One of the commenters at a NYT column titled "The Relentless Attack on Trans People Is an Attack on All of Us":
I am a gay man, but I think there needs to be a step or two back taken from what has become the politicization of medical treatment for children who may be transgender. Several years ago, a family living on a street in my neighborhood announced by way of a transgender flag that appeared on their porch that their eight-year-old until then son had recently informed them that he is trans. Since then, children of three other families living on our block have had such an epiphany. Four trans children on one block in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? I think not.
ADDED: Is the commenter misinterpreting flags? I haven't been able to find an image of a flag that specifies that a transgender child lives in the house where the flag is displayed. There is a transgender flag. Here's a Wikipedia article about it. I would think it is used simply to support transgender people, not to identify the people living in the house. One particular block could have a bunch of flags because the people know each other and are rallying their support, perhaps for one child.
Social Contagion
Just like tattoes
"Is the commenter misinterpreting flags?"
No. The commenter is properly interpreting the effects of a propaganda campaign being waged against young minds.
"Four trans children on one block in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? I think not."
I think so. The contagion is itself a political project, using child mutilation to break down any remaining petty bourgeois assumptions about sex and gender. It's a double whammy: upsetting traditional morality while normalizing harm to children.
But it is good of gay progs to notice the shift. The day before yesterday they argued for equal rights because gays were born that way. It was all in the genes, you see, and couldn't be changed. Now transgenderism "argues" that genes have nothing to do with it and sexual identity is all in our heads. Bodies can and ought to be changed at will.
Social contagion is spread by such public displays. The kids of the families flying such flags get the message, that the neighbor 8 year old is doing something their own parents celebrate. I would trust the gay man's perception that an outbreak of trans kids on the block is imminent, if not already happening.
Pronouns and sex/gender flags....
Speech authoritarianism. Flag authoritarianism. Get over yourself.
"Is the commenter misinterpreting flags?"
The flag has nothing to do with a trans-child. It never does. It's about the parents, specifically, 99% the womyn/mothegrrrr. As people so fondly say, it's just like a vegan cat...everyone knows who's calling the shots.
You want to know what's really insidious? Whether it's transitioning the kid or de-transitioning the's always about the mother. There was just a podcast where a mother is talking about the 'cult' of transgenderism she and her children are escaping and it hit me...
...this shit is always about the fucking mother. Transitioning. De-transitioning. Talking about it. Obsessing over it. Fighting about it. Just so long as she's the focus. The kids? Who fucking cares...they're not on the podcast talking about their bat-shit crazy mom and what she's done to them to begin with and now what she's doing to them again.
Explains a lot.
Or, it could be this. Trans clusters.
I assume the writer knew the family and the child personally, and knew of the neighbors situtations.
This anecdote tracks closely with your post yesterday, and what schools are experiencing.
Gender dysphoria is extremely rare. Someone mentioned the fad of recovered memory from 20+ years ago. A social contagion. Except we are mutilating our children this time around.
Munchausen-by-proxy is so passeé.
Sorry if double post--Google is a wreck today.
>"Is the commenter misinterpreting flags?...One particular block could have a bunch of flags because the people know each other and are rallying their support, perhaps for one child."<
No, he doesn't seem to be misinterpreting anything about flags. He said nothing about multiple flags. He said: "...their eight-year-old until then son had recently informed them that he is trans....Since then, children of three other families living on our block have had such an epiphany." He mentioned only one flag. He did inform that there were three more kids who had epiphanies about their genders.
Flags themselves were a social contagion about two months ago. There are dozens of them. Truscum, tucute, transmasc, xenogender, catgender..I can't keep up...
Trans clusters.
Worst breakfast cereal ever.
Several years ago, a family living on a street in my neighborhood announced by way of a transgender flag that appeared on their porch that their eight-year-old until then son had recently informed them that he is trans.
Is the commenter misinterpreting flags?
That would be one HELL of a flag to communicate so much detail about the situation. So I think we can take the flag as the first indication with at least one conversation that followed.
Because how else will the neighborhood be fully informed of their new responsibilities and invisible lines which must not be crossed?
Do people actually read articles beyond the title and author? If it's in NYT, written by Boogie and about trannies, don't we all know immediately what it's gonna say? Especially Boogie, who has yet to write anything that involves the real world.
And f him and AOC and their gaslighting about the right's "obsession" and "attacking" "trans folx". THEY are the ones that decide to champion whatever new perversion or degeneracy comes along and force it on everyone else (you know, like city councils quietly passing bathroom access bills 7 and 8 years ago before most people knew what trannies "are"). And when people catch on and say "Just wait a fng second here" these people are the assholes? Yeah, ok. Douchebags.
As an aside, after homogay marriage was give the green light by the SC, I was confident the next push would be polygamy, since people knew what it was and there was that show on TLC or whatever. How simple-minded and foolish I was! I didn't realize till later that polygamy was still essentially the union of men and women. Not much use when that is exactly what you want to destroy. Hence, trannies.
Whatever happened to polymorphous perverse. The media are downplaying the most attractive kid alternative.
Althouse I found this blog post interesting. Most importantly your own active blogging. Not simply linking a NYT column, but digging into the Times comments, finding a particularly interesting comment, and then adding your own interesting analysis. The essence of good blogging. Like somebody once said, I'm interested in interestingness.
And then, there are your commenters. Lol.
Leftist authoritarian faux-teachers are indoctrinating and confusing young children. (with sex and gender topics that do not belong to them)
They are. It's happening. It's crazy.
Transgender spectrum. Rainbow banner. Albinophobia. Em-pathetic appeal. Probably a politically congruent sect. Levine Dreams of Planned Affirmation through Mengele with shades of Sanger.
Ann, I think you're reading too much into the way the comment is worded, and imagining words that aren't there. He states that the family "announced by way of a flag." I would presume that he has confirmed that, in fact, the child is "trans" and is inferring that the flag was the announcement, rather than observing the flag and inferring the child is trans.
Secondly, he never states that the other families even are flying a trans flag. He simply states that three other children have had the same "epiphany."
"...their eight-year-old until then son had recently informed them that he is trans."
Not Ant Man? Not Patrick Mahomes? Not Benson Mekler? wtf?
NO, the writer is not under the impression ALL uses of the flag are to come out, sure he knows many households display it in support of the principle, & people they have never met. I think the writer is saying that this One Family used the trans flag as their own personal coming out announcement, NOT that a lot of other households aren't displaying it in support of the principle and people they don't even know.
But why are you sidelining us with this question? More importantly, this fellow is sounding the alarm like other good folks of all types, and it is dangerous to be so honest these days, very powerful swarms of hate spring out against such honesty.
Nasty Times we live in. Good for him, and thanks for sharing.
Its a good one for two of my favorite hashtags . . .
Wow the logic of flags = trans children cluster = I've never met these people but know the children who may or may not be trans are getting hormones, surgery, etc.
I'm unsure of the relevance of this guy being gay -- other than knowing that quite a few of the people driving the moral panic about trans people also believe he is a perverse "groomer".
The flags are like the BLM lawn signs and, for decades before that, the bumper stickers. It’s a passive-aggressive move to please oneself with one’s virtue and courage, but mostly to stick a thumb in the eye of almost all passersby. I have neighbors who put up stuff like that and it is a daily test of my patience, as I imagine the conversation I will never have with them: “Don’t you care how many people you gratuitously offend with your stupid, smug, simpering, simplistic sign? How many you are driving away from reasonable debate, tolerance and accommodation, and into the camp of those who are just itching to spray “GFY” on your declaration that has needlessly poisoned the neighborhood with partisanship?”
One particular block could have a bunch of flags because the people..
are Stupid, and think the idea of
Chemically castrating, Artificially Hormone dosing, and Surgically Mutilating children.. is NEAT!
Whether or not these 'parents' are actively doing these things to their children is not very important..
They THINK that it is GOOD to do them.. Because; they Hate children.
They Hate Children, because they Hate People
It's a well known fact that global warming has caused hormonal imbalances in our children. These imbalances were further exacerbated by COVID vaccines. Expect to see more and more of this phenomenon.
It's a well known fact that global warming has caused hormonal imbalances in our children. These imbalances were further exacerbated by COVID vaccines. Expect to see more and more of this phenomenon.
Mommie says she Loves me.. BUT; would Love me a LOT more, if i'd just pretend i was a boy
One of my wife's nieces reports that her smart, talented, 18 y.o. daughter, months from HS graduation, is having some kind of identity crisis/freakout and is set to see a therapist.
I doubt that she is alone, or that many or most of her friends are displaying the same behavior. After all, we reward it.
He is a neighbor, I'm sure he is not just decoding the latest LGBTQ+ branding.
Neighbors talk.
It's mass psychosis.
I know a woman with kids in a very (very) wealthy part of the Bay Area.
She said fully 40% of the girls in her kids' school have come out as either gay, bi, or trans.
This is grade school...
Trans clusters.
Worst breakfast cereal ever.
At least there are no nuts.
Unless you get the Lia Thomas flavor...
Biden promised most transparent administration ever, did he deliver?
Think about it.. 4 years ago, there Weren't many parents of trans kids.. NOW, Trans Parents EVERYWHERE
Getting your kid to go trans is easier than getting them into Harvard these days.
And you don't have to wait until they're 18 to crow about it.
We had patients who said (...) they had tic disorders (but they didn’t)
More like Tik-Tok disorders, amirite...?!
The way I read it, the author of the comment knows there are four (4) families with transitioning children in the neighborhood. I do agree that the phrasing is ambiguous so it could be referring to the flags. It is a comment on the Internet so it did not go through layers and layers of editors. Not that the layers actually help all that much these days, given it is layers of incompetents.
One of the popular theories is that transgenderism is a social contagion. The fact that there are multiple transitioning children in the same neighborhood and presumably going to the same schools does support this hypothesis. They are experiencing the same peer pressure and the same teachers/groomers.
I'm interested in interestingness.
Someone who doesn't collect stamps says he's interested in stamp collecting.
Chemically castrating, Artificially Hormone dosing, and Surgically Mutilating children
Sterilizing children who are overwhelmingly gay.
Transgender is the modern-day Salem witch trials: A bunch of confused and hysterical young people being indulged and fucking things up for everybody.
What "relentless attack" on trans people? Who cares if they are trans people.
However, the non-trans community is entitled to object to trans' behavior and that of their enablers just as we are entitled to object to anyone's behavior we consider harmful or antisocial.
You know, just as the WaPo mediaswine objects to our behavior, but maybe not so hyperbolically.
Joe Smith @ 11:08: “…mass psychosis…”. Word. Matthias Desmet has written (and spoken) eloquently of this. IMHO it often afflicts people made weak by lack of real adversity. No wonder the idle rich might suffer disproportionately from such neuroses.
"Over the past year, we have seen a sweeping and ferocious attack on the rights and dignity of transgender people across the country."
Well, that's one way to look at it.
Social contagion; as mentioned above.
The same thing happens with suicides.
A person told me that trans kids are announcing themselves in small rural Nebraska schools. They get it from TikTok. Thanks ChiComs.
Willian said: "It's a well known fact that global warming has caused hormonal imbalances in our children. These imbalances were further exacerbated by COVID vaccines. Expect to see more and more of this phenomenon."
Researching the data on hormonal imbalances in children I can't even find a single mention of global warming as a possible cause of such imbalances. Thyroid issues, yes, stress, yes, climate change, no, COVID vaccines, not yet demonstrated. On the surface it's ridiculous to even consider that the average 0.33 degree C increase in the earth's surface temperature over the past 20 years (the period when almost all of these sudden trans conversions have occurred) could be a factor, let alone the 0.2 degrees C that has occurred during the entire lifetime of a purportedly trans 10 year old. Moreover, if such a rise in trans kids could be explained by a change in climate, then the children of in all of the families who relocated from, say, Wisconsin to Florida in the past few years would all be drag queens.
William, I'm pretty sure I'm not the first one to point out that you're full of crap. Probably won't be the last either.
People can desire anything as long as others seem to desire it too.
Trans clusters.
Worst breakfast cereal ever.
I was drinking when I read this. Almost ruined a keyboard.
"I imagine the conversation I will never have with them: “Don’t you care how many people you gratuitously offend with your stupid, smug, simpering, simplistic sign? How many you are driving away from reasonable debate, tolerance and accommodation, and into the camp of those who are just itching to spray “GFY” on your declaration that has needlessly poisoned the neighborhood with partisanship?”
Snowflake. Snowflake exuding true appreciation for reasonable debate, if only someone's flag that has nothing to do with you didn't make you want to commit crimes against that person. Snowflake coward ranting on anonymous bulletin boards instead of saying hi to a neighbor.
We've known for years that the number one predictor of whether a child will come out as trans is whether they have a friend who came out as trans.
Having 4 kids on the block who really are trans is unbelievable. Having four kids on the block who, for some limited period of time, think it's cool to be trans is fully believable. How many blocks in the 60's had four hippies? How many in the 80's had 4 punks? Four goths in the 90's? That happens quite a bit.
LLR Chuck: "Althouse I found this blog post interesting. Most importantly your own active blogging. Not simply linking a NYT column, but digging into the Times comments, finding a particularly interesting comment, and then adding your own interesting analysis. The essence of good blogging. Like somebody once said, I'm interested in interestingness."
Looks like all the old LLR Chuck pathologies are in play.
Here we see the returning manifestation of LLR Chuck as Eddie Haskell/Insincere Suckup to Althouse even as LLR Chuck simultaneously continues his explicitly stated mission of purposely attempted to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
Daniel12 reacting badly once again to people who oppose the sexual psychological abuse and physical mutilation of children.
Talk about a "sign"....sign of the times that is.
Daniel12 with more lefty bullshit:
Snowflake. Snowflake exuding true appreciation for reasonable debate, if only someone's flag that has nothing to do with you didn't make you want to commit crimes against that person. Snowflake coward ranting on anonymous bulletin boards instead of saying hi to a neighbor.
The comment makes clear that gays do not approve of the tranny thing, especially with kids. Daniel12 is outraged at this.
Why is it so easy to imagine Chuck saying "lol" out loud all the time? In the interest of interestingness I'd like to know.
“The vast majority of our society's problems can be traced back to the insecurity and hysteria of middle class white women and their need to jockey for social position.”
They should be thinking a head a bit more. If almost half of their 2.1 children goes seriously tyrannies, and at least gets puberty blockers, they can expect half the grandchildren they probably would have had otherwise. And that is how many women get status later in life - through the number and success of their grandchildren. Darwin is watching these families, and laughing.
My partner can claim success with 5 grandsons, the youngest 4 all on the road to success. 2nd one was honored recently graduating from Army boot camp, in the top 10% of his class, and a promotion to E-2. Third one was in (AZ) All State Orchestra this year as a cellist, and his brother got honorable mention, as a sophomore, on the string bass. Oldest just moved in with us, and starting to have confidence in him too. All strongly heterosexual, and #3 and #4 with really hot girlfriends. So, pretty sure that she is going to have great grandchildren. Just hopefully not too soon. She has had The Talk with the oldest two about maintaining control over their condoms.
I appreciate it when neighbors out out flags, signs, stickers, or other markers of their political-economic-social-sexual-spiritual preferences and fetishes.
Makes it much easier to avoid meeting them.
This whole trans madness has gotten completely out of control. This is a thing that effectively did not even exist, what, five years ago? And now it is everywhere, and we are told we must accept and respect it. This is not just the usual generational conflict "oh those crazy kids...". This is genuinely fucking madness, as is the whole white supremacy insanity. Western society seems to be at a precipice.
@jaydub: I was saddened to see your rejection of my explanation of the recent epidemic of transgendered children. Do you live in a rural area with many dairy farms? The concentration of methane due to the many cow farts in such areas pose substantial environmental risks. Studies show that many dairy workers show early and substantial cognitive deficits. While not so pronounced in non-dairy workers, people who live in such areas are also at risk. You should check into this. I wish you all the best as you face down these challenges. You will be in my prayers.
Jaydub I think "Willian" is funnin' with you
Ann -- I agree with Ice Nine, Bitter Clinger, et al.
IMO instead of reading the comment literally and naturally, you are taking a rather unlikely inferential liberty.
William --
Even giving your words their most charitably coherent meaning, they basically say that since cow farts cause both cognitive deficits and global warming, global warming causes cognitive deficits. I hope you see the problem here.
Do not let your child into a classroom with a teacher with pink or purple hair, a buzz cut, nose ornaments. Do not let your “open mindedness” put your child under the influence of this person.
When I was in Lincoln earlier this week for the hearing, all sorts of young people were there opposing the bill that would stop medical procedures, surgery and drugs for those under 19.
Seeing all the young people there was so incredibly sad.
One trans elected official said he was, "proud to see all the trans kiddos."
During the rally, NE's two LGBTQ state senators said conservatives were hateful, ignorant, bigoted and anti-democratic.
The subtitle: The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin would be a century old if it hadn’t fallen victim to Nazi ideology.
I read Rites of Spring by Modris Eksteins, which covers the cultural and historical changes that occurred after WWI. Traditional moralities faded, and the Weimar Republic was at the center of many of those changes. It's possible, I think, that Nazism rose in reaction to those changes, which, like today, happened too quickly for people to absorb and adjust and modify.
I think of gay marriage, which I regarded as silly 30 years ago, but makes sense to me now. The problem with the trans thing is that it is moving too swiftly, it's too broad in its goals, and too inflexible in the ways it pushes it agenda. Given time, legitimately gender dysphoric people--I think they exist, but in tiny, tiny numbers--might get help, or even be accepted if that's to their benefit. Right now, too many people are falling under that umbrella, and therapists, doctors, and, especially, shrill, loud advocacy groups, are sweeping them along.
The fact that Scientific American published an article so lacking in real historical context, let alone scientific rigor, tells us something important: We need to stop this silliness.
If people have courage to shout this down now, we might be able to recover. Unfortunately, I fear we won't and we will see something like the fascism of the post WWI years come our way.
"Do not let your child into a classroom with a teacher with pink or purple hair, a buzz cut, nose ornaments. Do not let your “open mindedness” put your child under the influence of this person."
I think you mean "I will not let my child..."
You can shut the fuck up about my children and how I parent them.
"Daniel12 reacting badly once again to people who oppose the sexual psychological abuse and physical mutilation of children."
Actually Daniel12 reacts badly to people who fantasize about committing crimes against their neighbors over a flag that has nothing to do with them, and then scream and rage on anonymous bulletin boards about it like tough guy keyboard warriors. Pitiful.
I'm pretty sure William's theories are worth checking out, especially the cow-fart connection to loss of mental clarity.
Just hope that the cow-fart-huffing that social media (I'm looking at you, TikTok) is spreading doesn't drag even more of our most promising youth down.
"Just like tattoes." Those look awful. Why would people tattoo their toes? (Except to cover the injection marks of course.)
"I think of gay marriage, which I regarded as silly 30 years ago, but makes sense to me now....
We need to stop this silliness."
I'm having trouble reconciling these guitar Joe. Also:
"The problem with the trans thing is that it is moving too swiftly"
How many trans people need to continue to suffer, for how many decades, until you feel the time is right for their acceptance?
"Jaydub I think "Willian" is funnin' with you."
Carol you don't know William like many of us do. He may not be an expert on trans kids or climate change, but the man knows his cow farts. He's sniffed enough of them. Which may explain his own cognitive lapses.
Your sarcasm detector needs readjustment. William appears to be fluent in sarcasm.
My entire family engages in it frequently. Not so much in the Althouse comment section.
'Getting your kid to go trans is easier than getting them into Harvard these days.'
It would probably help to get your kid into Harvard...
The commenter might have made it up.
Sounds too perfect to be true. Claims to be gay ("even I'm outraged!"). FOUR trans epiphanies on one block ... ONE block.
Snowflake coward ranting on anonymous bulletin boards instead of saying hi to a neighbor.
Bullshit. The last thing that snotty neighbor wants to deal with is some icky conservative. They're publicly announcing it to anybody who happens by.
Arrogant pricks. Every, last one of them. Including you.
"How many trans people need to continue to suffer, for how many decades, until you feel the time is right for their acceptance?"
How many kids will needlessly and irreversibly go through this transition until you realize how wrong, stupid, and morally thick headed you are? I believe gender dysphoria is a legitimate thing. I think it is much, much rarer than we're led to believe now.
Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria
The Brown University researcher who pointed this out several years ago was attacked for telling the truth. Her paper was retracted by the university, who then cowered in fear to the Woke Mob.
Nice to see that she was right, and that this is all a social contagion being encouraged by authority figures like teachers (who have zero medical training).
The pro- trans community sets themselves up as the perfect example of why they’re wrong. A few months back the Twitter safety team would likely have banned the reply you’ll see here.
Re: mothers.
It's been said before but this is Munchausen by Proxy in huge numbers.
Repeal the Nineteenth.
Re: mothers.
It's been said before but this is Munchausen by Proxy in huge numbers.
Repeal the Nineteenth.
I am really sick of the idea that an attack on [fill in blank] is an attack on "all of us". No, it's an attack on [fill in blank]. FFS if one is able to identify as a gender not on the birth certificate certainly, I have the freedom to decide when I've been attacked. If not, then the relentless attack on short people waged by any retailer placing items higher than we can reach is AN ATTACK ON ALL OF US!!!!
"Bullshit. The last thing that snotty neighbor wants to deal with is some icky conservative. They're publicly announcing it to anybody who happens by.
Arrogant pricks. Every, last one of them. Including you."
You're having both sides of a raging argument inside your own head. In front of a liberal who comes here to deal with icky conservatives all the time.
"How many kids will needlessly and irreversibly go through this transition until you realize how wrong, stupid, and morally thick headed you are? I believe gender dysphoria is a legitimate thing. I think it is much, much rarer than we're led to believe now."
Medical intervention is extremely rare. Kids who are getting it do so with their parents and their doctors, in line with medical standards.
Imagine you're in the parents shoes, instead of judging them and their kids. Imagine how difficult it is. Imagine it's another medical condition, if that helps, and that you're worried your kid will die from it. Nothing else you've tried has worked so far.
There are a series of escalating treatments, which you're carefully considering with your child, and you are scared shitless as maybe are they. Agony. You decide to start.
How would it make you feel if one of the two political parties was calling you a child abuser and trying to ban you from getting the treatment your child needs?
How would you feel if someone said they will tolerate your child in 30 years?
Trans- a state or process of divergence [from normal].
Conversion therapy through medical, surgical, and/or psychiatric corruption... sex and sex-correlated gender (e.g. sexual orientation) are fluid.
Human rites (e.g. "burden" relief) through elective abortion are socially progressive... human life is a tenuous conception.
It's all very politically congruent ("=") with diverse precedents. Be a good Aztec... Greek... German... Chinese... American and take a knee, beg for bennies.
identify as a gender not on the birth certificate
Masculine or feminine? Masculinists, feminists, and social progressives approve of males, females, old and young taking a knee, begging for bennies, performing human rites to affirm their faith.
Age is fluid. Religious extremists who deny love to pedophiles, and Choice to teens and preteens to change their gender/sex and access to clinics, are reactive flyovers and socially conservative.
>>Here we see the returning manifestation of LLR Chuck as Eddie Haskell/Insincere Suckup to Althouse even as LLR Chuck simultaneously continues his explicitly stated mission of purposely attempted to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
Very, very late to the party, but I have to say I had pretty much exactly the same reaction to that post, including an immediate flashback to Eddie Haskell sucking up to Mrs. Cleaver, um, I mean, Althouse. Just really pathetic. I wonder if he's also reverted to sending emails to Althouse about how she should be running her site.
I will never forget his explicit admission that he didn't much care about anything but driving a wedge between Althouse and her readers/commenters. What a schmuck. Why does he thing anyone here should pay the least attention to him.
I’ll set this pathetic record straight.
Back when Trump was running for the nomination, Althouse (who remembers this better than any of you maniacs) was musing about her perception of Trump’s true feelings on gay rights. Althouse and I had tangled — respectfully, I say — about the series of gay rights cases at the Supreme Court; Lawrence v. Texas, U.S. v. Windsor, and Obergefell v. Hodges. Althouse liked the results in those cases. I liked the Scalia dissents in those cases.
So when Trump was running, and just getting to the point in his campaign where he wanted to align himself as a kind of proud vehicle for Federalist Society judges, I called it out directly, leading Althouse to declare that in her view, Trump was in fact “pro-gay, and being cagey about it.”
Under those circumstances came my own declaration that on that issue, I proposed to “drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.”
And of course the tension still exists. Mind you, I never said Althouse was wrong. I happen to think she’s right. I don’t know exactly how “pro-gay” or “anti-gay” Trump might be, since I don’t think he actually has any real ideas or principles at all, apart from his own base feral instincts in the moment. But Althouse was mostly correct. Trump was being cagey.
And all that I wanted to do was to expose Trump’s deception. What Althouse called “cagey.”
As ever, if you want to know what I wrote, ask me. Or search it. Do not for a moment believe the ignorant fuckheads who populate these comments pages.
"Medical intervention is extremely rare. Kids who are getting it do so with their parents and their doctors, in line with medical standards." Story after story shows this to be absolutely not the case. And story after story shows that parents are often not consulted or they are ignored.
"How would it make you feel if one of the two political parties was calling you a child abuser and trying to ban you from getting the treatment your child needs?" Putting it in those terms is simply disingenuous. Read the piece Althouse posted a couple of days ago. Parents are often not consulted or their concerns are shrugged off. That fact is part of what is driving the politics surrounding this issue. Some cynicism and opportunism is behind it, as well, but politicians take what they can get.
"'re worried your kid will die from it." This claim, that not allowing transition leads to suicide, would have more validity if studies in countries that have long performed the surgery, such as Sweden, didn't show that the rate of suicide is not reduced by transitioning to another gender. And, the Swedes are very accepting of trans people.
"How would you feel if someone said they will tolerate your child in 30 years?" My point earlier is that issues that take time to process simply last. They become part of our cultural fabric. Gay marriage is an example. In time, society will tolerate legitimate transitions that grow out of gender dysphoria. I'm saying that right now we should be cautious and be sure we are treating people who actually suffer from this problem. Backlash follows when you push too hard and too fast.
Vomiting up received opinions doesn't make you a deep thinker.
"Four trans children on one block in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? I think not."
Four trans children on one block is entirely understandable, if not expected. Try to keep up. There has been an explosion of trans-kids in the last couple of years.
On the other hand, the commenter makes a valid point. There is not ONE real "trans" child in the entire country. Trans is a bodily, genetic, spiritual and ontological impossibility. That eight-year-old GIRL is an eight-year-old girl no matter how abusive her parents and that gay neighbor are in going along with it or how criminal parents and ideologues and medical professionals are in destroying these kids.
Daniel12: too bad you can’t control your temper. It really gets in the way of whatever points you might be trying to make.
But maybe I misread you. Maybe you enjoy abusing other posters? Do you want to share why that’s the case?
LLR Chuck: "As ever, if you want to know what I wrote, ask me. Or search it. Do not for a moment believe the ignorant fuckheads who populate these comments pages."
You are a liar.
A sad and pathetic liar with years of posts exposing your duplicity and ill intentions.
You have been quite openly explicit about your rather sick malicious desires.
You, like your fellow leftist lunatic pal Inga, are spittle-spewing angry (again) because everyone remembers your years long efforts in pushing your far left moronic talking point deceptions to advance the fake narratives of your beloved democraticals.
Sorry lefty loser, there will be no Hillary "Reset" for you.
Now go cry on the shoulders of your democratical pals at the Michigan Dem party HQ.
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