December 4, 2022

At the Sunday Night Café...

 ... you can talk about whatever you want.


Narr said...

Jonesing for that Althouse pix fix. Ain't had a glimpse since Friday. Sad.

BUMBLE BEE said...

This dog is like John Wick. Eight of eleven coyotes KIA.

Gospace said...

My goal for today was- get up and actually stay up. That lasted a whole 2½ hours. Second time I left the bed my hip joints were huting- a lot. So I took one of those 16 oxys I had left. Actually seemed to fight the fatigue... I know, weird, isn't it?

So I used one of the "free" at home covid test kits the government sent to everybody. Yep- still positive. Since my wife is in the house with me, we tested her. No symptoms, and negative. But then, we think she had it in February 2020 ince she had all the symptoms, including the complete loss of taste and smell. february 200 when the "experts" all told us it wan't here in the USA yet. And the virus was subsequently found in preserved sample from as early as September 2019. Almost as if the experts are either not experts, or have been lying to us all along. She should have covid antibodies from that, Still, we have her on the same I-CARE protocol I'm taking as if she had it. Won't hurt her any. basically the same as I-PREVENT just with larger dosages.

Talking to other (well, texting and messaging...) it seems the most lingering symptom is fatigue. Although a few times tonight I've felt the shivers coming on and immediately sat down. I'm sleeping with 3 extra blankets. The cat is enjoing sharing so much time in bed with me.

For sure I won't return to work tomorrow. TUE/WED are my days off. We'll see how things are on Thursday.

Political Junkie said...

Opinions on the final 4 for college football?

Inga said...

Sorry you’re having a rough time Gospace. Your protocols didn’t prevent you from getting Covid, apparently. You seem to still have faith in them. I got my bivalent Covid booster and flu shot today, feeling fine, no side effects at all, yet. But I never did much reaction to the Covid vac. You need those Oxys for hip pain? It’s that bad? Have you tried a heating pad on your hips? Also why not try to take an anti inflammatory as well as an extra strength Tylenol. It may work almost as well as an Oxy. Covid is an inflammatory disease, if you can keep the inflammation down by taking an anti inflammatory on a 6 to 8 hour schedule you’ll probably get a lot of relief.

So all the people out there that think Covid, even this milder form is no big deal, well maybe they should read your comments.

Achilles said...

Kevin Samuels has some facts for a young woman.

54% of black men are single and childless.

30% of black men are married.

80% of black children are born out of wedlock.

It seems the problem in the black community is 16% of black men and the 70% of black women that sleep with them.

And all of the blame is ALWAYS directed at the black men. Men in general re blamed for everything in his country.

But it seems to me 70% is more than 16%. Just saying.

But this also demonstrates the application of the pareto distribution to society.

rastajenk said...

B1G 10 or So gets half the field in the CFP...who had that back in September?

And UW snagging Fickell from Cincinnati will be a good move.

Gusty Winds said...

Waukesha, WI held their Christmas parade this evening.

The Dancing Grannies returned. So did the Waukesha Blazers baseball team (Jackson Sparks).

God Bless.

Mason G said...

Watched the beginning of the NFL game tonight. Some random thoughts...

They played the national anthem, didn't see any kneeling. Is that not a thing anymore? League rules? Kneelers changed their minds? Or what? Female military can have long hair, males are cut short- why? If a male identified as a female, would long hair be allowed? If not, why?

That's all for now but it's still early...

Howard said...

I hope you get better gospace. Drinking the Kool-Aid will not help you. I looked up those protocols: complete and total brain damage. Maybe you shouldn't rely on the My pillow guy for healthcare advice. Maybe you should consider getting some real medical help if you don't get better.

Howard said...

Did a three quarter mile swim at Walden Pond today in my very thin triathlete wetsuit and my old school Santa Cruz squid lid. The water was 46°F. On the way back I was feeling like I was starting to enter a dream state so I really picked up the pace so that I would stay conscious. I talked to a guy who does this without a wetsuit and he said it's the only way to start. He said it can take several seasons before you can do a mile in 40° water in just a speedo and goggles. I didn't swim this late last year, it is super painful but I don't know, there's something about it but I can't describe. I got to swim with a new swim partner today she's an ER doc originally from Florida. My other cold water swim partner is from Mobile Alabama and I'm from LA. This is Way beyond going native.

Narr said...

My wife has been feeling like crap since our return from KCMO a few weeks ago; it's hard to know how bad it is, since she always hurts, but she's had some coughing recently that is more than the usual. She has all her COVID boosters and the flu shot. Has used the gummint test kit several times--negatives.

Unlike her (and knocking on wood) I have hardly been sick--even mildly--in the years of COVID.
I have tested a few times but also negative, and stopped the vax after the first two. I feel bad in various ways quite often, but nothing more than I would expect given my age and conditions.

Maynard said...

And all of the blame is ALWAYS directed at the black men. Men in general re blamed for everything in his country.

I guess that has a large part to do with being on my third marriage.

robother said...

"Jonesing for that Althouse pix fix."

This is Althouse going Goblin Mode. I can almost hear the sound of saltines n' cheese crunching.

gilbar said...

my guesses are, that a lot of the
80% of black children that are born out of wedlock.
are sired by men that LATER become part of the
30% of black men that are married.

The BIG PROBLEM IS.... Most black babies are aborted

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Ozzy Man Reviews Theme Parks

Link to YouTube

Lucien said...

Political Junkie:
TCU and Michigan have been superb second half teams. Hopefully this augurs well for a down to the wire game.

Brylinski said...

Hey, still looking for the NYT story on the Twitter files and Hunter Biden's laptop...

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

So, y'all (as they say here in the south) telling me China is willing to put their people in hellish covid lockdown (DeJa'Vu all over again) instead of choosing the easier, softer... er safe and effective Dr Fauci jabs.

What kind of evil people do something like that?

I guess nobody is supposed to ask question. The risk of "conspiracy theorist" label is more damaging and dangerous than questioning how the humanities' health is being looked after.

I'm only trying to conjure what would a World Health Advocate Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg would say on our behalf and would the world's powers listen to her?

I mean, I go back to the one that really told us all we needed to know about how reliable Fauci is when it comes to telling us the whole truth. In the form of a question; how can you say you are certain about the jab's long-term safety when the thing just came into being out of a lab? Only time can and will tell.

Truer than true; no Worse blind than one who refuses to see.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Could an explanation for a mysterious and widely talked about Musk tweet be coming into view?

Headline: Caitlyn Jenner tells Elon Musk he's 'public enemy number one to some very, very bad people' and that she's worried about his safety.

Musk telegraphing he's got protection, earthly as well as... providential?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...


Link to YouTube video

Althouse style poll.

Saying Unsaid Things is ______

A list. 👇🏽

Chest Rockwell said...

This popped up on my youtube feed.

Satire has become reality.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"Two ideological commitments in conflict"

Link to Darkhorse podcast clip

Teaser: 'Sam Harris is like Hal 9000'

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"Email leaks reveal Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs was in regular communication with Twitter telling them who to censor"

Don't worry, the tag #WithoutEvidence is still in ship shape.

Big Mike said...

@Achilles, another commentator knows about Pareto distributions? Cool!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Headline: Twitter's former safety chief warns Musk is moving fast and "breaking things".

What do you expect from a guy making cars, rockets and robots?

Musk is "breaking things". Did Musk show up at an Apple store with a sink?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The risk of commenting via the phone. You'll accidently subscribe to get an email every time someone comments on a post mentioning Trump. Which is only a little less commented about than the old posts about Trump Tweets.

Omg. Could you imagine a tweet for twat between Musk and Trump?

Like a wreck on the opposite side of the highway. You can't avert your eyes. You have to look.

Maybe Twitter banning Trump... was... for... the... I can't say it.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

NY Post: "The FBI warned Twitter during “weekly” meetings before the 2020 election to expect “hack-and-leak operations’’ by “state actors” involving Hunter Biden, and “likely” in October, according to a sworn declaration by Twitter’s former head of site integrity, Yoel Roth."

"The warnings were so specific that Twitter immediately censored The Post’s scoop about Hunter Biden’s laptop on Oct. 14, 2020, citing its “hacked materials” policy, a move described on Saturday as “election interference” by Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk."

Under oath exchange between Senator Rand Paul and The FBI Director.

gadfly said...

“These messages falsely assert that the Voter Registration System is owned and operated by foreign actors,” complained Hobbs’ office. “This is an attempt to further undermine confidence in the election institution in Arizona.”

wendybar said...

THIS should scare the bejesus out of everybody.....but it isn't about Trump, so nobody cares.

Jaq said...

A little background on the days leading up to Russian intervention in the Ukraine.

Stats cited: oh snap, they took down the web site documenting Ukrainian shelling and preparation for the invasion of Donbas, another phase of the civil war we started in 2014.

I guess that the regime in Kiev had a right to kill as many ethnic Russians as they liked after their violent coup, just as history shows that the Ukrainian nationalists sent hundreds of thousands of Poles and Jews to their deaths after Hitler gave part of Poland to the Ukraine in a deal with Stalin. Those same nationalists are treated as heroes by Kiev, which is also tearing down monuments to the defeat of Hitler.

Are Joe Biden’s holdings in the Ukraine worth sending our children to fight alongside nazis?

Jaq said...

It’s like Henry V, are we going to send soldiers to die for “the king’s rights” in a foreign land?

wendybar said...

OMG??? What will gay Israelis do, if they can't parade their sex lives in front of everybody?? What HORROR!!! (Is this really more important than the Bidens selling America off to China and Ukraine??) This is why I can't watch Propaganda media. They suck.

Jaq said...

This guy has a soccer stadium named after him in Ukraine.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The Sultan Knish...

Jaq said...

I am just waiting for Weevil to come in and defend the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Poles and Jews by Ukrainian nationalists, who are still revered today by Kiev, in the territory that Ukraine acquired via the Hitler-Stalin Pact. I will check in later.

Maybe Temujin could come it too, and call me a nazi for refusing to side with Kiev. The Soviets were no friends of the Jews either, but the Soviets were not the same thing as "Russians," Stalin was Georgian. Khrushchev may have been born in Russia near the Ukrainian border, but his father was Ukrainian, and Nikita was raised in the Ukraine, and first rose to prominence in the Party in Ukraine.

So Weevil's comment that Khrushchev was "not Ukrainian" was utter bullshit. And remember that Khrushchev is the one who unilaterally "awarded" Crimea to Ukraine, just like Hitler and Stalin "awarded" that part of Poland to Ukraine where the Ukrainians committed so much ethnic cleansing, prior to getting steamrollered by the Soviets.

You can read all about Nikita Khrushchev's life on his Wikipedia entry, and see how many facts Weevil omitted in his comment.

BTW, that money they beg you for doesn't go to Wikipedia, it goes through their "foundation" to various lefty causes, so don't feel guilty for not contributing. It's for suckers.

Rusty said...

Such an outpouring of sympathy for Gospace from our left leaning commentors.
Gospace. Hope ya get better soon. Ya slacker.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

There have been 10 statewide runoff elections in Georgia’s history, including the two last year that gave Democrats the Senate.
In the 8 beforehand, the GOP did better on runoff day than they did on General Election Day, before that pattern reversed on January 5th, 2021.
Raphael Warnock will win the seat and is a rightful heavy favorite in Georgia Senate runoff odds.
There are two ways he would lose his lead from the first round going into a runoff – Democratic, and mostly Black, enthusiasm falling off a cliff, and/or there being an amount of suburban reversion back to the GOP from the November baseline. Without Brian Kemp there on the ballot to help Republicans in the suburbs, it’s more likely Warnock beats his November results in the suburbs and exurbs, as opposed to underperforms.
This runoff is about two things from a Democratic perspective – reminding people there’s an election, and reminding people that Herschel Walker is a deeply unserious person who cannot be trusted with a Senate seat.
Democrats show no sign of their enthusiasm waning, and it makes sense that they would turn out, given they have the voters who are most likely to turn out and they are the ones currently happy with their outcomes. The problem for Republicans is that, in general, they’re miserable. My final handicapping for this race has Warnock winning what is known in Georgia as a landslide (Georgia does not have landslide margins but in this event, it will look like a landslide)52-47 and a vote margin 58000 to 63000 votes. Walker is possibly the worst candidate to run for Republican Senate and like the former presidents' other horrible picks (Lake, Mastriano, Bolduc, Oz, Masters, and other important pics this will go down in flames. I have raised my odds from 4-1 to 6.5-1 and can't wait for this aberration of a candidate to be "running back" to Texas where he lives. My ROI this year is +6 let's add to it. Place your bets folks.

wendybar said...

The DC gulag is holding political prisoners for taking selfies in the Capitol almost 3 years ago. WHY are these THUGS, who threaten innocent American citizens walking free, whilst they arrested a woman who was surrounded by these thugs with her daughter?? WHY do we have to TAKE these threats, and the THUGS who are the brownshirts of the left get away with this?? America is upside down, and it isn't going to end well at all.

wendybar said...

So Dinky is good with a lying Reverend who is a greedy slumlord. You deserve everything the left is doing.

wendybar said...

"But on November 15, Zelenskyy pulled out all the stops with the ultimate false flag operation.

Ukraine fired a missile into Poland, striking the village of Przewodów, and killing two innocent farmers. Within minutes, Zelenskyy proclaimed that Poland, a NATO member, had been attacked by Russia. Using this lie as a foundation, he demanded a volatile escalation and expansion of the war against Russia."

Gospace said...

Inga, perhaps you should confine your advice to yourself. I'm doing better thwn my twice vaccinated 30 year younger buddy who transmitted the virus to me because the vaccinated can be contagious without showing symptoms.

Aspirin is my anti-inflammatory of choice. I haven't taken any a while because of my platelet donation schedule. Rummaging through the medicine last nght I found my wife's 81 mg pills, so took 8 of them.

And what I'm describing so far has been no worse then some of the bad flus I've had over the years. Or I should say flu like illnesses since in the past we never tested everyone with a flu like illness to see if they had a particular kind.

When your body gets hit by any major disease, minor aches and pains that didn't bother you before become amplified. Fact of life.

Fatigue has been the big problem the last few days. Today seems to be far less of a problem. Amazing- give your body time and it starts to heal. I know not to push myself to accomplish more. Done that in the past when younger, never with good results.

But as you push the lies that the bivalent shot is good because you haven't suffered from it, I'm going to point out how my getting it and the way I did reveals the lies that people like you have been pushing.

My twice accined buddy got covid. Reveal two lies 1: You can't get covid if you get the shot. Well, he got it. Which brings up lie #2: But we NEVER SAID THAT! Yes, you did. And I got it from him which brings uo lie #3: Get the shot and you won't be able to pass on covid to others! Well, again, my getting it is proof that this was a lie. And lie #4: But we never said that either! Yes, you did. And comparing our course of symptoms progression, looks like lie #5 is displaying, remembering that in any disease, the older are usuually hit harder- and he's more then 30 years younger then me. Lie#5: Get teh shot and your symptoms won't be as bad as they would be otherwise! His symptoms are as bad or worse then mine. 30 years younger. Getting the shot doesn't seem to have helped alleviate his symptoms at all. So why is my 67 year old body handling this better then his 30 year younger body? The most likely reason is- my vitamin D level you've been disparaging. But right now the end game is still playing out. Which one of us tests negative first? Will there be any follow on bacterial infetions? Thats the real danger. Almost every viral URI I've hd in the last 20 years had been immediately followed by a opportunistic bacterial sinus infection. The non-ambulatory with covid seemed to be getting pneumonia. I haven't noted if those of us who are up nd about are getting anything.

This is kind of an ideal side by side case comparison Two people, same disease, same disease disease progression, one vaccinated against it, one not. Followed thought to the end to see how it comes out for both of them.

Michael McNeil said...

But on November 15, Zelenskyy pulled out all the stops with the ultimate false flag operation. Ukraine fired a missile into Poland, striking the village of Przewodów, and killing two innocent farmers. Within minutes, Zelenskyy proclaimed that Poland, a NATO member, had been attacked by Russia. Using this lie as a foundation, he demanded a volatile escalation and expansion of the war against Russia.

Military analyst Trent Telenko (who has been enormously insightful throughout this war, especially concerning the war's technology) recently posted a couple of threads (here and here), wherein he analyzes those supposed “Ukrainian missiles.”

Telenko concludes that evidence at the site shows they could not have been from among the kind of surface-to-air missiles they've been associated with (to wit: an S-300 battery firing 5V55K missiles), which the media narrative had immediately latched onto and jumped aboard with.

Jaq said...

I read your first thread, which said that the missile could have been modified for land attack, and that Russians have been known to do this. So what? The Ukrainians could have done this too. So the whole thread down to the last couple of tweets boils down to "The Russians are liars and the Ukrainians tell the truth."

At the end he calls the Poles liars by claiming that they could not have tracked the missile due to outdated equipment, as if he has complete knowledge of every piece of equipment in operation on Poland's border with a *war zone* and its capabilities. I will take the word of the Poles who have the evidence in hand, and no real reason to lie, over the word of some "insightful" (means "agrees with me and I am a super-genius") Twitter analyst.

For example, this is laughable: "A 5V55K missile that missed its target would have air burst over the ground from its proximity fuze." Only the perfidious Russians would have put an impact fuze in the missile! The Ukrainians are incapable of such deviousness!

The crater is too small and there is no fragmentation damage on the tractor and cart consistent with a "5Zh93" warhead in airburst or impact modes.

Once again assumes that only the Russians are evil enough, and capable of doctoring missiles. He does make a pretty good case that this could not have been an inadvertent strike on Poland by Ukraine, that's about it.

"The idea that a 1977 vintage rotating radar antenna looking the wrong way 4.5 of every 6 seconds can track a mach 6.7, low RCS, crossing target is risible."

Wait a minute, so the Poles *were* looking in the right direction part of the time, and Poland claims to have known that the missile was fired by Ukraine? Everybody is a liar but the Ukrainians.

Basically the whole thread assumes what he is trying to prove. He makes a lot of assertions based on no evidence other than his own claimed expertise.

Jaq said...

Crack's blog was actually pretty good, I should have been encouraging him. Sad to see it abandoned.

Jaq said...

Crack's blog was actually pretty good, I should have been encouraging him. Sad to see it abandoned.

Jaq said...

I like the part where the guy assumes that there is only one radar system pointed at a war zone out of Poland and that no upgrades have been done to it since 1977.

wendybar said...

THIS is what Never Trumpers are voting for. Enjoy bending over to Chuckie Schumer, fools.

stunned said...

This guy has a soccer stadium named after him in Ukraine.

This is a common practice in Lithuania as well. Naming streets and schools after the known murderers, nazi collaborators. The streets must be named after the heroes but there is such a shortage of them, the murders will have to do. The Genocide and Resistance Research Center of Lithuania has converted many of their murderers into their national heroes, the heroic rescuers of Jews. They ignore the fact that Lithuanians began murdering Jews even before the Nazis arrived in Lithuania. The government of Lithuania enforces and applauds these falsifications by blocking every single path to actual truth. Please watch a harrowing documentary "J'Accuse!" by Michael Kretzmer (an English-Litvak documentarian) to understand the distortion, revision and lies constructed by the Lithuanian Government.

stunned said...

stunned said...

Jaq said...

Well those are a couple of depressing links.

Iman said...

“Teaser: 'Sam Harris is like Hal 9000' “

It would do my heart some good to see Sam Harris so beleaguered he falls to his knees in prayer.

Iman said...

“Teaser: 'Sam Harris is like Hal 9000' “

It would do my heart some good to see Sam Harris so beleaguered he falls to his knees in prayer.

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