March 23, 2023

"Funnily enough, I don’t actually have dinner any more. I stop eating at four, and I learned that from having lunch with Bruce Springsteen."

Said Chris Martin, quoted in "Chris Martin’s one-meal-a-day diet inspired by Bruce Springsteen/Coldplay frontman says he now eats nothing after 4pm" (London Times).

That's more or less what we do at Meadhouse... but we're 70ish. You really do need to eat less when you are old. But Martin is only 46!


Chuck said...

"Funnily" is my "garner."

Joe Smith said...

Well, cocaine isn't technically 'food.'

RideSpaceMountain said...

Nothing after 7pm is a rule I've lived by since I was 16 years old and doing two-a-days for football. It is a great dietary rule, especially if coupled with a very very light dinner (or in my case a post-workout protein shake...nothing solid).

A roughly 12 hour fast that allows for post-activity calorie burn as well as letting you have more flexibility in what you eat for breakfast (if you do), and especially what you have for lunch (my biggest meal of the day).

Tom Grey said...

Intermittent fasting! Allows them to pig out, for the lunch thru late lunch time, without gaining weight.

For many, easier to eat nothing, to fast, rather than "eat less" while eating.

It might be that only one big meal a day is plenty for most adult Americans who have office (or HO) jobs, and only light or no other exercise.

James K said...

So that’s the reason for those “Early Bird Specials” at restaurants? It’s the only meal of the day for those geezers.

Rollo said...

Gwyneth got tired of cooking for him.

You know, I went to sleep wondering if Donald Trump was going to be indicted and woke up to find that Gwyneth Paltrow was on trial.

I don't know if it's for Goop or for Shakespeare in Love, but both were crimes against humanity.

Mark said...

His desire to tell us about how awesome he lives his life is only surpassed by his ex wife, Gwyneth Paltrow.

It's been a while since Coldplay had a relevant album, I guess lifestyle brand might be his next pivot.

Rollo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

A diet in moderation proportional to your activity and metabolic state.

re Pete said...

"Don’t care what I drink - don’t care what I eat"

madAsHell said...

It's not just food!!

I was walking the dog in the park, and I noticed all the other dog walkers were wearing T-shirts. I was wearing a sweat shirt, a sweater, and a coat.

All this while I'm trying to coax the dog out of the wind from the lake, and into the shelter of the trees!!

Interested Bystander said...

Ann, you and I are the same age. There are two or three nights a week when we skip dinner. This is especially so when we go out for lunch. We stopped and I had Bahn Mi tacos, my wife had a grilled shrimp Caeser salad. We likely will skip dinner tonight. If I have anything it'll and egg and cheese burrito. Being 70, we just don't eat that much anymore.

rhhardin said...

Three can live as cheaply as two if you skip dinner.

rcocean said...

Gary Player:

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. You don’t put gas in your car when you park it in the garage at night.”

Foods to avoid…

“I don’t eat a lot of meat. I don’t eat bacon, at all. I don’t drink milk. I would never eat a hot dog or cold meats or bologna and that kind of stuff. I would never eat a donut. I would never eat all of this crap! You look at the way people eat — honestly they eat like it’s the Last Supper.”

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

For 40 years I've been a 6-10-2-6-10 guy, and in my 30s, 40s, 50s, and early-60s and farming hard, they were some serious meals, except for 10 pm. In haying season and during vegetable harvest, 6-7000 Calories per day was not uncommon; 4000 was about standard the rest of the time.

Now in my mid-70s, I've backed way off on the hard physical farming, so the morning 6 and evening 10 have disappeared completely. Maybe 3000 Cal/day during veggie harvest, but less most of the time. I'm still a very muscular 210 lb, which was my playing weight as a college athlete.

The best guidance I ever received in such matters came from my doctor in rural Québec when I was in my early 30s. He was both an MD and a Naturopath, and he blended them fantastically well. He was quite alarmed that my body-fat was only 2-3%. He said "You have no reserves at all, and if you're ever badly injured or seriously sick it will not go at all well for you." ... "So how much should I weigh?" ... Then the key bit.

"Ignore the scale. Go by your belly fat. If you can't grab an inch, you need to eat more. If you can grab two inches, back off on the chow for a while." Over 40 years later it still works.

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't eat after dinner. I don't like going to bed on a full stomach.

tim maguire said...

I try not to eat after dinner, but if I go to bed hungry, I won’t sleep well. It’s more important to sleep well.

Some of these eating rules I’m seeing here remind me of the joke attributed to Churchill: it’s easy to live to 100–don’t drink, don’t smoke, eat carefully and don’t fool around. Not only will you live to 100, but it will seem like 200.

boatbuilder said...

Joe Smith--I saw Bruce in concert a few years ago. 95 degrees and he went for 3 and a half hours, running around the whole time. In his 60's.

I think you got that right.

Heartless Aztec said...

No food except the lightest of a fresh fruit snack in the Heartless household after 5pm. A tiny one egg breakfast, no lunch and the biggest meal of the day between 2-4pm.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Funnily" is a strange word.

Meade said...

Strangely enough.