January 2, 2023

Sunrise — 7:41, 7:47, 7:51.





Inga said...

Interesting diffused (?) light around the sun, especially the circle at the very top of the sun in the last photo.

Saint Croix said...

When I was a kid, I thought "speaking in tongues" meant talking in gibberish.

This is a lie.

"Speaking in tongues" means talking to people in foreign languages. It means communicating with strangers in French, Italian, Spanish, German, Greek, Aramaic, Mandarin.

I know this, of course. Althouse knows it. Everybody on this blog knows it. Everybody in my workout group knows it.

You know who doesn't know it?

Kids! The fucking kids don't know it.

Pardon my French.

No, wait, I'm sorry. Pardon my Booga Booga Ooga Maloga. I'm speaking in tongues! It's a miracle! Ooga Faloga! Ooga Faloga!"

Tell 7 Millennials over the next 7 days that "speaking in tongues" means what it means. Ask them first if they know what it means, of course. (I get impatient).

Your own children don't count! Unless they're ignorant too. Your mission this week, if you choose to accept it, is to find 7 ignorant children and straighten that shit out.

Christ commands it!

(Not really, we all have free will, but a little stress makes us better people).

Mark said...

Damar Hamlin collapses, NFL calls off game.

I hope the player recovers, but this event and the calling of the game are going to reverberate. Locally we are seeing high schools who no longer field JV teams or really have a chance being competitive as the talent pool is going to other sports.

Saint Croix said...

those are beautiful photographs, Althouse.

Thank you for knocking this out every single day.

And inspiring us.

rcommal said...

Not a lot of true thinking about caring for, let alone caring about, individual people.

Lucien said...

Strange event at Bills Bengals game as Damar Hamlin collapses after making tackle & then standing up. Aortic injury?

Lucien said...

Strange event at Bills Bengals game as Damar Hamlin collapses after making tackle & then standing up. Aortic injury?

Saint Croix said...

Jesus Is the Best Rabbi in the World

I am certain this is true.

I get why many Jews might doubt it. But what you should think about, is this question.

Who is the Rabbi who is a better moral authority than Jesus?

If you can name this person, then study under them. But if you can't name the best Rabbi in the world...

then you might want to take a class or two with Jesus of Nazareth, who taught 2000 years ago. You might want to see what all the fuss is about.

Saint Croix said...

Think of grades for a second.

Religious leaders are in the top 1% of their respective classes.

The Pope is (I think?) considered the #1 Christian in the world by the Roman Catholic Church.


Other religions have authorities, too. And all of our authorities (inside and outside of religion) are very controlling, very powerful, and very arrogant.

And none of them are God!

So here's what's wacky about Jesus the Amazing Rabbi. Jesus loves the worst students in the class. He loves the kids in the back of the class, the potheads and the losers. He loves the guy who's about to flunk out.

Humanity has this drive to become the very best. Daddy likes this, and wants us to achieve amazing things. But Daddy also loves failures, misfits, losers and nerds. So while Professors might spend time playing with the top 1% or 2% of the class, Jesus smacks the crap out of those guys.

And the back of the room loves it!

So forget about those valedictorians who are so annoying. Jesus loves the class clowns, and the athletes and the motor heads. You say you are in in the Bottom 10% of humanity? That's a horrible grade. That's off the charts bad. I'm Mr. 60% and I'm a little embarrassed by that. But what's really fun is watching Jesus smack the top 1%. Sometimes they fall, and get up, and get smacked down again. Wow! And every religious leader in the world who goes up against Daddy learns an important truth...

I Am Not God and I will not earn my way by being the best human being ever. In other words, if you come home with an A+++++++++++++++ report card, Daddy will give you a hug. And if you have a D-, you also get a hug. What if you flunk out? You also get a hug. Anybody who wants a hug from Daddy gets a hug.

Readering said...

Not a medical person but reading reports saying the injury from the tackle looked like the kind of freak injury to the heart seen in vehicle collisions and other sports collisions causing it to stop beating. CPR and defibrillator keys to immediate treatment, and looks like both treatments given Hamlin on the field. So fingers crossed.

gadfly said...

Lucien said...
Strange event at Bills Bengals game as Damar Hamlin collapses after making tackle & then standing up. Aortic injury?

Hamlin, 24, suffered a cardiac arrest following a collision to his upper left chest while tackling Tee Higgins. His heartbeat was restored on the field. The Buffalo Bills further divulged that Hamlin is "sedated and listed in critical condition at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center."

The rule of Lemnity said...

Found tweet: “I have huge respect for @GretaThunberg as a climate change activist. But her “small dick” tweet is homophobic. And it is also against the LGBTQ community as well as body shaming stemming from patriarchy. It's surprising that people are celebrating her comment.”

link to tweet

See Saul Alynski 4th rule

Big Mike said...

I stopped watching “60 Minutes” long ago — so long ago that it happened years before Dan Rather got caught pushing “fake but accurate” memos allegedly written by George W. Bush’s Texas ANG superior officers but produced using MS Word — software not invented until a decade after the memo was allegedly written.

Nevertheless I read this morning that the show hosted 90 year old Paul Ehrlich to push his theory, first publicized in 1968, that the world is doomed because of overpopulation. Hey, Paul, you first. Then everyone who has ever worked for “60 Minutes,” except the custodial staff who clean their rest rooms. Then people who actually believe the overpopulation crap, on the grounds that they’re too stupid to survive anyway. The rest of us will have to figure out how to get along without you.

For the benefit of the young punk kids out there who are only in their sixties or younger, not a single prediction made by Paul Ehrlich has come true. Not one. Zero. Yet “60 Minutes” gives this foolish crank air time. God damn the producers of “60 Minutes” and everyone gullible enough to watch that show.

Saint Croix said...

I don't know if you're familiar with the massacre of the innocents, but serious religious scholars know all about that shit. And dumb ass people like me who have never been to divinity school and have no degree in that shit (I went to law school and art school and journalism school, damn if I have the time, money, or inclination to try to go to Divinity School (one day, Satan suggested it in my head). So if you want to know how come I have this sharp fucking Christian intellect, I did get a (secret) training in Christian theology provided for free in my church. Personally I've embarrassed myself so many times I have no idea where I am. I can get a free divinity degree where I am trained by priests, and Christ Church will pay for it. That's nice but I don't have time or money or inclination for that shit. Women take that course, and they learn how to be amazing women. They got time! I don't.

The training of Jesus Christ was manly training. It was designed for men. We have Christian men who say shit like, "I don't believe in war. I hate that shit." That's what I say. That's what John Ford (real Catholic if you want to study one) says. And mean fuckers think we're just going to let you rape our women and fucking murder small babies.

I wish I could explain to stupid liberals about how many Christians are pissed off about the infanticides in our era. A lot of us. I am one of the loud angry ones. There are a lot of really quiet Christian women who are silently praying all the time for God's help. And they are way better at that shit than I am. So if you think it's super-weird that Donald Trump got all those Supreme Court picks, and it was super-weird that Ruth Bader Ginsburg felt confident enough to never ever retire, well, ask yourself for 10 seconds how the Best Rabbi in the Universe feels about killing an innocent baby in the middle of birth.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Wait a minute… Greta may still have been wrong for choosing homophobic language to respond to an Andrew Tate taunt.

But it appears that Andrew Tate deserve her poorly worded take down?

Link to video of Andrew Tate being a terrible person.

“An Andrew Tate clip that aged perfectly” says the poster over there.

Still, writing a take down of somebody who deserves it might be the easiest thing in the world.

Doing it correctly is hard. Two wrongs only makes the world wronger.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Too soon to speculate what happened to an NFL player collapsing on the field?

Owen said...

Big Mike @ 2:48: What you said. I sense in your tirade a certain…frustration…that this TV show continues to peddle dystopian rubbish by giving this superannuated fear-porn artist an audience. As a 1A believer I guess I have to let him rant. But it would be nice if the media gave anything like equal billing to competing viewpoints. Of course, that can’t happen, because it would make Ehrlich look like the loser he is, and drastically weaken the doomsayer case. Fear sells, and to heck with truth.

wendybar said...

Democrat donors paid her well, didn't they?? Must be nice to be a traitor and become a millionaire off of Americans backs. Karma is coming, and it won't be soon enough for me. She is almost as big a grifter as the Bidens.


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