February 28, 2023

Sunrise — 6:40, 6:43.

IMG_0377 4



farmgirl said...

Ooooo, lovely!!!
Snowed like crazy, today. I bet we got a foot so far.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Big right now on Twitter: Man in St. Louis casually loads his gun in broad daylight killing homeless (white) man in cold blood.

I want to warn viewers, the video is disturbing.

Lurker21 said...

According to one account, the AI chatbot that started talking about destroying everything was goaded into it by a reporter who wanted it to start acting "weird." I'd like to find out more but haven't been able to. It looks to me like the program did a very good job of acting weird, but hasn't yet learned not to trust journalists.

Yellowstone got better as it went on, but the show gives us Dallas/Dynasty plots with a much stronger sense that everybody is devious and has a self-serving agenda and past sins to hide. They characters in Dallas and Dynasty were probably the same way but it wasn't really brought home back then. Yellowstone takes the woke idea that we live on cursed, stolen land and says that it always will be. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

People in Southern New England are as skittery this year about a little snow as Southerners are. Maybe it's different in the Midwest.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Omg. This is hilarious... if you stay with it. You won't regret it.

Hint: age difference and what they're into.

(it's possibly staged, but still, they did a good job if they did... stage it)

farmgirl said...

Lem- I’ll take your word for it. I’ve noticed I can’t stomach much extremism, anymore. My curiosity isn’t even perking up it’s ears.

Is it drugs or dehumanization of others that causes so much mindless, immoral horror?

Jaq said...

That's pretty cool. If a human were doing post-processing, it would be possible to bring up some of the detail of the bark of those trees and of the foreground. But I can hardly see what the point of it would be, but if it were a magazine cover, I think that it would be done. The camera can't do perfection... yet, but it leaves so little on the table to be done, and it will not be long before the camera has AI to deal with those last few details, leaving almost nothing for the hobbyist to do. At some point these phones are going to give glossy magazine cover levels of quality.

Language processing
Visual processing
Auditory processing
Olfactory processing

I think that all of these functions are add ons to our subconscious mind, which has been evolving for hundreds of millions of years. I think that in that little nutshell, meticulously evolved, able to do extremely rapid processing, consciousness lives, and self awareness; many animals are self aware, and have no language, blind people are self aware, so are deaf people, etc...

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Tweet with video: "Two Leading Virologists Appear to Have Been Bought off to Shut Up About Lab Leak Theory" - Apparent Under oath testimony.

Link to tweet with video

Narr said...

We had balmy upper 70s weather today, with a nice breeze. The sky is clear right now, and Jupiter and Venus are only a finger's breadth apart. Delightful.

Had a woman here today for long-delayed bathroom reno(s). We haven't used out master bath shower for two years, and when our bathtub clogged up a few weeks ago we knew it was time to tackle it. The shower pan--not the original from '55 I think--leaked and we have some water damage to the joists and subfloor; all dry now.

They will work from the numerous pix the plumber took when he went under, and give us some estimates later this week, or early next. (I know which one I expect.)

This is sure to rival or exceed the $14k or so we spent on kitchen reno a few years ago.
Money pit is the mot juste.

Eva Marie said...

1. For the commenter who wondered if Ann ever voted Republican: (I had to check if I remembered this correctly):
Ann Althouse blog
November 3, 2004
“Time for good people to show what graceful winning and graceful losing look like.
Those of you who are happy with the outcome of the election, please don't gloat. Those of you who have lost, I know how you feel. I've had preferences in presidential elections since 1960. That is 12 elections, and until Bill Clinton won, I had never supported a winner. This year is only the third election out of twelve, where my candidate has won.”
2. For the commenters who wondered what the CrackMC thought of the Scott Adams brouhaha, I give you this:
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
I am NOT even going to try to entertain the idea Scott Adams is racist. Stupid sometimes. Crass sometimes. Insensitive sometimes. But he ain't a racist. Trying to conjure that accusation out of one statement is silly.
2/26/23, 2:58 PM
3. Solely for my own amusement:
FOX goes looking for DeSantis votes in Florida - doesn’t even get a strong commitment from the woman wearing the DeSantis T-shirt: https://rumble.com/v2b9qj2-fox-news-massive-failure-trying-to-promote-desantis-over-trump-maga.html
by way of Conservative Treehouse.
4. If this is all old news to you, never mind.

William50 said...

This is very important for people to understand.
Royalties go back to NIH once they sell products they developed via Big Pharma.

Andrzejewski: So during the pandemic, I think the American people started to ask the question, "Just how close is big government to big pharma?”

Open The Books sued to try to get some of the hidden answers. That lawsuit unearthed 3,000 pages of royalty payments to NIH scientists from 2010 to 2021. During that time, 2,407 government scientists received $325 million in secretive royalty payments, averaging out to more than $135,000 each.

Conflicts of Interest

Sebastian said...

Lem: "Man . . . killing homeless (white) man."

"Man." Right. I guess the "(white) man" hadn't followed the Scott Adams controversy.

Or are we seeing a Bronsonish vigilante here? Inquiring minds etc.

wildswan said...

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness - Slava Ukraini


Sydney said...

An article in last week’s New England Journal of Medicine : Protecting the Legitimacy of Medical Expertise. Too late for that! You cannot tell people that boys can be girls and girls can be boys and expect them to respect you as experts in human biology.

Achilles said...

Fox News gets the sads.

madAsHell said...

I remember trying to capture such artful photography on a Kodak Instamatic camera at Camp Parson's Boy Scout Camp. The results were not encouraging.

Chuck said...

The conjunction of Venus and Jupiter is really spectacular. Tonight shortly after sunset, low in the WSW sky. So bright, they looked like artificial lights. I've seen lots of interesting phenomenon; comets, asteroid showers, lunar eclipses, northern lights... this rates alongside those events. With Mars almost overlapping the Moon.

An unusual week of astronomical events.

Big Mike said...

Lori Lightfoot has lost in Chicago.

Old and slow said...

Familiarity breeds contempt. Good lord is that ever the truth. The only thing that makes my life worth living is that this cliche does not seem to apply to the people close to me, just those at arm's length.

Well, that and curiosity to see what tomorrow brings.

Old and slow said...

Yes Chuck, it is lovely. Now shut the fuck up please. Are you some kind of a plant designed to drive me into the arms of right wing conspiracy insurrectionists? Because if you are I say, well done! Your smarmy, insinuating, greasy characterization of a country club republican is enough to make me grow a mullet and attend a Trump rally. And this is coming from a literal country club republican!

Fuck you!

Achilles said...

Here is a reaction to what Scott Adams said from Officer Tatum.

Scott Adams is going to come out of this better than where he started. He spoke the truth.

Only racists and idiots are really upset with him.

gpm said...

>>People in Southern New England are as skittery this year about a little snow as Southerners are.

Here in Boston, I'm not "skittery" about a "little snow." What I can't deal with at this point in my life is the thought of spending an hour or more digging a car out of the snow. Which is why, for the second week in a row, I won't be driving up to the mountains in New Hampshire for the weekend. Staying instead in Boston, where I don't need to deal with a car.


Crazy World said...

Thank you Eva Marie!
And big Aloha bye bye to Lori Lightfoot LMAO

gadfly said...

Jimmy Breslin nailed it again: Ron DeSantis is just another "small man in search of a balcony."

He is 5'9", overweight at 210 lbs, and poor according to estimated net worth numbers that show him to be in the $350,000 range. He has displayed his best talent to be spending other people's money and he is very private without the ability to gracefully interact with others.

So now he is seriously trailing TFG, the law-breaker, in the polls.

Humperdink said...

Even Stevie Wonder could see it was a lab leak, but the Shufflin' Joe administration? Ah, no. Gotta keep the graft flowing.

Humperdink said...

Fettterman update: “We don’t have a lot to update folks with since there’s no real news to report except that John is doing well, working with the wonderful doctors, and remains on a path to recovery,” communications director Joe Calvello said in a statement." (The Hill)

As a PA resident, I believe every word of this. After all, Fetterman's staff never prevaricated during the campaign.

It's good thing the Norfolk Southern train wreck didn't occur in PA as our two senators continue to be "disappeared". Maybe they are working undercover.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Achilles said... Fox sads? Did you see Jesse destroy Karl Rove last night? Fox has more than the sads. Paul Ryan's straw man has lost it.

gadfly said...

“Man, you’re never going to get any truth from us. We’ll tell you anything you want to hear; we lie like hell… We deal in illusions, man! None of it is true! But you people sit there, day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds… We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here…” – Howard Beale [Peter Finch] ‘Network’ 1976

This movie script must have inspired Rupert's testimony at a minimum or set in place Faux News' whole business strategy.

Humperdink said...

gadlfy mocking DeSantis's height and weight. Hmm, I thought you Commie-Pinko libs shied away from mocking someone's appearance and focused on the issues. (I kid)

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

I came across a book review by Alex Kozinski in the NY Times in 1999, in part,

While the radical multiculturalists still make up only a minority in the law schools, they are loud and militant. They wage open warfare over appointments and tenure, the selection of deans, the scope of affirmative action and the imposition of speech codes. They brand those who oppose them as sexist, racist or worse…
Can all this be shrugged off as schoolyard fun and games? Hardly. What students are taught during their time at law school profoundly affects the way they will do their jobs. When I was a law student a quarter of a century ago, we were taught that cases usually turned not on what the law is, not on what the Constitution says, but on the predilections of the judge making the decision. That view was on the fringe then but is now widely held. Ln Washington, particularly, everyone believes it: liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, those in the White House and those on Capitol Hill. Consequently, the name of the game in judicial appointments is picking judges who will enshrine the right policy into the Constitution while blocking those with the wrong views.
Today's relentless attack on objective reality can similarly transform the legal profession. Lawyers have always had a hard time reconciling their responsibilities to their clients with their duty of candor to the court; after all, both sides are not equally served by the truth. But at least there has always been a shared assumption that such a thing as truth exists. Law students are now being taught -- at least by some of their professors -- that truth does not exist or, in any event, does not matter. What does matter is whose side you're on. There are strong indications that this message is being carried from the classroom into the cou1troom in cases like the O.J. Simpson criminal trial. It may be only a matter of time before lawyers learn to tell juries quite routinely that they must choose not between guilt and innocence, truth and lies, lawfulness and unlawfulness, but between the defendant and the state.
Farber and Sherry are not alone in worrying about this. Traditional liberals in law schools all over the country are shaking their heads, wondering what hit them. Whereas 10 years ago one might have had a fruitful discussion with faculty members and students about justice, equality, freedom, responsibility and merit, such Enlightenment concepts are now considered a bit quaint and a bit dated -- like stale granola. While traditional liberals still dominate the law schools in terms of numbers, they are mostly a cowardly lot, unwilling to risk their peaceful careers to tell the alarming truth to the world outside. In writing this book, Farber and Sherry have taken a personal risk. If those of us outside the academy fail to take heed, we will not be able to say we were not warned.

Humperdink said...

What do Jimmy Kimmel, Joy Reid, Joe Scar'bro, Drew Griffin(CNN), Kasie Hunt, and John Heilemann all have in common (other than being hard core lefties)? They all labelled the Covid lab leak as a conspiracy theory perpetrated from the right. And that would include denigrating Trump. (Via Ace)

It should be pointed out that the now famous 51 intelligence officials have yet to issue any correspondence since the Hunter Biden declaration.

Birches said...

Lem, I don't want to search around too much for the homeless guy getting shot because I do not want to watch the video...was the murderer filming? Security camera?


Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

“We had balmy upper 70s weather today, with a nice breeze. The sky is clear right now, and Jupiter and Venus are only a finger's breadth apart. Delightful.”

A perfect opportunity to crush their tiny heads, a la Kids In The Hall!

Jaq said...

I saw that Instapundit had an article claiming that the Russians are taking massive casualties, based on a "study" that was done. I went to read it and it was mostly extrapolations of Ukrainian propaganda, "If they are doing what the Ukrainians say they are, then these are their casualties" type of 'study.'

There was one incident where Wagner sent a large group of foot soldiers across a field and they were wiped out by Ukrainian artillery, we saw that same photo for almost two weeks, always claiming that it was a fresh picture, and always with hints that the poster had seen "many like this," which, for some reason, were never posted. This is where the "human wave" trope came from. What is in fact most likely happening, is that the Russians are using their almost ten to one advantage in artillery to 'sterilize' areas, then send in a probing attack, and if they find resistance, pull back, rinse, repeat. NATO originally had the strategy of making Russia pay in lives for small gains in territory, Russia fired the general and put a new one in charge with the mandate to take as much time as he needed, but the be sparing of soldiers' lives, which is the strategy they have been following since.

I am not saying this because I am pro-Russian and "hate America," I am saying this because the kind of propaganda that appears regularly on Instapundit is only intended to stiffen the resolve of the American people (our military knows exactly what is really going on) and shore up support for sending more weapons, which just ends up getting thousands and thousands more young men killed, many more maimed, and isn't going to change the trend, which is currently on Russia's side, and has been for months.

"Battles are important, but trends win wars." - Winston Churchill

If being a good American means I am supposed to pretend to believe obvious lies, well, I will do that if American soldiers enter the fight, but I plan to undermine all arguments for sending American or NATO troops into Ukraine, by telling the truth, so that that never happens. Right now, it's just corrupt Joe Biden and his little circle of neocons, and John McCain's ghost + Lindsay Graham, who have declared Russia to be our "enemy."

Chuck said...

Haha. Laughing at all of the Fetterman haterz. He's in office, not for two years. Not four years. Fetterman's term is six years. Until 2028. By that time, Josh Shapiro will have completed his first term and won re-election. Pennsylvania Republicans have basically no more statewide leaders. Not now, not for years into the future. i.e., the PA Republican Triple-A farm team is dead.

And of course, you deserve it. Nominating Doug Mastriano and Mehmet Oz did it for you.

Jaq said...

Here is an interview with a Ukrainian "hyper nationalist" soldier discussing the citizens of Donbas in 2021, the year prior to Russia's intervention.


"I won't call these people Ukrainians. We don't need them."

It should be noted that the Ukrainians have been shelling Donetsk City with cluster munitions (petal mines) where there are no military targets, throughout the war, as they have been for the eight years prior to the war, when the civil war broke out as Donbas and Crimea refused to accept the violent coup that the United States almost instantly recognized as the legitimate government in Kiev.

Jamie said...

I remember trying to capture such artful photography on a Kodak Instamatic camera at Camp Parson's Boy Scout Camp. The results were not encouraging.

I tried the same thing... with a disc camera. Remember those? Tiniest negatives outside a spy camera in a lipstick tube?

Humperdink said...

@LLR Chuck. No one hates Fetterman. To claim so is utter ignorance on your part. What we hate is the process that installed him. Of course reading your lying tripe over the years, this claim does not surprise me. Just go away, Paul Ryan needs a butt kisser.

Humperdink said...

@ LLR Chuck. One more thing. I find it interesting you used the word "hate" regarding my comment on Fetterman. Where did the contemporary use of the word hate get it's start? From the bowels of the left wingers. You're now on board with it's use. Or maybe you were part of the movement all along.

Old and slow said...

Václav Patrik Šulik said...
I came across a book review by Alex Kozinski in the NY Times in 1999, in part,

Very prescient, and rather disheartening. This is the sort of comment that I come to althouse to read. Thanks!

Old and slow said...

Blogger Chuck said...
Haha. Laughing at all of the Fetterman haterz.

Chuck, you contribute nothing to the conversation here, ever. Just fuck off somewhere else.

Rusty said...

Why do you care who Althouse, or anybody else, voted for? It's none of our/your business. As long as she got out to vote and voted honestly,once, that's all that matters.
Piss off, Chuck.

Drago said...

For the last 8 years both LLR Chuck and The Poor Man's LLR Chuck, gadfly, had been attempting to position themselves on this blog as "principled" "true conservatives" seeking to "conserve conservatism" by supposedly attacking republicans the dems hate "from the right".

But, as you can see, its now irrefutable that every attack against every republican and defense of every democratical always comes not just from the left, but from the far left. As it inevitably had to because once the mask gets pulled off these idiots had no where else to go.

Thus, I think it is healthy for the blog that transparent and paper thin ploy has been completely obliterated and both are now quite out and proud and loud typical democratical lefties on every single issue, personality and candidate.

Old and slow said...

I agree with Rusty. Who someone else votes for is none of my (or your) goddamn business.

Narr said...

I stand with Rusty and Old and slow--it's none of my bidness who the Prof votes for.

OTOH, if she volunteers the info I don't think there's much harm in noticing and commenting.
I don't think I read her original declaration.

Narr said...

In the top photo, what's the reddish splotch on the left side of the big tree trunk?

Drago said...

Humperdink: "@LLR Chuck. No one hates Fetterman. To claim so is utter ignorance on your part."

There is nothing "ignorant" about LLR Chuck's mendacious activities. He knows perfectly well what he is doing. He is smearing and lying to advance democratical interests, just as he said he would do.

Jaq said...

Anybody not watching women's college golf is missing a visual treat.

Jaq said...

Oh yeah, and sitting on my patio, watching women's college golf, I am hearing an alligator roar. It sounds pretty darn close. If the SO hears it, we will have to sell the house!

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