January 12, 2023

Just trying to get in the elevator...


Iman said...

Their priorities are suspect.

R C Belaire said...

What do his constituents think -- do they want him out, or do they not care? The Republicans need his presence/vote, so they best be careful.

rhhardin said...

Usually it's up to voters.

Amadeus 48 said...

Why, why, why won't they do this to Joe Biden? That guy has been fantasizing in public--usually with himself as the hero--since 1972.

We know the reason.

Owen said...

Santos just needs to buy better presstitutes in the media. The kind of quality that the D’s have long enjoyed. Then his sins will be properly contextualized.

Darkisland said...

Good for him. Congress is filled with crooks and liars. There's always room for 1 more.

And whose fault is this? As I pointed out on several threads in Journa.host before I got banned for being Puerto Rican it is JOURNALISTS who failed to report on this before the election. Now they have their panties in a twist and are reporting on it after the election

When I asked why, I got a bunch of mealy mouthed excuses, often along the lines of nobody assigned us to cover him.

John Henry

cubanbob said...

He should resign but only after all of the Democrats involved with Trump's impeachment resign.

Creola Soul said...

If lying is a disqualification for serving in Congress, the halls would be empty.

Temujin said...

Look at these idiots, chasing another idiot, actually thinking they're on a Top Story!

Meanwhile...off on the other side of town, Joe Biden and his Top Secret files on Ukraine, Iran, and China sit alone, defended, never to be fully revealed.

But George Santos! Ahhh...Jurnalismin!

Kai Akker said...

Hang tough, Santos you SOB. Let them fuss and fume but stay in there and represent all the borderlines in your district. And all the districts!

Shouting Thomas said...

What a vile, shitty job… the chase TV reporter.

The major message of the past 6 years is that credentials are mostly bullshit.

You can be a fake black, Injun or gender.

God forbid you lie on your resume. The video was a scene out of Fellini. How do any of these people stand themselves?

RideSpaceMountain said...

This guy lies so often, he probably doesn't actually know what his plans are himself.

Steven said...

I keep seeing this guy in the news but haven't followed the story. Seems like some minor drama about which I have no reason to care. It seems like a bunch of lefties want the guy to resign, so my default opinion is that he's correct not to.

Steven said...

I keep seeing this guy in the news but haven't followed the story. Seems like some minor drama about which I have no reason to care. It seems like a bunch of lefties want the guy to resign, so my default opinion is that he's correct not to.

Wince said...

Santos's issues aside, what came across from that camera angle was an uncanny demonstration of the monolithic media hive mind.

It even looked like they all shop for clothes at the same store.

Sebastian said...

"George Santos tells me he will NOT resign"

Hey, what's the latest on Joe? Will he resign due to his systematic lying over decades, including as President? Will he give in to Dem demands for honesty in the executive?

Whataboutism is about the only form of argument that works with the left these days. Actually, not even that.

Achilles said...

Santos should say he will resign after Joe Biden resigns for lying about his qualifications.

Joe Biden has lied about his past repeatedly and consistently.

Dude1394 said...

That is the ne obsessed reporter. All santos all the time. Typical democrat operative. Tell her to sod off.

Jaq said...

When is Joe "I had nothing to do with my son's business" Biden, who left classified documents concerning China in an office where his son had a key, and Chinese "businessmen" who were paying Hunter $100,000 a month, had keys, and oh by the way, the Chinese communists were involved, and "somebody" provided $50 million dollars to the "think tank" anonymously.

It's a government of bald-faced liars, and unless and until the Democrats starts calling on pathological liar Adam Schiff to resign, or that congressman who married her own brother in an immigration fraud scheme, resigns, or Swalwell, who slept with a Chinese spy resigns, I am going to just ignore it. Call it "whataboutism," I call it having consistent standards. Unilateral disarmament seldom ends well, historically.

Big Mike said...

Why should a Republican resign just because he beat stupid Democrats at their own game?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When will crook Biden resign?

Kay said...

How can she be sure he’s not lying to her?

Scott Gustafson said...

No one seems to care that Biden lied about substantive things for decades. Why should we care about what a first term congressman lies about. After all, the media and the dems set the rules.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

LOL he’s playing by their rules. IOW why should he resign?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

It's ok to invade is personal space; he's a man.

baghdadbob said...

I remember, back in 1988, a Presidential candidate withdrew his candidacy after he was caught co-opting the life story of the UK's Neil Kinnock.

Of course, he continued his biographical fabrications: full scholarship; 3 degrees; moot court winner; top half of law school class; arrested in South Africa protesting apartheid; and many other dubious claims.

Apparently, there is a statute of limitations on lying about your history.

We all look forward to President Santos, 2052.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Here Tis...
The media echoes it.

TaeJohnDo said...

Why should he? All the other liars and charlatans before him have set a precedent for him to stay. The biggest problem he has is he ran as a Republican. If he was a democrat, it's blow over in a week.

Fredrick said...

Desperate to get one more democrat in the current house. Their grip on the institution must be far weaker than everyone thinks.

Anthony said...

I mean, it's not like he married his brother to get him into the country. . . .

Gusty Winds said...

Owen said...


Dude. That's a prefect name for all of these "reporters". Nice one. They may not sell their bodies, but they certainly sold their souls. Bet some of them sold their bodies to get on TV too. Matt Lauer taught us that.

Gusty Winds said...

When affirmative action / quota supporting liberals look the other way on the fabricated ethnic background of Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren you know they don't believe in any of the shit that come out of their own mouths.

That Karen took the affirmative action spot of a legitimate Native American, and she got rich, powerful and famous off the scam. Not only to MA liberals keep reelecting her, but liberals even voted for her in the 2020 Democrat Presidential primary, until Biden was installed on Super Tuesday.

Anybody that takes that woman seriously is a clown. Give us a all a fucking break with this hypocritical sanctimony. "I'm just gonna grab me a beer..." Eye roll.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Al Franken has said it was a mistake to resign.

I think Santos could weather this storm.

There's no #metoo rummaging thru politicians resumes and bios. And if there was... well, just look at the Biden secret doc fiasco as an example of what can happen if you go blabbing about other people's houses in disorder.

Yancey Ward said...

Santos' stock reply should be, "I will resign for lying when Joe Biden resigns for lying."

Yancey Ward said...

Or, his reply could be, "I lied during the campaign- I am really a Democrat."

Spiros said...

If anybody should resign, its Pete Buttigieg. This man is utterly worthless. Buttigieg's arbitrary Covid rules, vaccine mandates and shutdowns of Western ports caused a massive supply chain breakdown and a spike in inflation. Later Buttigieg phoned his Canadian counterparts and asked them to crack down on the trucker convoy protest (which they did in the most shocking manner possible). A little bit later on, while Buttigieg was vacationing in Portugal, Labor Secretary Marty Walsh stepped in to avert a nationwide rail strike. During the Christmas holiday, Southwest cancelled 17,000 (!) flights. Yesterday Buttigieg grounded all flights in the US (something not down since 9/11). It goes on and on. Every week this man screws something up.

This man is amazingly incompetent. And he still lectures us about racist bridges and highways. Remember when Buttigieg, on the verge of tears, claimed that racist Polish and Irish immigrants in New York City built underpasses in their communities that prevented buses filled with Black and Puerto Rican teenagers from going to the beach? Of course, the underpasses were built BEFORE cars were even invented. And then there was his stupid, nonsensical argument that ALL roads are racist because they facilitate White flight and deprive City governments of desperately needed tax revenue (which local governments can use to provide Black people with housing and commercial opportunities).

It's time for Biden to fire Buttigieg.

Carol said...

He should hang in there, get his two years in. It was his opposition's job to check his background. Amazing they didn't.

Is this some sort of GOP safe seat? Even then there should be increased scrutiny in the primary.

Joe Smith said...

If he had any sense at all, he'd call a press conference and announce that he just discovered he was part Cherokee.

He could even show the 23 and Me DNA results.

It would be hilarious...

Lars Porsena said...

I'm waiting for Senator Fetterman to address this at a news conference.

lonejustice said...

I noticed that all of the reporters with microphones who were yelling questions at him, they were all females.

RNB said...

You expected honesty from a Congressman? Or (failing that) shame? That train left the station a long time ago.

Charlie said...

"Usually it's up to voters."

Not if Anderson Cooper has anything to say about it!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I mean, it's not like he married his brother to get him into the country. . . .

I found that on a detour thru the tall grass one day. It's just not in any "mainstream" publication.

Gospace said...

Not my district. Local party propbably didn't think they had a chance, and here was someone willing to run, so no one checked him out.

And now he's in Congress. No one was forced to vote for him. If there's buyer's regret, the buyers can take care of it in 2024. Maybe they'll pay more attention. And- maybe they'll be happy with his congressional voting record.

Joe Smith said...

'I'm waiting for Senator Fetterman to address this at a news conference.'

"Wjdofuel oslduf dmwoeiru sld fiiejs dfioliej siju!"

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

There's a representative in the WA state house who lied about his background (can't remember his name). Radio silence from the Democrats and the local news media (Seattle Times, Everett Herald, etc.). It's ok when Dems do that, but a heinous crime when Repubs do it.

When Adam Schiff and Fang Fang's lover resign, then I'll call for Santos to resign.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Fang Fang's lover - Eric Swalwell.

rcocean said...

The Democrats and the MSM (the same thing) will keep up the pressure because with a narrow Republican majority, every R seat is important.

So far, the dumbshit Republicans have not buckled, but they are born losers, so I'm not optomistic.

The idea that a congressman needs to resign because he said he was a Jew, when he's not, is rather absurd. the idea he has to resign because he lied during his campaign, even more so.

Dude1394 said...

Hearing republicans call for him to step down let's me know we still have an active GOPe that do not realize that this is political war, not beanbags. DeSantis has the right idea, IGNORE them.

tommyesq said...

So brave...

Michael K said...

Blogger Mr Wibble said...

Good. There's another election in two years. If his constituents have a problem with him, they can vote him out of office.

Exactly. "Danang Dick" Blumenthal sits there in the Senate and nobody complains about his lies.

MikeR said...

Can't see why he should resign. He's the best liar in Congress; shouldn't they give him a medal?

Readering said...

Not like he has a better job waiting for him on the other side.

Elliott A. said...

How is lying about your resume to get elected any different than lying about what you will do for the voters when elected, or saying you never discussed your son's business dealings?

Elliott A. said...

How is lying about your resume to get elected any different than lying about what you will do for the voters when elected, or saying you never discussed your son's business dealings?

Bob Boyd said...

I actually like the guy now after seeing that video.
Maybe he should start posting videos of himself being accosted by mobs of other disgraceful liars.

dwshelf said...

The idea that Santos is worse than dozens of sitting congressmen is ridiculous.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I'm waiting for Senator Fetterman to address this at a news conference.


Readering said...

If he resigns it will be for election $$ shenanigans. But Carvel right he makes a convenient pinata while remains in office.

JaimeRoberto said...

He shouldn't resign, but voters in his district should replace him in two years.

Robert Cook said...

If the Republicans (and their voters) do not demand Santos resign (or be expelled) from his office, they will be explicitly signing on to all of Santos' past (and current?) acts of malfeasance and criminal fraud and theft. It will highlight what many benighted Republican voters refuse to realize, that the Republican Party is a party of self-seeking grafters, grifters, and thugs, and apologists for same.

Robert Cook said...

"The idea that Santos is worse than dozens of sitting congressmen is ridiculous."

He probably isn't worse than many of his peers in office, but his corrupt character, lies, and criminal deeds are out there in public, for all to see. The other crooks are more circumspect, their bad acts only apparent to those willing to really dig deep.

rcocean said...

If I were a Republican I would simply respond:

Mr Santos should NOT resign. However, when Joe Biden, adam shithead, Liz Warren and Da Nang Dick resign for lying - I might reconsider my position.

I wonder what that sanctimonous liar, Mitt Romney has said. I'm sure he's itching to attack Santos and win some more points with the WaPo.

Drago said...

Readering: "Not like he has a better job waiting for him on the other side."

True. After all, he isn't a democratical.

If he were a democratical, he could literally lie on an affidavit to a federal secret FISA court and barely get his wrist slapped AND promptly have his law license reinstated and be hired by a big democratical firm at a very competitive salary.

So, yes, he will never be treated as a democratical would.

Drago said...

rcocean: "I wonder what that sanctimonous liar, Mitt Romney has said. I'm sure he's itching to attack Santos and win some more points with the WaPo."

Mitt is too busy looking for another BLM pro-riot march to join in on.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: "If the Republicans (and their voters) do not demand Santos resign (or be expelled) from his office, they will be explicitly signing on to all of Santos' past (and current?)" ..... yada yada yada

I just love the middle school playground tenor of Cookie's postings in which he makes these grandiose universal proclamations.

n.n said...


Rocco said...

Robert Cook said...
If the Republicans (and their voters) do not demand Santos resign (or be expelled) from his office, they will be explicitly signing on to all of Santos' past (and current?) acts of malfeasance and criminal fraud and theft.

I noticed that you haven't actually denounced Santos' activities (past & future). So I am assuming that you are totes OK with them.

Robert Cook said...
[Santos] probably isn't worse than many of his peers in office, but his corrupt character, lies, and criminal deeds are out there in public, for all to see. The other crooks are more circumspect, their bad acts only apparent to those willing to really dig deep.

So his real crime is that he was caught. Got it.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Again, Melanie said it all " I don't really care, do you? BUT the $$$ people do, and you always follow the stories about the $$$. They all lie and cheat and steal, its human nature, but explain the $$$ then they'll really care and pay attention. They elected his resume; he is just a pawn for media fodder. He is very valuable asset to the small minority and only the $$ fraud will pique an interest. Keep your eye on the ball

Robert Cook said...

"I noticed that you haven't actually denounced Santos' activities (past & future). So I am assuming that you are totes OK with them."

You apparently do not read for comprehension. Or, more likely, you know better and you think you're making a clever "gotcha!"

NOPE! Neither clever nor a "gotcha!"

Robert Cook said...

"So his real crime is that he was caught. Got it."

Again, NOPE! All the other crooked crooks and lying liars in Congress should also be prosecuted, but if they do not openly admit their crimes, who do you think is going to go dig up their misdeeds and crimes? Sadly, no one. But Santos has brazenly admitted to a litany of deceptive and criminal behaviors. It's out there hanging onto the Republican party like sticky shit. What are the Republicans, who make a big stink out of all the crimes of Biden's son going to do about one of their own who is an admitted swindler and criminal? If they leave it alone, they show their hypocrisy, (which is apparent to anyone with any discernment, but...there are plenty who don't have that).

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