January 12, 2023

"The second set of classified documents from President Biden’s time as vice president were discovered at a storage space in the garage of his home in Wilmington, Del., a top White House lawyer said on Thursday."

That's the ungrammatical first sentence of the breaking news "Second Set of Classified Documents Were Found at Biden’s Wilmington Home, White House Says/A statement by the president’s special counsel confirmed reports that more documents had been uncovered after a previous batch was found at a think tank" (NYT).

ADDED: "Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on Thursday appointed Robert K. Hur, a veteran prosecutor who worked in the Trump administration, to handle the investigation into how classified documents from President Biden’s time as vice president ended up at his private office and home" (NYT).


Stephen said...

“set….were” is just battlespace prep for “they…is”

Captain BillieBob said...

In a filing cabinet next to his Corvette. Very secure. Move along, nothing to see here.

cassandra lite said...

The third set will be discovered in a U-Store-It unit on highway 99 just outside Altoona.

Wince said...

That's where most married guys keep their porn.

Martha said...

DOOCY: "Classified materials next to your Corvette? What were you thinking?!"

BIDEN: "My Corvette's in a locked garage so it's not like it's sitting on the street."

DOOCY: "So the material was in a locked garage?"

BIDEN: "Yes as well as my Corvette."

Earnest Prole said...

Deep State says Biden is toast.

Beasts of England said...

Bye, Joe. They’re taking you out…

minnesota farm guy said...

The response to this by DOJ will be really interesting. How do they not involve a special counsel ? ( I think special counsel's are a bad idea generally) From what I have read the items found in Joe's various stashes are more highly classified than anything gathered at Trump's.

rhhardin said...

Notional plural. The force to pluralize the verb varies in different contexts. The notional semantics is "papers related as a set."

rhhardin said...

It's all soap opera news at this point. Nothing was wrong with Trump's papers and there's nothing wrong with these either.

If you're serious about classified handling then you have control numbers and regular audits to make sure your safe has those papers you're charged with and none not charged to you. Regular grunts get that treatment. At the top level, they don't put in the procedures and they don't get the security that that provides, because they don't want to.

Beasts of England said...

And he needs to be prosecuted. This is two sets of stolen and improperly stored classified documents - gross negligence. No mercy.

Dude1394 said...

In a GARAGE. Trumps is in a damn scif, biden's is in a garage, but Trump gets raided by the gestapo.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Probably the best journalism question asked at a press conference (so far) this year was asked of Speaker McCarthy moments ago when an unidentified man asked, "Have you ever sent a lawyer or attorney to clean out your office or your garage?"

Kinda gets right to one of the stickier items in Biden's Monday statement, doesn't it? Who does pay the former TOP LAWYER FOR THEIR CAMPAIGN over $2500 an hour to clean out an alleged closet? This is known as "consciousness of guilt."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So the guy who keeps calling his VP "President" and confuses his wife for his sister thinks we will all believe he always locks his garage? Right. I love watching a poorly constructed story fall apart in real time.

gilbar said...

this is ALL, just a Big NothingBurger...
As Al Smith would say... Let's Take a look, at the Record.

Trump has been accused of being a republican... Does ANYONE deny this? The man is GUILTY!!
Biden is NOT a republican, in fact; Biden is a democrat.... CASE CLOSED!

Temujin said...

Pretty freakin' hilarious. All of it. The Biden-Penn Center being bought and paid for by the CCP, with U of Penn now a functionary for the CCP. Biden's like a disease. Whomever he engages with becomes dirty. The Corvette Garage with a little extra room to store some old TopSec Docs along with the old Yuenglin beer glasses.

This is the opening salvo in the process to remove Joe, who has been a helpful mannequin for the Obama team. But now they need to move forward with their next step. Gavin Newsom is combing his hair as I write this. Wait. My mistake. Gavin is always combing his hair. I mistook it for a sign. Michelle Obama is back on tour yet again. She's letting us know she hated this country, hated her husband, but now that people are talking about her as President, well....she's feeling some pride. She might deign us as worthy.

I failed to mention Kamala. And Kamala is the easiest way for the Dems to claim Women First! for decades to come. Even if the first woman President turns out to be a moron. She's their moron, and that's all that matters, right? So...I look for this to escalate until Joe needs to step aside for medical reasons unrelated to the cache found in his garage, or at the Penn-Biden Center, or on his son's laptop. Sometime this summer. By autumn, Kamala will be President and that will open up the Dem primaries to some real entertainment.

Misinforminimalism said...

Not sure who's less responsible, Joe with classified docs, or Hunter with laptops.

Michael K said...

The Biden crime family has hidey holes all over. Hunter's laptop was unexpected but what can you expect from a Burisma Board Member ?

retail lawyer said...

Ungrammatical, but at least it was comprehendible. The post on "Spare", on the other hand, was the first Althouse post in all my years of reading that I couldn't even begin to understand. Sources and terms I've never heard off, boring topic, so I listened a bit to the video but was revolted and couldn't make it very far. Terrible way to start the day.

Paul said...

Now how much of these documents did HUNTER BIDEN have access to????

Did he sell them to Russia/Ukraine/China??

Remember folks, Trump's children were never dope/sex addict who's paintings miraculously become big $$ sellers.

And Hunter had business dealings with Russia, Ukraine, and China where he made millions.

Captain BillieBob said...

Are walls closing in yet?
Wheels falling off the Biden administration?
Is this another example of gross incompetence or something more sinister?
Do we know who has access to said garage?
So many questions?
So much spin.

Captain BillieBob said...

It's good his Corvette is in a locked garage and not sitting on the street. I feel much safer knowing that.
Biden is a fucking idiot!

Gusty Winds said...

Biden has a "think tank". That's actually the funniest part of the story.

My name goes here. said...

These documents relate to the Ukraine, Iran, and the UK. When I read that I immediately thought what no-show jobs does Hunter have that deal with Iran and the UK?

My name goes here. said...

The next set will be found in another of Biden's working spaces, the Chinese Embassy.

Gusty Winds said...

Do you think the FBI is going to search through Dr. Jill's underwear drawer too, or is that deep state privilege reserved for smokin' hot Melania?

Is Rob Reiner calling for Biden to go to jail yet?

At this point we know America in being purposefully being driven through this downward spiral in a clown car.

DAN said...

Shouldn't "think tank" be in quotes?

AZ Bob said...

Biden himself repeated this ungrammatical sentence designed in the passive voice. It's as if the classified material mysteriously appeared. Compare this to the narrative that Trump took secret documents.

And notice the NYT gives a confusing title to Biden's handlers: special counsel. No, this is not the special counsel we deem appropriate.

The LA Times ran the AP account, which concludes that the Trump and Biden document stories are different:

"There are significant differences between the Trump and Biden situations, including the gravity of an ongoing grand jury investigation into the Mar-a-Lago matter."

That doesn't even make sense.

RoseAnne said...

From what I read, Obama is OK because his storage space (in Chicago?) was declared a National Archives storage spot. The article didn't say that the National Archives managed or even had any control over the site, but it was "OK" because of that fact.

I say this not to disparage Obama but because the whole process is ridiculous. Presidents (at least back as far back as the first President Bush) have done what they want to do. If they are the "right party" then the reaction is that it is "no big deal". If the "wrong party", every piece of paper is a national security disaster.

One of my college professors told the story of going to work with his Dad, a high ranking Pentagon official, on weekends. He said he was given a bunch of stamps - for all types of things - and stamp pads in various colors and told not to bug Dad. Probably all his handiwork was just shredded, but the whole "classified" things is handled so haphazardly, who knows.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden is not toast. He is the perfect vessel for the deep state/Mob to continue its work.

Leland said...

Tell me again Guardian and Snopes (just two I read earlier on this) about this being different because Biden stored his documents in a professional office. Guess you’ll need another narrative.

Dave Begley said...

How could he be so careless?

wendybar said...

They were locked in his garage with his corvette...it wasn't like they were in the streets or anything....

DOOCY: "Classified materials, next to your Corvette? What were you thinking?"

BIDEN: "My Corvette's in a locked garage, okay? So it's not like they're sitting out on the street."

Oh Yea said...

Which is worse, knowingly storing classified documents in your garage or having classified in your garage for 6 years but not knowing about it?

Narr said...

Deep State, no question.

It sets them up to discover--what a surprise!--that Biden and Co are in Chinese and Ukrainian pockets after all.

But he'll be Twentyfifthed for obvious mental decline before too much comes out.

Gravel said...

Stand by for one of two responses from the resident leftists:
1. furious defenses of Biden's handling of classified documents, as a former VP with no declassification authority, because reasons
2. Complete silence

None of them will admit that it's actually worse for the former VP to have classified documents. I would love to be proven wrong.

gratefulgee said...

It's 2023. Not respecting someone's choice of verbs is just so (prefix of choice)"...phobic' "...ist".

Ignorance is Bliss said...

A statement by the president’s special counsel confirmed reports that more documents had been uncovered after a previous batch was found at a think tank

I like the sound of the President's special counsel, but I doubt the NYTs wants that phrase floating around. Or maybe they do.

MikeR said...

I don't really understand how these were "discovered". 'Whoa, the Big Guy left classified Top Secret documents at that think tank place - I wonder if he left more classified documents somewhere. Okay, everybody! We're going to search the house, check all the drawers! Kids, anyone who finds something marked "classified" gets a special prize!'
Probably more like, 'Boy, there sure is a big fuss over those classified documents. I guess we better bring them all out, now, while people are talking about it anyhow. Who knew that anyone would care?'

JPS said...

You can spend some quality time on Twitter reading explanations that (Trump / Biden)'s action put the nation's security at terrifying risk, whereas (Biden / Trump)'s was trivial and we over-classify anyway.

Totally different. Only a shameless partisan would compare the two.

I do find it interesting we're hearing about this as the DoJ faces Congressional hearings about its politicization. This will be Exhibit A in their defense.

Readering said...

Location kind of makes sense. What burgler would go for a classified doc from early teens when he can drive off with a corvette from the late sixties?

Don B. said...

Don't let's be distracted from the much more dire less/fewer situation.

Breezy said...

Biden cares more about his Corvette, it appears.

deepelemblues said...

Documents get taken all the time when people leave office. All the time. No doubt you would find documents that maybe possibly shouldn't have been taken in the files of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Dick Cheney, Gore, etc. No one cares because they sit in boxes and no one ever looks at them again. It really is a nothingburger.

But they just had to go on yet another jihad against Trump over muh documents. So now they look really stupid. They made something out of nothing and now they get to deal with the blowback of their myopia. Hilarious.

BUMBLE BEE said...

So... when Hunter stopped by...

Beasts of England said...

Now that they’ve admitted classified documents were illegally and improperly stored at the Delaware home, we need the visitor’s log released to the public immediately.

Achilles said...

The issue here is that the Regime and the people that support it are terrible stupid people.

They don't care about laws and they don't care about equal treatment under the law.

There are 20 congress people in DC that are not cowardly grifters. Supporting the other 230ish and the senate makes you terrible or stupid.

Our entire federal government is completely corrupt and needs to be torn out root and branch.

BUMBLE BEE said...

That's worth $80,000 per month, easy!.

tommyesq said...

Any reasonable way that classified documents were packed and sent to SloJoe's garage by someone other than Joe?

Original Mike said...

"Another big difference, especially in light of the fact that Biden’s documents are now reported to contain classified information about Ukraine, Iran, and the United Kingdom, is that Biden has a son who spent much of his father’s vice presidency trading influence for lucrative deals and no-show jobs."

Owen said...

rhhardin @ 10:38: "...control numbers..."

It is to laugh.

But your reference allows me to time-travel back to litigation practice in the 1970's or so, with Bates stamps and railroad cars full of paper. Back then they tried to match the controls to the medium. Physical ink on real paper. Now? Control? AYFKM? I'm actually puzzled that Trump, Biden, all of these people, didn't just walk out with a memory stick. Try finding THAT in a garage full of Corvette parts.

madAsHell said...

Stunning!! They are undermining Joe Biden.

The local TV news website has posted an opinion poll. The poll asks "Do you trust the DOJ to investigate Biden's possession of classified documents?", and requests a yes/no answer.

The responses are running 81% NO.

This is from the local TV news station (KOMO) that is always re-casting bad news. They always run with the party narrative.

Yancey Ward said...

All the rest of the classified documents Biden took away as VP are at secure storage sites in China and Ukraine.

Clyde said...

“Get in, loser. We’re storing classified documents.”

DINKY DAU 45 said...

§ 600.1 Grounds for appointing a Special Counsel.
The Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted and -

(a) That investigation or prosecution of that person or matter by a United States Attorney's Office or litigating Division of the Department of Justice would present a conflict of interest for the Department or other extraordinary circumstances; and

(b) That under the circumstances, it would be in the public interest to appoint an outside Special Counsel to assume responsibility for the matter.
I am definitely in favor of #3 for Bidens mishandling of documents in so far 2 places for reasons stated and also to show the distinct differences over and above mishandling to the public. The normal nonpolitical person will not be able to distinguish the difference and the North and South will do their best to SPIN the talking points. I hope Garland uses #3 and puts all the info in public, pictures, validation of types of classified etc.They also need to establish intent of both parties and clearly state that info to the public (the ones who won't remain fingers in ears and eyes closed. Do it Merrick! C'mon man

Mike Petrik said...

Grammar is racist.

Smilin' Jack said...

Biden’s just jealous of the way Trump is still dominating the news even three years out of office. “Hey everybody! Look at me! I’ve got classified documents at my mansion too!!”

Yancey Ward said...

A special counsel will be meaningless in this particular case because any special counsel picked by Garland will be a 100% hard-core Democrat who will know not to actually do anything other than put lipstick on this pig the Democrats have bought for themselves.

And, yes, it does look like the Democrat knives are out for Biden- if they weren't, you would never have heard about this story in any news organ outside of Breitbart or Gateway Pundit. These stories are either being leaked out by the Biden team in a desperate effort to get out in front of it all, or they are being leaked by his enemies in the Democratic Party.

Yancey Ward said...

In any case, let Gadfly try to explain this all away, if he can. It takes a moron to even try.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

How did you get all those classified docs Joe? You weren't Pres until January 2021.
Next question.
What did you do with those papers Joe? There seem to be some extensive piles of them here and there.
Funny story. One day Jill says dammit, you've got to clean out that garage. You know, in so many ways we're just an ordinary couple. My beautiful 'Vette, reminds me of Dad and Beau. 1966 I had graduated from two Ivy League Universities and one of those HBCs, top third of all classes, concurrent not consecutive. Some of the greatest people I have ever known literally begged me: Joe, get into the Senate. OK, I said, I'll do what I can, I'm an ordinary guy but I'm pretty sharp.

What about the other kid, you ask? I'm reminded of him when I see a Lamborghini all smashed up at the wreckers'. A terrible waste.

So I move some papers to the car, and we go for a drive. Let's do this, I say. Let's just throw them to the wind and let them scatter. Somebody will pick them up, sooner or later. Jill of course is a bit of a worrier. What about littering? What if someone catches us? I said "Honey, have they ever caught us?" No, I mean look, soon we're gonna have machines to pick up our trash, and I'm going to make sure the funding is in place to do this. We've all got better things to do. Here, have a handful of papers, I don't know what the hell they are.

I don't know Joe, does ignorance mean never having to say you're sorry?

C'mon man, I'm not that ignorant. That other guy now, ignorant, wrong, ignorant, wrong--you pick man.

Clyde said...

Here’s a meme for No Go Joe


BUMBLE BEE said...

Durham has something too....

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I've never known Biden to visit Canada, but it may be fun to think of a Canadian angle: "Ground search at Sask. First Nation gets 2,000 'hits,' more work required to determine which are graves." So: it's possible absolutely none of them are graves. The whole idea that there are large numbers of previously unknown graves, as if white people always buried indigenous people in some disgraceful way, so far is complete bullshit. But: maybe some of the hits are confidential U.S. government docs that Biden illegally removed from the White House.

boatbuilder said...


Trump is showing uncharacteristic self-control on this one.

Is it even possible that he’s taking his lawyers’ advice and keeping his mouth shut?

Narayanan said...

From what I have read the items found in Joe's various stashes are more highly classified than anything gathered at Trump's

Trump's documents were to be framed and displayed at Archives in DC? [next to his gold=plated le frisson] for viewers frisson of exquisite pleasure

Captain BillieBob said...

Does the appointment of a special prosecutor fall under the category of don't wish onto others what you wouldn't wish upon yourself?

I think the walls really are closing in on Secret Agent Biden code name "Aviator".

Dude1394 said...

How does the doj not involve a special counsel? Well they just will not do it and isn’t the cover from the democrat media, they will tell you to pound sand.

But the quest to get the Republican to resign will ramp up because, well democrats.

Jupiter said...

"Nothing was wrong with Trump's papers and there's nothing wrong with these either."

Right. Biden wasn't supposed to have them, and he left them in his garage. Nothing wrong there.

tim maguire said...

It's a common mistake even among educated people. "Set of documents...were found" The subject is "set," but the ear wants a plural verb to match "documents."

narciso said...

Deepstater rosenstein replacement

Wray deputy counsel

Enigma said...

I was sure that Garland would appoint Inspector Clouseau to the job.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Cmon, folks, it's obvious, innit? Rudy Giuliani snuck into Biden's garage and planted those docs, on TRUMP'S orders! They'll be indicted for conspiracy, mopery, and dopery any day now. Walls are closing in!

Beasts of England said...

During his special counsel announcement Garland referenced a third location of illegal and improperly stored classified data. It’s time for Joe to resign for the good of the country. And then begin his prison sentence.

Levi Starks said...

I’m sure Bidens garage is much more secure than Maralago

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Time for the army of Inga-Karens + WaPoo-NYT-Maddow a-holes to circle the wagons.

But Trump!

Fred Drinkwater said...

As rhhardin notes, correct handling of classified docs is tedious. At a firm I worked at long ago, with many cleared individuals, our DoD counterparts wanted to build a SCIF at our site, so we'd have "easier" access to program materials. We rejected that suggestion, pretty vehemently as I recall, because of the PITA it would have been, even for our civilian business.

John henry said...


I thought you were just joshing us telling us Biden said he kept the classified docs with his corvette.

He really did say that. Then in the same breath he said "look, people know I take classified documents seriously. Not like that orange bone head"

(last part was implied)

I would not have believed it if I'd not seen the video.

Sorry I doubted you

John Henry

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Remember when Althouse predicted "Time to destroy Joe Biden"?

Glenn Greenwald tweet: Remember what what Chuck Schumer told Rachel Maddow in 2017 -- that Trump was being stupid for criticizing the CIA because everyone in Washington knows you can't do that or else they'll destroy you...

Who said there is no "deep state"?

pacwest said...

The only way they can justify the persecution of Trump is to appoint a special counsel for Biden. Since there's no way Biden will be prosecuted it makes getting Trump a lot harder. Yet another Joe fucks things up moment.

Temujin said...

Joe is being shown the door in a slow, senior accessible fashion. Thus begins the inauguration of Kamala JS Bach Harris.

Kamala will serve 1 year. Gavin is 'on the clock'.

D.D. Driver said...

Lololololol. The Daily Mail has video of Biden backing into his garage. Let me just say, its not particularly well organized.

Trollinator1000 said...

And just as Ace predicted, the special prosecutor is a former US attorney from a state with two VERY liberal senators, who are the ones that nominate the attorneys to fill those positions. This is going nowhere, AGAIN.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I have a twitter account again, just so i could read Glenn Greenawald and others like him.

In response to a tweet saying "can't wait to find out where they find the next stash" Greenawald said: A young schoolchild playing soccer with his younger sister in an abandoned field in Western Peru earlier this morning found a file containing what appear to be Top Secret documents left by Joe Biden during a visit to South America.

But don't worry: Biden said to give them back!


BIII Zhang said...

Notice who they're not investigating: Barack Obama

The thousands and thousands of "classified files" he left Washington with are located in an old furniture warehouse in Chicago.

JaimeRoberto said...

Tinfoil hat time. Biden resigns because of this. It can then be used as a cudgel against Trump. "See! Biden resigned. He's taking responsibility. Trump must do the same." Two birds, one stone.

Jim Howard said...

There is a Yuge difference between the documents Trump had and those that were discovered in Biden's private office and garage.

Trump knew where his documents were.


It is much worse that Biden lost these documents than it is that Trump retained documents.

I was an electronic warfare officer in the Air Force and did a staff tour in an intelligence agency. I've handled a lot of TS/SCI documents. I would have been in big trouble if I left a classified document in my desk drawer inside an access controlled building.

Had I lost a classified document in a place (like a garage) I would have been drummed out of the service and maybe have gone to jail!

BIII Zhang said...

An "independent counsel" was appointed to investigate Trump.

A "special counsel" answerable and reporting directly to the Attorney General, has been selected to whitewash Joe Biden.

WK said...

It wasn’t a second set - just a ‘spare’. Everybody needs one.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Wake me up when the FBI starts rifling through Jill’s undies.

Gusty Winds said...

rhhardin said..Nothing was wrong with Trump's papers and there's nothing wrong with these either.

At this point I couldn't care less. But Trump was President, not Vice-President and declassified the documents in his possession. Biden had no such authority.

Also from what I understand, documents were secured at Mara-Lago, and in close proximity to Melania's underwear which is fine by me. Second batch of Biden docs found in a garage.

He probably put Hunter in charge of them.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

From a Greenwald tweet 21hrs ago:

This is the funniest story ever.

What I learned from the Snowden archive - where every banal page was marked CLASSIFIED - is *everything in DC is deemed secret, which is why these stories don't bother me.

But given what liberals said about Trump, how can they get out of this? 😂

Dr Weevil said...

Lots of people think The Powers That Be always planned to keep Biden in office just past the mid-point of his term - that's noon January 20th, a week from tomorrow, less than 8 days away - so Kamala will be eligible to serve two more full terms, assuming she can be elected (or "elected") twice.

If Biden's the viciously spiteful swine I think he is, and if (a bigger if) he realizes that's what they're planning to do to him, he could formally resign from the presidency on the 19th, or even the morning of the 20th, and screw Kamala out of a theoretically possible second elected term, making her maximum presidency six years instead of ten. I kind of hope he does, and that she's on live television when she hears the news.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Snowden chimes in: "The real scandal isn't that Biden had classified documents coming out of his socks, because sadly they've all been doing it. The scandal is that the DOJ found out about it a week prior to the midterm elections and chose to suppress the story, conferring a partisan advantage."

Butkus51 said...

Hur previously served as special assistant and counsel to Christopher A. Wray.

Wonderful. Keep it in "the club"

Original Mike said...

I have a question. In Trump's case, it has been reported that Trump and the National Archive were in negotiations regarding the status of those documents. What proceeded those negotiations? Were those documents originally "discovered", as is the case the Biden documents, or was it known by the National Archive from the beginning that Trump had them?

takirks said...

rhhardin said:

"It's all soap opera news at this point. Nothing was wrong with Trump's papers and there's nothing wrong with these either.

If you're serious about classified handling then you have control numbers and regular audits to make sure your safe has those papers you're charged with and none not charged to you. Regular grunts get that treatment. At the top level, they don't put in the procedures and they don't get the security that that provides, because they don't want to."

There's plenty wrong with this, and I don't even have words for what you are for excusing this. Both Trump and Biden sit on top of a system that prosecutes/persecutes anyone lower down on the food chain for things like this. I have ended military careers for violations of security protocols around just "SECRET" documents, and all I did was report the poor bastard who breached them, as required by law and regulation, after which I followed all the correct procedural steps to account for a potential loss of security.

Biden had stuff in his garage in Delaware stored next to his Corvette that was marked for SCIF access only. If something like that had happened on any military installation where I worked, the consequences would have been extraordinarily ugly.

You can't keep a system running where the punishments for violations are draconian down at the bottom, and nothing up at the top of the hierarchy. You sure as hell can't do it when it's widely disseminated public knowledge.

This is like the whole OPM breach: If I had somehow lost control of any of the individual records necessarily submitted to get anyone their clearance, my ass would have been in jail for failure to do my damn job properly. The Obama Administration essentially turned over the OPM to a Democratic Party hack as a patronage job, she ignored internal warnings and allowed contract work to be done by a Democrat-aligned "contributor" that took the work overseas and gave non-US citizens access to the whole database. She also ignored warnings from the rank-and-file under her that there were security issues that needed to be addressed. This culminated when we found out that the Chinese had been inside that database for God alone knows how long, and we have no idea at all about what they might have gotten out or put in...

Not a damn thing was done to the responsible parties.

Meanwhile, if Joe Blow the local Security Manager has his car stolen and a bunch of security documents relating to about ten-twenty people he's responsible for get taken while he's stopped for lunch on the way to turn them in at the local OPM representative office, he's going to be crucified, and likely wind up in very deep sh*t.

You can't have a system wherein there's zero penalty for the asses at the top, and crucifixion for those down at the dirty end of the stick. That's going to lead to the entire system getting corrupted, because people like me who're in the middle ranks of it all are going to look up, see zero consequence for screwing up the security restrictions, then we're going to look down at the guys and girls we're expected to hold to the standard, and we're then going to have to decide whether it's worth it. I don't think I could do what I did while I was on active duty, any more: After watching all this crap go down where the bigwigs don't pay a price, I don't think I'd even bother securing any classified I found on someone's desk unattended after hours... I'd just studiously look the other way, have a polite word with them in the morning, and call it good. If what Biden and Trump did is A-OK, why should I bust some major who has been working his ass off and likely just overlooked the documents on his way out the door?

You can't maintain a security system under these conditions. You just... Can't.

gilbar said...

Joy Behar suggests Republicans planted documents on Biden to help Trump: 'Somehow these documents appear'
'I've never seen a luckier person than Donald Trump,' Behar lamented

SEE? it All Makes Sense, Now! Donald Trump, PLANTED those documents in Biden's Garage!!!
SEE! it ALL Makes Sense, Now!!
At least, it does to SOME people.. You know THOSE people

Heartless Aztec said...

I've been smelling a "Rat F***" and now this appears as a possibility. AG Garland has announced a Special Prosecutor to look into the purloined top secret and classified files that then Vice Biden took and kept. The real question to me is who empowered those Democrat attorneys to "find" what had been hidden for almost six years and that nobody on planet earth was looking for? I'm willing to bet the Dems do not want President Biden running in 2024 and this is how they're going to go about it. The sooner he resigns the better it will be for the Dems. Cue the music...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joy Behar is a disgrace to the human race.

she is a liar and a propagandist for the D-hack mob.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

NY Post: The Ivy League think tank where lawyers found classified materials linked to the Obama White House is a patronage mill for the Biden administration, raising suspicions among critics that its establishment attracted tens of millions in donations from anonymous Chinese donors.

The Department of Justice is probing how “a small number” of classified documents from President Biden’s years as vice president ended up at the Washington, DC, think tank that bears his name, the White House confirmed Monday.

Jaq said...

So documents from “the early teens,” you know, old news. Who cares about Ukraine anymore, that little hotspot that Joe Biden was in charge of has cooled down, for sure. It’s not like Hunter Biden had access to dad’s garage, or was in the pay of Ukrainian oligarchs or anything… Oh wait…

Rusty said...

"But given what liberals said about Trump, how can they get out of this? 😂"
Soon one or more of the usual suspects will appear and inform us, inartfully, why when Biden does it it's totes justified and legal.

Richard said...

Long ago, I was briefly custodian of classified docs in ADA Group level. I could have been in big trouble if the E4 who was clerk messed up, accidentally or on purpose. Which might happen if things look unfair as you describe.

Michael K said...

Both Trump and Biden sit on top of a system that prosecutes/persecutes anyone lower down on the food chain for things like this.

Trump was president and had the power to declassify. Biden and Hillary did not but they were Democrats. I suspect every president but Nixon had papers like these for memoirs.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

How could I have missed my favorite Zappa Tune?!

That was Joe's first confrontation with The Law.
Naturally, we were easy on him...

This is the Police...
I'm not joking around anymore
We have the garage surrounded
If you give yourself up
We will not harm you
Or hurt you neither
You'll see them
This is the Police
There they are, they're coming!

We take you now, to a garage, in Canoga Park.

Joe's Garage

It wasn't very large
There was just enough room to cram the drums
In the corner over by the Dodge
It was a fifty-four
With a mashed up door
And a cheesy little amp
With a sign on the front said "Fender Champ"
And a second hand guitar
It was a Stratocaster with a whammy bar

We could jam in Joe's Garage
His mama was screamin'
His dad was mad
We was playin' the same old song
In the afternoon 'n' sometimes we would
Play it all night long
It was all we knew, 'n' easy too
So we wouldn't get it wrong
All we did was bend the string like...

Down in Joe's Garage
We didn't have no dope or LSD
But a coupla quartsa beer
Would fix it so the intonation
Would not offend yer ear
And the same old chords goin' over 'n' over
Became a symphony
We would play it again 'n' again 'n' again
'Cause it sounded good to me

We could jam in Joe's Garage
His mama was screamin',
We was playing' the same old song
In the afternoon 'n' sometimes we would
Play it all night long
It was all we knew, and easy too
So we wouldn't get it wrong
Even if you played it on a saxophone

We thought we was pretty good
We talked about keepin' the band together
'N' we figured that we should
'Cause about this time we was gettin' the eye
From the girls in the neighborhood
They'd all come over 'n' dance around

So we picked out a stupid name
Had some cards printed up for a coupla bucks
'N' we was on our way to fame
Got matching suits 'N' Beatle Boots
'N' a sign on the back of the car
'N' we was ready to work in a GO-GO Bar
People seemed to like our song
They got up 'n' danced 'n' made a lotta noise
An' it wasn't 'fore very long
A guy from a company we can't name
Said we oughta take his pen
'N' sign on the line for a real good time
But he didn't tell us when
These "good times" would be somethin'
That was really happenin'
So the band broke up
An' it looks like
We will never play again...
Guess you only get one chance in life
To play a song that goes like...
Screams out the window...
Turn it down!
Turn it DOWN!

robother said...

Joe was surprised as anyone. He assumed Hunter had sold all the classified docs to China by now. In a family that can't keep track of their laptops or diaries, there's always stuff turning up in the strangest places. Gotta admit, Joe's Think Tank is the last place I'd expect to find serious reading of any sort.

traditionalguy said...

The CCP owns Biden. He has lays been for sale. The ChiComs were the highest bidder and have been for 30 years. And if Trump is defeating their secret agent, then release the Chinese Bioweapon and have Soros owned guys declare the election must be by mail . The ChiComs then print up the fake mail in votes and ship them over. Then the SCOTUS guys refuse to allow a law suit to prove it to exist. STANDING, you know makes Illegal voting procedures totally beyond legal challenge in the former USA.

Inga said...

I’m glad that a Garland appointed this special counsel and that he was appointed by Trump. No president is above the law and that includes Democratic presidents. I hope this prohibits Biden from running again. We need younger, more vibrant candidates from both parties. The old guys had their chance at proving themselves, neither Trump nor Biden has proven that old men can govern better.

MikeR said...

What are Hur pronouns?

Ficta said...


It doesn't appear to be a mistake to me. See <a href="https://www.grammarbook.com/grammar/subjectVerbAgree.asp>Rule 8a</a> at this link for instance.

madAsHell said...

Here's the link to the local TV news web poll.

I see the poll has collected over 5,200 clicks, and now 82% vote NO.

Original Mike said...

""Lawyers discovered among personal and political papers a small number of additional Obama-Biden Administration records with classified markings. All but one of these documents were found in storage space in the President’s Wilmington residence garage," White House counsel Richard Sauber said in a statement Thursday." (emphasis added)

Odd. Where was the other one found and what did it contain?

madAsHell said...

Does anybody else find it ironic that Joe Biden has his name on a think tank?

Jaq said...

Hunter Biden listed the address as his home on his gun app. If you lie on that app, it's Leavenworth for you, unless you are Hunter Biden, who already has been shown to have lied on it, denying his use of illegal drugs. If you are gonna be a criminal, make sure you got that 'D' after your name, all I can say. There is also an image of a Delaware driver's license for Hunter floating around that lists the address as his home.

As far as Trump's luck, there are two possible explanations, either Trump is the luckiest guy who ever lived, or they can't prove anything against him because (homage to gilbar) the are MAKING it ALL up!

Sebastian said...

"Does anybody else find it ironic that Joe Biden has his name on a think tank?"

It's a place where ideas go to drown.

Dude1394 said...

Trump isn't lucky, he is CLEAN. The most honest POTUS in your and my lifetime.

Left Bank of the Charles said...


Gilbert Pinfold said...

Dust the documents for fingerprints. If they are not Joe's, slam dunk. BTW, Hunter has been fingerprinted several times, including when he applied for a Navy Reserve position (which he was kicked out of for drug use).

Joe Smith said...

A lot of lefty loons worked in the Trump administration.

Don't expect a straight shooter...

RMc said...

Kamala JS Bach Harris

More like PDQ Bach.

William50 said...

If you watch the video of Biden backing his 'vette into the garage you can see the documents. They are in those cardboard boxes stacked against the back wall with TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED DOCS written in magic marker on the side.

Amadeus 48 said...

Inga is right. This--and some others things yet to surface--is how they are going to kill Biden 2024. Althouse called it two days ago.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

The House should subpoena the visitor's logs to Biden's other homes that have been kept secret. Congress might want to write legislation that affects access to confidential information and it's disclosure, just like the Dems wanted Trump's tax returns to inform new legislation around audits, right?

Bob Boyd said...

If what Biden and Trump did is A-OK, why should I bust some major who has been working his ass off and likely just overlooked the documents on his way out the door?

You can't maintain a security system under these conditions. You just... Can't.

Sure you can. You just have to make sure everybody understands which class of people they fall into.

Breezy said...

Its mind boggling how this has happened.... You'd think before any raid on Trump over supposedly classified docs - I mean a raid on the previous President FPS - you would first look about you and see if you have any skeletons which would cause this to backfire on you?

"Say, Joe, any chance you have SCIF docs somewhere that we should should first gather up before the s*t hits the fan with this FBI raid on your predecessor?"

Perhaps Trump is quieter than usual because it was his defense team which floated discovery/search of Biden's lockers. And that's why his TOP lawyers were doing the "packing up".... just a thought...

Joe's a complete idiot.

Harun said...

He worked in the Trump administration...as a liaison to the Mueller investigation.

And later for Wray.

So maybe that is deceptive framing.

Harun said...

"I’m glad that a Garland appointed this special counsel and that he was appointed by Trump."

Another deceptive claim.

States' senators choose people for the DOJ, and then the president "nominates" them.

So Hur was chosen for Maryland...not a GOP stronghold.

Bob Boyd said...

Q: Is there anywhere in his Delaware home Biden could have kept those documents where they would have been safer?

A: Depends

ngtrains said...

I'm with Temugin - out by 7/4

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"I take classified documents seriously" - President Joe Biden

Jim at said...

I’m glad that a Garland appointed this special counsel and that he was appointed by Trump.

Nice try. No sale.

Appointed by Trump or not, he answers to Garland. And that means it's bullshit from jump.

Jaq said...

Even Inga has limits to what she will defend. Whodathunkit?

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "Squirrel!"

Not even your moron co-lefty authoritarians are uttering such moronic hot takes.

But then, you are often in a class all your own.

rhhardin said...

Millions of people have access to classified documents. You take the small risk of a leak and multiply it by a million, and it becomes profitable to institute a rigorous document control system for them all.

It doesn't matter much if a few people at the top are casual about security, and indeed they choose that option. It frees them up for other things where everybody else is bogged down. The risk is still low, and it's not multiplied by millions so it stays low.

It's not a class thing so much as an efficiency and security tradeoff thing.

Drago said...

And now we hear of reports of a 3rd batch of illegally held classified documents by the ChiCom-owned Joey Bag O'Donuts with this latest batch being in the same Hunter-owned Wilmington home as the the 2nd batch of illegally held classified documents found in the garage.

Oh, and I see our lefties have already retreated to the hilarious "but Wray and Hur were appointed by republican's!" gambit (as was obama's good friend, the thoroughly corrupted deep stater Mueller).

What a joke.

Aggie said...

Now that I think about it, when they found Hunter's gun in the trash behind the grocery store, did anyone think to go through the rest of the trash can?

If Kamala ascends, my prediction is that they'll go with John Fetterman for VP, for purely defensive reasons.

Original Mike said...

"Please let it have been found dog-eared and sitting next to the shitter."

I was thinking the nightstand. Yours is better.

Quaestor said...

"Does anybody else find it ironic that Joe Biden has his name on a think tank?"

Slojo's Vocabulary, page 9, entry 4

think tank A psionic armored fighting vehicle used by Vulcans.

Mason G said...

"Does anybody else find it ironic that Joe Biden has his name on a think tank?"

"Think"? Misspelled "toilet", they did. Probably an autocorrect thing.

wendybar said...

Unless he lied again, Hunter lived there when he filled out his background check for the gun his ex wife threw in a garbage can in front of a high school. Hunter had access to the garage when he "decided as a Christmas gift to have the engine rebuilt for me," as Biden told Jay Leno in 2016.

Richard Aubrey said...

Bob Boyd. Be tough. Some E4 gets hosed while the big shot gets away with worse and....you don't want to know what's being talked about at the NCO club. You will find out.

narciso said...


Drago said...

Precisely as expected:

Robert Hur was also among those @TheJusticeDept ID'd for the @JusticeOIG as:

"officials who handled, participated in, or have personal knowledge of the FBI's relationship and communications with" dossier author Christopher Steele.

Of course. Another one of the Steele Dossier hoaxers!

I'm sure he will be a consummate professional and straight shooter.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“Not even your moron co-lefty authoritarians are uttering such moronic hot takes.”

Drago, did you mean “co-moron lefty” or is that a back-handed compliment? I’m blushing.

Don’t you see that Joe Biden is getting exactly what he wanted? He sent his lawyers in to look for classified documents. They had to be planning to turn them over to the DOJ if they found any, and the appointment of a special counsel is what could reasonably be expected to follow from that. Squirrel!

Bill Owens said...

JPS said...
-I do find it interesting we're hearing about this as the DoJ faces Congressional hearings about its politicization. This will be Exhibit A in their defense.-

Well, that's an interesting angle I had not considered.

RNB said...

"Storage space in the garage at his home" = cardboard box

n.n said...

Biden by way of Obama.

J2 said...


I believe it was Hallie Biden, Beau's widow who threw the gun in the trash can - not Hunters ex-wife.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Well, it isn’t a lie. Joe does take classified documents. Seriously.

Narr said...

"I take classified documents. Seriously."

F.J. Biden

boatbuilder said...

They set him up. He's a completely purchased and owned property of the Deep State, so what is he going to say? And like the moron he is, he already admitted that he knew they were in the garage with the Corvette. Because for Joe, the best defense has always been to brazen things out.

This is funny except for what it says about who's running things and how they are being run.

Drago said...

Left Bank: "Don’t you see that Joe Biden is getting exactly what he wanted? He sent his lawyers in to look for classified documents."


Literally 24 hours ago the lefty lie was Joe Biden claiming he had no idea they were there and was "surprised" to hear about this.

Also, its been almost 7 years that Biden had the documents and it appears the documents have been moved from other locations.

I wonder what the next round of moronic lefty lies will be from Left Bank. One thing is for certain: the lies will actually get dumber and more transparently false.

Drago said...

Left Bank: "Drago, did you mean “co-moron lefty” or is that a back-handed compliment?"

Read more slowly. Perhaps that might help with your comprehension deficit.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Sorry, Joseph Robinette Biden, a filing cabinet in a locked garage is not an approved security storage location. Classified documents must be stored in a file cabinet with a 5-number combination (including the final "0"), which itself must reside in a secure facility that also has an approved combination lock.

Butkus51 said...

Notice how they put "appointed by Trump" in there. Theyre talling half the story.

Inga bought it though.

They dont even have to try hard.

Drago said...

We all learned something important this week our democraticals: any space can be made instantly secured by placing a corvette in the middle of it.

Gadfly will be along shortly to fully explain it.

Mutaman said...

BUMBLE BEE said...

" Durham has something too....

Am I missing something here? This refers to an article written a year ago, prior to Durham losing the Sussmann and Danchenko prosecutions.

Original Mike said...

"Even Inga has limits to what she will defend. Whodathunkit?"

Inga hasn't suddenly developed a sense of integrity. She wants Biden gone to improve their chances in 2024.

Drago said...

It appears the democraticals really are going to try to run with: Biden had no idea these documents were there for almost 7 years which is why he kept them securely locked up and asked his lawyers to look through all the boxes to identify the documents that were not there and to alert the appropriate authorities that the documents that weren't there were there.

All the usual suspects, Inga/Left Bank/Howard et al, are spring loaded to believe whatever their democratical betters tell them to believe, but I suspect that the independents and a significant chunk of the least brainwashed democraticals will reject that ridiculously contradictory construct.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

My take?
this document stuff is nothing compared to the Biden family grift machine that went on while Biden was Obama's VP.
Ain't no one going to get him for that.

Yancey Ward said...

Inga will buy anything the Democrats want to sell to her. Gullible is her middle name.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

T in V - don't be fooled. If Biden runs again - Inga will support.

Inga said...

They should put Rudi Giuliani on the case, or that Kraken lady, trusted by the right. Or did he/they lose his/her license to practice?

Yancey Ward said...

Gadfly might well have decided life wasn't worth it any longer.

gilbar said...

J2 said...
I believe it was Hallie Biden, Beau's widow who threw the gun in the trash can - not Hunters ex-wife.

You mean, it was Hallie Biden... Hunter's fuck toy (who ALSO was his brother's widow).
Biden's are incestuous slime. They "shower" with their teenaged daughters, and FUCK their sister inlaws

Duty of Inquiry said...

What's the big deal?
All he has to do is pardon himself.

It must be good to be the king.

Duty of Inquiry said...

What's the big deal?
All he has to do is pardon himself.

It must be good to be the king.

rhhardin said...

It's two-fer theater.

1. The theater gets Biden to resign, ridding the dems of an incompetent in 2024.

2. It "proves" that having classified papers is a disqualifying offense, and gets rid of Trump's chances,, in the plan.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Rh just nailed it.

1/12/23, 8:39 PM

Mason G said...

"Biden's are incestuous slime."

Berta, "Two and a Half Men":

"Sweet whistling Geronimo, you people are like a box of hamsters just crawling all over each other."

Drago said...

As expected, Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga is desperate to change the subject.

Not surprising, particularly since every single one of her lunatic russia collusion conspiracies that she pushed relentlessly every single day for years has collapsed and burned in the most glorious fashion imaginable.

At some point you'd think the sheer weight of totality of lies that have been exposed would cause Inga to re-evaluate her cult-like slavish devotion to those who keep lying to her, but you would be wrong.

Wanna have some fun? Ask Inga if she still believes Trump colluded with russia. Then, sit back and marvel at the incandescent idiocy.

Big Mike said...

1. The theater gets Biden to resign, ridding the dems of an incompetent in 2024.

Prediction: President Harris will take the word “incompetent” to a new low.

n.n said...

VP Biden by way of Pres Obama is like Pres Trump?

Biden's unsecured cache is like Clinton's Water Closet.

Now, it matters, again, maybe.

Rt41Rebel said...

"2. It "proves" that having classified papers is a disqualifying offense, and gets rid of Trump's chances,, in the plan."

That may backfire. It allows DeSantis to run wide open with his and Trump's agenda and none of Trump's baggage.

rotator said...

Another aspect to the Biden-Penn center was that apparently Chinese sources donated in excess of $50M to it in its first year or two of operation. The Clinton center took a good bit longer to get to that level of foreign sourced donations IIRC.

Bunkypotatohead said...

This stuff is being revealed now so that Biden can claim it's "old news that's already been investigated" when he runs for re-election.

Gospace said...

Richard Aubrey said...
Bob Boyd. Be tough. Some E4 gets hosed while the big shot gets away with worse and....you don't want to know what's being talked about at the NCO club. You will find out.

Probably what's being talked about more discreetly by JOs. Most of whom will listen to their senior NCOs.

Jaq said...

Hur was part of the hyper-partisan Mueller investigation that spent two years hounding Trump based on what they knew was a fabricated smear from the Clinton campaign. This special counsel is nothing but a coverup designed to short circuit any congressional probe.

Jamie said...

Or did he/they lose his/her license to practice?

An interesting triumphalist take. Without commenting on Giuliani or "the Kraken lady" specifically:

The mob enforcer comes to your store. He clubs your security guard, whom you hired to negate the supposed "need" for mob "security," in the head, giving him permanent brain damage and taking him off the job. The enforcer leaves.

Later he returns to collect the mob's protection money, and taunts you, "What happened to your security guard? Oh wait - isn't he brain damaged? Maybe you should hire better people."

MikeR said...

I'm with Hur.

Drago said...

Rt41Rebel: "That may backfire. It allows DeSantis to run wide open with his and Trump's agenda and none of Trump's baggage."

Once again we must ask THE question. The question that has never been answered.

Explain how it is that DeSantis has an entire campaign staff comprised of DC usual suspect insiders that opposed Trump policies and whose major campaign funders opposed Trump policies but somehow, some way, DeSantis will deliver on "Trump's agenda", particularly on trade policies, foreign policy, Ukraine, economic policies, reform/exposing the deep staters?

Because it sure appears all the fat cats that opposed Trump policies in all those areas are very excited about DeSantis.

donald said...

“I’m glad that a Garland appointed this special counsel and that he was appointed by Trump. No president is above the law and that includes Democratic presidents. I hope this prohibits Biden from running again. We need younger, more vibrant candidates from both parties. The old guys had their chance at proving themselves, neither Trump nor Biden has proven that old men can govern better”.

These are talking points being distributed this morning. The assumption is that the targets are too fucking stupid to know who the participants are here or that they just don’t care. Which one is Inga?

donald said...

A quick internet search reveals that Hur is a common Chinese name. Go figure.

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