February 28, 2023

Quickly escalating on Twitter, an out-of-context quick escalation.

I tried to find the context, but didn't. Perhaps you can help.


RideSpaceMountain said...

I suspect that a strip search of everyone in that room could produce enough SSRIs to kill 12 bull elephants.

What's shocking is despite the high doses the volume level remains elevated.

donald said...

Big ole LOL here.

hawkeyedjb said...

Mix up the stew of rudeness, self-righteousness and mental illness and you get this.

MadisonMan said...

It seems people just want to get angry sometimes.
"Why are you standing on the table?" might've been a good question to ask.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

The only way to tell for sure is to pull down his/her/its genes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL. Speech crime brown-shirts.
Behold the woke losers who will run our nation soon. (into the ground)
When Dilbert said stay away from the speech-police woke Nazis - *ding*

Mingus Jerry said...

All I said was Jehovah

Lilly, a dog said...

Ann, this is old footage. It happened at the University of North Texas last year. This video from Podcast of the Lotus Eaters has the context:


William said...

I couldn't follow what they were saying, but who doesn't admire the passion and conviction of that one person who tore off their mask, jumped on the desk, and started screaming. (s/).....I get the sense that trans people are an extremely small portion of the population and that, among the trans community, sane people are not the majority....Well, there are worse things. There's a move afoot to keep people from acting out their prejudices against convicted murderers. These murderers have paid their debt to society--some of them have been in prison for longer than five years--and there's no need to discriminate against them in terms of housing or employment.

Temujin said...

I cannot. The only thing I can say about this, is it is a clear and important video showcasing a live mass formation psychosis event. Now do climate change cultists.

Gahrie said...

I tried to find the context, but didn't. Perhaps you can help.

Twenty years of Progressivism and indulging mentally ill teenagers.

Humperdink said...

I've searched and can't help you with the context, but let me offer this. These people need significant therapy. Their thoughts are not normal. The gender question was solved centuries ago. I suspect the gender/ misgendering debate had it's genesis on the college campus, which is no surprise.

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks, Lilly

I figured it was old

TikTok specializes in little clips like this, often quite old

Darkisland said...

On yesterday's podcast, Scott said that he has been dropped by his syndicate. That means that no newspaper will carry Dilbert (I think, but not sure, worldwide) because he no longer has any distributor.

This also includes Dilbert books and calendars.

Scott actually seems happy about this, saying that he is now "the freest man on the internet". He did not get into details but I assume that all distribution rights revert to him. I have both self-published and traditionally published and would never go the trad route again.

It used to be you needed a distributor to get into newspapers and bookstores. These folks got a lot of the money. Deservedly perhaps but a lot. He no longer needs bookstores or newspapers, he can control his own distribution.

He will continue doing Dilbert posting daily on his Locals channel. I'll be signing up for $5/month. Partly for Dilbert but partly to support him.

He also said that Dilbert.com will go away. He apparently does not own it. He said he does not ant the hassle of running it. I suspect that nobody else can use it without his permission due to copyright and trademark issues.

This whole kerfuffle is getting really interesting on several different levels.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Oops, wrong thread. Sorry

Humperdink said...

Standing on the desk and removing the mask was a nice touch. Next time he/she/whatever should take a tip from Nikita Khrushchev and pound the table with his/her flipflop..

BIII Zhang said...

The reaction to what Scott Adams said (which was "you should not hang around people who hate you ... because it's dangerous and stupid") kind of proves his point.

They are out to DESTROY him because he was a Trump supporter. They're re-framing what he said as racism while simultaneously setting up every aspect of modern life through the lens of skin color.

Musk is naive. You cannot put this genie back in its bottle. It's too late. The election was already stolen. We don't need to know how they did it, Elon. We know how they did it. They did it because you didn't buy Twitter until AFTER they did it. Which is, of course, too late.

The racists (Democrats) are in charge of the federal government, many state governments, and virtually every city in America.

The country is done. There is no saving it.

Don't live near them. Don't hang out with them. Don't hire them. Separate yourself from not just blacks (who vote 95% Democrat) but all other Democrats. They're evil and will finish you if you deign to disagree with them.

Ron Winkleheimer said...


holdfast said...

Do NPCs really even have a gender?

Wince said...


If they had any brains, a Republican campaign ad.

tommyesq said...

Apparently mis-gendering trumps masking - the mask had to come down to allow the yelling and anger to be displayed.

Rusty said...

It's funny when the woke come unglued.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I've searched and can't help you with the context, but let me offer this. These people need significant therapy. Their thoughts are not normal. The gender question was solved centuries ago. I suspect the gender/ misgendering debate had it's genesis on the college campus, which is no surprise”

It wasn’t hundreds of years ago, but many millions of years ago. 99% of us instinctively know the difference between male and female. I can tell the difference 99% of the time, whether the female is 5, or 101. We can also tell the difference in other species, even without looking at the genitals. Our dog is clearly female (regardless of having been spayed). And they can fairly accurately determine whether we are male or female - for example, male dogs tend to be more aggressive around human males, and more protective of human females.

The transexual (excluding opportunistic males) most often suffer from mental issues. Many turn out to be either autistic or clinically depressed. Which is why there is so much regret and grief with those who have undergone medical treatment - even if just puberty blockers and cross sex hormones. They have given up ever having kids, for the false hope of relief from their condition. Those who go into it because of depression, are often more depressed afterwards. What they need is counseling, and not affirmation of their condition as normal. It’s not.

I read yesterday about their push to use Latinx (or, apparently Latine). The attack here is on gendered languages. In Romance languages, the nonspecific ending on words is male. Hence Latinos for the plural, unless you know that the group is all female. That is part of their culture. Why the attack here? One theory is that those on the left are attempting to destroy our societal norms, in order to destroy our country. It is all so 1984. War is peace. Male is female. Get everyone forced to agree, and you have thought control. We don’t need to tell everyone our pronouns, because almost everyone knows instinctively what they are. And that is what pronouns are for - they are a language shortcut. What it does do is show that those who engage in this (and who condemn misgendering) are compliant to the ruling elite’s demands. It’s virtue signaling, for approval by those elites. They show how willing they are to ignore reality in order to gain favor with those they believe are their leaders. Next month, it will be something else. Meanwhile murderers are set free from prison, male rapists allowed in women’s prisons, Blacks burn down their own communities, turning them into food and pharmacy deserts.

Rusty said...

Mingus Jerry said...
All I said was Jehovah
Stone him! Her?

Joe Smith said...

So the mask comes off when it's convenient...

Yancey Ward said...

He was misgendered- "imbecile" was the proper noun to use.

rrsafety said...

Narrator: In reality, no misgendering occurred.

JK Brown said...

I don't know what meeting/class that is but adults should just leave and let the toddlers have their tantrum till they run out of steam. Don't interact with them, even after.

gilbar said...

IF people are INSANE, and Act Insane, and ARE Insane.. Shouldn't i think that they're INSANE?

Misinforminimalism said...

No amount of context would convince me this is normal or acceptable.

gilbar said...

i don't wish misfortunes on Anyone.. BUT;
When she (he? (it?)) hopped up on the table, and tore off its mask, and leaned forward; Screaming..
It would have be HILARIOUS if it had slipped, and fallen down onto the chairs in front of it.

Again; i am NOT wishing misfortunes on Any one (or any Thing), BUT;
i am just saying: That would've been hilarious!

samanthasmom said...

This is a battle that's winnable. I recently gave a short speech. In it I used first and second person pronouns, but whenever a third person gendered pronoun might be appropriate, I used the proper noun instead. Afterwards, someone told me I had refused to acknowledge a child's chosen gender. I pointed out that I had recognized no one's gender. The whole thing is a power play. Like the computer in "War Games" taught, the only way to win is to refuse to play.

EdwdLny said...

Ha ha. Hysterical!

n.n said...

This is why trans/homosexuals et al seek to socially distance themselves from the liberal progression of the transgender spectrum.

PM said...

Thanks, Lilly, for the fuller view. The last time I saw that level of self-righteous screaming was during Vietnam - not to suggest 'misgendering' a cow is anywhere near as serious.

Birches said...

@Lily, a dog

Thanks for the video. I could easily imagine someone provoking the crowd, but realizing who the speaker is, his stance is well documented and unsurprising. Unless you're a crazed ideologue.

Birches said...

@Lily, a dog

Thanks for the video. I could easily imagine someone provoking the crowd, but realizing who the speaker is, his stance is well documented and unsurprising. Unless you're a crazed ideologue.

(Probably a double post)

Owen said...

I would not respond well to that situation. My first reaction to the child throwing the tabletop tantrum, would be to advise him (her? It?) to STFD and STFU. If that failed (as it almost certainly would fail) to induce civilized behavior, I might get physical. Bad idea!

Result: the crazy in these people is tolerated. And so it grows.

n.n said...

Opium Wars revisited. China is merry and gay that we choose, Choose to live in progressive liberal times. That said, throw another baby on the barbie, it's over. Bennies for babies.

Aggie said...

Another prime example of cutting-edge Nobody Cares.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Average PHQ9 score in the room was ~ 13.

loudogblog said...

If only these students had this much passion about their school work.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Last year = "Old"

LOL. If it didn't happen 5 minutes ago - it didn't happen!