January 17, 2023

"The White House on Monday said it does not keep visitors logs for President Biden’s personal residence in Wilmington, Del...."

"... where his lawyers have discovered at least six documents with classified markings. Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, sent a letter to the White House over the weekend seeking an accounting of who may have had access to the property.... Ian Sams, spokesman for the White House Counsel’s Office, said in a statement that, 'like every President across decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal. But upon taking office, President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them.'... The discovery of classified documents has created a political headache for Biden...."

WaPo reports.

Just "a political headache." And Biden is better than Trump because Trump didn't keep White House visitors logs. Actually — I'm reading the NYT article too — it is just that Trump didn't release White House visitor logs.


Masscon said...

I noticed the misdirection coming from the WH spokesperson about Trump NOT keeping visitor logs at the WH during his administration and recognized that it was a bald-faced lie. Every visitor to the WH needs to be logged in. Trump not releasing them to the public would not have shielded him from any investigator (special counsel anyone) gaining access.

I do wonder if Trump kept visitor logs at Mar-A-Lago. I suspect he did as there is heavy security at the site.

WAPO serving as Bidens useful idiots sharing false information with other useless idiots.

Temujin said...

" it is just that Trump didn't release White House visitor logs."

Neither did Obama, unless there was a ruckus created, and even then, with redactions.

Secret Service would have to have a record of who visited Joe Biden at his personal residence. But NO ONE would have a record of who Hunter Biden had over the house when he was there without The Big Guy.

rwnutjob said...

The big story is the visitors' log? Seriously? I do not find fault that there were no visitors' logs at Biden's private home in Delaware. that's logical. What's not logical is keeping fucking classified docs in the garage there!

Gusty Winds said...

The $50K per month Hunter was paying his dad for rent is much more interesting than the visitor logs or the classified documents.

Old and slow said...

I'm sure guests just come and go without any record being kept. That is believable. As believable as anything else I've heard recently anyway.

tim in vermont said...

Funny how on one document Hunter claims he paid the Big Guy 50,000 a month rent for that residence, and on Joe Biden’s tax return, it’s not mentioned. In order to be worth that amount of money, I can only assume that access to the garage was included.

Aggie said...

The speculation of course is that 'Joey Papers' spent over 200 days away from the White House because he was meeting with people that he didn't want to see listed on the White House visitor logs (or be seen coming and going), which I guess are subject to FOIA requests, since people know they exist. They exist at the other off-campus residences too - the Secret Service vets anyone that comes within the Zone of Trust, of course - it's just that the logs are more effectively buried. Hey! Maybe if we send someone from the press to look really hard for more classified documents they'll find the logs!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Hunter was not a visitor in his father’s house.

My Father's house has many rooms.

I guess I must be dumb
'Cause you had a pocket full of horses
Trojan and some of them used
But it was Saturday night, I guess that makes it all right
And you say, "What have I got to lose?"

William said...

A blowjob received in your private domicile is less offensive to public morals and mores than a blowjob received in the Oval Office. So also with a bribe pocketed in one's private residence than a bribe received in the White House. Biden is struggling to bring decorum and dignity back to the Presidency. I also commend his use of his own son as a bag man. Republicans preach family vaules, but Biden practices them.

rhhardin said...

I don't keep visitor logs either. Like the President, I'm not required to.

wendybar said...

The corrupt Bidens deserve everything they are going to get....and not fast and hard enough.

Enigma said...

And the slow, stepwise unwinding from Trump Derangement Syndrome continues.

TDS will be over when some people in The Establishment actually prosecute some other people in The Establishment.

Iman said...

These shitheels are hiding something… and if Hunter Biden was paying nearly $50K a month in rent to the Big Guy, who didn’t declare that income, let the money laundering/tax evasion investigation begin.

The rule of Lemnity said...

What about phone logs, zoom logs, 💬 🪵 ?

Visitor logs are so 1900’s.

gilbar said...

resident Biden has spent MOST of his term at his houses in Delaware.
They kept NO visitor logs at his houses in Delaware.
Think about those two facts.. Now, think about them together

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gusty -
The $50K per month Hunter was paying his dad for rent is much more interesting than the visitor logs or the classified documents.


Curious George said...

"These shitheels are hiding something…"

Not very well. But they don't real have too with the press, democrats, FBI and justice department aping the three wise monkeys.

Rusty said...

The CCP has the code for the garage door opener. Just so they don't have to log in.

James K said...

if Hunter Biden was paying nearly $50K a month in rent to the Big Guy, who didn’t declare that income, let the money laundering/tax evasion investigation begin.

Hunter did not pay $50,000 in rent to Joe Biden

The $50K was rent for Hunter's office space. He filled out the form incorrectly (probably high when he did it).

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, please change your “Biden is like Trump” tag to “Biden is much worse than Trump.”’ This will make it more factually correct. Thank you.

William said...

It's now a cliché, but let me say it anyway:

Move along, folks; there's nothing to see here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

James h - LOL that's your proof?

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

Trump would have gone to jail for “filling out the form wrong,” and there certainly would not have been an all hands on deck effort to correct the record.

I still think that the most interesting thing is that Chinese nationals, who were paying Hunter $100,000 a month, had keys to the other office where classified info was stored, oh yeah, and Hunter was paying for the Big Guy’s maintenance at the property, did Joe claim that on his returns?

n.n said...

Biden is like Obama, without the followers of diversity leverage.

Critter said...

I’ve read that detailed analyses show a $5 million gap in 2017-2018 between known payments to Joe Biden and gross income declared on his tax returns. Interesting that Biden took down his tax returns from his web site in just the past few days.

Creola Soul said...

Time for the Bullshit tag. Of course there is a log. You can’t visit the President without Secret Service clearance. Getting cleared by the Secret Service involves them running background checks on you….all things with an electronic trail. Even if the visitor is a current official, say an Ambassador, they will check for any recent changes in status, which is quicker but still leaves a trail.
At some point, it would not be unexpected for a Secret Service agent to say “Wait a damn minute here. You’re making it look like I didn’t do my job.”
If the Biden folks don’t fess up to this, a Congressional Committee will ask those agents these kinds of questions. They will have two choices: admit they are incompetent at protecting the President, as required by Secret Service rules, or someone was lying about all this.

Lurker21 said...

The secret service knows who's been going in and out of those houses while Joe is there. Those logs aren't going to be released. But is anybody keeping track of who shows up there and what happens when Joe's not there?

And Biden is better than Trump because Trump didn't keep White House visitors logs. Actually — I'm reading the NYT article too — it is just that Trump didn't release White House visitor logs.

Interesting. The White House is being deceptive about this.

“When will the White House release a log of visitors to the Wilmington house?” Doocy continued.

“You know, Peter, you’ve asked this question, or your colleagues have asked this question before. Let’s not forget what we did here in this White House. We’ve instituted something that the last administration got rid of, which is making sure that there was a White House log, an extensive White House log so people got to see—”

“What about in his Wilmington house where there were potentially unsecured, classified material?” he asked.

“Again, we did something that the last administration got rid of, which is instituting the White House logs,” she said. “Did you ask the last administration why they got rid of the White House logs?”

rcocean said...

Sorry, but why does it matter who is visiting Trump at Margo or Biden in Wilmington? White House logs have always been kept.

Biden is incompetent and senile. Everyone knows it.

He's just a figurehead for whoever is really running the Country. Who are they? Its probably his key cabinet members, wife, and Chief of staff. Biden just trots out to read off a telepromter or tell dumb lies about how he went to a black church in college, or marched in opposition to Aparthaid, or talked to MLK.

wendybar said...

And THESE fucking traitors should be HUNG for lying to the American people and letting the Corrupt Bidens ANYWHERE near the White House. Traitors.


Jake said...

Is there any way the Secret Service does not know who has visited Biden at his private residence, at a minimum, when Biden was there? He's been there enough days, after all.

wendybar said...

Ask yourself, WHY??

FullMoon said...

The no visitors logs has been reported numerous times since Biden took office. The insinuation being he was carrying on undocumented White House business

William said...

The Dems make a big deal out of the fact that Biden had only five or six top secret documents stored in his garage whereas Trump had hundreds of documents at Mar A Lago. Here's an irrefutable counter argument. What if Biden also had hundreds of top secret documents in his garage, but the Corvette mechanic looked through them and took several hundred away? Russian and Chinese intelligence assets are known for using a Corvette mechanic identity for cover. Who would suspect a Corvette mechanic as an international spy? For just that reason they recruit them. In any event, the fact that Biden only had five or six documents is no reason to believe that he did not have more and that they might not have been spirited away.

Kathryn51 said...

Creola Soul said...

Time for the Bullshit tag. Of course there is a log. You can’t visit the President without Secret Service clearance. Getting cleared by the Secret Service involves them running background checks on you….all things with an electronic trail.

From the beginning of Biden's weekly trips "home" (at tremendous cost because, ya know - it is EVERY WEEK), there is no doubt in my mind that his weekend visitor is a doctor that pumps him up with drugs in an attempt to keep him mentally . . . .stable.

Once cleared by the Secret Service, the doc can visit anytime he wants - just wave him in. No need to keep records of each visit.

Someone should do a spreadsheet covering the # of Biden gaffs in one week against stats of weekly home visits.

tommyesq said...

"at least six documents with classified markings" - so not really "classified documents," just ones with "classified markings?"

Rabel said...

"...President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly'''"

In the official announcement of the Biden visitor log policy there was this exception:

"The White House will not release access records related to purely personal guests of the First and Second Families (i.e., visits that do not involve any official or political business)."

The loophole is obvious.

Also, I would suggest caution in advancing the 50k rent story. The document backing it up has problems.

tim in vermont said...

One theory behind this damaging revelation is that Biden is being roughed up so that he agrees to send visible troops into the Ukraine, or weapons systems to widen the war, which he has so far wisely refused to do. The Ukraine certainly knew about those documents, as their paid representative in the US, Hunter Biden, was intimately connected with both locations.

That sounds a little far-fetched to me, not that the Ukraine could and would blackmail Joe Biden, but that this was part of it, but since we have a press made up of people who repeat lies for a living and a government made up of pathological liars, I don't doubt anything anymore.

tim in vermont said...

LOL, the $50,000 was apparently for the deal where "the Big Guy" would get ten percent from that deal with the ChiComs.

Hunter had apparently requested the termination of the lease after his deal with CEFC China Energy fell apart. The Biden family had previously negotiated a deal with CEFC whereby President Joe Biden (Big Guy) would receive a ten percent equity stake in the joint venture, whistleblower Tony Bobulinski stated.

tim in vermont said...

Surprise, surprise. Seth Rich was probably the leaker of the DNC emails. If you want a motive, just read Donna Brazile's book. She was scared shitless after that bit of wet work that was done on Rich. When Mueller said that Rich had nothing to do with the leak, he had never even examined Rich's laptop, which the FBI had in its possession, and kept hidden.


I am still kind of curious why Vince Foster's clothes were covered in "carpet fibers," as if his body were rolled up in a rug, and transported to Ft Marcy Park, but I digress.

This is just the most openly corrupt ruling class I could imagine, and Joe Biden's primary quality, that led to it being so important that he, and only he, be President, is his naked corruption. If you are a billionaire, and have more money than you could ever spend, you want a politician who can be bought for money. Trump, on the other hand, didn't need your money, and as they say in those movies about organized crime, the only way to handle a good cop, is to put him down.

Mark O said...

Again I ask, where is the FBI?

madAsHell said...

It the Secret Service doesn't manage the Residents environment, then what good is the Secret Service?

madAsHell said...

Arrrrggg........IF the Secret Service....

Bunkypotatohead said...

Nothing will ever come of this. You'd think everyone would have learned by now.