December 1, 2022

"It makes no sense. Somebody who’s such an extraordinary friend of Israel, whose daughter is an Orthodox Jew, whose grandchildren are Orthodox Jews—I cannot explain..."

"... why he would want to have dinner with an overt anti-Semite and dinner with a white-supremacist Jew-hater, an ugly, ugly scum like Nick Fuentes. And Trump says, 'I didn’t know who it was.' Even if I take him at his word, that he didn’t know who Fuentes was, fine, now he knows. Why doesn’t he say, 'Fuentes is a despicable scum whose beliefs have no place in the United States of America'?"

Said the head of the Zionist Organization of America, Morton Klein, quoted in "A Right-Wing Zionist Digests Trump’s Anti-Semite Dinner Party/Can the former President be the 'best friend Israel ever had in the White House' while also legitimatizing 'Jew-haters'?" (The New Yorker). The Z.O.A. recently gave Trump an award designating him the "best friend Israel ever had in the White House." 

Does this help make sense of what happened: "Milo Yiannopoulos claims he set up Fuentes dinner ‘to make Trump’s life miserable’/Rightwing provocateur says he helped arrange for white supremacist to attend dinner with Trump and Kanye West" (The Guardian).

“I wanted to show Trump the kind of talent that he’s missing out on by allowing his terrible handlers to dictate who he can and can’t hang out with,” Yiannopoulos said. “I also wanted to send a message to Trump that he has systematically repeatedly neglected, ignored, abused the people who love him the most, the people who put him in office, and that kind of behavior comes back to bite you in the end.”...

“This is just not true at all,” Fuentes said on the messaging app Telegram.... “My intention was not to hurt Trump by attending the dinner, that is fake news. I love Donald Trump.”


rhhardin said...

It doesn't matter who you have dinner with. It's all cancel culture.

Marcus Bressler said...

Why do people demand that others speak words that align with the former's political POV? "Everyone must think and act like me and then the world would be a better place."
MYOB. Have a blessed day.


Enigma said...

This type of stuff was the basis for the ambush-comedy-farce movie Borat (2006). Same practices, same personality types, same knee-jerk reactions and claims of being offended.

We live in a superficial "gotcha" world, so why is anyone surprised by any of this? Blame Trump, sure. Blame deranged Trump haters, yep. Blame the aggressive "comedians" too.

Mike Sylwester said...

Believe it or not, most people never heard of Nick Fuentes before this incident.

Kate said...

1) Trump will always look bad about this to the Left.

2) Fuentes sounds like a BAP lad. Many of these guys say the most offensive things as rebellion rather than deeply-held beliefs.

3) Milo is a pot-stirrer. We've all known for years that he's mischievous, reckless, and impulsive.

4) Trump looks bad to the Right because this is something he should know about his followers. We all want the establishment broken up, but our methods are very different. Some are conventional, and that's the Trump sweet spot, and some are dark and ugly.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Why doesn’t he say, 'Fuentes is a despicable scum whose beliefs have no place in the United States of America'?"

Liking Trump is infuriatingly difficult because to misconstrue what he says and does is a thriving cottage industry that only seems to grow with each failure to banish him from the Public Square, turning him into a much needed figure when superficiality is construed as substance and substance an impediment.

Birches said...

I do not understand how this is still a story. Trump likes people who are nice to him. Kanye is nice to him. Kanye probably always has an entourage, so having extra people at dinner isn't that strange.

Now should Trump have declared Kanye off limits because of the ranting? Maybe, but if Kanye's latest antisemitism has shown me anything, it's that antisemitism is way more common in the black community than any of us have realized. Farrakhan has more hold on the culture than anyone wants to acknowledge. But confronting that is more complicated than denouncing Trump.

MikeR said...

"terrible handlers". That part sounds right. Move on to DeSantis.

rwnutjob said...

Unforced error

Howard said...

What ever *this* is, Trump is free of responsibility.

"Bleak House has many very realistic and sympathetic characters, but Skimpole is not one of them. He is a leech who pretends that he is just too naïve and charmingly childlike to understand responsibility. In reality, of course, he is way too clever for any of that baloney to be true."

MikeR said...

'Even if I take him at his word, that he didn’t know who Fuentes was, fine, now he knows. Why doesn’t he say, 'Fuentes is a despicable scum whose beliefs have no place in the United States of America'?"' Because he's Trump. Because he doesn't play other people's games, and you can't force him to, and that was part of his appeal. Just because you're flipping out over unimportant loser white supremacists that literally none of us had ever heard of a week ago, doesn't mean he has to. Obviously someone "who's an extraordinary friend of Israel" etc. doesn't need to prove his pro-Jew bona fides.

dbp said...

I will go out on a limb and say that, head of the Zionist Organization of America, Morton Klein never asked President Obama Why doesn’t he say, 'Farrakhan is a despicable scum whose beliefs have no place in the United States of America'?"

If he didn't, he can just sit this one out.

Jersey Fled said...

This breathless, over the top handling of everything Trump does or doesn't do is really getting tiresome.

AMDG said...

When it come to Trump you can tie yourself in knots trying to make sense of things when the answer is simple- narcissism.

West is a famous guy that has said nice things about Trump. That’s it. As Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker show, Trump thinks celebrity is a qualification in and of itself.

It has long been observed that Trump measures someone’s entire worth as a human being based entirely on how they kowtow to his oversized ego. The more they debase themselves in service to Trump’s ego the better - see Rudy Giuliani.

wendybar said...

EVEN NBC news says he was set up by Milo.

John Borell said...

Yes, that helps make sense of what happened. But these three things can be true:

1. Trump is in no way anti-semitic.
2. Trump was set up.
3. Trump has no discipline to avoid these situations.

wendybar said...

AND Trump invited Ye. He didn't invite, nor did he know Ye was bringing assholes with him. Obama invited Sharpton to the White House over 80 times. Obama is an Anti Semite?? He must be according to the left.

iowan2 said...

All the political "experts" are aghast that Trumps handlers let this happen. People still refuse to understand that Trump does his own wet work. In Public, during daylight hours, for all to see. All politicians get caught up in situations like this. The difference, their handlers, work very hard to keep almost all of these interactions secret, out of view, with plausible deniability, crafted before the event. Dem politicians don't have to work so hard because the media does most of the work.
I find it interesting Trump is unfit because he got in close proximity to an obnoxious guy for a couple of hours.
Obama spent 20 years in the pew listening to the rantings of the good Rev, Jeremiah Wright, but his antisemitism is a kinder gentler version of antisemitism.
This just the same story smearing Trump, retold to the same audience.

Leland said...

It seems to me that the people elevating the opinion of this Nick Fuentes are the ones that want to make Fuentes opinions important enough to discredit Trump.

Achilles said...

MikeR said...

"terrible handlers". That part sounds right. Move on to DeSantis.

Why is nobody talking about how bad Desantis's handlers are doing?

Because the media is one of Desantis's Handlers.

His handlers are the same GOPe corporate oligarchs that have been betraying you for decades.

People are not paying attention if they think Desantis is the answer to "Get better handlers."

Please don't be this stupid.

wendybar said...

Like Ed Snowden shared.. A 1983 viral video of a CIA agent confessing to using the U.S. media to control American citizens. That is exactly what THIS is and what all the fake Russian Collusion and all the other lies the Progressives have been spewing have been all about...

iowan2 said...

Everyone universally agrees they hate politicians because they always make all decisions about how it affects their political brand.

Here is Trump. Inviting his Friend, who is damaged goods, into his home. Honoring the friendship, ignoring the optics, and its Trump in the wrong.

See above. How Obama exiled his mentor and long term pastor. Publicly denouncing him, and leaving him twist the wind alone.

Alexander said...

For a people who don't control media headlines, they sure do consider the issue of how you view them as front-and-center of what the public should worry about. Has anyone ever asked on tv if someone's plus one had the correct opinion of Finns or Ecuadorians or Lesothans or Cambodians, and how this should impact their public reputation or opportunities?

wendybar said...

Turn it around. Why doesn't Obama, Biden or Clinton say Sharpton is a despicable scum whose beliefs have no place in the United States of America'? Or Louis Farrakhan??

wendybar said...
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Shouting Thomas said...

There is no nascent Nazi movement in the U.S., except for BLM, DNC’s brownshirt militia.

BLM is an actual Nazi paramilitary that the DNC trots out in the run up to presidential elections. BLM does real Nazi stuff, like torching and looting cities and attacking cops.

Bill R said...

Every Democrat, every single one, there is no exception, regularly kneels before the racist anti-Semites Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. They kneel and suck in the poisonous pus that gushes forth from these slobs. They suck it in and let it melt in their mouths and dribble down their chins.

Trump, on the other hand, has Jewish relatives and engineered the Abraham accords.

So spare me.

Achilles said...

MikeR said...

Just because you're flipping out over unimportant loser white supremacists that literally none of us had ever heard of a week ago, doesn't mean he has to. Obviously someone "who's an extraordinary friend of Israel" etc. doesn't need to prove his pro-Jew bona fides.

The Never Trumpers cannot be honest about why they oppose Trump or the people he endorses.

Republicans all over the country like Raffensburger and Vos and Doucey and McConnell are sabotaging the republican party and betraying republican voters.

They are also trying to take the party back to 65 million vote candidates instead of Trump who got 75 million votes.

The Never Trumpers want open borders, endless wars, and free trade with China. They just pretend to oppose the purple hair part.

But the Never Trumpers will accept the purple hair part if they can get the open borders free trade with china endless wars and amnesty.

wendybar said...

Meanwhile, while the media and the left is hyperventilating about this....

The detainee's in Bidens DC gulag are being sexually assaulted after being behind bars for over 2 years for taking selfies in the Capitol after being ushered in by the Capitol police. We suck. We aren't any better than China or Cuba anymore. Human rights?? Who needs human rights?? Right??

narciso said...

Meanwhile biden dines with chinese oligarch who want to destroy this country because his neveredowell son

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Why do these liars keep saying “Trump legitimized” Fuentes? I understand the usual lame “he didn’t condemn the dude as harshly as I prefer” argument although my understanding it should not be seen as legitimizing such nonsense. But Trump did nothing to elevate the Mexican-American white supremacist. Now both the other guys in the trio of tricksters admit they purposely set Trump up. Anyone who had friends go nuts and flip out suddenly as Kanye obviously has recognized this setup and it reflects poorly on the deceptive guys not IMO on the guy who was punked and now has distanced himself from the one guy he knew and the two he didn’t.

Not sure why Althouse keeps bringing up the subject every day but maybe some insightful reader will post some fresh take on this stale tale.

n.n said...

Know your enemy: diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry).

n.n said...

Why doesn’t he say, 'Fuentes is a despicable scum whose beliefs have no place in the United States of America'?"

Because diversity [dogma] is a mainstream belief of left-wing America under their nominally "secular" ethical religion.

Amadeus 48 said...

The Rabbi could have stopped at "it makes no sense." The answer to the Rabbi's question is that Trump is careless and really doesn't believe anything. He has always been a huckster. From here on out, we are going to get nothing coherent from Trump, who is struggling to get attention.

Attention is the oxygen that these characters (Trump, Fuentes, Kanye, Yiannopoulos) crave. Why give it to them?

Trump used to do some good things. He has stopped doing good things. He is going to do stupider things from here on out. Calling his propaganda organ "Truth" is a great example. What does "pravda" mean in English? He would have been better off calling it "The Trump Telegram". His post-2020 election behavior has been a disaster for him. He is over. He is never going to win again.

Paying attention to Trump is wasted time. Don't do it.

By the way, journalism is broken. It is all propaganda as far as the eye can see. We don't get the news, if we ever did. We get leftie hype and lies for the most part. At least Fox News asks some amusing questions. The newspapers are a joke, even the news pages of WSJ. Here is an example: Did Musk attack Apple, or did Apple threaten Musk? The news pages tell me Musk attacked Apple. Really? I think Apple threatened Musk by suggesting that the Twitter app could be removed from the App Store. The coverage of Musk/Twitter is both hilarious and appalling, with "journalists" crying out for censorship of disfavored views. How did Sam Binton (Yul Brynner in lipstick) get put in charge of anything? What kind of person goes "shopping" at the luggage carousel of a major airport. A thief? Great.

The news media allow only Truth, Comrades.

We need a return of common sense.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Oh Wendybar we know the Left never use the “associated with” tar-baby on their own side! Never! They can be buddies with cop killers and pal around with terrorists and promote antisemitic tropes openly. They still laugh and pretend they don’t know what Palin even meant with her reference to Kashogi or whoever that guy Obama celebrated on that video the LA Times still won’t release. They don’t care because the media continually promotes their myths (see today’s topic again) and mocks and minimizes any suggestion of impropriety on Lefty allies.

tim maguire said...

I'm reminded of the attempted assassination of Louis XV by Robert-François Damiens. The weapon was a pen knife--there was no real intent to kill the King. Damiens said he was motivated by a desire to remind the king of his duties to his people and thereby help him be a better king.

He was slowly, publicly, brutally, tortured to death.

Meade said...

Let me know when he invites Bill Ayers, Al Sharpton and Anita Dunn to join him for a round of golf. I’ll join your Trump-hate pile on.

narciso said...

They put a cancer stricken grandmother in prison for selfies a decorated vet like thomas caldwell in solitary

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump was set-up.

Trump sure does like to walk into the traps set for him. Leadership!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

spare us the "but the democrats are anti-Jewish bed sitters"

The media gives the collective left a pass.

Temujin said...

Trump did a lot of great things. Things no other President in decades had the courage to do. Most of all, he put America first, which to the left has somehow come to mean White Supremacy.

But Trump has always made too many simple, obvious forced errors. He does not know when to NOT speak. He does not know when to keep his thoughts private. And he does not know how to control his impulse to always be The Headline. He's always been that way. It did not start when he became President, and we all knew that about him going in.

However, when your normal operating mode is scattershot and can be changed up on a moment's notice in order to respond to bullshit on social media, you're going to make some scattershot moves that shoot your own foot. If he did this sort of thing once in awhile he'd still be President. But he does it all the time. It's part of what makes him so compelling a personality. Its part of what drives him to do great things. But it's also what creates multiple unnecessary messes for himself and those following him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump was duped.
Trump was set-up.

Didn't we read that Fuentes and Trump fawned over each other at the dinner?
again - more 3-D chess.

The Democrat ads write themselves.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

AMDG - 7:40 #

That. Trump's ego is all that remains. The dems are salivating over his being the 2024 nominee.
Anther snare for the win.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left have many anti-Semites among them. What this ridiculous dinner accomplished was removing any of those from the headlines. Not that it would matter.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump is not an antisemite. What else about this matters?

Trump met with Ye despite Ye's recent manic episode because they have a long standing, mutually supportive relationship.

Trump does not consider himself bound by the dictates of cancel culture. Do you?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The subtle **whys and why nots and *no fairs*** do not matter. When you are running for president, you don't fuck chicken this early in the game.

Temujin said...

As for gathering questionable people around him, every President in my lifetime has done this to an extent. No one in my life has a worse group of cretins around them than our current Somnambulant Executive. They are miscreants of the highest order.

I don't begrudge Trump's inner circle, but he's got to know better about hanging around with people like Milo. I know I've read the name Nick Fuentes over the last few years, but never paid any attention to it. The reason? Everyone on the right is called a white supremacist Nazi, Klan member. I'm sure I'd be called that if I had a larger presence on social media (or any presence). So when I hear accusations like that, to me they fall flat. They are meaningless.

And frankly, I don't care enough about Nick Fuentes to look him up and see if he's what the Left claims he is. They've cried 'wolf' about so many conservatives being Klan members for so long, I don't even pay attention to it anymore.

Cappy said...

Wendybar is right.

Robert Cook said...

"Here is Trump. Inviting his Friend---"

Abrupt stop. Trump doesn't have friends, just as he has no scruples or convictions. His relationships are strictly transactional, based on what the other person can do for him, or how much the other person flatters and panders to him. (I suspect this is true even within his family.)

Bob Boyd said...

What Meade said.

Tina Trent said...

I second Meade. Obama practically lived with terrorist cop killing bombers (and sex abusers) Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers for eight years. He lied about it. Michelle lied about it. The media and politicians and law professors and famous novelists lied about it.

All the fact checkers lied about it.

Al Sharpton tried to kill people. Now the Democrats kiss his ring.

I met Milo once. He was out of his mind on something, being managed by Steve Bannon. Milo, Bannon, Glen Beck and the leaders of Tea Party Patriots were paid by the Koch to destroy the Tea Party. They succeeded and we lost the movement and the Senate. Our bad.

Politics ain't beanball. It's lying. The best liars don't run for office: they manipulate the people and the candidates.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why does Trump get a pass for inviting YE? YE's nutty Jew-blame garage is just as bad as a Farrakhan.

Michael K said...

Not sure why Althouse keeps bringing up the subject every day but maybe some insightful reader will post some fresh take on this stale tale.

This is the Madison, WI wing of the "force Trump out of public life" brigade. The threat he still poses to the leftists running this country into the ground is real. He did something no professional politician does. He kept his promises.

Robert Cook said...

"Every Democrat, every single one, there is no exception, regularly kneels before the racist anti-Semites Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. They kneel and suck in the poisonous pus that gushes forth from these slobs. They suck it in and let it melt in their mouths and dribble down their chins."

My, how...vivid. Truly felt! I hope you cleaned up after that.

Butkus51 said...

John Kerry shakes hands with a guy on the DOJ's most wanted list. Crickets.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

meanwhile Biden and his son are still crooks.

I know, right? When will the media find out?

Big Mike said...

Maybe, but if Kanye's latest antisemitism has shown me anything, it's that antisemitism is way more common in the black community than any of us have realized.

@Birches, I’m sorry, friend, but you haven’t been paying attention for the past 60 years or so. Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson (of “Hymie town” fame) have never been outliers.

n.n said...

Has he ever invited abortionists to dinner? Feminists? Masculinists? Social progressives? Did he ever invite Gosnell? Cecile? Biden? Obama? That would be extreme and a clear burden to be reported.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump and Ye are pals? YE dumped Trump/MAGA at the first sign of adversity back in 2016.

narciso said...

In 1990 podhoretz senior wrote lamentations about how israel would be destroyed thirty some years later he grieves how close this is becoming

Achilles said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Not sure why Althouse keeps bringing up the subject every day but maybe some insightful reader will post some fresh take on this stale tale.

Althouse accepts the corporate media as her thought leaders.

She wants to remain in mainstream US political culture and be accepted in the political class tribe. You have to accept the NYT and New Yorker and WAPO in order to do this. If you don't know what those people are saying and accept it as the current overton window you are probably a Deplorable.

Deplorables more readily accept that we are all flawed. Even the rapists and scumbags that Ann has voted for are flawed. But caricatures are created in the media so people can lie to themselves about what they support. This is a basic tribal habit.

Ann will not allow herself to be a Deplorable. They are hated by the tribe she has belonged to her whole life. These are biologically deep seated prejudices. We all have them.

rhhardin said...

Fuentes sounds like a present participle.

Aggie said...

Ah, the 'Rinse - repeat' part of the news cycle rolls into view. >yawn<

hombre said...

Never mind what he has done. It's all about who he has dinner with. Gee, I hope this doesn't erode his huge Jewish base who appreciated his support when President. /S

Trump's friends are mostly fair weather friends. As for the Jews, read the Old Testament. They turned on God. Why not Trump? Why don't they turn on the Dems? Read the OT.

You would think Trump would get tired of the BS since the lefties never do. Maybe the BS is what motivates him.

Mica said...

Let me offer a different angle: This whole event, that is, the dinner with "Ye", paints a uniquely warm and positive picture of Trump, as one who is a truly loyal friend to Kanye (in serious trouble and not doing well, being pressured from all sides). It is a bit similar to his supporting relationship to Omarosa, an equally troubled person who also betrayed him badly. In any non-partisan, calm analysis, this would be taken as positive. It also complicates the whole "Trump is a horrible racist".

Now, admittedly there is another intriguing angle here that connects everyone involved and that is less positive -- the Nation of Islam involvement in 2016 elections, when their leader invited his followers to NOT vote for Hillary in his key sermon, which could be important for Michigan and Pennsylvania. But that seems far too "multidimensional chess move".

Mica said...

Let me offer a different angle: This whole event, that is, the dinner with "Ye", paints a uniquely warm and positive picture of Trump, as one who is a truly loyal friend to Kanye (in serious trouble and not doing well, being pressured from all sides). It is a bit similar to his supporting relationship to Omarosa, an equally troubled person who also betrayed him badly. In any non-partisan, calm analysis, this would be taken as positive. It also complicates the whole "Trump is a horrible racist".

Now, admittedly there is another intriguing angle here that connects everyone involved and that is less positive -- the Nation of Islam involvement in 2016 elections, when their leader invited his followers to NOT vote for Hillary in his key sermon, which could be important for Michigan and Pennsylvania. But that seems far too "multidimensional chess move".

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Just think how helpful Hunters Hooker could be if she used her wit and perception to attack the Democrats and Progressives with the fervor she brings to every ludicrous Trump story. Nevertrump is boring but useful for proving the old adage that no one hates cigarettes as much as a newly minted “former smoker.”

mikee said...

Jesus famously dined with prostitutes and criminals. What are you gonna do about that, crucify the poor man? Sometimes a dinner is just a dinner.

narciso said...

The dems give eccentrics an im bring charitable like sam brinton policy posts yhe gope exile milo into the darkness

The freedom caucus including our future gov was nearly murdered crickets

BUMBLE BEE said...

Guardian? Gossip = clickbait.

narciso said...

Dont trust anybody except thd ones who have pledged to destroy this country

Bannon made kelly loeffler sell all her stock, thats news to me

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mike Wolf - I am being helpful. You just don't understand. btw- Your using the BS "NeverTrump" canard is stale and inaccurate. I voted for that jackass 2 times. I don't need to worhsip the person I vote for. I don't regret my vote either.
Circa now - Trump is an old, tired, dick-stepping, trap walking, loser - who will hand us 4 more years of Biden.

That I never dump on Progressives? are you high?

Lurker21 said...
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Lurker21 said...

Yes, Trump should denounce Fuentes, and at the very least distance himself from Kanye. That's what you do if you want to win elections, but if you haven't spent your whole life in politics, you probably aren't looking for and hoping for and cherishing "Sistah Souljah moments." Not being a conventional politician was a plus for Trump. This is the minus that goes with it.

I'm curious about reports that Milo went with West and Fuentes in order to embarrass Trump. His motivation (and Fuentes') in going to Mar-a-lago ought to be examined more closely, but continuing to focus on that keeps bringing Trump's motivation in seeing them into focus as well. Old Trump can't win and New Trump never turns up and isn't likely to.

narciso said...

Mcconnell is the bane of our existence hes already kneecapping the incoming senators with a cr but please yell more about orange man

Readering said...

Looks like DeSantis still has a lot of winning over to do with MAGA.

narciso said...

Your nic proves there are traitors to china and ukraine in our govt insulated by the security services and the tech companies chew on that

Big Mike said...

@John Borell, and your list should have one more item on it:

4. As amply demonstrated by the crappy campaign he ran in 2020 and the poor job he did vetting and supporting candidates this past year, Trump has very poor political instincts.

jim5301 said...

From reading the comments it appears that Trump is in a strong position to get the nomination, and in a strong postion to lose in 2024 (against someone other than Biden or Harris). Love will lead to heartbreak.

tommyesq said...

According to the Jewish Virtual Library (, after Trump was such an "extraordinary" friend to Israel that he received an award designating him the "best friend Israel ever had in the White House," Jews voted 68% for Biden. Maybe Klein should be asking questions of his own people rather than Trump.

Quaestor said...

Three points:

1) Hating Jew-haters is only slightly less immoral than hating Jews, and twice as foolish. You'll never persuade an antisemite to reconsider his bigotry through hatred and ostracism. That stupid tactic simply confirms his habits of mind.

2) Denying the historicity of the Holocaust is not necessarily an antisemitic shibboleth. It is often used as a premise of a logical though false argument against Zionism, which, again, is not necessarily a manifestation of antisemitism. Some of the most outspoken and around-the-bend anti-Zionists are ultra-Orthodox Jews. There's this American cultural archetype called the self-loathing Jew, however, the phenomenon of anti-Israel Jewry is not an example of it.

3) The really dangerous antisemites are not Holocaust deniers. (Ye gods, how I despise this "denier" talk. It strikes me as nothing short of Orwellian mind control in operation. The person with denier! accusations on his lips has a Nazi inside him lusting for another sort of Holocaust.) They don't deny the Einsatzgruppen or the gas chambers because they're proud of them. They only regret the interruption of the process.

narciso said...

The former party sold our prize reserve to china it offers a jizda to the ayatollah

Howard said...

Mike Wolf just admits he's proud to be a loyal useful idiot proudly sucking on cancer sticks. You go, girl.

Bob Boyd said...

tommyesq said...

Obama is an Anti Semite?? He must be according to the left.

Obama was anti-semetic, based on his policies as well as the people he chose to associate with - even WAPO agrees that it is "correct to label the Obama administration as anti-Israel" (

Of course, despite this, Obama got 71% and 68% of the Jewish vote. Again, maybe Klein should look inward rather than cast aspersions at Israel's greatest ally in the White House in my lifetime.

rcocean said...

Trump shouldn't denounce anyone. When are people EVER going to learn? Apologizing doesn't work. Disavowing doesn't work. Constantly talking about how "My best friends are..." or "No one is more against X, then me".


The people attacking Trump aren't good faith actors. They never are. This is a weapon to beat Trump with. And they'll keep on beating him with it, till they find something better. Probably next week. Biden is still calling Trump a Nazi for saying their were "fine people on both sides" in 2017.

Disavowing is the standard Republicans tactic. They're losers. The D's wouldn't even attack Antifa when they were burning things and attacking people. The R's collapse into a pool of tears if the MSM calls them a name. And MAN, do they LOVE attacking other R's. Lets keep attacking Trump and lose in 2024, then we can pass a law enshrining Drag Queen hour!

narciso said...

Al queda had the biggest victory over the infidel in 20 years but look squirrel

MadisonMan said...

Why doesn’t he say, 'Fuentes is a despicable scum whose beliefs have no place in the United States of America'?"
So many people want to control what you say, and who can live where.
Once citizens can be banned, it's not too long that all citizens will be banned.

Wilbur said...

I knew McCain was going to lose in 2008 when he chose to "take the high road" and make no mention of Obama's Rev. Wright.

He needed to stick Wright up Obama's ass every day until Obama cried uncle. But McCain didn't want to be "divisive". LOL, look where that got us.

Achilles said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...

Mike Wolf - I am being helpful. You just don't understand.

This is true. We should be able to accept criticism.

btw- Your using the BS "NeverTrump" canard is stale and inaccurate. I voted for that jackass 2 times. I don't need to worhsip the person I vote for. I don't regret my vote either.

Just say something about Desantis's current handlers, funders, or talk about his new book deal with Fox news and you will see how far this goes with April.

Never Trumpers can dish, but they can't take.

Circa now - Trump is an old, tired, dick-stepping, trap walking, loser - who will hand us 4 more years of Biden.

Trump hasn't changed since the start. He has been the same person the whole time.

You have never accepted him nor given him credit for anything he has done.

Your real problem with Trump is that you were wrong about him and the Deplorables were right about him.

Chuck said...

This is a valid point:

Meade said...
Let me know when he invites Bill Ayers, Al Sharpton and Anita Dunn to join him for a round of golf. I’ll join your Trump-hate pile on.

But it isn't a point I need to answer. I've never vouched for any of them. Not them; not Stacey Abrams, not any member of The Sqaud; none of them.

Here's who else has no hypocrisy problems in this regard: Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, David French, George Conway III, Charlie Sykes, etc., etc., etc.

I like my team better with each passing month.

Jaq said...

Imagine if you were living in slavery with "your people" and had a religion imposed on you that made a fetish out of the delivery from slavery of some other people back in the Bronze Age, and then in modern times, when you know that humanity arose in Africa and that if there ever did exist an "Adam and Eve" of the human race, they were black Africans, rather than Jews, then it seems kind of inevitable that some blacks would come to think that their story had been stolen from them. The fact that it's all Bronze Age story-time fantasy, which has lived through today only due to its utility in holding groups of people together, with a working moral framework, is irrelevant.

iowan2 said...

Can anybody give me the names of supper guests for the last two weeks of...


My point is,Trump is an open book, The Professional Politicians are receiving lots of guests they work very hard to keep secret. Secret for a reason.

Amadeus 48 said...

Milo Y. doing a victory lap? Really? He sent a message to Trump? Really?

I think the message to Trump must have been "You are a stupid attention whore. We are your comrades. Brothers-in-arms are we."


Bob Boyd said...

YE dumped Trump/MAGA at the first sign of adversity back in 2016.

That's not accurate, Hook.

Search Kanye West in a MAGA hat and see lots of pictures and stories of Ye in the Oval hugging Trump. That was in 2018.

Is Trump going to disavow Kanye publicly and lose a lot of support and good will in the Black community? Undo years of work? In exchange for what? Would that make the NeverTrumpers or the Trump haters suddenly reconsider? Would it get him good press? Are any of his detractors going to say, "Oh, I was wrong, Trump is not racist or a white supremacist?" They would say he was just using Ye and cast him aside at the first sign of trouble.

The left media has been tying Trump to racist groups and individuals from day 1. It's their M.O. Fine people hoax? Fuentes is not the first nazi loser the media tried to tie Trump to. Remember when Robert Spencer said he was a Trump supporter? The media was all over that, just like they are now, claiming the statement proved Trump was a white supremacist and many Republican politicians promptly lifted their skirt hems and fled back into the swamp.

Should Trump be our candidate? I don't know. Too early for me. You've made up your mind and that's fine, but this is just another attack on Trump like so many before it. Anyone who thinks Trump is an antisemite, thought so before this incident and is seizing on this as confirmation of a cherished belief not supported by objective fact.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That the media (hack-D) suppress anything that makes a democrat look like the leftist authoritarian Jew-Hating crooks that they are?

No news at 11.

Mark said...

Look, none of the people wailing and screaming care about Nick Fuentes, whoever the hell he is, or about Kanye West, or Milo or even care about antisemitism. This is nothing more than another exercise in let's-get-Trump.

Drago said...

Althouse Blog Commissar (self-appointed): "Circa now - Trump is an old, tired, dick-stepping, trap walking, loser - who will hand us 4 more years of Biden"

Hey dummy, at the pace McConnell is setting with Schumer right now, Biden will complete 4 years worth of destruction in the next 6 months. Biden wont need 4 more years.

I suspect our Commissar will continue to ratchet up his attacks on Trump whenever his beloved GOPe-ers deliver another victory to their dem allies.

Stand by for an Omnibus budget victory for the dems with McConnells/Romneys full support, followed by a DACA amnesty, lots more cash for Ukraine, even more funding for the deep state, billions more transferred to left wing interest groups, etc. And all will be wrapped up with a bow and a card that reads "To Our Democratical Friends, Love, Mitch".

There really is no limit to how much and how often McConnell can sell out the republican base while GOPe's mindless McConnell-tards minions spend their entire days and nights kvetching about Trump.

As mentioned previously, Trump has become the biggest GOPe backstabbing Get Out Of Jail Free Card in the history of politics.

McConnell, Schumer, Romney, Ryan et al truly must be laughing their arses off everyday as they hand victory after victory to the dems knowing Trump will be blamed or be the focus of that day's continuous outrage.

What a political dream come true for them.

Sebastian said...

Meade: "Let me know when he invites Bill Ayers, Al Sharpton and Anita Dunn to join him for a round of golf. I’ll join your Trump-hate pile on."

I second the sentiment. But it's also a form of whataboutism that doesn't work under prog rule. Different standards apply to Trump.

His deviance appeals to his supporters. It turns off everyone to their left. As culture war theater, it has appeal; as electoral maneuvering, it is self-defeating.

Robert Cook said...

"According to the Jewish Virtual Library (, after Trump was such an "extraordinary" friend to Israel that he received an award designating him the "best friend Israel ever had in the White House," Jews voted 68% for Biden. Maybe Klein should be asking questions of his own people rather than Trump."

Or maybe the 68% Jews who voted for Biden don't buy the claim Trump had been such an "extraordinary friend to Israel" or the "best friend Israel ever had in the White House." And maybe they have other criteria for voting someone into office other than just the candidate's policies re: Israel. (Or maybe they even have their own criticisms of Israel's USA-abetted policies.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's always a good look to be tricked by your supposed own side.

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"Here is Trump. Inviting his Friend---"

"Abrupt stop. Trump doesn't have friends, just as he has no scruples or convictions."
And you know this how? A Assertion not based on fact.
Thanks for playing , comrade. Kindly exit through the gift shop.
There's a joke in there somewhere; "A ni**er , a fag and a nazi enter an ex presidents house....."
Why do I care if Kanye West, some guy named Fuentes(sorry dude, never heard of you)and Milo Minderbender have dinner with Trump?
Oh. Yeah. I don't.

Drago said...

Howard: "Mike Wolf just admits he's proud to be a loyal useful idiot proudly sucking on cancer sticks. You go, girl."

Hit the bricks Groomer. There is nothing for you to say after your moronic pro-BDSM sex outfits on small children performance.

Achilles said...

Readering said...

Looks like DeSantis still has a lot of winning over to do with MAGA.

We don't trust our politicians.

We don't accept them doing one thing and saying another.

Desantis has repeatedly said he wont run against Trump.

If he does he starts off as a liar.

If he continues on his current path he is just an Open Borders Free Trade with China and Endless Wars uniparty democrat without the purple hair grooming and some tax cuts for his cronies.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Mike Wolf just admits he's proud to be a loyal useful idiot proudly sucking on cancer sticks. You go, girl.

This is the extent of Howard's cognitive ability.

Howard can't defend anything he supports honestly. He is too stupid to figure out how.

Boring and trite.

Robert Cook said...

"Obama was anti-semetic, based on his policies as well as the people he chose to associate with - even WAPO agrees that it is 'correct to label the Obama administration as anti-Israel'" ("

So, do you assert any criticism of Israel is, by definition, "anti-Israel" and/or that such "anti-Israel" criticism or disagreement is by definition "anti-semitic?" Do you think the WAPO meant that Obama's supposed "anti-Israel" policies were, by definition, "anti-semitic," or are you simply playing rhetorical sleight-of hand? (That you conflate Ms. Rubin's personal opinion piece with WAPO at large, I suspect the latter.) Do you similarly think, as so many jingoists and other extremists do, that any criticisms of the USA's policies are, by definition "anti-USA" and thus "unAmerican?"

robother said...

“I wanted to show Trump the kind of talent that he’s missing out on by allowing his terrible handlers to dictate who he can and can’t hang out with,” Yiannopoulos said.

Apparently, there is a fine line (all but indiscernible to the likes of me) between n-dimensional chess and overturning the chessboard. Yiannopoulos should be the PR man for Sam Bankman-Fried. A marriage made in gnome heaven.

Gunner said...

Can we please go through everyone that Moral Paragon Joe Biden has met with without "denouncing"? Al Sharpton, the Squad etc.

Gunner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mccullough said...

Kanye set Trump up. Lol.

Trump should be flattered Kanye asked him to be Kanye’s Vice President.

Kanye plays 10-dimensional chess.

Trump is a rube. Easily played

n.n said...

then we can pass a law enshrining Drag Queen hour!

And Democrats' "The Respect for Marriage Act" with no age barrier for groomers, boys, and girls backed by Democrats' "The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act". #NoJuddgment #NoLabels #HumanRites #SocialProgress

n.n said...

Trump shouldn't denounce anyone. When are people EVER going to learn? Apologizing doesn't work. Disavowing doesn't work.

Yes, the press is prone to conflation, judgment, labels, and braying ceaselessly without repercussions. We experienced an extreme dose of prejudice from JournoLists for over four years, Democrats impeaching through projection, ending with two unarmed women aborted in prone positions by Democrat "heroes", no less.

The D's wouldn't even attack Antifa when they were burning things and attacking people.

Burning, attacking, mobbing vehicles, etc. in nationwide insurrections. Then came Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter to avenge a Fentanyl-induced progressive condition to reduce, reuse, recycle this uncivil rights scheme with benefits.

wendybar said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Just think how helpful Hunters Hooker could be if she used her wit and perception to attack the Democrats and Progressives with the fervor she brings to every ludicrous Trump story. Nevertrump is boring but useful for proving the old adage that no one hates cigarettes as much as a newly minted “former smoker.”

12/1/22, 9:14 AM

THIS^^^ I swear Hooker is a Progressive plant. Hooker sounds just like them ALL the time. With friends like Hooker, who needs enemies?

wendybar said...

Hooker and Howard...what a pair!!!

Narr said...

I thought Nick Fuentes must be some Hispanic teen idol . . . And all I know about Ye's and Milo's doings I learn right here.

I've come to agree with someone else's observation that Not Giving A Fuck is Trump's superpower. It's also his biggest weakness.

As for '24, much can happen before the elections, and will.

wendybar said...

Bob Boyd said...

12/1/22, 9:50 AM

Yep. The media protected how radical Saint Obama really is. He came into office planning on destroying American and he is almost there. We all know he is the puppet master behind the puppet in the White House, but the media is focused on Trump Making America Great Again. They love that America is going down. And Never Trumpers agree.

PM said...

Joe Biden Dines with Black Rapper
woulda been the NYT headline.

wendybar said...

"Lets keep attacking Trump and lose in 2024, then we can pass a law enshrining Drag Queen hour!"

Hooker Agrees 100%

Big Mike said...

Apologizing doesn't work. Disavowing doesn't work.

@rcocean, they do not work for Republicans. Worked just fine for Obama.

Trump did a lot of great things. Things no other President in decades had the courage to do. Most of all, he put America first, which to the left has somehow come to mean White Supremacy.

But Trump has always made too many simple, obvious forced errors. He does not know when to NOT speak. He does not know when to keep his thoughts private. And he does not know how to control his impulse to always be The Headline.

@Temujin +1

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I am being helpful. You just don't understand. btw- Your using the BS "NeverTrump" canard is stale and inaccurate. I voted for that jackass 2 times. I don't need to worhsip the person I vote for. I don't regret my vote either.

LOL an yet you use the nevertrump word "worship" unironically. Sure. You're helping.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Jesus ate with a tax collector. #JustSaying

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Mike Wolf just admits he's proud to be a loyal useful idiot proudly sucking on cancer sticks. You go, girl.

Wow that's some impressive misreading of my text. Nope. Not a smoker. Or an idiot, but I am useful here and there. Howard I expect more out of an Inland Empirean than that.

Mr. D said...

Never heard of this Fuentes guy until he was called to our attention. I remember a similar scenario about 10-12 years ago — we were all duty-bound to denounce someone named Orly Taitz, who was apparently beneath contempt as well, although no one on the Republican side had ever heard of her.

iowan2 said...

Tell me again about all the politicians and elite DC swamp dwellers flew on the Lolita Express, spending nights on Pedo Island, having sex with minors. Same with attending Parties in Epstein's homes in NYC and Miami. Then will talk about Nick? He is substantial me out...because?

There are strange people dotting every population across this nation, and the world. But DC, with its denizens egos, inflated beyond recognition, has created a truly insane concentration of perverted sickos.

If you haven't read the book "Charlie Wilson's War" you really should. Its a short entertaining read and a real eye opener.

Iman said...

“When you are running for president, you don't fuck chicken this early in the game.”

I’m gonna go out on a limb and state that one should never fuck chicken… early or late in said game.

Pluck them, yes. Fuck them, no.

narciso said...

He invited someone to dinner just stone him now.

Michael K said...

Cook's philosophical musings: Do you similarly think, as so many jingoists and other extremists do, that any criticisms of the USA's policies are, by definition "anti-USA" and thus "unAmerican?"

Some of us think that the level of enthusiasm in which "anti-American statements" are made and the absence of any statements to the contrary are significant. Us jingoists and extremists notice when nothing to the right of Lenin is ever said by you and your cronies.

Howard said...

It was metaphorical Mike just like your use of former smoker. I liked how you inadvertently equated being a Trumper as to being a smoker.

I haven't been a valley boy for 40 years but I'm definitely a masshole now

Jason said...

Congratulations to Kanye West for once again single-handedly convincing Democrats to finally give a shit about black anti-semitism!

robother said...

So Ye Olde "Ye" went on Alex Jones today (with Boy Wonder Fuentes) to made the case for Hitler's good points. This whole thing is looking like a Kamikaze attack on Trump (admittedly, an analogy that breaks down when you recall Trump himself waving in the landing on his own deck).

rcocean said...

Question: Who Nick Fuentes?

Most Common Response: Plays shortstop for the Phillies.

Tina Trent said...

During the eight years Michelle and Barack dined with terrorist cop killers Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn several nights a week, the third couple present were Mona and Rashid Khalidi. Rashid Khalidi is a notorious anti-semite: he and Obama were particularly close. The media helped suppress this relationship, even wormholing a speech Obama made honoring Khalidi, who now runs the anti-semitic Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia U.

Ayers and Dohrn have a long and proud open record of anti-Semitism. They traveled to meet with and receive money from international terrorists including PLO, Castro, and IRA operatives.

The Obamas were with Ayers and Dohrn during and after 9/11, when the NYT ran an op-ed by Ayers bragging that he wished he had bombed more Americans. They simultaneously let him lie that he never killed or tried to kill anyone. The Times also covered up Bernardine Dohrn's involvement in the Brinks murders. Dohrn stole the IDs used to rent the getaway trucks on the day her fellow BLA/Underground cell killed a security guard and two police. Obama doubtlessly knew this because while Dohrn was being held for those murders (she was never tried -- probably ratted on her co-defendants), Ayers tried to sleep with a young woman who would later become Obama's girlfriend.

So how could anyone expose their children and wife's elderly mother to known anti-semites, known killers, sex offenders (both Ayers and Dohrn), and anti-American terrorists, and do it for eight years, then lie about it repeatedly on two campaign trails? These are people who killed cops, maimed cops and government employees, tried (and happily failed) to murder a judge and his family, and hundreds of soldiers and their dates at Fort Dix, and both police and black and white customers at a diner in Detroit (Ayers did that aborted bombing). How could they practically live with them and the Khalidis for so long? Because they agreed with them. They wanted the Weathermen's vision of race war and violent revolution. And so did important media figures, U. Chicago law professors, U. Penn journalism professors, and scores of important intellectuals and politicians, David Remnick first among them. They all knew. They all agreed. That's the power of hatred of police and America and the anti-Semitism in our elite institutions. The Left is soaked in it and has been for decades.

The Times did run one article about Bernardine Dohrn after she got away with the Brinks murders and other crimes. It was in the lifestyle section and described her as a happy housewife and shared her recipe for jam.

That's how much the media hates us. That's how much Michelle and Barack have lied. That's how radical they are and how much trouble we're in. Trump owes nobody an apology. Obama and Michelle and all their useful idiots do.

D.D. Driver said...

West is a famous guy that has said nice things about Trump. That’s it. As Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker show, Trump thinks celebrity is a qualification in and of itself.

When you are famous, like Kanye former presidents just "let you do." How's it feel when Kayne and Milo grab you by the pussy there big guy?🤣

D.D. Driver said...

Althouse accepts the corporate media as her thought leaders.

You have said many silly things but this takes the cake. I don't know how anyone can read this blog and come away with the notion that Ann kowtows to the NYT and WaPo.

Jupiter said...

Morton Klein is a despicable scum whose beliefs have no place in the United States of America.

Dude1394 said...

Claiming Trump is anti-semitic is just f****** ridiculous. Anyone touting it ( especially Mitch McConnell ) is a lunatic and should be shouted down.

Known Unknown said...

"Tell me again about all the politicians and elite DC swamp dwellers flew on the Lolita Express, spending nights on Pedo Island, having sex with minors."

It was a CIA operation to keep certain Washingtonians in check. Don't cross us, because we have the goods on you. Epstein was an asset.

Earnest Prole said...

If Trump thinks ragingly insane, Hitler-loving Kanye West is the hill he wants to die on, who are we to question his judgment?

Inga said...

Oh goody, another thread in which Trumpist and anti Trumpist conservatives tear each other to shreds.

Lurker21 said...

I'm not sure Obama had very deep convictions of any sort. He might just have been playing the game. Move left to win the primary, move back towards the center to win the election. He had a strong us/them sense. Republicans were always the enemy. He always had to play Black. But he was relatively contented with what he could get out of politics.

Trump was a good friend of Israel. Apparently, he did better with Jewish voters than most Republicans -- not as well as Reagan or Bush did in 1980 or 1988, and about as well as Reagan in 1984 or Romney in 2012, but better than Bush I in 1992, or Ford, or Dole, or Bush II or McCain. It was too much to be expected that he or any other Republican would come close to getting a majority of Jewish voters.

What I appreciated about Trump was that the Israel/Palestine question wasn't a constant topic of discussion during his administration, so we could at least take a break from that for a while and didn't get much bloviation from either side.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Sounds like you people are fired up about Moochelle in 24'. She only hates America, (so far), and said so. However that's entirely permissable.
You know Trump's innermost being so well, like you were right there.

n.n said...

He invited someone to dinner just stone him now.

Trump has a way of influencing people to steer right and drop diversity [dogma] e.g. racism, sexism, ageism) enhancements. Perhaps he had a positive influence. He did in North Korea with an assist from Rodman. He did in Saudi Arabia with an assist from his son-in-law. He did in Russia, too... because only a minority benefited from the Slavic Spring, not including Ukrainians east and west of Kiev. Even China seemed amenable to a deal.

n.n said...

Tell me again about all the politicians and elite DC swamp dwellers flew on the Lolita Express, spending nights on Pedo Island, having sex with minors.

Democrat favors are equivalent and inclusive without age discrimination under the protect marriage act, immigration reform, to keep women affordable and available and taxable, and "The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act" to sequester "burdens" of evidence. Women, second, and girls, and now boys, when they can get away with it. So much for the "sisterhood", women are not a diversity ("color") bloc. Social progress is a many splintered thing.

Iman said...

“Oh goody, another thread in which Trumpist and anti Trumpist conservatives tear each other to shreds.”

That must be the nurse in you, inga! Struggling to do your best to help people.

Daniel12 said...

"Trump has a way of influencing people to steer right and drop diversity [dogma] e.g. racism, sexism, ageism) enhancements. Perhaps he had a positive influence. He did in North Korea with an assist from Rodman. He did in Saudi Arabia with an assist from his son-in-law. He did in Russia, too... because only a minority benefited from the Slavic Spring, not including Ukrainians east and west of Kiev. Even China seemed amenable to a deal."


Here's Kanye (the guy Trump explicitly invited) talking about Hitler and the Nazis and the Holocaust today.

The contortions people put themselves through to justify the unjustifiable are unreal.

wendybar said...


wendybar said...

Meanwhile, The New York Times audience is applauding one of the largest FRAUDS in history. Screw them all. I hope THEY suffer losses from this.

Achilles said...

D.D. Driver said...

Althouse accepts the corporate media as her thought leaders.

You have said many silly things but this takes the cake. I don't know how anyone can read this blog and come away with the notion that Ann kowtows to the NYT and WaPo.

Did you even read the post these comments are attached to?

Or any of the previous several days posts she has made on this stupid dinner party?

Go back and read her first Nick Sandman post. Then get back to us.

You really are kinda stupid.

Achilles said...

Lurker21 said...

I'm not sure Obama had very deep convictions of any sort. He might just have been playing the game. Move left to win the primary, move back towards the center to win the election. He had a strong us/them sense. Republicans were always the enemy. He always had to play Black. But he was relatively contented with what he could get out of politics.

I don't think you understood Obama very well. Ideologically he was malleable sure.

But he was deeply motivated by hatred of the United States as founded and really any country that had freedom in general. His hatred of Israel was obvious.

He clearly believed he was better than the people he ruled and clearly saw his presidency as a moment in history where he could right historical wrongs and grievances that he holds deeply.

And his most powerful motivation was to attack people who disagreed with him in any way he could.

Obama was deeply convicted of his own moral and general superiority.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Oh goody, another thread in which Trumpist and anti Trumpist conservatives tear each other to shreds.

Neither of these sides are really conservative anymore.

The Never Trumpers claim to be "Severely Conservative" but everyone knows they are just corporatists hoping to get on the next NRO cruise.

Trump supporters are populists and working class for the most part. You will find a lot of support here for tariffs and anti-trust actions against the big corps.

You don't even understand the labels you use much less the people you apply them too.

gadfly said...

“I have become very frightened for my people.” [Morton Klein said.] “Donald Trump is not an anti-Semite. He loves Israel. He loves Jews. But . . . he legitimizes Jew-hatred and Jew-haters.”

The simple truth is that Donald Trump loves only Donald Trump and that is the end of the story.

Inga said...

“Neither of these sides are really conservative anymore.”

Oh thank you Achilles for explaining who is and who isn’t really conservative. Now I have a much better understanding of all the the confused so called conservative commenters here.

Drago said...

The Hopeless gadfly: "The simple truth is that Donald Trump loves only Donald Trump and that is the end of the story."


That's quite a pronouncement there little fella.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "Now I have a much better understanding of all the the confused so called conservative commenters here."

No, you don't. Which is why you keep making the same rhetorical mistakes over and over again.

Readering said...

In other MAL news, the special master is history.

Readering said...

Whether or not you think Trump being treated unfairly in the Ye matter, 11th Circuit per curiam opinion makes clear they don't think he's being treated unfairly by DoJ in the documents investigation. With handcuffs on the government lifted and new special counsel, things should accelerate from here.

hpudding said...

I think what this Mort guy is anxious about has to do with the huge increase in attacks on Jews ever since Trump became president and decided to make enemies out of anyone not deemed “native” enough or industries in which Jews were prominent. But that doesn’t bother right-wingers any more than attacks on Jews would have bothered Lindbergh or other “America FIrsters!” In the 1930s.

The right-wing does however appreciate that Jews have a political front in the form of Israel, just like the Nazis were content with Jews having no rights apart from what they assembled in the form of the Jewish councils (Judenrat) of the day - to do their bidding then just Israel does ours today.

Tina Trent said...

Hpudding: learn more about Lindbergh. He used his reputation to tour Hitler's Air Force to report to FDR, then joined an international air force to effectively fight Hitler. Read more. He has been maligned.

Tina Trent said...

And you risked anything when, Hasty Pudding? You elite assholes hosted actual Nazis.

And did nothing else since WWI. Losers.

Drago said...

hpudding: "I think what this Mort guy is anxious about has to do with the huge increase in attacks on Jews ever since Trump became president and decided to make enemies out of anyone not deemed “native” enough or industries in which Jews were prominent."

Are these fictional Trump fans attacks on Jews similar to the attack on Jussie Smollett?

As with attacks on Asians, its pretty clear just who is doing most of the attacking. Here's a link to a story about an attack on a Rabbi by, I guess, what hpudding would call a typical "MAGA" type:

I have to be honest, I expected a more noticeable red hat and an American flag somewhere.

Big Mike said...

@hpudding, if there has been a rise in attacks on Jews over the past six years — and without documentation and hard facts from you or one of your buddies among the left wing loonie trolls I shall be skeptical — then I expect that analysis will show that the attacks on Jews are from their supposed allies in the Democrat coalition: inner city blacks and white Progressives taught to view the murderous Palestinian terrorists as honorable freedom fighters standing against those evil Zionists.

Marc in Eugene said...

This essay by Michael Warren Davis in my inbox this morning was all I've read about this sorry business; addicts to nihilism, the lot of 'em. I hope Mr Trump hasn't caught Mr Biden's incipient senility.

Robert Cook said...

"The Hopeless gadfly: 'The simple truth is that Donald Trump loves only Donald Trump and that is the end of the story.'


"That's quite a pronouncement there little fella."

And plainly true to those with eyes to see.

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