to help a fellow human to advance because he is a male
if white men are born on 3rd base it is with 2 outs and on deck is a feminist that hates men so much she refuses to swing so as to not do any thing to help a fellow human to advance because he is a male
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