December 14, 2022

"There are many ways for a person to be questionable... and men found every single one this year. There were the men with an unbearable lack of self-awareness, screaming..."

"... 'cancel culture' to an audience of millions. There were the men whose long history of abuse allegations did nothing to dissuade people from coming to their defense or giving them MTV VMA cameos. Did you know Louis C.K. won a Grammy this year?... It was a particularly embarrassing year for men with too much money. Over the summer, Jeff Bezos reportedly wanted to pay to disassemble and reassemble a bridge in the Netherlands so his big stupid boat could pass through.... [F]or reasons unbeknownst to humankind, Musk tweeted a picture of his bedside table.... ... Drake decided his collaborative album with 21 Savage was a good time to claim that Megan Thee Stallion lied about being shot by Tory Lanez....  [There] were the cringey men — men who embodied 'the ick.'... There was the Try Guy cheating scandal that validated our cultural suspicion of Wife Guys.... [There were] Whiny Little Baby-Men. These are the men who had to overcome such adversity as omelets and pens.... [T]here are men who are still making hypermasculinity their whole thing. These range from supplement-scamming Liver Kings to men who proudly embrace the title 'King of Toxic Masculinity.'... Then there are the truly sinister men.... They have either been a guest on Alex Jones’s podcast or are Alex Jones himself..... [There are] Ricky Gervais, Matt Gaetz, Brad Pitt, Tom Brady...."

Writes Mia Mercado in "The Year Men Flopped" (The Cut).

I love the way she got through all that without naming Trump. We really have moved on! And now, 2022 is about to expire, and we can move on from all the scoundrels she did name. Let's move on once again, to the — hopefully — much better masculinity of 2023.


ccscientist said...

It isn't just men. Women can be pretty awful too. Men just make a bigger splash with their awfulness. We get things done. Like women are twice as likely to try to kill themselves as men, but men are successful more often.

Jim at said...

Looks like someone's auditioning for membership in the She-Woman Man-Haters Club.

Bob R said...

Perhaps the foundation of Judaeo-Chiritianity is that humans are fallen, flawed creatures. Mia examined half of us. Too much work to keep track of the other half.

chickelit said...

Mercado wrote: "Earlier this year, Elon Musk officially acquired Twitter, and we were gifted many months’ worth of subsequent terror. After firing nearly half of Twitter’s employees, some of whom happened to have spoken out against Musk, we were made to bear witness to the bizarre internal email Musk sent to the remaining Twitter employees."

I read no further. If she knows that little about something I already know, why should I trust her opinion on things I don't know?

Mercado Fail!

Kirk Parker said...

I will leave some of the low hanging fruit for others, and just know how dishonest / disingenuous the Bezos' big stupid boat item is.

For those who don't recall: It was having major work done by a boat yard there, a nice bit of earnings for that company, and the bridge in question has a few times in the past undergone a similar partial disassembly when other larger vessel projects for finished.

deepelemblues said...

How humiliating

For Mia Mercado, and for the professor

Women need to up their game

Shouting Thomas said...

Defining my masculinity is none of your fucking business, Althouse.

Gusty Winds said...

Althouse said...We really have moved on!

Oh thank GOD!!! Even if it was accomplished via propaganda and voter fraud.

My sensibilities feel much better now.

Now I can pretend we will return to normal.

What do you mean the working class is struggling? Let them eat cake...

Narr said...

Men are still men and bitches are still bitches.

Details at 11!

Readering said...

Remind me how Gervais earned his place in the piece?

Readering said...

Trans jokes?

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Alternate headline: Chick Namechecks Dicks for Clicks

lamech said...

Mia Mercado seems like a wonderful lady. Too bad she can't name even one good man (although I'd suggest Scott Smith of Loudoun Virginia). At least she's rooting for men.

I will easily forget the name Mia Mercado, but joins a list of URLs to avoid.

gahrie said...

Just the thing we need...judgement about men and masculinity from women who can't define "woman".

JAORE said...

Can anyone point to a parallel article about women?

Would it name famous women?
Would it get published?
Would it get shadow banned?
Would it get praised?
Would anyone yell, "Slay king!"?
Would our host take note?

Shorthand: Woman good. Man bad.

JaimeRoberto said...

Given that men make up roughly 50% of the population, new math aside, it stands to reason that they'll be about half of the "questionable" population. But I suspect the writer's definition of questionable depends on who is the current object of the two minutes hate.

lamech said...

Mia Mercado seems like a wonderful lady. Too bad she can't name even one good man (although I'd suggest Scott Smith of Loudoun Virginia). At least she's rooting for men.

I will easily forget the name Mia Mercado, but joins a list of URLs to avoid.

wendybar said...

Paul Pelosi?? The new propaganda talking points have been released. It seems, that the Berkeley living, Progressive Greenie WANTED REVENGE FOR TRUMP!!!

Seriously. They think we are as stupid as their constituents who believe all their propaganda. I'm sure Nasty Nancy approved this story, perhaps she made it up herself. It gets that icky TRUMP in the News again, and she can cry about how unsafe she felt on J6, when she refused to call in the National Guard. Another thing she blames Trump for. What HASN'T Trump done?? We are living in the fucking Twilight Zone, and it isn't funny anymore.

Of course, we will NEVER see the video ourselves, we have to take their word for it.

JAORE said...

I saw her snarky. "“WhAt If a MaN sAiD tHis AbOuT WoMen??” Babe, wake up. They literally are."

Show me. Not the individual put down of women, but the all encompassing put down articles....

typingtalker said...

One way for a person of any gender to be questionable is to write a piece called, "The Year Men Flopped."

Men flopping? It's not news -- it's not an event -- it's a continuum.

Tim said...

And then there are the women who hate men for, apparently, being men. Did you read her list? To go with real issues with real individuals, she includes every petty ante behavior imaginable, as if Elon Musk posting a picture of his nightstand should be included with abusers. As if Ricky Gervais and his pointed joke telling, making fun of those who have earned it, rates with denying a felony. Sorry, her pettiness maker HER the joke, and the example of toxic femininity that everyone points to when they talk about women LIKE HER. Sorry, but she loses her entire point.

Jeff Vader said...

Can a guy write a similar article about the stupid and annoying women amongst us?

Sebastian said...

So we are now assuming we can tell the difference between men and women without being biologists, correct? Which reminds me of a few women flopping, to be totally toxically masculine.

Even with all these men flopping, are there any women, is there any single woman, who matches the best achievements of the top men? Anyone you would consider in the top 1% of entrepreneurs, inventors, athletes? Anyone close enough to Bezos or Brady to make it worthwhile to talk about the flopping? (Leaving the "arts" out of it--certainly many female musicians in the right tail.)

Michael K said...

I guess she doesn't like Matt Gaetz or Tom Brady. Any reason given ?

rhhardin said...

Gervais is good. Top Gun was unwatchable, though: she's right about that. Musk is operating about right for humor and politics combined. Trump made a major mistake in thinking that anybody cares about who "really" won 2020. If you cheat and it works, you're elected. Don't get outsmarted next time.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Odd. I thought sexism was bad. But here we have some chica splashing it all over the interwebz as if it's perfectly ok. How confusing.

I suspect she wears the pants. (Most likely yoga pants.)

Amadeus 48 said...

We could do the women of 2022. They weren't any better. And get this: lots of women--including this person called Mia Mercado, I am sure--appear to think that it is OK for a confused or mentally ill boy or girl to take life-altering drugs or undergo mutilation of their bodies so they can pretend to be a very poor version of the opposite sex.

Let's move on again to the--hopefully--much better femininity of 2023.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Mia Mercado, whoever they is, really needs to pick better company.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Can a person truly be so ignorant that they believe that men and women are not balanced on the scale of vice?
What would we think of a male author who made a year end list of all the women - and just the women - who behaved in illegal or obnoxious ways> From Elizabeth Holmes and Rachel Walensky to Cardi B.?

Gusty Winds said...

I don't feel aligned with all men. Shitloads flop's part of the human condition. But this is fun. I love when everything is fair game. It's the way it should be. Self-awareness and a sense of humor are important factors for those that value free speech.

Reminds me of a story from 2022...

Tony Evers took AOC to her first Wisconsin Badgers football game. They had great seats right behind the Badgers' bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience. "Oh, I really liked it," she replied, "especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, the Jump Around was so much fun!!!... Everyone wanted to date me!!...but I just couldn't understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents."

Dumbfounded, the Governor Evers asked, "What do you mean?

Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it, and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was, 'Get the quarterback! Get the quarterback!' I'm like, hello? It's only 25 cents!

Joe Smith said...

Give me a break.

All of the people on my list of 'worst people I've ever met in my life' have been women.

Just sayin'

Eva Marie said...

“I love the way she got through all that without naming Trump. We really have moved on!”
Either that or lefties are starting to warm to Trump. That would place the NeverTrumpers in a fine pickle. Sweet revenge.

Achilles said...

""There are many ways for a person to be questionable... and men found every single one this year. There were the men with an unbearable lack of self-awareness, screaming...""

If only Irony could be lethal.

Achilles said...

Readering said...
Remind me how Gervais earned his place in the piece?

Made fun of democrats.

Mike said...

Well opinions are like noses, and everybody, including Mia Mercado has one.

OTOH two questions present themselves: 1. Who is Mia Mercado? 2. Why should I care what she thinks or says?

In an effort to answer the first question I did an Internet search. She doesn't (yet) rate a Wikipedia entry. so as Obama might say, she's definitely on the JV team. And for an answer to the second question, I don't care.

Ted said...

"Whiny baby-men" are bad, but "hypermasculine" men are also bad.

A good man must be Strong yet Sensitive, Confident yet Humble, Powerful yet Yielding, a Good Husband yet not a Wife Guy... Everything yet Also Its Opposite. Simple!

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Bezo's boat could have been towed without the mast past that bridge, then had the mast stepped as soon as it passed the bridge. That's a lot easier than disassembling and reassembling a bridge.

RMc said...

The Year Men Flopped

But enough about the World Cup!

MadisonMan said...

These kind of lists are just boring for me. So I'm not clicking the link.
It smacks of "I Have a Deadline for something I wrote"

RMc said...

The Year Men Flopped

But enough about the World Cup!

RMc said...

The Year Men Flopped

But enough about the World Cup!

Stephen said...

I just say to her what I told my “square” greatest-generation parents: if you don’t like it just change the channel (or shut off the phone, close your laptop, etc.)

Clyde said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clyde said...

It's so good that all of the women were on their best behavior in 2022. (We won't mention Meghan Markle aka Woko Ono.)

Marcus Bressler said...

Many more men have flopped this past year but Viagra will take care of that.


Readering said...

Gaetz seems obvious pick. Penchant for underage girls. Brady, she probably assumes the split because he would not compromise on playing when has incredibly lucrative booth gig lined up.

Gusty Winds said...

Hillary Clinton: "What does IDK stand for?"
Elizabeth Warren: "I don’t know."
AOC: "OMG, nobody does!"

mikee said...

I don't know about the rest of you, but I intend to follow that age-old advice to men: Exercise more, eat less, work hard and enjoy life.

Quaestor said...

A bowser complaining about men she'll garner an admiring glance from... so, what else is new?

JK Brown said...

" Jeff Bezos reportedly wanted to pay to disassemble and reassemble a bridge in the Netherlands so his big stupid boat could pass through"

Does Mia believe that Bezos is going to pay the shipyard that now has built a boat they can't deliver? And if they aren't able to deliver the product they built, what may become of the workers at a now bankrupt shipyard?

But at the other extreme are the lamentations about men, 25-54, having low labor force participation. They listened, they stepped back, they've cleared the way for women, and now those dependent up on those men's taxes are in a panic.

Gusty Winds said...

You know who kicked ass in 2022?

Women with penises

mccullough said...

The Cat Lady Chronicles

Jupiter said...

I have a feeling Mia Mercado would be hard-pressed to give an example of a year when men did not flop. In her favor, there's this.

Jaq said...

Conan was wrong, the lamentations of women are overrated.

Jaq said...

"Gaetz seems obvious pick. Penchant for underage girls."

Always accuse the other side of your side's weaknesses. Readering has never had a problem with "Pedo Pete," as his own son, who had child porn on his laptop, calls him.

Jim at said...

Gaetz seems obvious pick. Penchant for underage girls.

A Biden voter just wrote that.

Owen said...

Wait: Mercado's piece is titled "Men Flopped"?


I detect some serious phallophobia there. And I raise a stiff objection to such calumny!

Howard said...

You go girl

William said...

Louis CK and Ricky Gervais in their efforts to be funny flopped far less often than Mia Mercado.

Yancey Ward said...

I hope she is lesbian, because I would feel nothing but pity for any guy stuck with her as a mate.

Yancey Ward said...

I see Readering is as uninformed as always.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...
I hope she is lesbian, because I would feel nothing but pity for any guy stuck with her as a mate.

She's actually pretty hot. I don't know what you're talking about dude. Those are the best kind of lesbians.

Wonder why she hates men though. Daddy issues?? Older brother was the favorite? Slept with some jock that never called??

n.n said...

The year abortion... cancel culture was normalized in popular culture.

That said, what's with the rabid diversity?

Men, women, and "our Posterity" are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus. Be wary of exercising liberal license to indulge diversity [dogma] (e.g. sexism, racism, ageism).

n.n said...

I hope she is lesbian, because I would feel nothing but pity for any guy stuck with her as a mate.

Transgender? Plausibly. Trans/social? Probably. DIE? Likely. #HateLovesAbortion

n.n said...

Mama, don't let your babies... fetal-babies evolve as extraterrestrials.

readering said...

Ok, I admitted to being insufficiently informed on this woman's view of Gervais. Why was Gaetz in the article?

boatbuilder said...

WTF. There are about 3,750,000 men out there. And what the hell is "sinister" about the last 4 guys?

boatbuilder said...

Did she mention the man who won the womens' NCAA swimming title?

Big Mike said...

I wonder. Would either Mia Mercado or Ann Althouse define the concept of “hypermasculinity”? Is it about man risking their lives to rescue women who, through inattentiveness or plain stupidity got themselves in trouble? Is it someone like Nicholas Boston who ran into a burning house to rescue four sleeping kids, only to discover that there was a six year old girl still inside. By then the house was fully engulfed, but the firefighters hadn’t arrived yet do he went back in himself, and saved the girl. He nearly died and suffered a severed tendon, but he saved five children. Is that what you mean by hypermasculinity?

The article appears to be behind a paywall, so I have to ask. Did she mention Sam Brinton? If not, is that because Brinton doesn’t use masculine pronouns?

alanc709 said...

Lump all those men together and you still don't have enough to overcome having to claim Maxine Waters are part of your gender.

Lazarus said...

AOC, KJP, Pe-lo-si. A lot of women flopped this year.

But for some reason, female failures like Hochul and Whitmer don't get the boot.

Lurker21 said...

Mia Mercado usually writes for publications aimed at young women, and they want to hear this stuff. Did those guys really flop? If your problem is getting your massive yacht under a Dutch bridge you are probably doing very well. Louis CK winning a Grammy looks like a vindication. Brad Pitt putting down the bong and getting anything done also looks like a victory. I don't know the ins and outs of the Megan Stallion thing, but I would suppose Drake didn't come out of that mess as the worst person. Prince Charles may be a horrible person, but he's not doing to shabby either.

Butkus51 said...

Meghan Markle

there, even steven

walter said...

Biden sniffing rape trees.
Merrick sniffing Barron's undies.
Hunter sniffing....

walter said...

Really reaching re Musk's bedside table pic.

Estoy_Listo said...

Before there was racism there was prejudice and bigotry. Prejudice was considered the lesser evil of the two evils; we were wired for it. Bigotry, the condemnation of a group based on the actions of a few, was considered the far greater sin. Mia Mercado is acting like a bigot. But that's OK. At least she's not being a racist.

Big Mike said...

I’m sure Mercado didn’t include Joe Biden, but it goes without saying that he’s a walking, talking screw-up every waking minute of every day. (Fortunately he isn’t awake for most of any day.)

tim maguire said...

3.5 billion men in the world and she can’t even assemble a list of a 20 baddies without padding it with at least a half-dozen who haven’t done anything wrong.

That speaks quite well of men, and quite poorly of her in her determination to smear half the human race with her misandrist BS.

Aggie said...

Is she going to be fired, like the sportscaster?

PM said...

It's all about Musk - the Boogeyman of Now - the rest were thrown in so she could make it sound like an area bombing instead of what it is: a targeted missile.

Ficta said...

Men, some people love them.

Zev said...

maybe next year she can do lousy women

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